Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jul 1914, p. 1

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Che 171 ONTARIO, SATURDAY, oy 25, TRY TO MAKE Hudson's Bay and Strait Safe For Navigation. HAVE CONTINUOUS LINE oF cofimu NICATION TO THE AT: LANTIC OCEAN, * carried on, . carp 1s reared. < " = As Bohemian carp and eraylish are | The C. No R. Trust Deed Has Been IN BELFAST FROM CARSON AND jcticious, the owners of breeding Filed With the Secretary of State grounds were not gratified in discover- ~The Default Clause is the One of a CRAIG, ling that the muskrat varies his vege Chiet . : ' table diet with spawn fish and fresh ef dulorest. The Government to Proceed With ater fish: , e industry appealed to the minis Second Reading of Amending Bill ter of agriculture for nssistance. It ap- Next Tuesday, But There Are Dif- pears the smuskrat refuses all kinds ot ficulties in the Way. poison and won't enter a trap. The ministry has oltered a reward for any Belfast, Ju 24. The failure of Lmeans to destroy the muskrat. the Buckinkfanmi palace conference ; on Irish home rule was known def~ iately in Belfast last night, through telegrams from Ulster leaders, and the official announcement caused no excitement here. The Ulster pro- vigional government awaits orders from Sir Edward Carson and Cap- tain Craig, who are still in London. It is believed here the next step will be a general mobilization of the vol- unteer force as a kind of an "armed uemonstration," which may impress the government. If the govern- ment is still unyielding, it appears certain, according to declarations by prominent Ulster man that a pro-, visional government will be set up | before. the home rule bill is passed. | Nationalists In Difficulty. London, July 25.---No one sees any possibility of settlement of the dispute unless it be by the govein ment appealing to a verdict of the country through a general election, and such a step would be considered generally not a compromise but & surrender by Premier Asquith's cab- inet. The government's immediate prob lem now concerns the amending bill. It has given notice that it is the intentign to proceed with the second reading of this measure next Tuesday, but there are many ob stacles in the way. Most serious of these is the attitude of the na- tionalists. They are most reluctant to go on with the bill, when it may be recalled; they only give .aeir as *sent on the understanding that it was a conditional settlement, Pre mier Asquith acquiesced in this view 3 the amended bil! se the price of peace. Now that peace his Hot been attaiped, the nationalists are placed in 4 »erious difficulty. They will meet on Mon- day to consider what course to pur sue in the matter. Ireland 4 Powder Magazine. London, July 25. -- One roptrt said to-day that the failure of the conference has resulted in the para- dox of relieving the tension of all parties. According to another, Ire land has now become a powder mag azine and a matéh may be laid at any | instant as a result of the failure The Telegraph's correspondent pays a single breach of peace, trivial in itself, may now lead to the mos: disastrous consequences. With a hundred thousand men b possession of arms and ready fog an} contingency, leaders on both side: have successfully kept them in checl to the present, but fears of disturb ances are more serious to-day thar at any time since the introduction oi the bill. Nationalists, it is said express open satisfaction at the out come of the ednference, while union YEAR 81 NO. 1914 A PLAGUE OF MUSKRATS. NAPANEE TIDINGS. Sunday School Picnic--Cheese Meet- ing on Friday. Napanee, July 25.-- Mrs. R! Smitn left this week tor a montns' visit with her children, Mrs. ¢. D. Black, Weyburn, Sask.; Ed- ward of Winnipeg, Maurice of Swlil [* lake, Sask. ,and mrs. Bruce Wagar, Saskatoon: Miss Armitage Deseronto Road, left Tuesday to spend a couple of weeks with relatives at Klva, Man, Miss l. Blewell and Mrs. James fitzpatrick took Yn the St. Anne de Beaupre excursion this week. Mrs James M. gr apdm and daughter, waith, of Scranton, P'a., are visiting er Mrs. Sperry Rockwell John street. 8S. E.. Scott arrived aome this week from Red Cliff, Alta. Mrs. Charles P. Templeton and little daughter are guests of Mrs. William Templeton, Thomas street. St. Mary Magdalene's Sunday school held a very successful ex- ursion on Friday to Belleville and Massagar park. Mrs. George Detlor and daughter of London, are the guests of her sister, Mrs. (Judge) Madden. Char- les P. Coxall, of Toronto, is spend- ing his, hblidays with H's mother, Mrs. W. Coxall,, Wall street. «Mrs, M. J. Getty and son, Douglas, are also guests of her mother, Mrs, Cox- all At the cheese board yesterday af- terngon 790 boxes -of colored and 140 white were boarded. All sold at 12 7-16 cents. NEW PEST FOND ON ONTARIO FARMS Green Bug Ravaging Gardens Fol: «plowing Checking of the Army Worm. London, Ont., July 25.