Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1914, p. 11

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Settler's Excursions To Negthern Ontario July 30th. Te turn limit een days from date of sale. Liberal stop-over privileges. Full particulars on application. The Lake and Rail Route To Western Canada. Service has been inaugurated be- tween Fastern and Western Canada, tralus leaving Toronto via Grand Trunk, Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11.15 a.m., to connect at Sarnia with the high-class steamers ot the Northern Navigation Co., for Fort William, thence Grand Trunk Pacific to points in Western Canada. We can make all arrangements to pring your family and friends trom the "Old Country." For full particulars mpple. te . P, HANLEY, Railroad and Steamship Agent, Cor. Johmson and Ontario Sts \ |S "THE CANADIAN." ~--Between-- Montreal-Toronto-Detroit - Chicago Vis Canadian Pacific and Micki gnn Central Raliroads via Michighn Central Gigautie Steel Pubes between Windsor and Detroit Leaving Montreal 8.46 a.m.; Toronto m., arriving Detroit 12.35 a. 6.10 mm, ahd Chicago 7.45 a.m. daily, Baually ood service returning. Turough Electric Lighted Equip- ment. TORONTO - WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER Tofonto-Vancouver Express No. 3 jeaves Torontu 5.656 p.m. dally. Van- couver-Toronto Express No. 4 ar- rives Toronto 11,46 am. daily. Man- itoba Express No. T leaevs Toronto dally except Sunday 10.50 p.m, are riving Winnipeg second day. Ontar- fo Express No. 8 leaves Winnipeg 9.26 p.m. and arrives Toronto 6.15 p m, dally except Tuesday, Particulnrs regarding Rall or Oc- ean tickets from I. CONWAY, U.P. A. City Tieket Office, cor. Princess and Welllagton Sts. Phone 1197. MONTREAL~QUEBRC--SAGUENAY 88. Toronto and Kingston leave dally | at 6 am, connecting at Prescott with Rapids Steamer, arriving Montreal 6.30 pan, TORONTO EXPRESS SERVICE Steamers leave Kingston at 6 pm dally except Monday for Toronto, ar- riving 7 am. Returning leaves Toronto 8 p.m. daily except Sunday, arriving Kingston § am On Mondays steamers leave for Charlotte, N.Y, 1000 ISLANDS--BAY 88. Caspian v nesday. Friday ard Sunday for 1000 Islands, and at 5 p.m. for Char- jotte via Bay of Quinte a WANMTLTONSTORONTO---QUEBREC mi | in time of trouble caused po a liver, bowels, - a wa, , certainly, bythe most famous f family remedies Largest Sale of Any Medicine In the World. Fresh Cantaloupes Fresh strawberries dally Choice eating apples Orunges, all prices Californin peaches, plums and cherries Also choice Hue of candies. James Paul, 348 Princess St. Phone 504 { Goods delivered to all parts of the city. There are many imita- tions of this best of all fly killers. 0 Ask for Wilson's, be sure you get them, and aveid disappointment. e FARMER'S WIFE 700 ILLTO WORK A Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly- Weekly service .by 8S. Alexandria Belleville, City of Ottawa and City of Hamilton. Delightful water outings at reasonable rates Folders and luformation from E BEB. HORSEY, J. P. HANLEY, General Agent, City Ticket Agent, Phone . hone 99. Rideau Lakes Navigation Co For Ottawa Every Monday, Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. Passengers going through to Ot tawa may occupy stateroom the eve- ning previous. No extra charge. For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday at 6 p. m. One hour in Clayton; leaves Clay- ton at 9 p.m, except Saturday. Jones Falls and return, B0c, every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. A OFFICE FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. PHONE 301. i . ---- -- | a LEELS| { { | { CANADIAN SERVICE. From Bouthampton From Montreal | July 23 ALAUNIA Aug. S| Aug. 13 ANDANIA Avg 2 | Aung. 20 ASCANIA Septd | weamers oall Plymouth esstbou Raton oabIn (11) $46.25. 