The Lake And Rail Route To Western Canada Service bas been Inaugurated be- twekn Kastern and Western Canada, trains leavin Toronto via Grand Trunk, Mondays, Wednesdays and Baturdaye, 11.15 a.m., t0 connect at Barnia with the high-class stea rs of the Northern Natigation Co.) for Fort William, thence Orand Trunk Pacific to points in Western Canada. . We can make all arrdngements to bring your family snd friends from she "Old Country." For hull pérticulars apply to J: P. HANLEY, Hiilroad and Steamship Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. in LLC RPAaCimic NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIA Mop pn Mountreal-Toronto-Uetr: Via Cnandian Pacific gun Central Rallrosds via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and Detroit Leaving Montreal 8.45 am. Toronto 6.10 pm, arrivin Detroit 12.35 a. mm. and Chicago 7.45 a.m. daily, Equally good service returning. Through Electrie" Lighted FRqulp- ment ------ ec ---------------- nena. TORONTO -- WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER Toronto-Vancouver Express No. 3 leaves Toronto 6.565 p.m. daily, Van- couver-T nto Express No. 4 ar- rives Tor 0 11 45 am. daily. Man- itoba Express No. 7 leaevs Toranto dally except Sunday 10.50 p.m., are riving Winnipeg second day. - Ontar- lo Express No. 8 leaves Winnipeg $8.26 p.m. and arrives Toronto 6.15, p m. dally except Tuesday, Particulsurs regarding Rall or Oc- enn tickets from ¥. CONWAY, C.F, A, City Ticket Oflice, cor. Pri and Wellington Siggy Phone 1197, CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES, LIMITED ITREAL-QUEREC~SAGUENAY Toronto and Kingston + dally , connecting at Prescott with Steamer, arriving Montreal p.m TORONTO EXPRESS SERVICER Steamers leave Kingston at 6 dally except Monday four Toronto, ar- riving 7 am. Returning le T § p.m. daily except Kingston & am Sund arriving TO CHARLOTTE (Port of Rochester) 88. Sy use leaves Tuesday, Thurs- irday at 6 pm, arriving day and Sa i N.Y., 10.16 'p.m. A Charlotte, 1000 ISLANDS--BAY OF QUINTE 8H. Casplan and North King leave at 10.15 am. daily exeept Monday for 1000 Islands, and at 5 pm. for Char- lotte via Buy of Quinte, HAMILTONTORONTO-Q1 EBEC Weekly service by 88. Alexandria, Belleville, City of Ottawa and City of Hamilton. Delightful water outings at reasonable rates. Follers and information from HORSEY, J. P. HANLEY City Ticket A Phone E. General Agent, Phone 31. Rideau Lakes Mavigation Co. For Ottawa Every Monday, Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. * Passengers going through to Ot- tawa may occupy stateroom the eve- ning previous. No extra charge. B t, 99. For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday at 6 p. m. Jones Falls and return, 50c, every Wednesday at 6 am. OFFICE, FOOT OF JOHN- SON ST. PHONE 391. Ocean Steamship Agency. 0. 8. 82 Clarence ~ reet. 'T'hone 56S | ston, v ¢ { WHAT WHIG CORESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL. News From Villages and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Coun ties --. Rural Events : nd Move- ments, At Lavant Station. Lavant, Station, July 6.--Rev. and Mrs. A.M. Little are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee. Miss Pearl Horne visited friends in Ren- fréw last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Paul and family are viiting friends in Lanark. Mise EshersJackson 'is visiting her aunt, Mrs..J. Cornett, Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs. William Browning, and family, spent last Tuesday in Carleton Place, the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Porter- field. Tidings From Westport, Westport, July 6.---Misgs Annie Hammor, returned home to-day from Kingston, where she has been taking treatment from Dr. O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mendels, of Mon- treal, are renewing acquaintances in Neasiport. James Egan's horse ran away this morning throwing him out and breaking his George Mc- Intozh, of Bloomington, Iii. is in town for his asnual fishing trip on the Rideau, - Miss Florence Stinson and Miss Vera, of Brockville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Niblock arm, Glenvale Reports, Clenvale,. July 6.