zz ' BRITISH __MONDA would wait for an answer. Not get- | deliberately counted the cost and de - Ca | Wise and |Z ! waRAwE - es *- ting it he issued his declaration of | termined to let things drift and test ana re svrw war, signing it on Saturday aiter- | the strength of the Triple Entente. woon, apd ailer ibat things moved | if so they had direct, fostiul . uickly. repeated; warning from Britain. It has {| : hl: boa Wo iprts the Cee. ope clearly understood that Britain || . New Collars B bb ' Bathing Suits mans trespassed upon French terri- | could not stand by and see France || Otherwise 2 for 25c¢. 1 y S 50¢ and up. tory, and came into collision with crushed, and, further, if the neutral- i. . the French troops, with serious re- ity of Belgium was violated, as it |; \ CARR sults. The Germans trespassed also | was likely to be by the attack on \ The wheel of fortupe won't tara B bila te bali on Belgium, and trouble broke out | France, treaty obligations required for yeu ualess you put your shook f ons | eel PRED thers, and England became involved [the intervention. 'of = Great Britain. [der to 0 ny ! : | d through a tyéaty which she has with This means a conflict suelo the srt : " a » the days Many a brewer fights shy of his "i Er oi Belgium and to assist her under cer- | world has not seen since TE rE sits shy of Hie I7- MN f '|tain circumstances. Of course the | of the great Napoleon, aggravated by CE ot oes many a e 4 , . Heets could not keep out of con [the fact tht the deadly machinery HE x ; : thict when the land forces met, and | made possible by a» century of sei- When you know a man is subject | there are rumours of disasters in the lence. In Germany and in France | (0 fits, don't ask him who his tailor Po : ts . PT is. Dally and Semi-Weekly by North Sea between representative bat there is a strong socialist party ut- BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING [tle ships of the opposing powers. | {erly opposed to war. In Britain no It's one thing to strike a man for 0. Gradually and rapidly one nation ai- { one desired war, and a section of the [a loan, but quite another thing to . 5 t [ter another is being 'drawn into the | liberals and labour members are op- make a hit, Tr war, and Armageddon is the proper [posed to enter, but the mad msh of Even it SUMMEr sunny disposi- word to describe the terrible con- | events has, for the time" being, over- [tion isn't necessarily accompanied by .s + sequences that must follow. Lach |whelmed all pacific forces. We can |a hot temper._ telegram is more pregnant of mean- |gympathize with these people and than the one that preceded it [with the kingdom of Italy, which 18g hao se on hb § Be : : a1 | "Behold the child, by nature's kindly mn the telling of new thrills. against the desire of its people will Taw." Te The primary offender in this im- {be driven into the great struggle. In | Wrote Pope, the poet, "tickled with petuous order of things is lmperor [1870 Prussia united the German ior- a straw," 0 |p 3 g : : Behold the father, too, with smile y ; : : $i" Sad three month " { A slaved wt TU ' : ; . (Bom: Weekly' Baar. Joseph of Austria, who declared war [ces and dealt a crushing blow to oh Men S Underwear N kwear Ca ival Josh: bY mall, I ove ienesss 1.0 on Servia . without due consideration. France. This was accomplished in six Who gets a new spring straw for far to United States 1.50 | Now the diplomats are inclined to be | months as the two combatants were ninety cents. 50 1 f ud three months pro rata. come sensible and say that\ Austria [lst to fight to what was for France - -- C value lor MEN'S SILK TIES Good at Something. Bargain In Hats. is lie 51 the best job will cease her assaults on Servia if a bitter end. Since then Germany od ing offices in i Lp He--Is your uncle good at golf? 5c TORONTO REPRESENTA Io |the subject matter of the difliculty be | has not only had a tremendous am- Sh our unui Hoo Silly a2" 25 P G Regular 2 values for a 1. Smeiipeice SY 32 Charen Bt. Jreierred to a competent court of ar- [ount of commercial and colonial Sheu np Bony Dhol C er arment _ 1/ . A EPRESENTATIVES a 'hs itv i h. . + rerishly bent } ¥ York Office ........ 