| 1" wa SUMMARY. Grondn rope rope by Preach WAN OF THE MOMENT in first battle; driven back with A ummer 3 e : heavy loss near Cirey. , il sy . IN EUROPE 1S BRRITAIN'S FOR. =--=----1"" GERMANY AND AUSTRIA eo la : keep out of war. i aaa ' EH Sir Edward Grey Is Fond of Fishing Cholee of anything in stock, all Premier Asgnith will make a Bw fais spring. Hues up to g & * statement 'of Britain's stand in the --Was Once English Tennis Cham. wa commons to-day. The London pion--His Great Personal Sorrow. iece Sui France Has Not Yet lnvaded Chronicle says she will intervege. "| Sir award Grey, Britain's seers. 2 piece Suits . $20.00 t tary for foreign affairs and prebab- . . . i Canada's offer to aid Britain is ey y | 8 piece Suits ...$22.50 Germany. gratefully acknowledged. 5 est luaral Srumick; 8 Lovday sie . e outstanding figures in Eugppe, : a wos aisle All Euro vernments cal. | OF account of the part that he played > | : : % ae Nig ont aa America. in the presént Austrian-Servian aff- : a p pencer ENGLAND MUST FIGH ; oy air, and his efforts to maintain the - } : y Two German cruisers are off St. | Peace of Europe. ? . : I'o understand Sir Edward's char- ww - Pierre, Miquelon, evidently watch. yy ------ HE TAILOR . : SREG. . : : ing the St. Lawrence. acter, it is necessary to bear in mind two things. He {s an aristocrat of 520 Princess Street SINCE GERMANY DISREGARDS | ad : ] Opposite St. Andrews, BELGIUM'S NEUTRALITY. ¥ " \ France and Germany are - trying | aristocrats, and the greatest living Et . pear EA : to throw onus of war on each other. | authority on fly-fishing. The first Three German Armies Are Moving \ -- explains why he is in polities, The On France--Greeco Will Remain German troovs fired on a French | S6cond reveals the temperament of y the man. He was also once the ; Neutral, Permitting Italy to Keep 7 flying machine and brought it to 1 : . earth, amatenr tennis champion of Eng- Out of the War, W land. There is no nobler blood in 8t. Petersburg, Ang 3... Russian ; 4 A French aeronmlane was driven ['Britain than his. He inberited his a ---------- troops have crossed into Germany at t pH {into a German dirigible, wrecking | title from his grandfather, Sir George several { her border and it and killing twenty-five. Grey. As far back as English 'his- : : i Vera POIs ON eh he -------- tory can be traced the Greys of Everything new this season, all the new dome Cue, nh cassavks Wave Teldeq the CGargian : The Kai ignores the British | Northumberland h helped K Ha 8 Ba. The Russians d 1 % a 8 he aiser Ss the ritish | Northumberian ave L { p ! customs house. Th ussians drove are Ruiner dguores She fitieh | Norshunberiand bave apd ae , shapes, etc. The season's new shades are all re Tepre- g i sented, including Tan , Cerise, Paddy Green, oy- Germans back from Eydtkuhren,and is. a column of artillery with infantry : preserve the meutrality of Belgium. | foreign seeretary for eight years, supports now holds tit port. There : ay é ' TL ---- and is the only commoner decorated Wh has been much skirmishing but no : TOWN OF DESERONTO. with the noble order of the Garter, a al, Beet Root, also ite and Black and. ite. Te i Telween the fores. ; Vic Fives Bhi rrnyed A v special honor for which King George rices ere ro 3 b Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholavitch wo Fires This Week--A Store Was | cingled him out in 1912. P WwW F m 5c $2. 00 During the past year this vast num. |}. pean named as chief general Burglarized. een 0 Cold And Correct. ber of people have hud (heir films de- Pr : veloped at Best's. This makes it | commanding the army, disposing of eS ET Deseronto, July 81.