Wage Earners . Keep your savings in the Bank of Toronto and watch your ;. deposite and the interest added by the bank grow to a most desir "able bank balance, The financial strength. of this long-established well-conducted lustitutlon ensures safety for your mon and. you will receive évery courtesy, and your account eareful attention Safety deposit boxes from $2.00 per annum up ASSETS ns eat: $60,000,000 INOORFORATED 1888 BANK c or TORONTO Market Squars. Kingston. GEORGE B. McEKAY Manager. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. LOCAL NOTES AND TEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Kenneth Mundell, Kiogtton, spent a few days in Brockville, William Swaing, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. Dr. Denike, of Binghamton, N. Y., is visiting friends in the city. White Rose flour pire and BOMe. Judge Lavell motored to Syden- ham on Tuesday but there were ne cases to he heard. "As - smooth as velvet,' ice eream bricks: Sold at Red Cross Drug Store. The funergl of the late- Joseph Waggoner took place this morning in Toronto. Richard Tredinnick, of Marshfield, Wisconsin, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. Peters, Princess street. ! Dr. 'A. B. Earl, Temperance lake, a recent graduate of Queen's; left, this week, for McDonald's Uorners, to vrae- whole Neilson's Gibson's tise. » The many friends of Mrs. E. Bak er, 162 Pine street, will regret to hear of her serious illness through the death of her infant daughter. The Whig's second part is full of Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER Fire and Life Insurance High Grade Bonds and Stocks : Distriet Manager of The . EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 44 Clarencé Street « Phone 995 Real Estate Builders & Contractors Attention Sand for sale in any quantity CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CCNSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED. Phone 236. 168 Princess Street. "Yards, Sowards', Dock Ee ------ Contractor's Attention ! We have just opened a kiln of stock brick and we want the contractors and builders to come out and see them. It won't cost anything to look at them and you don't have to buy them if they don't suit you, but we invite inspection and challenge comparison. They can also be seen at J. O. Hutton's and McKelvey's hardware stores. See our new hollow brick for inside work. They certainly are dandies. We will also have tile ready for the market in about Kingston Erick & Tile Works Albert Neal FOR SALE lights, Solid brick dwelling, 9 rooms, furnace, electric Frontenac St. Price $4100, Good dwelling, Portsmouth, with Double brick dwelling, furnace, Rental $300.00 yearly. Price $4100 We have two good lots on Frontenac St. How about your fire insurance? We represent companies, J. K. Carroll Agency, 48 BROCK ST. PHO! good lot. 3 lots, for Price $000, lights and cooking. ans at right prices. nothing but the best 12 Hi JOHN DRIVE Representative Fresh Secds are Auction Sales a Prime a tio% axle Necessity Reel Our reputa If you are looking for results, why not sow seeds that will grow. You ean procure them from Hoag's Drag Store Opp. YMCA. shone 268 Fatat tion We also handling nA commission basis, for the last fifteer of the utmost sati turns, hopest and We will buy the contents house fur eon Allen's 113 Brock are Phone 252, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three de< gree A strength-- No. 1, $i; V 2, $3; 3, $5 per hor Bord By il gists, of repaid on reccspiecol Pres . patnphiet Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerty Wieser.) Buy The Best Our eream is pure and ~ wholesome. Many customers have learned to order by phone. We deliver in time for meals. Give us a trial order George Masoud, 238 PRINCESS ST. Prompt Delivery v Our Optical Dept. B= i equipped with all i stientific instruments FOR SALE OR TO {I dessary to assure you LET | thorough examination ' your eves. pd Brick house, No. 118 Victoria St., between Earl and Johnson Sts. RODGER"S Optical Parlors