226 Fifth Ave. |vitration, What a pity it is that expansion but has feverishly bent her = : : 12 Now Yor og ied Shirts and drawers, sizes 32 to 42; 2C C . ~ L Frank R. hrup, er 1g the Austrian: court did not forsee the energies to the ihcrease of her mili- Down On Lawyers. . Pranic Northrup, Manager. "result of its hasty action and make tary and naval strength. In 1870, : Nainsook, short sleeve and knee NOT A LONG WAR. this overture for peace before it let soon after the declaration of war, | ¢ length. The Ottaw 3 ' loose the dogs of war. Germany mobilized on the French BE aa rues makes' 81 The nent saiously st Tall is 106 Irene all eon on, re MEN'S SILK TIES Point against the government because German em h h cal 3 . \ ttm s------ rae * h J *mperor who, in his exalted | 4. ghe can quickly brieg-+®ce that sid 3% Sends gat of ; anada the men of way, was impertinent to the Russian pint ful the Sad. He navy, 4 ' Regular 50c qualities for 25¢. All new ditierent nationalities, and for no rea- czar, and unnecessarily so. He had which has increased rapidly during 8 goods, all pure silk. #on other than that they are without 3 : /4 / en 5% ow oes -- i ---- A -- dea no right to act the dictator and is- > pation or the--assaraner--olit ericson ee ee Lt r LY, : Says our contemporary : "I'he gov-|*"® his imperious commands. The czar | gists of thirty-seven battleships, thir / : treated him as he deserved (0 be [{y. eight cruisers, 108 destroyers, sev- ; Small sizes left, 41-2, 5, 51-2 6. . | t 'will send venty or thirty P : #rament, wi en Iwenty or thirty treated. Having followed up his enty-nine submarines. Besides it-is ¢ il | | Regular $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. Price ! BOYS"KNICKERS thousand Canadians to the support of talk Bb ofens 1 raed th he 1 | Tht " ; cy s ffensive ce 78 con e } ! I : : - British arms should England join | 38UCY Laks 'with oflensive proceedings | claimed that she has onquere: P= { stamped on each pair. Sale price Special 39¢ per pair; sizes 22 to 28 in the field--having needlessly com- | air. ¥rance and Russia against Austria, |'® 3 ' Germany and Italy. The government, |Mitted a breach of peace--it remains | The great mass of Germans are therefore, proposes to contribute 'to |!® be seen whether he can retreat |a sober, peaceful people but there is 7 $2 50 mmm . -------------- \ | . both sides in this struggle. The men | With any kind of honour ck credit to |ilittle wonder that the war-party was . ' we deport for idleness in a few weeks |himself. "The kaiser may have oc- lintoxicated with ambition and be- Workin en's may be lined up against the Canadi- casion to curse the Austrian emperor gan to look upon themselves as i, gm ans we will send to swell 'the strength [for his foolishness, and the Austrian | rulers of land, sea and sky. No won- ; MEN'S PANAMAS I' of England's armies. emperor may have occasion to return [der either that many Britishers were : 3 rousers The point is well taken. Some men the compliment, for rashness with- reluctantly compelled to believe in to > Bave hive, Sh a book on 'How $7, $8 and $10.00 Hats for $4.75 : : iG ' 15s e Your Qwn Lawyer! : may be brought inadvisedly, or under Jout a parallel on the part of Ger- | "the German peril and to abandon "Don't want it. RyeL a the sense = mistaken circumstances, to Canada, |many. . "splendid isolation." We admire Gier- {in a man learning how to rob nim- but once here they should be kept in Meantime the lover of peace must { many for her contributions to science, |self." ' I 50 P P 7 the country, given occupation if pos- [sincerely mourn the danger and con- | literature and music, as wel] as to A . a el MEN S $4.50 AND $5.00 PANAMAS . er alr sible, and induced to assimilate with |sequences of war. He sees in nothing | the practical industries of modern | on £ Bete Reoup i ial] Tor $2.95 u " A : Ss Jos or Ahe population. To send contingents {that has transpired a casus belli, and life. But if this war goes on she [you ® oe 3a mue elp to away now, when a world's war is in must lament that the world has not, | must carry a tremendous burden, "I should say so," replied Farmer ret -- ------------ AA trenton Sizes 32 to 46, a fine quality tweed for prospect, and to invite the probability lin the passing years, given evidence | hich, will eripple.her Jor generations, | Corntossel, "I domit:know what we'd ' : of having to fight them in some for-|,f that high and noble spirit which do without him when the summer en 2 0 ats . . : even if it inflicts mtold misery on boarders want to tango."--Washing- ' eign field, is merely not a good move suggests the settlement of all na- otjiers. if Britain goes into the con- ton Star en S traw ats Reg $2 00 and $2.50 goods for tional disputes by diplomacy rather flict it will not be with a light heart ? : : LATE WAR NOTES. than the arbitrament of the sword. |hut with a determination to do her Unbearable. Reg. $2.00 and $2.50 values. Your $1 00 k ach * * The chancellor of the exchequer is |"War is hell," said the late <eneral duty, The resources of the empire | Ye As loug a8 there Gd an- h choice for other boarder at the farmhouse you pot dumbfounded. He does not see Sherman, one of the most distinguish- will be strained and the little island {had somebody to talk to > any occasion for alarm because of the fed soldiers of the United States, and across the sea will need the loyalty | Fay--But 'as there were only the $1 00 Blues, greys and brown in all this . season's shapes, sizes 6 5-8 to 7 1-8. The Bank of England can take [after an experience of many years in [oi all her sons. We can only hope [two of us, there was nobody to talk about.