THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. A MAJORITY OF 4 000 A NOTABLE EVENT. 5 MERSEY'S STRUGGLES, COUNTING THE HINDUS, ' sworn MAKE CONTRACT ' The Grandson Bore the Standard ol a Otherwise French Husband May | Stories About President of Empress | Task of Taking a Census Is an Enon Wreck Commission. mou: One. If "an American girl marries a ; In many ways the life of Lord Mer- The task of taking a census of In- Frenchman, or vice versa, and they i | |sey, the famous judge who is one of |dia must be stupendous considering [., , live in France. there shounid 'the three members of the Court of [that the population of that vast always be an ante-nuptial contract Inquiry which has been investigating | country numbers over 300,000,000 if no contract is signed the man and Route * To Western The Roblin Government "Got Less Por . ~ - £ Tian Forty Per Cent. of the Eng the loss of the Empress of Ireland, | Persons, scattered over an area of 1,- wife, on returning to France, will His Grandsire. i Spend All Money. FOR THE LIBERALS IN MANITO. BA ELECTIONS. Canada lish Vote, / 1 " bas been an eventful one. The son [803,657 square miles. ind themselves under the commun- Service has been inaugurated be tween Kastern and Western Canada trains leaving Toronto via Grand Winnipeg, July 16.--Commenting on the recent election The Free Presss( Liberal) says: 'The Roblin government's candi- diutes polled only 15.000 out of Ou votes cast in the city of Winni- of a Liverpool merchant, he was at first intended for a commercial life, and spent five years on the Liverpool Exchange. en, to quote his own words: 'When I was twenty-six years of uge, A staff of two million persons was employed for the purpose, and the census was takefi in one night in March, at a cost of only $675,000. The difficulties were especially great owing to the long lines 'of rail- ty regime r the French law makes contract for them if they make none Yor themselves, and this i the legal community) | This means, according to Chris- lan Bonnet, in Cas and Comment, I made up my mind to go away und ye big vers a which heats Lawyer's Magazine, that the husband try my fortune elsewhere. But the | {T2 sometimes y i$ sole manager and absolute mas p i to start-was far from encouraging. coming to the bank, the forests ter, 1& may dispose of 3 came up to Sh with raging. J which woodecutters resort, often for T He may dispose of all his own : « {2nd his wife's property, which inclu- Ewe; MITED ~ weeks at a time, and the numerous | *P¢ A : mp LLETT COMPANY-L! SR idietion Jo My. Charles Susel) Sacred places, which, on occasions, er DeFeet Boverty before s _ TORONTO ONT. ravi . ; | attract many thousands of pilgrims. he tere a e ert) yo, ven he reas 3, foited_ found People had to be enumerated pought ater th marrage. He has ny 3 Said, '} hat 20 surth Jndug you wherever they were caught. In the | and _untrammeled right to cash case of railways, for imbtance, ail [27d squander all interest and divi- - FOR a Tver le was 00d eBOUgh | pereong traveling by rail who took |4€nds, to draw checques against the| BY to say immediately afterwards, 'Come tickets after 7 p.m. on the might of community funds and to encumber : MAKING SOAP Trunk, Mondays, = Wednesdays and peg, It is in a popular minority io Baturdays, 11.15 a.m., to connect at ithe provinee by about 5,000 votes. Barnia with the high-class steamers "It polled less than forty pereent. of the Northern Navigation Co., for | or the English-speaking vote of the Fort William, thence Grand Trunk province. Of the purcly English- Pacific to points In Western Canada. speaking constituencies of the prov: We can make all arrangements to ince it carried only two. bring your family and friends from "In eleven constituencies in the the "Old Country." province substantial liberal major- For full particulars apply to ities in the English polls were J. P. HANLEY, swamped by the votes of non-Eng- Railroad. and