JUST PUBLISHED Ontario High School History of Canada By Professor W. L. Grant, of Queen's University Quotation from THE PREFACE-- "The writer of a History of Canada which is to be used by J teachers and pupils differing widely in religion, in raci@ origi, and In party affiliations, must avoid alike the obtrusion of hig own pre- Judices and predilections, and the presentation of a story. colouriess and insipid. How far 1 have been successful 1 must leave to my readers to say. alte Mia. Be a eed This New History of Canada - contains 420 pages, fully illustrated, bound in cloth. ey RICE ONLY 19 CENTS. A Copy should be in every home. i ------ LL 14 I. Princess we Street CASH REVENUE DERIVED FROM JAIL LABOR LAST YEAR. Some Interesting Statistics Taken From Annual Report of Inspector of Prisons for Ontario. Some very interesting statistics are given in the forty-sixth annual re- port of the inspector of Prisons and Public Charities in Ontario which has just been issued. "The report states that the cash revenues from jail labor during 1913 was $1,630.50 and this was earned at Kingston in tile making, and the balance at Perth. There are forty six jails in On- taric, with five provincial lock-ups. The total expenditure for jail main- tenance in Ontario for 1913 was $203.936.76; this is a decrease of $861.94. The average cost per day for each prisoner was 24 3-4 'ents and for the year previous it was 24 1-2 cents. There were 19.250 pris- oners ccmmitted during the year, an increase of 2,265 over the previous year . During the year there were thirty- one committments for murder and the year hefore there were twenty- four; in 1913 there were 12 committ- ments for mansianghter and in 1912 there were seventeen. There were THOS. LAMBERT, : We want to draw your attention to our splendid values fn Blue Berges at $24.00, $26.00 and $28.00 a suit. These goods are all wool and fast colors. In Tweeds we have the new patterns in greys and browns, which we will sell cheap. We give personal attention to the trimming and making of all garments, and guarantee the fit and workmanship. We also have a large asosrtment of samples for suits from which we take made-to-measure orders. The prices are $156, $18 and $22. Sult or overcoat. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street We Have the Best Storage Space the City. The Upper Storey of Our Gamage Absolutely Dry. Size 130 x 30 x 13 Ft. We will rent either by the foot or the entire floor space. Apply PORRITT GARAGE CO,, LTD. PHONE 454 491 persons committed for insanity, a decrease of 21° over the year pre- vious, The prisoners sentenced the penitentiary during "he year» show an increase of 112 as compared with the previous year and the number transferred to the Central prison was 147 more than in 1912. The habits of those committed to jails is given as follows In 1912; there were 16,985 temperate 3,747; percentage In 1913 there were 19.250 ments téfmperate, tage, 19.59. Ten and one-third per cent, of the prisoners committed to the jail during the past year could not read or write, * During the year eighteen persons made their escape and of this num- ber five were recaptured There were eighteen deaths in the jail dur- ing the year ALWAYS A RAINY TIME When the Yarker People Have Theii Annual Picnic. One of the largest picnics ever held by the Yarker Methodist Sunday school in co-operation with the Sunday schools of Tamworth, Camden East, Enterprise, Sydenham and Harrowsmith was held on Thursday afternoon at Lake Ontario Park. to pan 22.06. a ~ Suh DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30, 40, 50, 60c. BLENDS For Sale At All Grocers Wohi db, SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF Sit Electric Fixtures 20% Off FT FOR BALANCE OF JuLy ONLY Yi ALL NEW FIXTURES AND DESIGNS : SALES FOR CASH ONLY If you are building or propose building, this is an opportunity to secure your fixtures at a big reduc- tion, W. J. MOORE & SON, The Electric Shop Wellington Street : : : Phone 815 The train arrived in the city at 10.20 a.m, and a street car was waiting to take those who wished in Lake Ontario Park. The continuovs rain, however, kept a number of those