-- Judge war. care of any crisis financially. An ans lactive service. He had partaken of that the very magnitude of the st rug- | wer to the critic who, discussing the [success and defeat. He had partici- | o)o will lead to some méans of curb : eid Elevated. war, wants to know what Lloyd- [pated in their joys and sorrows. He ing the rashness and arrogance of "You say your friend is rising in George is thinking about. had seen his own land prostrated and military 'rulers. I political life?" } There are nearly 200,000 foreigners [ruined by international strife. He had -- | "Yes. He's rising all right. He in Canada, Some want to go back [an opportunity to. measure accukately ~ OTIS ised to be on the JevelYand now he's in g EDITORIAL NOTES. known as the man higher up. to their native lands. Some have what all this meant, and he called it T& cost of flor, at the mills, oes IWathmIEIT Sar been ordered back. Can Canada pre- [by a name that marked the depth » ! vent their removal ? Would the coun- Jand distress and infamy and futility iry be strengthened by a prohibition of human sacrifice. of this kind ? War is useless. It is atrocious. It up fifty cents a barrel. There was no ! ---------- 2 . { F\ i i "ife. occasion. for that. The milling of | ooling His Wife i He doesn't squander all his pay; be checked. k I Wo ) He's saving some. : - - : i may be checked, but the production in ! He hopes with it to buy some day A writer for the Toronto World es- |is without apology, and a great Canada will not diminish A little home flour goes on apfee. The export of it timates that if Germany: went to war, |carnage like that which 18 mow -------------- } } : Thomas Copley ase and put all her drilled men in the [contemplated may have the effect of |\ The lords of England kill every tem His stylish wife, we can't deny, OUR FRESH GROUND OOF. SR field, she would paralyze and ruin [proving this to the world. The more | perance or liquor bill that is passed Will get a jar, FEE AT 40c¢. CAN'T BE BEAT. |} Telepnone 987 AUTOS FOR HIRE i . s EL 3 She thinks he's saving up to buy i i p re likel les --that any members of the | ; a sample order and be Drop a card to 13 Pine street when her merchant marine and industries. preparation for war the move likeli- | Reason--tha many iembers 0 1 A touring car. 3 mp wanting anything done in the carpen- At Financially the empire would speed- [hood of jit. Germany has been crush- | upper chamber are interested in the ~----W. 8. Adkins in. Pittsburg Post no N'S GI ¥ tery line. Estimates given oan en. : ; ily become bankrupt. ing its people under the burden of | liquor trade. Result--that the people | : ---- DIANE SHOCER | aa ars and new ork; also. hard. ; The bankers will either restrain or |militiarism, and Germany must do | spend in drink a sum equal to four With His Whole Soul. Phone. 720. Prompt Deli rf 104 ucetye prompt attention. Shop, Bibb 8 control the war. "Only in Great Bri- |something to justify its wastefulness, | iiiths the entire national revenue." aL haus got inte Your garden. : very y Gar dp, i PI) RT | more than shoo them out, | tess ERE = B sain," says . the Toronto News, "is JO thas is due the afer s haste in The Hague palace,--the world's peace | "I'll do more than shoee them out, es there steadiness, and even the British |declaring a ar. on Tuseia andience chamber--will stand out as | 11) boot their owner."'--Boston Tran- L AUNDERING D 0 N E fleet, led for action, has gong to 3 the monument of the folly of those | : WITHOUT ACID. m= == wh with sealed orders. Noes that THE BATTLE OF THE GIANTS. who proposed it. Andrew Carnegie's ! If you want your Slothes In ast, you Residence Moderate Charges i look like the disruption of the em-| pF GEO CH Iovke on [money cold have been spent to het [PUBLIC OPINION must have them hater 0 Phone 201 Garage, 917 i A posteard will bring y to the asa pire pt as the Montreal Star is if a widespread European war has | ter purpose, in buying lathes and, doe? ara wi) bring eux Bay tu the i p rd re hy ¢ : now begun. Last weele w black! food for those who aré beggeree ' i" ~ you. The Ottawa Journal thinks that hog was a black Who Is He ? : Best family washing, 40 to €0c. : FLOUR : fs . war, ia, ind Servia, can win with (Week in the financial world. All | Toronto Star i Russia, behin y © : 4 -- Lo ito Star. : Our Robin Hood Bran . the aid of France. With the help of (through the week statesmen and dip- | pe Montreal Star says there 1s no { The Tamworth tragedy points to a CHONG ROS. LAUNDRY, has a guarantee In a Th Britain vi fe sure lomats were continuously engaged in| need to strike a pessimistic