PEN RRR RA We ee wk TE ae gar 4 "2 will be a'clash of arms. oro It would not take much at the pres- SHAW f%yetaining their arms Publishsd Dally snd Semi-Weekly by THRE BRITISH FUBLISHING ©0, 11 i @. Ellot A. iness torial ob (iT on ia Ta: +s «Man n| r Red Treas. BE erisivies 143 229 eas sasssnesssnsass 3B Roomy gus Fear year, of aid in Advance mall Hal « ol Sd tf eehed Attach fs offices in eet ------------------ REPRESENTATIVE all ap esscssas 38 Church Bt. A. REPRESENTATIVES New York = Office soieris 2308 Fifth Ave k R. No rthrup, Choage » Tribe. Bug ed ls ole of the best job Canada. i R. Northrup, Manager THE SOLDIERS IN ACTION. I'he danger of gun-running in lre- land has been amply demonstrated by the collision which occurred between ths nationalist Pubiin with the police and King Séottish Borderers on Sunday. was first the®determination of the vol- proceed with their plans discovered the Irish con stabulary and coast guards. These were outoumbered, did their duty until overcome by superiority of { numbers. 'I'here was, then, a medting] hetween the undrilled volunteers, (with | thé 'arm ey had secured for a yacht at Howth), and ope which speedily revealed the advantage of disciplined forces over the 'undisciplined With the Dublin police before them, and the troops with fixed behind, there was a brie a «hasty scatterment volunteers outside ol a Own There unteers Lo when by but they bayonets skirmish of the volunteers, The experience here will probably be the everywhers when volunteers and regu- lars come. in confliet with the king's servants. 'there was, finally, a lesson to the mob to restrain itself avoid assaults upon the representa- tives of the king # government. It is, of no importance who fhe lord Ihe fact aalled into action, to command wis giver and experience and for the moment, ordered the mayor says he did not that did not ont troops 5 they were and hesitate "fire" when the Had Villa in command ol the late elections ° toha the given any "glergyman that presumes to differ with heen in Ontario and Mani- would not have In preachers trouble. Mexico the JNilla loses his head. LAW. in THE TERRORS OF Will there he a great A good deal depends upon the Russia, which pleaded for mn vain, war Eur- ape ' altitude of a longer time, cise of diplomacy in settling the tron- ble between Austro-Hungary and Ser for the exer- ~via. . he serving ultimatum on ol an suddenly decided upon, consultation Perhaps the causes Servia, was and without the great powers. of the ultimatum culminated hurried ly. There had been a grave suspicion that the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and wile in Bosnia by a Servian, accentuated po hitical difierences that had been ac .comulating for years, and the inform- ation, that this asesagsination. had heen facilitated, if by member of the Servian royal family, precipitated proceedings. called upon to give assurances all movements hostile would "8 summarily suppressed and that the murderers oi prince would be properly punished. I'he answer is said to have been hu: miliating 'enough. made some attempt to placate Austria. It not satisfactory, however, and there It is remark- able that whilé the great powers are with even his not aided, a Servig was that to Austria Austria's crown Servia was LBL ofessing to be neutral in this diffi | hd talty, most of {hem are preparing for any - emergency that may arise. ent time to put Europe in a blaze and with the greatest war in a century. Abolish the ' ecrockery---is the latest slogan. And get what in its place? Paper plates, cups and tumblers, wax- ed and fitted for the daintiest service. Sanitary ? Yes, but costly. Labour "saving, of course, but not money sav- JI ! OF THE HOME RULE--WHAT ? The conlerence between the represen- 'tatives of all the parties in Britain, and interested in Home Rule, at the king's residence, at his '\instange, or with his consent--it does not matter so "long as the government is oe ether the leaders ests, and as they could not, er auspices, be brought together. There had verbal exchanges been anything meeting approved of discussion he discreetly ng which a monarch could not be ex- pected to do without any the constitution. declined to elaborate of various inter- distinguished auspices, under any oth- under a and meetings, and politieal views been talks, of until this occasion, representative Ihere had not, like And the of a dictator. the conference, momentous questions, lie did noth- " king was not act. Having for the ing the part of withdrew. strain on Fng- many a year, the points on which the conference differed. In the the political leaders, showed no disposition amend o or_modify their views, the \Xiending Bill comes up this day for consideration, and it is likely to be sent back to the lords very much as it appeared in the Ulster to be allowed, a referendum, to express its desire without any limitation