PAGE TER -- A -- ing scher Hee as he did Feeling that he bad been 'usuited, Barrington thereafter confined his communications with Hartford to a curt "How are you?" accompanied by Copyright. 1909, by Amerikan Press Ase sociation -. a ---------------------------------- his 8rst sear of practice when ¥ Bl Tuppenbeim arrived Io Knuckleville. Mr. Tuppen- eGo aieliing stock in the Charita 'Mining ¢ i i 3 is 2if rs f bim. He said he 't see that it wade much difference, anyhow. wheth- or | was a fool or a kmeve, because either way | bado't any right to tive, and be wound up by sayiag that he'd Just go down to the Joity Dog and get a few drinks to put him In the right frame of mind ard then he'd come back and reduce the membership of ihe Gilt Gulch bar by one." It is significant of Hartford's broad aud toleraut temperament that he did fot remind Barrington that be had previousiy predicted such a catastro- phe as had uow befallen. Neverthe- less a slight glimmer of amusement stole across bis face. "So you want wy advice, do sou?" be asked. "I should appreciate it very much," said Barrington. "Well. you shall have it," said Hart- ford laconically, rapplog the bow! of his pipe akainst the heel of his shoe. "If Jim Busby were out gumaing for me and I couldn't shoot any better clothed his varrative of the rise of Gilt Gulch there lay a re- substratum of truth, and the toMmbloation of Burrington's ingenfous *ppeatwuce with certain letters of in- troduction to financially prom- ment in Gilt Guich, which Mr. Tup- procured for him, resulted in bis speedily establishing a thriving rounded thelcurwesjust beyond the sta- tion. i A moment later Susie Cutler, ber trim little figure set off by a skilifully taflored gray traveling suit and her face wearing the look of towasd her joyfully. Within steps of her he encountered jan obsta. cle--a wery serious obstacle. This was nothing: less than the muzz a re volver. Behind the: revolvery Mr. James Busby. we won't be long doing it" Then Busby became smidenly con pi from seme bDoint in his hand upow his arm. "Do you know," suid the voice, "it's dreadfully careless of you pointing might go oft." Tuming about, Basby looked into the pigtant features of Susie Cutler. He decided unhesikatingly that, not- withstanding some freckles and the tendancy of the mose to turn up, it was a rather pleasing fare to view. "So it might," said Busby slowly. "So it might." Mr. Barringten,™ "You make me nervous." "Pact is." said Busby; v1 was sort of planning to sheot Mr. Barrington." spoke very calmly and deliberately. "What!" shrieked the girl. "You have the audacity to stand there and tell me you mean to commit a cold blooded murder? Where are the po- lice? A splendid place this wust be to live in, where a man goes out to kill another as coolly as be'd eat his breakfast! "That's the way with all you folks from out Bostow way," grumbled Bus- by. "You're sltvays getting murder and jhe aduginistration of justice mived. [ ain's going to wurder him. I'm going to execute him. He's done we dirt, and it be alu't killed he'll do somebody else dirt What do you care anyway? Alo't no relative of yemru, is he? "Why, we." she answered i some --that is. he"-- A gleam of compreheusdon shone in Busby's eyes. & "Come to tink of RB," said he. "I heard something about his being go- She nodded. "Fes." she answered simply, the girt." "Then" said Basby, "it's clear enough to wy mind that in interfering me from doing you a great favor. Howsomever, it you stick to it that out'~-- Ish. She transferred her grasp from Busby's arm to that of Barringion, who during the preceding conversation liad stood silent, his face white, his practice. For the most part it was work in connection with the location of miving claims, and, besides numer- ous fees in cash, Barrington acquired several claims of his own, which he disposed of profitably. In 'brief, at the end of a year Bar Hington bad waxed so prosperous as to feel himself warranted in marrying. The Knuckleville Weekly Times an- nounced editorially that it understood that young Mr, Barrington, for whom, its readers 'would remember, the Times bad predicted a brilliant career when be bang out his shingle tn Knuckle ville, was now ove of the leading men in the west, and the other village maidens were openly jealous of Susie Cutler, 'whose good fortune it was to be to 'marry a millionaire, But Susie herself bad no fllusionn than you can.and I had a comfortable little sum saved. as you bave, and there were a pretty girl in New Eng land who dido't know any better than to love me, as sbe does you, 1'd go east on the half past 2 train, and | wouldn't hurry back." "But the trouble is" Barrington ex plained, "Susie~Miss Cutler, that is-- will be here on the train that gets In dt 2:50. The trains pass on the first siding out. you know. The fact is we dre to be married day after tomorrow at noon, You'll pardon my omitting to send you an invitation, won't you? it was quite unintentioval. I've been 80 busy"-- "Oh," Hartford broke in, with a dep recatory wave of his arm, "you need oot apologize. It's just oue of those little mistakes a busy wmu is bound to wake every now and then. | haven't Busby's disposition. 