Ed Your Best Interests Are served whey you place your Banking affairs with The Bank of Toronto. In addition to its ample facilities, widespread, well-chosen connections, and the strong financial prestige of this Institution, you will find careful and interested atéention given to your account, and an accuracy in handling the smallest details that you will appreciate Raia ap Capital rved Funds INCORPORATED JHE 1858 BANK or TORONTO GEORGE B MikAY gon Howard 8. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER Fire and 1ifé Insurance | High Grade Bonds and Stocks District Manager of The EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 44 Clarence Street Phone 995 Real Estate - Builders & Contractors Attention Band for sale in any quantity CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CCNSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED. » ' Phone 286. 168 Princess Street. Yards, Sowards' Dock Contractors, Attention We have just opened a kiln of stock brick and we want the contractors and builders to come out and see them. It won't cost anything to look at them and you don't have to buy them if they don't suit you, but we invite inspection and challenge comparison. They can also bé seen at J. O. Hutton's and McKelvey's hardware stores. See our new hollow brick for inside work. They certainly are dandies. We will also hav e tile ready for the market in about two weeks. Give us a call. Phone 1396. Kingston Erick & Tile Woiks - - FOR SALE ! ® o comed by Albert Neal A solid brick house, hot water heating, electric light, gas for cooking, hardwood floors, grate, and verandah. $3,600 for this property, and it is a bargain at the price. position Is only good until August 1st. We are only asking This pro- We sell Life, Fire, Accident, Health and Automobile Insurance. J. K. Carroll Agency, 48 BROCK 8ST. : JOHN DRIVER, Repre:cntative, PFHONE 68, Warm Weather Specialties splits and Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison minute records, Blue Amberal cords r Grape Juice in pints. Lime Juice in 1hc Potties. > Abbey's Hill Fruit sther warm ites. Hoag's Drug Store Opp. T.M.CA, Phone 368 i Buy The Best Our cream is pure and vholesome. Many customers have Jearned to order by phone. We deliver in time for meals, Give us a trial order. George Masoud, 238 PRINCESS ST. Telephone B80 - Prompt Delivery 2%5¢ and 16¢, : * u's, Heed's and en S Salts, and many weather requi <A "Phone 3652. strengt! Sold by; on receipt Free pamphlet. THE COOK WM! H. C. BROWN, OPH. D. EYEGLASSES iat are neat, comfortable, and ve PERFECT VISION, even jas low as two dollars a pair are the kind you get at OPTICAL PARLORS 347 King Street FOR SALE OR TO LET Brick house, No. 118 Victoria St., between Earl and Johnson Sts. Seven rooms, modern; immediate possession. [Where the Clock Is On the Ww Lenses Ground Prompdy o. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per bo all druggists, or sent rice, Address: co. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windser.) il, U, BROWN, OPH, D, Gramophones, Phonograplis, Graf- onolas, Columbia and Victor records, a O- Big discounts for July and August, 118 Brock Su A . reliable reguiatin war in_three 2 recs of fr ". LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTERKSY * Happenings fn the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the -Keaders of she Whig. "Red W6se Taleum" - at Gibson's. Fireman Alired Tugwood, of the On- tario street fire station, is holiday- ing... william Swaine, mano tuner. Orders received at MoAuley's. Phone 564. T was no scheduled bowling match played at (Queen's on Wednes- dav evening. Mr. and sire. E. Hammond and Mas- ter Vincent Nicholas left for Nt. Anne de Beaupre, Que. MH. Cupningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's book store. Bust distender: 60ec. Strong cor- Set clasps from 10¢; hose support from 16¢. Dutten's store. Misses Annie and Bolle Dunne, of Kingston, ary spending a pleasant va- cation at Bostwick [sland Gananoque. Miss A. Power arrived from New Xork to spend a short vacation with Mr. and Mrs. James Coyle, Division Street. Ladies' up-to-date drésemaki Termis moderate. Miss A, Keys, Colborne street. A. C. Ruttan and wife, of peg, are the guests of his Yr. @hd Mrs. H. M. Ruttan, slreet. { Rev. Father Moa is in Smith's Falls to spend a couple of weeks with his sister, before leaving for the lower provinces, R. C. Grey Montreal, night and