Mr. Asguith, the ablest man land has produced in essense to =o tirst place is mn for separation, as to a period in which this separa- tion shall continue. After that--no one can conjecture what may happen. I'he Canadian Courier complains of sreat wastofulness at the Toronto city hall. The only salvation is a daily session of the Board of Control with the Civic Research Bureau to the end that economy may be practiced as it is not With this addition--the abolition of politics from the public now. ollices WHAT LETTERS WILL DO. sensations and the A series of surprises, shocks have been produced by ill fated letters of M. Caillaux to "My Dear Little Ririe," the pre sent occupant of the prisoner's dock Paris, on trial for the prrder of M. Cglmetts, of Figaro. The publication of "Thy and Mme. other who is Joy" let- ters, suggested to M. Cail laux that the editor had tles and that the appearance of them would seriously compromise, if they did not end, his political career. The so wrought on the nerves Cailleanx that she set out, armed, interview which ended in the shooting of M. Calmette. At the trial Mme divorced wife of M. Caillaux, gave evi- and she won conspicuous fa- vour by her dignified and courtly She epis- situation of Mme. for an Gueydan, the dence, some of her told recounted experiences with M. Cailliaux, of his unfaithiulness, his threats kill her, his pleadings for ness, his failure to find the ground for a divorce her, bearing. to forgive- from and his final desertion of her after promising, to make, certain and failing pay ments of money She had letters ? de She Her labor Oh, +ves, several of them. She murred about producing them had given nothidg to the press to Mr to budget she handed counsel for the defence, do with as he pleased. turned out be of They love letters They to a. non- political character were sim- ply the burning man who was overly-gushing towards whose adorable of a his mistress, person he longed to cover with a million of M. Mme. Gueydan to taks back the letters and The judges differed kisses. Labori wanted retain them re- -- specting them, and one used language another to challenge hmm Mme. Caillaux eol- which led to fight lapsed in the court and for a Never W a duel. time became unconscious. as there such intense excitement. The one person, unmoved amid these scenes, CGueydan. was calm, stately and serene. A woman, far handsomer who had supplanted her Cailliaus, she all was Mme. She hand- some than the woman in the affections of M. had restrained herseli under great pro- vpeation. Though insulted. by MM. Cailliaux she spared him more than raised herseli immeasur- ably above him, and heroine of the hour. he deserved, became the LOTES. is $1,500 6500 improvements. EDITORIAL Toronto University w from the province for ihe idea of a commission was to have the university run upon its merits, but regard to expense The ptovides the money must not without body that have Jere to do with the manage- ment. ------ ihe labour men are still clamouring on the Workmen's A friend arty vill mbhour ng for representation Compensation Commission. of the Whig says the labour not get it. And whx % terests are quite as paramount as in- dustrial interests. Labour mén must get ther 'due. The New York Compensation Com- mission has, in four weeks, disposed of WO cases, and claims are beipg fvled at the rate of 1,000 a day. Ii thisis a sample of what may he expected always the one comission cannot dis- pose of the business, Ontario's ecom- mission can forsee what is in stom for it. Sir Edmund Walker, one of {Canada's tinancial authorities, says Canada has scon the turning - point in the hard She may, and 'she may not, bling spirit is hard to kill. Discussing Hon. Mr, Montague's de- sire to stay in office, the London Ad' vertiser says: "The sweets of office are most adhesive with some men. which may be somewhat unfair to Dr Montague, He is not in need of of fice. He bas been a sick His friends may be more ansious than he is about the office he holds. PUBLIC OPINION Very man He Is Indispensible, Toronto Globe, * Gamey comes high, but Sir Whitney seems to be unable without him. James to do, A Difference. Brantford Courier. t I'hose army worms are just about as persistent as the militant sufira- gettes, The only difference is thar they distinctly refuse to go on "a hunger strike. Cost. of' Kissing. Guelph Mercury. A tourist in £10 for Kissing'a woman. tice becomes common, © the married men will have to limit their osenla tory performances to their own vives Switzerland was fined If this pra: sign of Luck. Watertown Times. After having lost two churches by lire an Illinois congregation deposited a rabbit's foot in the corner sione ot the third one. lt is not superstitious, but omitting no safeguards A Pertinent Question Ottawa Journal A Mississippi congressman returned $82.20 to the United States govern- ment because