Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jul 1914, p. 10

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' PAGE TEN HE DAILY BRITISH-WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY %. 1014 Pg Thomas Copley Telepnone 987 Drop a card to 18 Pine sireet when wanting anything done in the carpen- a Estimates given on all kinds rs and new work; also hapd. Bas Hors of all kinds. All orders 'ecelive prompt attention. 8 Whaeen Rirent oo yon HOP: PA A ABN Freckle-Face. Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles)' while if it does give you a dear complexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine-- double ! from Géo. W. Ma- Hood, and a féw applications should b You how easy it is to rid your- s#!t ot the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than oné Sulie needed for the worst case, Be sure to agk Geo, W. Mahood for the double strength othine as this is the prescription sold under guaran- tee of money back if it falls to re move freckles. -- THE SHINE of the TIMES § "COBRA" BOOT, POLISH HR a Thousands will be glad to know § they can bu "Cobra" Polishes in 3 Canada, as t| were in the habit @ of using them at home, and are now being sold by the following: Phe A. M. Reld Shoe Store Abernetliy Shoe Store Lockett's Shoe Store H, Jennings, Shoe Store J. A, Seott, Shoe Store C. R, MeLeod, Groger WwW. Gilbert, Grocer BP eg? aoerne' ofa" 3 sud Floor Polish LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS in each class of goods Besgldes being a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs the Directory contains Mats of EXPORT MERCHANTS Co- with the goods they ship, and the jomdal and Forelgn Markets they ply; STEAMSHIP LINES arsanged under the Ports to which they sal, and indicating the approximate sallings; PROVINCIAL of leading ' Manufacturers, Mer ete, in the principal provincial and industrial centres of the Kingdom. TRADE NOTICES hants, towns United A copy of the current edition will be forwarded freight paid, on receipt of Postal Order for $5. adver larger Dealers seeking Agencies can tise their trade cards for $5 or advertisements from $15. E LONDON DIRECTORY CoO, LTD, 26 Abchurch Lane, London, E. C . "St. Helen's School, Dunham, Que. A Resident"al School for Girls, 60 jles south of Monireal Full course om Preparatory to Matriculauon High, healthy situation, games and outdoor sports: Special courses | Music, Art, Languages and Physical Culture. Resident Knglish staff. For Prospectus apply MISS WADE, Prinei- pa re Ottawa Ladies' College RE<OPENS SEPT. 8th. New Building --costing $140,000.00. Absolutely Fire-procl. Every Medern Convenience. New Furnishings. Pure Water trom Artesian Well. COURSES: Academic Course from Pr to First Year University. Music, Art, Domestic Science, Phys- ial Culture, Steno . Write for calendar. REV. J. W. H. MILNE, B.A., D.D., President. J. W. ROBERTSON, LL.D,, C.M.G., Chairman of Board of Trustees. 0.L.C. A ct rt i A NEN ANN ANNAN NINN TUBERCULIN TESTI PROMOTERS OF LIVE STOCK EX- HIBITIONS PETITION GOV. Injury to the Shows--United States Owners Will Not Send Consign- ments of Cattle Here. y 26 tions Ottawa, July 25, ~ Representa 8 have been made by promoters of ive stock exnibitions in favor of {ihe withdrawal of the restriction which compels United States exhibitors at Canadian live gtock shows (0 sub- mit their cattle to a successful fu- percilin test six months before ®X- hibiting. There is a similar regula tion in the United States against ranadian cattle, and the restriction " Yanada at thé unani- was put on in © : mous request. of the stock breeding interests. Those interested in ex-} hibitions, however, claim that in the practical effect the restriction hurts the shows inore than the individual exhibitors from the United #tates They are desired to come 10 Canada; and are not particularly anxious 10 show here, and in view of that fact the exhibition associations feel that every facility should be offered them COMING OF MAUSOLEUM. -- Antiguated Methods of Caring for Dead Ave Passing. National Magazin History furnishes abundant evidence that science has seemingly perforuied miracles for the benefit of the living, yet it has scarcely lifted a hand un til the last few years in behalf of the dead The methods of burial in every land have undergone practically no change in twenty centuries; a bru tal custom has decreed that the... xe. mains of departed friends must rest until the final awakening in a bleak and oflén neglected joemetery, with the cold, wet ground for a bed. It true that wealth ean secure beautiful caskets and ornamental monuments of designs, but in the final analysis the last resting place ol powp and poverty is essentially the same--a mud-draped grave. I'here doubt, however, that the American people are