Howes, CC. G. Rich- {A Branden, W. G. Coxdll, Edward Dawson, H. |e aie: J. A. Hunter Mrs. Robinson, wife of Dr. €. K, Robinson, accompanied by other re- 7 na of the doctor, made a trip}. out from Kingston to Tamworth yes jereny aftérnoon in an automobjle. 3 a result of the trip settlements 4 were made for his furniture and oth- er business matters ' { The Coroner's Jury at Tamworth Found That the Young Woman Died as the Result of al 3 | thist who was on the steam. as 0 an Meg Oper ler America.on lulv 16th, identified Dr | Robinson as ome of the passengers. He ion For | was with two ladies, who had return hy Him. | tickets Une of these ladies was de- scribed ap being "a rather heavy and the other a younger ed proper notilication of the inquest. wore a heavy veil. Crown Attorney Preston said that he objected most strenuously Sgainst any adjournment for a week stated that a copy: of the hn taken at the session of the inquest could be secured by any. person desir ing to represent any one at this in uest. Mr. know Settle' s Excursions. To Northern Ontario July 30th. Re- turn limit een days from date of sale. Liberal 'stop-over privileges. Full particulars on application. The Lake and Rail Route To Western Canada Service has been inaugurated be- Joa Bastara and Western Canada, v D" JAN trains leaving Toronto via Grand | « ELAND" . 31 Trunk, Mondays, Wednesdays and | ¢ CLE the principal < a: 31 Saturdays, 11.156 a.m., to connect at avi the San Cincinnati) Sarnia with the high-class steamers | *ndthe ihama Pacific Cleecland) Expositions. of the Northern Navigation Co., for | Duration Each Cruise 135 Days ort Willlam, thence Grand Trunk | Cost up, inclading all necessary Pacific to points in Western Canada. *900 =. spud and ashore We can make all arrangements to . adrusdape ring your family and friends trom | HAMBURG - AMERICAN tT LINE or i: iculars apply to ; 2 3. P. HANLEY, PE -. hr Railroad and Steamship Agent, Cor. Johnson and Omtario Sits. Saw Dr. Robinson. Whig a person, The was -informed, on Friday, by the large Cruising Stearinbipn "CINCINNATI", JAN. 16 4 wo- man, wo- man, (By Tamworth, operation for by Dr. C. K." Staff Reporter.) July 31.--An abortion, performed Robinson, caused the death of Miss Blanche (*'Happy") Yorke, the pretty Tamworth dress- maker, whose body was found buri- ed in Dr. Robinson's cellar on Tues- day night. Such was the finding hearing the case, which such wideépread interest. dict was received at torday afternoon had been spent illegal 25a TION CHANGES, : ! A REORGANI day that wil be remem- berd by every woman. who makes a viurchase of thesd lin. ens. a al Prices Cut to The Core Here's the List. od Number of Appointments on Cana-! dian Northern Lines. recent circular is- head oflices of the Cana- To- According to a the ldian Nocthern railway routo, : the {1 ated as Blanche | {Canadian year |Uentral Ontario railway; North {te railway; Irondale, sued at system at the following lines have . for purpose of operation been desig- the Ontario grand division: Nerthera "Ontario railway; Bay oi Quin- Bancroft and Ot West- Fw. Boe of the jury has caused The ver- 5 o'clock yes- after ten hours in the hearing of evidence, The taking of evidence Roe yert J. 8. Dennison, " was concluded at 3.30 o'clock, and KE a wa orn. at 5 o clock, the report was handed to Dr. ( H. Cowan, the coroner ents, Trade-Marks, Designs, Copyright, piiolested eveery- The inquest opened on Wednesday did not broth Robinson declared he the whereabouts of his er, Dr. Robinson. Samuel Yorke, Yorke, who has been living at Eldoradp, ih Hastings, testified. He told of the [ue awa railway, and Brockville, disappearance of his sister, whom he {port and North-Western railway. called "Sis," and of the effort he| The Ontario grand division is sub had made to try and locate her. He [divided into the and Otta wenf to the home of Mrs. &Walsh, + divisions, in turn sub-divided into | ! | 71 Netre Dame St, West Moritreal or local agents. brother of RE ----, for the past PATENTS QFN PN CT PACIFIC NEW LIMITED TRAINS 40¢ quality at .. 