Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Aug 1914, p. 2

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"1s cavsING IA 7A id A GOOD | STRANGER Heron TO GET LIQUOR BEAL QF WORRY. INTO POLICE CELLS. § d id at | mo 1 e oa uiae George D. Mcleod, of Kingston, Ix Frederick Long Mad Bottle of Whis- Pri 3.00 rice 9o. seieis 'Whereahonts Unkmoten, | BEY (@ Give to Twa Men Locked up | Mpuring Night--Given Protection George B. Mcleod, son of P, C Station and Charged With Vag- Mcleod, Clergy street, is causing his rancy. family much concern. He is a lirst Frederick: Tony, u 'strapgeriin the i five Thousand Facts About Canada By Frank Yeigh, Price 25c. Rand. ol Pocket Maps of Alberta, Heri Nova Scetia, ew Brunswick, Manitoba and Datario 25¢ fach. Standard oe, 6000 Miles of Good Roads Throughout Ontario and Muskoka Lakes, Price 50c at DESIGNS INSPECTION UR COMPA ASL « FS RTL Loh . EaaRlS class wireless operator and was, un : city. tried to put one over on the po- | sl two weeks ago, on the steamer | Bo wd lo pot marning, but Sergt. i okd Strathcona, at that time carry- | b for him, sod ing the. divers into the wreck of | "nodden was too yes amir vr oy I the Bmpress of Ireland. He had ** # xesuly Long iound himsell by ie i | the acting magistrate, Mayor Shaw, siemd w ran a Seman steamship when police court ope met at. tent the ol uly, but ewing to an ¥ o'clock accident to his father ie time | > glock, nals to the by had the time changed{io the first { Tuesday. night and asked to he given fh August. rotection jor the night. He was tak- eo. was still on the steamer Lord { in, as no person is refused protec Strathcona two weeks ago but wrote {tion. Luring the night two drunks that he intended to go ob a two | are gathered in hy the police, and months' trip on_the German steam- " nen they sobered up in the morning, ship immediately. He was in the | | ong gol into conversation with-ihem. habit of writing at least twice , Tu-{ hey were very dry. Om his geing ont week but the letter two weeks agh is loi the police station, it was arranged the last received. That he is on ibe | that Long should see ' some of the German . vessel is more than likely, | iriends of the tipplers, secure some but what vessel it is, or where it is | money and come back to the station now located, is a mystery { with breakfast for the two and also a James Paul, ther. i bottle of whiskey. ; : ' | tieorge ; Mcleod attended the local | Long carried out his part ol 3 348 Princess St. Phone 004 Collegiate last tsvm and as he was | bargain all right. He interviewed he Goods delivered to all parts of always interested in the mysteries of f iriends, secured the two weale and Ye the city. wireless he took a position on au [7 dieviinenis, ane then) bene fou bu i i 0 Nor yoliee station e asin Rot weg Sup CW 2 coi 4 be was to be included .in the little of other Collegiate lads, built the | wireless that is now installed at the KINGSTON justitution. =a rgt. Spadde an was suspicious regard- BUSINESS COLLEGE Kingstoniass In 'Germany. ine his actions so when he arrived he i 86 4 ' i {had him lined up and searched. The Qamited) |, No word has heen received as Lo { yoarch re vealed a hig bottle of whiskey the whereabouts of Miss lda New- {gy his Wi p." The lignor was con- a \Henjl of Queen Street od lands, 333 Barrie street, sister of W iscated, art Long was locked up ofi'a bookk eping, rE police station on Fruit Land Fresh Watermelons, Choice Eating Apples, Oranges, all prices; California Peaches and Plume; also full 'line of can- dies The College Book Store Phone 919 sea 160 Princess St. og d » Great reductions, if you will need in these lines in the near ary will pay you to BUY NOW, Circassian = Walnut Dresser, S85; Aug. price .... R65 banquet } But on arriv | Long's game Mahogany Buffett, al at the police station, $100, Ang. rar was nipped in the bud hi Sterling Silver --We haye the daintiest pos. sible THREADED pattern in Table Sterling Silver, It is called