Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Aug 1914, p. 2

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4 5 \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 3,191 FRONTENAC HONORED [WORKING ON CLUES | ---- { p---- IN RESULTS OF FIELD CROP [IN ENDEAVOR TO LOCATE DR. (. COMPETITION. K. ROBINSON. 1914 Automobile Road Guide Price $3.00 Yor to gecuge information as to the five Thousand Facts About (anada By Frank Yeigh, Price 25¢. orien taro: oe Rand McNally's Pocket Maps of Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Motion had" sloppd "atthe New Brunswick, Manitoba and Ontario 25¢ Fach. | Standard Map Co's 6000 Miles of Good Roads Throughout Ontario and | 19th, But Inspector Miller Muskoka LaKes, Price 50¢ at Charles Redden's Five Acre Field of Oats in Kingston Township Best | iver Inspected by Judge -- The rize Winners, Inspector Miller Was in Watertown, N. Y., For a Couple of Days--Rail- way Men Are Being Interviewed. | John Miller, of the provin has been in Water » a lew days, following up ¢ In search of Dr. C. K. Robinson, the death of Miss Blanche Famworth. He has been in- | + Juspecton » force EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS N OW jo A [9)'4 a INSPECTION A ingston, ug 3 I All Pleased to advise yon lat the specipl craps n > y | the competition of five ates of white 0 beld in connection with 'ming ston's Only Fair," have been judged the departmental judge, J. \ of Cummings' Bridge, Unt,. and below is given the names of the Prize winners : First, Charles township, »20; Vittsburg, $15; third, N. Wi. McLean, | Pittsburf $12; fourth, H. J. Simp { son, Cataragui dl; fitth, Arthur Day, A Kingston township, $8: sixth, It is believed that Robinson lost no > : KINGSTON { Greer, Ningston township, 6; ee¥eath, {ime mm taking a train out of Water BUSINESS COLLEGE J. Jd. Wilmot, Fittsburg, #4; total, 119%n 0p the afternoon of his arrival £15 and that he took three ed) 1 am further pleased to advise that |©V¢Ding trains to a larger city I'he Yatton the meeting held Saturday after- { conductor and brakeman who were on { noon, in eiLy 1 hod an [the train out of Cape Vincent on the {interview with Mi the judge, [day in question, were shown a photo land from him ascertained the fact that graph ol the missing doctor, but they 1Charles Reddy n's field of tive acres | were uni hle to recall any person being | the bust oats he bad ever on the train that day who resembled As these departmental judges are sent | the doctor {to dilierent portions of our Pprovipee jeach year, Mr. Norley judging North | lustings last year, it 'demonstrates to ithe citizens of Froutenac that another wm |honor has been bestowed upon our | = === historic county of Frontenac, and {also goes to show the material lying | on is very door to enable Kings- Shine & Pool || . ee hen, Ki reg! ag fel i ton's public spirited men the oppor phen ing street west, fell while lial event 0 Parl pec- | Ii a or oats wanted for | Yorke at oy Nor Redden, second, D Bingston D. Rogers, AUGUST FURNITURE, CARPET 4 AND CURTAIN SALE, Big event of the year; your oppor- tunity to save money. We will store San until needed. TERMS worked on { this report and could not get a clue one of the (Limit 1 puddings, Norley, the The College Book Stbére 160 Princess 8t. § : .. :w ta» Phone 919 & j was seen STICK PIERCED HIS THROAT. je 11 Met With Painful Acci- dent On Sunday. | Youngster While playing in the yard on Sun- day, "Hmmy"', son of Alexander Ste- Sterling Silver at our Fancy - DRESSES Our stuck of Ladies' Fancy Dresses is being cleared out at very low prices The lot embraces only. the he:t efforts of the de vig ers' art as brought cut this season. You will do well to nee the range at once. Kingston s stick we ' i snetrs second to none in Ontario went into his mouth, penetra i I'reasurer and BUSHELY, Secretary | ting his throat : He was rushed to Manages, | the general hospital where the little [8 only Fair