Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Aug 1914, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE KITCHENER TO LEAD THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE FIELD, NO DOUBT. His Departure For Egypt Significant ~=Chances of Destroying The Ger- man Fleet, "London, Aug. 3.--The report that by 1t,-General Francis Wingaté, is leav- ing for Egypt on Monday, must be re- Lord Kitchener, garded as of the utmost significance, for Lord Kitchener is the man most fikely to take supreme command 6f the United Kingdom take part in an European war, a it almost ipcredible that the report is 'true, fou its! publication, in that event, woud be information of the most valuable kind for the German generalissimos, . would seein to indicate an in- tention on Britain's part to land an army of invasion in Austria at some point on the Adriatic Sea, probably near Trieste or Fiume. Austria would |; t t q a a t GEN. LORD KITCHENER Wht will comand British force: the field then be engaged on the coast by Rus sia, on the south by Servia, and pos- sibly other Balkan nations, and ou}, the south-west by British (troops. |, Italy and Switzerland are immedia-| pop, against shipping coal, and hus notified them that all coal is liable to tely to the west, and France could not attack her directly without vio-, lating the laws of neutrality. Any jnvasion by France would have to be |, through German territory or in co-, operation with British forces on the Adriatic coast, ders of It may be that the very publica-|, tion of the report about going to Egypt, which after the great soldier had seen the king and the foreign secretary, was designed to cover up Britain's real military intentions. It would seem ', far more likely, the first duty of Britain being to destroy the German fleet,' that both the army and navy should be employed with that end n view. This could be done by opera- tions directed against the Kiel canal. If the German fleet does not take refuge there in force, iL must run the chance of being caught in squadrons at isolated naval bases, where each division might be cooped up and rendered impotent. It, for greater safety, the fleet were {1 concentrated at the canal by means|lt of which it could pass from the Baltic to the North Sea without running between Denmark and Sweden, Bri-| tish and Russian troops could be | janded in force under the protection of the combined Russian and British |i fleets, and a determined effort be made. to destroy the canal, if not to capture it along with the war vessels, Sandicap in a landlocked harbor. Of course, it ig a well-known maxim of naval strategy that naval force must is be an overwhelming strength before an invading foree is landed, the Cut- ting of whose communications wou! end in disaster. 1 t + S---------- J. Boisey landed' a pike while fish- i in Calabogie Lake that weighed o ten pounds. | 1 2 (10 CHEWING TOBACCO these are all unarmored, very much maller and slower than the Zeppe- thé British armies in the field, should re ships. fact which makes th, or with accidents show thal they are subject to dam- age by storm or explosions. But in spite of this there can be no doubt that they are the most powerful air- ships now aloft. hundred pounds of explosives can be dropped from one of the large dirig- ibles without endangering its equil are now mounted on almost ail makes them easy targets, and it isa partments would neutralize the effect of high Postmaster Warmed office guide points out this month in it Have been that the date-stamping of letters and! per of post offices in Canada is stamp. stampifg warned that postmaé a fine gee | Admiralty ergency contracts, and that the Ad- Kitchener | . 1onper, was printed British T. Danner, 1 etal the Inter-denominational Mission to Bible conferenc de clared that leprosy is not hereditary separate jor easily are colonies exist, Wolfran, manager of the west Dom | Mine at Porcupine, was found dead with a bullet wound head German | volver which would be under a|came to town from Haileybury and seemed in good health and spirits, so that no reason can be assigned for fran had been in the Cobalt camp for seven years as prospector and mana- ger for Morgan R. Cartwright, in the ! Timiskaming and other mines, was unmarried. ------ GERMAN AIR FLEET. -- Zeppelin Will Be Useful in Case of War. London, Aug. 1.--Including diri- gibles owned by private firms or in- dividuals, but available for the gov- ernment use in time of war, Germany now has 34 airships available, Aus- tria nine and.Itaiy seven. Of the Ger- man flyers about half are the large and the very fast Zeppelin or Schu- eite-Lanz armored vessels, which form the most powerful air fleet in the world, France has 24 airships; Russia 11, and England four, but have .The Zeppelins, to be sure, which of late been proved that several It has brium. Guns of fairly heavy calibre of hem, and they have at times at- ained great speed. Their large size uestion how far the minute divi jon of the gas chambers into com- explosive shells, but their rmor is proof against rifle fire. MUST STAMP PLAINLY. Make to All Dates Legible. Ottawa, Aug. 1 The Canada post several complaints ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1914. GENEROUS GIFTS. London College Geis Grants From Guild. L.