who would otherwise ° have rone to the park in the city. Those who remained in the city hirai automobiles and took in the sights and had thelr dinner down "town. Races had been plannai for the ehitdren 'at the park pat owin? io the fuclerant weatiier these were postponed. There were over two hundred on the excursion. The train left the city at five o'clock. The leaders of these picnics have been having a disagreement with the weather man as this is the third consecutive time that rain has interfered with their plans. At Lake Ontario Park. In spite of the damp weather Lake Outario Park, night, a well-pleased Audience was present to enjoy) the changed pro gramme Miss Ward, in her changed songs, brought even more applause than in the. first half of the week. The pair of dancers, Fvans and Wagoner, have changed their Programme, and; if possible, gave a better entertainment than the first part of the week. These hoys are bard workers and , deserve the applause accorded them. The pic tures were completely changed nnd were of the best 'class. at on Thursday Tourists In Town. Several American tourists were in Kingston on Thursday. Some of these Included Mrs. T. P. Webb, Mrs, L. Akin, Mrs. M. J. Hoom and M. J. Hoom, Jr., all of Philadelphia: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Robbins Albert Robbins and Katharine Robbins, of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Eck- hart, Mr.- and Mrs. F. E. Eckhart, Ruth Eckhart, George Eckhart, Em- ery Punsey Alwin Ramsey and CO. Edwards. of Auburn, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. O. Kick, of Pasedena. Hydro Electric Exhibit For Fair. R. J. Bushell, manager of Kingston Only Fair, has received word from Hon. Adam Beck, chairman of the Hy dro-Electric Commission, to the ef- feet. that he will require a space of forty feet square in the building at B Men's Oxfords | Pat Colt, Gun Metal, Tan Calf | hn 'bricking a ne the fair grounds for the electric dis- play at the township fair, which is to be held on September 30th and Octo- her 1st. The chairman is sending one of his best men to Kingston to look after the display. Engagement Announced The engagement is announced at Massena, N.Y., of Miss Sue Letitia Browning, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Barnett J. Browning, Massena, to Thomas deCarle Mé¢Nish, - only sop of Mr. and Mrs. George McNish of "The Cedars," Lyn. The wedding will take place early in August. Miss Browning was a graduate nurse of , the Brockville General Hospital last _ year. A Unique Exhibit, Campbell Bros. the Princess street hatters have in their window a dis- play this is very . interesting. It shows felt hats in the different stages of manufacture and the ma- terials used in them. Tt has been viewed by hundreds-of people and will be on exhibition a few days longer. Work Going Ahead. The erecting shop of the loco- motive works is rapidly being com- i . The workmen are engaged committments;" PONIES AND VICTORIAS WILL MEET, ON SATURDAY. | And Also on Monday Morning-- Duffy Ran His First Professional Race in Kingston on June 3rd. I'he local baseball fans wil see some good ball games played in the city this week-end. ' On Saturda® the Sa- polios will meet the Regiopolis in a very important game, as the result will definitely show what the teams' stunaing is and what their final chances for the honors will be. The senior game on Saturday and the morning game on Monday is between Ponies and Victorias. . These games will both be hard contests, as the result on Saturday means a great deal to the Ponies; another loss will practically put them down and out. The game on Monday will be close, as the winners meet the Havana Red Sox at Lake Ontario Park in the af- ternoon. ihis is one of the fastest col- ored teams in the world and ° besides furnish endless amusément to the fans. Duffy's First Pro. Race. Ihe Montreal papers annougpe that Dutiy, the Canadian winner of the Bos- ton Marathon, will run his first "pro. tessional' race in Quebec at the end of this week. This statement is wrong, the Whig claims, as Duty and I'abre ran' their first "profess pe race in Kingston on the 3rd of June last. Duliy