Thursday. G. W. Murray, of the Montreal fire department, is in the city with his mother 2 for a few days. 1 The Collender Hotel is carrying out the instructions of the license com- missioners and fitting out with pro- per fire escapes. Lhe annual retreat for the clergy of | the diocese of Kingston will open in { St. Mary's cathedral on Monday even jing, August 21th. 1 Mrs. GG. H. Saunders and little sons, Ivisiting with Mrs Saunders, | Street, leit, on Wednesday, home at Sault Ste. Marie, La Diva corset. Dutton's store. The new concrete walk and ;replacing the old board walk {steps on the collegiate have 21 Me- Winni- parents, Brock and son, 'Walter, of were in the city Wednesday proceeded to Toronto on Princess for their steps and been LAKE ONTAR TONIGHT staying ! on Montreal street | NTARID PARK And Every | Night 8.30 HO PREE SHOW VAUDEVILLE AND PIC. TURES WEDNESDAY CHILDREN'S 1 CENT : DAY ON CARS CREATION, * DEAL Theatre TWO WEEKS Beginning July 22nd Change of programme every rd day Exhibitions twice daily at 3 and 8 p.m. SEATS FREE--NO COOLLEC- = TIONS, $90 Reward + Is offered for Information leading to detection of the party or parties who poisoned my Scotch Collie dog Mac," on night of July 20th. EDWIN E. HORSLEY LIPTON'S TEA The finest the world's largest producer can, grow. Prices from 23¢ to $1 per Ib, Jack Stansbury HOUSE PHONE 758 OR BRITISH AMERICAN driving parties Answered--Inquiries HRntex Solleited. Train Calls for | { completed and are a great ! ment. | The showers on Thursday were wel- | farmers and gardeners Rain has been greatly needed for the | past ten days. { \. Graham, of Peterboro, organizer for the 'Woodmen of the Wold, has heen spending the city He left Sitvet car No on Princess street mprove several days in for the to-day 20 ran off the track at the switch near Clergy street and kept the cars from returning to the barn until a late hour on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. Whyle, Mr. and Mrs. George Whyle, Miss M. A. and H. E. Whyte, all of Newmarket, pass- ed through the city on Wednesday in their automobile on their way Ot tawa "Red Rose Taleum'" at Gibson's. The funeral of the late A. Gilbert, Alired streei, took place Thursday af Rev. R. J. Todd, C.8., of brother-m-law of the de- ceased, the service at his late residence, and the funeral was to Cataraqui cemetery. 50 corsets, £1 Dutton's steamer Hamiltonian, which ashore at Lachine lake, was re- leased, after considerable damage, and came to Kingston for repairs. Satis factory arrangements being made the pA has been taken on to Buf- falo, N.Y and a good job lost to Kingston. At 8.20. Wednesday night small fire Started in one of 'the boiling kettles at the city's yard on Ontario street, near William street, where the -asphalt is turned out, and the firemen from the Ontario street sta- tion responded There was no dam- age. west to ternoon Peterboro, conducted I'he went not a N LENNOX. ARMY WORM Working Great Pamage on Farms, Has Been Napanee, July 23. ~The army worm has been working serious dam- age in Lennox county in the town- TENDERS Arehid ng &c.;-can be tattithe, Sydenham Kingston musi Syder 28th, I and delivered to m, by noon on ° 1914 R. BECKWITH, «g.S. Thousand Islander" | Excursions FRIDAY, JULY 24--beave for gdensburg and 1000 Inland ports S30 am, Fare: Ogdensburg, ei 1000. Island Points, 50c. SATURDAY, JULY A5--=Leave | * tour of 1000 Islands at 2.15 » Fare Joc, SS, AMERICA To Cape Vincent on, Sunday at | [ 7.30 am, and 2.30 pul. Fare Soe. | | Week-end seursion te Watertown and return, $2.00, Menis on Board. New Arrivals Fancy English Biscuits: A When you see the initials H.P. on a hiscuit you will know at once that it highesi \excellence in biscuits. ships of Richmond, Ernesttown, Adol- phustown and North and South Fredericksburg. The distriet repre- sentative, G. B. Curran, has been busy fall this week answering calls for | aid from all parts of the country, and now everyone is on a sharp look- out to prevent, as far as possible, any fresh outbreak. The greatest damage has ocourred alone the Ray of Quinte shore, from Adolphustown to Bath, where the worms have been marching and cleaning out every- thing green before them. The grasshoppers i are very thick this season, doing as much damage as the army worm in some localities of Frederickshurg and Richmond { | { Has Not Reached Here. The army worm had not vot fts appearance near Catarghui Washburn