, Your Best Interests Are served when yvu place your Banking affairs with The Bank of Toronte. In addition to its ample facilities, widespread, well-chosen connections, and the strong financial prestige of this Institution, you will find careful and interested attention given to your account, and an accuracy in 'handling. the smallest details that you will appreciate Paia- up Capital Reserved Funds - INCORPORATED 1R58 BANK or TORONTO Market Squa Kingston. GEORGE B. MAKAY Pro. $5,000,000 Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER Fire and Life Insurance High Grade Bonds and Stocks : District Manager of The EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 44 ¢ lave ence Street \ Phone 995 Real Estate Builders & Contractors Attention Sand for sale in any quantity CEMENT ICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED. Phone 286. 168 Princess Street. Yards, Sowards' Dock LAKE ONTARID PARK; TONIGHT Neh 130 Night 8.30 VAUDEVILLE AND PIC- TURES WEDNESDAY CHILDREN'S 1 CENT DAY ON CARS IDEAL CREAT! y Theatre TWO WEEKS Beginning July 22nd Change of programme ev ery third day Exhibitions ice daily at 3 and pan. FREKNO COLLEC- TIONS. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | vocar NOTES. AN AND TEMS \, DF GENERAL INTEREST fisppenings in the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley' s. Phone 564. Harbormaster William McCammon reports that the water in the harbor was three degrees below zero on Lhursday morning. 2 H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. leave orders at Auley's book store. AL the dog snow on Monday, July 27th, Miss Pike, of Wolfe Island, won first prize and a special prize with un English bull pup. | Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. | Terms moderate. Miss A. Beys, 33] Colborne street A hight spring waggon, driven by a! farmer, met with an gecident on Prin- | street, above Bagot, Wednesday afternoon. Crossing the car track the wheel was smashed off, and some bags of grain rolled out the road Weese's good-bye sale Saturday night i * Farmers that pasturage is| D k very much up at the present | rin are not giving | amount of m that they | LIP TON 'S time, and half the } have don« This will re-! sult in an iner > in ine price for' The linest the werld's largest producer ean grow, hitherto I butter | to $i an -- 21 Me- SEA cess on say dried that cows NATURE'S CHURCH. | | Gives Impressions of Half | Moon Bay Service. The editor of the St Bulletin, published { land park, attended service aL Half Moon Bay on Sunday evening, | July 12th, and inSaturday's issue | gives his impressions Hgpve you ever been to a church | where you comfortably back in| {your motor or canoe or row) boat, the ¢ might be, and res-| ponded to the leadership of & minis- ter who sat on a rustic chair, in front Editor os Lawrence' 25¢ Thousand ls-| Prices from per Ib, at the AR paper STEAMER RRITANNIC Leaves Canal Basin, foot of Nail- housie St, Montreal, every Wednes- day at 5 p.m. arrives at Kingston Friday 2.15 p.m, returning leaves Folger's Wharf, Klagston, at 5 p. taking possengers . sat boat as A. N. SMITH, Gen. Head Office - E THE PEQPLE'S JUNDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST. FOR SALE. SATURDAY silver kn returned NEAR BOAT ig od keys, to th office LANDING, . Each n- First insertion 1c a word ach co Reward if secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word. imum charge for fom, 20c: three insertions, ath, $2. Le; xix, $1; one A GOLD BRACELET WITH A STAR of brilliante and locket with pic- tures enclosed on July 21st P nde 2r please return to Whig Ofiice and receive reward HELP WANTED. AN ADVT, OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, under 'this dead, costs 26c for one night, or 0c for ree. FOR CHARTER. -------------------------------------------- LAUNCH MAYBEE, WITH FULL GOV. ent equipment , will hand parties search-1ig) week-end terms apply W. J or G. W. Allen, Phone 147 AT ONCE, WOMAN TO housework Good w ages Division street iN to ASSIST Apply FAMILY Apply to Victoria SERVANT, FOR No washing Brock street, vorner AN INTELLIGENT = PERSON mAY earn $100 monthly sorfeajonding for newspapers; no canvassing Send for particulars. Press Synd cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. ERAL two TO LET. TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. ' Once, 38c; three