Steamship Agent, | lish-speaking electors, who were in- and dine with me to-night.' I went th » g sither | OF sell at pleasure all real estate y 3 he cenbus were enumerated either : ate, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. [duced to vote strongly against the a e n J Sst CANADIAN PACIFIC NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN." --Between-- Moutreal-Toronto-Detroit - Chicago Via « di; Pacific and Michi- ral Ralironds nn Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and Detroit Leaving Montreal 5.45 a.m.; Toronto 6.10 pm, arriving Detroit 12.35 a m., and Chicago 7.45 a.m. dally, Equally good service returning Through Electric Lighted Equip ment ee eee TORONTO - WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER Toronto-Va ver Express No. 3 leaves Tor couver-Taoa xpress No. 4 ar tives Toronto 11 46 a.m. daily. Man itoba Express No. 7 leaevs Toronto daily except inday 10.50 p.m., ar- riving Winnip 1d day. Ontar lo Express No aves Winnipeg 9.25 p.m. and arrives Toronto 5.15 p ally except Tussday. thew liberals by promised that they would be permitted to maintain 'raciai and religious schools, free from interfer ence or unwelcome inspection, "The total majorities of all the ministers is less 'than the liberal majority in South Winnipeg, the seat of government '"Becauge of these facts the Roblin government, though it claims a small majority in the legislature, has lost its power to govern the prov- ince It has suffered a mortal in jury Bs dying contéMions may spread over "a few .months of time, but the end is sure; Sir Redmond Roblin, his government, and'his ma- chine must go." FRANCE IMPORTS LABOR. Evil Effects of New Military Law ' shown by M. Vallant. Vienna, July 15.---There has al- ready heen made public a summary of the reports which are to be pres- ented at the forthcoming intefnat- ional socialist congress here. Among him that, although his manners were rough, and although at times, per- haps, one was not pleased with what he did, he was a good friend to me." For a time, however, the future Lord Mersey--he was plain Mr. Big- in the law, and he has told how th first year he was at the Bar he made only seven guineas. '"The second year, I think, I made seventy, the third about $700, and the fourth about $2,000." And then he wént on to prosperity. Undoubtedly Lord Mersey's success was due not a little to his wonderful energy. Few lawyers, indeed, have lived a more strenuous life. "I used to start work at four o'clock in the morning," he once said, "and £0 on till eight, breakfast, and then go to the Temple at 9.30 or 10, where I worked rntil six; and then after six I did nothing. Such was my program for twenty-seven years." Apart, however, from his wonder- ful legal knowledge, which has won for him such a great reputation in the Divorce and Admiralty Division of the ham then-----did not find much profit] latter were all stopped at 6 a.m. on the following morning, in order to Include any travelers who 'up till then had escaped notice. In spite of this, and owing to the vast work done preliminarily, the résults for the whole of Indie were received complete nine days later, and were issued in print the next day. This rapidity, as the official re- pert mentions with justifiable pride, 'is not approached eveh in the smallest European state." The summary tables show that the total population of India (including the native states) on the night the census was taken 'was 315,156,396 (a. against 294,361,066 ten Hy previously), of which 217,586,892 | were Hindus, 66,647,299 were Mos- lems 10,721,453 were Buddhists and 3,876,203 were Christians. Thé literates numbered only 18,539,578 and dined with him, and I can say of on the platform or in the trains. The If the husband i8 unsuCcessful 'in the management of his business and gets in debt, the creditors may at- tach the wife's property, as well as the hugband's and leave her penni- less. This being