he missed four days in congress and did not think himseli entitled to the indemnity. What's that man doing in polities ? Not a Labourer. Ottawa Free Press Hon. Mr. Urothers has never shown any smypathy for the workers. When ever he had the opportunity of help- ing them he ran away. Thé Crothers press-puffing bureau will have to'woprk ogertime to make the toilers of Can ada, believe that he is a success as minster of labor Pelletier's Blufl. Toronto St Mr. Pe Het ier, postmaster-general says that the government has a man date for five vears and does not in tend to precipitate an election. Still, it would hardly be: wise to assume thai there will not be an election be fore the antumn of 1916 Kingston Events || 25 YEARS AGO. } team Setonted baseball by I'he asylum baseball the doctors to-day at large score. : Ald. John McCammon provided the fat ox that was put in the oven to- day to be served at the barbecue morrow lay Corner loafers much trouble, Great interest movement are giving the is being taken in the for a SENATOR McMILLAN DEAD Ill a Short While, Alexandria, July 28. --Hon. Donald McMillan, senator of the don¥inion «ft Canada, died here at 8.30 o'cleck Sun day night, after a short illwss. © lao was in his eightieth year. Deceased. who was of Scottish ancestry, was born in the township of Loechiel, Glen garry county, on March 5th, 1815. was graduated as M.D. from Victoria's University in 1865. He was called 10 the senate by Lord Lansdowne in 1854 He was a conservative in polities. For many years he served in the town; township and county councils. He w appointed to the senate in January, In%4 » THRE E ME N SHOT. Smelt Revolvers Used by Thorold Man Spree. Midland, July 28---Three wen w+ shot on the construction work of the Irent canal at Port Severn, result of a spree. The men dangerously wounded and will cover. W. J. Campbell, Thorold, Ont., who did the shooting, escaped to the bush and is still at large. Une man is shot in the arm, mnother the leg and the third in the richt "ile ns a are not all re- " The Mr Muskoka Fakes. The Muskoka Takes offer you re lief fromi summer heat. . They are in a region where one mmy escape from the bustle apd dust of 'the city, where there is an evenness in climatic conditions and a purity of atmos phere that cannot be surpassed. The Grand Trunk railway is operating to this lakeland complete double scr- vice of vestibule trains and Pull man cars, Weather Notes, A pronounced area of high ure has spread into Ontario the northward and a shallow turbance has developed off the mid- dle" Atlantic const. The weather been comparatively cool from ihe great lakes eastward with showdrs in many parts of Ontario and the maritime provinces. In the western provinces the weather . has heen fine and extremely warm M sometimes. happens that a vo- man marries a man. to reform bim ----if she is unable to get a man who doesn't need reforming. + 'The outing of the Iroquois clubs of Kingston and Watertown, N.Y has 'been postponed until next Sun- ay. A lot of people may "good morn- ing" as though they would like fo prose from times. Canada has, indeed, learned a to it--has been a failure. was a wise proceeding. means of bringing : useful lesson. Will she remem: to ber it when the good; times, soturn ? * eqok omit the first word. In ishen ware fishes, a 10t of peo- to somebody else to them. # A - intentions ' value. hat respected. between this old world and the great hevond. other people with business you ou: than rebuke makes the world pleasant. does depth of sorrow. that he is in all things superior to his hasband. | of me | {ragetie loader. jand three months altogether.' poli | ithe trouble I'd have Kingston exhibition | In His Eightieth Year -- Hay Been | 54 dis-* has: ae = Otherwise As long as good intentions remain they are of very little A good policy to tie to is the one makessyou both popular and Hope is the one connecting link Think » hit befora you bother 0 do yourselr. The man who had rather praise more ---- Sometimes the badge of mourning not fully demonstrate the When a man entertains the idea mighty poor t wife he becomes a Kindness to Animals. Mahomet cat offi his sleeve so as not to disturb a eat. ' That's nothin. Once I cut off part pants so as not to disturb a dog. vou said that I should at piece of cake in'the pan- it would make me sick." Mother--'"Yes, Bobby. Bobby (convincingly )--* hagn't made me sick." Bobby-- "Ma, not eat t wy--that it But, ma, *I makried said of a sufiragette," Mr. ( holmonde! ly Rippingateif 'Hyde Park, "and for five years have found unspeakable happiness. " "Pm glad to hear it," said the sui- "Mrs. Rip- years "Yes," said Rippingate, pingate has been in jail four Briggs--You must have a lot of trouble keeping your wife 'dressed up in the height of style. Griggs--Yes; but it's nothing if 1 didn't thing well to 1 want a done lo it yourseli."' "Yes; but