" JUST PUBLISHED Ontario High School History of Canada By Professor W. L. Grant, of Queen's University Quotation frodi THE PREFACE-- "The writer of a History of Canada which is to be used by teachers and pupils differing widely in religion, in raclal origin, and in party affiliations, must avoid alike the obtrusion of his own pre- Judices and predilections, and the presentation of a story colourless and insipid. How far I have been successful 1 must leave to my readers to say." This New History of Canada contains' 420 pages, fully illustrated, bound in cloth. RICE ONLY 19 CENTS. A Copy should be 'in every home. R. UGLOW & CO. 141 Princess Street THOS. LAMBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR We want to draw your attention td our splendid values in Blue Berges at $24.00, $26.00 and $28.00/ a suit. These goods are all wool and fast colors. In Tweeds we have the new patterns in grevs and browns, which we will sell cheap. We give personal attention to the trimming and Making of all garments, and guarantee the fit and workmanship. We also have a large asosrtment of samples for suits from which we take made-to-measure orders. The prices are $45, $18 and $22, Suit or overcoat. h THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street" SR We Have the Best Storage Space in the City. The Upper Storey of Our Garage Absolutely Dry, Size 130 x 30 x 13 Ft. We will rent either by the foot or the entire floor space. Apply Fo Phone CO., LTD. NE 454 DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30, 40, 50, 60c. BLENDS or Sale At All Grocers SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF A Electric Fixtures 20% Off FOR BALANCE OF JULY ONLY ALL NEW FIXTURES AND DESIGNS SALES FOR CASH ONLY i If you are building or propose building, this is an opportunity to secure your fixtures at a big reduc- tion, W.: J. MOORE & SON, The Electric Shop Wellington Street ye Phone 815 - wy Oxfords Metal, Tan Calf "BANG-AND- 60- BACK' - - R. S, THE WINNER. The Contest on Wednesday Evening Was Very Interesting -- Yacht Race to Be Held on Saturday. One. of the nicest bang-and-go-back races run off from the Yacht 'lub wus that held on Wednesday evening, with Messrs. K. >. Waldron, 1. t. Lockett, H. Steacy, W. Yellowley, I. LU. Gildersleeve, . M. Hamilton, (, Boane and \an Lesslie as contestants. Oi these, Mr. Waldron was first place, with Mr. Lockett and Mr. >teacy cond and third respectively Although Mr. Gildersleeve came in first he was hifty-eight seconds ahead of his time, which, no doubt was due 10 'the strong wind that was blowing, carrying his bulky vacht along much fasten than the desired speed limit. Not only did Mr. Gildersleeve become disquahined for honors in this race by 80 doing, but Messrs. Yellowlev, Ham ton, Lesslie and Boane did as well. The former beat his time by forty se conds. Jhis race was keenly contested and all participants made an even start. Mr. Waldron's yacht, Kiota ll, prov- ed to be the speediest. He went al most once and a half around the course imaore the come-back was made The course was from the Yacht Club buoy to we penitentiary buoy, shoal, outer waterworks buoy, waterworks buoy, to starting point. Ihe remainder of the boats went se- mnner { three-quarters way around. When their {time limit for turning on the home stretch was made, ail boats circled j around almost instantaneously and i then a beautiful run was made fox igome. 'The Riota Il, bringing up the rear, plowed through the waters and gradually crept up on her oppénents. j the yacht ran well nigh to perfection and crossed the line about hali a length ahead of Mr. lLockett's Sport iL IN MARINE CIRCLE of Vessels Along the Harbor, Movements Reported I'he sloop Morton { Robert | I'he regular Ariadne arrived with a eargo of wood Crawiord. steamer Missisquoi made trip from Gananoque Kangston on Thursday morning MI. Co.'s elevator : Steamer Rose mount, after discharging 60,000 bushels wheat, cleared for Fort William; tug Emerson arrived om Charlotte with two coal barges, and cleared for Montreal with coal and one grain barge; steamer Simla will pass down to-night with grain from Port Colborne to Montreal I'he steamer Ionic cleared at 1 p.m Wednesday for Montreal from the Welland canal. The following steamers are all ex pected to pass down to Montceal irom the Welland canal: Hanover, Matironco, ' Corronna, Rosedale, Beg- verton, Kenora and Arabian. The steamer Rideau King for Ottawa Thursday morning The steamer Olcott is due over from Oswego Thursday. The steamer Canadian passed to Montreal from the Welland cat 8 am. Thursday. « The steanver Sinbad passed down to { Montreal from Port Colborne at 2 { m. Thursday The steamers D Toiler left--ms 8 pan. 