Nev ew s Poultry 0 By Many Expert American Breeders and Harrison Weir, F.R.H.S. The new popular edition of this most valuable Poultry Book is a thorgugh practical guide for Ama- teur, Fancier, ProfesSional Breeder or General Farmer. 325 Illustrations. Postags 20c extra, R. UGLOW & CO. € Price $1.50 141 Princess Street THOS. LAMBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR We want to draw your attention to our splendid values in Blue Berges at $24.00, $26.00 and $28.00 a suit. These goods are all wool and fast colors. In Tweeds we have the new patterns in greys and browns, which we will sell cheap. We give personal attention to the trimming and making of all garments, and guarantee the fit and workmanship. We also have a large asosrtment of samples for suits from which we take made-to-measure orders, The prices are $15, $18 and $22. Suit or overcoat, THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street »>--> REMEMBER <«--==< That We Latest and Stock of Motor Supplies at PORRITT GARAGE CO., LTD. 210-14 Wellington St. Phone 454 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Carry the Most Up-to-date DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA "BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30, 40, 50, 60c. BLENDS For Sale At All Grocers | «| ATHLETICS BY 6 T0°5 N SENIOR GAME. DEFEATED PONIES CITY LEAGUE a Batter At the Umpire's Decision About Changing His Position Plate Was Questioned. The weatherman did not turn the ball fans down on Saturday, but sup- plied beautiful sun-light for the Ath- letics-Ponies game." However, sun- light seems to bother the Ponies, be- cause their opponents make them take the short end of the 6 to 5 score. McKay for the Ponies and "Nipper" Matheson for the Athletics were the hurlers. The game was watched by an extra large crowd of fans, and at times, toward the last of the game, the excitement was intense. Two sup- porters, one of each team, exchanged words and created a little fun at one period of the game. One shouted out "Remember who played the coons' The other answered, "Yes we do and, Oh, the score!" In the first of the third innings the. Athletics rolled up three runs and this won the game for them. However, at times it cer- tainly was a toss who would win. The first point of the game was good baseball, but with out that magic quality called "pep' from the fourth on, Ponies started to work. Two scores were punched on the plate in this innings for the Ponies and after the fifth they held the Athletics and no more runs were scored. Toland lost the ball in right field once, and Allen got the last score. In' the ninth the big incident of the game occur- red. Kennedy was batting and by his own story started to bat the other way, from the right to left, without moving his feet. Umpire Sullivan said he must have, and did step over the plate and was out. The rules say that it is illegal for a batter to cross the plate to change his batting posi tion. There were three pitchers on the Athletic in-field Saunders, Gallagher and Mathis. Athletics: --Gratton ss, rf, Saunders 2b, Cotman ec, 1b, Mathis 2b, Davison cf, Matheson p. Ponies J | 1b. Allen ss, { 3b, C. Toland e, 'McK Kay p The score by innings Athletics: 0311 Ponies 0160210001 i RHE 610 = 10 G. Toland llagher Coyne If, Stewart If, W. Evans Kennedy rf, C 2h, Derry cf, J. Evans 0000 Athletics 103110000 Ponies 010210001 S. S.A AL AL Game, the + cricket field Luke's and George's in the S.S.A-AA this evening At St St will meet baseball series 3 RG V VISITORS Had A Fine Time in Kingston on Sat- urday Afternoon. On Saturday afternoon was visited by eight hundred thirty-two persons, representing the Oswegatchie silk mills situated" "at Ogdensburg, N.Y. The visitors ¢ame on the steamer Thousand Islander and arrived about 2.30 o'clock, Kingston and . OIL SHARES Make Enormous Profits From comparatively small investments fabulous sums of money have been made in the oil industry in other parts of the world You doubtless know that a great portion of the world's wealth has found its source in King Petroleum The following is an extract from the report Mr. John Reynolds (Petroleum Engineer) on the properties held by the British Canadian Oils, Lim ited:--"1 found 'that the properiy covered by the said lease is situated on the most perfect anticline 1 have seen in Western Alberta. The structure of the sa#d anticline is such that it should produce petrdleum in paying quantities This 1s one of the reasons why we to buy British Canadian at Fifteen Cents per share. Send in your name and address and we will génd you full particulars regarding British Canadian, also our market letter giving reliable information concerning all stocks listed on the Calgary Oil Ex change. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES WANTED "1 M. B. OFarrel & Company BROKERS and OIL OPERATORS 36 Elma Block, Calgary, Alberta of advise yom (15e)) | Patents and Gun Metal Pumps and Oxfords Regular $4.00, $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 Your Choice $1. Ps They boarded street cars in waiting at the foot of Brock street, and were conveyed to Lake Ontario Park. . At the park the American visitors spent the afternoon in dancing in the pavilion to music furnished by an or chestra which was brought along on the steamer The prize which was offered to the most graceful couple on the floor was carried off by "Bert" Derry, of the British Whig job department. A large number started dancing, -but only two Kingston young men stuck to it until the last Andrew Dunlop, of the office y at the locomotive works was second Some young ladies went duck at the bathing house The steamer left the city wharf at | five o'clock for Ogdensburg where | was due at nine o'clock in the even ing vil The company which owns the ilk mills arranges for an annual outing | for the employees. Those who attend are not put to any expense as the | company chartered the boat and | so paid for the street car tickets ! which were given out along with the invitations The ugdensburg silk mills, were established in the vear 1902, There are 400 employed in the mill at the | present time. The employees, who | are mostly young women, produce daily five thousand yards of woven silk. In the twelve years the mill has been running, it has hot been closed a solitary day for the lack of orders taff in for ¢ Scattered Broken Glass. A man in the west end of King- ston scattered broken glass in a lane- way to prevent the children from playing in rear of his house. Anoth- er man who is in the habit of riding his bicycle up the lane-way and' tak- ing his wheel into his yard had his . weight for summer wear. also a great tire punctured and threatens to take action if the glasf is not removed as all the property-owners in the block have equal rights. Inland Collections. The inland revenue collection the month of July 1914, were: -- Spirits. ... a we ti e Malt. ih Tobacco and Cigars .. Vinegar.... . Methy Spirits. .. Other Receipts. . for Bob's Lake Fishing Club. The Bob's Lake fishinggelub is in fall swing with the arrival Sunday of six of the membesy.. The party left for Parham on Monda: morning. Those in the party are J.-A. Stapleton,, M.D., George Van Heusier, F. W. Maloney, M.D., George A. lauir, MD, Otto Krobel and Paul Agard, all of Rochester, N.Y. Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has a great assortment of coat and vest light now on Stewart . lose | 4 | | {land canal HAD NARROW ESCAPE JUMPED DOWN BANK TO ESCAPE LOCOMOTIVE. Which Struck *Speeder" Ridden on Track By C. P. R. Civil Engineer at Davern Lake. A G. McLaren, one of the C. P. R., civil engineers, had a miraculous es-| cape from being killed on Saturday morning. A. '§speeder" is a three- wheeled machine that is pumped by the one passenger along the track. Mr. McLaren was pumping east a- long the new lake shore line near Davern Lake, about twelve miles from the eastern «nd. He crossed a high fill and was into a high cut ata good rate of speed when a freight- train appeared not over two hundred feet away. He applied the brake, but ihe hifd wheel came off the track. ile jumped down the bank and the locomotive hit the speeder. Mr. Mec- f.aren was not hit by the locomotive but in his fall down the bank sustain- ed severe bruises. He was able to walk to a nearby farm-house The cut where the locomotive hit the speeder in has an interesting his- tory. Three Italian laborers in the fall of 1913 were killed by an ex- plosion and their relations had paint- ed on the side of the rock-wall, a red cross and the letters I. H. 8. be- low it. This can be plainly seen hy passengers who know the location of the cut PPP . o * > WHIG'S WAR BULLETINS. ore The Whig's war bulletins on Saturday evening and all Sunday were read by thous ands of people, for all Kings ton was alive with eagerness as to the progress of events in Europe The Whig's telephones were kept busy att---Sunday--particularly---by.