the --- FAIRFIELD and has more merit than (any "Thread Pattern" we have Sve. had, If contemplating purchasing any silver, be sure to see this pattern, as we know it will be to your advantage. Smith Bros., Jewellers : Issuers of Marviage ine of Brass Bed, $30; Aug. price . $38 'Parlor Suite, Matugany, | $135; Aug. LE price ye Va $100 Shaw ae Carpets, Curtains, all reduced in sympathy with furniture. A. Newlands, city tax collector Miss vagrancy Mayor Newlands was due to be in Germany | ave him a reprimand for his a week ago and may not have been onduct, but: az ths | able to leave that country time he had ever appeared before the § Auother Kingstonian who bas beeg fin vas given bis liberty f f i short. Iavere was the first We are supplied with all the best makes, the kind that combine durability and comfort. For the Ladies a { gourt, he Germany all summer is Prof. I. 3. | Williamson, of Hobart college, Gen MOTHERS HAD PICNIC eva, N,Yi, brother of Dr. A. R. B. Wil- | liamson and G. H. Williamson, of | the Whig editorial staff. Profi. Wil i liamson goes over there every two | years to study, and when last heard irom was in Berlin. Notice' i fwill Be Ontario Park on Tuesday Afternoon. dventy women of St. congregation were at Lake Tuesday evening. of the mothers' [ At Lake About | George's | Ontario Park on "All the members | meeting were present with about | thirty habies "Twenty ladies of | the congregation very generously | | POSTPONED GAME We have fine Cotton Fine Lisle Thread and Silk Ankle Hose, white, tan or black, in sizes 31-2 to 10. Special at 25¢ a pr. Played at Cricket Field on Saturday. Stanley I'rotter 25 slightly damaged bed springs, all sizes; veg. prices $3.00 to $5.00, | Mo clear out at $1.00, 81.50, 82.00 | and $3.00. Bring width of your bed. | % . From to-day all shines 5¢. Fleven years in Kingston! We're here to stay. Will give ec worth shine for Se. Pappas Bros. 200 Prin- cess Street, TF. HARRISON CO. --------2 gave their services to make the pic~ desires all the | nic successful Others of the con- players on the Regiopolis "team to re- | gregation who were not able to at-} member that the postponed game oi | tend sent contributions to the sup- duly 4th will be played on Saturda) per At four o'clock a bountiful {The game will be between Regiopolis | tea was served. Rev. RB. C. Magee { and baptflios, the Park Nime team |gqid grace and all sang the doxelogy. | playing un outside team. | The ladies are very grateful to J TE | H. C. Nickle for the generous mar Baseball Record. ner in which We provided a special National leaguwe--New Yorv, 4; (iy ;ecar to take them to the park, pro | cago, 1. Boston, 1; I: waburg gh, {vided tickets for the merry-go-| es Philadelphia, 4; Cincinniii, J Brok .- | roun. and supplted ite cream He! Lenves Canal Hasin, foot of Dal- lyn, 1; St. Louis, 0, also distributed tickets fer the ride honale Si, Montreal, every Wednes- | | American league--Washington, home a, Bom, arrives at Kinpwton | [010 voiand, 6. Detroit, 9; New Yor 2; Boston, 1. Phil: Ladies' Silk Hose in white, tan or black, Exceptionally good value, in all sizes . B80¢ a pair and up Phone 90 Sale term: cash, Yours Children's Socks, white and colors, all siz- ; 121-2¢ and up STEAMER BMITANNIC Boys' Buster Brown Cotton Hose, perfect black and extremely durable, all siz- 26c a pair Exenrsion From Tweed. The adult Bible class of the Tweed | es Methodist. chi n an: excursion {0 | theity, ¥ the C.N.RB. at | 10.10 am. W y. It left at 11] i i Friday 2.15 pau, returning leaves Louis, 2 Folger's Wharf, Kingston, at 5 pm, | 3. St. taking passengers for SS hnnGyue delphia, 5; Chie ago, 4. . Aud Heaeiyiile BRIT, a for Mou. IF Federal league--Brooklyn, 5; Kansas Hea Office - Cornwall, Oat. {© ity, 4." Buffalo, 5; Indianapolis, 4 St. Louas, 5; Pittsburgh, 4; Baltimore 2; Chieago, 1. mse amee. | International Rochester, 6; { Princess Hose for girls, all sizer, 6 to 10 iushas, tans or blacks, noiling bettel at the price o'clock on