Semmme-- YEAR 81 ) FURTHER EXPOSURES NEXT SESSION OF PARLIAMENT WILL BE "INTERESTING". ? Prominent Members, One a Minister, Said To Be Involved in Gross Dis- honesty" in Maritime Province Mat- ters, Montreal, July 28.---According to li-defined and authoritative re- ports in libera | circles here, the present sensational exposures of graft under the conservative regime in New Brunswick are to be follow- ed at the next session of the federal parliament by further exposures bringing the trail "higher up" and connecting the federal government with gross dishonesty and graft in the spending of money in public works and other federal undertak- ings in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It is understood that ample oeyvi- dence is in the hands of the teh leaders to make things decidedly toresting for some of the federal ministers when the public accounts committee gets busy next session. 'fhe matter wus discussed af a neet- ing of liberal leaders at the call of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The details are not yet for publication, hut the names of members of parliament, and of at least one minister, ure freely mention ad, while the minor politic'ans who concern themselves about dredging contracts and the construction of public works figure in surprising numbers in the stories that are told of the doings of the tory faithful iv New Brunswick since their friends attained power If even a fraction of what is re ported be true, there have been grave peandals in connection with maritime public works. It is asserted thai contracts have been awarded to po litical friends of the administratior at Ottawa without tender or public compensation: that in at last one case, In which a contract was taken out of the hands, of the successful tenderer, the tertns of the original contract have beeh varied by orders in council for the benefit of t tory politicians to whom the wor was given without competition; that prior to tenders being sént in to the gov ernment for certain maritime work prospective bidders have been asked in the event of their tenders being the lowest, to retire in favor of spec jally favored friends of the ministers whose names were mentioned, and that after contracts have been se cured in public competition by com petent contractors such pressure has heen brought to bear upon them that they have been forced to retire. All the public works affected by these tactics are being carried on at a greatly. increased cost to the country. It is alsd a matter of comment that while in the past. all public works were in<harge of the departments of public works &nd canals, that is no longer the ease, and that the depart- ments of marine and of militia and defence, during the last three years, have ben extending their opera- tions into the field of construction, until they now have extensive con- tracts under way, which provide ad- ditional pickings for the self-seeking politicians. It is stated that there will be an exhaustive inquiry next session of a score of scandals in connection with the expenditure of public money in the maritime provinces. The senate, which will have a liberal majority which can obviate any burking of an investigation in the commons, may hold an inquiry on its own account. In fact, it Is asserted that this will he done, even if a general election is held in the meantime, as the pre- sent complexion of the senate will not be changed for several years to come, and the government cannot, therefore, escape from its difficulties hy a premature dissolution. available A Spring Teunle. Mrs. Smart--Gearge, dear, while y having money troubles, | ought toll you thit I learned to-day why rival Mr. Pibh's credit has suddenly hecome so good. Smart--Well, why? Mrs. Smart--I overheard someone mark that Fibb's finances musy be right, because his wife was wearing such elegant new hats Boston Transcript It is not best to let difficulty stare you out of epuntenance when you meet her. you re. al and gowns . The Daily : KINGSTON, ONTAR FUNNY SIDE OF-HOME RULE Some Famous Bulls That Have Been Perpetra: od by Speakers While everybody almost Is talk- ing about Ireland it is worth while recalling some of the fine "bulls" that the Home Rule campaign has produced at ome time or another. One excited orator recently de- clared: "We will net. permit ' the Unfon Jack to be tramp ocd ender foot by the hands of any man," while his opponent took the next opportunity of ascertaining that he had "put hix foot down with