--The Tyen- Hear xhere most beople have thelr | the report that the czar planned as- Eh dinaga Sabbath schools of Christ| He is English of the English, cold, ahowa that it makes no difference what | 51MiNg personal command. ichurch and All Saints' church, held | reserved, correct im pose and fie Is used. We get good prints from Statutes A their annual picnic to Massaga, and | consistent in poise. His character is " a yi i i : > 2 Be assg i ise. $ ar is em, vioviding nas ol iy pig Britain Vest Fight, Co bs they were not able to go as the] so strong and his record so clean that #elves well no less than six different lL.ondon, Aug. 3 It was rumored i 5 number was too great. The New- | no breath of scandal can cling to him, bennds of fine #lm--the hest on the | that England has decided on war. i 3 burgh Methodist Sunday school ex- | None would believe it. Nobody be- market. Do not forget thix when sou 3 ' ati 1 ' wr J % t 5 ithe. No wut forsee thi a Germany's violation of Belgium's ? cursion came in by train and taok | lieves he would lie, either diplomat- neutrality was the last straw. The the steamer Varuna to Glenora, and | ically or personally. He has never ano-- British ambassador at Berlin de- Picton, and on return trip had about | sat for any but the one constituency, manded that Belgium's integrity be 3 jr hour in Deseronto. Their band | und he has represented it since he respected The kaiser refused to played several seleetions. A numbei | was 23 years old. He will probably i rr as ¢ @ be G ac ph as its representative until { | - y agree This was communicated to 3 of town people accompanied {the fire- | continue as its the cabinet, and according to offici- i men to Lindsay on Thursday. y he offers himself for election no als in close touch, it was agreed BE On Monday, fire started at the | more. Sir Edward Grey has guided that there was nothing left but war. Iron Works, but ne damage was | Britain through some anxious days Premier Asquith is expected to make ; done. The firemen were soon on the | and dark, At the end of 1911 the i ate a 9 Y v pe y : this Stale Tent 18 ihe Jiuse of Com ; ' scene, and kept the flames to some | British fleet was out in the North The Satisfactory Drug Store. mons when il me R 3 i ) old timber in the sheds. On Wednes- | Sea for three days and three nights | | Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 0. A He will ask for $25,000,000 as an p . jal Ww and it will he vot-1 1 ? (day fire was found fo be in the bush | without lights with the torpedo ne ~--taitial war fund, A-il ye Ba x . mJ | west of the Match factory, but was | dropped and (he decks cleared for ac- | | | | | | | | ep ---- ep ---- ed in a hurry = - . soon got out before any damage was | tion How war with Germany was Tres Gorin Ais. 3 done. averted is as great a mystery as how . . On Wednesday, of last week the {war with Germany was threatened. London, Aug. 3 Three uerman "iY store of Robert Miller was entered | But it was the second incident of ifs armies which include tw enty-two ar- i and a quantity of ready-to-wear clo- | gort since this government came into my corps, of nearly one willion men Se thes and rain coats were missed. Thg#oflice, and hem do not pass days of are 2dvansing in three afmijes Bor % thieves entered from the back wij that kind and not age. Sir Edward violated the second from Metz in p> The many friends of Mrs. WiHiam | past and striven to: keep peace for fan-shape formation and the third } McKee, of Belleville, (formerly of [ days 10 come. from a point close to the Swiss bor- Deseronto), sympathize with hr m hs der The Germans are reported to & he feath of hit Gumband. to Yond have taken Basle and to have seiz p James Sexsmith (formerly of here), Yet of all men he has known the Don't miss this sale. The greatest parasol op- portunity you've ever had. Steacy's that runs from the 3 , | was very ill tragedy " a great personal a di EYES TESTED WITH ed the railway tr p of Swiss port to He French boundary a The Presbyterian and the Metho- | sorrow--a "sorrow that has marked ouT CHARGE : We dist congregations are uniting for | him with the furrows of pain sup- Russians Invade Austria. service during July and August. Rev. | pressed and given to his eyes a depth tome, Aug. 3.