the $teamer America for league--Providence, 5; | trip among the "Pliousand Islands. The I Toronto, 3 Newark, 3. | Sulphide band accompanied the mem- | Montreal, Jersey City, 4. Bufialo. | bers of the Bible (class to the city i - There were over five hundred on the iil 7: Baltimore) 4. : I | p ull Jor the] ars mrwm. | re | CELEBRATING Syracuse and PA Service. | Swift's i i | > ¥ . Steamer Olcott leaves mg NE | Shore Mrs. P. Xugent Bom in Kingston wharf at 2 p. m, on Mondays, Tues- | Neventy<five Years Ago. days, Thursdays and Fridays. For] NEW AN & i fifi 3 Nugent, of Montreal street | information. apply C. 8. Kirkpatrick, | W = - = - i | was The Always Busy Store the Real Estate I born in this city seventy:five | 42 Clarence street, phone 568. { years ago, and is celebrating the --- Line for Saleb p E. W. MULLIN . . Like the Parrot Every in we have to offer speaks for itself. Summer prices on Dow. FURS dier Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns Carpet and rug buyers are When your eyes begin to give you trouble, don't get into deep water by baying over the counter glasses, Consult us, for we are properly qualified to remedy your trouble and make glasses that will relieve your eyes from strain. } bound to patronize the store where reliabllity of quality 1s not questioned, where styles are correct and prices right. '"The Hat Store" Buyers at the Kingston Carpet Warehouse are sure of getting honest value for their money. . McFAUL tages Carpet Ware- ! aty by autemobile on Tuesday, : f | S-- from Oil Gity, Pa., joined with Mrs A War on Piices 0 COL. H. R. SMITH, . Hl Sergeant-At-Arms of Commons Goes Ladies' Hats To Outawa. Col. 'mi ee 3. hselstine . 0s i No charge for Examination Eyesight Specialist. King St event surrounded by a number of 4 her relatives and friends. She was IN SUMMER PRE- PARE FOR WINTER formerly a Miss Sutherland, and =a | During the summer lll daughter of W. J. Sutherland, who came out to Canada from the eld months is the time to fil your coal bin with country, and who was engaged as a civil engineer for the Grand Trunk | railway. George A. Sutherland and (Standards Hard to Equal) amily and party, who arvived in the | ¢ | Nugent in celebrating the event. Mr Heory R. Smith, sergeant-at- | Sutherland is her nephew. arms of the House of Commons, will leave next week for Ottawa to pre prepare for {he special session of par- lisment called to vote money for (a- nadian contingents to aid the mother country in the war. Col. Smith stat- ed tq the Whig that he thooght the Fifty«third Anniversary, Scores of friends are felicitating Mr. and Mrs. George Watson, University {fi avenue, who, to-day, are celebrating their fifty-third anniversary hoy Phone 1019 it will enjoy a dinmer party this even- en m-- ing with their children and grand THE w . = children. Mr. Watson was, lor a 2 session would last two weeks. He 'HIG'S JUMBLE great many years, ome of the insirue os Th has not vet decided as to whether or -- tors at Rockwood Hospital for the Ad p : 4 | $ Bot he will arrange to have the full | 4 Lot of Short Items Run in To- Insane. Both Mr.¢and re Shaach sessional stafi in attendance, but it is | gether. are worthy citizens and are hearti y likely he will do this. "Film packs congratulated om their long yeard 'pf at Gibson's, War Declared Between Germany and . WII noe effect Real Es- tate investments in Kingston. No safer place to plant your mon- 'ey. We have to offer 'some splendid invest- ments in property on i ""hodak films" lla president of of the new Belleville who are (lights. 