Seven rooms, modern; immediate possession. $47 KING STREET Jeune Specialist, WC, kes no charge for examination and text of the | RODGER'S Eyeglasses and Spectacles Telephone Toe - is the ne- a of {it{onr employees--far | tured, under great provocation, very readable news. Scan it care- fully and be sure and note the adver- tisements 1 Prof. Paul Denys, Mary's cathedral, two weeks visit Montreal. : "Given: free" a ois' with each box der at Gibson' Store. Mrs. Alfred Chapman and Miss Mamie Brennan have returned home fo Ganahoque after a short visit withthe Misses Tyo. Fhe stores are now o'elock night, to help the clerks, early H. Cunningham, plane tuner 2 King street. Leave orders at Me- Auley's book store. | lheare was a meeting of tive the Cily Baseball League, evening Routine transacted flour organist of St. has returned after with relatives in nice soft face cham of taleum pow Red Cross = Drug at Saturdyy shopping closing tive except do your every the execu ol on Monday business only was White trade "Given free" with cum powder sold at Cross Drug Store a chamois, here was a morning, pal Rose stocked by all the tal Red face each box of (ibson's nice soft I'uesdas prin=i market, the small strawberrie S hey trom eleven to fourteen cents a "Mary Garden Taleum Powder Giibson's Red Cross Drug - Store. I here meeting, Mondas noe, hospital be but rot Ihis is 9th with commodity were was a the governors aiter of general Nothing transacted g until September On Wednesday morning the stea mer Lamonde which met * with a slight accident will go "into Davis dock and have some repairs made to its rudder. Police court business drop on 'tuesday al days there CARER every blank "A B0c. talewm powder for 35¢" at Gibson's Red (ross Drug Store. Ihe steamer Thousand Islander ; popular craft Sunday in excursion st in and out of bgre and Brockvi Last the throng was large On Tuesday morning, man, Kingston Mills, Whig to .state on had been ston' Mills. The with the figure If ash't people ing * The new vacht was built by ard ine the of busin v last m took a morning. Fir has been a big grist day, but Tuesday it was on CAFrVing Og) Sunda Mrs. Berry- telephoned to that a carrier captured at King- pigeon had a band 14 stamped on it the lots of no excuse for talk it w for weather would have Phoebe 11, which the Davis company for J. Brasher, of Pittsburgh, Pa., has been delivered and J Davis will leave on Wednesday for Muskoka to get the boat in readiness Fhe weekly dance at Mel Wolfe Island vas held evening Abont two. hundred . w present and spent an enjoyable Joseph Felix acted in the capacity caller, Refreshments we eleven o'clock Dr. D. M. McCarthy, brother of Dr. W. city, and who has been visiting in Kingston for a few days, returned hdme on Sunday. Barron McCarthy went with his uncle te spend a va cation in New York Sm Dsante aren's plot, on Monday ore time re served of New York, McCarthy, of this Completing the List. was one of those kind men who want, to see there is in the store. She was look ing for hose, and the obsequious and obliging cleck got down everything in sight within a radivs of half a mile After the counter Kad been strewn with hose and hose every and shape and color, on dozens on dozens--he his around and said : "There, madam, "Is that all you Wave the lady, her voice showing disappoint. She of wo everything of size box box, waved arm is our stock." ? said ment. I'he clerk paused. "Yes, ma'am," he replied, the pair I've got on." except Back Talk. Elliott, the president of Haven lines, said at a din- Howard the New ii{ner in New York "I don't encourage back talk among from it--but 1 sympathies are rather ven- on a must say my with one of our conductors who little back talk the other day; "As the conductor was punching tic- 'kets a man said to him' with a, nasty || sneer : " "You have a Tot, of wrecks- on this road, don' t vou ?' , no." said the conductor. *You are the first I've seen for some time." --Piiladelphia Bulletin. Satan uses many different kinds of bait, but