the case under the law of France, it will be wise care- faily to draw an ante-nuptial con- tract, pminutely describing and re- citing what' property beiongs to the wile and is not to be included in the regime of communit --_-- DOLL HOUSE OF UTRECHT A CHERISHED POSSESSION Famous Miniature Abode in Holland Built in 1690 at Cost of I $3.000, O1 all the asures Utrecht possess 8 Lr and foremost is its world persons, and agriculture claimed the | famous doll's house, It is the par labor of 224,695,909 persons, as against 323,041 persons engaged in industry. Canadian census officials have ap- parently some lesgons to learn from est Queen Anne abode, complete down to ithe tmest detail. Ordinary hous $ can never give the entire idea o her period as this little one can. For natur in the process of time the "SOFTENING » WATER 4 DISINFECTING CLOSETS, DRAINS nN matt DO NOT R ing Rall or Oc Cc.» CONWAY India. ! WHY NOT BUY? High Court, Lord 'Mersey is known as wrrangement of everything alters; the one of .he quickest and most fearless : - structure is rebuilt, furniture and We have r PA bar- : 3 re ¢ have some. ereat bar countries, such as England, Germ; A ; : of judges. There is a story told of Volcano In Mid Ocean? hangings wear out and are discarded dh < Austria, and Italy, he declares . | one occasion when Lord Mersey, then An aciive mud volcano has appear- wd lager styles are it . Two bungalows with concentration of capital had scienti one of Phe busiest advocates im the | ®d in lat. 19.30 N and long. And now to come tc re dol's hot } FOOIMS. cood locality, at them is one by Fernard Vaillant deal- ing with the unemployed In most ¢ and technical progress have tend Common Law Courts, waited twenty- | 93:0215 E., according to a notifica- und its history, yl Lo £1600 £1500. Two houses, $1600, : bis unpunctuality. "Having a second | 1st May was about 30 feet and 1738 fid Nitorature: on fhe competition is in his own France, : was faring, and while he was away |< 'No is apparently on the traek be- | oWes its existence to a noble lady of ERS' SUPPLY CO. From Southampton From Montreal Ihe following extract from bis 1 | Not only: did lavish vears N pearance on the Bench. evidently off the long island of West | nan: LON ly (IC She lavish years N1. Aug. § tt announced that 56,000 na "His or MN : : " ator th res c hobby, but it cost her a small. for mouth eastbound |)" een announced tha His Ferg {| you, Mr. Bigham!" exclaimed the | Katoria, the B.l vessel which first | hobl 1 3 1 > . 3 ' Bound $30 up ditricts.. of Northern and Eastern "My lord," was the bold reply, "I | cutta from Rangoon recently, and in |when King Charles II was reigning, | 8 i eral Agents, 50 King St. Kast, Toronto | © (Dings: ye ins Industry in Hs Infancy as Commer- Ages of Eurdpean Sovereigns, quarters, between Kyaukpyu and @&k- | . ich Amsterdam tobacco merchant POINTER wor ol production nh ed to increase the "mournful troop five minutes for a certain judge, dis- ued by the Marine Department (© "= dently alwa f i f rks The or \ » . es The Re 1 as always 1 , of 'out-o work The only cour tinguished among other things for oon, recently. The height on idered a masterpiece, for so long ago rood locality. Apply to try where the situation is caused by - = i ol ro | 88 we case to attend. to in another court, |!ength about one cable, showing two it The ihrociclor Save ih v which, he says, is threatened with Lord Mersey went out to see how it | Summits. The position of the yol- | ubiect Fhe chronicler says that it | THE KINGSTON BUILD CANADIAN SERVICE. alien labor, \ lar but d not 1 her 0 Cv , a is Amsterdam b doe 10 give 1€ | the unpunctual judge made hig ap- | tween Kyaukpyu and Akyab, and is | 0 July 25 | port will have more than usual in ¥ ] D : 1 : | 2nd Floor, Room 4, Aug. 1] terest owing to the fact that it has "I have waited five minutes for | Beronsa, near Tiger Point. The [and the utmost loving care upon her | King Edward Building