'Montreal from the Welland canal "An 'investigation. of the collision be tween the steamer Adrian Iselin and the steamer Hinckley, which erred in the vicinity of Carlton Linsey Islands, in the St. Lawrence, at 2 p.m., on the night of was held at Oswego, N.Y The steamers Kingston King passed down morning The steamer Syracuse passed on Thursday mctning and is clear for Charlotte at The steamer Aletha Picton on Thursday. The steamer City up to Toronto fom dav morning. The sfeamer ('ity od down to Montreal 0 a.m, Thursday. trom lor her fo ot one cleared down canal \ and for Gordon Wednesday and June 9th, and North on Thursday down due to 5 o'clock down from of Ottawa® passed Montreal Thurs of Hamilton pass- from Toronto at fi Tourists in Kingston. G. O'Neill, and wife, of several automobile varion: sections were on Wednesday night Ww R. Bird and wife, R. M. Bird and wife, Mrs If. Goss and E. Goss ail of Toronto, motored here yesterday afternoon. <A tourist party compris- ed of B. A. Whitehead, G. V. White- head, P. Wisner, T. R. Whitehead, G. Reid and K. McCuaig arrived in the city aboard the yacht "Zingari" on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, A. Lewis, of Toronto, and Mr. and and Mrs. Whyle and son, Miss Whyle and H. Whyle, all of Otta- wa. formed two. other automobile parties, who, brought up a-long list of visitors who spent Wednesday ev- ening and the first part of Thurs- day in the Limestone City. De- par- in John troit, and ties from the city To Rebuild "Nokomis Lodge." The yacht Nokomis which is own- ed by W. H. Nicholls, of Howe Js= land, whose summer residence. was burnt to the ground on Moncav. was in the city on Wednesday afterndon. The loss by, fire is easily $75,000. The residence will be rabat't, put the plans for the new home will not he decided upon until the arrival of Mr. Nicholl"s daughter from Eng- land. The house-boat is at present at Dog Lake, and Capt. Vandreason will bring it to Howe Island and the rest of the summer will be spent in the vicinity. "Foot powders," at Gibson's. The funeral of the late George Mor: gan took place 'on Tuesday morning to the Church of the Sacred Heart, Wolie Island, where a requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father McNeill for the repose of his soul. "Pint sealer rings,' son's. The ' 2 doz. Be. Gib. ., \. Provincial hotel, on the mar- | ket square, has gone out of business. The furniture and other fixtures have been removed 'to Jiie quAtiam, WALDRON'S KIOTA IL..WAS] Myleg'} fi LNclean, THURSDAY. JULY CONTAINED WOMAN'S HAT, BUT OWNER WAS NOWHERE. mie { Was Driver Miss Yorke?--Rig Was Noticed Two Days After Disap- pearance of Girl, What may possibly lead to a clue to the disappearance of Miss Blanche York from Tamworth was given to the Toronto News by a gentleman who has just returned from Shan- nonville, a place twenty miles south of that village. On Friday, July 10th two days af- ter the disappearance of Miss York, and before it- was noticed that she was missing, the gentleman passed along the road which runs north and south about a mile and a half to the west of Shannonyille. This road is easily accessible from Tamworth. At about a quarter of a mile from the C. P. R. track and close hitch- ed up to a fence was a horse and buggy. No one was ahout, and the passerby could get 2 good view of the country-side. There was no shel- ter nearer than half a mile to hide anyone who might be in charge of the horse. In the buggy, which was of un- uspal shape, was a small bonnet, which, to the efSual glance of a pas- ser-hy who later read the descrip- in the News of the hat worn hy Miss York bore striking similari- y¥ to that head-gear. At the time this passer-by did net nay much attention to the horse and buggy, beyong thinking it strange that they should be standing there. On reaching the C.P.R. track he was picked up by some sectionmen on a hand-car and taken to Shannonville where he took the train for Toronto. On the hand-car the men were also disenssing the strangeness of a horse and buggy standing apparently own- erless in that part of the country, far from any house or shelter of any kind, and with certainly no one nearer than half a mile ! The salmon river, which close to Tamworth, also through Shannonville, and close to this stream that and rig were standing LATE passes runs was horse it the MRS. W. F. MeLEAR: . \S she Passed Away at Lyn Amid Much