--At. a meeting of the council of the East [London Col lege. University of London, recently it was announced that the 'court of the Drapers' company had resolved to de- fray the cost of the erection and equip- ment of the new chemical laboratories of the coliege. 5 ' he will East London, Aug Probabls amount to a cost {875,000 apd it is hoped that the labo students new ses available for the ratories will be at the commencement of sop in Qetober This is onl) next one of several benciae- tions by the Drapers' company to the college hey vote a grant of $45,000 a vear in support of the also col- that made ts issue to the department | large num-| eith-) sr neglected or so carelessly done | hat it is impossible to read the date-| The attention of postmas-| ers is therefore directed to the im-! erative necessity of properly date-| mail matter, and they arej ters who neglect | will be liable 10] yther small matter in a his duty in future EMBARGO ON COAL. Warns Collievies Against Making Shipments. Cardiff, Wales, Aug. 1.---The Bri- ish admiralty has sent the proprie- ors of the collieries notice warning ye taken by the Admiralty under eu- will indemnify them for private contracts. The Admiralty agents have asked teu- steamers ready to sail iw- nediately on charter of fifteen days r. All the crew must be niralty reach of 1,000,000 LEPERS IN WORLD Jisease Not Heveditary Nor Easily * Communicable. Binghamton, N. Y., Aug. 1: American secretary Ww. of addressing the National in e in session here, de- .epers, communicable, that there more than one million lepers in he world and that while two leper 17 states have one or nore lepers each, comprising more han 500 in all Mine Manager Shot. North Bay, Ont. Aug. 1.--B. C. n his room in one of the hotels here through his The presence of a large re- suggests suicide Wolfran nicide. An inquest will be held. Wol- He a ---------- The Pembroke separate school is o be largely improved. lege and ships to 26 000 responsible for scholar annual value of about Altoge the gifts of the company during the past twenty-five total over a quarter of a mil- lion sterling The building the laboratories been greatly delayed by the building sirike are the ther ears of has EXAMINE OIL PROPERTY Matthew Lodge Re ning, Accom- Engineer, Matthew Lodge of Moncton N.B., iled by the Cal- garihn yesterday, «companied by an engineer who goes to examine the New Brunswick ofl property which will shortly be taken over by a new company During the last six months, Mr. Lodge said, he had made satisfactory prog with the pro posed flotation He returns to Eng- land early in September with the in- tention registering the company it the condition of the markets al- lows of this step. Senator Domville s algo interested in the flotation. pamied by London Aug. 1 shales ot HUMRTA FOR EUROPE. Complete Arrangements to Sail From Jamaica on Sunday. Kingston, Jamaica, Aug. 1.--Ex Provisional President Huerta, who arrived here July 24th, has complet- ed arrangements to sail for Europe on Sunday The general has char- tered the Elders & Fyfles steamer Patia, which now is at Port Limon, Costa Rica, but which is due to ar rive here on Sunday, to carry him- self and party of Mexican rel- ugees direct to a Spanish port ably Santander w FRAUD ORD his prob R ISSUED. Mail for Montreal Concern Will Be Returned. Ottawa, Aug. 1---The post office de- partiuent announces that a fraud or- der has been issued against a con- cern doing business under the names of the Montreal Stamp Exchange and the Best Stamp Company at No. 1 Dumarais street, Montreal Money orders are not to be made payable to this "concern, apd letters received in the mails to their address are to be returned to the senders in the cus- tomary manner, marked "suspected to be of a fraudulent character." At Toronto a toroner's jury found that A. Orpen, jr., contributed to a newshoy's death by an error in judg ment. ~~ The emergency wit hold cabinet to-day Canadian meeting an THERE NEVER BRIGHT tobacco It WAS A CHEWING TOBACCO SO DELICIOUSLY GOOD AS PACIFIC CHEWING for it is just pure and wholesome is clean too -- every plug wrapped separately in foil so that no dirt or soiled hands can touch it or prevent it reaching you in perfect condition. BUY A PLUG TO-DAY AS YOU GO BY YOUR DEALER'S AND NOTE HOW : DIFFERENT IT IS FROM THE KINDS SOLD IN BULK. Inside the wrapper you will find one of the much sought after satin inserts [from which so _miany beatitiful things canbe made. See ES displays around town. THE CRUISER RAINBOW. Which Will Guard Victoria and Vancouver. , VILLA GETTING ARMS [ Not Pleased With Carranza and Will Fight Him. El Paso, Texas, Aug. 1.