vote on (Crime committed by a physician. But de mike a Jrvittable Nett Xo good quality . Britain victory h 4 : " | there is eater crit i e Investment. A ver - EsRARR AAR Austria, Germany and Russia have araves efforts to bring Austria to | the war, Then why does our contem fone & greater criminal still to be erate sum will star ypu. Fasy ANDREW MACLEAN, grown by war, Britain has grown by | "0"%I9¢r some formy of settlement that porary strike that note'? i lt has fo monthly installments never nta treet. missed from an income, Id not involve the t fay el itself y y , , and 5 Th lace § wou © e two opposing | days given itself devotedly to th ' Good To Some One. . indus peace e p 0 otto Ne 1 F r S ] Six roomed frame house on * i, . . .- jalliances, We have the consolation' | preaching of blue ruin to the empire Britain 'in the impending struggle is on! 1 go © I Redan 'street,' improvements, not dear, but it will not be the of knowing that British statesmen, | under circumstances which may never $1800.00 ; Ca _ place of 'a power that is fading to ex- 34 cavsinily HY Rivard Grey, did transpire. flow a. temporary profit to the west-' > Solid fice house on Syden- C O A L tinction. Dr; Richet, the noted sta- a Sir power to im- : ry ern grain-grower. : ham street, -00. . i oa Histician of the University of Paris, [P™® uPOn the gieat powers the seri. [ A°0ording to Pastor Russell-who | -- 4 don _ . Solid brick house on John The kind you are looking is the Kind we sel : : 1 Jousness of the situation. In Tao; | V2 never ordained and so never auth A High Price. ! street, improvements, $2850.00 : calculates ston that a general war would the Russian' 'war with Ta ( ed orized to use the title "Rev." or pas Guelph Mereury wh Scranton Coal Bocessitate 'a daily sxpenditure. | of] 4) for o Vide the . Pah So "" ftor--"the millimim will begin in| No wonder Mr. Price'is an ardent I 5 000, : , if the gral Say em linen appears in "Millimim | CODServative. It pays him handsome- | ! Is good coal and we guarantee prompt ZOE AY: a ire needed time f i i inly struggle was to be as brief as the |P me lor Tecupemtion. In Dawn," and a critic of the pastor Tone riot ln ctrtainiy hate Franeo-German war of 1870, the to- i968 Dapria took advantage of this says the paper should 'be called pe mtmir---- : y 0 * tal cost. would be close to $5,000,- ----a an had the Dor a "Nocturnal Hallumination." Keep Out Of Oil. 2 | Booth & 'Co. 0.9. | ------------ govina, It was well-known at this The Montreal Gazette is agdinst Wal The man ingens A buying i Foot of West Siret : A DECLARATION OF WAR. . lime that Russia would not' soon for | on financial 'grounds. The taxes due many Calgary oil shares. For' the The war despatches on Saturday get this challenge. These provinces | to war are already high enough. To, |littie fellow this is a safe ryle to fol- night and Sunday were 'of 'an. excit- contin 'a lage' - of Servians. | raise them would be to impesil the Jow-~when it comes to oil stocks, keep _ ing character. The kaiser, who was The assassination of the orown | Pusiness of the nations. And because > : -- away from home at the time of Aus prince of Austria and his wife was a | the Gazette says this boldly it is re- Penalty Of Rapid Growth. tria's action, and was not consulted dastardly crime and aroused wide | ferred to as the "chloroform organ." Calgary Herma. ° yr ite wr, though Germany was toda i " 3 The good sense of the Gazette is pro. | There are eleven men in Canada to- by its emperor, spread _ indignation. Surely some { The £0 P' |dny "under sentencs of death for mu an ally, lost Do' time in becoming av | means could have been found to give ders committed, and every man of active spirit in the controversy. At | legitimate satisfaction to Austria. An Editor's Wealth them is a foreigner. In one way or once he concentrated his attention on |p. her hasty and ruthless attack Toronty Mast another we are' paying a pretty steep from the czar he demand- |, Servia was like throwing a lighi- | The editor of the Paris Figaro, ho peice Joe the privilege of Sapi growth. ed torch into s powder magazine. It | Was assassinated by Mme. Caillaus, What They Want. was quite expected that Russia. would | (gq jeie of mors than $2.00, | Humiiton Herald. not 'stand by and see a small Slav | plished by industry, frugality eam The ta Erain-growers have pe jkingdom crushé. Some think that | oPporturity to sell out a paper fo will present. to Ed a te? i > the t emperor might have ex- foreign gover;ment, {when the two knights go west. .In erted pressure on Austria a week ago. Silence is the wisest | meading these demands ome is remind- wordy : Argument of led of the ultimatum which the ] wonders if he and his advisers AD ignorant man, of the itis on, Se Stocks tumble in price, but wheat goes up. The ill wind o, war will