& Jai ly British _-- YEAR 81 NO. 169° A BLAMED FOR SCARCITY OF TEA- CHERS IN ONTARIO. What Authorities Are Doing to Meet Steady Increasing Demand--Over & Quarter Million Pupils in. Ontario . Who Want Teaching Service. Toronto; July 22.--Whatever may be the state of the various' trades throughout the country, the demand for teachers is unabated. So much curiosity has been expressed as to the large number of advertisements ap- wearing under the caption, *"Teach- ers Wanted," that a Toronto Globe reporter was sent out to investigate. There are, it appears, many rea- sons for the large demand which is in evidence at present, The cardinal ©ne is the inducement of larger sal- uries to teachers in districts other than those in which they are at pre- sent engaged. Then there is the great call of the west, and the num- ber of teachers who go out is on the increase' on account of the very good talariés which they receive thére, A large. number of men leave the pro- fession at this time df the year. Their vacation gives them the opportunity to try some other business, and, if they make good, they have, of course, no scruples in leaving their profes- sion. One of the reasons which will doubtless remain the same to the end of time is the perennial "on-| dlaught of Monsieur Cupid, which, at this time of the year, is particularly effective. There are many other rea- | sons, but these are the outstanding. | When the rapidly-growing popula- tion of the country is considered it is a most remarkable shing that so few schools are without teachers. "We bardly ever hear of a school without a teacher," said one man in authority. "If there is a teacher re- Notes on Baseball, Pugilism, Rugby and Trp Shooting. Montreal Herald : Georges™Carpen; tier wants "to meet Jack Johnson now, little realizing that he who touches pitch is apt to get messed up. ' Ritchie kas no complaint to against the decision in the Scrap except to say that he was honey fuged, robbed, swindled, gkin- ned, flimflammed and otherwise bam- boozled, make Welch Carrigan, manager of the Boston Red Sox, is try mg to arrange a deal whereby Hugh ledient will go Cleveland. Bedient was a hero the world's series of 1912. to in . ba) aps McGraw himself is reported as hav- ing admitted 'that his club was not as strong as last year, although i. did not anticipate aby diticulty in landing . the National league flag The performance of the Giants up to date bears that out, and Me- Graw's strongest card just now is his pitchers, At the Trent Valley ) trap-shooting tournament at Peterboro the Co- bourg Gun Club won after an exciting contest. The scores were : Cobourg, 195; Peterboro,* 185; Belleville, 184; Campbellford, 177; Sterling, 156. Henry 'F. Sullivan, of Lowkll, Mass. , an amateur long-distance swimmer, who last year made an unsuccessful attempt to swim the $ English' chan- nel, sailed for England to make an- other attempt. Last year Sullivan was in the water ten hours, battling against a head wind and cross seas, and Ras forced to give up a few miles from the French shore. He hag quired in a small locality the trustees ~generally find someone to-carry the school along temporarily until they get a permanent one." The faculty of education] the se- ven normal schools and the thirteen model schools throughout the coun- try dre the great centres from which large nymbers of teachers issue ev- ery year. There are twelve thous- and teachers in the province, and there are only a few over six hun dred teachers with temporary certi- ficates, so it will be seen that the pro- vince is keeping almost an even pace with the demand. ' There are 609,- 000 scholars, according to thé autho- rities in the province. They reckon all between the ages of five and twen ty-one. = The average attendance last year for the province of Ontario was 291,000, which gives an average of 24% pupils to each teacher, Pro- bably it is that quarter that drives $0 many a teacher to give up the pro fession. With regard 'to the question of old country teachers, a great deal of misapprehension axists as to the sta tus of a teacher from the old land. It has often been said that an Eng lish teacher will not be accepted in the public schools of this province An old country teachpr who has had the regular four yesrs' training asa pupil teacher, and who has received his regular professional certificate, may be granted at once in this coun= try a limited third-class certificate and an interim second-class certifi- cate on passing groups 1., II. and III. of the normal school final examina- tion. The attendance at the normal school is optional. « Pat's Late Supper. Pat had just arrived from the Emerald Isle, and he was feeling very jngry, as he had not eaten any- ft Since 4 o'clock last evening, and\ it was now 8 o'clock in tae niorning. So he went into a res- taurant close by and asked the, wai:- er how much he would charge him for breakfast. "One shilling," replied the waiter "Well, how much will ye charge me for my dinner?" said Pat. "One shilling. and plied the waiter. "Well, what will ye charge me for my supper, then?" "Sixpence," was the reply "Then, if ye please, will ye giv.