3rd-cla tish eastbound, $30.35 up. West- | und §30 up. - Apply Leeal Ticket Agent, or T | ROBERT REFORD CO, LIMITED, Gen- | King St. East, Toronta eral Amentw. 50 pure cream. We deliver promptly parts bf the city. All seasonable fruits, to ail Phone 1128, 280 Princess St. Our ice cream is made of t dia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Kasota, Minn. -- "I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound has done more for me than 8 anything else, and I | hed the best physi- cian here. I was so weak and nervous that I could not do my work and suf- fered with pains low down in my right side for a year or more. - 1 gook Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and now I feel like a different. person. 1 believe there is nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound for weak women and young girls, and I would be glad if I could influence anyone to try the medi- cine, for I know it will do all and much more than it is claimed to do.' -- Mrs. ' L£LARA FRANKS, R. F. D. No. 1, Maple- crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those dis- tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound to re- store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are con- stantly publishing in the newspapers. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta~ ble Compound will help you, write" to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass,, for ad- | vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. -- -------------- NORMAN HACKETT IS TO STAR IN "TYPHOON." ( Julia Marlowe Better--An Australian Invades Gottram--Margaret Ang- lin Fo Go Abroad. Stanhope Wheatcrott has joined the New York cast playing 'A Pair if Sixes,! personating Tony Toler. "Where the Trail Divides," with Fheodore Roberts and Robert Ede- son, is in preparation for the movies. Max Figman and his wife, Lolita Robertson, are to appear soon in 'What's His Name?" before the cameras On her next American tour, Marie Fempest promises a limited season in one of her big London successes, 'At the Barn." Grace Van Studdiford, who suffer- fled a vocal collapse recently, has suf- ficiently: recovered to resume her work at the head of a musical stock 'company in 3t. Louis. One of the first 1914-15 attrac- 'I tions to be sent out by the Shuberts will be "The Morning After," It fea- tures Lee Arthur. Jane Grey, who is now in Europe, has been selected by Klaw & Erlan- Zer to play one of the leading parts in "Cordelia Blossom" at the Gaiety Theater on August 31. l.aura Hope Crews, a co-star with H. B. Warner in "Blackbirds" and who subsequently appeared with John Drew, is to be stared by Daviu Belasco. She is now abroad. Charles Frohman h returned from a foreign trip with twenty plays for production in this country and Europe during the 1914-15 sea- son. MeDonald Hastings, a well-known English playwright, has been autho- rized to prepare a vehicle for Mme. Nazimova who is now a Leibler star. Blanche Bates denies a report that she is to retire from the stage. She is now considering the scenario of a play submitted by Eleanor Gates, which will be used after her engagement in the all-star cast of "Diplomacy." Julia Opp, who in private life is Mf William Faversham, has recov- fi ered from illness with which she was [| stricken in Switzerland several weeks ago, and will return to this country and the American