times, bdc. PORTRAIT AGENTS WANTED, SEND for cataldgue. Solar and bromide prints, portraits, flat and convex frames and sheet pictures Mer- chants Portrait Co., Toronto, " FROM 1ST MAY, NO, 372 ALFRED 87 Thomas Miils, 79 Clarence St. STORAGE FOR FU RN} clean and dry. McC street. FIREME cCann, §3 Brock nearby MANY MEN brakemen on perfence unnecessary FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT WITH positions; promotions all conveniences. Apply,Box 613 postage Railway, Whig office. e Whig, » ee, meme ee een ee FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM 1st May, No 316 Bagot Bt. Cun- ningham & Mu ST, CHAM- Apply to C unningham & Mu- 79 Clarence St. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ers. dle, OTHERS RECEIVE $15 TO 865 WEEK- NEw aad not you? Write immed- Co TEN full particula y BRICK DWELLING, 6 ROOMS, C., free water. J. 8. R. Mce- 82 Brock St. EFFECTIVE DVTS, Cosy Tittle. Onc 2fe; rd times. bbe; one week, %1.00 ai ---------------------------------------------------------- A SEVEN YEAR OLD BAY PONY, 58 Bay St. GEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Division St. GUITAR ony u SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SH Chea J. Dawson, pianos an ors at reasonable D. Victor Vietrolas, | 244 Princes we they last, At Torch ete deni A 839 GG AS C. ABINET RANGE ALMOST new for $28 if¥sold at onc e, 'owner breaking up housekeeping. Apply British Whig, Box MANDOLIN, BANJO AND three LE trunks. Lower Bagot St. GAS RANGES AND BERG "Phone 7 HANDSOME OAK FILING CABINGT----- 28 files. Owner has. no use for it. Will sell for $30. Cost $50, Ad- 8. Box Y, Whig Office. ANYONE HAVING SECONDHAND stoves or furniture for sale, call oA me for first class on ces. 1. Thom son. 333 Princess . Phone 1600. KINGSTON MATTRESS FACTOR A good paying busine 88; will oir 'the plant' complet ll 'machinerey In good running rd er. Apply at fac- tory Princess street. $2100 BRICK VENEER, FURNACE, EL- ectricity, B. and C.,, $600 cash: a 500, solid . bric k, rents at $20.78; $850 cash will buy. R. Charles Be} . £39 Bagot Street. perience 10 _cover P. O. Box literature, otc 2 cessary Enclose 10¢ Clifford C. Mitchell, monton, Alberta, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ary, alry rooms; your own lock an! key. Frost's City SLorage, 299 Queen St. Phone 526b. FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHOR. house, all onvenlences, electrl light, gas and telephone; centrally YOu 1 a propositior make whifh will enable you more money than you of him 2 one for a pulpit, w hile all i around you the green woods served | {Tor the boundaries that are usually tour walls and overhead the sky wa the roof? If you have not as yet, you have ed one 'phase of church go ing that nore impressive thag any that is known in these parts _of the ountry One that is seldom seen but once seen never forgotte Such! the ch h at Half Moon Many are the interestii FOR YACHTING TRIP TREAT mis THEM TO A | 18 FARMERS 3 The time 1s drawing near when the up-to-date but now is the time to place vour order with the Ning tile required. let us book your now and they prompt attention. You may also order any vou may ing the winter. We will also be pleased to book vour order for the brick for that new house you are going to build next summer. You will want to draw the bricks this winter. Get your order in early and avoid the A Neal Yard Division Street. FOR SALE A solid brick house, hot water heating, electric light, gas fox cooking, hardwood floors, grate, and verandah. We ave only asking £3,000 for this property, and it is a bargain at the Li This pro- position is only good until August Ist. We sell Life, J. K. Carroll Agency, 48 BROCK ST. PHONK 68. farmer drains his land, on Brick Yard will eive for ord ers reg oar desire to draw dur . 7 Kingsion Brick Fire, Accident, Health and Automobile Insurance, JOHN DRIVER, Represcutative, For Sal Warm Weather Or pale Specialties GUramophones, Phonographs, Graf. onolas, Columbia and Victor records, splits ES Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2 minute Blue Amberal re records, 4 cord unts for July and August. Allen' 113 Freck Ss Grape ani pint Lime Juice i5e bottles. Abbey's Euu's, lleed"s Hill Fruit Salts, and cther warm weather ites. Hoag's Drug Store Opp. TM.OA. Phone 158 Ko. 3, 33; No. 3. 