tea--Cabin (11) $46.25. Srd-class | lives from Algeria and Morocco are judge, impatiently, when the busy | reported the Wdeanic eruption off | tine beside, certainly over £3.000 a} British eastbound, $30.36 up. Weat- | to be set to work in the industrial " eounsel returned y the Arrakan coast, arrived in Cal- | was probably begun toward 1635, | ROWERT it FORD C0. LIMiTRD, SHE | France. M. Vaillant says among oth- AJ OTHING MADE OF WboD . | waited five times as long." én. interview with a newspaper re-|and finished about 1690 Vi HERE'S A 3 ; : ¢ RIVALS SILK IN QUALITY presentative Captain F. M. Austin | We know that in the early davs of USINESS Pr A AA A Ne In France the Three Fears Law s#'d he sighted the eruption at close | ho cighteenth century it belonged to B i RON withdrew the class o 9128 fror CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES, LIMITED SS on ' . * t he cial Possibility--Cheap to King George, whose fourth acces- | yab., Hé scouted the idea that #'i;.... whom it passed to his daughter Manufacture, sion day brought him many congratu- | was a mud volcano or a volcano At | who matied a man with the roman y ™i-Bits lations, is still young as Kings of | ali. "From all appearances," he said, tic name -of Slob. Mrs Slob be ' f «ilk dresses are now being made | England go, having only just cele- | "it ts an isand about a mile in extent, queathed it to her daughter who also 4 borers at the lowest price from gv from wood. 'There is the cleverly | brated his forty-eighth birthday, and | and from 25 to 30 feet high. What lft §t to a daughter. 'Phis lady died (Hall 0} HIS . 9 distant countries. And while t 1] "mercerized" cotton, for instance | fromthe actuarial standpoint his "'ex- | confirms my conviction that it is an . ; TORONTY EXPRESS SERVICE men unemployed apply valnly ford, machinery and chemicals have | pectations of life" may be regarded | island," he continued, "is its proxim- the doll's gu egacy, to daily except Monday for Toro: work at the mines and the ENEINCEr- | cone a step even bevond tin viv-| as very good. Without exception, his | ity to the island of Boronga, and I nd y riving 7 am. Returning leaves Tor ing works, where their labor 7 Fe aling the art of the si SPIRINE | Hanoverian predecessors lived to a [should not be at all surprised if it is |'he GW ig - A ih Sanly xcept Sunday, arriving | fu ed because it is too deaf, froops worm good age. d, it is necessary to | found to be a part of that island. An- a . ' of Slavis, Moroce "ns; and Chinese re The proce making sHX Varn | go back to Mary, the Consort of Wil- | other thing that strengthens this idea Personal Experiment Barred. TO CHAR ME (Port of Rochester) brought In, until C-uinese work®in the | e151, "a "spruce 1 1 i P III, to find an English sove- | is tre earthquake report issued from A good Kipling story relates to the 88. Syr aves Tuesday, Thurs- | Suburbs of Paris to-day speedy one, and the resi tonish xn who did not live to be at least | Simla, In that report it was stated ithor's visit to a bookseller's. He & a Fal Youd ot 5 p.m, arriving "A thousand Kabyles are working | vo, when vou s e wood throw that the ck came from about a |" 'ny 1p several books, one after ariotte, NY. i( be % = "rrr ; : h 8 cked Up Severs yok ei riot pm ia the pits at tou Foi 1d nthe ] 120 & Brea ! ppear 3 y Among European monarchs King | thousand miles distant, and Boronga poy r. and glanced through them ANDS--BAY OF QUINTE . oles and (9.1808 AW ing in ho! la hining thread ieorge is younger than the Emperor | {sland is just about that distance one he thought might Caspian and North King leave at Briey Basin, where, out of a to a) The wood first into Austria, the Kings of Roumania, | from Simla. Simce no other report 1 . turned to the booksel- lands. Sad A} pam fauy., for Population of 120,000 inhabitants, | cheets alter enegro, Servia, Wurtemberg, Ba- | that would acco'rat for the shock has 1000 Islands, and