SH Al Seneca Attias Tut Sketchits 3, Rad. At the | How Munich Has Sofved Problems of et] a Taras J. McAuley, S---- ss Fumiture Dealer . WAR WITHOUY A REASON, SAYS} Wellington, 'Aug. 4.~On Thikaday;| Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Aug. Undertaker o out & p.m., two tugs, a barge snd | 3. Receipts were liieral especially] fhe Munich schools have worked fall i m-------- i i it vn Why at the Wel. for cattle, 139 cars; 2,863 cattle; | out She Apfian of industrial training re yulte, and = a hot] Britain's Greatest Opportunity -- [ington beach, where the work 'on file | 701 bogs, 26 sheep and lambs, 377] whieh un edly leads the world] room all night. Remove them to a What It Does Will Determine the [barbor is in progress, and ia' fifieen | calves. begause it is based on demonstration | oop), but not cold, te: ture and . minutes from the time they landed Catile--The quality of cattle was in workshops, Dr. George bring them back in the morning and Character of the War, Says Trib- | Ll mimenced operations, and cop- |betier than a week ago. Trade was Kerschensteiner, a member of the you will double the duration of their nme, tinued work all night, with the help eve And prices sting 2nd thoice Ricans, has Somant a dong fight to flowering lite Nl : { four teams of horses are endeavor- [load selling at $9.00. 1.Choice but- 5 e Munich schools to their ; NO rk ALE. The World [01 flr atl! an eptrance to he {Sher's. stacks, $6.60 10 8.59 and. a | Mk, She Mulch schaols Today | pedp ints and bulbs that. have net 3 ts Suntorial.on the Eutohean con: west lake. Pile driving is in progress [few at $9.00; good butcher's steers, | Munich kas 8fty-two trades for which opr al home want very care- fijct asks: "Cam Great Britain and and prospects are favorable now tor a | $8.25. to $8.40; medium = butcher's teaching is given, and is enlarging Ju treatment when they first come 8 steers, $..50 to $8.15;common but-| her present plans and facilities | TOM the florist or théy will wilt and die at once. 1 ance in a general war. The grea ; rd g t Feeders. and stockers ---- Market the commerelal, . cheapest Ambulance Phone 86. service to G and "Auptriss | struction. who visited Wellington, Mh "peal, Er or sond Tush ket and decorating, building, is usually the cause of this. Rusigaty, aid fo the peace of Eur. [or Goronto « month in town. As Sele. Choice steers, $7.00 to $7 25; | mechanical-engineering, wood and| The plants have been forced in the King 5¢ Wet Phones 550 & ues | TAY 1% SLE Skt. of the Trible Alliance. that un. | LOCUS TL, Lil tings are very [MORIN Steers, 36.50 to $6.75; [Metal Working trader Desde: mad l high, even temparstare nrc totbo no : is EL RL LLRs Adtural tle 'hetween hostile mations} "COTRION anc SATOME many a fine} Stockers, $5.50 to $6.25, cellaneous ones like shoemaking,| and have not been long enough at the ¢ ' ' RAND P30 ABTS Te : : has pot been that it assured the By NR acially. of the old Reynolds | Milkers and springers -- Mache | wigmaking, and confectionery manu-| florists to get hardened. The only! : German power an ally in a general Stricture one hundred and fifty years | #1e4dy at $50 to $90. each; balk |facturing. These teachers are often | thing to do is to keep them in a t cursions war, but that it prevented Italy and old. that has stood the storms of |3OILSE 360 to $85 each. taken from their trade and taught| warm place. Give them wvery little ras TRB Te ~~ o---- Austria from fiying ut ench others [kl 1 has wioad the storms al Up Market was again firm as [te teach, Dr. Kerschensteiner would | Water if they seem too dry and care- > Te $12.00 7 throats at any moment