-- Condi- tions are approaching a crisis in the internal affairs of Mexico. Villa is getting thousands of rounds of am- munition across the border. He has ordered carloads of rifles and is making every preparation for open hostility with the Carranza faction. George C. Carothers, special convoy of the state department with Villa, has left hurriedly for Washington to lay before the administration the real situation. Carranza's own for- ces and those of Pablo Gonzales, and Jesus Carranza, are moving south villa's troops remain in the north. No efforts are being made to move south, although all hespital nurses supply trains and hospital equip- ment have been ordered to Chihau- hua at once.Villd fs not at all pleased with the way Carranza is conducting he affairs of the revolution and has wpenly wexpressed himself to this ef- fect. Carranza and Villa men will wave nothing.to do with each other ere on the border, and they do not go to the Mexican side, which is in Villa's territory. It is openly prediet- ed that if the break oecurs the Uni- ted States will intervene and Ameri- ans in Mexico are preparing for this eventually. STATION CONTRACT LET Structure to Be Erected at Cornwall, Cornwall, Ont., Aug. 1.--The con tract for the erection of the Corn wall station of the Glengarry and Stormont railway has been let ic Atchison and company and Henry Williams, of Cornwall. The worl will be commenced at once. The station will be situated on the eas! side of Pitt street, at the corner of Sixth street, and will be a handsome building. Outlook Of War. Toronto News, If the worst happens, that is if the war spreads, what will be the result of Canada? . The most ob- vious and, perhaps, therefore, the least important effeét would be a big advance in the price of wheat and other foodstuffs, which un- doubtedly would increase the imme- diate incomes of western Canadian armers and to a lésser extent the lincomes of eastern agriculturists Such an inflow of cash would en- able farmers who are debt settle their obligations, and other farmers to extend their purchases. This development would tend to react "beneficially upon eastern manufacturers, eastern wholesal- ers, and eastern Canada generally Handsome in Waiters Will Fight, New York, Aug. 1.--It may be waiterless New York if there is a general European war. Managers of a score of big hotels and cafes were notified to-day by their waiters thai they might return home to fight. At the Hotel Biltmore the scores of waiters sent a committee to notify the management they would probabiy £0 at the opening of the war. French men and Germans predominate as waiters here Torontonian's Swimming Feat. Cornwall, Aug, 1.----Norman Strick land of Toronto, son of James Strick land of Cornwall, who is spending his holidays at his home here, holds the record for long distance swim- ming in this section of the St. Law- rence, Yesterday he swam from St Lawrence Park to Stanley Island, + making the distance, nearly nine : miles, in three hours, and a half. He was accompanied by Harold Hessel in a canoe, ---------------- Relic Of Lake Disaster. : Fort William, Ont., Aug. 1.---~The finding by the tug George Young of a battered steering wheel, similar to those placed at the afterdeck of lake freighters, has reminded local marine men of the wreck of the steamer Leafleld with all hands while bring- ing a cargo of steel rails to the head of the lakes last November. . When The Crash Comes. Ottawa Citizen. A wiveless despatch states that the great German steamer Imperator is crossing. the Atlantic at- a speed of twenty-four. knots per hour. Several other great steamers" have érossed at that speed---part of the way. The wire legs has then heen called upon to tell the rest of the story. Highway Matters, -- Ottawa Free Press, The people of New. Brunswick turned tout the liberal government ' because they ohjected to the highway act. It looks as though they elected : some highway men. = Mr. 'Carvell is entitled to congratulations for the house- cleaning operations he is carrying on in his province. 3 President Wilson has a plan in mind. for brihging auch 'of the ship- vorld under the Ameri- ng European troubles ngress pass a law ad- lerican registration the THANKS FOR A FAVOR. he Lady and the Baker and a Little Bit of a Surprise. It was 'alter dark, and the French mker was about to close his shop vhen the teleplione bell rang. * "Mr. Ovens®" "Yes, ma'am." "This is Mrs, Jimley of Hickorynut street." "Yes, Mrs. Jimley." "I am giving a supper: tonight, and I discover that I need balf a dozem aiore rolls, Could I trouble you to send them over?" "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I haven't a roll left in the store nor even a loaf of bread. We are sold clear out tonight." "This is very provoking," said Mrs. Jimley. "Are you-sure you haven't anything that would do?" "There isn't a thing in the place that I would care to sell you, ma'am. Hold on, though. There's a half dozen fresh rolls on. my own supper table right now. I could let you have those if you think they would do. My kids can eat crackers instead. They'd rather, any- way." "Those will do very nicely, Mr. Ovens. Will you send them over soon, please 1" "Right away, ma'am. The boy has gone for the night, but I'll take them to you myself." In a minute or two be stood on her front steps ringing the bell and feeling well pleased with himself that he could do some one a kindness. Mes. Jimley opened the door and took the packages from his hands, Then she said in icy tones: "The next time you bring any goods here, Mr. Ovens, I wish you would re- member to ring the basement bell. I can't have tradesmen coming to the front door."