awak ening to the necessity of a radical change in the custom of burial, and that the modern mausoleum, perfect ed and build to stand the ravages of ages, has everything to commend it The not a new one, how ever Away back in the beginning history similar methods of burial prevailed, and it must be admitted that in the selection of places for de- powiting their dead the ancientd were deeply impressed with 'a necessity of gelecting tombs calculated ' to receive and preserve from- decay and corrup- tion the remains of departed friends is artistic is no but idea is of Nationa: insurance At Work. Ottawa Free Press As time goes on the Insurance Act in Ureat Bmtain gradually, justifies it- self, in the mama. It true that various cases of real grievance keep cropging wp, and perhaps the law contghues, an the. people's proverbial ungratefulness, to lose more votes than it wins' for its authors. But the second annual 600 page report on the operations of the act exhibits in plain figures its immense benefit. Among the thirteen million insured over seventeen million pounds (about ninety million dollars) has been dis- bursed medical benefits. Rather less has been expended upon men, more upon women, than had been cal- culated. Evidently, formerly worked on the [hat is accordance 18 in women have in sickness bill and loss remedied. the treated already : for fear of doetor's of wages. In persons have culosis in the tablished, and received other treatment i.e. either pensary, or domiciliary treatment Perhaps - the most therefore, the most popular feature'of Britain's National Insurance is the maternity benefit. The working-class mother has been taking-full advan- tage_of the special Benefits conferred under this head, and the most treach- of the act can hardly mothers and 44,195 tuber- with act, been for sanatoria os 58,756 persons have for residential, the same disease, dis obvious, and, erous enemies eavil at the results for infants. I'he doctors were to be the vreckers of the act have become a Grm support. Their members on the panel have increased in a little over a year from about 14,000 over 16,000, and the relations between them and their patients are certified as "entively satisfactory." Really, the conservative denounced Mr. Rowell Canadinn ILloyd-Ceorge, who "speaker ns the paid the who ilieral temrerance champion a hand some compliment. [ONTARIO | LADIES And Ontario Conservatory of Music Art, Whitby, Canada, Stands For Effi- cient and Cultured Young Womanhood The mew 925.000 Gymumastum, with swimming pool, = and REV. J. J. HARE, PH.D., Principal _ AAA A ASA AA ANN confession that he {that rc rosie 3 SUSPENDID ANIMATION. If This Scientist Succeeds We Will Hive a New Economic Era. 'A remarkable suggestion -is ad- vanced by a Russian scientist. Could the vital functions of animals be completely suspected for a period and then restored to full vigor' an économie revolution would result. The stock on the farm which yields no profit in the winter, such as bees and sheep, might literally be laid as- fde until spring, costing nothing dur- ing the unproductive season and yielding a profit as soon as they be- gan to incur expense. The cost of shipping live stock of all kinds would fal! to the irredue- thie minimums With vital funetions sitspended all kinds of animals, birds and fish -cpuld be made to or- cupy ie smallest possible space in the scale of life, but with the frank without injury to themselves or of any deterioration in their food value to be received in full flesh and vigor at the end of the journey or when néeded for use. Such a hiatus in the existence ol man could be brought abont success fully would add materially to his ap parent life span and tide him over many critical periods Such are the thoughts occupying the mind of the Russian scientist, who in'making exhaustive experi ments along the very lines which sug gest them. He has succeeded in sus pending the vital functions of lower organisms hy drying and storing them by the application of 1 oisture He has accompliched the same ens in some insects by submitting them to varying. degrees of low temperi- ture and afterward applying beat. Now he is gradually ascending in the transporting vehicle and carried dares not hope ill reach the height to which he aspires. --Bostgn Herald HOW TIBETANS MAKE TEA. Chip Broken From Brick and Is Pounded in Mortar. This is how a Tibetan makes tea a chip is broken from a tea brick and pounded in a mortar. The dust is then boiled in a Kettle for five minutes, after "which it is poured through a strainer into a 'tea churn', a small wooden eylinder with & pis ten A piece of butter and some parley meal are added and the mix- tire is churned vigorously for a mi- pute or two, after which itis pour ed off into a teapot. There are no teacups