: 5 RIN CAVERA TL p---------- To 0D BOS) PROBS. For Sap |" "is BARELY SUSTANED] Twitoh SW js SE nine wit its bara. 0 ee . | sion of the Association to This City oo ed "ny a8) PaYWenu p The liberals will get Kildonan,| Among thdse presémt at the Yacht | ~-- List of the Officers and the 4 - i er. | where Hon Mr. Montague has only |Club tea on Wednesday afternoon General Committee For This Y W i Godwin & Son Pres Standing -Conservat- three majority. Eight seats will bef were: Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Mys. E. . Tn Re o. 2 # ! Light winds mostly fair and warm | to. day and on Sunday. Kingston is being well advertised, ies 24, Liberals 21 servatives and liberals alike thought the government was defeated. The In Winnipeg for tur hours con-| Mrs, Fredric Brownfield, Mrs. Hp R. | Duff, Mrs. P. E. Prideaux, Mrs. Gamsby, Mrs. Bernard Browne, Mrs. and record crowd is looked for. All the arrangements have been made for the excursion. "It will leave the recounted. J. B. Pense, Mrs. ~ K. L. Saunders, The Toronto old boys' excursion to 0 Brock Bt. Over N. Bank. Phone 424. .m liberals hardly gained any the firstip Phelan, Mrs. Huebner, Mrs: Stew- : DEFERRED E ECTIONS hour and a half of the returns. art Macdonald, - (Silver Current), | Bion station over the Grand Trunk =») Ld But it is admitted on all sides that | Miss Martha Smith, Miss Helen Fra. | T2lWay at 3 o'clock on - Saturday the government is given a jolt it"ean | gor Miss Lillie Fraser, Miss Carrie SU¥ 25th. The visitors have made hardly survive. "Separate schools |ya1qron, Miss Macaules, Miss Hel- | arrangements for 'a special trip ant .» a : THE ; : Albion Hotel AND RECOUNTS pay PUT THE now or never" was the Catholic ery. | pn Kirkpatrick, Miss Mabel Brown | dawn among the islands, GOVERNMENT OU or 4 and they rallied to the government's |g.1i Miss Mollie Ferris, Miss Mar- This is the twelfth annual excursi- Remodelled throughout a support. The oposition is very jorie Pense, Miss Charlo.:; Wether- | on of the Toronto old boys to this oof n's B strong, and the three deferred elec- (Toronto), Miss Nan Paterson { city. The rate secured for the ex- Liberals Swept Winnipeg--Provin- tions and some recounts may yet put 8 A v cursion' is that of $3.80 f lults vial Secretary Defeated, and Hon. [ {he government out of office, and Miss Winnifred Cla..on. | and $1.90 for children. The sbeclal A sale of specially timely aad desirable mer--{§ chandise planned to drive home the fact that truth is if the keynote of. our advertising. Mr. Montague Elected by Only The result is undeniably a sore : train will stop at Riverdale, Osha- ! A number of people who went ov- Ba Three Majority. blow to the expectation of the gov- er to the Country a yesterday tor | WA Belleville and Napanee, and on ernment. Outside of the loss of a a 4 request at Fredericksburg and Col- Winnipeg, July }1.--Late returns |pumber of what were considered|tennis and lunch included Mrs. Han- | 10 Vp. 0 00 his will mean that indicate that-by the -grace--of--the {safe goats Any her se a sord- Hora, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss : safe seats, many other seats werefs, the number will be largely increas- French Catholic electors, and in {wo | held only by a small majority. At Emily Smythe, (Clinton), Mrs. Aus- ed as a result of these stops. The seats by English Catholies, the Rob- st election Premier Roblin's [tin Gillles, Mrs." Murray Kirke | 0" iy Sings se the last election Premier R in . x 4 train is due to arrive in Kingston at ---- lin government is sustained by 24 | own majority was over 400. He has | Greene, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Jessie | ¢ p.m : : to 21, with two seats in doubt.: Alljonly 124 now. The liberal sweep Rollins, (Peterborough), Mr. Ed. Following is a list of the officers : Orange centres voted heavily for the [in centre and south Winnipeg is one [Ward Smythe, (Seattle), and Mr.