REN 4 R11 Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED, Jo . President A A. Gutia"} ... Manag 3 and ging ~Treas. SEN Telep! Business Office .. Editorial Rooms . Job. Office hr SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) ellvered In clty . paid in advance one year by pa to rural o One year, to United States ... ix and three months pro r (Beml- SY sokiy Edition) % Ome year, ¥ mall, cash .... .» One year, not paid in One year, to United State # x and three months pro Attached Is one of the "printing offices in Canada i gee ear, best TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE "HB. Smallpejce 32 Church St U. 8. RED RESENTATIVES New York Office Bifth Ave Frank R. Northrup, LR Chjeage . Tr thine 'Blig ank R. Northrup, Manager. ELECTIONS IN. MANITOBA. I'he elections are taking place 1m Munitoba to-day In local elections Ahe issues are not usually very acute In this tween the and again the school campaign the differences be parties are sharply drawn, and license laws are predominant. The premier is' cock- election. He concedes only liberals, sure of one seat to the which makes for once he is trust- his bluster Manitoba this evening if rebuked ane surmise that ing too much to his name, and his bribery friends will be disappointed Rodmond is not for his presumption sharply THE IDOL, HAS FALLEN. fy, I'he Whig is distinctly disappointed Arthur solicitor-general. It during his visit dignity, his ,- and his "fair" in the in Hon. Meighen, Canada's was impressed, to' Kingston, .with his demeanour, his in tellectuality apparent desire to be presentation . of pohtical questions. It may be hard to avoid the of the politician. in the heat of conflict at extravagances the Hon. Arthur from other men Alas, Mani toba, where he went campaigning for bias To him, any rate, errors and inevitable. But be difier- are seemed to ent he has fallen. Out "in government agree on the great essen- tials ofthe liberal policy. But it is patent, also, that between the government and its supporters, or between it and the one hundred mem- that and the irregularity of hers cannot be depended upon, whose move- ments the government has two or three times been in peril of defeat, there is not an understanding Mr Asquith must meet these, must con: qult honour them with his 'eanfidence, power. The strain he has put tiem has reached a limit Likewise the government with them, must or pass out of upon must know where it is with regard to the Home Rule bill. Mr. Asquith has earried it so far with a loyal support the with it. of the liberal party and parties have heen 7 allied Every he made known will be change in it must - to those men or they war- ranted in objecting to the "sacrifices or 'compromises' of the govern- ment. crisis is on 1t would got the government, confusion, There is onesparty which rs to rule A grave take much to defeat what ? Chaos, lawlessness and then and perhaps not in Pngland any can elect enough memby THEY SEEK. Chicago, on tour- THE THING A__deputation which there are and that every from two women, are making a story of make for or This de find some ing anada, the conditions against vice in form will conditions 1n putation, in l'oronto, to contrast. with thing religion is at a low a city in which ebb part Jiourneys to From Toronto the Montreal, in are bad enough, the ago that suppressed or eliminated aimed af social experiences plea being offered the social vice which some time not be that the thing its control And vet the ground for sup work more could and only would be in the east there 18 not posing that gre aft is seriously at and that great sight deadly morality Out "in Edmonton. a commission, scandals which viee 18 a in its effects because of the im which it enjoys ap- pointed to uncover the iated with the police depart were Agaoc handicapped by an ment, finds effort which is being made it from disclosing the manner under the tse to prevent in which evil grew there toll social the social nefarious system ol All this the I'hey students may know do not want evidence, however ws to how far an evil may protection This What evils grow under sbecial ia an easy .exhibil they want to know is how these may be avoided, and the pure brutalizing the good how the how may be protected, tendencies of the times may be check ed and overcome. Europe is setting the pace In @X tolling decency, «nd the courts, the senate and the press of France are protesting against indecency. that. 1 periment and demonstraie its advan- tage. » | Gamey has not yet account for the peculiarity of his ap- the fishermen of Manitoulin istand. Is Sir to the discipline which he should' ap heen called to peals