For a Limited TH M. G. RYAN 216 Barl St. Phone 1339 FLOUR Our Robin Hood Brand of Soar & guarantee In every bag for good quality, ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. For Sale 9 room house, new; all improvements, $3,000.00 p ! Easy terms. Apply EE 1% 4 \Y TRL The Lake and Rai Route To Western Canada Service has been inaugurated be- tween Eastern and Western Canada, trains leaving Toronto via Grand Prank, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, 11.15 a.m., to connect at Sarnia with-the high-class steathers of the Northern Navigation Co.,-for Fort William, thence Grand Trunk. Pacific to points in Western Canada. We can make all arrangements to ring your family and friends from a" ole jrountry.- or full particulars apply to HANIA Railroad and Steamship Agent, [ROBLIN IS UP AGAINST THE FIGHT OF HIS LIFE Yor Manitoba Premier Bic School Question Phreate ernment , Over mel Winnipeg, July, 4 --S8ir R. P. Rob- lin, after fourteen years of. undispu- ted power, is dp agaist the fightof his life. It is Roblin against the field. No. one talks of the '"'gov- ernment" or of T. C. Notris, who happens to be the leader of the op- position. It is Roblin we hear a- hoyt, Roblin who is the issue, Robiin who is good or bad. The provincial election, to be held next Friday, will be la vote of confidence or want of confidence in the provincial prime minister. Both sides are confident and appear to have plenty of money. Where the liberals are gefting theirs There due T Famous Coldwell in Pravin "al AledtRn-o ns to BP nhorst © His Gov- Ame nd- is. fled the law after fourfeen 'years of power. N: Mapitoba has never -encovrrged American immigration. In os of fact intending settlers. from Unit- ed States had been advised togo else- where. The three big elements of the population are British immi- grants, Ontario people and their des- cendants and immigrants from con- tinental Europe. Sir-Rodmond, to do him justice, is a sincere imperialist, anttAmerican and anxious to keep Canada within the éfapire. He has placed a British flag on every school house and has been a consistent Bri- tisher. He is Ontario born and has an 311] Qttawa, July 6.--Miss Margaret Anglin, the famous Canadian actress in' Canadian newspapers of an alleg- od report in a yellow New 'York journal of the examination of her husband (Mr. Hull) in a court suff brought by a colored woman for damages in an automobile accident, Miss Anglin, who is visiting her bro- ther, Justice Anglin, in Ottawa, says in part: ® "A peculiarly unfair and unjust suit was starfed in New. York some time ago against me and my hus- band, through a legal technicality was. the person sued, Mr. Hull some time since abandoned his own profession at my request, and with it, a considerable income, in order to aid me and take charge of my business affairs. He has been un- willing to accept my - salary from me for his services, which have been unremitting and -of inestim- able value, merely charging the writes complaining of the reprinting | Try our Paroid Roofing, Blue Rosin; Sized and Black Building Paper, and Sound 'Deading Felt for Walls and Ceilings. THE FRONTENAC LUMBER AND COAL CO A. CHADWICK, Manager. PHONE 07. ---- Cor. Johnson and- Ontario Sts. | (5 5 matter of speculation. are the usual protests about frandu- lent naturalization, bogus regisira- tion, and other iniguities, said to have been perpetrated by the party in power, but so far as can be ob- 'I served the Roblin government has business with his actual expenses, which the person who fis comdue- ting the case, chooses for purposes of humiliation to put down as cloth- es and car fare. "It fs all so undignified and un- worthy that I am truly loathe to contaminate myself by entering into discussion for publication. TI really am ashamed and sorry newspapers of my country should have stooped to such methods of attack, when the journals of New York--with the exception of one paper, of semi- importance discarded the storv en- tirely It was fot. furnished ag court news but published many days after the evidence had been taken, and on the morning I was to make my deposition, solely, I'believe; for enormous personal aequainiance a- mong the Ontario people in Manitoba He is a farmer and looks the part and he is a downright, effective; if somewhat blustering, stump speaker He does not like Sir James Whitney, but imitates him. Now, with the for eign vote Sir Rodmond would haye almost everybody