| .° "rn L500" Ag Boys' association 8 a m liberal oppgeition. © All French' dis-fof the most surprising things of the [Jack Smythe, (Toronto), for this year, with the general com- Black Cotton Hose tricts off the . English-speaking | campaign, and can only be attributed 4 : mittee. T vote and welt strong for the govern-|{p a hostile Orange and church senti-| Mrs. Newton Large and Migs Mar- Hon. Presidents--Hon. Justice B ' + ' thi d healt nent. ment, garet Large, 0 arlottetown, : Si sellatts . mame web raha Le Ho PEL, are the guests of Mrs. Rob: | M. Britton. Roel. Bir HN, Pela air at ic the home for burux, bruises or lH -- ert Fraser, West street. BE nC aioe. Pr aSs wealds, and ve any new or old the line. Sometimes the eléphants Mr. Eric Inge a tecent graduate of dents, Lieut.-Col. J. Galloway, Re- wore; TELLS OF TIGER HU HUN are not staunch and keep trumpet- RM.C. left' this week 'for Nahcotv. chab Tandy; treasurer, Dr. G. Hyg ¢ ing and try to turn-back. 'Thereds] -™-- "* = . co .. | Reid; secretary, J.J. Donnell; chpa- The regular 15¢ qu lity, sizes 51-2 to 10 * : er after visiting friends in town : . 1¢ regulat ¢ qua € A In the Camp often a good deal of noise trom the |" Miss Bessie Stewart Bagot Street lain, Rev. S. Harper Gray; auditors, A limit to eae h custome n > ' slephants: when a tia: ahi 2 > Miss 4 8 a street, ; i Z 1] St r ie.ahanid be much. in demand. for JlCAPT. DALE CARR... HARRis]clephants when a tiger charges thel =~" "0 o%q ve this week with CY. Gaden, G. B. Sweetnam; press 2 sunburn, mosquite or insect bi WRITES TO HIS FATHER line. When a tiger is on foot one Me Fragcis XH t h a representatives, R. J. Bennett, T. A. head colds, ete, ete. It's use ya LL 14 kv, always knows it by the way the ele-| Mrs. Francis King, at her summer) apa, : - ---------- | phants keep thumping the ground home ol Yale Idang. t Ot Committee J. A. Pigeon, H. Y. S is ( r Ww >arty-- | With the ends of their trunks. On Cs . . erridge, o "1 clax D. H. Campbell, J. Camp- Means Comfort About His Juting Via Party this occasion our tiger gave no noise a, is with Prof. and Mrs. William Cat Willenaon J. Sane: Whierever H is used. Just try it How He Brought Down One of the 3 , 6 Was gedriv he an, Mack street for the week- WY he Ts : until the line was nearly up to th , Mrs. J. Galloway, Mrs. R. Tandy on corns, onlluoses or tender feet. Big Animals . 1 . > o x boot belie pried You will wonder how you ever Pe . stops. He then broke and went off :0 Mrs. J. N. Stephen, Mrs. S. E. Sum- did withont It. Prepared only Prof. R. Qarr-Harris, Mack street, jon a gallop round the end of the Miss Isabel Tanton and Mrs. John | gorvijle, Mrs. J: J. Donnell, J. Shan- * has received a letter from son, | stops The last gun at the end'Tanton, Jr., of London, Ont, are| .p.n J McWaters. [) Capt. Dale: Carr-Harris, R. E., a gra-|eaught sight of him. fired and mis-| visiting Miss Ibrena Jenkins at Kil- ? duate of tue, Royal Military college |sed and he was gone. The jungle | kare cottage, Wolfe Island. S S in 1898, telling of a tiger hunt. in [is often ten feet above thé tracks of Miss Marian Booth, Stewart street, . India. The letter will be of inter- | the elephants so you can imagine|is spending the week-end with Miss THE POPULAR DRUG STORE est 10 Whig-readers, Capt. Carr-Har | how difficult it is to see. Dorothy Chown at her summer Imported Corsets Sunday hours, 1.30 to 5; 6.30 10 9 ris says: We then had a halt for ten and cottage at Merton's Point. , N Staff Colldge, Quetta, India, May |was decided to leave some one to ..,e J 7 ' . 