'hodak films." Gibson's | police are after | | The telegraph companies are | i | driving about without | working overtime handling the war news "Abby Salt" at Gibson's. Un Sunday wight lightning struck 'a large barn owned by Arthur Hay- es, at Glen Buell. . He lost his barn, implements, hay and machinery at Gibson's William Potter, Belleville, ran iuto a team of horses coming out of an alley-way and was stepped upon In one of the horses, smashing the ribs on his left side. "thermos eups." (lihson's Mise Faunie Flannigan, Brockville, died on Sunday after several years' illness. She was twenty-five years of age and a daughter of John | Flan Fim packs." Gibson's Omer Brown, Delta, has been elect liberal ex- ecutive of Leeds and Brockville, which forms anew A convention will be held ayding. ll | candidate. ~ Found in Savannah, NJ. John Sharpe, who disappeared from Rocllester, N.Y., a week ago, Wis found by his brother, . Alexander Sharpe, of Kingston, in Savana, N.J., nd was taken to the home of re tives. in Cleveland. About two hundred and dents: fue Teenl chers are in a. conference io io A anedhiral hers autolsts select the | 'and £9 as a private," happiness. } Called To Chicago, Mrs. Neal, wife of A. Nealwmanager of the Kingston Brick and Tile com pany, received word on Tuesday that her sister, Mrs. Robinson, Miss Katie Bryant, was dying. Mrs. Neal leit Tuesday noon for Chicago, accompanied by her brother, Bryant, of Kingston. Seeking New Teacher. A meeting of the management com mittee of the Board of Education was held on Tuesday afternoon as a re sult of the resignation of G. S. Bale. of the Collegiate Institute staf," It was decided. to advertise for a teach, er to take Mr. Bales place. Death Of An Infant. On Tuesday aftermoon Mr. and" Mrs. B. Revell, Charles street, lost infant son at the age of one year and six days. He survived a period of sickness at his bith but on Sun- day took ill and his sweet little life came to an end on Tuesday. tp ----------i-- Would Take Off Stripes. "1 would gladly take off my stripes was the state miht-of one of the staff nts of the ~ permanent staff to the Whig when asked if it was his intention po? ht for war. 1000 Tstands-Rochester. 88. CG leaves at 10.15 am. aspidn [inueend Friduy and Sunday, for | [hcueend -- at 5 pm. for formerly Duncan | their We are bound to elear out all the summer goods © in our ladies' ready-to-wear section. Note these offerings: Dresses of silk, em- broidered, cotton, &e. worth up to $10.00, for... $1.50 Waists of various ma- terials in new styles, for ......Half Price Trimmed Hats at heard of prices; beau- tiful models. for $1, $2 and :. . $2.50 Hat Shapes, al Ii new this BOOSOR. recur up fo $4. for .... Watch Our Windows! GEORGE MiLLS & 60. |" 1 Annie. Supatiors'sf Bie Ha n- - At Lake Ontario Park. There was a large attendance at Jake Ontario Park last evening. The programme was a "repetition of Mon- day evening's one and was well ' re- ceived. largaret 'Marlow made » great hit in her character songs and change of costume. The musica) Echards on their various musical in- str ts gave an exhibition won them murh favor. The trom- bone solo, "Asleep on the Deep." was a feature of their work and was ap-4§. the pictures / the scenes plauded. In in London were viewed with interest To-morrow night there will be a "change of programme, both vaudeville and pictures. Weather Notes. The pressure distribution over the continent is very much as it was yesterday except that the western low area ir a little further ~~ 'Lan it was. The weather is fine through- {out the dominion with a tendency], | towards lower temperature in the eastern provinces and - higher {em- | perature in Ontario and the eastern | provinces. | Great Clearing Sale, | Prevost, Brook' street, has a great assortment of coat end vest light weight for Sn wear. also a great assortment Bieth, forty-two vears old, drowned herself in a small lake north of Frbsville, near Berlin. "Film packs." that - Free Burning -- White Ash Ald, HEAT Delivered at the lowest price by caveiul carters. 8. ANGLIN & CO. COAL & WOOD YARDS Bay ne 8 velitaion Sta. ninety -- humidity everywhere. Hard time for COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS, SHIRTWAISTS, when they are not inundatsq right. Try this laundry-----defy | humid days and aveid burt to | your pride and pocket. j

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