a strong arm." "la England to stand with her arms folded and her hands In her pockets?" once asked the writer of a leading article in a well-known London journal. A vehement not long ago that a job for life and wards, Justice referred politician declared Home Rule meant a pension alter- one occasion as "'march- Rentoul on to Ulstermen ing from Belfast 'to Cork, even though they all died on the way," which was perhaps not amusing as a unionist in.a burst of excited oratory, maintained that his party would go on fighting till their last man was killed, when thay would down and make plans for recov- ering their liberty William Moore accused so body in the House of Common§ a few monilis ago of suggesting that he had "strangled his own questi n before birth." In drawing a pie- ture of a deserted Irish farm, Mr O'Shea, the member for West Wa- terford. asked, "Is it not a fact that the only living animals on this farm wre the seagulls which fly over it " Years ago Lord Russell'of Kill- owen, asserted that if a certain mea- wre were passed no man in Ireland would "he able to speak on politics unless he were horn deaf and dumb! "An empty theatre of unsym- nathetic auditors *, is an afteranes yt Mr. Balfour, while an Irish M. P sharged the government with hav- ing let the eat ont of the bag, ad- dine that the only thing to Le done in the circumstances was to fake the bull by the ho/ns Anothor atateaman Aeclaimed agpinst the of "litt hildren wha ¢ould neither walk nor alk running ahont the Dublin sing and 80 KING GEORGE PAYS HIS Memories of the great centenary was greatly honored by the presence occasion was a great match between M, CO. the vest of Eng ul. The South African side cart." The K is seen tatking to COC. B, Fr Hawke. Prince Albert just festival at deht lo is BE ITISH por LE. Meat to England Than | treete of cur % o NET wearing Exports More Any Other Unde the Provisioner dustrial Je ing analysis, « food little ance of not 'heen adequately by Irishmen themselves, methods of 'organization, tation, marketing and WAS FINE EXHIBITION. Nation, Montreal, and wd. the} Irish in- | Lovell nterest te for of the st This is 1 import vider has. ized even and the transpor- | distribution unimpros in the wider } First Exhibition of Creation at deal Theatre. printed hundred languages Ii one can read in English or French he can rarely do so in Marathi or Mandarian Mie tures tally a univer language. Mo tion pictures are a gilt of tongues and at the same time talk German, Ital inn, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish and all of the other languages living or long since dead. ,» |remain unadvanced and Visualization of the Bible stories{ gq Wespite the great increase and religious teachings which, when | ade Yet \ told in mere words, were shrouded in nge oe doubt and uneertainty, are naw made |. other count simple and easy of comprehension hy ish markets the Photo-Drama of Ureation. This fs me is the testimony of many who have countries v witnessed the presentation of its two Great Britain miles of film Eight hours are con ent all sumed in its four presentations; it be retained oF CoB ing divided into four distimet sections. I Britain 1012 Starting with the creation /of our {4 Was atenter earth as star nebulae, the various {any other country Ti & stages 8f its transformation are de- | 16 read that Ileland is. 14 i, =a picted until we. are hrought to its Beralabiz hier export of goods i sarnings ay present advanced state of develop- ir nS ars ston In. 1904 . 'o ment. These various stages of crea- fo iti first: kept, 17 pé tive progress clearly and firmly | ris oF food and 1 % oO) impressed upon the spectators' minds | $50, 000.( a through the vision, while simultane I ously a forceful and entertaining le advhneed $n . ture is given explaining from a scien jshaws an ame of : . 3 per cent shor Mentreal, tific and philosophic standpoint the | : i Bible narratives. j years ¥, secreiar It i Ap t from Conso that th yesterday 8 ts a ques the usual iro djction. organ cheques proved transport showing a and' advertisement July 1st, the future of Irela yromising, and should see the most countries I'he Bible is difierent mn hive made for in 3 supply of remains, forward, for nnderstood, nd Irela able 706 it dend at the ordina nd 8p place £1 arry The divi cent ry de of export Shredded eo Toronto, exported and umption in Great S85.000.000 in to in ot tha aports epor thi teady inere n was than the ontinues 1g is en are 1012 000, 060¢ inn near La Re ATEN figure se DRA K POISON. | f Irish trade tion. of svmpathetic arketing, im handling On vhole nd bright and the next ten year of ti development (N Middle-Aged Woman of Hastings zed m County Ended Life. { Belleville, July 28.