25¢. TABLE LINEN-- Full bleached; inches wide Toronto A ------------ = -------------- "THE CANADIAN." ~Between-- Moatreal.-Toronto-Detroit - Chicago Via Canadian Pacifie and Michi- xan Central Railroads via Mine Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and Détroit Leaving Montreal 8.45 am.; Torante 8.19 p.m. arrivin Detroit 12.35 and Chicago 456 a.m. dally, aaally good service returning. Through Electric Lighted Equip- ment, 0 - WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER Toronto-Vancouver Express No. 2 leaves Toronto 5.55 p.m. daily. Van- couver-Torpnto Express No. 4 ar- rives Tordfito 11.45 a.m. daily. Man- ftoba Express No. 7 leaevs Toronto daily except Sunday 10.50 p.m. ar- riving Winnigeg second day. Ontar- lo Express N leaves Winnipeg 9.26 p.m, and arrives Toronto $15 p m. daily except Tuesday, Particulars regarding Rall or Oc- lekets from FF. CONWAY, ©. ty Ticket Office, cor. Princens Wellington Sts. hone 1197. MONTREAL--QUEBEC--SAGU ENAY 88. Toronto and Kingston leave dali! at 6 am, connecting at Prescott with opi Steamer, arriving Montrea! TORONTO EXPRESS SERVICE Steamers leave Kings on at 6 p.m dally except Monday for Toronto, ar viving 7 am, Returning leaves Toront. 8 p.m. daily except Sunday, arriving Kingston § am On Mondays si m. for Charlotte 1000 ISLAND! 8S. Caspian les nesday, Friday nd 1000 islands, and at 5 Ry lotte via Bay of Quinte HAMILTON--TORONTO=Q U EBEC Weekly service by S88. Alexandria Belleville, City of Ottawa and City of Hamilton. Delightful water outings reas) 1 Folders and luformation from BE. BE. HORSEY, J. P. HANLEY, General Agent, City Ticket Agent Phone 31. Phone 9% Rideau Lakes Navigation Co For Ottawa Every Monday, Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 am. Passengers going through to Ot. tawa may occupy stateroom. the eve- ning previous. No extra charge. ~ For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- besday, Friday and Saturday at 6 p m. One hour in Clayton: leaves Clay- ton at ® p.m. except Saturday. Jones Falls and return, 50c, every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 am. OFFICE BY OF JOHNSON la r "tor Char- ST., 82 Clarence Street. 'Phone 568 | Ocean Steamship Agency. 0. 5 Kirkpatrick, CUNARD LINE CANADIAN SERVICE. From Sout pton From Montreal July 23 ALAUNIA Aug. 8 Aug. 18 ANDANIA Aug. 29 Aug. = ASCANIA Sept. 5 call Plymouth eastbound patenCabin (11) $46.25. 3rd-class 10 hound, $30.35 up. West a up. 1 'Tieket Agent. or noueh ir oce REFORD CO. LANTTED, G Son seal Agents, in: 30 Kine St t. East, Toro where; téen years' exper. lence. te for booklet. 'Summer Sae Chul e of anything in stock, all this spring. Values up to Hoy 50, while they last. .$20.00 .$22.50 Ralph Spencer, THE TAILOR 520 Princess Street Opposite St. Andrew's, 2 piecg( Suits 3 piece Suits During the her of peopli'ah veloped nt 1" clear where finishing « shows that fim ix used. any film kes no er e We get good prints from providing any care has been taken in exposing the roll. We sur- selves sell po less than six different brands of fine fill--the best on the market: Do not forget this when you need supplies or finishing. At Best's The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sundays 1.30 to 3 0.30 to 0, @inia Anabos The (Quality of Our Hats i$ ever Down prices are The Goodness considered sca latest 'blocks' of the and after four Score or more afternoon, in which a were heard, which reads as follows "We your jury duly and sworn by Dr. C. H oner for the county of Addington, for the purpose of en quiring into the cause of death Blanche Yorke, who died on about the Sth day of July, find as follows: : "That the said Jlanche Yorke came to her during the night of ly in the house occupied by Robinson, situated in Tamworth, county We also find that gaused by. an + abortion pe Robinson." Cowan, 1914 8th, Dr. C.K of the illegal rformed. by Dr Addington death district that town ha such kee Yorke he 1 people at ev g the hour and on di rectly in ny