--Haying has com- menced. "Clover is a fair crop, while timothy is ' poor. The lawn social at Robert Gibson's" last week was a success. A number from here attguded the lawn socials at Mur: vale and Keplar. H. McCracken, who was seriously injured when an auto- mobile frightened his horse, is slowly { improving. Miss Eva Curl is visit- | ing friends at Verona. Miss Mil- dred Orser left last week Sharbot Lake, where she will attend summer school, Miss G. Amey is visiting at J. Ellerbeck's.. Miss" Jean Amey is visitifg at Mrs. T. Orser's. Dr. Watts and J. Brebner, Oswego, H.W. Watts and wife, King- made a flying visit with here Raveroft, wile Sask: are for S also friends » James and family. Saskatoon, siting at Byron Gordon's Piutsferry Garden Party. Pittsferry, July 6.--Thé Clines club. concluded its fourth annual zarden party on Fradarmeeiin last, on the spacious grounds surround- ing the manse, which were beautiful ly decorated. The Salvation Army band of Kingston was in attendance and gave some very fine selections. The center of gttraction was the ice cream parlor 'surrounded by ever- greens entwined in which were plac- ed quartetie tables, Orders were looked after by members of the'club, Directly opposite was the booth con- taining other good things and it was well patronizéd by the large crowd in attendance, > A large number from here attend- ed the celebration in Gananoque July 5 Before You Invest OU: shoullh con: sult a reliable Investment Broker. here is safety in intelligent enquiry. Upon request we slisll be pleased to suggest suit- able investments for you. A.H. Martens & Co. M Toronto Stock Exchange ® BOND and E BROKERS C.P.R. BUILDING, TORONTO # 61 H ny A To Oswego, New York Beginnin g June 20th, STEAMER OLCOTT 1a es Swift's whar! 8 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, reaching Oswego 7 p. m., connécting with east and west- bound New York Central and 1. L. - & W. trains. For information inquire from Agent, C. 8. Kirkpatrick, 42 Clarence Telephone 2 CUNARD LINE > "CANADIAN SERVICE. From Scuthampton From Montreal July 9 ANDANIA July 25 July 16 ASCANTA Aug. 1 July 23 ALAUNIA Aug. 8 Steamers call Plymouth eastbound. BH edtbound, eo wea NE TNE J DOMINION _ Via LIVERPDO To GREAT BRITAIN and CONTINENT Palatial Steamers, Excellent Service "CANADA" -- July 11 "LAURENTIC" - July 18 " Cc" - July 25 ABD EVERY SATURDAY FOLLOWING Ratas to Liverpool from $92.50 1st Class " - * $5000 20d 'Only four short days a sea, Local Agents J.-P. Hanley, G. T. R. J. 8. Kirkpatrick, C. P. R. Froshind up. Toeal Ticket A THE ROBERT REFORD CO, rion Gen- eral Axents, 50 King St. Kast, Toronte TO From Quebec ... From Montreal .V uebee |... Montreal Montreal to Glasgow *Gramp'n 3 July 1 Aug Scand.. 11 July S$ Hesp'n. 18 July 1 Coffsé'n 25 July Tunisian an a2 LIVERPOOL. Alsatian 'tetortan 7 July «16 July 21 July 30 July i Aug. algarian 13 Aug. 18 Aug. To London & Havre Corinthn, 3 July 2 Aug lonian 2 July Aug 5 Aug Sicil'n. 18 A FoAug Aug Scet'n. 26 Tu n 13 Sept Aug * Will eal at Plymouth eastbound, to land pas. Sengers for 1 London. 'or full information apply Local Agents, or Akan Line oque is vigiting her a Ee THE VISCOUNTHSS CURZON: A 1 MANH Wile of Viscount Curzon, eldest is rightly considered to be the most Last year she was the Queen of be a part which she played to perfect tho winter on the Riviera, golf be amusements, ' On Sunday 3 Orange order will attend Presbyterian church in a body Rey. H. Steers, will address then St. and Odessa Orangemen. | July 8.