31st, 1914 sit up in 'a tree overlooking the Miss Florence "Emery, Mr. Rolf 4 E 186 alr at 98¢c 5 . You asked me for a detailed ac-|dead buffalo on the chance that the! mary and Master Jack are visiting count of my ChristmagaTiger shoot. [tiger would gome back Those of us! ¢pefr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 3 i ; I was invited by Ian Campbell the of | who had never yet shot "a tiger drew |g. a1 Birch at Thousand Island : AON ; : y= no ficer in charge of 'the forests all|lots and it fell to me. Park § : A A guaranteed $1.50 value, made' of fine along the border of Nepai, to joi It was now about p.m., so I was Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Bird and Mrs. one of his shooting party and 1 ar |given some sandwiches and rode off Walker and her son, Herbert motor- rived in camp at Terallpoor 22nd [on my elephant to a tree. We fied up oil up. from Gananoque on Friday December , a miaehat ig as the RIEL were hit | Yor Mys ? Ww. 8 Fielding and -Miss terly col put on a sweater an a " great e¢oat and climbing into the Fielding are fom Fr Ottawa mahan sent the elephant away. | the end of this week and will be the ahan s ! é awa te yiF c het oe told the man out to wait about Ruests o x EP Slkigs sister, Mrs. - miles away until an houi® after da I my % a § Reel 1] Barris ; ¥ - 3 » in hot he was then | ucfe 4nd VIS ave a : Mowing: lan a Mis. C4 bell ane [And if he heard no sho i | . rs he SUTMET find Mrs, unpbefl ih to return to camp for the night and |street, left to-day for their summe s £ Y ES TESTED WITHOUT Riis Camphell x i, Col Wan Hon ome out and fetch me in the morn-| home down the river. NE CHARGE. fie Ang Mrs sence, Rhuys Wil ge ting staring| Mrs. Arnold, of Katonah, N.Y, $a ing. I had. been sitting staring F Fd Hams, K.C., a globe trotter who | down at the buffalo until it 1s so! came to town on Friday to visit her NO DRUGS USED. {shooting in India. Col. and Mr: dark that I sould no longer distin-|niece, Mrs. C. J Warwick, Welling- The Coolest and Busiest Store in Town rr mn Pi CLE y M.S r d Binal th. Prison in he 2 S| guish anyth ekcept that the shad- ton street for a few weeks. os 7 ee (Mr. and Mrs. Edie, of the J. T. ( [ Mrs. John Wright and Miss Eileen TEP VY YY YYYYRY ONY I . Stall : y ow there was blacker than elsewhere ] CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL fi Major Stallard, NM 1 ho Rowley 91 the carcass was lying out in a small Wright, Alfred street, will spend ATTENTION WiLL BE $1 y u SATS: 2. ( inp dell of I. A srping in the Sal forést, which is|the month of August at Stella. INFORMED. t i ye had shout 1071) Slephants o here very-dense amd rises over a Mr." William Burton is spending a i [| remainder had pads. These 'most aundred feet in height few days in Brockville, -the guest of {{ly belonged to the rajahs of Baorau I was looking steadily at the sha-| Mrs F. W. Jacksow™ av v pur and Dharampur, and went, on ! the dow and could see nothing when I Mr. Géorge Young left to-day for Keele Jr. ||[Foliowing ortieht'ior me view'roy® | RGRIY RoR 8 SION PErK 01 Orchard Peach a arecass ytiowec a 108 n Ys Y. | Il snoor about fifty miles away. | mediately by a slow and deliberate £8. 9. 