-- Russian troops Mr. Burns, taking the pulpit during | and expression that only men who NO DRUGS USED are reported to have invaded Aus- | tev. F. 8S. Dowling's vacation. Miss | have watched the treasure of the tris, and to be moving against Lem- : Evelyn Rixon, North Bay, is Spend- heart take wings can know. ™ + {ing vacation with her parents, Mr For the year that gave him. his CASES REQUIRING | burg A column is said to comprise { ] ill the Russian army division whose | EUROPES PEACE NOW R RTS wii (and Mrs. BE. Arthur Rixen. place in public life, a mere lad of 23 ¥ headquarters were at Kiev. The Aus THESE THRER Mrs. George E. Snider, and daugh- | gave him his place in private life, MEDICAL ATTEN- trian frontier guard offered no seri iraphi tu the r, the [ter Miss Marguerite Snider, of Van- | when he married the daughter of a ; 8 I Russia rd couver, B.C, spent a few weeks in | neighboring squire, Miss Dorothy um ers en ous resistanee, TION WILL BE SO es Te ---- [town after an absence of five years. | Widdrington. | that the Russian ambassador has { Mr. and Mrs. George Morden, of She shared: his political life and Greece Remains 'Neutral, : 3 been given his transports was made | Owen Sound, spent a few days with | sportsman's life. At the times of gen- Athens r 3 3 alk ist g INFORMED } hie Hons: SE ii ay at noon to-day. He left at onge {Dr. and Mrs. Vandervoort J. Beatie, | eral election she would start at one as « > maints pg 1de { p OF Bectatty Se a 3 18*a hos : os oe { Toronto, spent a few days with [end of the constituency and he at the a ozen This AnnOUN( eM ay "is Dog : Germans Take Suarce Village. friends. Miss Helen MeGaughlin, To- | other, so that there should be two . A Hoole ronto, spent a few days with relatives | meetings in each place, and it is not remove one of the chief incentives ew too. much to say that sh vas as ) AAA tEAM, fcr Malian participation, «as itn | cotered the village of Suarce, hali a |In town p Keeley I. M.0.D.0. Greece neutral, te inte i : " i mile from the border, eatly to-day ---- 2 popular with the audience as he, = ) i PRICES OF FOOD GOING UP, And always was she with him in that { banks is assured established headquarters and requis | 1 his J 1 1 } : Sa other great part of his life when he Even Countries Not Affected By War | whipped the silent streams for track Eag B y Opp ty | er uyers ortuni | A Great Personal Sorrow. Brussels, Aug. 3.--German force ioned all horses for military pur OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN -- ------ 26 Princess Street Franco In State Of Siege, poses 3 doors above the Opera Houe Paris, Aug. 3 France was to-day : declared in a stage of siege. Hence- | French Win Victory. forth martial law will prevail. The Paris, Aug. 3.--~French arms have Preparations Feel Strain. less trouts. { London, Aug. 3.--The pressure of Then came the great day. when | . a atmo de i George made him secretary of J famine is already evident throughout King G ge | I! 3 su 1 hi government has not yet formaily [scored a victory in a sharp and | 3! Europe. Prices of foodstuffs fi of Orel alfairs. ilst i Ww in a €00 PP y te declared war, but the dee iss | . ! have soared beyond the purses of A few weeks later, whilst in Lon 8 ar, but the decree issued |bloody engagement at Petit' Croix g d fairs. h ived 1 \ t Yr to-day declares for France and Al-| A corps oi Uhlang attacked the tite poor. England alone has taken --_ a ri ar Ay : Sih cy are C 1eap. yeria in a state of a siege rough- | Prana a '" Ino steps to prohibit the exportation | ram and Lady Grey had met with geri state of a siege through-! French forces entrenched just beyond eps p P an accident, and fo return at once, A out the war. i : of food or war supplies, It has it i the town lhe defenders replied thi special train rushed through the none to, export, hgwever, and within | SPecié § g ¢ : p e night, but he found her with her!