stage in the fail. Isabelle RBvesson, who /| gtarred in "The Palace of the King,' will be Truth in the "Everywoman"" company Henry W. Savage has form- ed for the coming season. Miss Eves- son enjoys the distinction of being one of the very few American act- resses ever taken from this country by an English star. Charles Wynd- am saw her when he was on a visit to the United States and engaged her for his company. SheYwent to Lon- don and appeared with him two years recent = Margaret Anglin, after a few weeks in her Adriondack camp visits her brothet; th® Hon. Francis Anglin Justice of the Supreme Court in Ot- tawa, spending "a fortnight at his place on Blue Lake, in Quebec, She, will then sail to confer with the au- thor of one of the new plays, which she intends to add to her now exten- sive repertdire next season. News comes from London that Julia Marlowe is on the way to com- plete recovery and that she will par- ticipate in the Shakesperean festival at Stratford-upon-Avon in August, Miss Marlowe wag stricken in mid- season, and was compelled to aban- don her tour. After resting for a per- lod at her home in New York she sailed for England. There she was joined by Ii. H. Sothern at the close of his season, and together they leas- ed an estate near Stratford Norman Hackett, the young Can- adian actor, "has secured the exclu- to Walker Whitesides production of "The Typ- hoon," and will use it for his starr- ing vehicle next season. "The Typ- hoon" enjoyed. long runs in London, Vienna, Australia, and was first pro- duced in this country by 'Walker Whiteside three years ago, at which time the powerful drama of Japanese life created widespread interest. Mr. Hackett should find in Tokeramo, the young Jap diplomat, a role well suit- ed to him. sive rights successful The Vienna Amtsblatt is publish- ing an official demand on Hedwig Nawratie to pay debts growing out of the purchase of valuable jewelry. Hedwig Nawratie is none other than Miss Gaby Deslys, the varisty singer and dancer, who is now in London A Unigue theatre has been con- structed at Hood River, Ore., in con- wection with the Horticultural Chau- tauqua. It is a permanent struc- ture, and seats 1,000 persons. The canopy of the stage is a cluster of large-leafed maples. The receipts of the first perform- ance of the late Brandon Thomas' "Charley's Aunt," at Bury St. Ed- munds, England, were said to be $2.83. It has since been performed Bl over 250,000 times. Thomas made a From Montreal Quebec From Bristol . 11 Royal Edward Aug. 26 Au 35 Royal George Sept 9s Sent Ss Royal Edward Sept. 23 Suites of x3 tments with pricate baths, loxur- ously Sted cabin treated afer historical periods, clab-tike comforts and service provide wo mplete ret and pleavare on the Atlantic Royals. For heautifully ilhostraved book we wre to $2 King Su Mat JF Toronto. Ontario. -- k 3 Fro 2 30 July 27 A : EE A m Quebec Alsatian .. uly 27 Aug bi ~ : Montreal Victorian . 4 Aug. i Sep* = uebec ...Calgarian 13 Aug. 19 Sept. 4 ' "From eal Tunisian . . 18 Aug. 19 Sept [Montreal to Glasgow To Lotdun & Havre . i rE 3 amp'n 1 Aung. 29 Aug. Sicil'n $ Ang. 3 Sept. Seana nv'n 8 As $ Sept lonfan. 1% Aug. 40 Sept. 3 . 3 espn 15 Avg. 12 Sept. Corinth. 