to James uncertain as ply in this case ? through liberal with The Simecoas Reformer is with the liquor plank of the policy. Was it not through this plank long before the local elec pothing new about tion ? There is the Reformer'd stand. upon this sub ject. The premier of Kogland must not dine out any more without consulting the opposition in the commons. He must at least call late at night and smile his recognition on at Lord Céeill around least Bonar Law and This i% the latest ruling. The Montreal Gazette does not Se riously challenge the right of Lloyd George to say that his legislation has given the municipality an advantage of thousands a year. Bribery ? Isn't every Canada practis ing this kind of thing right alpng ? government in The federal Foverament ingpector of been so sharply New be fired and stay that erring railways who has Brunswick, fired The people called to account in should Hanpa plea, walkit an should some good official reinstated, have no consideration from an honest government. United States the » thie department, Senattr lane, of interior figures that cost of a single battleship will found an irrigration plant that will supply four thousand families with perma homes in the desert lands of the Which would one of the nent west, What (ol. Sam suggests the enquiry, fifteen millions Hughes is spending do in providing comforts for the thousands of suffering poor in. the dominion ? PUBLIC Li ~~ Well Defined. 1 { Port Arthur Chrénic Chamberlain was to the Anglo-Sax-| on race in politics what Kipling if in literature, ! Carson U ier Fire. Hamilton Herald All the same it a an scionably long time for Si Carson to get his coat off. uncon Fdward Real Home Rule. Toronto Star Ulster. we read again, is 'prepared to resist home rule." So is every married man, but what good does it ever do him ? may we ask. Their Object Explained. Brantford Courier It is stated that one-third of fl women the Calgar¥ schools marry every year. Manifestly that's the kind of cupidity which ahimates r How inconsistent words | Jack, Wise and Otherwise enna ------ There may be a reason why peo- ple who are too fond of pie are apt to be crusty. en You never can tell who laugh loudest don't joy themselves most. The people always en- A 'proposal of marriage never sur- prises a girl. She has her wedding -1all planned long before that. The man who tries to drown his sorrows in the flowing bowl never seems to seleet one deep enough. Incongruous. : appear When measured by the eye or ear, . Although a furrier deals in furs, A currier does not deal in curs \His Share. tells me dress, Wife look Everybody in my said a friends, my I pay Young how nice 1 but you haven't Hubby--Your pay vou compliments; bills. new word dear, your x An Endearing Act. Wife (pleadingly) I'm you do not love me any not so well as you afraid, more --anyway, used to Husband. -- Why? Wife-- Because you always let get up to light the. fire now Husband Nonsense, my Your getting up to light the makes me love you all the more Exchange me love! fire ~ Why Knock? Ellsworth had a new colored ure. morning, as the maid came downstairs, the mistress said: "Emma, did you knock at Miss Flora's door. when .l; sent you up with her breakfast?" "No, ma'am," replied the maid, with preternatural gravity. "What was de use of a-knockin' at her do' we'en | knowed fo' sure she was in dar?"--St. Louis Mirror. Mrs maid The Biped. "Can you advance me marks, Isaacs My rich old has one"foot in the grave, 5,000 uncle you Peabody's Union-made Overalls Peabody's Union-made == | Bibbys | Saturday and Monday Doings See Window Display of These Suits The Best Suit Values To Be Had Anywhere Suit Specials at| Sut Specials $15 $10.00 Cheviots, blue or . grey, in the new sold-outs. two or three-button models, soft roll reveres, hand worked button holes, hand padded: collars. $18.00 and $20° values for £15.00, Silk Hat Bands, 50¢ Values for 23c. Rich colorings and neat designs. - Workingmen' s Trous- ers $1.49 A $2.25 value for $1.49 ~ Sample suits, ete, All this season's goods, sizes 33 to 46. Regular $15 values for $10.00. Fah- ries are English, Scotch and Domes- 32 to Ho, Neckwear Sale1215c Twenty dozen silk four-in-hand ties, plain colors. Paisleys and Per- sian patterns. Regular 25¢ and 35¢ values for 12.1-2¢. Bathing Suits Tru-Knit Underwear Paris Garters Coatless Suspenders Duck Trousers Boating Jerseys Tennis Shoes Tennis Shirts Pyjamas Hosiery Sizes ee pt Ae Soriety Brand Clothes tic Tweeds and Worsteds, as well as several rich shades in grey home- spuns. a A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION. J Lhe loeal government, he let ° himself 1 * Yo0se