first after front LO sec the resi ve verdict to have news of minutes known, it ap ated all the the peared village Now people over that the are anxiously ¢ and any action which may be Detective left it for the Inspector town early morning The fact of Dr. inson's the police after Miss brought Fhe inguest iting still on the gui tak last developments, are vive for on (reer town vesterday that the cellar searched and nothing found, shorty Yorke's - disappearance, has forth much unfavorable comment huding of the body after it was an nounced that a thorough search had been made, came as a big surprise. P'lie' proceedings at the inquest ves terday afternoon were given a very sad touch. when Daniel McGregor, the young farmer living at Croyden, iden tilied an opal ring exhibited by oner Lowan as an engagement ring he had given Miss Yorke Another feature of was by Cor the final session the presence of Melville Robin Kingston, brother of Dr. ( Ih who asked for dn the the that Dr. Robinson's relativ given proper holding of the inquest, was son, Robinson, ment of adjourn rrounds inquest on g been notification of tt Daniel McGregor's Story. Daniel McGregor, who kept pany with Miss Yorke, said he known her six years. He learned of her being missing July 11th. her home but found she was not! there He then made inquiries in the village He seen Dr. Robinson on the Saturday following Miss Yorke's disappearance, calling a the doctor's residence with Samue! Yorke Dr com had was not been at hi occasion he with Sam- Dr. Robin Robinson said he sure if Miss Yorke had office On another went to the doctor's office Yorke This time L_sgid that Migs | his office fifteen and 'that left 8.50 or 9 o'clock Witness identified two rings worn by the deceased. One ring bore the initials, "B. L.. Y."" and the othe: was an opal engagement ring Questioned by the crown attorney the witness said he knew nothing about Miss Yorke's disappearance He knew that she securing medi from Dr. Robinson She had told him about this. Witness did not undertake to pay the expenses of an operation for Miss Yorke, nor as such a thing ever hinted to him He was never in Dr. Robinson's of fice in his life, and never gpoke to the doctor until July 12th On one occasion Dr. Robinson hac stated to the witness that perhaps el she office about was sessions, witnesses the verdict was framed, empanelled cor- Lennox and |eelobration at of or Lillian | Gregor : some time |" on 1914, the village of | Was | was was operation {contents of It [had Had {that further | Miller | Rob- {brother t his | came to | saw ling | spoke | that {in her small purse. |evidence | dead ered in Dr. had not | first [ Witness then drove fo | gaged as dressmaker, but could get no clue Mr. McGregor did not know the young woman's whereabouts He | to take Miss Yorke to a | Deseronto on July 12th thought it | where the young woman "had been en x expected Witness was very ue 1 his sister | pointment. visits "he to the oth asked the d medicine he had He was told that for stomach would drank Witness told of had made He kind of his sister what to medicine her informed that it had bottle Girl on Slab, admitted also have harmed her she one ie doctor he had Ff one and also re missed a from h Robins the tness declar he believed four belie found | 1 Dr would be icided it. was have she his she wauld been he identified the rings fou a body that he could n but { reco. the young the ) woman, the of the witness » had the body William a0 doubt as to the identity |« under conditions Edward Yorke, another Miss Yorke, stated tha home was in Lornville, N.Y Tamworth on July 13th. He | Robinson on the day follow- | with Inspector Miller and | his brother. Witness identified the body by a ring she wore Samuel Yorke, om being recalled of his mother's statement Miss Yorke had a $5 gold piece This gold piece, | was saved, whil of Dr while understood, sO It is | has not been found. county constable eo guarding th been discov Ilias Wood ga concerning body after it had Robinson's cellar | card in it {and pair Floyd. Floyd re Received by Mr. the letter D. B Letter \ithough ceived from Dr. Robinson, line, it i= understood that it was post ed at Kingston. The crown attorney | winounced that the letter would not be, made public. One report states that the letter was oue in which th doctor asked Mr. Flovd to secure som: i his goods and have them forwarded a certain place m last saw Dr. Robin Witness asked Ro- | binson if he had anything to do or knew anything about the lisappearance oi Miss Yorke. He advised the doctor not to have any thing to do with certain cases Lhe doctor made the remark that he could not operate on such as this, as required two to do-it. Dr. Robin appeared To s thought this was due to the fact that his wife was ill in kingston Dr. Robinson declared to the witness had nothing further to do Yorke than to prescribe stomach trouble. Attorney Preston asked Richardson, a member the jury, sworn, Coroner Cowan said a member of the jury could not be sworn Lhe crown attorney over ruled him, however, saying that an inquest took the form of a search for information, and Richardson took the stand He told of Dr. Robmson be ing informed by witness and A. DB. { arscallen, resident of Tamworth, that there was acreport that he might have Miss Yorke concealed ; I'bat doctor was advised in ss said he July 14th Witne Son on hether he also A Case that he ith Miss edicine tor When t rown to have Henry case to allow party er |, should fail to keep this ap- |. and Me- | portation, {ance oi wa I tricky 13. [track | trict; W. ( I He |Of a the hand satchel week. for change While store, front part of the le a wrist watch witness said he ga ve it to his sister adh gift for Christmas. |t] | | not {t ave been returned as | lost it ks | bad no date | t | was in the but had hams, S |7zation of the {fax. Brock- West dis- the to Brockville the Ottawa everal districts, of which ville district, Brockville port, forms one. The trict forms a portion of ivi In the wd George sion. reorganization of the Collins 1s appointed the Ottawa th headquarters at Trenton th jurisdiction over tlie mechanical and departement W. J. ( mes superintendent of the with headquarters at jurisdiction over the mechanical .and mainten departments. I'be officers appointed for the Otta follows iH 13 with head Derby general Sus rinteadent of transporta maintenance oi urle be lividion loron with trans way nvision are is supermtendent, larter at Napanee; R. S issiztant superintendent =. «I. Kitchen, trainmaster, roadmaster; I'renton: R foreman, Tkenton of track, Tren line Toronto superv wood, I'ren FE. Kyvers, ! b sion general wns, div engineer, Miller, Walsh, - supervisor jurisdiction over 0. Ogden, jurisdiction Brockville di supers tion \ apéinee igor Uttawa Jitawa-Napanee and McDonald, Trenton, juristhe Quinte and Moore, road f« I'renton. ck over line | over Cen ral Ontario, Kingston dis yreman WHO-STORE-THE-SATCHEL From an Optical This Weak. t street lady is lof who relieved, her of her one afternoon this She was in the optical store purpose of having some made to her eye-glasses she was in the back of the she left her satchel in the] store thinking that when she came out] was missing that the mistake or it the lady had her initials stamped 1e outside and there was a postal with the owner's name There was also a in the satchel A certain party is suspected of] e theft The person in question | the place of business when | lady placed her satchel down, |} before she returned that party disappeared. Lady king for party the was safe » satchel 1 is evident taken by satchel was would who | on | address. of eve glasses =MMOTTow. Special T braid §2 George New en for hats & Co straw Mills fine $1 sale of vard Mcintosh Bros Scotch ging aturday, Sc are indications of the mobili whole garrison of Mali There oT LIVER Is! HOOD'S | PILLS Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout. § One of Kingston's Best. Wood's The Great i Tooes and R auplish the nervous system, makes new in old in Dures Nervous division | and | Laronto Tren- | TABLE LINEN--63 inches wide 6c qpality at ........,...47¢ A a PA A Pll Pl Pt tat TABLE LINE Pomme TABLE NAPKINS ly. $3.00 quality 2 inches wide. 85c¢ quality at ..... Full bleach. 