--Another pest came to-day to plague the far- mers of this district in the shape of a small green bug the name of which is unknown as it has never been seen before. It devours the orn Seeking a Way to Check Their Depredations. July AUSTRIN'S ULTIMATUM FALLS LIKE A BOMBS It Evokes a Most Grave Eu- pr -- | ropean Crisis. WAR CAN BE AVERTED bald Quance, while a + hay lifting machinery in his i¥ father's barn at Elfrids, near Hamilton, was killed by a' & weight falling upon his head. Oakville, July 25.--Wilq ONLY BY BACK DOWN OF ONE liam Bartrup, Bowmanville, SIDE. a chauffeur, was. almost in- stantly killed when his car, Sm---- containing Elias Trimm; of Britain's Policy Will Show an En- Darlington, and his wifé and tente With France--Russia Will daughter, overturned at a be Essential Factor in Balance Be- sharp turn near Oakville. tween Peace and War. London, July 25.---Austria's ulti- matum to Servia, in_ which she de- mandy that there shall be a cessation of acts which led (0 the assassina- tion of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and Duchess of Hohenberg at Sara- jevo, on June 28th, has fallen liKe a bombshell in diplomatic and all other quarters here. It goes without saying that it is regarded -as having evoked a most grave European crisis. It caused consternation in diplomatic circles in London, Paris and St. Petersburg. Russia may reply with an ultimatum. 20 War, indeed, can be averted only by the complete back down on the part of one or other of two great triplices into which the European powers are divided. So far as the public generally knows, only -Ger- many and Russia have as yet been drawn into the Austro-Servian guar- rel. i The information is to the effect that Britain 'has unmistakeably tak- en a line of pblicy which will show an entente with France. Russia will be the essential factor in the balance between peace and war 3.57 London, 25.--~According to the two Daily 'Mail's Vienna correspondent, ~ CAUSED NO EXCITEMENT Prince Uollogedo Mannsfield.., liberated ten Paris-Canadian muskrats on his 4 {estate in Bobemia in 1905, hoping his Mmmm cms i vas sp em ------ , gamekeopers wauld be able to trap [ them and sell the skins, To-day there are 200,000 muskrats in Bohemia, and, like rabbits in Australia, they are spreading qll over the fraithil regions" fof the province, even entering houses in Prague. Ihe anumal® made their streams of water, where cbreeding of craviish is tand by* ponds An Armed Demonstration Like-! ly in Ulster. tse i ORDERS ARE AWAITED caves by artificial where > 3: Ottawa, July 25.-The marine and naval engagements are engaged on big programme of wok this trying to make Hudson's ~Bay and strait safe for navigation. ° Three wireless stations in the strait and at the entrance to the bay are being located so as to give a continuons line of communication from Port Nel- son and Port Churchill to the At- lantic. - The chartipg being done at the mouth of the Nottaway river is preparatory to the construction of the proposed railway from there south east to the National Transcontinen- tal, in connection with the alterna- tive route from Port Nelson across the northern end of James Bay and thence by rail to Montreal. The C. N. R. Trust Deed. Ihe Canadian Northern trust deed, by which the company is empowered under certain conditions to go upon the market and float $45,000,000 ; of dominion guaranteed bonds," has just been filed in the office of the sec retary of state. The clause of chiel interest is that which deals with, taking over the company in default of the provisions of the agreement and the payment 'of interest. Fifteen daysnotice must be given to the government in the event of the com- , pany finding itseli unable to pay in- peas and has already caused heavy terest on its bands. In case of de- | 0886s. A hea y shower has check- fault the government can, without ed the activities of the army worm po -- | considerably and farmers whose Se prs, ve " - | the consent of the bondholder waive crops have een devasttated are hop- ite right to enforce: security, but un lA ing that the rain will exterminat less the government fulfils its guar Soa e the pest. antes the trustees can 'act on the pe \ tition of the hondholders regardless of the government's waiver. a summer 7 &* FTI TIT TIT SFEPEE Re sie il SETS HER CAP FOR HIM. Girl Maker of "Headgear Gets . Hae band in Odd Way. + « Sunburh, \Pa., July 25.