vicinity, accordind, to tele=} phone messages ™ received by the Whig, on Thursday. made or A _UI0 LEASNOO Y 5 1 ers for Coal Sealed tenders will be received by the the 1th day st, 1914, for 150 tons~3.4 lump 1 32 tons egm coal and 7 tops pea . more or less, to be deliyerid in such quantities, and in suck hy 5 as ed _at the city buildings and fire . The .Jawest or any tender not necessarily apceptad W. W. SANDS, Cit Clerek. Ten + Kingston, July 2254, 191 is a name known throughout the world wherever biscuits are sold. They are the largest "biscuit manu- facturers in the Bridah Empire or any other country. The employees of this factory are nearly equal to the whole population of Kingston. Why is it that Huntley & biscuits have such a demand? THERE IS A REASON. A shipment of these excellent bis cuits have just arrived. FOR PICNICS, OUTINGS, ~ ETC Try Coronation, Monarch, Puff Sand- wich, Crusoe. 'FOR THE KIDDIES Littlefolk and Nursery mes A NEW LINE PLANTATION TRY THEM ® Do more than ask for Huntley & Palmers' Biscuits, GET THEM. Your family grocer ean supply vom. There is a Duthit for every taste, you can obialn ty va FENWE'S. HENDRY & CO, (Distributors.) ahmer A | it housekeeping, with or h board; location near streel rail- 5 HOTEL 731 Special rates to afternoon or evening stands for purity and the ' Huntley & Palmer JUNDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion lc a word. Fach con- secutive thereafter, half. cent Bw charge for one insertion, 25¢s three insertions, She: nif, $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED. AN ADVT, OF 25 WORDS OR LESS under this head, costs 36c for one night, or Sc for three. - A GENERAL SERVANT, ONE WHO understands walting on table. Ap- ply 25¢ King St. FOR CHARTER. LAUNCH MAYBEE. WITH FULL GOV- ¢ ernment equipment and licensed pilot, will handle fishing and picnic parties search-light river trips and week-end Island rambles. For terms apply W. J. Driver. Phone 612 or-G. W. Allen, Phone 127. TO LET. ra TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once, 260; three times, Sic. o BOAT HOUSE, APPLY KNAPI™S LIV- er; or ring up 868. BRICKEAYERS., APPLY KINGSTON Construction Co, ltd, Princess St, or the Reffance Moulding Building, G.T.R. Junetion. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC, WELL able to do machine werk and geod time-keeper. Must bé a hustler. Apply Hinds Northern Motor Werks, King EB. St. INTELLIGENT PERS MAY earn $100 monthly cor nding for news 3 ne ; oan n Sond" [3 PCiiguars brses Syudl- PORTRAIT AGENTS WANTED, SEND for catalogue. Solar and bromide prints, portraits, flat and convex frames and 'sheet pictures. Mer- chants Portrait Co., Toronto, AN OTHERS RECEIVE $13 TO $65 WEEK- ¥ Why not you? Write immed- fately for ful particulars: sample, picture, literature, ete. Experience unnecessary. Englose 10¢ to cover cost. Clifford C. Mitchell, P. O. Box 2, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ANY ABILITY AS A We have a proposition to HAVE You salesman? to make which will enable you earn more" money than vou are ning at the present time. Cor- respongence strictly confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston, Ont. WANTED GENERAL FOR with- FURNISHED "ROOMS way Apply Bax 720, Whig office FROM SEPT. IST, THREE rooms and bath, well Leat- ed, lighted, bright and airy. Furn- ished preferred Highest referenc- Address Box 714, Whig office. [TO RENT or four AMES S , for price carpentering work, all classes of laid | DOP A CARD TO 212 Unversity all kinds of Estliinates given on rk, hardwood floors ¥d. Satisfaction GENTLEMEN" TO BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up Into up- o-date suiis. Price and workman- guaranteed to please ing and repairing done saortest notice. Thomas Sallowa 131 Brock street, near Bloby's Gar- age. ship TEACHER WANTED. IED TEACHER FOR « burg, Barriefield: PPro Apply. stating ANT TEAM township PRO VESY i Ni Lr Salary §. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8S. 8, NO. 11, Oso. Protestant preferred. Sal $400.00 1st Sec Duties Address -Treas., | | ary { Sept { bell, | Ont QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST. | ant, for Union School Section § | Oso and § Olden, for coming year Duties to commence after holi- days Salary 33 | Attewell, NC SACHER FOR Ss, 8, NO, 7, | Duties to commence 1914 Salary | testant | , PALMER- r preferred. aarles McDougal Ompah P.O, Ont FOR 8S, with | | | S. necessa Duties summer Wm « in, § 'iarendon Sta- t T FEMALE | A RUALIFIED PROTESTAN No 5. Camder her for 8 8 3 ities to commence © $450.00 per year ce. Apply to Milto X Harrowsmith, Ont, Trea M. D. No. 2 POSITION WANTED. BOOKKEEPER AND good orchestra, at eferences obtained, Ap- » Box 722 Whig office. i | ISITUATION AS | as pla: { F } ply or w prveron WANTED Christmas cards. Samples book free, Chipchase, 'Cardex," Eligland » SITUATION VACANT, FOR PRIVATE Ladies or gents Large profits Darlington, a m---------- LEARN DARBER TRADE. SURE EM. ployment, Good wages. Few weeks required to complete course. Write for particulars and catalogue to- day. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronte. NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN OSKEY, LATE OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON. DECEASED. Notice is hereby siren that all per- sons having any claims or demands against the late John Oskey, who died on or about the 2! day. of March, 1914, at the City of Kingston, the Province of Ontario, are required to end by, post prepald or to deliver to he undersigned, filicitors herein for William Balfour Mudie, administrator of the estate of the sald John Oskey, their pames and addresses and full par- ticolars In writing of their claims and statemen of their accounts and the IN PATEN 18 A woman loves a man in propor- i 1 tion to his ability to make her au- gry. kk Rex nature of the securities, if any, héid by em, Amd take notice that after the 15th day of August, 1914, the said William Balfour Mudie will proceed to distri- ibute the assets of the sald deceased among the parties entitled theret having regard only to the claims of {which he shall then have had 'notice, and that the said William Balfour Mudie will not be Hable for the said assets or any part thereof, wo any pers sans of whose claim he shall not then ave received netive. : i o Tudy, 181% FROM 1ST MAY, NO, 372 ALFRED ST. Thomas Miils, 79 Clarence St. STORAGE FOR FURN BTC, clean and dry. McCann, 83 Brock street. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT WITH all conveniences. Apply Box 613, Whig office. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM Ist May, No. 115 Bagot Bt. Cun- ngham & Mudie. Z THE PEOPLE'S FORUM 1 FOR SALE. tems nastiness reset A SEVEN YEAR OLD BAY PONY. 56 Bay St ili GEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Division St. EFFECTIVE ADVTS, CUSY little. Once, 26c; three times. Be; one week, $1.00. GUITAR MANDOLIN, BANJO AND Apply ¢ 2 three trdvelling trunks. Lower Bagot St. SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SH eap. D. J. Dawson, pianos 3 Victor Victrolas, 244 Princess 8. GAS RANGES AND REFRIGERA ors at reasonable prices, > they last, At Turk's. Phone A ---------------------------------------------- NEW TENT CHEAP, 10 X 12 1-2 WITH 3 foot wall. Apply Cap. DIS, awn- ing maker, Zit N hon St ANYONE HAVING SECONDAAND stoves or furniture for sale, call'on me for first class prices. J. Thomp= son. 333% Princess Bt. Phone 1600. OFFICES IN. CLARENCE ST, CHAM- bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu- dle, 79 Clarence St. NG, 6 ROOMS, , free water. J. 8. R. Mc- 82 Brock St STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Queen St. Phone 526b. FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHE) house, all convenlences, electric light, gas and telephone; centrally located. Address Box L, Whig office.¢; A NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE with barn and large strip of land, on Alfred St. Apply to J. D. Boyd, i Pi «wr Bastview Park R. .. No. 1. Storage, 299 | 26 KINGSTON MATTRESS FACTORY, A good paying business, will sell the plant co lete; all machinierey in good running order. Apply at face tory, 566 Princess street. é $2100 BRICK VENEER, FURNACE, ectricity, B. and C., $600 cash; £00. solid brick, rents at $30.98; 850 cash will buy. R. Charles BeV 39 Bagot Street. OFFICE DES SIX FEET LONG, in. high in ront and 56 1-2 In. at pack, Tones drawers and ong op shelf. ght used. App! British Whig office, iy A LARGE NUMBER OF BICY 8 8lso Dunlop tires, at $3.00. ardsrs omptly attended to Tor t*Tleaning and laying. Géorge aeher, dh, 78 Testy T TOUSE. 165 STUART ST. THIRD DOOR from University Ave, north side; & rooms, deep lot: Immediate oes slon. Apply 321 Universily Ava. Phone 1484. . FURNISHED ROOMS, TWO com fortable, light, airy rooms wita all modern conveniences; also one back room; terms reasonable. 