or check, the plague. What are these ' isen ? I * met te meget br wwe' [PUB] IC OP INION| Wise and nection with them éxperts, and if any |° Sr "se ol @ . 2 A Sad Experience, ; men know how to restrain the ravag- * Lond Advert m re London e iser 9 es of the-army. worm those do. They While the family is 'away *'getting - - § should speak out The governments | on its feet" father stays «1 home and os i , 'ig F hi » should insist upon them doing sd. gets ofl his feed. And methgds,, regardless of cost, should be employed to save Ontario Try on Themselves. | Montreal Mail X fromthe disaster that threatens it Perhaps o best way to silence gy. E---- In the spring . a plague of worms | 80me of our vanced reformers would lo Many a woman loves her husband iPlay / be to let them put their ideas into 48 than her husband's wife. swept over a part of this eounty. anc practice for a few yeays---on them . T T= {denuded certain trees oftheir foliage. | solves, | nar, Jeoking their level lots of men {have to slide down the hill. Workingmen's Trousers $750 Brown or grey, Herringbone pattern, goad Scotch fiveeds, well made, good cut. Sizes 32 to 46, Trunks and, branches, gaunt: and ---------- | : Tits D, C ti | y distriet A Pertinent Question. . ure, Haug put n Hany ia I, Ottawa ub us . | Strawberries came and strawber- as a warning against indifference or Md ae ress. : Thék, say a local option fight may |Ti®S 80, but thé prune goes on for- neglect, because the agricultural de be looked for in' Toronto before long. {ever. partment in Frontenac has been at | Before venturing an opinion as to the EPs Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by Except 1 ir mistak i : : t a aa . . "xcept for their mistakes, a great THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING | PADS to instruct the people how they on ome we Would like o_know what many men would never even be C0, LIMITED, may protect themselves from the e Orange lodges are say Eg heard of. President worms that are allowed to hatch "apt Huerta's Haul. Wh me 1 Sec.-Treas. kom the larvae on trees and survi- Toronto Mai { yaat a jolly old world this would Huerta has had a hard time as be if eervbody practiced what he 4 . . | president of Mexico, but if ke has got {Preached! a But the army worm was not antici away with $6,000,000 from the na- | 3 ving .the frosts of winter. Business Office The Truthful Child. Editorial Rooms . Job Om: SUBSCRIPTION RATES - (Dally Edition) 6 year, delivered In city ... ne year, if paid in advance ... pated It came suddenly, voracious- ly, -destructively, and nothing that the farmers of Brant and Oxford ean do will sfay its progress. The gov- tional treasury his labor can hardly be classified among the sweated in: dustries. Touring the Province. Stout Lady ( on the heach)--You may bury me with sand if you wish to, my dears. Diplomatic Kid (with pail and sho- Genuine Panama Hats ernments and their experts should be- Kxchange | vel, making sure to say "the right stir themselves. This is not the time Messrs. Nantel, Pelletier and ' (%o- { thing)- Thank you, ma'am, but--but derré, the three nominees of Henri | we're only going to be here a week Bourassa in the Borden government, Puck. are commencing a tour of Quebec for meee $7, $8 and $10 values for $5.00 I'he Toronto News is anxious that [the purpose, of informing the \ people | . Heredity. Attached is one of the best Job [ihe people should realize that by de | of that province how the Tavrie: "Does goat's milk make go ; > . printing offices in Canada. feating the Laurier government the] Naval Bill has been killed. It is to = -- goat's milk make good hut 4 00 d 4 50 J f i "It does if it takes after the gont." Fo . an by va ues or 2.95 RESENTATIVE country escaped heavy expenditures. laugh. { | 3 urin, beral rule the working- ro 735 Fifth Ave But during h eral rule > WO @ Northrup, Manager. men always carried a full dinner pail, Manitoba Free Press ! bune Blag. and the goverbment had the money to At a recent tariff revision a duty | for meditation but for action. Paying a Little More. Hard on Our Bards. "Pa, why do they call them 'minor poets." ?" : "Because they ought to be 'work ing with a pick and shovel, my son." Sorry He Spoke. T Tank R. Northrup. Manager. was placed on wire rods. Now the price of nails made from these wires "rods has gone up 25c. a keg This means an extra tax on the building | trade of Canada of $750,000 a year spend REVIVING THE SCHEME. RAISING THE INDEMNITY, Mayor Shaw is to be thanked for Word comes from Ottawa thdt at oe He has refused to buy her a new ¢the trouble he took, while in the the next session of parliament there dress, yet she made no complaint. Kin ston Event | "Yon don't call me a brute 'any g 8 ' more," he said, tauntingly. Kingston for the benefit of Queens commoners there may be an addition 25 YEARS AGO. 1 "No," she replied, *'the brutes Jave students. The original offer was a [of #1500 to the indemnity of each,. joeen maligned #00 much already.") munificent ome;-and it was withdrawn making it $4,000 for