86 per bor all druggists, or sent repaid on receipt of price, Fron pamphlet. Addréys: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Wisdsar.) in in 16e¢, 25¢ and vd maw y __ | Phone B52, requis A safe, reliable regwiating medicine, Sold in three dee Buy The Best Our cream is pure and vholesome, Many customers have dearned to order by Thos: We deliver in time for meals. Give us a trial order. George Masoud, PRINCESS ST. Prompt Delivery KNOWLEDGE In our examinations. QUALITY In our glasses. ECONOMY In our prices. The Reasons for Bur Success. H. C. Brown, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist in charge of the Rodger Optica Parlors "Where the Ring is On Tr Walk." Leases Ground Promptly Telephone 950 FOR SALE OR TO ~ LBP. : Brick house, No. 118 Victoria St., between Earl and Johnson Sts. Seven rooms, modern; i i possession. the that are told about concerning thi spol on Yorke Island, in the Canad ian channel of the river, but it is not| until a person really visits the scene! that a full appreciation of the value of the place that yearly attracts hur dreds ef summer resort people to the Half Moon Bay service each Sun day at sundown ' itlalf Moon Bay church that nature could devise. The! Bay is all that its name would signi-! fy. It is a narrow inlet of the river | that twists around into Yorke Islana . from the southeastern side 'for sev-1{ § ARR, Ju SAE 30, eral hundred feet. At its entrance | §/ Te Clayton and Thoussnd Ix- | it is probably not more than a hun-| §! land Park, leaving at 2.15. Fare ! dred feet wide It widens, how- To SONIA EXCURSION. ever it nds inward, and at Te Clayton and Thousand 1ermost oo emity is a ple | nnd Park, leaving at 7. » bowl of quiet green water Eivig oy ts Where nature has fs HUNTLEY & PALMERS 60 varleties) AND A GLASS OF BISCUITS Your family grocer can 2upply you Fenwic Vi Hendr) & ¢ on is the nplest |! $8. Thousand Islander EXCU RSlGNS. carved out iditorinn 2| ¢| moon ton or 100K evening trip, OGHENSBLRG Friday, July Leaving at N30 a, 1000 Island points 'Burg or 30c te on after- may at Clay. Park and return on 1 door for it trip steep wa of rock, making walls Here, on one side advantageous nooks snugly in the side of the rock walls is the pulpit. It is such a pulpit a you would expect to conceivewof the pll vite 'of 'the Biblical days. The moist voodland =od the wt, and i ough, yet wonderfully lequately ormed rock stands the very wa edge and serves for the pulpis \ rough rustic the only bit o handiwork seen th place. Here Sun- even the conductor of the and the preacher are side "RIP. nost . se. " © ling Fare, 1000 Tninnd nt qd to qd! ports. qd Meals ¢ on Beard. 18 , Auction Sale | sq PRING ESS STREET at ter' seat that he nan's may bout lay its each Wb ser- the ices of the ser Scores boats ind he of 1 boal canoes come from all parts of Thousand Islands each Sunday ind crowd into this little harbor ana drift quietly or stand motionless] while every number of the usual pro- gramme of the Protestant church gone through What denomination this church is matters not: to the con gregation there, There are few who know, still more who do not care to enquire, for it is a simple service,| just as the church is simple It isa ervice that appeals to every one There is plenty of beautiful si n lead generally by cornets of the best singers that can be obtain ed for any service. It is a service that goes to the heart of every hearer On the Sunday evening that the wri ter attended the service the conduc- tor read a sermon of the Rev Dr Jowitt Ft was a sermon well adapt ed to such a place: full own words and charms Now and then a canoe ca tessly through 'the boats and matie its noticed into the (tt rafts gathered about the inner re 'esses of the place. We beard a crow 20 yelling across the church juss the preacher was in the midst of his sermon, and now and then a cater- . = pillar erawled up on your coat. but Enforcing The Law. vou did not disturb it. No one moved, | Toronto News Z no one talked. All seemed charmed. There will be no relaxation It seemed strange that the conduc-|the liquor license laws as a result tor at the beginning of his address | of the overwhelngng defeat of the should prefix it by stating that the | 'Abolish the Bar" policy. The li- services were origir v forjcense regulations will be even more the convenient worship of for | rigidly. enforced than heretofore. 