1'll forgive you." Then Hartford looked at his watch and found that it was twenty minutes JRst 2, d 'trip rallroad deket 1f Barrington feit that | ) to move lively, my "Keep an eye open for ; and if the coast is clear take the i: : 12:30. If it isn't, walk over to Sand Sake a iiitle wed- | City and take the next ome there." ding trip to Colorado Springs or maybe | "Bat about "Susie," Barrington 'Denver. a pradent | mipnstrated. "Pébaw!" growled Hartford. "That's 'enough. Leave a vote for her the Station waster, telhag her to to Colorado Springs-and you'll her there, Ifyou don't bave time 2 note, bave the station mas- Ber you've been calied away on a'life and death matter and that.she's 'J to'go to the hotel and wait nntil you send her word. Don't you worry about the girl. She'll prefer a slightly de layed wedding to an expedited funeral. Hurry up now. You've just abous time to make it." As he slipped down the main street bave re 20 the client. Now, it is it Barrington - possessed who bave that, 'you '40 be careless ay to de- : it was merely that, y in love, he could wet con- 18 bis'mind upon his work. How.' may be. Hartford, the attor. dolent * Heart rejoiced as 'he reflected that the ten mile 'walk to Sand City would mow be unnecessary. It was just twenty-eight minutes past 2 whén of the records tbat filed documents 'con- out upon the platform. ' But 'the train which made up at Git Gulch -was not limbs trembling, cold sweat beading his forehead. "Come, Harry," she said ; Meekly, with bowed head and dow. cast eyes, Barrtogton suffered her to lead him aboard the train, which was now, the track 'being clear, abdut to move eastward. Jim Busby sat down upon the edge of the platform and burst into a roar of laughter. Long after the train had ! disappeared around the carve below the station the station master found him there, his broad shoulders stil} shaking with merriment. "Well, you doddering idiot," said the | station master, "what's the Joke™ "Ob, ain't he going to get his all right, though?' queried the mirthful Busby. "Did you bear her 'Come, Har- | ry,' him and spake him aboard the twin lke he'd been a puppy hitched to a string? He got out of being exe- cuted, but he's getting a life sentence, and that's a whole Jot worse." 4 iL Senatorial Repartes. Once in the semate chamber 'John J. Ingalls was directing some remarks to Senator Hoar of Massachusetts, The Other senator from that state, Mr. Dawes, having come in while Mr. Ia- galls was speaking, thought the words were meant for his ear, and so, inter rupting, he asked Ingalls if be was di- fecting the remmrks at him. The Kan- sas senator tumned slowly around, for Mr. Dawes sat behind him, end then, with delicious intonation, but an in- stant wit, he said, "I was directing fy remarks to the successor of Charles Sumner and not to the successor of Daniel Webster." The repartee has become traditional, and the utterance was at ounce placed alongside of that 'reply of Conkling to -Seaator Thummah, ia; I turn as | wend turn on law of Engiand--the world's most copious fount of juris brodence." His Successor. after the ta Gilt Gulch station. Barringwn rushed three 3 that thing at anybody so. Why, it "Well, then, stop) aiming it at Har she commauded. | So fr tue good | of everybedy he'd ought to Le shot. | ing 10 get martied. Be you the girly" | with this execution you're preventing you dou't want him shot and if you'll | take tim out of Nevada and keep him 'The girl did vou Walt Tor him to fin- | MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1914. -- F New Telephones of the last daeetory. Adams, oe 8 1230 "Now, young man," said fMr. Busby, "well attend to your littieamatter, and | scious of a voice, evidently feminine, ' rear and of the light pressure of a CAMPBELL BROS. 106 S. F. Campbell ... Mrs. M.E__ AKROYD, DR. 8. A. Residence. and changes In the list of Bell Telephone should cut this list out and paste ft in their subscribers since the Issue directories. 