the session. Thirteen hundred people were car | because 'the major and the college au- lhe agitation, and the assurance of ried among the islands. to-day by the thorities could not agree upon the lan increase, follow the proclamation Stelimers Islander and St. Lawrence. a ey Rev. R. Whiting, pastor of Queen conditions of management. The ma- of Mry Lancaster, M.I*., that he must street church, was presented with | jor's idea is that military discipline is give up public life at the end of this | set of easy chairs, upholstered in| necessary to make the institution a term, being unable any longer to serve | silk, erimgon and old gold : : | success. | As a graduate of the Royal ithe people for $2,500. Mr. Lancaster The street cars" "made their fist oy , : ? ; trip along Ontario street to-day Military Col,ege, and one who has |is not the only one who fedls that as A large tarantula was caught in! west, to see Major Leonard about the may be an amendment in the Indemi fy dormitories he proposed to erect in |y Act, and' that to senators and . Suit Sale "815, $16.50, $18.00 Suit values for $12.50, English worsteds, Iirelish Tweeds, handtailored garments, new models, choice colorings and neat pat- terns: sizes 33 to 44, See window display of these suits. Coproghe 1912. Aliveg Deter @ Cots Plenty of Room. +a - . passed, he does not see how the dor- | parliament sits most of the year he Reid's butcher shop to-day | MEN'S HOSIERY | BATHING SUITS mitory building could be what he | cannot give it so much' of his time, Fowl thieves have begun operations | a : | SEE OUR. CASH. SPECIAL $1 5 See our Lisle Thread, . MERE HOSE 25¢c. 0 " - ne or. two piece desires without the supervision which | gs he has little left for general ex- | near the hosiery mill, 3 pairs for $1.00; dou- style, pure ' English ble toes and heels, rich shades of grev, brown Fien pure wool ecash- : BD . cashmere, : and blacks. mere, summer weights. He plain blue with lighter blue trim- mings, is observable at the military col- | penses after meeting the outlays that Two Liberal Leaders lege, and he has definite views upon |are incidental to residence each vear Canadian Courier When a party takes up temper- ance as a plank it should at least . g x be consistent and go-in lock, stoek and to o - ¥poss > gr F the ir € ; ' give their good Offices to ja al, and on lie grows that be i and barrel for supporting a leader | wards a "siution of the difficulty. The (femmnity is 'nol a salary, or = a com: } Lp, "Cands or. falls by the slogan. dormitory building is Something that {Pensation for the services of the mem- | ro Ontario liberal party did not Queen's very much neéds, and some | Per: It is an indemnity for the linan- | support Mr. Rowell. They did not : J ai y py" r - je it themselves unreservedly to > way should be'found of, ch cial loss sustained by one's long ab- | comm : aL A (TL oe ETT er Erections respecting' it hg om sences from business. And the loss )@ campaign against drink. They, SEE OUR SILK HOS- BATHING SUITS h : g would not be so heavy if some mem- did not believe in temperance--bu OUTING SHIRTS Js sure--unity of opinion and unity in politics. Therefore, when they : IERY 75c PAIR SPECIAL 75c. SPECIAL $1 EACH the subject, The mayor and City |at the capital. Council propose to revive the scheme, There will be objections to the pro lof action; will not be(brought about |Per® talked less. If the public. busi- |, gari00k a moral campaign with- Now's a good chance for a dip by a caustic criticism of any of the | P°%% Were treated expeditiously, like out aggressive moral methods, they | While dere ain't nobody usin' de ] 0 he 4 : Eh ty} oi the business of the individual, the | wabbled to a dismal finish. Mere [OCean! parties of the conference, rg +3 i a} - organization never could have saved | } = them. What they needed besides! Remember This, Girls, 20ad tithes. ix » organization was moral sincerity o i Though as pretty as a picture. good times is to spend millions of doi. portunity to attend to his personal purpose in a moral campaign apd] A girl is apt to find lars in public works. Well, why {aliairs aggressive methods of carrying out| That she cannot be atttactive . \ Silk, double soles and Plain*blue one-piece heels and toes; shot ef- | suits, with skirt attach- fects, plain shades and | ed. ; two-tone effects. Ret Sizes 14 tc 17, plain whites, tans and greys, made with soft revers- ible collars, ' Ah gessions would he much shorter and the federal government's idea of [the busy man would have more op doesn't it begin to make the money I'he higher the indemnity the great- | their purpose hy a prs al ex-! In an ugly frame of mind. Hy ? There are hundreds "of thou sands of idle men in the land Why doesn't the government give them em- ployment ? A TRIBUTE TO GREATNESS. Many have been the eulogies passed ;upon the public life and service of the date Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, y but 'the best of them all, and a classic, was that delivered by Mr. Asquith. Mr. Chamberlain's iriends were