9 : M. 0. D. D ih 1 ny Een. thre Saxe to crunch and then .another heave. The Mrs. William Halty Jetirned Washington, July 11. Président : li{ing the trackers got back in . buffalo was of course tied to a stake|hdéme this week from 1! ow ork, % Wilson Li eived a telegram from he Optometrist and Optician lillabout 9 a.m., and reported s0 that if could not be dragged Mr. Arthur Martin, of Toronto, is | Par=Hell¢ nic union in Amwgerica, 226 Princess St hs A away I did not dare to move or|spending a few days with his father, | thanking him for the sale of the | French brocade coutil--the newest fall model. - We were a large party dnd the camp was a big one with large Shar manas about 20 feet and 40 feet fo sitting and dining rooms &« Besides myself there were the foi ' Sends Wilson Thanks. | Jhete Was a Younis buffalo killed. by lift map rifle for a minute or two for| Mr. W. C. Martin, Clergy street. [itleship Idaho "and Mississippi to | {that the tiger had. gone.-into a hich} ICEL making a noise. I thought it} Mrs. John Webster and her two Greece. ¢ _ Ra | Ming ne 2 ll <* | would be best children of Hamilton, are the guests We consider the transaction a | doors ahove the Opera House | jungle near a sal forest. I raised my rifle very slowly {o my| of Mrs. Cooke in Barriefield. great act of humanity in preventi 1 hay left samp abouisien on Serh shoulder pointing at the shadow Dr. C. O'Connor has been In the outbreak of a ew wer in : Campbell sant the pad elephant and still trying to make out where| Brockville for a few days. a Nege ka t wrote the presiden round to the : other side. to watel and what the animal was although Canon Grout returned on Friday le union \ there for him He then posted the I was pretty certain by this time that{ rom Maitland where he has been {guns in the howdah elephants stop I ping the rear side of the jungle When we were all #n position he t went off to take charge of the line of beating elephants. This is a diffi cult job to run it well and so as tc prevent a tiger from breaking thro wards found went thropgh the neck] such crunching could only be by alyisiting his son. Greater Winnig Loans tiger Mies. of. Farthing, of Montreal London, July 11 The issus Some noise must have caught the| ho h been Mrs. W B. Dalton £400,000 43% per cent. stock of € iger's attention. At-any rate I sud-| act, left, vesterday, for Woodstock: | Greater Winnipeg - Water Distri denly caught the light in his two !{. tor she will go to Muskoka "tm 1 board at 75 is anfiounced by Th Ives. I could see nothing else but {spend the crest of the summer ' | Bank of Montreal. The this against the dark background| "yp . and Mrs. Stanley N. Graham | forms part of an authorized issu though he must have been looking if} return to Thousand Island Park £2,773,972, redeemable at par up straight in my direction where Non Monday, efter spending a week sat in the tree. I got him _with a bul i town * ------------ ae let through the head which I after- | Your landlord J earning AN i ZN Miss Helen Uglow, Barrie street, ro y Hh ygsiman A faw light robs with "Old Dutch" asprin from on a damp cloth brings new lustre. ily and came oul through the base of the d: that house you are renting Leroy from Napanee, yesterday Why not k I t h 10t make such an invests effective for cleaning and brightening sinks; | How She Compels Others to | throat. 1 was very pleased with thi gh. Nuganes, 2a, i Ob H Will hot. It could not have been better] Mrs. Gsbrge Wilmot, of baw ! oursalt 7+ Mclann iy ey rier ul. : air between {he eves |the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Georg i ; : . wash bowls and Bath tubs. as Oe ontrolk orris says he will --- Keep It Jandy i= ios ten per cent on his inve * troduce a by-law* prohibiting Han as it got him fair Yeland bo OOH Simeoe Islane There was notmovement after I had |bood, at >in 5 ton civic employees from drinking tendinitis Ierullne. Berchte: Pameie v | fired and tot Knowing what effect] Dr. aud Mes A.W. Winnett and be distributed Post. Free to readers of | my first shot had produced I fired Master Bert iuneyt Wil amp a "Kkovah Health Salt." 3 for "Phe oe finguien_W hig." 