-~The Odessa Cr-| ange lodge, headed by the Citizen' | band, expects to celebrate the 12th at Camden East on Saturday Rev Mr. andsMrs, Tucker and family, ae companied by her mother, Mr De La Ree, are speading a month at ro roanto, Buffalo and Owen Sound. Mis: Nellie Burnett spending few weeks in Enterprise. Mr John Morrison has returned after a week' visit 'with relatives in Toronto. Lir and Mrs. James Running, of Toront spent a few days recently. with her brother, William Heaslip Freder ick Sproule left this week for Brook lyn, N. Y. Mrs. Jane Detlor is vis- | friends in Watertown, N. } Lapum, Watertown, R. Benjamin's Mr B. Mabee, of Will Pa., are visiting their paren Mrs. P. A. Mabee and Mr J. W. Denyes. Miss Annie Johnston, Teronto, is spending her vacation at her home here Miss Wager is visiting Miss A. Johnson I'he Misses Edythe and Edna Asgels-| tine, Toronto, and Isaac Asselstine, Denbigh, are visiting their parent H. Ass tine, Messrs. John Gard iner and Albert Gananoque, are renewing oid aintances Odessa this week The Ode izens' band attended the lawn go at Murvale on F idey and fon on Wednesc Odessa, we iting at MTs. °k. & Doings at Delta Delta, July 6.--Rev. D has moved to his new Moorewood, and Rev. R North Augusta succeeds him. D. Elliott circuit at Calvert, of The holidays under the parental roof. H. S. Mott and family, of Toronto, are occupying their cottage on the lake, also S. M. Seaman and family. Mr and Mrs. Glen Sherman, of Plum | Hollow, visited friends .here last week, Miss Sara Pierce and Rav Lorne Pierce have returned home from the west after.a year's absence A number from here attended the Soperton social last week. Mrs Spence and daughter, of Ottawa, are | the guests "of Mrs. J. W. Russell. | Mrs. {Rev.) Hendersor) of Ganan- | sister, Miss | Amelia Russell. The Baptist Sab- bath school held their annual pie- | nic last Friday at Mr. Davidson's | cottage. W. W. Phelps has resi ed his position as station agent. Mi 8 | Bernice: Jackson, Misd Zelda ' Frye | are visiting friends in Carbendale, | Pa. Miss A. W. Phelps has return- ed from a visit to Sarnia. She was accompanied home by Miss Ruth Grady, -of Toronto. Mrs. Frank Stone of Forfar, is visiting at her Dbro- ther's, W., W. Stafford's. Ne Hinchinbrooke Council Parham, June 30th; Minutes of last adopted 0. R CUonneil met at members all present. meeting read and Clow and W l.. Goodiellow waitad upon the council and presented thy claim of "the Parham Agricultural So ciety for a grant, and it was mov ed Jlowes-Peters that this council grant the sum £50 ofi condition that the townshin of Olden grant ¥25, ~Uarried. Moved, Dwver-Peters, that the use of the 8th con. line across lot 24 and south hali lot 25 he given to K. Brown until called for by rouncilt. om condition that E. Brown allow council to use gravel from pit on east end of ' lot 24, con. 8, lying east of the now? travelled road.--Uar ried. Moved, Wagar-Dwyer, that the reeve and councii-look over the road allowance between lots 5 and 6, eon 10, on Friday, July 10th, 'at wen o clock a.m., also old road across lots 8, U and 10, re change of road Car ried. Moved, Howes-Wagar, that the road superintendent be instructed te expend the sim of $25 on the 7th con. line from Wager &chool" hous: north on condition settlers give equal amount. in work. Carried Moved by Paters-Wagar that the road surveyor be instructed to mea sure land on lot 21 con. 9, whic! wad bought for road, se» deed can bd obtained for same. Carried, Moved by Petérs-Wagar that the followin; orders be drawn on the treasurer: of John's |r { Charlton, $150 ola Misses Davidson are spending their | St OVELY TYPE OF ENGLISH WO Oub, "sen of Earl Howe. Lady Curzon beautiful blonde in London society anty at the earls court tournament ion, Lady Curzon generally spend: ing one of her favorite outdoor year salary," $50: o Charlton, Peters B. Cowdy, Charl B. Cowdy, iB B. Peters, $75 Carried. il adjourned 10 meet ga 1, Piccadilly, on August 31 smith, Clerk. $300: B $150; Cound town } George A Visitors at Charleston. The Baptis Athens hel Lake, Ethel West, st of Mrs. Lami and Mrs. J. R Sask., Mis Miss Nellie Charleston, 3 wre ool of Jharleston or ot Point Sylvia. ¥ "hambers, Markineh, Gainford and Athens, and Mrs. Bligh anc Sherwood rings, have take: : for a few weeks. Among the recent arrivals