23 Aug. T Sept i Corse'n 23 Aum 19 Sept. Scotian 13 Sept. 13 Oct. For full information apply Local Agents, rh Ja ' 5 & ror { ¥ iL) New York | variety circuit. | been in New York for weeks looking {which he has been recently to power, fortune of $600,000 out of it, but Jost most of his money in investments, and was compelled to return to the stage, The farce has béen presented in nearly every country of the world, and has even been translated into Greek. Hugh D. McIntosh, the Australian vaudeville magnate, plans te add to his round-the-world Mr. Mcintosh has over the situdtion and booking ar- tists for his tour. Workmen's Compensation. Industrial Canada y ~~ Sir James Whitney cannot make better use of the large majority, by returned than to amend the Work- men's Compensation Act with it. There, i# no doubt, even in the minds of the goveroment members, that the act, though possessing wor- thy features, contains clauses * which cannot be put into practical effect. Until these unworkable clauses are amended the ission will have to he guided, in" many chses, by - what PRODUCE AND PRICES. -------- Values Put on Meats, Vegetables and Farm Prodgets. Kingston, July 31.--The clerk reports the following : | Meat, bea, local, carcase, lic; earoase, outs, 10c. to F20.;. mutton, 11ic. to Ide; lve hogs, $8.75; dress- ed. hogs, 13¢; véal, So. to 12¢.; lamb, by carcase, $6; western beef, l4c. to 15¢., by carcase." Dairy--Butter, creamery, 30c.; prints' 27¢.; eggs, 24c. Vegetables--Onions, 5c. bunch; pars- ley, 10c. a bunch; beets, 50c. doz; cabbage, 50¢c. pen dozn; ra- dishes, 5c. a bunch; rhubarb, Ve. =a doz.; peas"in pod, fc. quart; cucdm- bers, 5c. to Te. each; potatoes, $1.60 per bag; new potatoes, $1.25 a bush. R. H. Toye quotes fruit thus: Cherries, We. to $1 a basket; bananas, 20c. doz.; okanges, 15¢. to 60c. doz; tomatoes, 3 lbs. for 25c.; cantelopes, two for 25¢.; gooseberries 10c. quart; watermelons, 50¢. to $1 market each; California peaches, 30c. to 40c. a doz; pears, 30c. to 40c. a doz; harvest 'apples, 50c. a peck; black- berries, l5c. a box; thimble berries, 17¢. a box. J. A, McFarlane, Brock street, re ports grain, flour and feed selling as follows : Oats, B80c. per bushel; whear, $1 to $1.10 per bushel; yellow feed corn, 90c. per bushel; bakers' flour, 82.75 to $3; farmers' flour $2.75 to $3. Hungarian patent, $3.00; oatmeal, $3.75 cwt.: rolled oats, $2.75 per 90 Ibs.; cornmeal, $2.10 owi.; Brin $24.50 ton; shorts, $26.50; baled straw, ton; shorts, $26.50 ton; baled straw, $0 per ton; pressed straw, $9 a ton; presses hay, $15; ground and cracked corn, 31.70 owt.; molassive meal, $1. 90 cwt.; buckwheat, 9c. bush. The Dominion Fish company reports the following prices : Whitefish, 150. Ib.; pike, 123¢."1b.; blue fish, 15c. Chinook salmon, 30¢. per pound; resh haddock, 124c. per pound; steak cod, 123e.; salmon trout, 15c. per lb; Saguenay salmon, 30c per 1b.: mackerel, 15¢. per lb; pick- erel, 15¢. per 1b. teas? ONTARIO FALL FAIRS Dates of Fairs Held in Eastern On- tario. Almonte ..... cc... vere Sept. Arden civiw ay seen sv Arnprior vii eee cBOD Bud Baneroft. . «ces « «vss vv QL 1-2 Belleville'. . .... . . + . +». Sept. 7-9 Bowmanville... . ......Sept, 15-16. Brockville. .... . . ....Aug. 30. Sept Centreville, (Addington County) Cr wy a sw BEDI Cobourg ..... . Sept. 22-23 Cornwall ........<.... . .Sept 3-6 Delta . + «Sept. ) Demorestville. ......... . . .0c¢ ) Frankville............Sept. 24-25 Harrowsmith. ......... Sept. 10-11 IRVOTALY.. + sss cs cr vpas » ss Sept. 9 Kamptville. ...... . Sept. 24-25 Kingston. .........Sept. 30 Oct 1. Lanark ........... Sept. 10-11 Lansdowne ...... ....Sept 17-18. Lombardy ...... ve .Sept. 12-18. London (Western Fair) .Sept. 11-19 Lyndhurst, . i... .¢ i. Bept. 16-16 Maber]y.....-.. - + + .. Sept. 29-30 Badon. sivas ee JOR BT Marmora . Sept 21-22 Merrickville. ... Sept. 17-18 Morrisburg . Aug. 4-5 ; Sept. 15-16 Sept. 17418 Sept. 15-16 Napanee. ...... ee + +» Newboro......veo « vo» Newington. ....... . OROBER, . ... sv. viiirn es Oh 2 Oshawa. .....