™a my supper?' said Pat.-- Pearson's Weekly, sixpence," rc The millennium, like most good things, is in no hurry about showing been in constant training for several monthg. "Silver" Quilty, for five vears one of the greatest line plungecs- in the Intercollegiate, and main bulwark of the Ottawa (College team, is slated for Toronto Varsity next fall. Quilty has the big ace on Ottawas' plung- an outstaoding featurg of evely ing corps in the Big Four last year, and his terrific bucking was always game. © Carpentiér, the French champion heavyweight, who won from "Gunboat" Smith in" London on July 16th, fights very low, in a crouching position; and this is thought to We partly the reason why Smith did not know that he was down before hitting him. Tnis foul resulted ik Smith's forfeiting the fight but neither pugilist is satisfied and the bout will likely be 'fought over again for the world's white heavy- Georges Ki - SIMPLICITY CHURCH. Women to Wear Calico and Men Overalls. St. Louis, Mo., July -By driv- ing the imps of vanity and. envy around ihe stump, the East Alton Baptist church expects an indefinite ly larger attendjnce next Sunday. When tie board of trustees of the church sought to find the reason of a big falling off in attendance, they started with the belief that because of hot 'weather, tepid Christians prefer- xed to remain in negligee 0° Sun: day mctnings. But many who re mained away reported that they did 3 3 fancily . dressed, whereas they, the ab- sentees, had not the ramen with which to "splurge." F'hereiore the . pastor; Rev b, Cy Blunt, and the trustees, decided that all 'good and true membefs of = the Peongregation will next Sunday at- tend in more than Pyritanical simpli aty. I'he women must wear only calico; the men overalls. 0 COPYRIGHT HARRIS & EWING, WAS K. F. SHAH, MINISTER CHINA. Minister Shah, the Chinese ministers 3 of Wu Ting Fang, has presented his credentials and begun the task of ce menting the relations hetween the United and the new Chinese republic. 1ah has been busied lately with the project of securing an American private loan of $20.- 000,000 to the Chinese government FROM the worthiest States Sh weight championship. HS RE | I First Printer's Devil. T.'s Weekly, London . In the early days of printing this art was much of a mystery, and ig norant people thought the printer evoked the aid of the powers of evil. Aldus Manutius, the famous Italian printer of the sixteenth century, went to Africa on an exploring ex-/ pedition and brought back with him | a very black negro boy Negroes were a rarity then. The report im- mediately gained circulation that the | printer had been employing the] Black Art in his work and that the picaninny was in reality an imp of satan. He was called the "Little! Black Devil." The charge became | s0 serious that the printer was forc-| ed to exhibit the negro in public, In| his announcement he said:* i "Be it known to Venice that I, Aidus Manutius, printer to the Holy church and to the Doge, have this day made public exposure of the Printer's Devil. All those who think he is not flesh and blood may come and pinch him." And that is how the term "print- er"s devil" had its origin | Relieves in Hell Fire. New York, July ~*"If the minis thee would be churches," declared Evangelist "Hob Jones, in telling of cures for present- day evils, "1 believe in hell," he continued, "and if there is no hell there ought to up. Some men would ®e young if they| wore compelled to work for a living. be one. 1f I could 'reform the world by direct acts I would first abolish drink and then the tango." Satna conte § It Was A Mean Trick To Play On The Little ' GREAT! NO Mor LAUNDRY Sills. Fog THOSE MUTT PIPE MY NEW LAUNDRYLESS PATAMAS MADE € Me tmovement shorydy ) j countess obtained a divorce from Earl ters preached hell fire and brimstone | more people in the | { for the purpose of reclamation of the great valley of the Huai River, whose floods have caused untold damage io the ChinBec for many vears Shah hal awakened the attention of the American congress, state and war d 80 because others wont to church sod paratively small portion "issue for a FINANCIAL MATTERS MARKET FOR C.P.R. WAS IMPRO- VED THIS WEEK. | The Statemenfst Sir Thomas Shau- ghnessy Showed Road Has Full Treasury. --Commercial Notes. Montreal, July 22.