| Germans Capture Russians. with machine guns and mowed down | (ho pordersfs Hot much more than Jerlin, Aug a The Germans the advance guard of the Germans a month's supply. skull broken; there had been a car- y nade rolr IY amt oe AIS I'he Uhlans charged several times but Dealers everywhere have alreadly riage accident in his own park at , LIMITED prisoners near Hohenzalza Fifty Were unalrle fe withs stand the wither trebled prices But the stoeks can Falloden. : : . | cossacks were sir ised and over ing fire of "the defenders and finally { ni ast long and commerce is al There remained for him his work | Ch whelmed by a detachment 8F Ger- retired ip disorder, leaving a number | ready" seriously hampered. The and he¥ memory. He gave it to be| ha : "out Glass, Ete. man frontier grnards A Jorce of of dead on the field. Among the | problem of feeding the people is di understood that he never wished it| which they were outposts, was driv- vounded were some officers I'he | viding attention with the war plans | referred to and shortly returned to en back near Allenstein, a town of || f°n¢h also 100k A number of pri- {in the mind of the ministers. Le- | his work in London. He slid out of east Prussia, situated on the river | ¥oPers gitimate as well as speculative busi- | #11 public funetions and began and | Alla. ness is interfered with. Everyone | has continued to spend his week-end || alone in a little cottage on the side |! a Peel FE BER AAS tot is hoarding resources. * * Even the countries not affected by of the Fhames, with 2 man servant | Special Announcement A Story Afloat. " ¥ London, Aug. 3.--A news ticker | MILITANTS CALL TRUCE. ~ #|the war preparatiohs are suffering. |l0 look after him. He has never oe -» since varied in his dress, just a black | service says that in a battle between | 4 London, Aug 3 The # : Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden I - the German and British squadrons, headquarters of the Woman's 4 and even Switzerland are feeling the | Morning coat and a black tie | in the North Sea, six German war Social and Political Union. «4 |Pressure. All must live on the sup aa Lu a § # 4 + *| lies within their own borders from Railway Issues "'Landseckers Guide". 0 ships were sunk and Great Britain th i a 1e militant an suffragette : rs ' i lost two. The admiralty has no con oar at ane Yarageits the moment hostilities open. With the completion of the Grandi rege ation, ¢ a- Trunk Paeific's main line from Win firmation of such a report, me ; ranches n | a 2 1 ar TO branches ih Lhe FRANCE HAS MUCH MONEY. | nipeg to Prince Rupert big tracts of |[f ur { ni ingdom ordering country have been opened up. offer- |i | ec Tc | France Has Not Invaded Germany. e cessati Fall acts f ) the cessation of all acts of Has' Much Larger Gold Supply Than | ing splendid oppertunities for agri- London, Aug. 3.--The French embh. ilitamey ri i y 4 . od J »mbas militamrey during the contin- iry i wi 3 n A € ierman culture, dairying and fruit growing. sy in an, official statement issmed at ance of 'the international eri- Ger y The Grand Dr Pacific Ean ns. i Until August 1st noon denied emphatically that France sis, London, Aug. 3.--France is pre- . : ; though it has agricultual land fo i i i Never Down pared, financially, for war. Latest | (UHEC © 8S BO 8H vide the [il NOW is ur opportunity for bargains New designs has invaded Germany. * sale, stands ARS ERE Padded db db dbddvbd | statistics show France to be by far homeseekers with every assistance |i | just received "Russian Patriots Forced Back. -- richer than Germany. There is now | + on : ba . vamsed ial gos A n chosing a suitable location, It has The prices ate. lerlin, Aug. 3.--Russian patriots en Owing to the increased cost of pro-|in the Gérman Imperial bank 1,975,- iesued this week for the information ff % aroaching on. German territory were | CLCHOD, it has been practically de-1(40,000 francs gold, as against 4,- Jf intending settlers a "Landseek 3 Goodness comer. are Dak it the, cng's sis isd 03, members ofthe Toronto 33 000.001 frases fold 1 he Dank IERIE Ear, +, Lantasekers ewman Electric " i 8 territory | Milk Producers' assoeiation to boost Frane : Hilde ded 1H " , Re K ? Tile . i DO of France. In currency the Ger- Y nam. g ud | 'the Very, latest "blocks of the sen a rege esl Tileulab by fer the price of milk man pank has 2,772,000,000 francs Wesiern Lanada, aua_is selling the Phone 0 441. Ho 6. men on a apa