~: sc Sop. "14-16 Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept. 11-19 ParB&m. ... cc vo0 0 +. 3 22-23 Porth. .,.....civvii van Peteyboro . PICOR. . cc codon oa ai ok . Prégeott. ....oivin wen v Renfrew. ..........Sept, 29. Oct 1 Shannonville. ......... . . . Sept 19 Stoll. soso wie arses vo BO 29 Stirling. ., + «vv + . 4 Tamworth. ....... +s. «+ + + Sept. 10 PIVOPION...o cs iss ve cv + + 2220000 Toronto (Can. Nat.) Aug. 28: Oct 12 Tweed. ........ .....Sept. 30 Octl Wolfe Island. ........ Sept. 22-23 A Short Crop. Toronto Weekly Sun A short crop aggravates greatly the difficulties caused by the stop- page of construction, Not only are the resources enabling the people to turn - to production smaller, but the attractions of production are less inviting. What can be done? The government feebly not'fles Eur- ope not to emigrate, and as feebly arranges to 'deport those who can- not find work. It borrows what it can in a panic-stricken market, which ought to have been anticipat- ed at least thre years ago. What it borrows it spends in permanent works, which will for the most part, like Col. Hughes! war sheds, never be productive. Free.wheat and flour which it has refused, would be of no avail this year. Probably, because he has no counsel to offer, Sir Rob- ert Bordem hesitates to make his western tour. HAVE PRETTY HAIR Soft, Flaffy, Abundant-- Use Par-| isian Sage. It Stops Falling Hair and Itching Scalp If your hair is not as soft and beautiful, or as fresh and as that of some friend, do not despair-- do as she does--give it daily atten- sion. Beautiful halir is largely the matter of a little'care. If itis too thin, make.it grow. If it is too dry and brittle, soften it up--lubricate it. Ii you Qave dandruff it is 'because the scalp is too dry, and flakes3off. up the scalp and dandruff will go. Parisian Sage, sold in fifty cent bottles at drug and toilet counters, is just what you need-it softens the scalp, nourishes the hair roots, im- mediately removes dandruff, and makes the hair wavy, lustrous and al t. t Parisian Sage quickly stops itching head; cleanses the hair of dust and excessive oil; takes away the dryness and brittleness, makes §t seem twioe as abundant, and beautifies it until it is soft and lustrous. You cannot be disappointed in Pa- visian Sage. Always sold by J. B. Mcleod on money back if not satis fied plan. Took for the trade mark "The Girl with the -Anburn Hair." the act ought to say rather than by what it donk sey, A pn aA It's on every THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1014. The Results in Seteral of the Coun- ties Hereabout. Lennox and Addington--J, Ayles- worth (hon.), A. G. Breault, R. M. Barnes, C. M. Campbell, E. V. Clancy, L. M. Davy, E. M. Gleeson, W. Hamm, C. ¥. Hamm (hon.)¢ W. M. Lewis (hon.), F. E. Moore, F. H. McTear, E. Magee (hon.), G. E. Metzler (hon.), J. W. Milne, M. A. Milling; M. I. Neilson, C. R. Salis- bury (hon.), H. E. Salisbury, M. Thompson, E. M. Valentyne, C. R. Wilson. Prince Edward---L. B. Calnan (hon.), N. Goodwin, S. Holmes, F. Landon (hon.), N. McDonald, B. K. Mills (hon.), J. E. Minns (hon.), R. Rundle, H. S. Spencer (hon.), W. C. Stinson (hon.) P. E. Terry (hon.), V. L. Taft, G. T. Walmsley (hon.), L. Walmsley (hon.), Leeds and Grenville--A. I. Arm- strong, S. Anglin, J. A. M. Bawden, R. J. Bolton, E. B. Baker (hon.), H. M. Bush (hon.), M. K. Boyle, H. G. Bigford (hon.), B. Cummings (hon.), E: Danby, E. R. Dobbs, N. D. Davis (hon.), R. Dool, J. E. Dick- inson, E. M. Earle (hon.), J. H. Elliott (hon.), G. E. Forth, F. A. Fowler, G. A. Gainford, OC. A. Gra- ham, J. A. Greer, E. E. Glen, H. F. Halliday, W. Heath, sl. Henderson (hon.), M. Hutchinson, L. Hurd, IL F. Hess, E. M. Howie, J. M. Johns- ton (hon.), L. A. Jordan, V. K. Johnston (hon.), .L. Johnston, A. Knowitan, Ki M. Kirke, 8. F. Lea- vine, L. M. Leve, V. G. Mitchell, F. E. Mott, M. L. Moulson, I. M. Mc- Cann, M. A. McCrum, M. McDonald, B. I. Mills, J. G. Montgomery, J. M. MacPherson, B. Potter, 'M. E. Quig- ley, E. E. Russell (hon.), G. Rourke, H. A. Ruddick, M. Seymour, E. E. Shea, M. R¢ Smith (hon.), I. Stevens (hon.), S. Taylor, F. M. Tackaberry, L. . Thompson, R. G. Taggart, R. L. Webster, M. G. Wing, S. A. Wallace, A. A. Watterson (hon.), M. E. Wat- erson (hon.), A. L. Wats, J. FB Yates | Entrance To Education Faculties. Lennox and Addington--B, C. Aylesworth, Pt. II; E. Laidley, Pt. 1I.;: BE. J. Madden, Pt. IT.; H. A. Mc- Greer, Pt. 1.; C. I. Morrow, Pt. IL; B. J. Spencer, Pt. II. Prince Edward--R. (hon.); W. L. Boulter, McKibbon, Pt. I. Leeds and Grenville--F. Pt. 11.; C. A. Bryan, . Chapin, PLIL; E. 8. Crowder, Pt. 1.; F. W. Gray, Pt. IL. and 1L; . Garron, Pt. T1., (hon.); M. How- , Pt. 1.;' A. R. Higgins, Pt. L; M. Hogaboom, Pt. I.; R. N. Holmes, Pt. 1, (hon.);. W. N. F. Kendrick, Pt. 1. and II.; B. E. Knapp, Pt. I. L. L. McNeill, Pt. IL; E. F. M. Men- hard, Pt. I. and IL; H. G. McLean, Pt. I.: W. A. McLean, Pt. I.; H. Miller, Pt. 11, (hon).; F. Pt. 1.; C. A. O'Reilly, Pt. 11; E, Rolston, Pt. Il. with alg.; M Sliter, Pt. '1.; J. T. Smith, Pt. 1; W. J. Turnbull, Pt. I. (hon.); H. M. Weatherhead, Pt. IT, (hon.); M. G Wallace, Pt. II; J. R. Watson, Pt IL; M. L. Watts, Pt. Il. with alg.; J. E. Wright, Pt. 1. Adams, Pt. IL. PL. 1; BE, M. Ab- Pt. 1.3; COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS, Cannot See Improvement in the World's Morals. A--After all has been said, the world is not improving morally. B---Bad time to suppress hell. (--Conscience revolts at things we read of. D--Daring characters, male and fe- male, flaunting their indecency in at- tire and conduct before everybody at fashionable sea-side resorts has called for strenuous denunciation by the clergy. Who the E---Eugenics, race suicide, di- vorce, fraud, blackmail, reptile fiends, graft, violation of the Sab- bath, alcoholism, arson, abomina- tions of all kinds everywhere ram- pant \ F---Fearink not G--God Who H---H2as been banished from the school, the home, the family, the heart. I-- Immoral literature, pictures, theatres, dances, dress, are doing their insiduous work. J--Just where it will all end would be hard, or rather «us to say. Eternal loss must follow, if speedy separation be not forthconi- ing K---Know and be not forever too late ! Ta L~-- Little jar containing temperature at ladder in glass [fruit two tiny frogs tells Vanderbilt's home. M--Making ascent the amphibia are seen when sun is to shine] re- maining low if storm is approaching. N--Nova Scotia, Quebec, Sa- skatchewan and Alberta upholding Jiberal principles. O---Ontario, Manitoba, British Col- umbia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island "blues" still, but-- wait. P--Pulverizing of Pelletier and his gang ere long. Q--Queer! Carpentier should | | down "Gunboat" Smith, Fabre flit by | Duffy and 'Le National' smash any- {thing in sight at lacrosse. { R--Race of habitants can't be so "inferior." S--So it is that whilst "Johnny Crappeau'" sees a lot of good in "John Bull," he does not by any means feel called upon to break his spine in out er deference to the "superior' race. T---The old Pierrepont has gone to Sorel. ~ Well, that's better than go- ing to the bottom. Thé dear old scow needed a change bandly. U---Uses has adversity! A little tunefyl French may put new life in tie ofd tub's bones. V-lVigit of old boys and girls was a joyful event all round. The robin returns to the native bough. Child who loves his cradle is the child for us. W----We were not born in Kings- ton. The stork's supply of little parlez-vous beats all; but te our adopted home we bring the best that is in us, and more, surely, cannot be asked. X---X-perience pleasure by lead- a useful life. Y--~You steer for the rift fana fear not,--ZACCHEUS. - ; Some people are asleep when ihe A. Spicer, P. Tallman, G.| I Crpfay TT Rh Sunlight Soaj cuts Monday's labor clean in half. \ _ The Sunlight way is so easy | st note. First you soap : garment ; then roll it up to soak. After a while you rinse it thoroughly and the dirt drops out hke magic. Why scrub, and rub, and wear and tear the clothes when the gentle strength of Sunlight Soap will do the work with never a hurt to fabricor hands, '~ » . 5°] PAGE ELEVEN . Try it once-- this Sunlight At all grocers Mind "Don't cry Sis! Mama won't mind. I'm hungry, and it's so good by it- self." Trust the young- sters for liking a food for its taste alone. ¢ . » : is oot only the tastiest of all ~it is also the 1 : § Alwags fresh and nutritious. Sold everywhere at 10c 00 {N 6ary & Practical | Home Dress Making Lessors gk 1 ., sof Prepared Especially For This Newspaper 3 : w MISSES' COSTUME. 17 /#§ AW taffeta, To make it required 4% yurds of 36-inch or 3% yards of 44-inch mis terial, with % yard all Ince for shield and standing collar and & yard of webbing 2 inches wide for the by ii The cutting ef the dreas is net 5 cult, because the principal parts of the skirt and waist may be laid on & lengthwise fold of the goods, leaving the remaining parts to be quickly are ranged on lengthwise threads. 3 The waist is first put together andl fitted. Turn hems at front oh right front and right inserted at notches. From the line of small perforations to edge, underface front; lap on inserted section to ; "go" perforations, double "00" perforas tions even and stitch, Close seam as notched; close shoulder Gather lower edge of front and between double "TT pert: Sew stay to lower edge, centers' small "0" perforation at unders seam. Sew Japanese collar to neck edge, notches and center-backs even. Sew standing collar to shield as ed, adjust to position, bringing sponding large "O" perforations shield and in inserted section Close the sleeve seam as notched, add the ruffle and insert in armhole. In making the skirt the back pleted first, creasing on line perforations, bring folded responding small "o* notches even and baste. edge, placing "T" on small "o™ tion. Tura under edge of front slot perforations, lap om 3 small "0" perforations, . ot and baste. Stitch as illustrated, le Mier contume hat leokabwell f0 10d OE er Pinchet almost any ma! Pp o to floral printed silk. It shows sscharm- | Minating stitching at extensions, in skirt pleats, close seam E new eirect 1lower edge of walst over stay, even, 2 ge. v3 . This dress may be made uv i pensively or inexpensively as) ome de- THe large collar may be of ) sires, for it looks well in almost any terial bound with whatever | material, from percale to flor printed used for the belt. 4 5738 * . > bl mer tole "ti acre = i ; ] Ro ~o%-n g~U HT] eos TRC or. BACK GORE » er ~ ¥ | meow eom J 2 Bacw & ' .Newman & Shaw, Princess Street nothing ¢chance to make money comes their] way,

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