was expelled from the amateur ragks for recering money at Kingston. Hemeey the professional debut of Mr. Dufly was made at King- ton. ional owt More Baseball 'Grounds Needed. It was plainly shown on Wednesday evening that Mingston was badly ip need oi additional grounds where base- hall games can be played. That even- ing a number of Voung men had ar- ranged for a friendly game at the cricket field, but when they arrived at the field they found that the junior diamond was occupied by the Sunday School League players. * The senior thamond was also in age by some the: senior City feaguwe players. -As the diamonds at the cricket field City property, the teams which are on the job frst are 'entitled to the around ¥ It' is understodd that the men who have been in charge of the Mercantile Baseball league in past years have had to. drop the idea of having a ser ies on account of being unable to get a place to play the games. It has been suggested that the City Council see that® the diamond in the air grounds is put in condition teams to practice on. Junior 8. 8S. A, A. A. Games. I'bere promises to he some interett Nng games in the junior S.8.A.A A. baseball series due to the defeat of Cooke's on Wednesday evening. Had the Presbyterians won out, they would have been winners of the silverware Sydenham will meet Cooke's the first of next week, while St. Paul's will play St. George's. Un Saturday evening the. members of the S.5.A. AA. executive will meet to settle the Bethel-St. George's pro Lest of are for Arranged A Game. fhe manager - of Kingston's Ouly Fair has arranged with the president of the S.S5.A.A.A. for an exhibition game of baseball to be plaved at thé fair to be held at the pnd of Septem ber. The winner of the senior series and the best team will pe picked. second Rideaus Won Again, Queen streets and Rideau strects had another baseball match at 1he Artillery square om Thursday night with the result that the Queen streets went down to a score to 3. Another game will be ed to-night at the Rideau grounds at 6.360 p.m. The batteries were : Rideaus, G. Clarke and Cor rigan; Queen, F. Watts and A. An G. (Rielly umpired. of Y play street grove, Going to Lake George Races. Next week will produce some anxi- ous moments for the local motor- boat enthusiasts while the races are on for the Gold Cup trophy which, this year, are to be "held at Lake George. On Wednesday Dr. J. J Harty's yacht P. D. Q. IV. was ship- ped to this lake to take part in the races and the P. D. Q. V4 owned by A. G, Myles, who summers at Alex- avoria Bay was also shipped the same day. In all there are to be about ten jhoats im this series of races Which extends over Wednes- day. Thurtday and Friday of next week. The feeling in the city is that Dr. Harty with his new speeder will stand a fair chance of winning. - lle is to have with him some of the best mechanics that can be secured and if he does not take first place it will not be nis fault. Last year Dr. Harty, although he did not win, ran about the best of the whole number of 'contestants. When passing in front of the wharf at Alexandsia Bay his engine appeared to be the easiest running while sgme of the others were missing fir® and other ailments - customary to engines not running quite true. If Dr. Harty is mstrumental 'in winning the cup noxtiyear, no doubt, the races will be held in the local harbor. James Conway has already left the city for the seene of the races and Dr. Harty leaves on Satirday for the same place. 5 WIIL ASK FOR TENDERS. For laying of Cement Walks in » Portsmouth - Charles Andre, who recently re- ceived the contract for the new ride- walk in Portsmouth has asked-to pa relieved of the same, having fonad that he contracted for the job at ton iow a figure, and the council h1s decided "to relieve him of it. Mr. Andre has completed one hundrod feet of the walk, and pew tenders will be called for at bounce for (the balance of the work, which amounts to about five hundred feet. ; A special meeting of the conneil will be called in the course of a few days to deal with the tendra. re Closing Weese & company's sale, ure frames. Auction 1 Sale of Men's Low Shoes \ All