Seon ing to White Rose flour pleases the most {In France, the figure is 5,922,000, ands serve by the ilvay in the | me 17 Rusia Wibbmidn Bi Beka ht A fastidious. - 000 francs. RN piaes Tins oo Se pron, ' And wish to be correct. brief skirmish. AS AQ At al joint meeting 6f Zion Cedar] The entire amount of money in eir-{ / or Dion "his new railway pub- " tirave and St. Andrew's Preshyion in | culation in Germany, including -that Yication also gives much useful in- Hats, for $10. Martial Taw 1s Makia congregations, Markham, a uns nous {in the Imperial bank, is 7,320,000,- formation 'on homestead planning : T.ond ae ae call was extended to Rev. Mr. Gra-{0n0 francs, while in France it cust lati ight tes, Hats for $1.25, .«ondon, Aug. 3.<Creat Britain | "am, Madoc reaches 9,600,000,000 gold. ustoms regulations, g rates, proclaimed martial law to-day in Hop. P. E. Lessard; M.P.P. for St. thi -- ete. It can be obtained from any | Hats for $1.50. Malta, the British proviuce just south | aul. Ata. was elected president oil. LIFE TERM FOR WOMAN of the company's agents. of Italy. the Liberal Assocration for the new ---- I An E : federal riding of West Edmonton. . . Lost An Eye. Was Sentenced to Death at First : Pembroke," Aug. 3.--Henry Schry, Russian Port In Flames -- A ; Ral af Al Hats at Half al ror: A--~Libaw, a _Bussinn'| Pace Peeling Easy-- New Haven, Conn, Aug 3.-- Mrs. | Wicr"a' mogt unfortunate accident. Beep ool wea 00: Dalord Shows. Frise -- i son--exclusive styles worn by who follow the miandates of Fashion naval port in the Baltie, is in flames Jessie J. Wakefi ! f : , ! tess eld, of Middlebury, |v which he lost the sight of his Sheree sn ea to-day. The cruiser Augsberg is re Blonde or Brunette convieted of murder in the second Tight he. Mr. Schry . engaged : . Price ported by wireless that she is bom a ------------------ Te a-- degree in participating in the Killing | turing cant-dog handles when a We a stock of hand- made French Xin, long carry {] A a : . The : er toning. Liohu, wan waged oy [15 P84 i Si No Rana | of her husband William 0. Wakefield | eiver flew upward, striking hiv nat and short boots, the KINGS of working boots. r D bau, 8 ¥ |thin and fine. says Mme. Lina Caval- Jat esshire, on June ' +» | and glancing off it to his eye, burst. a German war ship. iecd. 'The brunetie's. as a rule is the | sentenced to state prison for life. ing i optic. He was given surgi- d the of Summer Fansef Wotsers, in White 5 jasaise, ™ 2 SKin thicker and has a The schiencd was in soulormity 10 | cal attendance immediately, but of B end Stripes, $4.50 quality, for $3.25. Cheered Queen. For either the - _ blonde's skin the law. s was the woman's sec- | course, nothing could be done to rin our old boots ead Se ; london, Aug. 3.--An enormous |Jlexion the best remedy ix ordinary | ood Lal At her first trial she was | save the. eye. The accident was a zy de tin. Welatss ta Summer Vests, half price. % |erowd gathered at Buckingham palace Re wr " ire iiani convicted of murder in the first de- | ost regrettable one. nc ni gree, was sentenced to be hanged, as will give one frely new " to-day singing "Rule Britannia" and complexion. within = abomt § week's | was her co-partner in. the ' crime, " the "Marseillaise to-day, The king time. The wax gradually peels off the | J ™m The att b - and queen appeared together on the | wornout si > pkin, with afl its de eftacuted pi e fatter 'has 'Deen ood's ill Phone 12486. halcony . and were given & most en- [ing the delonte underskin in the least] 3 i. a. . Uniminatie gresting. __, Bett TE Eh of i neauisitely | Chas. Droillard, a Windsor butch- yn n poy , mas readily Jose ten or fifteen vesre |r. charged with selling spoiled meat, Russian Ampas or Leaves. from her age. so far as appearance | was fined $28.50. The carcass was Berlin, Aug. F-~(Delayed hy cen |Koes brs course of this simple Feat: | purchased from a farmer after the Riis ment was, securable at i sorship)~The $flicial asmouncement |giure, fs applied like cold cream. anima bad been killed by lightning. & ' " . a i a