-------- PERRIN'S DAIRY CREAM SODAS One would hardly think that a soda biscuit could be #0 delicious as these, Two kinds "Regular" end "'Fasey Thin". 5, 10 and 25 cents the package at oll grocers. THE PERRIN "SAMPLER PACKAGE contains 15 delightful surprises In sweet biscuits for you. Send 10c, in coin or stamps (to cover postage) 'and your grocers name and we will gladly send it to you, D. 8. & CO. LIMITED ) : ." "CANADA a Mutt Sure Is A Knocker Against Twentieth Cent. ry Civilization =N PAGE FOURTEEN -- A GRADUATES] STORY "This co-education of the sexes turning out as | pfédicied," said Ed- mond Uhase, a middle aged gentle- man with a family of sons and dau- ghter's [growing up. about~him, "Cases of impropriety are not of irequent occurrence," replied his friend Hiscock. "1 don't know that 1 ever peard of one." Ne, it's not that. Young persons are urally good--many of them much better than when they grow older. It's the imp of mischief that i= in them at that time of their lives." : 2 3 "How do you know so much about 2" "How do I know it? I've been to college. I didn't go to a ¢o-ed institution. My alma mater was for men alone, but there was a girle' college not ten miles away. We were thinking so much a t how to- worry the faculty of that in- stitution! that we had little time for study. "l went to college at sixteen, and in all the Greek dramas and such learned performances 1 was invariably selected for a girl's part. © My chum, Billy Fitzgerald, was another fellow east for feminine parts, and when dressed to go on, no one could ever tell us f6r boys with a magnifying glass and a searchlight. «What with rehearsing and playing our parts before audiences we learned to act the girl perfectly, even to disguising our voices. x "At Jones college--ours was Green: I'm a Green man you know-- they have an astronomical observa- tory. One night in the week the class in astronomy visited the obser- vatory for a look at the heavenly bo- dies, It occurred to me that it wonld be a good scheme to dress as a girl and go in with the crowd. I had a cousin in Jones, and when she came to the term in which she could take astronomy as an elective I per- suaded her to choose that study. "I took Billy into the scheme with me, and one day Madge told the pro- fessor of.astronomy that she was ex- pecting her sister for a few days and would like to have her look through the telescope when the class visited Why, man, the observatory. The professor gave the desired permission, amd it hap- pened---just happened, vou know-- that another girl of the class, Lou Tisdale, had a sister come to visit her at the same time, and she too, asked and was granted permission for her gister to see the stars "When the night came round Tom Rawlins got wind of what we were going to do and declared that if we didn't take him in he would give the whole thing away. Tom was halfback om the football team and no more fit ted to personate a woman than a gazelle. We tried to dissuade him, but it was no use. He got himself up as best he could, and Billy and I put | help a few feminine touchemon him to him out. We three fellows went to the observatory on the night in question--it happened to be clear and all walked in with the crowd "There was a little telescope screwed on to the big one, called a finder. It had a big field of view so as to find the object wanted. One of the senior class who was making a specialty of astronomy had charge of the instrument, and when it came my turn she looked through the finder while I put my eye to the big tube, I was so interested at the proximity of her cheek that I didn't see any stars. But I controlled myself, and | when Billy went up to have a look he did the same. "It Tom had behaved himself and kept his mouth shut we would have all got out scot free and no harm done. What did he do when his turn came to look but blurt out in that confounded gruff voice of his: "I want to see Venus.' "There was a babel of feminine voices at the time, but Tom's senor ous request sounded like a blow or a bass drum, There was no more doubt that the speaker was a mar than that the earth was turning or its axis Billy and 1 were, of course scared to death, and if we had hac Tom where we could have punishec him we would have beaten the life out of him. But we got even witl him, for when the professor asker him who he was and what he was doing there in disguise we set up : soprano shout: "The villian! How dare he! which Billy ~ followed ug with, 'Girl's let's put him out!' "The students didn't know Tom was ejected by two men. The could not have done it themselves nor could we if when he showed figh I hadn't whispered in his ear. 