suppose cut ¥ you \t 5 { vou want a, hair "I am the architect of my own fortune,"" said Dustin Stax | "Well," replied Holden Howes, being your own architect you're liable |to get some curious efiects, but vou do save a lot of money on plans and j specifications." ' "by In the Usual Way. When 1 | Naggers | Yes," |rike a unmber of reformers opp ty to become the fir Kanshs Ct said married you Mrs I thought red ta reform you." ANIWE the husband, "and vou Seined | RIPE OLD AGE. 4 Watts Celebrated Ninety-first Birthday. Smith Falls News On Sunday, 26th July, Mrs. Wil- ilam Watts Merrickville, ceiehrared her 2l1ec birthday and it is gquestion- wble if there is in this, or any dis- irict of Canad. a jady of her agy, who possesses in the same degree her activi:y, clear vision, quick menial 'acuity and hor retentive me.ror) Mrs. Watts wailed to church, and wttended the sahbath school, tn the i"ternoon. On Mouday, 27th, an oul friendypof Mrs. Watts at Andrewsvili? madgfh party to celebrate her birti- day ® Mrs. Watts was born on the Cox homestead on the bank of the Rideau river, a few miles balow Merrickville. This land was a zift to Mrs. Watts' father (a U.E.L.) by the British government, as a reward for his allegiance to King George at the time of the American rebellion. This farm is still in Mrs. Watts' pos- session, and is not to pass out of the family for a least fifty years after Mrs. Watts' death. Like her parents Mrs. Watts has always been an active worker in the Methodist church, and her father was closely indengified with the early his- tory of Methodism in these parts. Something over tweéngy years ago it was the pleasure of the editor of the News to be present at the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Watts at their farm home at Andrewsville. Since then the husband has passed to his eternal rest. ! Mrs. able de, her mental faculties and is a most interesting conversational- ist, being well up in all matters and present day events, She is apparent- ly as well and active as a woman in her sixties, and enjoys company and a good joke as well as anyone, It is given to few to live to such an age and enjoys the health and retain the faculties as. Mrs, Watts has, and we know we best express. ihe wish of her many friends in the sincere hope that she may live and enjoy many vears yet to come, century of peace took' place Satur- Mrs. Watts retains to' a remark-, SHOE SALE Bibbys| uly Sale Suit Cases Z 7 $2.50 and $3.00 Values, For $l. 65 Men's Suits $8.50 Sizes 33 to 44. Neat Patterns of Grey and Worsteds and Tweeds. Three-Button Sack Style, Pad- ed Shoulders and Lapels, 'all New Suits. We ata price that will let us sell them at about wholesale prices. tic terns, New 32 o $2.00, Workingmen's Trousers $2.25 and $2.50 values, For $1.50. Good quality,Domes- Tweeds, neat pat well made. Sizes 46. Sale bought these Men Suits, 'Regular $12.50 and $15.00 100 Suits to choose from, good patterns, pure wool fabrics, expert tailoring, - sizes 33 to 44. Sample Suits, Sold Outs, values. of Panama Hats $4, $4.50 and $5 Hats' For $2.95. Neckwear Sale Silk Neckwear, 25¢ Ties for 12%¢c 9 etc. A perfect fit or no sale Oc Silk Ties: For 25c. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) Head of Queen Street short« service, and all Courses in bookkeeping hand, typewriting, givil general improvement, commergial subjects Rates moderate free H. F. Metcalf, Principal A -------------------------------- Information For Sale OR Win .. % o To Let A good grocery store with dwelling attached, good loca- tion in Kingston; owner forced to leave the city to look after other es. This is a good chance for the right man. : A large list of farm proper: "ties for sale. Some good bargains in city ---- 2 vB Fifty-one charges for breach of liquor laws were suddenly lal at Porcupine resp ote inspiring' elbration tol the t Lundy's Lane. OUR TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it. ts crowing louler as he goes along. Only 45c. per pound. For chewing snd smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street, It is Not Necessary To Have a Large Amount of Money To make a profitable Real Fs- tate Investment. A very mod- erate sum will start yon. Easy monthly installments never missed from an ncome, Six roomed frame house on Redan street, improvements, $1800.00. Solid brick house on Syden- ham street, $3400.00. Solid brick house on John street, improvements, $2850.00 es dtp ee ee eee HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and Insurance. anos, 177 WELLINGTON ST. \ OUR FRESH GROUND COF. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be vimced. con NOLAN{S GROCERY Pi Phone 720. ee Delivery. | GUARANTEED ELEC | TRIC IRONS Regular $5.00 Irons for $3.50 For a Limited Time M. G. RYAN 216 Earl St. Phone 1339 For Sale on McDonnell St. 132 ft. frontage with barn. Price $1050. Fasy payments. W. H. Godwin & Sort