--The market for C. P, R. was helped a little by a statement by Sir Thos. Shaughnessy during the week. Sir Thomas had evidently heard the rumors of an early issue of the C. P. R. stock, and set it at rest in this fashion: 3 "The end has nearly been reached with all the important works of con- struction and improvements that were in progress, and only a com® of the mo required -for {ney in hand will . be | their complétion, "No new works of any magnitude | are contemplated at present, and, | therefore, no necessity exists for a | further issue of capital stock. "It i= not unlikely, however, that the directors will at the meeting in October, recommend to the share- holders that the authorized ordinary | share capital be made to conform to the amount for which the"company has legal warrant, so as to provide for the company's future capital re- quirements as and when they arise." In other words, the shareholders will probably be asked in 'the fall to tauthorize an increase, but] the com pany has no intention of 'making an long time. Sir Thomas P, has still a | showed that the C. R. full treasury thus: "After the payment of all fixed charges and dividends, the company entered upon the new fiscal year, July 1, with thirty-six million dol- lars in ecgsh, and fourteen million dollars in'equipment securities, affer having spent upwards of thirty mil lion dollars on railways and steam- ship construction, for which four per cent. consolidated debenture stock had been authorized, but not offered on the market." The selling of C.P.R seemed to be checked by this announcement, and -4 Novy Scotia Car Works, Limited, of | to be paid before September 30th. | sociation has succeeded in purchas- STON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1914 for the Canadian' Northern railway for spikes, bolts, angle bars, ete. TS 4 aaa An Investment We Can Guarantee hs You may put every dollar of your surplus ds into our "Guaranteed Investment." It is one of the safest in the Dominion, and 3 + Hi LJ) Commercial Notes. F. D. Underwood says fool legisla- tion is responsible for many of the evils of the day. : Jack London, the novelist is form- ing:a $250,000 Grape Juice Co., at San Franciseo, 2 Canadian Pacific railway earnings for. week ended July 14th were $2.- 285,000; decrease, $319,000. The head office of Norton Griffiths and company, Ltd., has been changed from Vancouver to Montreal, Western railroads of the United States are said to be planning « 15 per cent. freight rate increase application. Messrs, G. A. Stimson and Co., To- ronto, ha just purchased $18,000 rural municipality of St. Paul, Man., 6 per cent. debentures maturing in 30 instalments, The latest dividend 16 be passed by a domestic industrial corporation is that on the preferred stock of the paysa good interest return: Each investor's capital is secured by a first mortgage or mortgages, ear-marked and set aside as his personal security. Besides the mortgage, we give the Corporation's guaranteeof principal and interest. Nothing safer, nothing better. We accept sums of $500 and upward, for this form of investment. Write us if you are interested. aa THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION 1882 CAPITAL $1.500,000.00 RESERVE" $1,500,000 00 ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION $83,055,883 07 Head Office, Bay and Melinda Sts. Toronto. Branches, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatéon 3 EEE Eee CE ELLE EC CEC fo CEE eet] ESTABLISHED a AT te Xo Xan | Halifax, | The Memphis and Pensacola rail- {road is to issue $14,000,000 first mortgage bonds. The Marconi company of London, says agreement will be signed ghort- ly for construction of wireless sta- tions tn China for which government has authorized 'the dssuance of $10,- £00,000 five per cent. Chinese bonds The Pope Mfg., company at Hart- ford is to close permanently, August 20th. The receiver favors selling the property in small lots. A dividend is A A A ANA tt Ar Pt at att ODD LOTS ) You can invest $100 or more at 6 1-2% in good safe Stocks-and Bonds. part payment on Bonds and Stocks and gradually pay them up, in full. You can make bought through us, The British Columbia Packers' as- ing. the business of the George and Barker Salmon Packing company, a com Vv doing business in the Syftes of Washington. Last years' Canadian Pacific counts showed that additional provements to the system had $29,000,000, while rojling stock and machinery stood for $30,000,000. Construction of acquired branch lines amounted to $9,113,050. The Ogden "shops at Calgary, $2,446,035; the dividends paid up to June 30, came Buy when prices are low and profit by the advance which comes when conditions improve. F. B. McCURDY & CO. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange. 86-88 Brock Street, Kingston. i A AN ae- im- ~ a the stock rallied, Cobalt Dividends. { ~--Over four mil lion dollars have been disbursed by fourteen Cobalt mines during the first six months of the ye#r. This | is a decrease of about ome million | doilars, Nipissing has been the lar gest contributor, with a total of $1,- 050,000, since January. . Regarding the percentage paid, Temiskaming and Hudson Bay, which has now ceased operations, heads the list with 900 per cent, The Seneca Su- perior mine has paid three dividends of 121% per cont) and the Buffalo mine has distributed $280,000, equal to 28 per cent. The dividend cf McKinley Darragh has been reduced from 40 per cent. in 1913 to 28 per cent, this year. The decrease 11 dividends of the Crown Reserve ha also been considerable, this year's year's total being $237,634, equal to 14 per cent., as compared with $619 Toronto, July | { I i partments and the red cross in this for a reclamation reform | and Colonel Siebert, an army engineer, heading a board which will have charge of the pro Ject at the instance of China. Shah is a product of the new regime, an Oriental with the benefit of Ameri- ean 'education and experience and a wholesome diplomatic greer, with broad ideas of the possibilities of China-American commerce Countess Cowley To Wed Again, a3 23 London, July It is announced that Millicent, Countess f owlgy, will marry Major Dube 1h di { Cowley in July, 1913 "he vorced by her first husband, Hartopp, who named Earl Cbwley as co-respondent " then became the wife of Larl \ Earl Cowley | married. some. time ago. Mrs. Burton, who' was named by Mullicent, ('ountess | Cowley, as co-tespondent in her di rvoree suit. was Sir Killed by Husband's Invention. | Brussels, Mrs. Castella, | who gave a successiul exhibition { parachite - jumping in | time ago, was killad when her parachute failed to open after 'she | dropped from balloon some 2,000 {feet in the air I'he woman's jor lnvented the parachute, July 23. ! 8, France some here hus THIS (0) YEA Ck SL American | 085, equal to 35 per cent. in 1913 Since Hollinger started to pay di vidends, shareholders in this Pore pine enterprise have received '$1 950.000 The only other dividend paid so far in Porcupine is Poreu- pine: Crown, which bas paid $12¢ 000, Cement Trade Slow. Montreal, July 22.---F. P. Jones, general manager of the Canada ( ment Co., has returned from an in spection trip tof the . company's {plants in the west Mr. Jones went as far West ds the Rocky Mountains. Speaking of conditions in the west Mr. Jones said that there was little change in the situation, and while the outlook fer future was bright, | improved conditions had not vet made themselves felt. "The western ers are a pretty level-headed lot, and the country is sure to come back said Mr. Jones At the present time western plants of the Canada Cesuent Co., are work ing to about half their capacity, and the output is consequently only bout half what it was last year. Orders For Scotia. New Glasgdw, July 22-- Two splon- did orders have just been received by Ahe Nova Scotia Steel & Coal com- pany. The first is for 12,000 tons of steel for the new Halifax termin- to, in round figures, $15,000,000 2 ON HOUSEKEEPING Say It Must be Judged By: the Business Standards Adopted. The housekeeping must be judged by business standards. It must be managed and equipped to produce the largest possible income in work ac- complished, in money saved or earn- ed, and in this atmosphere of a real home. This demands first of all the savings of labor. If the use-of a gasoline eng on a farm will more Everybody should begin to use han save e work, of h . 1 teil Ble on, EDDY"S NON.POISONOUS sure, a lighting system, aud 'power- s driven laundry and cleaning dmac- « -- " Sesquin Matches" hinery will save the work one wo- And thus ensure safety in the home. Poisonous Matches In less than two years it will be unlawful to buy or to use poisonous white phosphorus matches ) man in the house. Or, from another view, such labor-saving equipment will release a water-carrier, or a laundress for the better paid work of dress-making; or, better still, allow time for the real mothering of child- ren. But there is one still more import- ant economic aspect. Over-work takes all the joy out of work, even of one's own work. It makes life existence. not real living It makes men and women old when they should still be young. It is time to cease praising the industry which begins with the dawn and lasts all day long, and in- stead. to take account of its toll in non-productive, premature old age. Conservation of physical strength and health is conservation of earning power-- a genuine production of wealth.~--Josephine T. Berry, univer- sity of Minnesota A A PAA AN Women's Pumps in Patent and Gun Metal mA a 50 prs. of Women's Pumps in patent leather and gun metal, all regular sprog goods. Worth $2.50 To Clear Them Out at $1.98 A A ap a CHOPPED SISTER'S TOES So Badly That They Had Wy Be Amputated. Chatham, July 23.--While playing on her father's farm at Kent Bridge, Helen Allison, the six-year-old daugh- ter of A. D. Allison, hardware merch- ant, of this city, had three toes so badly cut that they had to Be ampu- tated. Her eleven-year-old brother, Carl, was cutting burdocks with a spade. His sister was watching him, blie boy aimed at a burdock, but missed the mark and struck his sis- ter's. foot. ~ Pt 0 Pe PP St H. JENNINGS, King Sweet." | The time for a man to marry is when he finds 4 woman silly enough weer rw a als, and a second is for adgrge order { ---- Sp-- ------ Man | YLotd vs AINT or? to want him. ¢ By "Bud" 4 Fisher :