Association \ {chap was put under chloroform and Hl { the splinter of wood removed. He is doing as "well as can be expected Pe -- We have the daintiest pos. sible THREADED pattern in Table Sterling Silver. It is called the FAIRFIELD and has more merit than any "Thread Pattern" we have ever had. H contemplating purchasing any silver, be sure to see this pattern, as we know it will be to your advantage. . Le a a carrying a stigk, and in the fall the tunities for having a "Fair" an annu is - an. 4 he {ROBERT 818 il PERSONAL MENTION. Lake Ontario Park Programme. Pappas Bros. | 90 & 200 Princess SL. ii ra beg if | Movements of t he People <= What | | | They Arve Doing and Saying. [ | 'E. H. Breen, oi Chicago | high-class musical sele ne doubt, have their taste the programme which will by the different artists at wio Park to-night-ands the eek. Musical Lchade, , will play all kinds I'hen Mar- cabaret in Lovers oi i tious will, gratified b was in the A presented be Lake Ont jeity on Saturday H. tray, ery on Saturday . Greer, of Chi AG iriends in the city Lieut. Stethem, of 'Toronto, was S-------- rst part o ul celebrit mstruments the "Parisian comedienne, LE AMER BRITANNI( PY % Canal Basin, foot of Dal- usie St, Montreal, every Wednes- arrives at Kingston . me. returning leaves § (bec, is in the eity. 1 id X gig 'Bome onk antique finish, used, but | i, Kinguton, nt 5 pan, Rev. A. P. Mershon is on a busine { IE pnd cAneing in reff lise in excellent shape. Sideboards, exten- | and_Bruekviile sud Creight for Mou- | | trip to New York City. : k i : treal. « N. SMITH, Gen, Mgr. le ¥ J Spence sion tables and leather chairs, at just {reat A jo En E Rey. €. > Spencer, one-half cost--only two full setts, | mast, is/in the city to-day : Rugs, Carpets, Cartains, all re. James P. and F. K. Kisly, of Chi duced to make this August sale a joy cago, were in the city on Sunday to purchasers, | Miss Rose Compton, NKingston, i | | | visiting with | musiead garet girl, of St. Johu, Mariow | 1 | Que- | sing There a character Smith ros., Jewellers ? Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses also be some 3.000 feet of | new placed on view. An An usement moving pictures 1 Camden 2 : | elaborate bill of ol fare and Weather Notes. Since Saturday showers have oc curred in the lower lake region, the [ad | Ottawa and St. Lawrence Valleys and | the maritime provinces. In the west- | ern provinces the weather has been fine and very warm, and in some lo- calities in southern districts of A Al berta and Saskatchewan, maxim tem peratures of 100 degrees were re- Pictorial ge Patterns A local milkman stated to the Whig on Monday morning that this dis- jtriot was very badly: in need of rain. | The light shower om Sunday night, he stated, was barely enough to wet the ground Pastures are drying up. reaps sesamiae | { one £0, Yours, vieiting Miss Ethel Harding, Ottawa Mrs. Douglas Pound sang a solo in Grace Methodist church, Gananoque on Sunday. Mrs. Patrick Black and Mrs. Jame Phone $0, Yours Eves, Hingston, are visiting B. JJ Blaek, Belleville. I I. HARRISON 00. ; W i . P . Miss Mamie Balfour, i r < pe visiting her sister, Mrs, A Clergy street west | Misses Hazel Wood and May Smith of Watertown, N.Y., are visiting with friends in the city, Bishop and Mrs. Mills will leave on Tuesday to attend the meeting of the general synod in Vancouver. Rev, H. Osborne and family, | Brockville, have left for Sharbot lake, | where they will spend their holiday Mes. Tetlock left for Perth, to-day to attend the funeral of her nephew, NS, Kavanagh, who died following an {operation ' | Mr. and Mrs Wylie and Mrs formed a touring party that | through the city on Sunday KILLS THEM ALL! | Carlton, j jutant Perreault and Capt. Thompson, | wiil likely taken from the Roval { Military College for serviee in Britain over | Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Milne, Brock 1 Montreal, | | | Catheart, | Pictoria, Quarteriy for Fall Book