In Tibet, but everybody car- ries about with him a small tea bowl made of wood and lined usually with gilver, When the tea ready the guests produce their bowls, which are thep filled. Municipal Extravagance. Toronto Weekly Sum " Not the least of the causes eof the high cost of living Is municipal ex- {ravagance, which in Ontario, at all events, has been steadily piling up an increasing = burden of taxation. According to the latest official figures to hand, the per éaplta taxation of the townships increased, from 1900 to. 1912, &2 per cent. that of the towns and villages 73. per cent, and that of the cities 40 per went. Dur- ing this period there was an increase each vear of a million dollars or more. In 1912 the expenditures of the distribution of electricity had not become generally effective, ald now the new scheme of automobile roads and radial railways are to be under- taken. . 1t is evident that growth of muni- cipal taxation cannot continue much longer The per capita taxation of the Ontario cities, which is now more than $16, has almost 'reached the average of the New England cities, whose wealth and regources are doubtless very much graater. Muni- cipal taxation bears in some cases on fixed incomes and upon capital, but, on the whole it is borne by pro- ductive industries, the rewards of which are being steadily reduced by the accumulating burden of muni cipal taxes, customs taxes, the levy of combinations, and the charges of transportation The farmer, who is often chided for his parsimony, having raised his taxes in twelve years from $4,690.- 000 to $7,972,000, seems to have done very well for the faddists and promoters of extravagance. In The Same Boat. The house doctor of a certain thea fre sometimes tires of his* office, hence the following One evening an excited usher rushed to the doctor's seat, and whis pered a brief message The occu- pant rose at gnce and both men left the orchestra hastily and made for the dressing-roomhs "it's the leading lady," wailed one of the actrésdes, mesting them; "come this way." ' "Have you poured water on "her head?" enquired the doctor, sdlemn- Wo, "Yes, from the fire-bucket." "The fire-bucket!-- what a fearful plunder! Here," and he scribbled a line on a card, "take this to the drug store and get it filled." When the leading lady found her- self alone with the doctor, she open ed her eyes. "Doetor," she gasped, "you're a good fellow, aren't you? 1 know you are aware there's nothing the matter with me. 1 want a day off, and 1 don't want to go on in this act. Can you fix it?" : "You bet 1 can," said the doctor, wringing her hand, sympathetically, "{ ain't no doctor, I came in on his ticket.' is Superstitions About Animals. One of the superstitions perpetua- ted from age to age among the com- mon people, is, that the human body weighs no more after a meal than before. If there were any foundation fof fact in this idea no human being could ever get fat. In almost every country in Euro- pe there is a current belief that the presence of crickets in a house is a fortunate omen, and that the sing ing of the crickets at night-betokens good luck for the next day. French housemaids have a pet su- perstitutivn that it is unlucky to kill a "'money-spinner," i, e, spider, and therefore spare many webs in situa- tions where they can be left without suspicion of negligence. London has a blind reporter. { type: tlie other is trim and tailored. white. FEMALE ANTS WHOLE SHOW. Do the Work, Act as Soldiers, Raise the Family and Govern. "hrigtian Herald David Fairchild, who has hunted the world over for plants of economn- value, and introduced them into this country, has communicated some interesting facts about insects to our National Geographical society, whic has in turn given them to the pub- lie. He says the champion aero- naut is the king grasshopper, which has the ability to jump one hundred times its thousand miles before the wind. erful singer, its shrill note some times being/heard a mile away. The males along are musical, and the fe- males listen to their melodious woo- ings withiears which are on their forelegs. Being so musical it would rdly be expected they would be such fighters among themselves as they are, or cannibals, eating each other when there is not enough other food at hand. The ants are described as comnmun- the individual interest is merged in the community. Theirs a female rights colony The workers are females, the soldiers are females, the nurses are females, and there is one queen mother for them all, who lays all the eggs for the col- ony The males are but mates for the young queens. Amount Of Sleep Required. Climate has something to de, says the London Chronicle, with 'the amount of sleep required by a man, In India, for instance, sleep over {lkes people