while the ain: of these." vob ladids ould: pe Jf Chojce veals, $10 to §11;|xather make a teacher out of af fully cut off the flowers and leaves --- rest of Europe was in peace, Dur- o Keak A ". structure. The | OMWAD to good, $6.00 to $9.00. plumber than convert a teacher into | that have begun to fade, When buy- We should be glad to a Anetbmtia. § an GN na seon sketching , show yom our Boys' and Going Dates, Aug, 11th, and 18th. | Girls' Set FROM WINNIPEG--For Aug. chool Boots at 11th excursions there will be propor- prices from $1.50 tc $3.00. tionately low fares to point in Man- itoba ONLY. . For August - 18th excursion low fares will be named to certain points Italy keep out " the conflict. Italy BT has announced her intention of re-| be : i . cher' $7.25 7.50; © a ) v baseball team scame ers sieers, $7.20 to $7.50; choice | Seven fine buildings about the town maining neutral in war which js not oe Belleville, Sascha trimmed Wel- | butcher's heifsrs, $8.10 to $8.30 Bives space for classes and for well-{ , It 1¢ & piteous and an exasperating ils Bre TUEoreG. 5 Ben oy vos | S30, Tore, cows Te te ions [egtinsed _ hom, where 'some ten(IDiof to sec 4 Slesious asics or i an " at * » 00; choice cows, $8.75 to $7.00; Rollan, of Toronto, Canada's |§ 3, 39.7% 10. 7 gusand boys and about the same couple of days from a mass of vivid Are ing the lifetime of the Triplice there ! ro Ad a 34 Sheep and lambs----Market firm. |2 man of tools, although, when oeca- ing plants always choose those with has scarcely a day when itali- oor of Did building ana: fastened Sheep, $5.00 to $6.25; culls aud|mion arises, suitable teachers in the|a few flowers and many buds and apan public sentiment has not heen h d i sen hivgss a ste and | T&M, $2.50 to $4.50. Spring lambe, | trade itself not being available, aca-| ascertain if they have beem '"hard- more averse to - Austria-Hungary i giv 5 ngs, po gem $9.00 to $10.00; culls, $7.00 to|demically informed men are given | ened." also woaden locks. ay P 8.00. furloughs in order to enter into ac- Such plants will be a joy for weeks in Saskatchewan and Alberta, where help Is required. Settler's Excursions To Northern Ontario August 25th. Return Hmit ten days from date of In neither capital * has Italy been fumous artist, accompanied by eigh- [B00d cows, $6.25 to $6.50; canners, | number of girls receive instructions. than to France. And Italy may yet J . 1 uh cut by the young people of this village Hogs--Market about steady. go.|tual practice for a sufficiently long and when the flower is over for ane sale. Liberal stop-over privileges. FE LOANS lington in fine shape. [3 We save some splendid Hoes in Men's Shoes, which ently relied upon for iseist teen. voung lady 'artists under in- $3.00 to $4.50; bulls, $5.00 to $7.35. br 4 siuddle of withered petals See us about a fence this spring. We Anve a great variety and he, A dra be drawn info the vortex of war. ixty antl seventy years: ago: wince "Without a" formal alliance bind- 4% a iD. "pa d of | 16cted fed and Watered, $8.15 1o|time to master it. Some of the best | season can be placed in & greenhouse ing her to France and Russia, Great i : Id. bie Toi $8.80, f ¢ b. cacy ana $8.40 weigh- | teachers are part time men who are| or even in a sheltered corner of a cannot be beaten at $4.00 Britain might refuse to enter the PWmpkin ies Son h old Dui hve ed off cars. eminent in their various lines, as, 'balcony for the summer and if prop- . combat, as an important section .of up at one e We. a a o 3 -- for instance, commercial photo- erly tended in the autumn will bloom her people apd: public men have |20¢ at an eat 'y, ig er He