and any 1bc pattern for 25¢c. Pictorial Fashion Sheet for September EW Like the Parrot Every bargain we have to offer speaks for itself. Summer prices on now. L FURS : Gourdier Furrier |Everything in the Real Estate Line for Saleby E. W. MULLIN Building Lots, Dwelliogs and Stores al Reasonable Prices. Houses to Rent and, Rents Collected. . Cor. Johnson And Division Btroote, Pho: LE] 1458 = Quality is Not Questioned Carpet and rug buyers are bound to patronize the store | 'where reliability of quality is Bot Questioned, "Are correct and prices right. free. Don't envy the well dressed woman; she uses Pictorial Review Patterns. ON SALE AT THIS STORE. Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store re np On Fire, Sunday morning at seven a manure pile' caught fire the | ) of R. .J. Bushell, the lath There was a stiff breeze | lowing at the time and it was fear- ed that the fire would spread. A | | | Manure Pile 1 o'clock | on Mr remises on Denison, Road Campbell, of Ottawa, I I k passed with Ad street Commandant Col couple of men from the Brock station went to the scepe and in extinguishing the fire sue- | { and Mrs | | be } ceded Sold by all Druggists - and Grocers all Canada. jville, are in Kingston for a few days, en route to New Westminister. where { Mr. Milne becomes teacher in the nor {mal training school there | Miss Agnes Buse, of the hospital, New™Work City, iJ. Wenke visiting the latter's mother on Chestnut street. Miss Bus 15 a. graduate of the Westmount hospi I, Montreal Rev. T. W > month of ar, Judge T. W Nova Scotia During his St. James' rectory will 'be | honest value for their money. P Il f 'upied by R. D. Hurford, of Lom R. Mer Al Shore ge Kingston Carpet Ware- | | Emr mmm ll AL 'the mception ne X50 nael A > Hil When your eyes begin queen at Wyshaw, in Scotland, Police | ; house Hi to give you trouble, Judge and Mrs. Morton took a i ; fon't w : {|| 'minent part Lhey were presented to j Cl \ i oy oy: Seep i their majesties Judge Morton a} ying brother of (i Morton, 16 Russell the counter glasses. treet. A ston ! Consult us, for we are . ta oF ng Mrs properly qualified to No HOM + ; take up their remedy your trouble fl permanent} hey are occupying and make glasses that H residence Norman Dawes, will relieve your eyes | will remove to their apartment from strain. whe Stanley" in the early autumn Cahgn Muckleston was formeriy I'rinity church, "The Hat Store' Ladies' Hats And Dresses At Unheard of Prices where styles - Polyclinic Buyers at the Kingston Carpet ind Miss | are Ee psn , Warehouse are sure of getting ---- ACCIDENTS AT PETAWAWA Members of Artillery. I'he batteries of the R.CH.A., which arrived here on Monday morn ing, had to leave a number of their account of of "p> on a horse roars BUILDERS SUPPLIES aay IN SUMMER PRE. PARE FOR. WINTER the avy the tim Savary has left to] August with his | of An- | To Several the Horse Savary, During nunths is coal bin w» Anglin's Anthracite (Standards ard .» Coal Free Burning = White Ah ALL HEAT Delivered at the price by careful carters 8. ANGLIN & CO. COAL & WOOD YARDS Bay and Wellington Sty. Phone 68. summer to fill your ith Yo Petawawa on accidents. Corporal Bland, battery, was mounted that took fright and "went crazy" on Friday The animal holted and ran against a gun-carriage, threw Bland, knocking him unconscious for three hours. He was taken to the mili- tary hospital, and was much im proved on Saturday. Driver Battel, also of "B" battery, met 'with an accident. He was driv- ing the leading team on a gun when in a "charge" the team fell, throwing him on the ground and dislocated his collar-bone. Corporal Clarke, pf "A" battery, was "hurt by the wecoil of a gun dur- ing the competive firing van Friday. He was kneeling beside a gun and when be attempted to get away when the gun was fired his foot slipped and he received a painful blow on the face by the recoil. He was taken to the hospital. Gunner "Silmmons, of "A" battery, was driving a team on a gun when his horse bolted and threw him un- der the gun-limber, the front half of the gun-carriage. The wheels passed over him breaking three ribs. Sergt.