-- Mrs, Alfred | Jarket,, a middle-aged woman who resided in the township of Faraday, Hostings county, committed, suicide | by drinking paris gren. Melancholia | and brooding over imaginary trouble | is given as the cause for the Woman | | 180, elters ines ready \ry-dreasur that unless showing ma | operations plus be di Greer Prosne and » Lat sm | th of Europe to have committed the rash act Failed To Cut Thistles. | Kingsville, Ont., July 28,----Johr { Colwell, of Gosfield South, was fined $10 and costs for failing to cut Ca 1ada thistles on his farm. roe about more than | woul d lies Don't waste otl while you are ee It's easier If the play is a frost the audience the rent than it is. for the done at on er people's tine | wasting your own dlord to rais Ca tenatht Qil for the lar ZATY, « SE ~~ soon melts away. - iv ona Esa RESPECTS TO KING of the: King and Prince Albert. OC. South Af#Mcan heroes and | behind hie 1 ma jjesty. Lovell & Chrisbnas Again Pay 8 © | ays ad the this the distribution, is proposed {o pay & final divi the rate of 10. per cent, forward £31,270 dend Shredded undersiood sent 1914 cash was $43 representing ore in transit said that should it be decided to di vide the surplus, Reorganization Postponed. company Fitish Whia JULY 28, 1914 a a 10, | JUESDAY, |ally decided to withdraw their pre- vious recommendation to-sharehol- ders of the company that the com- pany be reorganized and the capital stock increased from $200,000" to] $5,000,000, . 2 THE U. 8S. Anthracite Output. Washington, July 27. --E. W. Par- { ker, the United States government anthracite expert in his: yearly re- + {port on the production of anthracite {far the U. S. Geological Survey, gives the gwoss sotal output in 1913 as | 81,718,680 long tons valued at $195, 1 181,127. The increase in quantity tover 1012 was 6,395,626 tous, or 8.0 iper cent, and in value $17 501, tor 9.9 percent. Commercial Notes, British Union Oil company, | coutrol Urnipn Oil of Calta {ranging for issuance $7.5 I preferred stock. National Bank of South Africa and Natal Bank merger combined depo- sits of new institution $103,050,000, Seven Illinois railroads are to re 20,650 new grain cars on An- 1st, American Locomotive com- pany has made arrangements to re deem $1,000,000 of its Serial notes, due October 1st Equity Fire Insurance Co., Toron- | policies have been reinsured by a Pittsburgh Co., and voluntary liqui- | tion is talked of. | | | WEAD which tid ar 00. un KI of Celve gust The y r Yon ca to, Stocks and You ea will ara | Ponght thre exchange Ist and The London stock he closed on August bank holidays. . Ottawa will offer for sale on Au-| st 14th $190,600 5 per cent. thir- ty-year school and $965,950 4% per cent,, bonds of various maturities It "is said in New York that new §100,000,000 Brazilian may not be definitely arranged [ until the autumn It learned that directors and ! interests in Toledo, Louis and Western have decided to default on August 1st on collateral trusts Justice R. M. Meredith, has made | G8 an order for the winding up of the { North Dome company, on the appli- cation of the Timiskaming Mining company, which is a creditor to the extent of some $8 Swift and Co., are expected to of- fer bonds for sale in the near future. The Smpany has filed a mortgage 50,000,000 on various proper- iwhich come uo) loan | for | is St WILLOW. The centenary The | Lovd's. put "badly in the |, Douglas and Lord were Mr. PROFIT £77.32 ef . [ffmber com- Columbia River Lum- company sold 10,923,000 feet Drop a card tc umber during May as compared wii hing Fo . 31,000 feet in the corresponding of repairs and Christmas, cheese expor perio in 191: From Januafy tojW%oed floors of year ended June 30th, | 3.10 they have sold 50.438.000 | hi er public, states after pro HS hey with 71,808,000 ER Street year contingencies, there i £37,754 7% avait | Messr& J. E. Dalrympal, £115,078 avail-| wy Ardley and H. R. Safford were placed on the 'board eof directors bd 3 ¥ Canadian Western | ber of C. Dividend. July 27 The report ol | 1p feet last! a all cluding sum of F. Scott, against £109. fill vacancies at present existing a meeting of the shareholders of the 3 Grand Trunk Pacific railway. Jnaking the ful A membership on the New York for re aL anG{ cotton Exchange belonging to thel Special Teserve, | astate of T, B. Criss has been sold to} P. B. Weld for a client at $12,000, 4a I decline of $650 from the last prece- {ding sale | The Standard Oil Cloth company, ivah !a New Jersey corporation capitalized Ww Lat VANCE | 4t $6,000,000, has been succeeded by : V heat Stock is due Is | the Standard Oil Cloth company of L earnings are SHOWIDZ|Onjo. The capital of the hew con- a are fast yea: ern is $7,000,000, consisting of $4.