PAGE EIGHT Yourw Ne Clothes will Please You If You Get Them Here. Our clothes are known as "Satisfaction Clothes' by every man who wears them.' They will absolute satisf: 1ction to vou because we guaran- ton it. Right now is a sp lendid time for vou to find out about "this satisfaction by actual experience Our assortment is complete -our values were never better. Will you come? A---------- Si -------- Livingston's BROCK STREET Al A Little Out of the Way, But It WI Pay You To Walk DRESS SALE] Saturday 8.30 O'clock The ol dery, make room for new goods, and again our policy, never to carry goods from one season to another, is responsible for this big sacrifice. 1 68 Silk Dresses very dress is American made and every dress is this season's produe tion; prices 4 £18.00, £25.00, $30.00, $35.00, £39.75; all colors and sizes. Saturday $4.98 40 High Class American Dresses Musling, Crepe, Voiles and Linen Suits, %oods sell- ing regulai £7.50 to $13.00. Saturday $2.98 21 Doz. Street and House Dresses 'Chambrays, Ginghams, Cre es, Muslins, &e. Dress- es se ling as "high as $3.98 Saturday 98c. SEE THEM IN OUR TWO SHOW WINDOWS LDRON | there on Portsmouth; ' RO, Hay. § | Citadel band, Sight =(A SOLDER DESERTED KNOW A GOOD LTE a TIDINGS WILL BE TAKEN BACK TO REGI- MENT AT HALIFAX. Private R. W. Denne Skipped Two Days Afiér he Joined the Roy- { al Canadian Regiment at Halifax --Placed Under Arrest Here. The life of a soldier did not appeal to one Pte, R. W. Denney. Before he donned the uniform he thought. he would like it, but he soon changed his mind, in fact he only stayed on the job for two days. Then he skip- ped, and his arrest in Kingston was the result. Denney came out from the old ecoun- tary a short time ago. 'He arrived at Halifax early in June, with the Royal Canadian Regiment. | Iwo days later he was reported ab- sent, and could pot be located. His cage wad investigated and "it 'was found that his parents were living at i Ningaton, so the local police were ask- etd to keep watch for him. And they did so. lhe famiyy home is on the Forty-foot Road. Late Wednesday af- ternoob, Constable J wmes Bateson got a tip that the man wanted was at his home, so, in company with Con i stable. William Nicholson, he .paid a 'visit to the house on the Forty-fool | Rond, and placed the accused under arrest. lle gave himself up without any resistance. {tained at headquarters, awaiting the "arrival of an escort from Halifax to take him back. Denney is twenty-five years of age. Word was received morning that an escort would arrive in the city during the afternoon and take Denney back to Halifax. [It is stated that he will endeavor to pur- | chase his release from the regiment. on | ~ FRONTENAC CHEE SE BOARD. Cheese Sold For 12 7-16 Cents on the \ Board on Thursday. | Cheese sold for 12 7-16 cents on {the Frontenac cheese board on | Thursday afternoon. There was boarded 1656 boxes of white cheese jand £48 boxes of coloréd. The fol- {lowing factories boarded: | White--Elm-Grove, 40; {30; Wolfe Island, 55; C 140. Colored-- Arigan, 230; 60; Gilt' Edge, 50; Hartington, | Bay View, 27; Ontario, 28 irence, 41; Hinchenbrooke, Si {Springs 50; Thousand Islands, | Elg ginburg, 35. | The foilowing sales were At 12 7-16 cenis, Mr. j purchased the offering of {Glenburnie, Giit-Edge, Bay View, On arin, St. Lawrence, Silver Springs, 'and Thousand Islands. { At the same price Mr. Smith se- lcured the offering of Hinchinbrooke iand Elginburg and Mr. Gibson that lof Hartington, A bid of 12 5-16 cents, made b; { Messrs. Alexander ane _ Smith for {white cheese, was refused Glenvale, ollins Bay, Glenburnie, 45; wade: Alexander Arigan, WOMAN «MADE HER ESCAPL i From a Reformatory--She Is Now in Kingston. Francisco, who resides at the Grand Trunk outer station, lo- jcated a young woman on his pro | perty who had evidently escaped from {a reformatory for women at Toron to Mr. Francisco stated that the man told tha{ she had escaped and had made her way to Kingston by train, riding in an empty box car When first seen on the property company with three into the city on company woe she men I'hurs- with was' in She eamy day morning in of them. one | Former Portsmouth Lady Dead. Some of the old residents of Ports mouth will be sorry to hear of the [death of Mrs. Elizabeth Donnelly, of | Etiwanda, Cal., who formerly resided at Portsmouth I'he deceased passed away on July 12th, after a lingering illness; and the remains were buried July 14th. The deceased was the wile of the late David Donnelly of Portsmouth, who predeceased her twanty-seven ago. The sur vitors are two sons and one daughter, Charles, Thomas and Mrs. W. Frost, residing in Etiwanda: two brothers and one sister, Robert Norris, o Joseph Norris, of Chica- Mrs. P.- Lashiord, of ¢ years and ollins | L_Programme of Band Concert. To be given by the Salvation Army Friday. evening, at o'clock, at Maedonald Park, weather permitting : March--'Prize No. 2" ... Young Selection--*'Praise"" Goldsmith Mavch--"'.Johnshurg"' Pentre Selection---""Songs of lreland 4 ras Streeton Coles Hawks March--"'Comrades True" Splecfion--"*Rosseau"' Mavch-- Chalk Fam' Coles Relaction 'Guide Goldsmith March--" 'Castle' .. crenspneias ISAA 'God Save the 'Ring.' William J. Christmas, Bandmaster Thursday's Market. There was a very small market on Thursday morning and the most no- table thing was the entire absence of meat. New polatoes still wold irom Je. to He. a Black and raspbergigs are selling froms 10c. to 12¢c. a box and carrots and cab- bages and the rest of the 'commoner vegetables are selling at Bec. to Te. a bunch or apiece, asx the case may be. Butter sold at 27c. a Ib. and eggs at 22. to 23e. a dozen. A Collins Bay Case. A case of M. H. Grass, charging W. J. Blackley with using abusive language in front of the defendant's house near Collins Bay was disposed of by Justice of the Peace Hunter at noon, on Thursday by finding the de- Pendant guilty and taxing him and costs, Smeuing i 3 in all to $7.2 Smngghing « of of Liquor, There is a considerable liquor traf- fic going on between the city and certain local option districts. The Hquer gin to jaformation re- in by means of in banana va resdveiry Out Officers of Steamer | and enlisted | i ! regard to the case he was told that ; mumb until a later date. He being de- i POISONING OF DOGS drowned in the south branch of ! the Muskoka river at Uffington while | Thursday =! At an early hour on Thursday morn- ing George Pollitt) Fm YORKE CAS CASE, BUT ARE! KEEPING QUIET. 5 vos IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM, i | The Whig's Daily Cc Condensation of the News of the World From Telo- graph Bervice and Newspaper Ex- i America Inter. | viewed by Detective Miller--They | Will Make no Statement. Detective Miller, of the provincial | hang detective service, was in the"city on' © 4, . Wednesday for thé purpose of fol- Premier Borden leaves Ottawa lowing up the clue that Miss Blanche Muskoka, to- night, for a rest. Yorke, who has been missing. froin, The writer of "black-hand" letters her home at Tamworth since July; was sent up for trial at Nerth Bay. 8th, crossed on the steamer Américai Mexico City rumor says an armis- to Cape Vincent one day last wegk. | lice has been' signed and hostilities are While in the city the detectivefwas at an end, while another says there is tin conversation with number of Do hope of settlement. j the officials on the steamer America. 4) Wheatley Methodists adopted a new On Thursdgy morning when plan in laying four foundation stones Whig reporter inquired from or behalf of different departments of : of the 'officers on the steamer With the church for their new edifice. John MoArthur, a well-to-do farnmi® three miles from Port Dover, six- v-three years of age, committed sui- It is thought that while the dete | a it of depression over il tive was aboard the steamer on Wed-y"""p grandstand at the Atwater Park nesday afternoon he told the men to, hall grounds, Montreal, was de- keep their mouths clesed. 