'opEo once more into the darkest part of Sinicoe Island for the remainder of the Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store magnetism. ¢ Fascinas he shadow and this shot just touch Suinmer. Mrs. Neil ¢ Pol ' A bag of mail found in a yard ol, It what = ¥{ will | ed the shoulder. Ar. and rs yar on, I St Thomas was apparently stols quired by everyone The Shikari hearing the shots] Stuart street, motored to Gananogus : : ye or ul soon arrived on the elephant and |for the Yacht Club dance last night. _ had a-lantern tied on to a long stick Miss Freda Burns, Miss Lilly Mur This he lowered to the ground when fray and © Miss Margaret Cunningham examining the place and there hel|are spending the week-end with. Miss he eee : & : found the tiger quite dead. Some | Dorothy Chown, at Mertofi's Point i wy . of Robbins & Myers' DO YOU SUFFER - . al 8 2 from a tram White Rose flour for all purposes. Guelph is experiencing a water lag RN WEI TE Grabbing at th Last Straw . man astound coolies had also come out from the| Mr. Percy an, r- acts. con- n village. We made the elephant spent yesterday in town. kneel down and after-some trouble, Miss Ruth Henderson came up from Vrooman, of Napanee, ; dee y , i Eas « as he did not like it, got the figer| Thousand Island Park and spent to ---- And wo low. in price you can afford} ng 'descrives : =o | tied on his back. Nz day with friends in town When your kidneys are. weak and to sec une, Snple Dough 44 | I then rode in behind the tiger Aa torpid they do not properly perform oe continu 1 $2.30 Hats for 1.50 | houghts and elf bE a " . rok i : ; pi 1 i 8 | e tt 1 ) all on the same elephant with [from London, next week, to visit Mrs and you do not feel like doing much / AA $1.50 Hats for actu of others] he dead tiger. W. A. Mitchell, William street of anything. You are likely to be > Wall and desk type ant Ay of | We: got into camp' about 10 p.m.[ Mrs. G. F. Emery, West street, is despondent and to borrow trouble, both rotating and sta- ATC iendship o see us arrive. The Campbells sent the | thur Bradley. : ready. Don't be a vietim any longer. tionary, at reason able rant; de skin for me to Gerrade and sons Mrs. Robert J. McKelvey, Tha old reliable medicine, Hoods how to quickly who mount animals for the Kensing- | Bagot street, has gone to Val Sarsaperilia, Rives fe 4 Hi and I rousers acter and di t Mackle-also got a tiger 'and so did | Mrs. Johnston at her mer cot- p ion of @die. The latters was a big one nine | tage, the whole system. Get it today. f individual; feet four inches from nose to tail] Nr and Mrs. Robert Gage, of Uti- : Quality aul) ice make them at- chatinate . ds measured along curves of the back|.; N. Y., will go to Lachine earl{ Send for Free Book giving tractive, white serge and flannel and | "256s 41 BEATS T CH'S REMEDY whits with black stripe. teins oven the complex sub. {double rbarrelled rifle from Manton| ig, of their son, Mr. Ramsay Gage the world famous cure for $3.50 gecures you a pair, ject of projecting thoughts (telepathy) | of Calcutta. It was a 500 D.B. ma=i{ Mics Dorothy Coyle, which takes Epilepsy and Fits, Simple th tha Prot. iw tee "book. ovions the: dost 10 liaise had -axed™ onthe jarrel}, visiting at her home on