'You pet out of here mighty quick or you tha % THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SAT ll be a cut mn to-morrow! My voice called him to his senses, and he suffered us to hustle him out without resistence, Then Billy and I went up to the professor and said we were deeply grieved that the inci- {dent had happened while we were being kindly favored by the uuniver- sity and sincerely hoped that it would not interfere with further favors to strangers. . "The matter made a big stir in Jones college, but since Tom's iden- tity was knowh only to Billy and me aad we didn't tell found out. 7 -"Ne; I'm not in favor of the. co- education of the sexes or even In educating them contiguously." he was never COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS --p-- Who Has Returned to Kingston Af- ter a Short Vacation A--Allo ! Kind reader. Did you miss our dage sayings the last two Satur- days ? B---Back to post of duty and glad of it. : (--Conge all must have once in a while, of course. 3 D--Due season for everything. E~Ehrnest men wear out the quick right st. Fr-Furlough, however short, makes life worth while, Go where you will, nowehere will -»u find a more pleasant spot to act your part than this bright little city H--Have regard for it, praise it, love it I--Inspiriting conlident citizenship. ; J---Jogging along not suthicient Give the best that is in you to you post and time and country. K---Kingston !| Thy name breathes soft music the eat, tints to-mor row with a prophetic ray and enhances life. is trustful, hopeiul, to 'Linked to thee, we labor joyously and are content to be. M--Man, to achieve, must believe. N--No trial this faith should cloud. O0--0Our home! Our city ! Our land ever ! P--Flowman, Pyne, Hughes, Bouras- sa and all destroyers of the national edifice should be boycotted bounced QRQ--uit ur fanatical fighting R--Rear, through respect of one united an race disturber other, a S--Swat the don't tear down T--Toil for truth U--Unfortunate that men with not a few virtues should incline to as many vices, \ Verily remembrance, temned and dispised W---Weigh well these humble all ye public men who can do much to make or mar the future X--Xtirpate hatred Y--Your mould. Let Build up, to the diadem of undving they prefer to Ix con words heritage vour deeds shall love be the architect ZACCHELUS. New Vessel for the Lakes. Montgeal, July 18.--A new ship company, with headquarters Montreal, is shortly to commence erations between this port and har bors on the great lakes. John Reid, naval architect, +understood to be interested in it, although he declines to discuss the matter. It is under stood, however, that a vessel being built for the service in Great Britain and that, as business expands more vessels will be secured Notice of the corporation has ap peared in the CApnada Gazette I'he capitalization of the company is $250, 000 and the purpose on a general navigation through out the dominion and elsewhere "Ky Howard, .1. DeWitt, H. C. McNeil W. H. Howard and 0. S. Tyndale, of Montreal, are the incorporators. steam at op 1s Is now 18 tO carry business No Place For Ladies. Evening Post \ famous foreign correspondent, Ger man, was stopping at a seaside ho tel where the dining-room helpers, following the New England custom, were nearly all college girls, working luring vacation in order keep themselves "at school the west of her year. Ihe spectacleg young person presided the table where 'rerman newspaper man ale, loubtedly of excellent breeding she never seemed able to ver whether the eggs ried on one side scrambled both. Finally been served with a erent from the foreigner spoke rather woman. "Easy there ! le mate, an ' lady, you know, "But I de not vant a he German, plaintively, "I vaiter © Saturday to who the was un but over remem be on were to, or he had meal entirely dif had ordered temper anc to the one evening, afler the one he lost his sharply voung * admonished his ta American writer. "She old man.' lady," vant SAIC and | 5 -- FINANCIAL MATTERS TEXTILE MILLS MAY ENTER THIS FIELD. United States Mills Said to be Con- sidering Move Across Border-- Comunercial Notes, 4 New York, July 17.--The building of factories in Canada by Ameri- <an manpufaciurers 8 on the in- crease, partly as a result of the new tarilf in the United States, here have been rumors current here for a long time that a large shoe factory was to locate in Can- ada, and these have just been con- irmed. There. are reports current in textile trade circles of plans for the establishment of textife mills across the border from the United States, by a large corporation now in that work exclusively in this country. What Investors Lost. | New York, July 17.