ort Montreal, Aug. 3--About 1,400 head | 8raphy and sculpture: The hoy who again next winter. { contended. But if German troops |?! Pee iog: SoFing. Ang k e ing _ | of butcher cattle, 700 calves, 1,300] Works at a craft like stucco-making All cut flowers require delicate have Invaled 'Luxembourg on their he apples, the Digs; I. os an aa sheep and lambs, 1,100 hogs were of- | MAY get part of his instruction under handling and arranging, but spring Brit ba OF [hrdugls The low counthies, ow ha ) BT - heir Ii fered for sale at the Point St. Charles | #8 artist instead of an artisan. blossoms most of all. Snowdrops look | sent e i YEATRAg0 $0 AEs doy the. seroma: | Dancing to the sweet steaina of Joby TG oRenings, hoffe stock at shi integrity of. these hufter states. Nor | Minks' fiddle was kept up until a lat {vot during the week were 1,700 ten years of age, boys planning to" C/ separatély, tingling its white nas the govern ; t falled to warn De ne days The Spies Yel {eattle, 1,000 calves, 2,200 sheep and Se ao Siuions SUnipLAly belie. g Germany tha ngland cannot re. | Whe lancers, m : Va kl and |12mbs, and 2,100 hogs. e : Long stalked violets are charming main neutral if Prance is aftacked ae The ay 0 mienerh] and There was an -over-supply of com- Sr sar uso dighar 2Shabia. Imus set loosely in a little. jug of pottery. Dissatisted Dalian Battony may bona ity mon and medium cattle on the mar- en Hat ti classes Joa iy a Daffodils and narcissi should look as [ y of a genera he es : ket and the prices of these we ' ,| If th yi rowing. 7p bl fo. of Kinlos. ge were one they were growing OF. thal Downdrien: sud hos of | Fo same wiek has een oH [JULIET OF a" cet lower, but" choles | ile further contact between the | If they were wrowine CL tends 'the Po Aa ao friends aud relations" here, left for Sle Irons dormer rates "higher" education, those numerous | Into the same vase. They will kill| ' I dchard paid 83.¢ per Ib. for needy '"'others" who copstitute the |®Ach other. "Mimosa also should be arranged by itself in branches In a slaughter and desolation fr th their home on Tuesday. ¢ 4 ' 4 5 a ke Mrs. Jennie Peters, who hds been in |$€Ven choice steers; other prime real human school problems, are ! tall china vase. It is too strang for] North 'Sea to 'the Bow i . Idle Money phovas In the employ of N. Pearls, has sent in | DPeVes sold at from 8c to $14c Perf then grounded in the use of tools, comparably vase, incor bly . | : 5 i o n : Siparaily A her resignation, sévering hér connec- {10 Pretty good animals, 5c to in carpentry, metal-work, the rudi- il flowers and kills them by fil VEN . I act. E in sma All good solid leather, REPAIRING DONE Scott's Shoe Store 260 PRINCESS ST. Branch 206 Barrie St. The foundation of trade education | yey; is 5 shallow bowl filled with is laid in the day school. At about feathery moss, in which each blossom | For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Railroad and Steamship Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. struetive, incomparsh ernel, - 3 J comparably Vien hs a tion with the grocery bisinegs, 7%c, and the common stock, {oto ments of mechanics and of garden- . confliot that ls threatened. Never Sepor:ih : ing; or, in the cage of girls, commer-| Camellia japonica also must be in! amounts shoul betore has wir npon' such Waa] Calves sold at from 33%c to 71¢/efal study, needlework, housekeep- | long, spiky branches--two or three in ts d v ; Dan DOR thle 1 Sheep sold at from 43%e¢ ing. a hich china jar, with no foliage, A fo rk. It MONTREAL--QUEREC--~SAGUENA x Never efor has a great war had In the beautiful new Sleboldstrame | few. ed IEE