100 Frontenac 80 Brock 106 U 2% 119 William 156 Princess -230 Stoart e138 Queen 281 Bagot 15 William 320 Barri 1% Ring «.. LaAmoing Wiliam Victoria i W. M. Campbeil AOR CAMPREIT MISS MT 1312 Residence. He bad lowered his weapon and . R. LE. J e, J. SR Evans, Mrs. A. S fils, 1. D. ii Ferguson, T. H Mison, H. K Fit , Rev. W, 204 Fruitisn 540 Gage. J. R. B idence Gardiner, Thos. GLOVER, A rgidenec Gow, John E Residrnc e confusion, "he isn't a relazive exaculy | Rewicdence Guttman, L. F 252 Montrea! 241 Brock Pringess 109 Gore Residence 436 Princess Albert eeidence Residence Residence Residence Barber Whol. Grain & Hay Residence Residence Boarding House ing 185 elling a 558 Princes 2968 University M4 Lower Albert 8 Unie Bioyel 230 Primers i Gilenbormis 110 Montreal 2681 King Carr. & Auto. Painter Residence 59 Union 372 Brock 108 Vietoria 223 King Residence. Residence Residence Residence 85 Beverley 138 Frontense 41 Geo, Residence idence...... Residence... Reside nee... » r Grocer... 234 Montrea - a5 ot Residence GC Pan Dist. Insp. Inland Rov Rediiencs Residence arty, Sant w.G 1 Hamitton. Fa 300r43 Harpell, R. 1850 a. E 1649 Maxiott, J. W 1604 Hebert, 9 1621 Lo] 24 1443 t, AE... H : osidence.. Hinton. Miss Gertrude Hughes, Major H. T RM.C. Grounds mn 26 Phu 1206 Ideal Cleaning & Pressing 131003 Kesler, 1958 Roar 38 it, Mes, Hoot 1638 , John 1a . 5. K 1637 Soi 1348 1 1182 1036 Residence Carpenter & Contr e Reocs 640 Kingston Milk Dairy Wool & Hides Buyers. ern = Robust at 99. Uf race suicide applies to the more | settled centres of the North Ameri- can continent, its effects do not ®eem to have reached across the Straits of Northumberland to Prince Edward Island, where, according to | & recent census, it is shown that a { larger per thousand of people over 70 years of age are to be found than i in any other province of Canada. In most countries a fourth eener- | ation is rare, but Prince Edward Is- | land ean boast of a 6fth in the Poir- er family, of Tignish, the men of which are fishermen and of robust health. The head of the family, a great-grandfather Poirer, has 202 living descendents, and is np at day- break at 99 years to turn hie fish | | | | on the flakes to dry and to chop I wood. Significant. Vilhijalmur Stefansson, the famous [ Aretic explorer, has told many good i stories of the way in which the Eski- mos grasp the literal meaning of any- thing they hear. : ] An instance of this followed on a sermon preached to the Eskimos | from the text, 'Do not Tollow in the footsteps of the wicked." "What some of the Eskimos 'thought of me." Mr. Stefansson re- | marks, "can be secon from the fact that one day I noticed that some Ks- kimos.who were traveling behind me were being careful not to follow in | my (railt™ Sign Crusade In "ngland. - {British and Continental goods, DO NOT RENT. WHY NOT BUY? We have some great bar- 'gains. Two bungalows with 6 rooms, good locality, at $1500. Two houses, $1600, good locality. Apply to THE KINGSTON BUILD ERS' SUPPLY CoO. 2nd Floor, Room 4 King Edward Building Also cholce line of candies. James Paul, 848 Priucess Se, Phone 904 Goods delivered to ail paris of the oity. ROPEAN AGENCY, Wholesale Indeats ¥promptly .ex- ecuted at lowest cash prices for all in- cluding Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists' Sundries China, earthenware and Glassware Cycles, Motor Cars and Accessories Drapery, Millinery Fancy Goods and Perfumery, y in d Metals, ard hue Mach ivory a etals atches. PhoEmplic and Optical Goods, P and Ollmen's Store. and Piece hee DS Residence... Ol... Ragidonee.... + NewEgg Ghinase Restaumnt a 1811 Noeris, Wiliam James. "Carter. . 760 Queen's Hotel... __ ___ _ Ssunders Bre wen 1 19 Broek Grocers. wien 178 Princess 4 William 115 Princess 204 wm ty 174 988 meaden, Jas. & Co 748 Residence :f THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 281 Hits 1] ier ak ol ¥EgZ 19 Ridean 102 Frontenne Residence Colling Bay Consult. Physician 67 Wi , Royal Mili "oll Residence A52 maton Celine Residence be Resides Otc mre Carter Toe Cream & Confect__ 980 FOR QUICK LUNCH Crosse & Blackwell's Potted Ham Potted Chicken Potted Lobster Potted Anchovy Potted Ham and Chicken Mushroom Catsup Mushrooms in Gravy D. COUPER Plone 76 341.3 Princess St. Mid-summer Oxford Sale in the midst of the oxford season, big reductions on our complete lines u we have new shoes to show you. 00 Oxfords reduced to $379 Small Sizes and Low Prices $249 for a Pair of Oxfords if you can wear size 4,4 1-2 or 6. ° r 8 » o$ omen's $4, $4.50 Pumps and xfords reduced Children's Shoes 99c. ue Sen 3105 rotor S000 Rte "and. at 99¢c