Bagot parts of the world, Over : French lanne sticcess, health. and happiness to dver: | above the sight, a emall eleetrie flash trust, I 1.000 In" one year. fig, f). : mortal, no matter what his or ber posic | light and it was its light which show- (Dr.) Mavety, Toledo, Ohio,] a trepeh's Homedics, Limited. ' LR y We have the nattiest fines of! {nowles he discovered princi ; : W.C.A. meeting -- ie \ ; Which 16 universally adopted, will The, whole was a heavy weight] Vill speak at jaw e A eating - 1c | but this lessened the recoil. There | t0-Morrow a ps : in tans, blacks and patents. Nhe. book. which i% Being Qigtrihutea | WAS also a two inch rubber pad on are avited i :d on .9) | R 1 i P - * Proadeast free: of ~vharge, is (ull of the butt to lessen the shock when (Continyg ued: on page BUIL . ; : = ; hot hic i Boy Somentin new and Ts av Ep teen forceR are being ined tails for the information of the : . PRICES FROM $4.00 TO $5.00 5 a8 ov, Do ywors younger children. it was a fine shoot]. Picton, July 11--Outside Prinyer's Have You Tried § 'Outing goods to sapply all the gl $ 5.10 : a _ JU ? ed. v The free! pibution uf the 100.- | of gogsibly shooting in the same place] ronto, won from the Neagha, of Wa- i Ron ia y hoe s rics, larges ssort : by 0 ace] ronto, li zers, and all shoe sundries, largest assortment ing : 200 copies > Sel eonductedby a large again next Christmas when (he|tertown in the deciding of three -GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? | Fe it Ea vl Aly x ) y ; 8! i mohas-noet be sont but those Bl re of term again retains the celebrated trophy. pr hs nh heme lose 3 A aie. Ihree were drowned in the St.|The American boat lost by about five L Baves Time. - essed xo: National Insti- | Beaumont, while bathing, and Howard YET i A Road) Beeler, who went down with a launch. | _Dempcracy has. been » vietor against IR 4 ' . 8 Dont forget that Nordheimer pia aristocracy in the Danish elections, ' ' . et ayia (EOI = 1200 19% SOI A r +; R « effec tive wysle § " 1 $3.00 and $3.50 Hats for .... $2.00 |« : y 5 The three of us (two, shikaries and| Miss Dorothy - Mitchell .is expected | their funetions; vour back aches bone may Fl go el Qu in when every one was very pleased to|in Lansdowne, the guest of Mrs. Ar-| St 36 if yon hadn't enongh al- an g| prices. and a ate § h F z . % fon 'museum. ¥ M bec, to visit h mother, | forin, Queer yh ho nel tone to the kidneys and Builds u to cure the mos as he lay. I was using .a powerful | oc week to be present at the mar- ull pA ticulars o is- explained. Miss Josephine Davis, | gazine express using black powder T d home treatment | po place there on Tuesday . Succes the PupuIse stage favorite, whose por- (chamber 577 and bullet 500) Miss Lillie Hackett, of Montreal, YORIS Success: trot. a3} tion in life. She believes that I'ro od u \ . Mrs, ; y p the tigers eyes so well . Goody ear Welt Oxford shoes, volutionize the mental" status of tots howin ing. : ) A reproductiotis gRhowi firing. I have gone rather into de Canadian Boat Won. separat colin each. M i " ¢ - LP gel -n 1 a , ut SROY a ay 41 dreamed they possess: | and 1 enjoyed it thoroughly. [think | Cove yesterday the Nirwana, of To- s | Come here for Packard 8 Dressings, Foot Life set post ge to anvens interested. No [course here closes, ~ races for the George cup and so : s . : Bre. All re t8 for the free book | Clair river, Misses Lawson and Nellie{ minutes. |should be London, SB, England, Would jhe % Sl ie Ke me no are on view at Kirkpatrick' s Art| Grocers all recommend . White Rose mention "The Kingston Whig" Store. See ad, elsewhere. flour. - BE <