Me von ane eaany Ta n 8 " On ne 3 8 8 earn from four Raplaa Steamer, arriving Montreal oo) p.m . TORONTO EXPRESS SERVICE lees reason, a fainter shadow of ex- i - cure. Ht may Ba too tate Rt f hg showing its stalk and having "room t - £ common sense and compassion of to. breathe, are far more effective o -- per cent or St - > Christendom to maintain or soon to 5; than a whole lot carelessly jumbled you. A Hd naa on ut S pm. restore peace. It will never he tno[50; Rev. Fr. Traynor, 95 Return : late to contimue 'the attempt. gravel, $0.50; John McKendry, 15 Pittshurgh Township Council, per ib. Pittsburgh, Aug. 3.--Council met |t0 53%¢ per lb. Lambs at Hc to Se at 11 a. m. All members present. | each. Good lots of hogs sold at|common school there are excellent Minutes of "last meeting confirmed. ! 9% ¢ to 9%e per Ib workrooms for all these subjects Accounts passed: Whig printing, and, in addition, fine bakeries with J. Seott, 35 loads gravel, $3.-| Chicago, Aug. 3.--Cattle--Re-| practical modern ovems, attractive loads | ceipts, 13,000; market steady.|garden-plots where even horticulture together. Beeves, $7.15 to $10; steers, $6.40|18 begun, and. the "eoncierge's" | ent and responsive. loads, $1.50; George McCormack,|t0 $8.40; siockers and feeders, $6, chickens to serve as an experimental fectly well when they are deftly and 144 loads, $14.40; Mrs. HM. Doyle, 47|10 $8; cows and heifers, $3.75 to}chicken farm. The boy who in his lovingly handled and 'act accord- " a ", Skttnin's Section WHI Determine | 0 Ld inn. vo ate | 49,10: calven, Poo ran 2 lust elementary year really knows ingly." ~ The Tribune says: "The attitude Hogs Receivts 19 : - $4; and work, $1.50; George Mec- ogs---- Receipts, 382,000; market of Great Britain has not yet been Cormuek. 40. loads zavel $4, W.F. weak. Light, $8.50 10 $9; mixed, |tains his apprenticeship by himself, A Mountain of Alum. clearly defined. What Great Britain s or in answer to a request from an And flowers are so senti- tiving 7 am. Returning leaves Toronto They know per- § p.m. daily except Sunday, arriving Upon request we shall be Ringston 2m a On Mondays steamers leave at § p. pleased to suggest smit- m. for Charlotte, N.Y, and Toronto. able investments for you. 1000 ISLANDS--BAY OF QUINTE 88, Caspian leaves at 10.15 am Wed- A. H. Martens & Co. nesday, Friday and Sunday for Members Terours Steck Exchange 11000 Islands, and at 5 pm. for Char- | lotte via Bay of Quinte. HAMILTON~--TORONTO--QUEBEC Weekly service by 8S Alexandr does will really determine the char- acter of the Buropean war. If she participates at once with her con- trolling sea strength there may be some hepe of limiting the appaling loghes with which the world is now threatened. Her fleets, combined In China, twelve and a half here Martin, railing for culverts (White $8.20 to 38.90; heavy, $58.10 to $8.- award), $20.75; Mr. Stuchen, iron 75: rough. $8.10 to $8.20; pigs, $7. | employer, who applies to the head |, = = villagé of Liouchek, there for culverts (White award), $40.67. 12 5 to $8.80; bulk of sales, $8.25 to Frank Mundell, 55 loads stone, $5.-, $8.75. 