-- Investors | have sustained losses in income re- turn on stocks and bonds amount- ing to $78,276.833 since the clos- ing months of 1912, according to compilation of the Journal of Com- merce, which takes some Canadian companies into the list. They have suffered through the passing of di- vidends or reductions in them to the extent of over $71,000,000, and also through default in interest pay- ments by some © big corporations. This does not take inte account the heavy losses on principal market valuesyhich have attended the pas- sing of dividends and ° interest, some of which have heen sensation- al, as in the cases of New Haven, | Chicago, Rock Island & Pacifie, St. | Louis & San Fraicisco and Bostuan & Maine, and 'n the stocks of the newly formed uidustrials i¥§e Rum- {ley and the Calilo nia and Mexi an | Petroleum compan... These losses {involve hundreds o' millions. { Navigation Issue Explained. } Toronto, July 17.--~The offering | 52 5,000 bonds, issued under the name { of the Northern Navigation company, {on the SS. Noronie, which is now be ing made by a financial house in New York, has given rise to some comment of the impression that all financing in connection with the Can- ada Steamship Lines had been com pleted, and also that any new financ ing would be done directly hy the sale of ('anada Steamship securities. The 275,000 issue, however, is' expldined very simply, as follows : Canada Steamship Lines, Limited, which owns the shares of the North ern Navigation company, has an au thorized issue of $9,000,000 of first nortgage- debenture stock, Early in he spring $6,300,000 of this stock was sold in London, $2,700.00 being left m the Sreasisy jo provide igo PA Vry nent of undérlying _bodds,,, ghd unongst other thipgs the payment ot he balance to become due contract price of the Noromic, $311,(M0 of de senture stock 'having been specifically reserved for suth purpose. Fhis debenture stock reserved not yet been sold, and in view market conditions, the company con sidered it advisable to pay the bal- ince due on the Noronic by issue of builders' five per. genf. bonds, which taken by the builders at par hundred and eleven thousand follars of the debeaturé stock of the company will held in escrow wwainst the payment of these particu- so that the debenturehold- protected. in view "has| of ! were {hree be ar bonds rs are fully Paris to Make Big Issue. Paris, July 17.--The municipal ouncil of Paris has authorized the ssuance of a loan of $44,400,000 at 'our per cent., forming the second nstalment of a municipal loan of 180,000,600 voted by the council in 1912. Situation. 17.--The $75,000 yrder for passenger equipment re eived by the Canadian Car and 'oundry company from the Canadian vorthern is omly a very small por ion of the 'equipment which it is nderstood the Canadian Northern 1as planned to purchase. This or- er represents passenger equipment eeded in the'near future, this order wing given in advance of the rest 0 as to insure prompt delivery. It will probably bé another month efore it is definitely known to vhat extent the C. N. R. will be In he market for equipment. It is un- lerstood on good authority that the allroad will first provide for motive ower and passenger coaches before Equipment Montreal, July URDAY, JULY 18, 1914, *™= -| Meighen, | Field, going into the market for freight cars. ' Business Satisfactory. Montreal, July 17.--Ceol" F. 8 president of the Lake of the Woods Milling conipany, states that the milling companies have been doing a satisfactory business this year, considering the generally un- favorable conditions prevailing in Canada. Gave Large Mortgage. Chicago, July 17.--Swift & Co. gave a mortgage vesterday for $50,- 000,000 to the First Trust and Sav- ings bank. Papers- in the transac- tion were recorded yesterday. The mortgage is secured by propériies in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Chicago, and in fourteen other states. The mortgage is for thirty years at five per cent. interest. Financial Facts. Reports to Bradstreets indicate an improvement in business in Winni- pes. After an investigation it has been found that the British Columbia Electric railway was justified in raising the fares. g'he canning industry is looking mre cheerful in view of the favor- able reports concerning the vege- table and fruit crops. Harry Cecil and associates have taken a working option on ten claims of the Kirkland Gold Mining com- pany. Operations will be extended Sir William Mackenzie, who is chairman of the Brazilian Traction company, states that there is. not any chance whatever of the dividend Losses through fire in June com- piled by the New York Journal of Commerce for both Canada and the United States amount .to $29,348,- 000. This is an increase of $4, 405,300 over June of a year ago. TO MUZZLE CROWN PRINCE, Views Diverge From Aims of Re- sponsible Statesmen. Jerlin; »luly 18.