16 those who lived in that vici v, and, | many of the comservative members while all were welcome, he wished it {ihe lesson of the election was that; understood that this was in no way|the law ust he erforced. The to be considered as an outing, and| people are satisfied with the present that he wished there wo be no dis-| machinery for closing the shop and turbance In that chamber of na-|the bar and they want the machin: ture"s own buyjlding it seemed to the/ery used if possible with increased | writer almost sacriligious to consid- energy. er disturbing such a service The | whole secene lent a soothing rever- 20 i © $e et tere ar WSuthered thie] The conservatives in Manitoba *¥ say, who had the remotest idea of De stronger in the years to come disturbing ifs serenity. Such is Half there is a change of government mi Moon Bay, one of the many wonder 'he future. Yet. admittedly, it is ful spots in the long list of interest- difficult "for politicians to recognize ing and unique features of the Thou-|tie value of such self-abnegation. 10toi row and some | | swiftly Turks, X x Post Stan Had the Balkan ai in war with {mained in alliance, the Aust: would not now invite the war ! Bulgars and Servians were brave in | battle, but they were shortsighted over the spoil, turned their arms | against each other, added heayv; | ses in blood and treasure to the rifice already made, knowing he a! lies, sessful the re- of natures' | me noise Sat motor un i! line of almost wi and cheered their conflict. Now {via. prostrate after two wars, | hope for no help when its giant n as lg rhbor threatens, excepting the = come a general European war Ser- | of ant God A Change Now. nadian Courier : THE OLD BOYS' PICNIC | "views | PARIS PATE SANDWICH | WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE it all that Austria feared their union | located. Address Box L, Whig office, A NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE with barn and large strip of land, on Alfred. St, Apply to J. D. Boyd, Js Tine St, :r Eastview Park R. No. 1. ng at the present time dence strictly conadeniial to Manager, Box 47, King- WANTED GENERAL ------------ } PR -- 1 | IOUSE, 165 STUART ST. THIRD DOOR {at RNISHE D DWELLING FROM 007, rom University | r x J. 8. R. MC Cann, rooms, deep lot; { 84} tre sion. Apply 3 Phone 1454 north side; # iate poss Sntrarsity Avs, Ave, {TO BLY : ZN A GOOD | sect P : 283 DIVISION { pi tage. fire | in.b Yard é Rent $11.00 Phone 403 -------- - pl JF ROM SEPT, ms and be 1, 1 ed pref Addres watering A 8 Princess St 8 1 and Apply IN DIVES. rovement y 2 Col- RANE House m i FINANCIAL. N Aad. * Salary September Snider, R. R FRONTENAC tums AN INVEST. ment Soclety; Incorporated 1863, President, Colonel Henry R. Smith oney Issued on >ity and farm properties, municipal and countr \debentures; mortgages purchased Meposits received and Interest al towed. 8. C. McGill, Manager, 8% Clarence Street. | Lav 'ERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company, Avallable assets, $61,187,215. In addition tc which *he policyholders have fo: Security the "nlimited liability of city Pope rty, insured at lowes! possible rates Before renewing old or Eiving new pusiness gel rates from Stra & Strange Agents. Phone 308. GLORK A CAR n of given hardwood finished Satisfact TO 'guaranteed } SENTL E MEN TO BRING THEIR th and have it made up Into up- o-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- | ing and repairing done on tht | shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibdby's Gar- age. CATERING. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP- pers, banquets, dinners, parties, ete Silverware and cutlery Te rent. For particul apply to R | L¢ Toye's King re TEACHER WANTED. WE CATER TO PARTIES, Wedding breakfasts also rent dishes, silverware Reid M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street Hambrook, Alfred Phones 543 or 303. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S BALLS, - +) TEAC a n oi Street i aa f t S r | -- - et ean - ROOMS AND BOARD. TOARD AND ROOMS, board. Apply 138 Wel- opposite post office A NeRMAL TRON A en OR og (HER FOR | eIRST CLASS also table lington St. PROTEST Section § coming year QUALIFIED TEACHER, | ant, r n Scho Be NYWHES RE CAN a mail order business at home; canvassing; be yeur own Send for free booklet: tells Heacock, 2.969 Lockport, N.Y and 9 ( ne boss how Viden for 4 080, Sar NO. x SITUATION VACANT. . ations, : mid- mer 4 stating | 5 1 to Wm i ' I : ; ndon' Sta- ---------------------- ARN BARBER TRADE. SURE EM. ployment. Good wages. Few weeks required to complete course. Write for particulars and catalogue to- day. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. ---- POSITION WANTED. FOR <PRIV A Ladies or ger ats Large profits Darlington, SNTS WAN Christppas ca Samples book free Chipchase, 'Cardex," England. SMART V $450.00 per Appl ; YOUNG DRESSMAKER seeks position with good dress. maker in the city or willing to gO out by the day Apply Box 728 Whig office. LEGAL. ARCHITECT. WM, NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. tects. etc. Offices, 2685 Bagot St Phone &1 9 en POWER & BON, ARCH chants' Bank Building. Brock and Wellington stree! -------------------------------------------------- a card, CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Law office, 70 Clarence street, Kingston. OFFICE DES SIX FEET LONG, in. high in ront and 56 1-2 In. h at back it. Three Srawers) and ne top she tly use British Whig oce, App TSTART | ete ee eet ene eee 'A LARGE NUMBER OF BIC YoLES also Dunlop tires, at $3.0 ail orders promptly attoniod. 'to §arpet RE hg Jaying. Sores ler, 373 -- v. ONE NEW ghia BOAT, feet, with 12 H. P. 12 ! aniles per hour For reference 23 x 3 1.2 engine. Speed, Made to stand apply to Mrs. R. Lansdowne, MOTOR BOA feet 6 engine; s beam; perfectly ner left oud condition ADs ky. wi ig Office GASOL INE BOA' AT He LL, 20 FT. LOX by 6 ft. beam, constructed of pure c anadian cedar and pure white oak 21-2 years old, gu nteed as goo as new Will sell ®heap. Cpn b seen any time at 23 John street. a -- . -- SECOND-EAND/ UPRIGHT PIANOS square plaios, plano-cased or gans, Angelus player and rolls, organs and Cash or time Scale Williams P Montreal 9, King $1300 DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, BEV erly Street. $2600---NEW FRAME HOUSE DUR- ham St. Improvements. SE 1 DL AC HED BRICK, icto $4300--SOLID BRIC K, NEW, provements 10. A. BATEMAN, 67 CLARENCE sT, MARINE BOIL ER IN GOOD RE- pair about 125 horse Power, gairs anteed to stand 160 Ibs. cold wat- er pressure. One marine boiler of about $0 horse power, good heavy plate but needs some repairs. One stationary boiler, 45 horse power, shaking grates all in good repaf'r. Adams & Duford Co., Chaumont, N,- PERSONAL. or ------------------------ ---- HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks and all growths and sii blemishes removed rmanently, without scar; 2: Jere x Perighea. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, By Nese Throat and Skin Bean "58 Bagot Street. MUSIC. ------------------------------ -- ALL BRASS, REED AND STRING IN. struments; music copying and ars ranging, &« traine of military band and orchestral bands. Bupe ett Webb, -264 iversity ve, Mu SIC AND DRAMATIC tlon, 216 Frontenac St Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, B.K, 0. F. Telgmann, tyachers of slo Hon, plano, violin and all stringed instruments, INSTRU Miss RN DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LD DS, D.D.S; moved to 258 Princess. Street." SPARKS AND SPARKS, 159 lington St. (over Cavan an Phone 346, ete -- PR. O, eo NASH, DENTIST] DR PR. -~ », enton, assistant rincess Street. Phone 736. ri strat. 8 BH siMPsox, LDS, DDS Ist, corner Princess an streets. Entrance on Bagot BUSINESS NOTICES. JOSEPH RUSE, § CHESTNUT ST. opened up a quarry on a Cut, bullding and rough au Plleq promp a ric hon Ste reasonable UPHOLSTERING. w, J. AGAVINE, UPHO or call 216 Bagot AR AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE HOUSE PHONE 759 Mid-summer Sale Jack Stansbury iS on BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL 734 Special rates to afternvon or evening relies Train © al FOR HIRE 50 Tons Split Pea Coal $4.50 Per Ton Cash Regular Price is $5.00 Per Ton Phone 1177 sand Islands that ring here the} 2 seekers of rest and plegsure Ser} 1000 Islands-Rochester. vies will be held therannh. Sun-! SS. Caspian leaves at 10.15 a.m. day evening this year at 6 o'clock. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, for Many prominent ministers have been "houssnd Islands, and at § pam. or, ootings. Hochester, Rubber Tires for Carriages and Automobiles. George W. Boyd, en ALL IM. ' LSTERING, pairing and CAT] worl ad mattress renovating. Dr 5 ; ey ¥