50; Thomas Hyland, bonds en 40 rods fence, $5; James Wilson, work, $3; William Trotter, work, $2; Sheep---Receipts 10,000: market strong. Sheep, $5.15 to $5.90; yearlings, $5.50 to $6.50: lambs, na- tive, $5 to $8.25. teacher for a certain kind of helper. Deseription of jobs, with or without pay, or perhaps even requiring a premium, are posted as bulletins is this school. The parents, possibly the teacher, and well-clagsified in- is a mountain of alum which in ad« dition to being a natural curiosity is a source of wealth for the inbabi« tants of the country, who dig from it yearly tons of alum. The moun- tain is not less than ten miles in cir- BOND and SHARK BROKERS C.P.R.BUILDING, TORONTO "uM Belleville, City of Ottawa and City of. Hamilton. Delightful water outings at reasonable rates Folders and laformation from B. E. HORSRY, General Agent, one 31, ci Po BANLEY, . ty C. t Agen Ph Phony ". with those of France can probably Forrester, bonus on 60 rods fence, formation about oceupations based blogkade Germany and confine the | $7.50; James Byrnes, 115 loads : -- on the excellent kia trades and Suiatevence at its hase _and has a real struggle to the land. Her par- [gravel $11.50; S. Anglin and com-| = East Buffalo, Aug. 3.--Cattle-- Re- employment, are depended upon to| DClERt of 1,940 feet. The alum is ticipation from. the outset would ge- [pany, lumber for shed at hall, $184.- | ceipts, 4,300 head; active. Prime | help the boy decide. ohisined > Juarrying large blocks eure tha entrality of Italy, which | 09; James Baxter, bonus on 263 |steers, $9.40 to $9.65; shipping, $8.- 0 Slope, whic ne at heated in| = eaguidt afford to, Pivk 8 colltiian win | rods tence, $336: Thomas: Doyle} 80-10 $9.25; butchers, $7.50 16 38.-| = "gues of Seif Rxpression. Es bares and then In vats fille the'gen power of the Triple Rntente. | royalty on 14 cords stone, $3.50; D.| 75; heifers, $7 to $8.60; cows, $3.- If children ave al 1 Ten toting water. The alum erystal{ Wg have some great bar- For Ottawa Her troaps could maintain the neu- [D. Rogers, bonus on 613% rods fence, [75 to $7.25; bulls, $5 to $7.50: If children are allowed to give ven es on 5 rb 2 ok shout : Two bungalows with trality of Belgium and Holland and [ $7.69; J. S. Sibbet, bonus on $9 |stockers and feeders, $¢ to $7.50. | to all that is joyous and happy and 3 lnéhes n nis Chis, 8 ayer gains. Wo bungalows wit Eve Monday, Wednes- ald France to repel a German in- [rods of fence, $10.68; William Mil- [stock heifers, $5.50 to $6.50. SpontANeONs in thelr Matures shoy will | 14 50 giien WP tae] rooms, good locality, at 1y ¥, vasion. ton, road work, $12; W. Woods,| #Veals--Receipts, 1,000 head: ac-|Pe infinitely more likely to blossom ----t gang a en youn $1500. Two houses, £1600 day, Thursday and Saturday If she holds the counsels of the |work, $3.75; John McAllister, 12 [tive and stdydy at $10 to $11.50. out into helpful men ad womell n> : Wo houses, lat 6 a.m : Lioyd Qeorge group of advocates of (cords stone, $24; William Lackle,| Hogs-- Relpipts, 13.000 head; | Stead of se ale, SuDjresse y apd face : good locality. Apply to ite peace at any price she will lose the drawing stone, $2; R. J. Jobnston,|slow and steddy. Heavy, $9.20 to individuals. Children who are encour- Paint Protects Iron. " Y Passengers going through to Ot. greatest opportunity 'she has had in {honus on 35 rods fence, $4.37; )89.30; mixed, $9.30 to $0.95; york- aged in self expression through their The curious result of some German THE KINGSTON BUILD tawa may occupy stateroom the eve- many years to reduce Germany to a | james Keys, repairs on grader, $4.- fers and pigs, $9.35 to $9.40; roughs, | P1&¥ Instinct will not only make much | gypariments is that a single coat of ERS' SUPPLY {eing previous. No extra charge. minor sea pawer. She might even 50; H. MeNeely, drawing plank, $2; | $8. to $8.15: stags, $6. 