Your Best Interests Are served when you place your Banking affairs with The Bank of Toronto. In addition to its ample facilities, widespread, well-choserr connections, and the strong financial prestige of this Institution, you will find careful and interested attention given to your account, and an accuracy in handling the smallest details that you will appreciate | Paia-up Capital . Rese Terms moderate. Miss A. Keys, if Market oEoRc gure McEAY . SESS. Ww Howard S. F olger INVESTMENT BROKER Fire and Life Insurance High Grade Bonds and Stocks District Manager of The EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 44 Clarence Street Phone 995 a Real Estate Builders & Contractors Attention Sand for sale in any quantity CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED. Phone 286. 168 Princess Street. Yards, me Dock Contractors, Attention !! We have just opened a kiln of stock brick and we want the contractors and builders to come out and see them. It won't cost anything to look at them and you don't' have to buy them if they don't suit you, but we invite inspection and challenge comparison They can also be seen at J. O. Hutton's and McKelvey's hardware stores, See our new hollow brick for inside work. They certainly are dandies, We will also hav e tile ready for the market in about Kingston Brick & Tile Worl Albert Neal FOR SALE A solid brick house, hot water heating, electyic light, gas for cooking, hardwood floors, grate, and verandah. We are only lasking $3,600 for this property, and it is a bargain at the price. This pro- position is only good until Xugust 1st. pl We sell Life, Fire, Accident, Health and Automobile Insurance, J. K. Carroll Agency, 48 BROCK ST. PHONE 68 JOHN DRIVER, Representative. For Sal Warm Weather. ing pecialties splits ani Gramophones, Phonographs, Grif- onolas, Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue Amberal re- cords - Big discounts for July and August. Allen's 118 Brock & Grape Juice in pints. Lime Juice in 45¢ bottles _ Abbey's Enc's, Heed's 'and Hill Er: Salts, and many ctifer "Wirm Wenber requis- Hoag' Drug Store Opp. T.M.OA Phone 358 een BLL Buy The Best 18 16¢, 25¢ and Phone 253. A 'e, reliable lati a Sold in three ~ gd of remo. h ba 2, $3; No. 3, og all Ta oF eh on Sie A Our cream pure and vholesome. Many customers. have learned to order by phone. We deliver in time for meals. Give us a trial order. Our Bracelet Watches are Timekeepers. They are the only Kind that have a place in our stock. Prices range from $10.00 up to $100.00. We invite comparison. R. J. Rodger, JEWELER 347 King St, "Where the Clock is On the ! Walk," LET Brick house, No. 118 Victoria St, between Earl and Johnson Sts. Seven rooms, modern; immediate possession. Wieod's Ndeod's rg Store i Dutton's. oils oR ~Whst 'the Merchants Offer * to the Headers of she Whig. Kingston parks look beautiful just now. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley"s. Phone 564. We write insurance in the most reliable companies. © McCann. Read every page of the Whig's second section. It is interesting. Ripe Tennessee peaches. J. Crawford. Ihe Havana Red Sox team will ar- rive in the city on the Cape Vincent | olay boat on Sunday. 'Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. 3 C. Colborne street. " Mrs. Johnson, of Sand Hill, was re- : the general hospital on y in James Reid's ambulance. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley" s book store. "Dr. W. R. Patton, of Cologne, Ger- magy, came to Kingston on Friday evening aboard the yacht Roamer. White or fawn linen skirts §1.. 21 Me Ottawa, for: seriously Allen is Rev. H. J. Allen, of of Bingmon, is very George H. Wise householders are "fast shak- ing loose the rent burden. Are you ready to better your conditions in life McCann. Isaac O'Brien agent of the Evening . Vaudeville 'and Pictures ' Proclamation !! I, Abraham Shaw, Mayor, City of a hereby de- Monday 2 27th July CIVIC HOLIDAY and request all citizens to ob- serve such as a day of recre- ation and pleasure. The Home-comers will ar- rive by G.T.R. Saturday eve- ning, Give them a welcome. A. SHAW, Mayor. IDEAL C,N.R. at Allen, Ont., is in the city as an old boy. He was a former em- ployee of the Whig. | Prank Newman, Press, who took the trip on the steamer Alexandria to Quebec and Montreal, returned to the city on Fri- $1.50 corsets. $1. Dutton's. | 'The city solicitor says the by-law passed guaranteeing $100,000 