all pre- sent, and' some very tender referegces Were made to the fallen chisi by Mr. Law and Mr. Balfour, "but," said the 'editorial writer of the London Chron- cle, who witnessed the solemsi" pro- deadings, "it was Mr. Asquith's eu- logy that was adequate to the occa: sion." It was "a word portrait painted by a master hand." S The eulogy we print for two rea {rons : (1) It is uniquely beautiful, and @(2) it is uniquely just. Mr. Asquith gwaa not one of those who fought side $hy side with Mr. Chamberlain,s and presumed to reveal the confidences that passed hetween them. Rather "he was a oriticfor the other side, "one who saw' Mr. Chamberlain at his "hest in debate, one who measured words with him, and Knew of his strength, his capacity, his valour. "So the premier. presented 'his ' new type of personality in appropriate lan- 'guage and fied the virtues which he appreciated most, the sympathy of a great man for all, who spfiered in social and industrial lite. the imagin- ation that seized him ne be erappled with' the bigger | issues of the day, 'and 'the splendid «courage that sus er the temptation it becomes to men who want to live by politics and in their scheming become a menace to the state EDITORIAL NOTES. I he Toronto Telegram says much of the time occupied by parliament, or wasted, would be saved if the com mons were regarded as a place of busi ness, not a talk shop Well said, and pithily put The Hamilton Spectator m which somehow is more than usually foolish in this hot weather--says all Sir Rod mond Roblin has to do, to secure'his former majority in Manitoba, is "make terms with the Orangemen "" How? In what way ? The Ontario department tells how the dandelion y be killed by sprink ling it with a solution of iron sul phate. But -a benefactor of the race tells how from it an elegant wine may be produced. Now which is it to be. thé pest or the wine ? I'he want of rain us surely felt in the county. Some showers have fall en, when Kingston has not been visit ed, but the soil has been baked * by the very warm weather and growth has been checked. The crops will he hght enongh--even if thé armv worm does iss them, I'he Ottawa Journal comments upon the large numer of divorees reported from New Brunswick, fifteen, while in all the rest of Canada last year there were only thirty. Why hold up New Brunswick as a bogey ? Where politi posure of what the convivigl drink | habit means i In Manitoba when the congerva-! tive majority of Sir Rodmond Rob lin has been almost obliterated, the | liberals did wisely in keeping thea! anti-bar slogan as one of a number | of planks in the party platforo Mr. Norris the liberal leader, did not promise to abolish the bar but to give the electors a chance for au: referendum _on that subject. The bi perance campaign must be credited) with the Roblin defeat. The con-1 servatives got a pretty solid French. Canadian vote. Most of the Orange- | men voted with the liberals. In| Winnipeg, which gave four seats out ° of six to the liberals, very little of | the revolution is due to the anti-bar crusade. Public sentiment in this centre of population is far more re-| volutionary than it is in the sma) ler urban communities and the ryr al constitiencies. But the libernls of Manitoba gave a much more cordial support and real party hac! ing to Mr. Norris, who is an ipadif ferently good leader, than the ih erals of iDntario did to Mr. Rowell who, as a moral leader in a mora' campaign, could not he surpassed The moral seems to he, den't put more moral meaning into a slogan | than von ean translate into "punch" at election time. More Hand Writing. Hamilton Times Reports from British Columbia in dicate that Attorney-General Bow ser and Hon. W. R. Ross, minister of lands are finding that the politi- eal outlook 'in the nortliefn districts of the province is mpch darker than they expected. The Daily Province. which is followihg the progress o~ the tour with anxious interest, . iz unable to conceal the fact that it i: a discontented and hostile pul: with which Mr. Bowser and his col 'eagues are confronted. In the re- Not Touchable, "How. are you fixed financially, man." "I'm at the saturation point." "What do yon mean ¥" "At the point where I've got to soak something." N --mt-- The Pinch. "Nes, I don't so much mind im giv- lingual question more than the fem jm me the sack. That's all right But 'e was a dirty outsider to make me send a letter to the paper aaver tisin' for a boy--a hoy, mark vou-- to take my place !" London Opin won, A mistake Avoided. " "I say, old chap, I'm in shocking luck. I "want money badly, and haven't the least idea where I can get it." "Well, Pm glad to "hear that 1 thought perhaps you had an idea von could bokrow from me !"--Sydnev Bulletin, Was He Guilty ? Georgia lawyer (to colored prison- er)---Well, Ras, as you want me to défend you, have you any money ? Rastus---No; but I'se got a mule and a few chickens, and a hog or two. Lawyer-- Those will do very nice- iv. Now, let's see-- what do they accuse you of stealing ? Rastus---Oh, a mule and a few chickens, and a hog or two.