--To eon the bride of man she never saw, Miss 'Mary MoCormick, } years old, oi Point township, i umberland, county, left for a 3,000- mile trip to Portland, Ore., she will wed 'John 0'Donnell, a well | to-do apple grower. More than a year ago the young. woman, then employed in a Nort htte berland - cap factory, just for fum placed : her name and address the band of a-cap. O'Donnell it, and wrote her a lefter. She did { not answer it. Persistent wooer that be was, ho sent his picture next time, and Miss McCormick took up the correspond: ence, which resulted in a proposals with Uncle Sam as Cupid's messen- she had not accepted himy until he had, assured her he did not drink! went to church. She was not afraid, nor was she doubtful of her future happiness, for, she said: "No man London, July 25.--Upon the action |gould! treat a woman badly whe oi Russia and Servia as a result of | writes letters like John does." ) the ultimatum, rests the peace of ------------ pod Europe, with the Austro-Hunghrian WHERE IS MISS YORKE ? minister at Belgrade instructed to ---- ; leave Servia with his entire staff un- | Tamworth Young Lady Nas Not Net less he is notified hy six o'clock to- night that the terms of the ultimatum Wherg, is Blanche York and De. will be complied with. 'This was the Robinson ?" There. are vaxidiia ans wers to this question, 'nous. Named Judge For Queen's County. Charlottetown, P.E.L, July 25---The Hon, Ww, Stewart, K.U., has been appointed county' cdurt judge for Queen's county as successor to" the late Judge Hector (. McDonald. Ihe new judge has, been, an member of the provincial legislature for Char- lottetown since 19]2. He is fifty-nine years of age, and one of the leading lawyers of the province ALL SORTS OF CRIMES COMMITTED IN TORONTO Special Officers Have Been Assign- ed to- Investigate the Many Cases. l'oronto, July 25 and hogse breaking within the past month to such an ex tent that special men have as signed to investigate each crime in the hope of getting somebody for the Following + a series of burglaries Wednesday night, there have = ARTHUR NICHOLSON become British ambassador | to Paris. EXTEND CORNWALL PARK. SIR Whe-may ---- New Summer Hotel Also Be + Erected. Cornwall, Ont.,, July The | Cornwall Electric street railway com- | pany have bought the splendid prop-| St. Lawrence known as the reported that | limits of the May x 25. ve erty adjoining the Park on the east side, French farm It they will extend the i park and that they contemplate! building a large summer hotel. The | location is an ideal one, being a mile or so helow Cornwall on the banks of the St. Lawrence, and being easy of access from the Grand Trunk rail- way, with which connection is made by the Electric railway company di- rect to the park: If the compamy decide to go ahead with the hotel ! project it would no doubt prove a ® @0Zen more since then, paying investment and would make! What the actual number Coruwall and the district more popu-| 8 has been within. the past month lar than ever a sununer .resort, only the officials know, and they refuse to give this sort of infor- mation to the press, on the grounds that the jcuiprits themselves read the story and are brought to a sudden realization that the police are aiter them. Two apknown men plate giass 'window of the jeweller) store of J. J. M. Landy, 405 Yonge street, and cot away With six trays ol rings worth altogether in the neigh borhood of 82,050 Twelve difievent residences within an area of a couple of blocks have been burglarized. is ger. Miss McCormick declared 'that Burglaries, shop have increased Ja been job The Outlook Very Grave. on beeh half of burglar \ wv -- MUST END REVOLUTIONS. as police Action Will Be Taken By the United States. Washington, July 25.--Drastic ae- tion by the United States govern- went in Halt and San Do dis imminent, but no steps of force will be taken until every effort is made to settle by peaceful means the revo- lutions in the two countries, President Wilson explained to in quirers the position of the Amwurican government toward the two republics as one of much anxiety. He sald marines had been eencentrated in the vicinity of the island so as to be ready for any emergency that might arise with respect to the lives ana property of Ameritatis 1 fursianers British cabinet have cancelled their tatives of the United States had used | Week-end engagements, - remaining iu strong language in urging the: rebel- London Orders for prompt mobiliza- lious elements to stop AZhUKE. tion of the Russian army le anviel, The president indicated that the fated, Ap ¥iew is taken in = ptuation had progrossed, to 4 so | Pinter roported that Servia ask of intervention had as yet been de- ed Austria for more time until parlia- termined upon and future steps ment could meet, when demands, which o i : . "1 would not hurt Servia's national pres youl depsal . the developments would be granted irom day > a) The transport Prairie with several officers and a small detachment of marines is expected to arrive tonight at Cape Haitien to fill out the com- plements of the cruiser Washington and the battleship South Carolina. N. R. Drastic RETURNS TO C. Presence at Halifax Disproves gruel Story From Savannah. 