Men's $5.00 Low Shoes All Men's $4.50 Low Shoes All Men's $4.00 Low Shdes We also have a few pairs men's sizes, 4, 4 1-2 and lar $5.00, in tan lace and button low shoes. Now $2.00. NOW IS THE TIME TO WEAR LOW SHOES BARGAIN Exceptional Values in Straws 50c, $1, $1.50 Campbell Bros. REDUCED PANAMAS Were $6.00 Now $450 Campbell Bros. CUT PRICE $4.00 PANAMAS Now Selling $2.75 Campbell Bros. RRR Sp, -- WOMAN CHASED YOUNG WOMAN She Caught Her Talking to Hubby on Street. When \ woman chased a voung lady she talking with her husband, near the corner of King and Union €lreets, at 10.15 o'clock on Thursday night, and created a good deal of ex- ¢itement. ; I'he matter wg reported to the Whig by a citizen who happened. to be passing this corner at the time. He says that the actions of the woman mn the case gave the impression that the man was her husband. He says that as he reached the corner he no- ticed tno women walking along the street together. Just at this time a voung lady walked along the street alone, and was met by a man. . The two had no sooner greeted each oth- or than one of the other women al- ready referred to dashed the street, calling out to the girl] saving hat she knew her and knew where she lived, and making uncomplimentary re marks about her The girl took to her heels and ran into a nearby house for protection, and the man ran down Union street towards Ontario at a speed which would have done 'credit to even "tom | Longboat in his best days. the young woman staved in the house for some time and the women then went on their way. They did not fol- low the man It is stated that there were wigs on the green when hubby and wife met vf their home a short time after- wards. caught ACTOSS Straw Hat Bargains. Men's $2 smap brim straw hats; uow only, $1, at Campbell Bros. After a man has turned down two or three opportunities they begin to dodge him. Seven last days of Weese & com- pany. Saturday's gigantic sale of planos, ete., followed by sweeping auction at might. Pure Ice 5, regu- Cream 3 Tat Best in Kingston By Government Test il For Sale 9 room house, new; . . 2) all improvements, #$3,- 000.00. Easy terms, W. li. Godwin & Son. Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance Hot Weather Clothing summer sults, Oxford shoes, ete. Now Is the time to secure a complete outfit at small cost. Sults, $0.50, $7.50, $10, $12 and $15 up. Oxfords, $2.25, $3.00 and 23.50. collars attached, at S0c, Thc and $1, Balbriggan uwaderwenr, 50c, 70¢ and $1 a suit. ISAAC ZACKS OUR BIG MIDSUMMER July sale now on. ig reduction on A fine line of megligee whirts with 271 PRINCESS ST. For Sale In Portsmouth, blacksmith shop and outfit; carpenter shop and outfit; paint shop. Whole outfit sold cheap for cash. Apply to H. 8. CRUMLEY 116 BROCK ST Re INOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS : SALE IS A GREAT SUCCESS In the Latest Material and Finish id's Quality--Reid's Low Prices, JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER : Phone 147. ~ PHONE 1442 GA be Contractors, Attention! PHONE 1473 ~ We have a large stock of ators nd Gas Stoves; also all ki new and second-han Come, see the bargains, H. SUGARMAN, 342 Ontario ; Phone 1556 Opposite Ornig's hoieatia $ STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS Retr + d furniture; all to 801d at reasonable prices. Ra Get Prices From David Marshall ny Gasfitting and Prompt atteation and resson. uble rates guaranteed. AAS] 101 Queen Btreet Laman apd McInnis enter the sec- ond stake Brown falling out. At Bisley camp after shooting off at the King's prize, How would you like to have a Massey Silver Ribbon Bicycle, with a coaster brake and mud guards FREE? 3 We gave one absolutely free to M last year as he guessed nearest to jar we placed in our window. . Allmark, of Portsmouth, : number of bicycle parts in a i This year we give away absolutely. same as last year, with the exception tha same chance.as the man or woman. Last year every dollar's of goods purchased entitled the purchaser to a guess. This ¥ everey , whether it is a $500.00 motorcycle is good for one guess. Look In our window for the jir cent's worth of fish hooks or of bieyele paris.