- that if COMPEN' | 4450-000 preferred ane 2.000,000 » make the advances pre : Su 8 aN i¢ dlveads. this 'jcommon stock, all e 4 rejly Jus year, J. Stewart Tupper, K.C., Winni ailable for i dividends w* |." pas heen appointed to the seat about 31,000,000, or a |,, tye hoard of the Standard Trusts! r cent. on the prefetrec company, Montreal, rendered vacant npare d with about 74 pe late Sir William on shares, per cent to for 1912-13 was } | | Wheat Earnings Large July The the Arrange your the death of the | Whyte Sir A. Soulange, K.C.M.G., of | Paris, director in the CanadaMort Lehur | gage association, is now in Western the LilCanada on his first visit of inspee- lidated Mining compamx | tion of the company's loans, which out_to shareholder: } amount to about. $10,000,000. 2% per cent, dividenc The wealth of four great nations 0 (24), also statemen: | of the world now stands as follows: surplus of $1,547,429 or |i'nited States, $135,000,000,000; hy Must Show July 27 SJ v-treasurer of we Up. Nut Coal, $7.7 a STAND. BANK TORONTO ME BAW FRENOM REMADY, Ton Cf C ooios Telepnone 987 anythixg done Estimates give new al A A tA AN The kind you are looking is the kind we self Scranton Coal Is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery Booth & Co. Foot of West Street _ 5 ie Notice baskets will not be required in de- livery. *This will save you the extra charge of £5 cents per ton. Stove Coal, $7 Stove Coal, $7 Nut Coal, $8.00, if carried. THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL co| D EEPING a bask account for "household expenses" sad - OF, Fice NGSTON BRANCH, H. E. Richardson, A A A A D LOTS n invest £100 or more at 6 1-2% Bonds. n make wigh us part pay s when conditions improve. F. B. McCURDY & CO. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange. 86-88 Brock Street, Kingston. AAA OP a Nl AN nd in we Hosptiais with ah | Zbar'sice Cream Parlor APaTRAD, Conese" ue Our' ice cream pure cream. We deliver promptly parts of the city. All seasonable fruits. Tao So wa SES Fa A at is made of to all > 13 Pine s when Phone 1128, 280 Princess St. mpt attentio Live Lobster Dominion Fish Co. BUILDERS! so thal Have You Tried coal bin .50 if shovelled ia. 73, if carried. , if shovelled In. It Saves Time. |_P.wALsH | | | | | | | | | | i i Of this amount the { Britain, $75.000,000.000; {A reat 5,000, the balance, $11: | France, $50,000,000,000; Germany, and £49,000,000,000 Me the . Th&secre the repor | and ore sac ------ for shipmeént er confirmed theré was a much bette: | ------ de by the mine by the fal | No Prospet at Present for Release of would cease and the sur | Nolan. vided. Mr. Lehuray als ! Ottawa, July 28.--The department 1 | of justice does not. confirm the King- it would likely be |. ton peport that Nolan, the last of stroke. { | | | | | i -------- TO REMAIN IN PRISON, e { the three Welland canal dynamiters} left in the penitentiary; may he soon released. Nolan's cage is not before the department and there is not apy prospect at present of his release. 27,~-- The have Monare! practic July direCtors Just Shows What Poor Judgement J Jeff Shows At Times 390MILY 1A8 | =. THiS 1 VERY NICE ) | KtenT DOWN ) "e ANE S| BUT WHERE 1S ™E RUSTIC SEATS WHERE ONE CAN SECURE he REST AnD QUIET 7 \ JUST EAST OF ! Cs Er SAY, AGUY CANT | REST DOWN THERE THAT SEAT 1% RIGHT AMONG THE GARBAGE CANS AND THERE {ARE FORTY MILLION {FLIES HOPPING ALE LL YUM mri > { } J IER use of Kno's * tral venting it eid gen the ki sc. CI, Ld so Sok yr te ta, ONTO 48 McCaul Se, TOR FOR QUICK LUNCH Crosse & Blackwell's Potted Ham . Potted Chicken Potted Lobster Potted Anchovy Potted Ham and Chicken * Mushroom Catsup Mushrooms in Gravy D. COUPER Phone 76 Ee { OH, YOu WENT {ZA Down THERE, AT THE WRONG TIME I OF DAY. YOU WANT To AY | Go Down THERE | LUNCH TIME « THOSE FLIES ARE ALL IN THE DINING ROOM GYPSUM WALUPLASTER? 341.3 Princess St. A A AN SEA NN in-good safe 'ment on Bonds and Stocks , and gradually pay them up, in full. Buy when prices are low and profit by the advance sn ra