50 to $7.25. |More normal human beings, but will paint gives iron greater protection LY CO. For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- he forced, when it is too late, to (.ojonization road, payroll, $108.85:| Sheep and lambe. Receipts, 3100] make better business men, better pro- from rusting than several coats. Dif- 2nd Floor, Room 4, { aesday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p. cast hor lot with France in order to | dark, acoount salary, $20; D. Me-| head: active and higher. Lambs, §6 | fessional men, better citizens, better | forent samples of iron were painted King Edward Buildi m. One hour in Clayton; leaves Clay. try. and maintain the territorial in-| cement, work, $19.20; treasurer,|to $9: yearlings, $5 to $7.50; weth-|Men and women generally. They will | with one, two, three and four coats g Wi ullding ton at 9 p.m., except Saturday. tegrity of western Europe. account salary, $30; M. McCrow,|ers, $6.25 to $6.50: ewes, $2.50 to |Bucceed better and have a nobler in- | regpnactively, and after a certain time Jones Falls and return, crushing 1531 cords stone, $536.-{ $5.50; sheep, mixed. $5.50 to $8. fluence in the world. Joy and fun are | it appeared that the iron under four ? great developers, calling out our rich- | coats was completely covered with 50c, every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. OFFICE FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. PHONE 391. DO NOT RENT. WHY NOT BUY? Rideau Lakes Navigation Co. Wagkgrer 5 s stone, \ Préparing For Eventualities, Hy 3. Johnston S12 Sukie: stuns est resources, educating our fuller | ryst, that under three coats was less Bgther -- Have an jeye 10° my| "rate of 54 mills on. the dollar was powers. affected, that under two coats was clothes my boy--you shall have two- struck for general expenses, and by- partly rusted, but the iron under one pence when T come out. law passed confirming the same. "A cont was free from rust. The theory Boy----An* if yer don't come out, grant of $20 was given to the Rural suggested is that increase in the num- kin I 'ave the clothes instead o' the School Fair association of the town- ber of coats, gives more corroding tuppence >-London Opinion. ship of Pittsbnrg The council then ts at the surface of the + --------------n 3 po Shackleton's Ship Sails. adjourped. Ff London, : Aug. 5.--Sir. Ernest Shae To kelion's polar ship Endurance left the The' Test. ~ The Woman (standing in India dock in the Thames, Saturday, | . for the trip to the Antarctic, lcar)---I must be. getting old. No one!---Le Pele-Mele. What The Menu Means. First Customer Waiter, bring me a" bottle of Medoc! Second Customer Waiter, bring me a bottle of St. Emilion! silkworm becomes restless, stops Third Customer Waiter, bring)feeding and throws out silken | electric curr me a hottle of Pomade! threads. The silk is formed in a) metal, Fourth Customer-- Waiter, bring| fiuid condition and issues from the me a bottle of Clos-Vougeot! body of the worm in a glutinous] First Anatomical Museum. Waiter-- All right, gentlemen. (Tol state, apparently in a single thread. In th iddle of the si R street p kitchen) --Four bottles of red wine,| From this silk the worm constucts n the middie of the sixteenth cen« its cocoon, an interval of from three | LUTY the first anatomical museum was "to five days being required to com-| founded in Wittenberg, Germany, by Ee Sp es = | plete its imprisonment in the en-| the talented Leonard Fox. Iu 1569 velope. In order that the silken (the faculty was given the power to strands may not be subjected to the | dissect bodies of executed criminals. danger of breakage by the moth| Over the door of the museum was emerging from the cocoon the | this inscription: The Silkworm. Upon attaining full growth the CANADIAN SERVICE v : : Qui vivi ndeuere mali; post funera outhampton, From Montreal WASLATNTA Aug. 8 ANDANIA EVERY be Stn 22 y insects are dead. After this the