A {Ralph Connor) with having a pecun- interest in many of them when they go wit im Know." : higher pay. Yes, - bui 'what is he doing other?' --Fliegende Blatter. and charged Dr Gordon il with EM the revival of e Better Than Fertilizers" scheme, or ary a hotel at Tere Mev held oa Peabody's Peabody's Neepawa whilst he dénounced the liquor traf- fie and hotel. did help temperance hotel at Neepawa, and sold the bar in this that-Br financially, inferentially The fact Gordon to establish a out his interests when the bar opened. Mr. Meighen was not fair. He not try to be fair. He did vestigate. He slandered an honorable "man did not m and lost in prestige in conse qlence, HIGH TE! The Medical is worried because somg Association of Canada "fakirs," © or persons without the parchment they practice of that shows have qualified for the medicine, call themselves "doctors." oy The mere fact that men assume They "colonel, titles is not much of an affence liketo be" addressal as "major, "and "Hon." Some deliberately "judge," people have printed on their social and business which they contemptible. paper titles 'ever earned This _ is Whether it is wrth while quarreling or worrying over is another matter. * The Medical Association has courted some of "its troubles. It "pro secuteqd,"' or 'persecuted," some of its members, not because they * lacked qualification, 'but because they ad vertised some of their alleged trins. At the .sgnie time they are i willing 'that the press shall land and magnify others they have achieved. And this is an adver tisgment. The people are not at all concerned . with the jealousies of the medical pro- Ldession, and the scolds in which its re- presentatives indulge on special oe. casions. But the people are . very uch concerned in the fact that every % oftor shall be competent fo practice 3 his profession» shall earn not buy his A title, and the tests or standards can- EE be made too high. has nos- for romething 1 A CRISIS nN ENGLAND. Government caucuses, or party {4 caucuses, are absolutely necessary. No "man, no matter how powerful 'or per- &) Puasive, can expect to force his views "upon his supporters in parliament hy {fsheer force of logic. It is apparent hy the harmony of their views that Fete Asquith and the members was prober. Leonard-Queen's dormitory rather a revival of the distussion re- specting it. It 1s due to two-state . ments, one made by Col. Hughes and ane by Dr, titled to respect ior the Dupuis, and both are cn weight they curry with them When Major withdrew it, veonard, who made the offer, have been reached. The iriends of the inclined to were militia department be censctious of the "authorities of the university, one critic going so lar as to say that they had bungled the whole business. Dr. Dupuis now ex plains that the Ieonard ofier was de- did appeal to valued "clined because it not education that higher traioung, those . who without thé the dormitdey cost the student $5 pesaweek in that he ean get all the comforts = he military accommodation w« wuld any case, and ps Jee dormitory desires else where without the discipline and drill which the leonard scheme involved There is no wiser head in with Queen's university that Dr: puis, And 'now that he has spoken so candidly his view of the case will The pity is that Tonnection Du find general favour. not his mind on the subject a little sqoner. Col. Hughes deplares that the that it is as much he did express scheme will go on; alive As minister of militia, and A' ever deeply concerned in the proposition as it was originally projected, he ought tobe familiar with the facts Perhaps the offer 'is to bes revived in a modified form, by Major Perhaps he sees the umiversity side of the ques policy of 1.eon- ard. or purely academic tion, and realizes that the the college 'cannot be disturbed or radical inno- military "authorities" do about destroyed by The college not seem to know anytbing this, however, and until they sulted the minister of militia not be so positive. ~ EDITORIAL NOTES Mr. Carvell, M.P., is a success as a When he geis through with the New Brunswick scandal there will be several persons who w ill res member him. - ------------ Simmtford has a motor ser vice which promises to surpass any vations are cons should - bus service a street railway can perform. an end seemed O° v of hig A, fGve-year franchise will test. the ex~ Exchange. Edmonton Bullet A Pittsburgh scientist claims to have discovered -a mew fertilizer which will wonderfully increase the pro: ductiveness of land. No substitute for old-fashioned downright hard work in cultivating the land has vet been found. A Human Curiosity. Syracuse Post-Standard The Tevas man who came to New York rand elamored for steam heat in the hotel on July 5th would be wear ing furs if he got as far as Syracuse and sleeping in a polar sleeping in Toronto. He ought to in Panama and winter in a furpace. 