for al Boston concern to build an hotel here is dead Ii the Balfour proposition is | entertained a pew by-law must be sub- mitted. Ripe Te nnesshe Crawford A tourist party, comprised of Ad olph Rydyuist, Mrs.Jiydyuwist, A. Pa terson and Verna Wertburg, oi Greens- boro, N,C., arrived in the city turday Fosning to spend a vacation Bust distenders 50¢ Strong -cor set clasps from 10c¢; hose support from 15c¢. Dutton's store { The Grand Trunk is running two ex cursiops tc city from Ottawa for the bPwhging the Old Boys to the | eity, I'he train from Ottawa will ar rive 'in the city around 3.10 o'clock, and the train from Toronto about eight o'clock Ripe Tennessee Crawford @ We have started scores of people of .small means in acquiring homes and have seen crown' their efforts It's your Come in McCenn, La Diva corset. F. Stradling, 16 shipped six 'birds, | Sydenham street shipped three | birds and G. A. Tryon, 107 Queen street, shipped four pigeons to Belle- ville oan Saturday morning. These will. be released at 11 o"clovrk and their time taken to see their chances n the races Monday : of the Jackson peaches. J. C.1 on Sa vaca the of J. C1 2 peaches. success turn Dutton's store. Russell street, J. Hughes, 171, NO DISGRACE IN FAILURE Reward Will Be Proportionate Worth. Mauri Sw itge Leslie Week! Don't stop at rates surmount them, the tougher they are the more} exercise you'll get. Any way you look at it, it's better to fall dows than to lay down A good merchant can manage somehow even with in- ferior goods, but a poor workman will do a botched job with the best | instruments in the world. No man can rise above his limi- | tations, and we all have them; but ' there's no disgrace in failure when | you've done' your best. Your personal work will tell own story, but even if it's good there's no certainty that your re- ward wil be in proportion to your | worth. Injustice, unfairness and selfishness are all in the game and you've got to learn to take them philosophically. Failure to do your best is your fault; failure to get just recompense is your misfortune; that you can't 'help and no man should worry about something which | is beyond his control. But I've noticed one thing. most cases where an employer fails to_Trecognize real ability in an em- ployee. some competitor with fo | sight and insight grabs the man: Of course it doesn't follow that this will happen to you, but no nd an | who keps his health, his job and an increasing balance in the bank Sen] worry one way or the otlier. | its | ju An Easy Way Out. A curious story comes to haad showing the methods of the notori- ous Mexican leader, Villa. Villa captured a village recently, and having summoned the local | priest to come to him,, demanded the use of some property belonging to the church. "Bring me the keys at once," he added. | "1 dare not!" replied the priest. "It would be impossible for me to hand yod those keys without the authorization of the bishop." Villa, who, in his advance through the coufitry was making many chan- ges, promptly replied "Very well; I hereby depose the | present bishop. and, now 1 make vou Bishop. Now get me those keys." The keys were brought once. to him at' Was In a Hurry. It was Richard's first day at school. | At noon he rushed into the house, ' picked up the treasured funny page of the paper, and scanned it wit eager anticipation in his face. A | moment later he threw it down and' in a tone of disgust cried: "Gee! That's a rotten school " "Why, Richard!" exclaimed astonished mother, "what do say that for?" "Well, I've been to it a whole day land 1 ala's learned 10 read Jou". 7 his you la: { rrrmemrtetmmme----------r-------- [AUPOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES | FOR HIRE |WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE { Astor, smiling prettily, said: CREAT y Theatre TWO WEEKS JUNDENSED mips G RATES Insertion le. a word. Each con- insertion thereafter, half- Fob J charge for gar, tpecriion. six, 81; HELP WANTED. under oy had, ah pair rg for one night, or-Mc for DY CLERK FOR x 'K, Whig office. AN EXPERIENCED ER EXPERIENCED L grocery. Apply FOR CHARTER. 