25. ~Leverett R. Har York, who. was report- abandoned his. young Fiorence Pickard, a few days alter his marriage with her Savannah, Ga., 1s here with his bride, both of them looking very happy. I'hore is absolutely no truth in the abandonment €tory. l'hey propose to | 5 - imam in thas city for some time Mr ISLAND MAY COLLAPSE. Harrison is an engineer and a 'gradu- | - ate of King's Vollege, Windsor, N.5., One of the New Hebrides Shaken where he met > Pickard.spme years ! by Earthquakes. ago when she waX on a vacdtion | pene | Svdney, N.S.W., July 25---The Is land of Aoba, of the New Hebrides group, is in imminent danger "of col lapsing from incessant earthquake shocks, according to late advices re ceived here. Already there have several fatalities and if the volcano on the island erupts, whole population, numbering 5,000, doomed. In December last the Island opinion in diplomatic and military circles in all the capitals. minigterial council wag calls by 'the czar," to-day, when Russia: . oh iu bebali, of Seryial The first step will be to ibrm a request for an extension of the time limit, which, if refused, it is reported, will be answer- ed by an ultimatum to Austria by the Russian government [London and all European stock mar- kets are extremely weak, to-day, be cause of the danger of war. C.P.R. fell over three points at the opening. Russia will have the suppprt of Eng- land and ¥Frapce. All members of the Has Been Appointed Chief Enginee of System. Winnipeg, = July 25.---~Thoma: Turnbull, formerly connected witl the C. N. R., and for tne last fou ) years with the'C. P R., and the Hud son's Bay railroad, has been appoint ed assistant chief engineer of the Canadian. Northern stem, wit) headquarters in Winnipeg. Mr Turnbull is a native of Ontario, an: takes up his new duties upon his turn from the west. OLD BOYS EXCURSION TORONTO IS DUE AT NIN! O'CLOCK TO-NIGHT. The Events Avwanged For Sunda; and Mopday--Riflicult to Arrang for 2 Band For Monday. I'he Old Boys' excursion irom To ronto will reach Kingston about nim o'clock to-night It will be met by Mayor Shaw, some of the aldermen, und the Salvation Afmy band, to say nothing of thousands of others who will give a welcome to the Kingston jane in 'loronto who are coming t« Hahfax, July smashed in the vison, of New ed to have bride, Miss in s_dissppeatauce. at doctor had to ota positively 'refused to disouss the case at all. "It' has been suggested that he owned ° the automobile that was seen in = Tam worth on the eveniiig of the disaps pearance. That she was seen on the capo boat has heen very clearly proved. fhdfioysd that "there is a man hare in Kingston who, if he "w could tell something that: would clear up the whole mystery. slay i 3 Here From Sap Francisco, An interesting visitor to the city on Saturday was Dr. G. Porter, who with Mrs. Porter and family, arrived in the city in" their antomohjle from san Francisco, Cal Fhe car be- ing shipped C.P.R. to Fngland and the family sailing with a ¢ in a rE ua aan number' of other on L visited by violent disturbances, the steamer Minnewanska from New mass¢s of molten lava being thrown York. The party will tour England, to a great height from the volcano Germany and other places in Europe, ;Anggburying several villages in if returning a from next Septem ilten mass. At that dime 50 ber. FROM h been - steaming the is Dr. Stirling has purchased the. rasi-, dence of the late George Currie, los, ton. With hig mother, Dr. Sti will shortly make his home there. A horse belonging to David Jemie- son, Renfrew, was killed: by a cloud of bees, which settled all over the ami mal and stung it to death. "The home of Peuslar prepara- tions," , Gibson's Red Cro drug store. Extra fine peaches for table use, ody Crawford. is by are * Frisco people on great tige, Demands Of Austria Are Just. Cologne, July 25 An inspired despatch from Berlin to the Cologne Gazette admonishes FEurepean gov- ernments, the 'press and fhe public opinion as to the danger of encourag- year To Become A Benedict. ists believe a general election is now The failure of the con ference, therefore, has caused a grave The Times says the governmeni will pags the bill and put upon the unionists the onus of ac cepting or re jecting the original amending bill plus the abolition 'o . Michael Williams an Indlan longing to the 47th regiment, which went to Petawawa, with a handsome silver the Y. M. C. A, sports, for throwing the shot. in charge ofthe formerly of this