silk prosunt, Et petit ex ipsa commoda morte salus. NDANL ASCANIA may be wound off. (Here wicked men are found at last PLUG F eamers call Plymouth eastbound. in useful ways, > i 8 " arn? Rates--«Cabin (11) $46.25 and up; 3rd- And here death shows us how to class, British - eastbound, $30.35 up. lengthen out our days.) Westbound $30 up, a Apply Local Ticket Agent, or THE ner, A Breeze In Sight. . ROBERT REFORD CO. LAMITED, Gen. "Oh, I guess 80," replied the pas- ats eral Agents, 50 King St. East, Toronto. senger wanly as he gazed out across "Just see the wind!" exclaimed }it- nr r-- the bounding deep. "I guesa you | tle Bobby, pouting Hom 3h Wingaw, P n bring me one on approval." "You ask me to do something im- 215810) - oN Beg pe Pony ype the | possible," amawer Subby's papa, who and kil both the flies aud germs. MEL EAR Ly Fs Y *1] 5 steward, "did you say 'on 1,' was a great stickler for accuracy. Sold Druggists Grocers ; " " y y AIO Win ar ir motion, and you can-| | 2ll over Canada. 4 the passenger | not see air. It is invisible." "But, papa"-- "Well, my son?" ------------ urd you talking about a sight Study of Life, v draft the other day." f Life has been to me simply an And paps didn't: explain. how he opportunity fo learn and enjoy and, | hd raised the wind to meet that. through my books, to share my en- Too Cleve " joyment with others. I have had no ' ar ambition. I have thirsted to| "Anything specially interesting) know things and to make the most about the chap?" of them. The universe is to me a "Yes, indeed. He's our leading ex- grand spectacle that flls me with| ponent of the new dances. Took les- awe and wonder and joy and with| sons from two morobsts and a con- intense curiosity. -- From "Our| tortionist." Friend, John Burroughs," by Clara! "He must be kept busy." A Trial Order. "Beg pardon, sir," sail the stew- ard, "but may I bring you some din- "" sir? . "Yes," groaned Jeakly. "You see, I may nos want y Sa to keep it." § = Pa WHITE always reaches you in perfect a condition and always the same -- not hard one day and soft another, like the kinds you buy ' in bulk. Our cuttomers sive our best ad- vertisement. Ever; palr of BOOTS AND SHOE sold by us wells others. hy JEves day someone 'On the contrary, he can't get any- body to dance with him." The reason is, PACIFIC is first made "DELICIOUSLY GOOD" and wholesome and ------ p A Legal Thrust. . "The learned counsel for the de- The Sociable Neighbor. ~ then each plug is wrapped separately in foil to keep that goodness inapd not allow fense," said the plaintiff's attorney,| "Now, don't talk too much 'When it lo come in contact with dust and soiled hands, BUY A PLUG SO-PAY AND bh 10 he Afraid OF loBinE Mea) vou oo Go i ork 0 much When NOTE THE DIFFERENCE. case. Otherwise why isn't he ready | may answer questions, of course." : to go on?" : "That is all T do." said the|l Inside each wrapper is a satin insert which is highly valued by collectors - See "I've got & good excuse," repled| child. "And they sak a Ereat 'many window displays around town. | '10¢ = AT ALL DEALERS. Jenorance of the law| much salary Papa got and if he ever ' Simon Legree--To find the mana-] "Little Man--There 'wasn't anyone|l excuses no one. 35 guarreled with you." = aT pI ony PTR RR ger on salary days, my boy.--Puck. io hear!--Exchange, to i We ha rican In , Vi vi I iri of Meare All aly 's boots and shoes at the 1oweat price in the citre J. P. Hanley, G. T.'R. C8.) , C. P. R. ---- A Practical Reason. No Audience, Hallel--Why is it, Simon, that| Mother -- And se 4 by | . , -- my little m | they always hive bloodhounds in an{dign't cry when he fell down. That f