at Fos are the following: Dr ld, M. 8. Hubbard, Mr Boisnot, New York; Mr * andymon, Summit, *N.J.; Mr W. HK. Beecher and son ewood, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. F. © Villiams, . C. Boeckh, W. H. Har Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. A ; TR. Melville, E Bingham, Prescott: reeland and son, Leona, N.J 1eridan and son, S. J. Huck wood, N.J. Foronto, is visiting Crozier. Mr tes, Toledo, wer: Mrs. Slack's ari Mrs. C. Slack anc friends "at Long . Pr. C.:M. B. motored t and spent th walk Whicl last year Mrs. Dillon O'Brien and Washington their 2 Dack cott hotel Gritwe Mrs rison, lope w ' Mrs \ X Isited ston on Sunday The new cement ft unfinished since completed » Minn., Mrs. Evere sister' Heflernan's Mrs. Flood recently visited her D. Heffernan. Mr Green attended the wed Raymond. anc at Guelph, or vigitors at Mrs ir son » Cockburn, News of Sydenham. Sydenham; July 6. Rain is much needed in this vicinity This morning the Boy Scouts accompanied by Rev. Mr. Dowdell left for Barriefield where they will spend a week. Thursday Myra Cur ran, Beatrice Kelley, and Myrtle Raymond went to Sharbot Lake where they wil attend a session at summer school. Miss Eva Guess went Bracebridge! to attend school. On Tuesday afternoon and even ing the Epworth league entertained on Mace"s Point. All pr sent enjoy ed motor boat riding, rowing, and the entertainment. The profit was about $45. Oa Friday evening the choir of the Methodist chureh drove to the lown social at Kepler, where they aided much in the programms rendered. A very large number of Sydenhamites enjoyed the journey there. Harry Guess has purchased a new auto. Miss Helen Wood, is visiting P. Roberts. Wilfred Tripp has gone to Montreal. Miss Kathleen Joyce is renewing acquaintences at Joyceville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grooms spent Sunday at Yarker. Mrs. Mateer and son, Don, of Marmora and K. Joyce, of Railton, called on : Miss Gouge on Thursday. Miss Pearl Mar- tin visited at J. Ruttan's on Sundiy Mrs. C. Joyner is spending a few days in Yatrker, the guest of Mr and Mrs. Mrs. E. Joyner. Miss Al- ine Tovell is visiting Miss ™ Helen Wartman, Kepler... Miss Helen Joy- ner is renewing acquaintances af Perth Road. Mrs. W. Griffith has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs Herrington in the west, Miss A. Young, Harrowsmith is spending a few days onder the parental roof. C For Infant The Kind You " Bears the to J. McMahon, assessor, $60; G. a | Signature of. b A LIAS TAT. WHER ROYALTY TRAVELS. ------ Expenses of King Edward's India Trip Were Justified. ,Oue of the main items of expendi ture piled up by the recent royal visit to Paris is the $150,000 that has been spent in preparing the British Embassy in the French Capital for | Sueh exalted occupation. This amount Seems' a large one, but royal' visits cannot be undertaken cheaply. The most costly journey executed by our. royalty in recent times was the late King Edward's tour to India, when Prince of Wales, in 1875. The tour"was drranged by Sir Bartle Frere, who spent seven busy months in working out its details. Parlia- ment voted for general expenses $300,000, which Sir Bartle said was quite inadejjuste, as the presents to dusky prin would amoufrt-to near- ly that sum, and he asked for $500,000. . His request was refused, however, though the Indian Treasury voted $50,000 to the presents fund. In ad- dition to this, ancther $250,000 came out of the Naval Estimates, and some people who thought such expendi- ture unwarranted actually held a | meeting of protest in Hyde Park. So that her son could create a Pro- per impression amongst native rulers, Queen Victoria gave Him $1,000,000 out of her own private purse, and it will be seen, therefore, that King Edward's trip cost more. than $1,500,- 000. Results have proved that it was worth the money. King George's visit to India thirty years later, when Prince of Wales' cost nearly $1,250,000, of .which | Parliament contributed $100,000, though the cost of altéring 'the Re nown was borne by the 'Naval Esti- mates. His trip in the Ophir to Aus- tralia cost $800,000, whilst his little Jaunt to Canada some years ago in- volved a modest $10,000. The Kaiser loves plent;: of pomp and splendor when he Journeys from the Fatherland. Some tine ago he Visited the Sultan of Turkey at Con- stantinople, and then traveled, chiefly oyriand, to Jerusalem. He was ac- mpanied by enough servants to peo- ple a small town. More than 800 mule-drivers and 300 waiters followed him! It took three special trains to convey him and his luggage from the Holy City to Jaffa, and he always had his table laid for thirty or forty people, dining as though he were at his palace at home. But Germany's ruler must take a | back seat when compared with the | late Shah of Persia, who, during his six months' téur of Europe in 1873 contrived to scatter no less a sum than "$10,000,000, Hero of the Frozen South. The picture of the year at the Royal Academy, England, is said to be that entitled 'A Very Gallant Gen- tleman." "This is the Captain Oates memor- fal picture painted by J. C. Pollmann for the Cavalry Club, of which the gallant officer--who perished with Captain Scott in the Frozen South-- was a member. The painting is six feet high and illustrates the supreme moment of Capt. Oates' tragic act of heroism. Mr. Dollmann gives #8 a vivid word-picture of his work. I have painted Oates moving away from the tent, which is seen dimly to the left through the whirling snow-eddies of the blizzard. Bent, crouch ng al- most double, one hand helping to support his crippled leg, the' other stretched out blindly in front of him, he is trying to lift himself along. Between his figure and the tent there is crumpled, and scattered snow, to mark where he has stumbled and fallen and painfally dragged himself up again. I have tried to make the tracks in the snow eloquent of his story. Through the door of the tent a warm glow of color is visible, suggesting warmth inside. This contrast deep- ens the poignancy of the situation and 'relieves the grey color of the wilderness of snow, They Charged Overtime. Wilson Barrett used tell an amusing story againgt himself. At a time when he had a lot of workmen redecorating his private residence, thinking to give them a treat, he agk- to NERDY IN With Acute Indigéstion. "Frait-a- Hives" Cured Me. . Nzwsory, ONT., MAY. 29th. 19713 "Tam not a strenuous user of medicines or patent medicines, but I have taken nearly everything recommended for Indigestion and Constipation. I have heen so bad with Acute Indi- gestion that I was nearly in convulsions aud had to be held. I have used "'Fruit- a'tives" ard I have not had' another attack nor suffered at all with Indigestion since taking them. wf *'Fruit-a-tives" 1s the only remedy 1 ever used that did me any good, and 1 am grateful tg, "Fruit-a-fives" " for making 'me as well as I am today; and everyone agrees that I look in firstclass t health, My husband likes *'Fruit-a-tives" very much and takes them whenever he has occasion to use a remedy for Constipa- Yom! Mgs. D. MCRAE "'Pruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at soc a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, age, or will be sent to any address onreceipt of price by Fruit-adives Limited, Ottawa. : nn, FOOTWEAR We should be glad to show you our Boys' and Girls' School Boots at prices from $1.50 tc $3.00. We wave some splendid lines in Men's Shoes, which cannot be beaten at $4.00 All good solid leather. REPAIRING DONE Scott's Shoe Store PRINCESS 87. Branch 206 Barrie St. ¥ * WE MEW FRENOMW Be es, NAL MB, THERAPION revi tals with great SUCCHN, CURES CHRONIC WEAKNESS, DISCHARGES, mary; BLADDER, URINARY DISEASES, BLOOD PO) K TO Dr. x 5, Lowe, BRS DEAGRE (TASTELESS) FORMOF pasy 20 THERAPION 550m LASTING SURR. SER THAT TRADE MARKED WORS 'THERAFIO SRE AMV. WPAN ATRTERD WE ALL SRY Our customers are our best ad- vertisement. Every pair of BOOTS AND SHOES wold by us sells others. Every