at 5 p.m. for Char- th are 90,000 stranger ¢ 1 { Bd > 3ay winte, BIE Sele Bang {A tank for chemica ea ling r sden, the German Emperor een made it is more than probable lotte via Bay of Quinte. "In Normandy, Chinese are found | 1 eben he . al ria, Sweden, tl rma nper been made it is proba AL--QUEBEC--SAGUENAY [More than 100,000 you find Kingston leave daily | years in full vigor. The employers RL & am, connecting at Prescott with ng i 3 r immediately made an appeal for la Raplds Steamer, arriving Montreal " 4 6.30pm : a very great age in 'Utrecht, leav- when you war URINE who Know their N| } BAY business fro; and the King of Saxony, who is his | that this eruption was the quake re- y't know," was the reply. * | senior by only nine days corded on the Simla seismograph." haven't read it." 4 -- AL O s -- I'hose who are younger than His pu - 4 Kipling feigned great (sur y Majesty number seven, and are th Toll of the Jungle. "A bookseller," he exclaimed, | Czar, who is all but three y The "number of persons killed by | '3nd you don't read your books?" EARN NR | younger; the Kings of Italy, Den- | wild animals and snakes in Assam The bookseller was in no mood to . | mark, and Norway; the King of the during the year 1913 is reported to | ile with frivolous customer DAVID HALL Belgians, Queen Wilhelmina of Hol- | have been 269, as compared with 262 "Well, why should 1?" he apped. | "va i | land, and the King of Spain.--West- | in the preceding year. The number |.qs | wero a chenfist we 66 Brock St. 4 1 fix ister Gazette J p ¢ wild ant t ne to {iv 2 wv 2 "Pl 5 presence in France of more than nical which 'fixe minster Gazette, Ie 1a Sotelo Sa | je ne tc try dll my div hone 335. - Res. 856 YY YeYVYYTYwe 000 Kabyles and Arabs from Algeria iy : and hardening it ut a 3 a of wl . the Bouché : 2 ne ; M anatic Marriages. 16,732, while the number killed by SE Ynom were in the Bouches: | ine wearer of silk a sarn ua forg 8 snakes fell from 545 to 268, the de- du-Rlione L t *as-de-Calais, rot 'o yulp ) cs ey y t he L tw . Ju r $00 in ; Se ro ar 1 nt 7 yood pulp look : Ia the BH Y "l Juans. ill crease in the latter case being attri- adh -- ' F | atic WAT aye x» o SY Te buted to the low level of the floods oR tt . , guen, Sapedjelly Ja Le ie si in the Kamrup district, where the '\G PETER'S S1 when Sn Lte a century, am ail ? tality fell from 330 in 1912 to KING PETER'S STATUS. d s utilized for ing marriages by royal fringes Liat the aT ~ . the blank is « ctw ssed by whith no marriage . Ber & tie 8 in 14 | act was pa y It is noticeable that the mumber of | Not Believed That Abdi ation WW 2 *| within the family is valid unless the cattle killed in the province by leo- Succeed Regency. nace | assent of the sovereign has been pards is increasing steadily #11 has Belgrade, July 15.----It is quit } a1 given. risen at the rate of about 1,000 a | herish ao ' Mt g I 4 thy clear that the press of Western Eu Roo [anne eh al 0 Fok The most recent of these morgana- year. Two hundred and thirty-six - ne d he . rope was premature, if not entirely ' A tic unions was that of the late Duke | oaiilo are said to have been killed tenn-by the Rey erroneous when it announced a few of Cambridge, whose wife was kuown ia, 1s in Kamrup, and over the st old Queber A y 5s avail Eg by jacka n Pp. Bistorieal poi habicant vilages, Sebing hosts days ago, that King Peter had adbi Merely | gs Mrs. FitzGeorge, a name which whole province wild dogs have to the pleamant § dame' ricer sai in erally, crowded cated in favor of his second son ! J nection OT! has descended to the children. In| their credit the substantial total of , Crown Prince Aleyander It is au i I 1e da 8 ja ua tree. Europe the most interesting case at 802. The number of wild animals thoritatively stated here that the cutting around) ooosent is that of the Archduke Frans killed increased from 1,720 to 1,988. te HAMILTON --TORONTO--QUEREC in the spinning mills near Dieppe, | chinery