4 | stroyed by fire. of unknown origin While in the eity on Monday af-1 hich broke out shortly before three ternoon, the two brothers of the miss-| = J prin morning. ingryoung lady requested the local |' The strike situation in Russia took police department to keep a close' . . oo. uc aspect when armed con- watch for their sister. . A constable gq: 0 4 in the streets and 're meets the cape boat every day. tulted in the wounding of many police, Yrmmet---------- Cossacks and strikers. William Kinsett, eighteen vears old, for he (the officer) knew a lot about the!,, affair but it was his intention to. be, he ----n trving to save his horse, which WILL BE REPORTED TO ATTOR-! had driven into the river to drink. . Lhe kee interest is displayed in NEY-GENERAL'S DEPT. brokerage circles over the reports con- AT cerning the crops in the North-West. Kingston Owners Will Ask That Mat-| + ( PK. ofiicial, just returned from ter be lnvestigated--One Owner ihc west, declared seventy per cent. of Says They Will Refuse to Pay Tax! the crop is good. it City os N provide Protee-] A J. MeCullough, Bouis, A N City Poes Not Provide Protec Fetartod cutting a seventy-acre field ion. ) of barley to the southwest of the town on Wednesday The crop is a good one and establishes a new early record for this district, if not for the province. Prospects for of the tangled Man., A prominent dog owner and one in- terested in the dog show which will be held in Kingston on Civie holiday, stated to the Whig, on Thursday af terooon, that in view of the many cases in which dogs had been poisoned of late in the city, that the dog own- | row brighter crs had decided to complain to the| Carranza unttorney-general's department, at 10-|¢pat negotiations ronto, to have the matter investigat- [president ('arbajal for the transfer of ed. It is the desire to get the pro-|¢),. government to the constitutional vinoial authorities interested, fats were "'proceeding favorable.' A dog foisoner is blamed and it rm was at first the 'intention of the own- ers to secure the services of a private Ny -- detective on the case, but finally it | F. B. MfOurdy & Co., 88 and RR was decided to communicate with the | 2? { 'k St.--H. W. Nelles, Manager. attorney-general's department. | Brock St. H Rh It is further stated that if the 2rd owners are not given the protection | which they claim they should be given | by the city, that they will refuse to 1{ pay taxes for the canines. During the | cement last few weeks a large number of dogs {R. & 0 have died as a result of being poison- | loronto ed, and the victims have been mostly | razitian of the very best class. In view of the | Textile jog show, to be held on Uivie' holiday, | Shawinigan the killing offi of the dogs has made | Deirort the owners very warm under the col | Dominion lar, and they will do their utmost to | Rod) I lephone : : have the matter thoroughly investi 14 ttawa Light, Heat and Power gated. ™~ | a -- New York, a peaceful termination situation in Mexico with the announcement sources ip the capital with Provisional STOOK MARKETS 2.45 p.m., July Montreal. dog | ( anners pid Railway Steel | Coppers ! Smelters At Brophy's Point--Results of the {.P.K. Races, | I ihc Salvation Army picnic Was)... held on Wednesday afternoon at}, Brophy® s Point. The race results| = as follows T. W. Bible class, (Teacher En-| sign Mrs. Smith)---Daisy Campbell, ! Pearl 'Smith, Gertrude Smith Young Qirls class, (Teacher Mrs. |, Burdens Thread and Needle race, |. Mildred Dickson, Beatrice Smith. Young Boys' class, (Teacher Lk Cloque), Potato race, Oliver :Tid-| man, Willie Lakes, Thomas Hamil- | ton | Young Girl's class, (T@&acher, Mrs. Ii Downey) Egg and Specon race, Lil- | De lian Johnston, Ethel Rayner, Ivy | Smith Open, race for boys-- ears, Cecil