Regret. cville Recorder genuine wave of Lyn and vicinity, on Tuesday, when it became. known that Mrs. Wel lington F. Mclean had passed away Mrs. Mclean was particularly known among the older residents and everywhere admired for the kindly and truly Christian spirit which character ized all her actions, She had been in failing health for some time I'he deceased was horn in Lyn, lat, 1844, a daughter of Norman Cole man and a descendant of the U.l. Loyalist, Abel Coleman, who, by his industry and public spirit, accomplish ed so muvh towards the progress of Lyn and viemity.: On February 24th, 1864, the deceased was married to Mr. and mearly all her wedded life was spent on the original Coleman half a mile west of Lyn. and kind wife and friend, endeared herself to all. In ghe vas a member of the Presbyterian church sorrow spread over weli July farm, gentle she religion her hushand, there survive Harold. of © Brockville: two fiilbert and Fdwy, of Lyn, two sisters, Miss Louise Mclean v Mrs. Lilly Root, Lyn Jesides one brothers, and and son, of LETTERS TO THI Does Not Believe re Mr. Twigg's Was Poisoned. Kingsten, July 23.-- (To the Fdi- tor): In your issue of Wednesday it was stated that W. A. Twigg, Bar rie street, found his valuable black cocker spaniel poisoned in his yard, and that poison must have been put out for it. As some hints have heen dropped that neighbors likely did the deed, J, for one, wish to state that T do not believe Mr. Twig dog was poisoned at all. I am h next door neighbor, and wish to be relieved of any suspicion. The dog in question was said not to have been allowed out unless Mr. Twigg had it on a string. This is wrong, as I have seen the dog on the treet. all hours of the day and night, un- accompanied. My opinion is that the dog was suffering from mange, and that its illness has resulted fromv that. --MRS. A. E. BROUGH. ---------------- EDITOR. Dog M. APL E LEAF RELEASED. Donnelly Wree king Company Float- ed Schooner Wednesday I'he steamer Uornwall, owned by the Donnelly Wrecking company, on Wednesday aftivnoon at five o'clock, returned after releasing the schooner Maple Leaf, of St. Catharines, which went aground mt the Brothers Islands on Wednesday morning. Twenty-four young men from the St. Catharines Y.M.C.A. were aboard the schooner, making a two weeks' cruise of lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence river. The schooner proceaded to Belleville, where the young men will remain for about a day. A Novel Life Belt Race. A novelty was introduced into the programme of sports, one of the forms of the celebration of Domini- on day, which took place on the White Star liner "Teutonic" on her last eastbound 'voyazd,. this being a life belt race. Captain James being the judge, the proper tieing of the lifebelt rather than the speed at which it was accomplished being the principal object A litle girl prov- ed to be the winner, donning her belt and tieing it securely in the short space of twenty-three seconds. This innovation was intended -to make passengers familiar with life. belts and the mode of adjusting them . without in anyway causing alarm, and it succeeded admirably. Archbishop To Visit Rome. 'Archbishop Sptatt' will leave Kings- ton on his firet episcopal visit to Rome about the middle of September. Mrs. Fleming, who has been few holidays in the city, to-day As af 23, 14, ! pu | i { Sale of Ladies' Tan a Pumps and Colonials All ladies tan low shoes must be cleared out in a week and to make a quick clean-out we place all Ladies' Tan Oxfords, Pumps and Colonials, on sale this week at Just think what this means--all regular $4.00 values for $1. 69. COME AND GET A REAL BARGAIN. . $1.69 Abernethy's $6.00 PANAMA HATS $4 50 SW ei . 40 PAAANA ars $3.50 $400 PAMIA ys $2.75 --_-- values in straw SOc, $1, $1.50, $2 25¢, 50¢, 5c Exceptional hats, Crash Hats .... Light Caps .. 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1 Now is the time to buy your summer hat at Campbell - Bros. INNOCENT. DILLON SAY» HE'S ysserts He Had Nothing to Do With Canals Explosion. Aflantic City, despatch . from 'wife apd several child- ren, since grown to maturity, gath- sred about him, Luke Dillon, who spent fourteen years in the Kingston enitentiary for a cr'me against the British government of which, he swears, he was innocent, today de- lared he will use every method at 1is command to secure the release of fohn Nolan, who was also arrested with him. The released man is 'holding a re- inion with his family at a little ho- tel at Kentucky avenue. Dillon lays he blame