-Maj. Bray, who on June 25th had his ankle smashed in the tent: pegging exiTcises, is improting rap- idly. members at pro Any \ Summer Dresss " In Our Store Muckleston are in Hqual) residences | the but in to are Mr of crn - rector mee | 1.5. Asselstine,D.0.S Eyesight Specialist.. King St. Phone 1019 |i : \ I of lowest rtunitie ter eames THE PANICKY MARKETS f to Be Quite Disastrous to | {HE for $150 4 i 3$1400--Quebec Street, frame bungalow, 3 rooms, B. and LO, good cellar and stable. Collingwood Street, new brick, 7 rooms, B. and C., alectre light, furnace. Street, new brick, 7 rooms and attic, hot » Water hieating, open plumb- dléotricity and. gas, ver- Oo am and balcony, easy pay- $2800--Queen Street, brick, 8 rooms, stone stable, west of Proved Number in Kingston, The slump in stock consequent to | the war scare has proved quite dis- | | #STrous to a number in Kingston. | i The prices at w hich, they purthased | {stock, and the drop that followed, | Was too much for them to follow up, | and they were generally cleaned out | of their holdings. It is likely that $50,000 or more was dropped in this | city in thizfew days that the markets (were in a panicky state. ! | 342 we have left in i cludes silks, cottons, embroidered, mulle 8, dc. A few. slightly soiled are worth from XR to, $13.50. TO-MORROW $1.50 Kingston Events 25 YEARS AGO. Mercury ninety -- bhrmidity everywhere. Hard time for COLLARS, OUF¥S, SHIRTS, SHIRTWAISTS, Ihe. Oddfellows intend to drect {large building at the corner of cess and Svaiehan streets 000 worth of stock has heen William Nickle is purser steamer Maud. ) Auto And Buggy Collide, The automobile owned by William { taken (Harty, Jr, met with a slight accident 1 on the ,080 Sunday afternoon near the cor- | Prin Over 39, Kk Street, cement, B. and C., stable. ° Catharines Street, | $1350--5¢. » The travelling publi {ner of Montreal and Princess streets. toward | DUREY owned by('N. Seott, Uni. | versity avenue, was standing along McKelvey have gr [D€ curb and the car coming down Amsterdam after a trip of Princess street passing hit the hind | wheel. The horses jumped and | fell on the sidéwalk. ees { Had Fine Holiday. i Postmaster James Stewart a | spealy well of his kindness | W. Nicol and R. | 'rived at lf thirteen days. Johuston, Brockville. 8 aiter- nine months' Y nine © vears died on | illness | of e and | Was born at Uak Leaf, ae | Mrs. Stewart returned home on Sun- <Nyal's Tooth Paste." Gibson's. | |day from a boat trip to Chicago. Mrs. Gordon Foley; Brockville, died, «They had a very fine outing. On on Friday night, after a brief illness, | their way to the windy city they stop: | aged twenty-seven years, ; {Iva at Toledo, Ont. : "Ico cream bricks." Gibson's. She was | ped at Oswego, Ashtabula and Ni- {ngara Falls, the trip taking up three woeks, . Our ladies' hat sale is a hig success « Eats up to $8 for $2.50 Hats up to $5 for $2.00 Hats up to $3.75 for $1 Watch Our Windows GEORGE MILLS & CO. Alfred street. He was Steamer Olcott leaves Switt's wharf at 3 p. m, on Mondays, Tues- 'days, Thursdays and Fridays. For information apply C. S. Kirkpatrick, {42 Clarence street, phone 568. | Syracuse And Oswego Service, | The Late D. W. Chapman. The sad death occuxred on Satur i id W..C . 45 day night of David Chapman ma Fag land sevemiy-nine years ago. Presbyterian in igion. «= The Body "woe ard to Brighton for Best Makers We can give you the longest and best twine on the market, 630 ft. 550 ft. for 11c, Think of it! 50 ft. for 1 cent. Y : No person in the country can touch t. Mitchell's Hardware Princess 81. International Agent for when they are right. Try this lanudry--dety humid days and avoid hurt to Your pride and pocket. uot laundered

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