city, DAILY MEMORANDA Toronto Od Buss arrive No. Wii e 8, right hand corner, brother Joteph, who is fourteen did A Park, band Hay Macdonalld Pari 8 p.m Imitation Is Flattering Notting so testifies merit of standard articles as the extent they are tmitated. An army of "me toos" "just as goods' flock after the trail of the sure standards. ers nevere offer the imitations when the real arti- cles are called for. It 18 not considered business ethics or a wise policy. There is larger profit in sell ing the imitations, but they do not butld business. They disappoint and the pub- lic loses confidence in the store marked articles advertised The Whig from day to day is of quality that makes SCIENCE TAKES UP CASE | Treatment Administered to Make Little "Kids" Into Big Ones. © Chicago, July 25 Danny, year-old son of Joseph Bruzek, be spared the fate of his dwarfed | father, who quit job aftér job cause fellow employees teased him about his small stature. The city of Chicago has uiilteis taken to make Danny a full sized man, physically and mentally. The process has been started. It will | be used also on Mary, seven' years | old, and Josie, 12 years old, sister and brother of Danny. His other not Rave the henefit of such treate ment and is small like bis father. The. father has the mental de- velopment of a child of ten. His wife algo is dwarfed. Nature deni- ed them thyroid glands. They are victims of cretinism- development of body and mind has been arrested. Top Most children sheep are just things to look at. or things from whic clothing and food are made. To the drawf's children, however, they' are to sueply the thyroid ex- tract which will work to make them normal. ; Dr. W. J. Hickson, director of the psychopathic laboratory connected with the municipal court has started administering tablais, which are made from the pulverized thyroid elands of sheep, to Danny. The tab- lets contain ahout five grains each. Newport, R. I, was thrilled by an; Oriental dinner given by Mrs: Stuy. vesant Fish and a secceeding ball at accept him. which Mrs. O. P. H. Belmont wore a priceless costume which belonged to the Empress of China 300 years ago. Guests bumped heads three times on the floor of the throne on entering and the men {including Vincent Astor. sported pig tails. (A duel as the outcome' of the Cail- Jans murder trial in Paris is emin- OF A DWARFS CHILDREN i latest | rebulte K€ OMe of both Burleson and nine- is to | Grimsby, be- | Loins kinds, f the authorities at Orillia are able 25.-~Reports were Attoroey-ieneral Washington, July published here that McReynolds, only bachelor cabinet member, is engaged .to marry Miss ! Lucy Burleson, daughter of the post muster-general. He is about fifty and she is twenty-one Ihe story of the cabinet romance met with srude to discuss was refused the McReynolds." They it, further than to say 'absurd." Miss Burleson is with her Ont. tale mother at Would Exclude All Dogs. York, July 25.--Dogs of all from milady's blue ribbon win- ning Pomeranian to the mangy eur on the streets, will be barred from the city of News York if Health Commis- sioner Goldwater has his say. "The in- creasing number of cases of rabies te- portett has occasioned his stand. "New York would be far better off without & dog in its limits," he said (d-day. "I think all domestic animals ought to be eliminated from the eity.' SHOCKING BRUTALITY WAS MADE KNOWN The-Conduct of a Meatally Deficient Child on Front Street, Toronto. " Toronto, July 25.-A case of shock- ing brutality was brought to the at- tention of the Humane Society and, as a result, a mentally deficient child jof seven years, living on Front street { west, near Bathurst street, is to be sent to the Orillia asylum as soon as Lo Lhe neighbors were sur- prised, 'one afternoon, to see the child in. the yard poking out the eyes of » kitten. After he fad finished this he placed the struggling animal into a { burning tar barrel and to en- {joy its torture immensely. Others were similasly treated. 5 "Ruy Nyal's - preparations," Gibson's Red Cross drug ote, at see 'the old folks at home." On previ ous occasions, this excursion from To ronto enjoyed a $2.50 rate, but this summer the G.1.R. gets $3.80 a ticket There are no excursions from Ottawa or Montreal, the Toronto assoeiation being the only one alive just now, An elaborate programme was not prepared by the Civic Finance com mittee, as the homecoming is not of a general nature. 