21 inch; very fine. 20 dozen on- at TABLE ALL LEYEN TOWELS--I15c CLOTHS--63 x 84 12 only. $2.50 quality at $1.48 a -- my quality for DISH TOWELS--1ic¢c quality. To-morrow, «2. 2 for 10¢. 25 DOZEN D'OYLIES -- Lace mbroidered Slightly soiled by handling 15¢ qualities for re p SQUARES--35 Tr mr BATTENBE DON'T MISS THIS OP PORTUNITY WG AT Office || Special Announcement 20% Discount Off All Electric Fixtures Until August 1st Now is ur opportunity for bargains--New designs just received. H. W. Newman Electric Co. Phone 441. Home 1376. 79 Princess Sftosk; Special Values for Sat urday and Monday Eu All new.goods for this season's trade. two and in some three of a line, but in the fot a all sizes, 32 to 48. These Men's and Young Men s Suits are the product of some of Canada's best makers, and were made up 6 be sold at $16.50, $18.00, and a few of them were $20.00. As they are odd lines we want them out. Take your choice Saturday and Lhe very exclasive the Miss Yorke wag wandering around a8 a result of going out of her nrind I asked the doctor if her case Monday for $11.80 lle was "not guilty," { a . \ Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, to go throdgh his house, and clear dency, Loss of Bw v. Po. tation « the up the case. Robinson fell in line | fhmey. Footing Mem ep A hy men Fashion styles worn mandates of son who follow for 35. One will planse, LARGEST STEAMER FROM MONTREAL Ca PEARS rr C. 8. Kirkpatrick, C. P. R. 4 And wish to be correct. Hats for $1.00. Hats for $1.25. Hats for $1.00 v . Flannel Trousers, in White $4.50 quality, for $3.25. Summer and Stripes, Summer Vests, half price. was serious," added Mr. McGregor, and: he said, 'no.' but that he had often heard of such cases." Detective Greer corroborated the finding of the body and the condi- tions. He had searched the fur nace and had endeavored to scrape it out. Pieces of the bed tick were fouud in the furnace with corset stecls. Asked For Adjournment. (Quite a surprise was given all con- ceriied at this stage, when Melville Robidson, a brother of Dr. Robin- son, asked that the proceedings be ad- journed on the ground that the re- Iatives of the doctor had not receiv- a ---- CASTORIA fe Kd You fer Alors Boh Bears the Sigastuve of with the suggestion and asked wit- ness and Carscallen Ro search his house. They did so, found nothing. 'We wera looking for a livin; son so our investigation was no thorough one," said witness. Dr. Robinson told witness he was going to Kingston to look for law, and that he would make it hot for people who were circulating reports about him. Mrs. Maria J. Thompson, Tam- worth, recalled having washed out a couple of sheets for Dr. Robinson. The sheets were Slatted with blood Charles R. Jones' manager of the Stirling Bank at Tamworth, told of Miss. Yorke having $67.04 to her credit in the bank. P. M. Carscalien, the bailiff who made the seizure on Dr. Robinson's furniture, gave evidence. Frank Yorke, who was the stand Wednesday night was recal- led, and said he just felt as if "something was going to happen." 'The jury was composed of*the fol- lowing: A. B. Carscallen, (foreman), Mel- ville MeKim, Sampson Shields, D. and er- t a in druggists or mal rice. New pamphl <0. We should bo glad to show you our Boys' and Girls' School Boots at prices from $1.50 to $3.00, We save some splendid lines in Men's Shoes, which cannot be beaten at $4.00 "All good solid leather, REPAIRING DONE Scatt's Shoe Store rach 208 fare Bt. Two lots of odd lines in boys' bloomer pant s plain, D. B. or Norfolk styles. All regular 6 and $8.50 boys' suits Saturday $5.6 os, OF Monday for .... cea All regular $10.00 odd hoys' suits, Saturday or Monday at 50 Boys' Shirtwaists for boys, 4 to 8 years of age. | Regular 35¢ and 50c. Take your Soe choice Saturday and Monday for - Roney & 1 \