at the most unexpected moments. Speaking at a dinner given in his honor at Shula when he gave up the post finance member of the council, Sir Guy Fleetwood Wilson re called hig first budget statenient be fore the council. "The day was ab- normally hot and close, even for Cal cutta in summer time. Partly owing to the heat, but partly, no doubt, te the wearisome effect of my first at tempt at oratory, one by one every single member present went to sieep, and It ig the simple truth that after a while I actually fell asleep yyself inthe course of the delivery of my statement." Thi# surpasses the feat of the late Duke of Devofishire, who paused in the middle his maiden speech to yawn ists, because Canny San As+Sardy holed out on the first green his friend from over the bord- er asked: "And how many strokes did you take?" T "Eight," replied the Englishman, "I took seven; so that's my hole." The Scotsman ventured no reply; but when on the second green the Engltshman repeated © his former question, and made inquiry as to the. number of strokes taken by his op ponent, the latter godded his head, and with an expression of infinite wisdom on his face, gently murmur- ed: "Nay, nay, my mannie; this time it's my tur'rn to ask first.""--Ans- wers, eager tste---- To Keep Skin White, Velvety, Wrinkle-Free C. MM. W. save: "I perspire So exces. sively that powder makes my face streaky these days and creams make it greasy and hiny What can I do?" ry the treatment recommended "Anise." AF Joose and What will made H di olite in 1 "My skin seems so in hot weather. Use a wash lotion oz powdered sax- th hazel. This is immedia in any wrinkled or flab . Use daily for awhile and results will astonish you. Anise: A sinple way to keep your | #kin smooth. soft and white is to ap- ply ordinary mercolized wax before re- ring, washing #t off in the morning. This keeps the face free from the par- joles of lifeless cuticle 'which con- aptly appear. 'bheorbs these wafn<out particles, so fresher, healthier skin fs al view. An ounee of mercolly 3 he Nad dt Small cost at ant drug 'se like oream. --A un - Womans Tealm, 5 » OF DIFFERING TYPES BUT ALIKE IN YOUTHFULNESS ARE THES COSTUMI : One of these vacation costumes for the summer girl is of the fluffy taurant wear is of white pufied net and flowered pussy willow taffeta. The taitorleur is of hand embroidered handkerchief linen 'and for all its. sim- pli¢ity is by far the costlier of the two costumes, blue straw hat and a parasol in Plerrot style with black dots and bands on length, and can sail for a} The cricket is described as a pow- | / The fluffy frock for dancing and res- It is aceompanied by a | A SUBSTITUTE PRISONER. O | | How Rogers Got Another Man to Go to Jail For Him. Birmingham Age-Herald Theuatory starts in a saloon on the waterfront at Nagasaki, the] scene, it will be remembered, of | | Madame Butterfly's tribulations. Three strangers offered to treat {Johannsen to drinks. He accepted. | When he regained his senses he was jae sea on board the American trans- port-ship Sheridan, a prisoner en- route to the San Quentin peniten- tiary. Being unable to speak Eng- lish, nobody understood when he tried to explain, so lie was delivered | to the prison authoritiess/as James | Rogers, alias Peter Grimes, tried and | sentenced to serve three years by the | treaty court at Shanghai for forgery. Johannsen's cellmate at San Quentin was a fellow countryman. Through him he got a hearing and was re- leased, The "Feal Rogers once served vear in San Quentin for forgery. He won the regard of a San Francisco merchant who sent him to China as a clerk on one of his vessels. Rogers was soon posing as the merchant's son and passing bad cheques, He was caught, convicted, and sentenced | to three years at San Quentin. He, was intrusted to an officer of the| court who was to have taken him tol Nagasaki and turned him over tof ithe officers of the Sheridan. It is believed that Rogers got the officer drunk at Nagasaki, drugged the un- suspecting Johannsen and personally turned him over to a petty officer of the Sheridan late at night, together with the legal papers which he had tolen from the drunken deputy. | a CUT OUT THAT PART, Mill Hands Balk at Demi-tasses Af- ter Dinner. Washington Star 'Some of these sea captains are as inefficient in a fog as the three mill hands were in the Atlantic City table d'hote." The speaker was Duncan on: "Three mill hands and their wives went down to Atlantic City, for Suggs day. The three men started out alone on Sunday morning They had a dip they got weighed and, for a grand wind-up they lunched at a Board- walk restaurant. They had the fifty-cent table d'hote luncheon. | "The hors d'oeuvres, the nut-crac- kers and so forth bothered the three mill bands, but they pegged away at!' their seven-course table dlipte bra-! vely After the withered fruit and moldy cheese their waiter said, as they lit up their cigars: ' 'And now, gents, would you like three demi-tasses?' Holy smoke, no," the leading mill hand answered. 