Rawson, Stirland ltt. Bertram Pickering, | Young Boys' class, (Teacher Mrs. | McCauley) Bun race, Douglas!' July Campbell, Edward Rayner, Frank! Oats Campbell. j ept Girls' class (teacher, Mrs. Minch) hate Sherbrook, Dorothy Dell, Rogers, - class (boys and girls combined )--Gordon Pickering, Amy ! Sherbrook, Fredie Kelly. | w Boys' kindergarten class (teacher, | M. Pollitt) Melville Campbell, tichards, Gordon Brouse. Girls' kindergarten class (teacher, M SALVATION ARMY PICNIC The Stages Steel Atchison Northern Pacilic rooklyn Rapid Rubber I'ransit chigh Valley American. Can Alt ew Haven Railway Southern Pacilic Cotton. July 12 itp 1h{ * pol. | Whent-- Jul Corn-- Making Improvements. James McParland is transforming old Archdeacon Stuart residence, wr of Gore and King streets, and ill make a fine home out of it. He has modernized the windows, built a t splendid verandah on Gore street and | put a fine ston' wall about the gar- t. M. | jon. The building 'is ome of the old Grace | eity. le Evelyn hindergarten Lewis Fdith Pickering, Wright, Lilly Goodridge. Young girls' class (teacher, A Cl Ytlel Christ Paul i Ihe irish home rule conference is ague elen iristmas auline |, . , : > likely to finish to-day with the leaders Sherbrook, Thelma Woodeock. ¢ | i the conference ap- Young bovs' class (teacher. ('. Beck) |B locked horns and « § . . arently a failure. I. Laurence, Earl Campbell, Lau- |! i rence Baker i [& 'ener: al Villa's aloofness from ! 8 vy has darkened Men's race~Harry RKelly, ranza's authority in the Car- Thomas the e-- AMAAAAARMAMS \ Summer Time FY 18 Holeproof Time That is when these fine sheer long wearing hose get hard service for which they are made. For men who walk a great deal, for women who want style with more than a day's wear, for children who are hardest on stockings, Holeproof is the Hos- iery. For Women Fine Black Cotton Stockings Seamless feet and perfect fitting leg, guaranteed for 6 months, 6 Pairs in a Box for $2.00 Fine Black Lisle Stockings, guaranteed for 6 months 6 Pairs ina Box for $3 a Box Black Silk Stockings, White Silk Stockings, with durable lisle thread tops, 3 pairs, guaranteed 3 months. 3 Pairs in Box for $3.00 Box For Men 6 Pairs Fine Black Lisle Thread Sox, seamless and perfect fitting, guaranteed for 6 months. 6 PAIR IN A BOX, $2.00 BOX Fine Black Cotton Sox, 6 pairs guaranteed 6 months $1.50 BOX Fine Black Cashmere Sox, summer weight, guaran- teed 6 months. 2 $2.00 BOX MEN'S SILK SOX Black and Tan, 3 pairs guaranteed 3 months. $2.00 BOX Y Holeproof Hosiery For Children Fine Cotton or Cashmere ™ John Laidlaw & Son Hughes, William Owens. fo in Mexico. GUARD AT THE PENITENTIARY EXONERATED. Result of Investigation Into" Finding of Suit of Civilian's Clothes In Coal Pile. } As a result of the investigations made at the penitentiary, over the finding of a suit of civilians clothes . a hidden in an old box in a coal pile, § is two convicts who were employed' in the stoker room have been deprived of one month's good conduct marks, The guard who was in charge of the suit of clothes and who gave it over to the convicts to be destroyed has it is understood, been exonerated. The offense is very serious one, and the fact that the guard was ex- onerated while other guards found silty of offences against the regu- lations have heen punished, has cansed mnch comment. Jurt a few days ago, a guard who was found guilty of being asleep while on duty in the lavndry. with a number of convicts under his care was dismissed. In this case a chance was given for one or more comvicis tn make an escape and it is regard- ed as a far more serious offence. handle > a | Suit Cases of Fibre, Care or | or i | ~ Genuine Leather A new shipment of Travelling goods just received. Large assortment of nice goods. A Genuine Leather Suitcase, pocket, 2 straps and swing A selected Fibre Case, strong and of good appearance - A Cane or Wicker Suitcase, light and strong