corralled, and he is bidding for the foreign vot He has always been ow good ter sonally with Archbishop = L He is therefore likely to make strong bid for the French Cathoric vote. But the Orange order is nu merous, influential and powerful ir Manitoba. The Orangemen are said to be bitter in their hostility toward the premier and ti will be able wo bea! him. But of « se he hopes to divide the vote, an 1 may do if the Orange order as an organiza- | tion succeeds in downing preurier Roblin it will be a s gnal victory, ™ W. i. Godwin & Son i Poisonous Matche: oisonous' [Vlatches In less than two years it will be anlawful tu buy ot to, use poisonous white phosphorus Bete BUILDERS ! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time. P. WALSH Everybody should begin-to use EDDY'S NON-POISONOUS in Matches" Sesquin Matches the purpose QF Ae Fae rel ho: And thus ensure safety in the home. %ore nit was brought to take care : for. five years of the plaintiff in the | 8 case, whose injuries were brought A At Alt tA tl St AE ONAN NINN ANNI, Pa an Central J via Michigan C. Tubes between =a ing Montreal 8.456 am 6.10 p.m. arriving Detroi m.,, and Chicago 7.45 a.m. aly ' Equally good service x oe Through Electric Lighted E pe nt meant. TORONTO - WINNIPEG - VARGOVER Toronto-Vancouver Express No. 3 leaves Toronto 5.55 p.m. dally. Van- couver-T nto Express No. 4 rives To o 11.45 am. da. itoba Express No. 7 leaavs daily except Sunday 10.50 p.m., ar- riving Winnipeg second day, Ontar- fo Express No. leaves Winnjpes $25 p.m. and arrives Toronto 6.1 m. daily except Tuesday, Particulars regarding fl or Oe-} enn tickets from FF. CONWAY, CP A, City Ticket Oflice, con Princess nnd Wellington Sts. Phone 1197, N PORC EL AIN SHIPS. about solely by her own inadver- tance. and whose life was saved by our chauffeur at the risk of our own. "More might be said, but it is un- public a dar seessary. If In fairness, you will ing scheme to build big ships of | give space to what I have written, oh porcelain He believes liners of | yon will remedy a wrong which you ADA STEAMSHIP LINES, LIMITED porcelain, driven by petroleum deriv wnconseloudly) done 4 ! atives will some day oust steamydriv man, FoF what TRE ALi EBEC--SAGUENAY | en ships of steel and wood me -- that may ston leave daily After forty years aber and an ex Yours truly Prescott with ND BOR y sénditure of $500,000 he has dis-! Montreal RODMOND ROBLIN Savered pow to Be Wie | réfrained from any high-handed mea- | porcelain at $35 inal size up| gures, being anxious to cultivate pub- [jo ten by fifteen feet Hs would lic opinion. Both sides are spend- | make all p of his ship percelain | ing a great deal of money in news-| except the fr ork and sides |g paper publications and in newspaper Mr. Turner the aavan | tage of the new i as gar don. Yule A advertising. But there are equally impressive | apness, nd perman advertisements by the page in the interests of the liberal. The liberals . -- also have a half-dozen of small pa YTHERE 1S NO HELL," pers. published in as many different s AE languages, which they have been | guch is Declaration of Rev. R. keeping on fbot for the last year or Norwood, London. two in anticipation of the present 3 campaign, and which will blow up| next Friday, midnight, if the gorvern-| .. ment is returned to power. The gov-| M ira ene bi i ernment are even better stocked and | rvmen 4n the TO of ne an are grinding out newspapers in ac. ES p : % ass ie Ps uron, nearly every language under the Hi in the course o is sermon SUR. y o t that he did not believe there Every man in Manitoba these days R hell, and that in his opinion can learn of the wonderful works of there was no damnation of the soul. thé Roblin government in his 'own tougue, or at least read of them in his own language. Parthians, and Medes, and Klamites, and the dwel- lers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia: Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, I and in the part of Libya about Cy-|©f the Pacific eoast. rene, and strangers of Rome, Jews | "Modern dancing is declared by and proselytes, Cretes and Albanians | Prominent Baptists to mean the all are accommodated, not to men- tango and other such dances, and | tion Russians, Rutherians, Bulgar-|not the waltz, two-step and folk |} ians. Galicians and Icelanders. The dances " 1 The most important "paper, however, is { stop The Patriot, a new Orange paper mo | dl delled rather upon the Menace