--The Vossiiche Zei- spng, quoting a section of Lieut.-Col. [robenus' hook, "Germany's Fateiil Hour, "so highly praised by the crown prince, which refers to Great Britain's 'selfish plans" te" attack Germany. at a favorable moment without a declar- war, says: "The has hitherto received little notice and caused 'ho excitement. Now, thanks to the crown prince's telegram, it will It's great and most gratifying succ however, mav be that official-gquarters may at last steps for regulating -the political demonstrations of the crown prince, in order to avoid possible embarass ment in consequence of the divergency between his utterances apd the aim of our responsible statesmen." ation _of hook have certain success take « DISTRICT DASHES. Clipped From, Our Many Exchanges. ¢ ' Charles Smith, News of Bloom- died at Vineland, and . was brought 'S Picton and interred in Gilenwopd cethetery, on July 13th. Mr. and" Mrs. James del'. Hepburn and family, Picton, leave this week, for: their fatgre home in Ottawa. Their departure is very much' regretted. Corporal Batch, 15th Belleville, had his right leg run ov- ed by a G. T. R. train at Brockville. The leg had to be amputated. Mrs. Edith J. Wemp, Winnipeg, died on Thursday and her remain will be buried in Belleville on Sat- urday. She was a daughter of W P. Johnson, of Winnipeg. Her grand- father was J. W. Johnson, M.P.P,, Belleville. 2 formerly regiment, Investing By Mail E transact business by nasil with client in all parts of the Prov- ince to their entire satis- faction. We can do the same for you. Upen request we shall be pleased to suggest suit- able investments for you. A.H. Martens & Co. Members Toreato Stock Exchange © BOND and SHARE BROKERS C.P.R. BUILDING, TORONTO 914 BANK OF EANADA TORONTO 5 » Ne STANDARD 4. ever desired without delny. a. p-------- GAVINGS depasted in thi bunk draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whale smount may be made whes- KINGSTON BRANGH, ~ H. E. Richardson, ~-- THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Paid Up $11,560,000 Reserve Funds 13,575,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS A safe and economical method of remitting SMALL amounts. Rates: $5 and under , Over $5, Over $10, Over $30, de. 6c. 10c. 15¢. not exceeding §10, in not exceeding $30, | not exceeding $50, . + Payable without charge in Canada (Yukon excepted) and Nfld. at any Bank--in U.S.A, at all princtpal cities--and in Great Britain and ireland at over 500 pointe. KINGSTON BRANC , E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. ron TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1882 CORPORATION CAPITAL $1.500.000.00 . ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION $63,055,845 Head Offics, Bayand Melinda Sts. Toronto. Branches, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon Consider this Investment An investment, to be perfectly satisfactory, must be absolutely SAFE and reasonably PROFITABLE. As an investment void of risk and 'which pays a good interest return, let uscask your consideration of our "Guaranteed Investment." It is secured by a first mertgage or mortgages, and by this Corporation's added guarantee. If you are interested, write for our booklet "The Safe Invesiment of Funds," giving full particulars. THE GENERAL TRUSTS. ' RESERVE $1,500,000 00 a7 EEE { Stocks and Bonds. vou wish for satis --DAVIS -- DAVIS -- DAVIS -- & NA Pt and a good reliable engine. ODD LOTS r % * * -y You can invest $100 or more at 6 1-2% in good safe >= rm faction. Ee Ke ee ee ee Cee This is the season that vou require a motor boat Get a DAVIS motor if Your present engine may require some repairs. Bring your boats to us and we will give you prompt attention in repairing the boats and engines. Davis Dry Dock Company, Foot pf» Wellington St. DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS By "Bud" Fisher TOdAY. TALK ABOUT 20T CENTURY Civic ization ! we AIN'T GOT NO CIVILIZATION IN THE WORLD LOOK AT MEXICO ! LooK (N EUROPE . SHOOTING Down PEOPLE AT WiLL , Look AT GUNMEN RIGHT HERE IN NEW YORK MURDERING \ IN BROAD DAY LAH Ts WHY ANY MINUTE WE | MAY HEAR THE POP OF SHOTS RIGHT ON THY | CORNER AND FALL VICTIMS * |e ASSASSINS BULLETS | OURSELVES ~ jour why i \ | \ \ You can make part payment on Bonds and Stocks bought through us, and gradually pay them up, in full. ¢ Buy when prices aré low and profit by the advance which comes when conditions improve. F. B. McCURDY & CO. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange. 86-88 Brock Street, Kingston. DAVIS ---DAVIS--DAVIS-DAVIS-DAVIS-DAVIS. BREAKDOWNS (Quickly. Repaire 8 | < o > « DAVIS DAVIS