--Newark News. 2 He Knew. "It I were you," his wife said, "Td go to that man and tell him exactly what I thought of him. He lied to you, and you ought to tell him that you know it. If I were you I'd let him know just how I despised him. I'd have the satisfaction of making him feel ashamed of himself." "No, my dear," he replied, "you wouldn't do anything of the kind. If you were me you'd do just as I'm do- Ing. This fellow weighs fifty pounds more than I do, and they tell me he's one of the best boxers in this town." Chicago Record-Herald. Her Library. It is clear that the young women who figure in this little conversation from the New York Telegraph gre no blue stockings: \ Amy~1 don't know what to give Gladys for a birthday. She has a gold mesh bag, she bas a wrist watch, she bas a silver toilet set--oh, she has evs erything! Pearl--Well, give her a book. Amy--No; she has a book too, .- Her Father's Car, "Where were you last night?" asked one girl of another: "I was out riding with father in his car." "But I did not know your father has an automobile." "He hasn't; he is a motorman."--In- dianapolis News. . There Are Others. Maund--~You used to think that Jack was one in a thousand. Hthel (who broke engagement)--I do still, but I've discovered he isn't the only one in a thousand.--~Boston Transcript . Making It Worse. Dubbleigh--~Miss Sharp called me a fool. Do I look like a fopl? Dawson-- No, you do mot. She couldn't have judged you by your looks.~Boston Transcript, The avarice of the miser may be termed the grand sepulcher of all his other passions. Why, the Very Idea! "1 had to pay $17 for a ticket to Chi cago," said one woman. "It seems expensive," commented the other. : "Terribly. And there wasn't more than a yard and a quarter of the tick. et, at that.""--Washington Star. aly -_ The Ugly Mug. In homely guise 1 wooed Irene. I had not power nor place nor gold, But love's mad passion made me bold To seek the heart of her, my queen. But she, I found, was not 80 green. She had no ear for passions told In homely guise. It wrung my sou! with anguish keen To prove unworthy in her eves, For she my wooing doth despise Because she finds no charm, I ween, In homely guys. 5 of ~New York Mail, rw Strong Evidence. *This giri is only a college flirt. How do you kpow that she really loves you?' J "She dyes Ber hair to conform with my class colors, dad. A fellow couldn't ask for any greater proef of devotion than that."--Judge. wl : ! 3 y i I'd like to be a farmer lad ¥ Ls And hoe the waving corn, But nothing seems to make me glad Like sleeping in the morn. ~Youngstown Telegram. Preference. I'd like to be a 'watchman bold And serve from dugk till light, But nothing makes me quite so glad As sleeping in the night. ~Yonkers Statesman. in the Early Hours. office)--~And yea will come home early, won't you. Jobn? Clubleigh--Yes, dear, I'll try hard not to be late for breakfast.--Philadel Ledger. Sam \ Sixty-one bodies have so far been recovered by divers from the wreck: of the: s of I ; fig Mrs. Clubleigh (us hubby leaves for | : Substitute And SEAL BRAND COFFEE Knows: No Superior) CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL. 182 AAA AA RR AN J. McAuley, Fumniture Dealer and Undertaker 281 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 86. OUR TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It. is crowing louder as he goes sions, gal 46c. per pound. For chewing aud oking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontarle Stgeet, Ao Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout. One of Kingston's Best y mea]. ann odern Equipment Bacons, Cooked Mentw, are handied with ail the care and attention demamded by mo era sanitary Ideals. In in our silent salesman counter, and let us hel hot weather menu p Fresh Fruits and Tomatoes arriving GAGE'S BUSY, STORE. 254 Montreal St. Phone 540, Our Hams, Sausuge, & Ae A at rt Ag A Ng Our customers are our best ad. vertisementt. Hvery pair of BOOTS AND SHOES sold by wus selis others. Every day someone says, Mrs. d-so is wo well pleased with her thought I wouald come to you We are haman---never satisfied. We want to add jou to our chain To Bt you is to fit your friends In the future. We have all makes mud styles of men's, women's and children's boots and shoes at the lowest price lu the elty.. H. B. WARTELL $28 KING STREET Phone 187% shoes AAA AAA Pt AA a lh PURE -- PALATABLE -- ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER® FOR SALE BY WINE axp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, Lieb, Nutrimious -- BEVERAGES VARA AD AA ry FN IY Lonpon, CANADA when not feeling well, think--"1 will wait and see; perhaps I shall feel better to- Mm re morrow. Eno's "Fruit Sak" nds the At such a time the prompt use of system. of disease germs and prevents the spread of the malady. ENO'S "FRUIT SALT"

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