- queries as to the position of Great Britain. of ole oo ode ob 4 ole eo oe foes ee ee Bde oof oe se IN MARINE CIRC LES. Movements. of Vpnsels. | Along the Harbor. fhe steamer Rhodes, which met vith an accident on Friday the Welland canal, is in port lightering 10,000 bushels of M. 1. Co.'s elevator. rst thought the vessel ito discharge her | hut | | Reported last, in and is grain at at have the It would entire cargo shg will likely be able ceed to Montreal. An accident to some of the tv disabled the steamer: John dall the way from Oswego zoal and' the vessel was the steamer Sowards. Forty is unloading coal at ( ford's. wharf. The John Randall on the way to Rideau eanal ports The schooner Abbie 1. Andrews arrived from Faithaven with coal for Robert Crawford." The 'steamet Hinckley was in port mm Monday morning on her way to the Main Ducks to- remove the boiler irom the steamer' Navajo, sunk there [some Lime ago. a steamer Simla passed down on aturday loaded' with grain Port Colborne for Montreal I'he steamer Fairmount passed her up from Montreal to grain -at Port Colborne. The steamer Westmount loaded with steel rails on her from Sydney to Fort William he tug Mary arrived from treal with one light harge. I'he steamer 1. W. Nicholas {f from the Welland canal at noon urday and cleared for Montreal at 5 Pp m I'he steamer Rosedale passed up to he Wiplland eanal light from Montreal it 11 a.m. Sunday. I'he steamers Dunelm and wre expected to pass up to the land canal from Montreal The steamers Glenellah and Mapleton are expected to passfup-to othe Wel land canal from Montreal The steamer H. M. Pellatt at midnight Sunday from the to Montreal. steamer Turret Montreal from anal at 5 a.m. Sunday The steamer Donnacona to pass down to Montreak Welland canal I'he steamer H. sort, John H. coal at the water works. I'he govenment steamer and M. I. Co. barge Burmah the dry dock of the Kingston building Co. Lighter No. was here to pro machin Ran on with towed The over is irom on { way load" ed pas Mon arrived Sa Meaford Wel passed Wel passed Welland Court the The down to i= expected thy from and con- |¢ B. Dobbins Rolph, are unloading Reserve are mn © Ship- [1 ( in |} Y 3, built for service Hudson Bay for the govérnment the Polson Iron Works, l'oronto, passed down to Montréal on Sunday midnight 3 The yacht' Cipgalee, of docked at Sify rt on night, and cleared on Monday ing for Alexandria Bay. Ihe steamer Caspian had a city g¢rowd on ber river trip day. ¢ The steamer City of Ottawa passed |, down to Montreal fom Toronto on Sunday mOrsng at 8 am, The steamer City of Hamilton pass- ed up to! Toronto from Montreal Sun- day midnight. 'Down the river a heavy electric storm was encountered y and the steamer was stopped for half an honr. i The steamer Rideau King cleared for Ottawa Monday morning. The steamer Alexandria pass down to Montreal from lotte at 4.30 pan. Monday. by Toronto, Sunday morn capa Sun is due tol, Char- -- Gone To Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson, Pe- trolia, were the guests of their niece, Mrs, J. Chown. Deacon street for a few days. Mr. Lawson hag returned home; Mre. Lawson has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. Davis, Sydenham, and other friends, for a few weeks. Russians Kager For News. The Russian* laborers who are _ coat in light working in the Richardson feldspar 'Godfrey, aré so anxious oP» * ol + LJ + <> Oswegatchie Point, made into a pgomenade which over- structed a successor capable of ac- commodating three large craft. - _PAGE FIVE ---- 3 SPECIAL BARGAINS $1.25 One small lot women's patent strap slippers, low heels, sizes 21-2 to 51-2. This was a regu- lar $2. line. Now clearing at $1.25 $1.69 Only a few pairs now of women's tan pumps, tan Oxfords, tan Colon- ials, regular $4.00. Must go quickly at $1.69 canvas sizes 4'to 7; raghlaj® 90¢ for * One lot infants' white button boots, vv Fm, 59c¢ Abernethy's Shoe Store 1.00 Straws, now $1.50 Straws, now $2.00 Straws, now $2.50 Straws, now $3.00 Straws, now PANAMA HATS $1.00 Hats, now {$5.00 Hats, now $6.00 Hats, now Bargains in all Kinds of Sum- | er Hats, Campbell |= | | | YACHT REG! Alexandria Bay Planning For Im- portant Nautical Event. The St. Lawrence River Yacht club om posed of residents ard influential ummer visitors, has co-operated with he Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Business Mens association in planning for a regatta for the third week of Au gust The otor plane ontest principal attractions will be boat races and - hydro-aero stunts. The races include a for the Staples cup, a hand silver trophy donated as a by Colonel O. 6G. Staples, proprietor of the Thousand Island It is valued at $500 and is me of the three copies of an old rophy unearthed at Pompeii In addition to the motor boat con- ; there will be, probably, a race « ailing vachts owned by sum- ver residents. An aviator with a hy- lro-aeroplane similar to the one seen ere last season! with Jack Vilas of hicago, whose summer home is at at the wheel, will ch day some hallenge House engaged to make flights «. the week Ornamental Lamps. Thousand Island Park assoe- recently completed extensive facilities on the grounds jrnamental iron poles - have been laced every fifty feet on St. Law- ence avenue and cluster lights now lluminate the highway which leads rom the public dock to the hotels ind boarding houses, New boat houses jestroyed by fire last season have yeen constructed. and are. now in ommission, They -are of concrete onstruction. The upper part hasbeen he The ation ighting replacing those looks the Fiver, E. T. Sheppard of meida, whose boat 'house was des- royed by fire last year, has con- 1000 Islands-Rochester. . leaves at 10.15 and Sunday, a.m. Caspian 1 tor ednesday, Friday 33. ween YTV IvYYew Best in Kingston By Government Test den AUTOMOBILES AND Er Ruboer George W. Boyd, EEE Debitity, Mental and Brain Worry, De. Hear, Failing Memory. for 85. druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on Risse Si You never can tell. truthinl man really fish. 18,1 il Well, why don't you buy one of our | Electric Fans. Lowest prices in the city. Halliday's Electric Shop 845 KING ST. GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of Refriger- OFFICE OR HOME ators ond G new be sold a Come, see the bargains. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1550 Opposite Cra Whel Stoves; also all kinds of d-hand I rniture; all to onable prices. and se at re holesals { FOR HIRE Phone 1177 Tires for . Carriages and Automobiles. FATENTS Herbert J. S. Dennison REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 11 King Btreet West, Toronto, Pat- Marks, protected hteen years' lence. Write for booklet. 'Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Kenedy. Tones and invigorates the who! nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Loss of Knergy, Lalpitation of the rice ox, Six One will please, six will cure, gold by all 1 oeipt wmphlet mailed (ree. THE WOOD €0. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) For Sale 9 roomr house, all improvements, 000.00. Easy terms, W. Hi. Godwin & Son. Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance new; $3,- Sometimes the catches the most L ia Se -------- % FURNITURE Roll of Flat Top Desks Vertieal letter fyling devices Saves labor and time in the office SECTIONAL BOOKCASES Increase your library by adding any size section JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDRRTAKER, Phone 147. BUILDERS! Have You Tried . . GYPSUM WALL L PLASTER? It Saves Time. i bousand lsiands, and at 5 p.m. for {ochester, You will never regret using White lose flour. 1 2 PRINTERS BOOK-BINDERS LOOSE LEAF DEVICES 'EMBOSSERS Lk ALIN Wil; 'ihe fishing season is now at its height snd. they are biting ton." ¢ Cet out your tackle and drop them a line --the fi outlit, or just some odds and ends to put or in first clase shape, ber this is where you can find the best line at the best Prioss: Steel Rods, i you "want a Bamboo Rods, Good Lines and Reels.