and Weekly service by 88 Alexandria, | and Moroceans in the mines chemicais , unt i Rellevil) ; of Ottawa and City of "Recently the press have announc- | molasses in color ightful water outings k he § 7) , reasonable rates. ed the arrival of 500 Chinese brought | The solution is into the South of France for work well-heated 1 ing in the vineyards 1 "In a recent declar: i ations as J. P, HANLEY, Official, of Mav 16, 1913) the minis the thread > y cket Agen 1 ORY Tigket A 5s ter of the interior acknowledg Simultaneously ' Folders and information from A man with a high aim looking for an '"'easy mark ood as the product of the sil} A AA A A A A alga hrs In Ecuadog the bark can be stripped off » = ant hs ant Jumping at Conclusions king, on account! his health, wish- ihe trunk eter PTEDATE | Ferdinand, whose son cannot succeed | Tho number of snakes destroyed was ! K& Nv | ares Hanae Th From Montreal Queb cFrom Bristos § |S 10 absent himself from all publi oy Sqn bom water until Qt is) 0" the Austro-Hungarian throne as 1,981, or practically the same as in i fe { IP if Ww: id luly 28 Royal George Aug affairs for several weeks and for that 1 is then pounded so that thé the law stands at present. 1912, ! ¥ WHI ev 8 1) Bova) Fdwaid Aug, 9 reason proclaimed a regency, which, ugh outside loft bed There were a good many morgana- a however, js net ligely to Fam in M : . Hels ite : fo jo Fy te tic marriages in the last century in A Versatile Organist. icat . The elections to the Sku- | side is e ft 8 80 ined . Sicution which o ee 9 on June | ¥ether by nature that it makes aj the Hohenzollern lamily, hut the ast Geoffrey Norris, a well-known 2 i on August 14th, and | beautiful blanket, warm enough to| Seems to have been in » WED | character in the country. parts be- yy 423, willbe held 5 Augus ri be used as a cover aud soft enough | Prince Albrecht the elder, brother of | tween Wigan, Southport, and Pres- : g 10a fie National assembly will prosably: > ra mattres | the Emperor William I, mazried| yon Eng., #8 a man of remarkable : Satine Pe Food Rideau Lakes Navigation Co. be opened as usual by the king Fn aan urn Faulein von Rauch..-- Manchester | versatility, Although' he has a wood- fro ed Tr it is expected that the Evening News. en leg, he has played the pedal organ Meanw s pcte: at the F ol ran] ; at Wrightington Parish Church for a or Ottawa Ring oy Tein J Som Tul, where Do not jump at co Tents In India, period of nineteen and « half years. : in August and will then resue his | 40 noi. be hasty judg said The use of tents In'India is go ex-| Sexton and parish clerk for twenty Every Monday, Wednes- authority as monarch and take His] Strickl Fillils 1Striate t#hsive that catering to the demand | Fears, he digs all the graves unaided, : : Saturd family to St. Petersburg to visit the | my story I fib a story of Aus- has become one of the most interest- | and has personally directed about 500 Resa the nis mei | day, Thursday and Satur ay czar. The proclamation which estab. ] ust. my pet dog August al] ing and important industries in tha(| interments. He has held office in con- vittie Marphine for Mies at 6 am. lished the regency of Prince Alexan.| iv jumping at core' be empire. The chief centre of manu-| nection with every phase of Sunday : OF NARC O7vC. i tl h to Ot. | red reads as follows: -- 'He would run out inte the street] facture is at Cawnpore, which has| school work, and Bias rung Good Xp : en RasSuEers Suing a i To my beloved people--As [ shall | to jmp at them the largest tent factories in the worlll| day "passing bell" for twenty yedrs. a was tawa may occupy stateroom Eve. be prevented by illness from exercis- "When a horse went by Aus and not only does an enormous do-| For twenty-three vears be has Abie ed 3 5 ir Sod = ning previous. No extra charge * ing my royal power, for some time, I | would jump at his comclusicn mestic business, but also exports vefy | only one Sunday