day someone says, Mrs. So-and-xo is so well plensed with her shoes that | thought I would come to vou. We are haman--never satisfied. want to add you to our chain fit you iy to fit your friends he future. We have all makes und styles of men's, women's nud children's boots und shoes nt the lowest price in the eity.. ~H. B. WARTELL 838 KING STREET Phone 1879 has a guarantee good guality. ed if, after work one evenin:.. they would like to hav. seats to yg. and see him play -in "The Lights o' Lon- don," at the Princess Theatre. They said they didn't mind if they did, and being complimentary tick- ets, all went on a Saturday night to see their employer's performance. At the end of the week Barrett's eye caught sight of this item against each workman's name on the pay- sheet: "Saturday night. Four hours' overtime at Princess Theatre, eight shillings." Must Pay Penalty. + The late Rev. Silvester Horne, who died on a steamer just before arriv- ing in Toronto recently, and who represented Ipswich in the Rritish Parliament, used to tell an amusing story concerning a visit which Mr. Balfour once paid to that town. An old lady, bard of hearing, seeing the crowd of people outside the station and the extra police present, mixed up the Unionist leader's arrival with the Ipswich 'Assizes, and asked a neighbor for whom they were wait- ing. "When she was told it was Mr, Balfour, the old lady said: "Well, I suppose if the poor man has done anything wrong he's got to suffer for it." He Was Off, A story of life in the Civil Service In the bad old days was told at a "dinner by Sir Thomas Elliott, De- puty Minister of the Mint. One typi- cal offender was wont to say, after the clock "had struck three, "Fifty- nine minutes to four! If it is onty a question of minutes, I may as well be off!"----and he went! Colleges In India. There are 176 colleges in British india. And every sweet girl graduate ex pects to marry aud rule dhe 'roost | eoneéry or later. If fish could talk anglers wouic] have to revise their yarns, - Ca Corns BANC Clo t= Every day, legions of people get. rid of their corps .with Blue=jay. ii easy method ndw removes a million corns a month. "= You who suffer with corns do yourselves an injustice. Jay will instantly stop 'the pain. And in 48 hours, without any soreness, the corn comes out completely. About half the people know this now. W a com they Tren they Blue«jay on it. Tift out the corn an You can't do that by paring corns. : you can't with old-time treat- ments. You may get relief for a , little while, but the corns simply stay and grow. : a is modern, sclentitic way-- X WAY now loyed by physicians hospitals, Ger rid of the corn. Ft is just as easy, just as painless as the ineffective ways. i Blue-jay "For Cons Bager & Chicago and New York tM oo of Physicians' Supplies Regular $5.00 Irons for $3.50 For a "Limited Time 'M. G. RYAN 216 Earl St. Phone 1339 FLOUR Our Rpbin Hood "Brand of Sour ii every bag for ANDREW MAOLEAN, s Ontario Street. A AAA A A Nt 'For Sale 9 room house, new; all improvements, $3,000.00 Easy terms, Apply W. H. Godwin & Son 29 Brock St. Phone 43 Heal Estate Fire Insurance, y rr rym ALR TR ri AL BUILDERS ! "Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Baves Time. P. WALSH 58.07 Marrack Ntrom AUTOS FOR HIRE At Bibby's Garage Moderate Charges Phone 201 Garage, 917 Residence ---- A ny DO NOT RENT. WHY NOT BUY? > » We have some great bar- {| gains. Two bungalows with t0 rooms, good locality, at £1500. Two houses, $1600, ood locality. Apply to HE KINGSTON BUILD: ERS' SUPPLY CO. -2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building tN a NAAN 8 Clearing Sal » Trimmed hats and shapes reduced to almost half price. Mounts, flowers and feathers on sale at specia) prices. MISS HAMILTON Opposite YMCA. Phone 1267 NEW YORK FRUIT STORE Fres), strawberries and cher- ries daily. Sweet, Oranges, 20¢, 285, 30c, 40¢ and 50¢ a dozen. SEER cess St. Phone The Style and Fitting will be Faultiess The Flush and Workmanship will be