he can catch all the loafers he wants' with a bare hook After a young man's moustache becomes heavier than his evehrow: his knowledge of the ' world begins to decrease. LAKE ONTARIO PARK]: TONIGH nd Eon) Night 8.30 Matinee Wednesday at 3.30 FREE SHOW VAUDEVILLE AN D PIC- WEDNESDAY CHILDREN'S 1 cENT | DAY ON CARS rtion 1¢ a word. Each con- e insertion herent half. a word. Minimum charge for usertion, 25¢; three Sdertions; Soe: six, $1; one month, § HELP WANTED | AN ADVT, OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 25¢ for one night, or 60c for three: CASTILESOAP +A For the most*seénsitive com- | } pletion and for washing sum- BB! mer lingerie, there's Aothing to equal if.. At all Groeers and | : Druggists OMPETEN" Apply Mrs houge, King St Fe | meme ea A DINING ROOM AMD CHAM. I hn Ap- » I GENERAL SERY A TT, A Strachan, 1stam ) WOMAN ork. Must Good wages TO ASSIST know how Apply EEE FOR SALT THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Le fttle, Once. ge; hres times, $00; one week, § LOST. BL Al IK "AND WH COCKE PL, m. « 1 9 28th Que Dies after ted sam this n secu harboring be pr IRS. APPLY Division St GEESE FEATH TO MRS, -- NC -- Goldman, 387 FOR CHARTER. BLACK EARTH Apply EE ANY Wathen, 45 QUANTITY, tbe errr Mack St. WITH FULL GOV- t and license ; and pleni ig ht river trips and land rambles For 3 Iv W, .LDriv Phona 612 we Allen, Bhdne 7 0 LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once, 26c; three times, Bc. LAUNCH MAYRI DOUBLE SETT OF HARNESS, Apply M. J. Dolan, 219 Princess St. MISSION, ®2 WERBRER PIANO, 10 204 Princess or G cash, §6 per month, - St. Phone 15 AND nks MANDOLIN, BANJO GUITAR; Cr Apply, 42 4 YE ARS Apply bh6 | tivities RE er a eesti CITY FROM 1ST MAY, NO, 372 ALFRED 87. 1a , Thomas Miils, 79 Clarence St. BAY CoLT, broken Company, OLD, n M Tsay RY R TO DO HIS awn firing. Mus 1p \ Neal sion ' . } Albe rn Zbar'slce Cream | Hi INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no Fanvasaing Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,989 Lockport, N.Y. pure cr We parts of Wo Shoe WORKE Rs AND ers. deliver pro the city. : Tun sonable fruits di 18, Cool Ormshy flerin Sts, nptis METAL war, Phone 1128, 280 Princess St. YOu esman ABILITY AS A * a propositior make which v nable you te mao money thar present ALE ANY * We b con fide nti Box 47, Ki 'cash St and $10 per month, Phone 1544, FOR clean "and dry. street. FURNITURE ---------- McCann, bi Brock SECONDHAND ORGAN, GUUD SHAPR Cheap. LD Dawson, pia Victor Victrolds, bi Prine GAS RANGES AND REFRIGRRAT. ors at reasonable prices, they last, At Turk's, Phone i DETACHED BRICK, 7 air furnace. J. § R Brock Stu 326 EARL ST rooms, ho McCann, 82 ¥ YRNISHE D HOUS 1st May, No. 115 ningham & Mudie TO RENT yrom Bagot Bt. "Cuns | ANYONE HAVING SECON stoves or furniture for sale, Ha un me for first class prices. J. Thomp- son. 3323 Princess St. Phone 1804, CHAM- ARENCE ST, Mu- inningham & t y English [Biscuits Crawford's QUIET « sri h e I 1 A MUTOR Bor FOR THE WM " ate capacity sy ore as VAWFORD'S, ar ¢ Fenwick, Hendry & Co. (Distributors. ) : Auction Sale 1.00 t RyISHE 0 ROOMS, SLIT ABLE WEDNESDAY, JULY 8TH, Island Market 10 BRING THE it made up int repairing test notice. Thomas 1 rock streét, near Bibby's G erat "TIONS ak } Broc! I ne THE Al POSITION WANTED. . ~ lh A Lope NT PRIVATE i t 706 Whig office LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Paid. at the Various Centres. - Toronto Steck Yards, June 6 ceipts were liberal, 50 cars; cattle, 1931 hogs, 777" sheep lambs, 203 calves. Cattle--The market for good choice cattle was strong at Thursday's prices common medium cattle as well as cows easier by 12¢ to 15¢c and in instances 25c per ewt. lower. Choice butcher's steers, $8.30 to $8.65; good butcher's steers, $8.00 to $8 medium butcher's steers, to $7.90; common 'butcher's steers, $7.20 to $7.45; choice but cher's heifers, $8.00 to $8.25; com- mon butcher's heifers, $7.50 to choice cows," $6.50 to $7.00: $6.00 to $6.40; canners, 50 ahd stockers Choicd_ steers $7.00; medium "steers, $6 $6.75; stockers, $6.00 to $6.25 Milkers and springers__ Not on sale at $50 to $85 each; sold at $60 to $70 each. Calves--Receipts not equal to the demand, with prices stil} firm Choice veals, $10.00 to 310.50; new milk fed, $11.00 Sheep' and lambs-- Receipts larger, sheep barely steady, Prices TWO CHIL ¥ and to last and were some ( SAL HER FOR schoo INH RNR 30; $7.50 QUALIFIED FEMALE int ache f 5S. N 74; good cows, $3.00 to $4 Market $6.75 to to Feeders steady 50 manv bulk ARCHITECT ns a SON, apo Offices, ¥ PCL, 60 Pagor were Phone & and lambs. sold r $11.00 per owl Lowen a SON, ARCHITEOTS, MEM being the top price. Sheep, v.25 to chants' Bank Building, SRT: $6.00; culls and rams, $3.50 to Brock and Wellington streets. Drop $5.00: spring lambs, $9.50 to $10.75 s oard few--at $11.00; yearlings, v $R 00. ] Hogs. There were 1,931 reported, but 1.7 of these were western hogs consigned to Swift Canadian company, leaving about 200 on sale which was not enough to supply the demand Selected fed and watered lower BUSINESS CHANCES and a $7.50 to ANYWHERE CAN a mall order business at home; nvassing; he your own boss nd for free booklet: tells how Io tor 2,969 Leckport, N.Y. 00 ANYONE T10USE, | | ron #2100 BRICK V ENEER, FURNACE, Ble ectricity, B. ard C., $600 cash: a 500, solid brick, rents at $20.98; $850 cash will buy. R. Charles Bey 239 Bagot Street. ROOM 3 de ed and painted Laidlaw, 8 Division ' newly pap ly to J. R. Ww, on at a Apply Street, T W N chaser Albert STORAG ; ary, a Rey FOR AN, ------ SIX FEET LONG, 4&1 nt and 661-2 In. high irawers and one used, Apply OFFICE DESK, In. high In at back Three top shelf 8 ly British Whig off NUMBER A LARGE OF BICYCLES is Junlop tires, at "$2.00 Al ptly attended to for ing and laying, George Muller, King sASOL ap STUART ST from bs niversity Avg, north side rooms, deep lai; Immediate posses- sion. Apply Avs Phone 1434. 29 FT. LONG noted of pure white ok anteed a8 good a 'an be John strat. BOAT Am dar HULL and pure FURR SHED fortable, 1i ' vita all mode ynvent er on -- . arene back rms I 21 GROCERY STORE AND Dw Syde 162 Ontarlo street, or A - - mnt grocery stock and fixtures privilege of renting store dwelling. Dolng a first class bdusi- ness. Good reason for selling. Ap~ ply F. X. Bazeau, on tho premises 100 PRINCESS OND-HAND T'PRIGHT plavos, plano-cased or lus player and musle and gramophones, t payments ew Plano Agizey, 38 {Ingston. FRAME HOUSE, PIANOS NE DROS ON FOOT ~ "u RNISHED time Williams FINANCIAL BEY COOK. | "| FIRST | SPARKS AND | WE START | no | INVEST. FRAME HOUSE, by Re Improvements ACHED BRIGK, ALL TM. 67 CLARENCE ST, 3 pps $2600-- NEW FRONTENAC LOAN AND St ment Society; 'Incorporated 1863; president, Colonel Henry R. Smith ed on city and farm Junieclpal and country mortgages purchased ceived and Interest al- McGill, Manager, 87 vi B40 H00--S 01, iD BRC K, NEW, ) 1ents Yebenture 8; leposits rec towed. 8 Clarence ONE RIN GOOD RE- horse power, guar- d 160 Ibs, cold wat- One m : boiler of powey heavy repairs. One horse power, in good repats ), Chaumont, N. Str MARINE BOIL ] AND GLOBE ice ( 'ompany, Avallable | "0s 216, In addition to polic yholders have for unlimited lability of | insured at lowest | gi 'ars Before renewing ¥ old or givin naw pusiness get rates from ve & Strange Agents Phone 32a ROOMS AND BOAR. which' the gecurity the city property, possible Fates 8 Dufoerd C« PERSUNAL | | HAIR, MOLES, WART BIRTH. marks and all growths and ski blemishes removed permanen*ly, without scar; years experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat and: Skin Speclalisf, 268 Bagot Street ROOMS, board ly 138 Wel. st office CLASS BOARD AND table St., also lington LEGAL CL NNINGHAM x Mu TT oy DARRES. ters and solicitors Law office, 70 SPARK | Clarence street, Kingston rer { _ . Is moved to lngton Phone S 246 UPROYSTERER nE- nd ard ING, work, Drop a 216 Bagot stréet pairing and carpe mattress renovating or call sy gol BE Rh on Bagot street eee ---------------- | CATERING Sr streets "MUSIC. | IM S10 AND DRAMATIC 218 INSTRIC- Igmann, BES eachers of aloen- and all stringed pees ESTIMATES ( FOR BA r r dinners I vi tn strume nts BUSINESS NOTIOES PH BUSE, 8 C o CHESTRUT ST, HAS \ opened up 1 quarry on Stephen St. Cut, building and rough stone are Supplied promptly at reasonable pric~ CATER TO Weddi ng bre nt re ligt Nambrook 176 Phones $43 or 203 shipping, $8, 75; heifers, 50 to $7.25; tockers >, stock heifers, ~ Receipts 750; steady, $5 to $11.50. Hogs-- Receipts 17,000; active and higher; heavy and mixed, $8.85 to $8760; yorkers and pigs, $8.80 to $8.90; roughs, $7.25 to $7.50; stags, to $7. $8.25 and' $8.00, f. 0. b. cars and $8.50 weighed off cars, and in ote instance $8.50 fed and watered was laid for a special few. 50 to $9; butchers, $6.75 to $8.25; bulls, $5 and feeders, $6.50 $6 to $6.50 active and 6 ui Montreal Live Stock. Montreal, July 6.--West End Mar- ket. Cattle, receipts about 1,004; ralves, 800; sheep and lambs, 1,000; hogs; 1,500. Trade was for the best were lower, Prime beeves, 51% to Tg eommon, Sarves. "¥i, to. 715. of sheep sold af about lambs, $5 to $7 each to 9 cents. with firm cattle, but the hogs are higher : Sheep and lambs--- Receipts 2,600; 8 to 83%; medium, active and steady; lambs, $7 to $9.- 4% to 5%. 50; yearlings, $6 to $7.25; wethers, Mixed lots' $6.25 10 $6.75; ewes, $2.50 to $5.- 6%. Spring 50; sheep, mixed, $5.50 to $8. Hogs 8% | " | Notes From Kepler. Kepler, July 6th.--The lawn social held under the auspices of the Ladies' {Aid was a grand success. The Syden- = ham choir did nobly with their old =.35 - 9.60; steers, 6.50 ! RC } ids aa and a $5.75 JONES and styjfiged instruments. to $7.95; cow and heifers, $3.70 to Faillip Clogg and family, from near $8.85: calves, $6.75 to $9.75 | Roe hester, are at James: Lindsay's. Hogs-- Receipts 19,000; market | Mr. McGee and family, Kingston, are strong: light, $8.25 to /$8.621% having an outing at Herbert E. John- mixed, $8.20 to $8.65; heavy, $8.05 ston's old home. Misses Amy and to $8.20; rough, $3.05 to $820; | Margaret Burt, Napanee, and Mrs. pigs, $7.40 to $3.20; bulk of sales, Joyner, Vancouver, are visiting $8.30 to $8.55. 4 |hegg, - Miss Bernice Lawrence. Bath, Sheep and IAmbs-- Receipts 10,- at Joseph Lawson's; Miss Lovell, 000; market strong; sheep, $5.25 to Sydenham, at Hiram Wartman's. Dr. 15; yearlings, $6.35 to $7.50; )Bucke, wife and danghter, Espanola, lambs; native, $6.35 to §9.10 and Mrs. Wartman - and daughter, - 4 Newburgh, at Harvey Bucke's; Buffalo Live Stack. George Garret, wifg and child, Lea- East Buffalo, July 6 --Cattle--Re-|laad, at T. F. Garrett's. 'Mrs. Red- ceipts 3,500; activ® and-steady to}mond and daughter have returned strong; prime steers, $0.25 to $9.-|from an extended visit ih Wallace- prices others slow, > Chicago Live Stock. Cattle, July 6.--Catile-- Receipts 11,500; market higher; beeve To Satisfy The Demand Weill gell for a few more days hard wood blocks at $1.50 per cart load. > and leaves to mo three sons and dau@hters, Miss Mabel Hough and sister Gladys bave returned to Wolfe Is- land. A number of campérs have ar- rived meluding Mr. Emperly and Dr. Harrison, Quebec. Mr. Williams and danghter, Miss Nellie, are the guests of James Wilson. > burg and other peints. Mrs. Assel- stine, Odessa, at W. Orser's; Mrs. Ferguson has gone to the city for a while. Miss Evelyn Yonnell is visit- ing her 'brother in Toronto. Mrs. Ambrose Orser is ill. Wellington Orser and sister Mabe! ited friends at Perth Road on Sunday. Desert Laké Death, Desert fake, July 6--The death of Mrs. William Snook which occurred on June 11th has cast a gloom over this neighborlioed. Although the de- ceased had been in failing Mealth for nearly two years, it was not thought the onl was so near. She bore her suffe.l go "1h J Chii=tize inntienes | a husband, It's a waste of time fdr a father to attempt to train up his son in the way he should go if he doesn't keep in ihe riddle of the same path him- sel Abuse is doubly painful when itg faint it barbed with wif, é