for the ye:rs he passed yehind the bars, cut off from all ommunication with the world, de- nrived of letters and even news- apers, to the secret service of the fIritish crown, whom he declared railed and hounded him until they ent him behind the bars for life. He" said, further, that he was not vithin ten miles of the Welland anal when the lock was blown up and that he was as innocent of the crime as a child unborn. "Notwithstanding this 1 was clapped into a jail, and * the trial that followed was a sickening farce," he says. "The selected jurymen from the neighborhood of the canal and with the prejudice against Am- ericans then running high, we were convicted before a word of testi- mony was secured. Is not fourteen vears' imprisonment enough? Leary died in a prison' cell, and went to his grave branded a criminal. I am released and Nolan is still be- hind the bars. Certainly, guilty or innocent, he has paid his penalty." his ead Second Section. The Whig's second section is well worth reading every day. There are many articles of interest to be found therein. To-day the women have a readable page. z at Gibson's. "Red Rose Talcum" 1 ure Ice Cream Best in Kingston By Government Test SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House 9 room house, new all improvements, $ 000.00. Easy terms. W. H. Godwin & Son. Broek St, Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance » ),- Hot Weather Clothing July sale now en. Jig reduction on summer sults, Oxford shoes, ete. Now is the time to secure an complete outfit at small cost. Suits, $6.50, $12 and $15 $3.00 and w negligee ed, at SOc, underwgnr, $10, xfords, $2. as fine line re att ir £1 a suit. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. To Put on Fiesh and Increase Weight A Physician's Advice . » r to six food Most thin people eat from wounds of g sol fat-r every day and still do not | in ht one ounce, while on the other nd many of the plump, chunky folks eat very Nghtly and keep gaining all the time. It's all bosh to say that this is the nature of e individual. It isn't Nature's way 1 Thin folks powers of assimil mn They ju t absorb enough to maintain KNfe and a sem- [ hemlth and strength. Stuffing won't help them ozen meals a day won't make them n a single "stay there" 'pound. AN the fat-producifig elements of their food just stav.dm the intestines until they pass from the body as waste What such people need is something that will prepare these fat- ty food elements so that their blood can absorb them and deposit them all about the body--something, that will multiply their red blood 'corpuscles and fncrease their blood's carrying power, : For such a condition 1. always recom- mend eating a Sargol tablet with es ery meal. Bargol is not, as some be- lieve, a patented drug, but is a scientific combination of six of the most effec. tive and powerful flesh-bullding ele- ments known to chemistry It is abso. lutely harmless, yet wonderfully ef- fective and a single tablet eaten with each meal often has the effect of in- creasing the weight of a thin man or woman from three to five pounds a week. Sargod is sold by good druggists eveerywhere on a positive guarantee of weight increase or money ok 0 'ause their defective, the food thin he are f 3 2 0 B 2 M a 2 Q NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS SALE IS A GREAT SUCCESS Four Rooms Pireidilt- tice of In the Latest Material and Finish Reid's Quality----Reid"s Low Prices. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKES, Phone 147. : GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of Refriger- ators «nd Gas Stoves; also all kinds of new and second-hand furniture; ange be sold at reasonable prices. Come, see the bargains. H, SUGARMAN, 342 Ontario Street. Phone 1580 Opposite Crain's Wholesale Come. Ea > na suse wwwase wo WOW OF MANE BEST VALUR IN OIFY, Ashby the Tailor] aon 1518 | FREE FREE How would you like to have a Massey Stivers Ribbon Bicycle, with a coaster brake and mud guards FREE We gave one absolutely free to last year as he guessed nearest to the - Jar we placed in our window. J. OE i of Portsmouth, umber of bicycle parts in a My. This year we give away absolutely "free a $45.00 Massey, the same as last year, wi same chance as the ian or woman. the exception that every boy or girl has the Last year every dollar's worth of goods purchased entitled the purchaser to a guess. This year everey purchase, whether it is a cent's worth of fish hooks or 5 $500.00 motorcgcle is good for one guess. Look in our window for the jar of bicycle parts,