1 THE PEOPLE'S FoRUM | FOR SALE. LAUNCH MAYBEE, WITH FULL GOV- ernment eq Sutpment and Ycensad phot, will handle fishing and picaic parties search-light river trips and week-end Island rambles. For torn apply W. J. Driver. Phone $12 r G. W. Allen, Phone 127. +» TO LET. TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL I, Xves. Once, 36c; three times, FROM 1ST MAY, NO, 372 ALFRED ST. Thomas Mlils, 7 SALE Bt Di MAK wants work by the day. Apply to 34 Jehnson St. | WANTED, A RESPECTABLE PER- son to take care of baby, 3 weeks old. Apply Box 724, Whig office. BRICKLAYERS, APPLY KINGSTON Construction Co., Ltd, Princess St. or the Redfance Moulding, Building, G,T.R. Junction. AN INTELLIGENT tam 4 $100 monthly or Bend . re ari, tars" cate, 3,960 N MAY Corresponding PORTRAIT AGENTS WANTED, SEND for catalogue. Solar and bromide prints, portraits, flat and convex frames and sheet pictures. Mer- chants Portrait Co., Toronto, om ---------------------- -- BIG HIT--MANUFACTURE BARLEY oko Korn Cri Pp; Dew confection: heats popgorn; Machine $7.50 ; & Co. Chicago Corneau Ave. No. Parkside STORA cigan' and rom: McCann, 83 Brock THESE Mttle. On one week, A ve. YEAR OLD BAY PONY, 38 VTS. OO8R Tae; three times. 600; EY GEES yo FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS, man, 387 Division St bn MANDOLIN, BANJO AND three travelling trunks. Lower Bagot St. GUITAR Apply Pi] 7 T SBOONRHAND ORGAN, | GOOD SHA son, planos ap. D. J. Daw Victor Victrolas, 4% Princess 8 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT WITH all conveniences. Apply Box 613, Whig office. UREEER Hovis Tae ist May, No. of n- ningham & M OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM- Apply to Cunningham & Mu. HS rence 8 NEW BRIG K DWELLING, B. and C,, free water. Cann, 3 'Brock St. 6 ROOMS, . 8. R. Me- SToRdek FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, i, ary rooms; your own lock and rost's ity Rlorage, 29% en 8t. Phone 526b. FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHE. house, all convenlences, electric light, 2 and telephone; Sentral located. Address Box I, Wh ig office. Beginning July 22nd programme third day Exhibitions twice daily at 3 and 8 pan. SEATS FREE--NO COLLEC- TIONS. Alteration Auction Sale NV. COATES! Change of every $20,000 $20,000: Jewelry Stock Sale commences WEDNESDAY, JULY 20TH 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. further particulars watch ture ads. KF. W. COATES Jeweller: ad Optician. . Drink LIPTON'S TEA The finest the world's largest producer ean grow. Prices from 23¢ to $1 per Ib. or - Phone 1177 Rubber Tires for Carriages and | Automobiles. George W. Boyd, | AUTOMOBILE FOR MIRE Jack Stanshury OUSE PHONE 750 oR BRITION AMERICAN HOTEL | Special rates to afternoon or evening driving parties Answered---Inguiries Rates Solicited. { Train. Calls STEAMER BRIT ANNIC Toot of Dal- "t., Montreal, every Wednes- Pim arrives at Kingston n., returning Jenves Folger's Ww Pd Kingnton, nt 5 pom, tanking passengers for Gamanogue and Brockville and freight for Mon- treal. A. N. SMITH, Gen. Mgr. Head Office Cornwall, Ont. 7 FOR |THE OLD BOYS' PICNIC] on YACHTING TRIP TREAT THEM T0 A PARIS PATE SANDWICH HUNTLEY & EALERS RISCLITS 160 varieties AND A GLASS 'ow Your family grocer ean supply you Fenwick Co. (Distributors) Poor Joe! Mrs. John Astor, who is a sitong | supporter of the suffrage cause, res cently gave a delightful address to a fashionable audience in Newport on the suffrage question. At the. end of her address, Mrs. "But 1 must stop talking or yon' will be reminded of the poor man for BY LARGE RELIABLE good agents, ladi Tr gents, to sell goods on salary and eommission One willing to leave city-for other towns west. Need not apply after Wednesday Apply GG. Anderson, Windsor Hotel FIRM, FOUR LIVE AGENT IN county to work on a commission. Must have a convey- anve, rig or automobile An at- tractive proposition Apply Omtario Contrete Post Company, 303 Col- borne street Jrantford w ANTED--GOOD J Frontenac TO 865 WEEK- ? wv rite fmmed- sample, | erience { Enclose 10c to cover >. Mitchell, P. O. Box verta. Canada You ANY ABILITY AS A sman? We have a proposition nake which will enable you tol earn more money than you are eatning at the present time. Cor- espondence strictly confidential A ldress to Manager, Box 47, King- ton, Ont. A NEW EVEN ROOMED HOUSE with bs and large strip of land, on Alfred St. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pipe St, :r Eastview Park R. " No. 1 TOUSE, 165 STUART ST. THIRD BooR from University Ave, north Bide} rooms, deep lot: Immediate pol sion. Apply 32! University Ave. 7 Phone 1484. 