152 Sydenham 283 'DIVISION ST, tage fire plundin urd, bar ROOMED COR. ath, t, new mmer kitchen, street watering pl gas i | | 3 Ang Rent $11.00, A Phone 403 pply 428 Princess St FINANCIAL. ere ete eens FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; Incorporated 1883 president, Colonel Henry R. Bmith oney issued on <2ity and farn properties, municipal and country Jebentures; mortgages purchased deposits received and interest al. lowed. . C. McGill, Manager, §' Clarence Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORR Fire Insurance Company, Available assets, $61,187,216. In addition tc which "he policyholders have for security the unlimited HMHability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates Before renewing old or giving new pusiness get rates from Strange & Strange gents. Phone 325. s n CATERING. . ------------------------ ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP- pers, banquets, dinners, parties Silverware ard cutlery to For particulars apply to R HH. Toye's King St. store. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc also rent dishes, table linens and silverware, Reid and Hombrook M. P. Reld, 30 Unlon Street. F. C Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street Phones 843 or 303 ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, also table board. Apply 138 Wel- ington St, opposite post office. BUSINESS CHANCES. -- fi ---------- ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall order business at home; no canvassing; be your own boss Send for free booklet: tells dow Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y " D OFFER UN. limited opportunities for wealth you can share in them; you want honest advice, accurate information send for interesting booklet. Fred F. Knappen, Herald Bldg, Calgary Alberta GARY O BUSINESS NOTICES. H BUSE, 8 CHESTNUT ST, HAS opened up 1 quarry on Stephen St Cut, building and rough stone are Supplied promptly & reasonable prices UPHOLSTERING. W, J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street. 373 K GASOLINE ROAM AULL, 20 FT. LOY by 5 ft. beam, constructed of pure Canadian cedar and pure white oak 21-2 years old, guaranteed as goo as new. Will sell cheap. Cen b seen any time at 23 John street. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS ®quare planes, plano-cased gans, Angelus player and musts organs and gramophohes. Seale Willams Plane Acs: Nu cale ams ano anc Montreal 8, Kingston. Te $1300 DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, REV. erly Street FRAME HOUSE DUR. $2000--N EW BRICK. $4300--SOLID BRICK, NEW, ham St. Improvements. $2500----SEMI-DETACHED ALL provements - GEO. A. BATEMAN, 67 CLARENCE sr. Victoria street ONE MARINE BOILER IN GOOD RE. pair about 126 horse power, gudr= anteed to stand 160 1bs. cold wat- er pressure. One marine boiler of about 80 horse power, good heavy plate but needs some repairs. One stationary boiler, 45 ie po be shaking grates all fn good repadr. 4dams & Duford Ce, Chaumont, N. PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks and all growths and a blemishes removed permanently, without scar; 2. years' ex rien Dr. Elmer J. Laka Bye, Har, ap Throat and Skin Specialist, Bagot Street MUSIC. + BRASS, REED uments; AND STRING IN. music copying and are. ranging, &c; trainer. of military band and orchestral bands. Bure nett Webb, 264 University Ave. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC lion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Nor: Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, B.K.; O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elocu~ Hon, plano, violin snd all stringed instruments. INSTR a WM, NEWLANDS & ARCHITECT. tects, etc. Ofc Phone 65 oa, SON, ARCH. 26% Bagot POWER & SON, ARCH chants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Drop Car DENTAL. D.D.S, RE. Princess Street. A. B. KNAPP, BA, LDS, moved to 258 SPARKS AND SPARKS, Wi lington Phone 34 159 i (over Carnov C. NASH, DENTIST; DR, T. Renton, assistant. 19% Prion Street. Phone 735. ' fe S. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S., D.D.S ist, corner Princess and streets. Entrance on Bagot LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MU ters and solicitors. Ww offic Clarence street. Kingston. ps | Charcoal | For Summer Cooking, Filed at Kingston the 22nd day : Srna GIA EB. i Solicitors for, the Soiutracor , RA DOgne RTE SR A en