'Holy smoke, no! Our wives might happen along and see us gettin' with 'em."" Elliott He Dr. of San Francisco. M. went Look Up. better to hope, * clouds hang low, And to keep the eyes uplifted; For the bright blue sky will soon peep through ! ] When the ominous clouds are rift- ed, There was never a night without a day Or an evening without a morn'ng; And the darkest hour, as the pro- verb says: ; 1s the hour before the dawning, 'Tis though the Seek, then, to. weave in the web of life : A bright and golden filling And to do God's will with a glad- some heart, ' And hands; that are ready and willing, For the sunny, soul that is full of 1 ope, And whose trust in God ne'er fail- th, eth, Knows Sod \is love" and "God is tr Though at times the storm pre- DUR ABLE-Fire grates are three-sided; last three times as long. Shaped in the ""MeClarys i arnace lary ail or to any tof pales, Tue ScosELL DRvG FOR-MEN. ind ! [ 0 d Brain cr BLT Vitality; for Nerve an s ry. a Fontowill build you up. $8 & box, or Ba drug stores, or by mail on reseipt "Tan Sconsiu Dro CO., Bt. Catharines, "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store." | | | "live Lobster Daminiog Fish Co. ai I Positive Relief from the suffering caused by dis- ordered: conditions of the organs © digestion "and elimination-- {rom indigestion and biliousness-- always « secured by the safe, certain and gentle action of Beecham's Pills Sold everywhere. 1n boxes, 25 conte. We should be "glad to show you our Boys' and Girls' School Boots at prices from $1.50 tc $3.00. We save some splendid lines in Men's Shoes, which cannot be beaten at $4.00 All good solid leather. REPAIRING DONE Scott's Shoe Store #60 PRINCESS ST. Branch 206 Barrie St. Aramis Br sn A An Easy Way To Increase Weight Good Advice for Thin Folks. The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight 1s that they insist on drogging their stomach or stuffing with greasy foodg; rubbing on use. Jess "flash creams," or following some foolish physical culture stunt, while the renl ca » of thinhess EBoes un- touched. You cannot get fat until your tigentive tract assimilates the food you eat, Thanks to a remarkable new. scien- tifie discovery, it is now possiblel to combine into simple forin the vety el ements needed by the digestive organs to Relp em convert food into rich, fatsaden blood, This master-stroke of madern chemistry is called Sargol and has been termed the gréatest of Hesh- bulMers. Sargol aims through its re- gensvative, 'reconstructive powers to cogx the stomach and intestine® to 1it- erally soak up the fattening elemegts of ur food and pass them into Foe bigad, where they are carried to every si@itved, broken-down cell and tissue of your body You can readily picture the result when 'this amazing trans- formation has taken place and you natice how your checks fill out, hollows abut your neck, shoulders and bust Amappear and yeu take on from 10 to 2 yunds of solid, healthy flesh. Sar. i s absolutely harmless, inexpensive, @ lent, - Leading druggists of King- gta and vidinity have it and will re- ful your money # you are not satis- fi as per the 'guaranteed found in ev- ery package Canton --Whilq Sargol has given ex cellent resulté in overcoming nervous dyspepsia and general stomach trou- Hles it ghould not be taken by those who do met wish io gain' ten pounds "to grind up clinkers when "rocked". See dealer or write for booklet. = LAUNDERING DONE WITHOUT ACID. If you want your clothes ta last, you musi have them washed without seid. ueld whatever, We use no 3 5 will bring our boy te the A done We appreciate the opportunity 10 werve you. Best family washing, 40 to 60¢, CHONG = R08., LAUNDRY. AAA A At IN NAN HEARN The kind you are lookiag is the kind we sell ~ Scranton Coal end ol awe rang pony ruit Land Freak en daily Cholee enting aphies 0 all prices California peaches, plums and cherries Also eholee line of candies. James Paul, Phone 904 all parts of rang 348 Princess St. Gouda delivered to the colt Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? * It Saves Time. Hot Weather ToKeepCool ~~ Wear LADIES' WHITE CAN- VAS PUMPS LADIES' WHITE NU- BUCK COLONIALS LADIES' KID SLIPPERS BOYS' AND GIRLS' RUN- NING SHOES BAREFOOT SANDALS REDUCTIONS IN MEN'S OXFORDS The Sawyer 'Shoe Store Poisonous Matches In less than two yea rs it will be unlawful to buy or to use poisonous white phospho matches Everybody should begin to use tj EDDY'S NON-POISONOUS "Sesquin 5 Matches® | And thus ensure safety in the home.

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