253 INVISION ST. tage. fire pla ROOMED COT- rath, closet, new plumbing, gas, summer kitchen, yard, barn and stree watering Rent $11 00. Apply 8 Princess St Phone 403 > FINANCIAL. FRONTENAU (Ua ANNs INVEST. ment Soclety; Incorporated 1863; resident, Colonel Henry R. Bmith oney issued on city and farm Properties, municipal and guntey bentures: mortgages purchase. Seposits received and interest al. lowed. 8. C. McGill, Manager, 8! Clarence Street. WANTED GENERAL | FURNISNED ROOMS FOR | t housekeeping, With or with. t board; location near street rail- Apply Box 720, Whig. office FROM SEPT. IST, THREE ur rooms and bath, well heat- lighted, bright and airy. Furn- ished preferred. Highest referenc- as. Address Box 714, Whig office DrOP A CARD TO Jasrfs sen BY, Unversity Ave, for prices on Kinds of carpentering work. rates given on all classes of hardwood floors laid and hed. Satisfaction. guaranteed TLEMEN TO BRING THEIR | cloth and have it made up Inte up- .e-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing end repairing done on th- { shortest notice homas Galloway 1 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- | age. 1 | | TEACHER WANTED, A Qua LIFIED T | ACHER FOR 5... { No. 8, Ernesttown, salary $400: Protestant required > 5. Clark, Sec, Odessa LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire insurance Nims pany, Available assets, $61, iT addition to which the lr have for security the unlimited lability of city property, Insured at lowes! Before renewl new pusiness gel range & Btrange CATERING. rates from Agents. Phono 3 ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP- pers, banquets, dinners, partles, ste, Silverware and cutlery to nt. For, particulars apply to RB. " Toye's King St. store. wi CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc. also rent aisles table lMnens and SHivgrware: Reid and Hombrook. P. , 30 Union Street. F. C Habre 176 Ifred ° Street, Phones 843 or 303 ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD AND ROOMS, Apply 138 Wel- opposite post office. FIRST CLASS also table board. lington St. BUSINESS CHANCES. ™ ASS HER WANTED FOR S, 8, NO, §, salary » Sept Glenr Ist, oo E AC HER ror SCHOOL 4. Oso, Duties r holidays. Apply, and experience Kirkham, See, Tall tes stating sall to Danifel River, Ont. a NORM AY CHER FOR Se ol Dydd es io he lida Apply, J Bla klock KENNER Ra. preferred), duties to | 1914. Salary $300 per Apply to Wellington 'reas, Arden, Ont FOR SS, NO, 4, un See ACHER FOR S. NO, , Barriefield; Protestant Apply, stating saiary ce, to W. A Mich, , Bumrriefieid P.O, Ont 5, spre sal- rston; Pe nlestan begin Sept. 1st, er ann n mas Sus geant, Sec.-Treas., aldsen, © praf 1904 Apply io Dew - QUALIFIED _ TEACHER, PROTESE- ant, for Unlon Benool Section § Oso and 9 OMen, for coming year. Duties to commence after holi- days. Salary $235 Apply to D. Attewell, Sec. -treas,, Oconto, Ont OR 8, oN, with Duties NO. 6, 050, A TEACHER NECessary qualifications. to eomunence after mid- summer nlidays, Apply stating salary anil experience," to Wm Cradn c.-Treas., Clarendon Sta: Mion, Ont anrwe A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT rw, ALE teacher for 8 No. 25, Camden. Duties. to li Sept. 1st. Sal ary $450.90 per year. State exper- fence. Apply to Milton Shangraw, Sec. eat, Harrowsmith, Ont, R M.D. No. 5. Nutmeg Poison. A German medical journal, the Munich Medizinische Wochenschrift, who died. Someone asked whot poor Joe's last words were, and al friend replied: " 'He had no last words. His wite | was with him to the end.' "-- New York herad. | His One Chance. "You eat very littlé Mr. Smith," | said the maiden coyly to the bashful » lover who had been invited to share taken to the family dinner. "Yes," replied he, and for once he saw a chance and, grasping his cour-| age, he said: "To sit next to you, Miss @Qrace, is to lose one's appetite." +-Ladies' Home Journal Extra fine ¢ peaches for for table use. J. | wiord, eh ------ gives a curious story of tw® cases of poisoning from nutmeg, an arti- 'cle in daily use in food and drink. Two servant girls partook of a mix- ture made up of two ground nut- megs, a small quantity of powdered cinnamon, and balf a litre about] one pint, of hot wine. One gin . xreater part, the othér but a small portion. Both were the hospital unconscious. |' The one who drank the greater part remained in a stupor for three days, and it was not until the fifth day that she recovered her senses. The other, who, like the first, develeped failure of memory, vertigo and somnolence, was