-- Kansas City Star 5 Vacation. Little bankroll, ere we part, Let me hug you to my heart: All the year I've clung.to you, I've 'been. faithful you've been true; Little bankroll, in a day, You -and 1 will start away Ta a gay fedtive spot,' I'l come home, but you will not. ~Shore Press. WHITE DUCK TROUSERS _------- J | For Sale Albert St., facing Queen's cam: Ownel by the late W. R. is crowing louder as he goes slong. Only 46c. per pound. For 3 4; smoking. by! CREAM SERGE 2 2. woh 0 REA SA PE OUR TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it. ewing and AT A. MACLEAN'S, Omtarie Street. Parties leaving tha city. Also three good motor boats. amin H. 8. CRUMLEY 116 BROCK ST HONE 1442 For Sale To Let good grocery store with dwelling attached, good loca -r hy SE +, TROUSERS a ane TENNIS SHOES TENNIS SHIRTS UR FRESH GROUND COP. "EE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT, 23 2 lamps Order and be NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St Phone 720, Prompt Delivery. It Is Not Necessary To Have a Large Amount of Money | To make a profitable Real Es tate Investment. A Very mod- erate sum will start yon. Easy RAT | GUARANTEED ELEC TRIC IRONS Regular $5.00 Irons for $8.50 For a Limited Time M. G. RYAN 216 Earl St. Phone 1339 monthly * installments never missed from an' income, 8ix roomed fraine house.on Redan street, improvements, $1800.00, : Solid brick house on Syden- ham street, $3400.00. Solid brick house on John street, improvements, $2850.00 ~ ---------------------- HORACE F. NORMAN A For Sale Property on McDonnell St. 132 ft. frontage with barn. Price $1050, Easy payments. W. H. Godwin & Son "Real Estate and Insurance, '5 suce. 177 WELLINGTON ST. cal conditions are so bad domestic ! ort of the meeting at South Fort \s -- George, it was practically admitted. | Princess Artist Painting Pictures ------ although not, of course, in £0 man- 1 P . Mr. <Pelletier - is relying on Provi- | words, that the audience was strons a elarriioms As Sther properties. iis Aght dence to eliminate the grit majority | I¥ antagonistic. When the chairman {tel rond of painting, has lately de- goon in. the senate ere 'long. And the | OF the meeting refused to put a mo. fopidg por Se BF painting various in- A large list of farm proper- tained him in every emergency. * The eulogy will be treasured as the |Peace cannot prevail. #inoere expression of one who can be 'generous as. well as just. tion in Kingston; owner forced to leave the city to look after Ehe Peterboro Review, conserva tive, wants Dr. Reanme "leit in the oblivion where the * electors placed him." The Review may be speaking tho mind of the party, outside of the government, and Sir. James Whitney Will be wise to take notice. . RUIN TO THE CROPS. 3 The army worm represents a plague of the sorest kind. Tt is sweeping " #eross western Canada apd destroying the craps. The Mail appeals to' the federal and provincial agricultugal expert | departments for if not to friends of the senate are relying om Providence and the people of Quebes to eliminate thé postmaster-gensral and 'all the rest of the nationalist con- tingent at an early date. The retirement of Dr: Montague prom the Roblin government is to he accoupted for. He is a very sick man. For two months before the election he was confined to the housé He did not do any campaigning. He was not able to meet even his own peaple. And he was nearly buried under the Yotes af those Fhe were wearied of - departmesits to do something to stay {the government. \ which had been moved, there coull be no question of his reason for sneh a course. He was admittedly afraid it would be carried. The McBride government han good reason to be fearful, and i+ 7; the knowledge of this fact, follow - ing the Manitoba shock. in all pro- bability, which has made a change in the Borden government's nv. nounced intention to go to the coun try this fall. By the way, what about the Borden western trip? Harmon Truesdell died at Brockyill.. on Saturday, aged sixteen years. H- helonged Tia Alexandria Bav, and hao! been sufiering from peritomifis and ap 4 tion of censure of the government. teresting views of the ground of ter anege lis Some good bargains in city propefties, ; T. 1 LOCKHART (Over Bank of Montreal) Clarence & King Sts., Kingston Clarence howse, which abuts pn St. James palace. Though not near so magnificept as the private grounds of the k at Buckingham palace there are some beautiful spots at Clarence house which have been painted by the princess, whe is now spending several hours per day in order to haye them finished to pre. sent to the Duke and Duchess of Connaught on' their return from Canada in October. - Miss Edman" M. FaiF' Athens. sccom- panied by relatives, has Lift jor Van- conver, where! she'is to he matribd ta T : Howard T) A343 ! Christ church Athens, presented her pendieitis, 3 iwith a magnificent cut glass howl. RR mtn Ae a 3 4 Pe, 8 fe we ma ar 4 oh, RRS rarity Cheese sales : Belleville, 12§c. Watertown, N.Y, 13je..}