'There will she a Band concert in Macdonald Park on Sunday evening 'Then, on Monday morning, there will be a_baseball match and do; show at the cricket field. in the al ternoon, LaKe Ontario Park will be the centre of attraction, where there will be two baseball matches, one be tween "the old bovs at home" and "the oid boys of Toronto, and the other between the winner of the morn ing game and the Havana Red Sox, colored students who are on tour. the old home boys' team will be: KE. Mullen, p.; S. Conley, ¢; R ihompson, "P. Moran (manager), U. Wilson (captain), "H. Stratford, I. Parkin, W. Carson, M. Reid, §. Millan Elmer (treasurer). The Kingston bunch will bave no less than nine spare men on the bench, ready to jump into the game when casualties occur, from old age, general debility ete. Secretary J. J. Donnell, of the Loronto association, is arranging the line-up of {the visitors' team. The chal lenge on Behalf of the locals was ex- tended by Mayor Shaw. Fhe mayor has had much trouble in arrangin for a band for Monday, as the R.U. band is at Petawawa, the rn Army band is 'engaged otherwise. the Ith band is disbanded for a'time, and bands in the immedi ate distriot being unable to come, However, some kind of a band will be got together for Monday's events. Madame Callfaux colfapsed in a faint in a Paris court when theh let- ters of, the former premier to her were read. She was carried out in® sensible and the court wes delayed. P. R. traffic earnings for the wedk ended July 21st were $2,282- 000, a decrease 5f $376,000 over the same period last year. Report General Huerta is op |Sa there to to confer To Have Terrible Enuing. St. Petersburg, July 25.--The po- sition which has arisen over the strike of over a hundred thousand men here and large numbers at Mos- cow and elsewhere, which is already serious enough, threatens to have a bloody ending unless the strikers are promptly put down. The govern- ment ig apparently holding its hand until the visit of President Poincare of France has enued, when military repression will begin, and it is ng likely to be more gentle than is cus: tomary in Russia. - 6,000 Jags In Seventeen Years. New York, July *25.--Gustav H. Ebert, a plumbing contractor of Jer sey City, is the world's campion **souse," if the allegations contained if his wife's divorce petition are true, In the seventeen years that they have been married, Mrs. Ebert charges that her husband has come home with a "jag" 6,105 times. She didn't in- form 'the court how she kept a record of Ebert's alleged "drunks." THE POOREST CROP RAISED IN TEN YEARS This is the Outiook In Southern Alberta--Excellent Pros- pects Elsewhere. Calgary, Alta., July 25.--Southern Alberta; which, generally Shenking. is that part of the province sou the main line oi the Canadian Pacific rail wav, will have, this season, the poor- est crop that people of this district have experienced during the last ten years. Harvesting in Northern Alber- ta, however, will be good with ex- cellent prospects in the central and northern sections, Weather is now more favorable. \ Closing Weese & company's sale, pianos, pieture frames. Auction turday night. : [Intelligence is the mother of brev- ' ; ing Servia. It says it is imperative in the in- terest of peace that the voice of Europe should impress Servia with the necessity of submitting to the just demands of Austria. The despatch concludes with the significant intimation that if any at- tempt be made by a third power to stiffen Seryia's back the conflict will cease to bé purely Austro-Servian. SHOT DEAD THE YOUTH WHO WED DAUGHTER Bride's Father Then Went and Coolly Gave Himself Up to Police. New York, July 25---William \ Cleary, for fourteen years town' clerk of Haverstraw, instantly killed a nine teen-year-old boy, who has come. to his office to tell him that he was his son-in-law, ' Cleary fired three shots into the boy's body. The young victim is Ei man, son of ick . Newman, one of the principal owners of the Rockland County Messenger. The two families have always been intimate. Anna Cleary and Eugene grow up to- gether. They went to boken on Saturday, where a minister married them. They returned to New York and separated, and after two or three days got up courage enough to tell Mrs, Cleary they were husband and wife. Mrs. Cleary told Ei he must tell his' father-in-law al 1 about. it at once. Exactly what happened in Cleary's office is being kept a secret by those who know the details. No hot worde .the shots. The crime was swiftly carried out. Immediately aiter the shots were fired the he slayer walked out and calmly req a friend to motor him to" the lice we irigltning ry dove. ene B. New- Peaches, Peachés, Peaches. Extra choice table peaches by the dozen or in small baskets. THEDALY BRITISH WHS IE CN SALE AT THE FOLLOW ory Clarke, J. W. & Co. College Book Store "ars Coulter's Groeery ... Cullen's Grotery, Cor, Frontenne Motel ....... el Gibgon's Drug Store . MeAuley's Book Store . Medley's Drug Store 200 Paul's Cigar Store asisss reilly . Bove

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