than l met by upon The Sentinel. It challenges the of | ler in right of The Sentinel to speak for the died | Orange order, and is supporting Sir the | Rodmond; who, in turn is said to be County Derry in 1855 and was pro- supporting The Patriot. fessor at St. Malachi's college, Bel fast, from 187 189 3efo ° ast, from 1878 to 1894 3efore he | co ution, was appointed bishop he was parish | art priest of Cy 2 Englishman Believes Mate rial Better Than Steel. London, July 7.4 M of Gravesend has made AUTOS POR HIRE At Bibby"s Garage Moderate Charges Hales Turner have (T hope Children Cry for Fietcher's to an honorable 3 S : you have dope to 5 \ pass--I am at home. Margaret Anglin Hull. SIR BRITISH LOTTERY arriving SWINDLE. Phone 201 Garage, 917 Residence ne ot wt siti TORONTO EXPRESS SE RVICE leave King at 6 p.m. Monday for ronto, ar- Returning leaves Toronto except Sunday, arriving 50,000 in Prizes "Against Millons Tickets. curious lottery 1 Cole Devon Steamers out in ays Bought, and which has been 8, has borne the signature of has been made under his per rvision since its infancy. , An AW no one to deceive ¥ ou in this, All Countertcis it Ry tmitatio i ¢ Just-as-good ** are but Experiments th f vith and endanger the health of Infants and Iren--Expericuce against Experiment, - What is CASTORIA Castoria is a hgrinless substitute for Castor Ofl, Pare- gori¢, Drops and § ing Syrups. It is pleasant. It ins nolther , Morphine nor other Narcotic guarantee. It destroys Worms For more than chirty years it, The Kind You Have A in use for over cleanline tice' mm nnd Av" the Beni DO NOT RENT. WHY NOT BUY? We have some, great bar- gains. Two bungalows with 6 rooms, good loeality, at $1500. Two houses, $1600, good locality. Apply to THE KINGSTON BUILD ERS' SUPPLY CO. 2nd Floor, Room 4, "General Ax Chiy Ticket Agent, Rideau Lakes Navigation Co. For Ottawa Every Monday, Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday atéam ° Passengers going through to Ot- tawa may occupy stateroom the eve- ning previous. No extra charge. For Clayton' every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday at 6 p. m. (Port of Bon ster) } N se i urde t le arriving 10 15 pA James Houston, William Dixon and Charles Henry advertising agents, were in for conspiring to publish a for the sale of tickets in a called the {"John Bull Derby Sweepstake, 1914," between Jan. 1st 1913 and -April 20th, 1914 They pleaded guilty to distributing cir and tickets, but not to the scheme. Mr. Foote, K.C., for he did not allege that originated the scheme, but that. they conspired to carry it through. If the tickets printed by one firm alone had been sold the of 87,500,000 would have been realized. The to be distributed . totaled on! 000, about three per cent. of the tal. ' Lord said the unsatisfac- tory part of the case was that he had not hefore him the real culprits. object of the prosecution was to and palpable swin justice would Dixon and Tow- $500 on their recogniz ances. Houston, who was nearer the actual swindlers, and employed other | meng 'would be fined 25600, and would Eee A erent Sn 00 se For Over 30 Years both here and in the The Kind You Have Always Bought OMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, © 'harlot te, Henry | Twyford 1 Fowler, dicted sche lottery 1000 ISL ANDS--RAY QUINTE 8S, Caspian and Nort! s 10.1 m 1000 lands, 2 lotte via Bay OF K wa LN London, wood, M. A., HAMILYON-TORONTO--G1 and one 88 eekly service b 4 of Ottawa _-- ghtful = water outings culars origi nating the crown, said tion from the defendants Folders and Informa Theatres, 'Dances, Cards, "Banned, Los Angeles, July 7.--Theatre-go- ing, card playing and modern danc- ing were placed under _a ban by a resolution adopted by the Baptist | Young Peoples societies' convention Egiuw Ry P. HANLEY, 1. HORSEY, J ething Troubles and tes ti Stomach and Bowels, siving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's "anacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS he Signature of * sum prizes 8250, to- Coleridge ro 19 Esmee this "gross He thought binding over Fres, straw' berries and cher- ries daily. 4 Sweet Oranges, 20¢, 23c¢, 80¢, 40¢ and 50c¢ a dozen. 314 Princess St. Phone1 405 be Bishop of Down Dead. July 7 Right Rev. John Catholic bishop Down and Conner since 1908, yesterday He was bérn_ in R. C. Belfast, Tohill, Roman own Sobes Falls and retwn, 50c¢, every Wednesday at 6 a.m, o OFFICE, FOOT OF JOHN- SON ST. PHONE 391. Fresh Caught §| 5° Salma. . Sr : 82 Clans Jikpatrick. 