3 i bug summer Bessemer Kingston Events . 25 YEARS AGO. } Nothing wpyl surprise us in-the erop line this yefir after seéing the fre stalks of fats grown by Robert Pat terson, of Glenvale. hey measured considerably feet, with ver: heavy tops. The steamer Maud is busily engaged taking excursions down the rivet Kingston Orangemen will join in the celebration at Gananoque. over' six OPIUM CRUSADE SUCCESS Manchuria and 11 of China's Prova gi inces Free From Drugs. Pekin, July, 10.--Manchuria eleven of the eighteen provinces for ming China proper, are declared to be free of opium, and the British gov- ernment, satisfied that this deciara tion is correct, has agreed that, ac- cording to a previous arrangement, no -Indian opium hereafter shall he permitted to enter these provinces. The Chinese government has sent in- structions to the governors of the remaining provinces in the republic to put down the use of opium and pro- hibit the cultivation of the poppy beface the end of the year. The success of the anti-opium cam- paign in China is regarded as con- spiruous, considering the govern- ments . inability or Tack of serious effort to terminate brigandage and other evils. and A 'Golf Service. 'A committee of golfers visited Bishop Murrah, of Jackson, the oth- er day and asked if an early service for golfers--a 7 or 8 o'clock service --could 'not be arranged fot the spring and summer months. Bishop Murrah said In a kind but moncommittal tone that he would consider the idea. Then, with a smile 4 " d end bh or suppose. we'd end such a sery- jee with the words, "Let us play!" -- Same View But Different. Creditor-- You couldn't go around in your fine automobile if you paid your debits: Debtor-- That's so! I'm look at it in the same light do Boston Transcript, glad you that 1 That Test Won't 't Work Mrs. Flatbush And you vour little boy steals your pies Mrs Bensonhurt Somebody and I suspect Tommie "Well, there's a way you can tell." "How?" "By the thumb prints." "Oh, no, 1 can't When gets through with a pie aren't any thumb prints!" From the Yonkers Statesman. think Tommie there Consulied the Wrolg Man. reception, and the been reading up on health culture, mistook Lawyer Wil liams for his brother, the doctor, "Is it better," she.asked .confi- dentially, "to lie on the right side or the left?" "Madam," replied one is on the right necessary to lie at all." Post It was at a lady, who had the lawyer, "if side it often isn't Pittsburgh His Trade. "If you don't mind, sir," said the new conviet, 'addressing the warden, 'I should like to be put on my own trade." "That might be a good idea," said the warden. "What may your trade be?" "I'm an aviator," said the new ar- rival. --Houston (Tex.) Chronicle The Outcome. Defeated Candidate-- You éfconr- aged me to run for office: You know you did. You said you thought I wouldn't make a bad alderman Trusty Henthman---Well, the re- turns seem to show that 1 was right. --Christian Register, SOUGHT ON MURDER CHARGE. Abducted Fifteen-Year-Old Girl and Killed Constable. Honaker. Va., July 10.--For four days a man-hunt has been in pro- gress in the mountains near Honal and to-day posses were Bill searching over every ineh of etorua tor some trace of Dr. JW. Worth, alleged ab- ductor and murderer. Dr. Worth was arrested charged with having kidnapped Louise Farris, aged fifteen. the way to jail with Constable o Hall, Worth grabbed a shot gun, SE the constable, and escaped. Only traces of small fires, where Worth is supposed to have cooked food, have been found in the hunt, Statistics show that France has 1; the ord ,000 | without ho Union Made Union Made Overalls Overalls Bibbys| Onion Sets, Ger Plants, ete, ete, Wed quets, Fuperal "Designs a Spec- falty, F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 4 King St Phouent Stere 139 Hesldenes 1213 Greenhouses, 50 prs. "of Women's Pumps in patent leather and gun metal, all regular sprng goods. Worth $2.50 For Sale " oR: a To Let at $1.9 H. JENNINGS, King Street. A good grocery store with dwelling attached, good loca tion in Kingston; owner forced to leave the city to look after other properties. This is a good chance for the right © man. A large list of farm proper- ties for sale.' Some good bargains in city properties. y 4 '. a T. J. LOCKHART, (Over Bank of Montreal) Clarence & King Sts., Kingston The pen is 'mightier than the sword ph when it comes to getting a fool man