service, and thit wag ih A ink Sa 3 For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed order, by Article 69, of the constitu "When . a cow went by Ai: largely to other countries, including, when his own bauns of marriage were h Aion: nesday, Friday and Saturday at 6 p. tion, that 50 long as my cure lasts the | would jump at her conclusion the United Kingdom, China, Japan | callec, as it is customary for those m. Crown Prince Alexander; shall goOv- "One day a mule went by 1 -| Australia, New Zealand, Siam, the| "named" to abstain from going to Jones Falls and return, ern in my name. On this occasion, 1] sist Jumped 3 Xe mule ne StraitiSettlements, Egypt and Africa ¢hurch on banns Sundays. ee ; ; . A recommend my dear fatherland to | sion and .the mule fcked a : - f | ES. ' 50c, every Wednesday and the care of the Almighty. "That was the last of August J Why Gibbon Wrote In French. | Whoere the Early Potato Lauded. J ll 4 » _ Saturday at 6 a.m. ! / Given in Belgrade on June 24th, And the next day was the first of A letter from Gibbon to Hume has | It is interesting tc recall, in con- BREE | Anche Remedy for Cnn RN OFFICE FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. | 1914, noon. September."--St. Louis Post Dis | iately come to light and explains why | nection with the announcement that 4 Hea, Star Stamactblaee iy . ald PHONE 391 (Signéd) PETER patel the great historian wrote in French. "the firs shipment of irish new pota- ; Worm Lom " en Fa & . e ro Mother of Nine Children Eloped, "The five years (from sixteen .to| toes from Ycughal, County Cork, Ire- ness and LOSS OF 8 2 or Vv " (hlawa, July 16 --Mrs. John 1iy-| twenty-one) which I passed in Switz-| land, has just beer derpatched to fl Fac Seynatare of "aan, of 25 Newion streei, thizf eriand formed my style as well ac| Glasgow," that it was in Youghal the , Th The proclamation is countersigned by the whole body of ministers. . It is argued here that by the time the Skupshtina meets on Oct. 14, Peter 1. | ¢ 4 will have resumed office, or, what is | week left her famiiv on the ha unlikely, have formally abdicated, as | their father and «lipped to the 1 the constitution does not permit. a} *d Stawes with he reighbor, regent to legislate with the Skupsh- 'Charles Dunas, oi 263 Centre st X tina, for in Servia it is part of the | Who Ives behinl u wife ani crc) pose in my native*language. Thomas Copley duty of the monarch to help make | Son. a ; 987 va 'y, @ mother of nine children, my ideas. 1 write in French because | 'murphy' wes first introduced into : hie Ow FACE i think in French, and strange as it} ireland by Sir Valtér Raleigh. MONTREALAR EN YORK ma) seem, I can say with some shame | Mwt'e Grove, where Sir Walter A but with no affectation, that it would | lived, smoked, and set his potatoes, ld WIN be a matter of difficulty to me to com: | {s now the resilience of Sir Henry ! iboous : Blaze. late Governor of Jamaica. i HOSES ~ (JWED |] 0 A irty Years the laws with the elected deputies. The couple were found in Ogdens- Eo Xs x es ' : burg yesterday, but fo date those] Some folks wait until the law takes Don't 1 . + 3 ' a butt into prominence unless TOD 2 card to 13 Pine street. when, left Bshind have not 'shown anyla part in the procesdings before they you, are 'quite sure you can stand the f Weagper ; -- Ein dhe _farpen/ When trouble goes to sleep. smash | great guxiety for their return. repent of being a law Beaker. Time Tight sof publicity. Exact Copy 81 Tapper. ' repalis and new Work; Don't refuse to enjoy the sunlight | Go > people are not even gonaona X hard. * the alarm clock. to give you and me the bene- iit of a reasonable doubt, : Gs rk; also EL TE floors of all kinds. All orders Some people believe all they sée and At every stage of life he reaches man to-day because somebody tells vou it IL receive pnpt: Miention, ShoP: imagine the rest. finds himself but-a novice. is likely to be cloudy to-morrow, Er