568 Live Lobster Sm mm Dominion Fish Co. The School Question. Fot it is the schoo: question which threatens to unhorse the Roblin gov- ernment. The Sovereign Grand Lodge | of the Orange Order for British | North America and the R. W. grand | master for Manitoba and the Orange Sentinel, and the great bulk of the Orange order have condemned un sparingly thg school legislation of 1912, embodied in the famous Cold - 4 op » " weil amendments. These amendments in effect provide that a qualified Ro Pages 6 and 7 Are of Interest to Wholesalers ------------------ 1shendall, County Antrim TYME CEMNTALM n---- man Catholic teacher must be em- ployed for every twenty-five Roman Catholic pupils in country districts| and for every forty-five Roman Ca tholic pupils in Winnipeg and othe rl cities, They may be in fact, as The Patriot declares them to be, merely J declaratory of the law ad it has al ways been since the Laurier-Green. way agreement, but in their practical application they have included in the public schools system the Roman Catholic schools of Winnipeg, which, it is charged, are being conducted as separate schools. The amendments were undoubtedly passed as a con- cession or partial concession to the demands of Archbishop Langevin of St. Bonifice and "the Roman Catho- lic minority. 'At the time they passed they, attracted little attention, but now the uproar definite. To Oswego, New York Beginning June 29th, STEAMER OLCOTT Jeaves Swift's wharf. 8 p.m. HERE is the logical place for the Receiving Room in a Wholesale Warehouse? This book tells you, and backs up its statements with sound, logical reasons why. This one point alone has convinced many a business man of the value of a modern Freight Elevator in , stopping business leaks and increasing profits through added efficiency in handling goods and filling orders. Live merchants and manufacturers instantly recognize the importance of keeping abreast of the times. To such this Boek will prove a revelation. It points the way to greater profits through ef- ficient management and the intelli- ' gent disposition of time and labor. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, reaching Oswego 7 p. m., connécting with east and west. bound New York Central and D. L. & W. trains. For information inquire from Agent, C. 8. Kirkpatrick, 42 Clarence St. Telephone BOGS, : oth Dodge Bilingual Question. What nrust seem curious to an On- iario observer is the way in which governniént "and opposition alike dodge the bilingual question. La Liberte newspaper, whith is suppos- ed te be the organ of his grace of Sent free St. Bonifice, denounces Mr. Norris as 4 3 ae. upon a liberal and, generally speaking, it may be said that the non-English speaking vote of Manitoba is likely _OTIS-FENSOM to go to the Roblin government on the bilingual schoo! question. or ELEVATOR course in Manitoba it is mach worse comea S80 BAY ST. TORONTO Montreal Quebec From Bristot Wom Te Rdward julr 5 Aug. an RoYai George 38 July 11 Royal ¥ward (Aug: Aug than 'bilingual.' Tt is not there a matter of the French, but the Ger- man, we Rutherian, the Galacian and other languages dominate many sthools. Under the lgw of 1%97 any ten pupils may demand instruction in their native tongue, and the charge is freely made that many public school teachers in Manitoba have an Superfeet knowledge of English, and at * a considerable percentage of children attending the public schools | jg. a Saites of ip" ments with private baths, luxar- X Toudly after CANADIAN SERVICE. Send us this coupan hampton From Montreal ANDANIA July 25 = TA A ALAUNIA all (1 4 ) a =». est THE SILK TROTTEUR, AN ADMIR ARLE FROCK FOR BEACH WEAR. Nouuing lke the little 'frock of dark silk for a tratabout frock in summer ¢ The model pictured is a frock of blue and white striped Pussy w lowe arta, Mpls made but smartened immensely by the mamed w i git poppies, white buttoned boots and a are unable to speak English. Sir Rod- hiue and white st I. The young men are correctly dressed; fend Says that te [Segway ae. one in a lounge swit i | ig style and the other in gray flannel--iwith ; berals ust take the responsibility. he new tonmefying lines-=Satoumpanieg by smart English fit-hesleq On the hand, the has not medi- | Ch Sigs > : » wiietel ad COUPON "Nu Please send me your Book. it of and forget nl about t<--just tear off, £1! in'and mail N Ty : ; Name. Jouve in igiii /