not so long in re- covery. Nutmeg contains an etherial ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing; be own boss Send for free booklet: tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. CALGARY OIL limited opportunities for wealth; you can share in them; you want honest advice, accurate, information send for interesting booklet. Fred F. Knappen, Herald Bldg. Calgary Alberda. BUSINESS NOTICES, JOSEPH RUSE, ¢ oHpsTNUS ST, HAS opened' up a quarry on ephen St ut, building and rough stone are supplied promptly &/ reasonable prices. UPHOLSTERING. W, J. GAVINE, YPHOL STERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card ' or call 218 Bagot street. SITUATION VACANT. LEARN BARBER TRADE, SURE EM. ployment. Good wages. Few weeks required to complete course. Write for particulars and catalogue day Moler Barber College, Queen East, Toronto LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Law office, 70 Clarence street, Kingston. POSITION WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAK er; work by the day. Apply Box B. G., Whig office AGENTS WANTED FOR PRIVATE Christmas cafds Ladies or ments samples book free. Large profits. Chipchase, "Cardex," Darlington, 'ngland Lt ny > aas RANGES AND NEW TENT CHEAP, 10 X 121-2 WITH $ foot wall 1 APily Capt. Dix cawn« ht maker, Nilson St, ANYONE HAVING SECONDAAND Stoves or Jurnituse for sole, call on e for first class prices. son, 333 Princess gt Phone tooo KINGSTON MATTRESS FACTORY, A od paying businéss, will sell the ant complete; all machinerey in &ood running order. Apply at fae- tory, 556 Princess street. $2100 BRICK VENEER, FURNACE, ectricity, B. and C., $600 cash; en ERR $30.78; $850 cash will buy. R. Charles 339 Bagot Street. OFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, . high In front and 561-2 In. bh in back Three drawers and o top shelf. Slightly used. _App! British Whig office. A LARGE NUMBER OF ne YC also Dunlop tires, at i Sxdera promptly aitontied do for rpet clean ant laying. Geo Muller, 378 Khe =, yay pi GASOL INE BOAT HULL, 29 FT. LOX by 5 ft. beam, construc hr of pure Canadian cedar and pure white oad 21-2 years old, guaranteed as goe as new. Will sell cheap. Con Bb seen any time at 23 John street. eT] and mugle SECOND-. ND UPRIGHT squard" plies, plano- gans, jAngelus player rolls, /organs and gramophones. Cash/ or time payments. New Scale" Willams Plano Agency, #8 Aontreal St, Kingston. $1300 DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, BEV. erly Street NEW FRAME HOUSE DUR. ham St. Improvements. BRIOK. ALi. BMI. DETACHED Victoria stre OLID N, 67 CLARENCE ST. 43008 D BRICK, NEW, provements. GEO. A, BATE ONE MARINE#S0ILER IN GOOD RE pair about 125 horse power, guare anteed to stand 160 Ibs. cold wat. er pressure. One marine boiler of about 80 horse power, goed heavy plate but needs some repairs. One stationary boller. 45 horse power, shaking grates all in good repa'r. jdams & Duford Co., Chaument, N. PERSONAL. CUT THES OUT FOR LUCK; SEND birth date and 10c for wonderful horoscope of your entire life. Prof. Raphael, 499 Lexington Ave, New York MARRY THE RELIABLE, CONFI. dential Sjce es® Club, has large numbers of wealthy, eligible mem - ers, Doth sexes, wishing, early marr od riptions free. Mrs Wir A '4 Box 26m, Oakland, Cal HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRT marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed rmanently, without scar; 2 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. ke, Eye, Ear, None Throat and kin Specialist, 258 Bagot Street. MUSIC, ALL BRASS, RE struments: mi ranging, &« rd band and orchestral nett Webh » AND STRING IN pying and ar- of military bands. Bur« § University Ave MUSIC 'AND _DIAMATIO tion, 216 Frontenac St. Telgmann, INSTRUC Miss Noi Alida Telgmann, B. tion, plano, violin and all strin instruments, ARCHITECT. WH, NEWLANDS & SON, ARcutt. tects, etc. Offices, 36% Bagot Phone 68 POWER & SON, ARCH ants' Bann Snare as. oun and Wellington ts. DENTAL. moved to 258 Princess Street, | SPARKS AND SPARKS, Carnovsk Jheton St. (over 348. Phote »: DR. C. ©. NAS DENTIST: DR, x Renton, Ey, 188 PH 2 Street. Phone 735. S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, D, ist, corner Erincees a streets. Entrance on Bagot Charcoal For Summer 10c per Bag ill Jhat 40 & FOCOEUIa Sulevn, Telgmann, teachers of elo i o> | FE Sy mee Ts ¢ % A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE W 5 i SND TR Sw