Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Aug 1914, p. 5

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vw By Many Expert American Breedérs og and . Harrison Weir, F.R.H.S. The new popular edition of this most valuable Poultry Book is a thorough practical guide for Ama- teur, Fancier, Professional Breeder or General Farmer. 325 Illustrations. Pastage 20 20c extra. 141 Princess Street Price $1.50 THOS. LAMBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR We want to draw your attention to our splendid values in Blue Berges at $24.00, $26.00 and $28.00 a suit. These goods are all wool and fast colors. In Tweeds we have the new patterns in greys and browns, which we will sell cheap, We give personal attention to the trimming and making of all garments, and guarantee the fit and workmanship. We also have a large asosrtment of samples for suits from which we take made-to-measure orders. The prices are $15, $18 and $22. Suit or overcoat. THOMAS LAMBERT : Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street Men's Low Shoes We are going to clear out the remainder of our low shoes in Patent Leather, Tan Calf and and Gun Metal, sizes 6and 7. Regular $3.00, $3.50.% $400fr . $2.00 H. JENNINGS, King Street. »--> REMEMBER <«--==< That We Latest and Stock of Motor Supplies at PORRITT GARAGE CO., LTD. 210-14 Wellington St. Phone 454 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Carry the ' Most Up-to-date Twilight > * x . - Mrs. E. H. Pense was hostess atl a delightful bridge-tea at the Coun- try club' on Monday afternoon. There were four tables in play and the guests were Mrs. R. C. Carter, Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Maitland Han- naford, Mrs. F. O. willhofft, Mrs. dames Rigney, Mrs. R. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Miss Amy McGill, Miss Alleen Rogers, Miss Kathléen Saunders, Miss Mabel Richardson, Miss Florence Cunning- ham, Mist Mabel Dalton, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Bessie Smythe and Miss ker, (Ottawa), Mrs. L. W. Brig- stocke, Mrs. Arthur Evans, Mrs. Mellis Ferguson, (St. Thomas), Mrs. Stewart Sutherland, (New Glasgow), | Mrs. Hardy, (Toronto), Miss Emma Pense, Miss Marguerite Carr-Harris, | (Montreal), Miss Millie Ferris, and Miss Marion Redden. The tea-table was artistically arranged with pink poppies, was presided over by Mrs. F. Cuthbert Gummer, and Miss Ire- land. * Es . - - * A number of young people went over to a dance on Wolfe Island on Monday night. Mrs. W. A. Mitchell chaperoned the jolly party which in- ¢landed: Miss Dorothy Mitchell, { London), Miss Isabelle 'Wal, dron, Miss Olivia Bute, (Hous- ton), Miss Mary strange, Miss Mar- jorie Campbell and Messrs. Harold Brownfield, Herbert Steacv, Roger Stewart, Sherman Hill, Cochrane. (Toronto), Reginald Garrett and Leslie Smith . . A most at Lake ternoon for one of this enjovable pienie Ontario Park Monday af- Miss Beatrice Lambert, month's brides. Others present were Miss Jean Hay, Miss Olive Boyd (Ottawa), Miss Edith Chown, Miss Laura Nicolle, Miss Alda Nicolle, Miss Evelyn Crawford, Miss Marjorie McMahon, Miss Alma Price, Miss Mariorie Hopkirk and Miss Win niired Girdler * was given on ® * *® There will be a tea on Friday af- ternoon and a dance in the evening at the Yacht club . - * Frontenac street, tea hour Miss I'reda Burns. entertained informally at the on Taesday 3 * * * Miss Ruth Anglin, Earl street, has returned from Cressy, where she has been visiting Miss Mildred Hor- sev for the past month Mr. John Aird was in town from Toronto for the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Polson, Jr. Stewart street, are camping near Gananoque. Miss Edith Hague, University avenue, returned from Wolfe Island on Monday, where She has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Francis King Mr. Howard S. Asselstine, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is spending his bglidays in Boston, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Asselstine. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Asselstine and children, of Brooklyn, N. Y., after spending two weeks with Mrs, As- selstine's parents, on Alfred street, left this morning to spend the re- mainder of the season at Asbury park + x x» Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell and Master Jack Campbell, Emily streef, went to Rochester on Monday Miss Kathleen Ryan, Rockwood House, is at present camping at Loughborough Lake Mr. Hamilton Roberts left on Saturday for Halifax after spending the past two weeks in town Mrs. George Ellis, of Vancouver, is the guest of her sister, Miss Bol- | ger, Brock street. } Mrs. W Kirkpatrick and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Barrie street have returned from a month's vis at Rye Beach, N. H * . DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30, 40, 50, 60c. BLENDS For Sale At All Grocers Women's Patents and Gun Metal I" Pumps and Oxfords Regular $4.00, $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 Your Choice $1. ALLAN M. REID _H 1 Princem:S1, Kingston Mr. and Mrs. J. Carruthers, Oril- la, are guests of Mrs. J. Gaskin, Earl street Miss Elsie Saunders, of Ottawa, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. K. L. Saunders, Alice street, Lat- er this week she will go to the Rosebank to visit her brother, Mr. Gerald Saunders. Mrs. Dowling, of Montreal, is visiting her son, Mr. Reginald Dow- ling, and en pension at Mrs. Stev- enson's, Barrie street. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gillies have returned from Boston and Halifax, after an absence of thre weeks. Rev. 8. Sellery, of Napanee, who has been in Muskoka, is now the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Johnson street. . a e's & Miss 'Mabel Brownfield, Welling- ton street, spent the week-end with* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tandy on Wolfe Island. 4 Miss Mollie Sanders, Alice street, has returned from Ottawa where she has been visiting her sister, Miss Elsie Saunders. . o . + Miss Rose Rogers and Miss "Mary Strange are leavi ing, to-night, for Georgian Bay, to join a house party at the summer home of Mr, and Mrs. Kiddermaster, of Chicago. Mrs. Thomas Bowie and Miss Bar- bara Bowie, Earl street, returned home on Saturday, after a visit in Leaning. ton with Dr. and Mrs. James Reid. Miss Maude Goodman who has been visiting Mrs. Charles Taylor, Johnson street will leave for cago on Thursday. . » - Mr. and Mes, Sanford C: Calvin and Miss Lilla Callaghan. University ave- nue, returned from Lake George .on Tuesday Mrs. Jehn Fairlie, of Montreal, who is spending the summer with moth- , Mrs. W. B. Fullerton, in Gana- noque, will come to Kingston, to- morrow, to visit Rev. John and Mrs. Fairlie, Brock street for a short time. Mr. We F. Nickle, M.P., went to Ot tawa last night. Mr. Grant Carr-Harris arrived, on Monday, from nd, whers he took at in the shooting competition sat oy. Miss. Agnes Richardson, Univesity [cents om corn are" Sat- | while from = to will be the rule Vanna; Went un the Ridesu, on Mollie Cartwright, Mrs. Robert Bar-|"- Pr Mlonireal, who have Yorn rs, Gorge n's guests, on Albert street, returned home to-day. Mrs. George MeKay, King street, re- turn ed, .on Saturday, from Cdledonia Springs. Nie Mionie Crothers, Earl street, nd Mrs. R. H. Toye, Gore street, ar- Pived ili town, yesterday, from a trip abroad. Mrs. James Johnson, of alontreul, is the guest of Mrs. R. H. Toye, street. Mr. John Macdonald, Unjversity aves nue, returned, on' Saturday, from Van- couver, B.C., where he spent several weeks with his daughter, Mrs. W. 1. Millar, Mrs. Macdonald will remain with Mrs. Millar a few weeks longer before returning home. Gore Me. W. B. Madie, Oleres street, re- turned from Detroit, the end of last week, after visiting his mother, Mrs. Mudie. Miss Marguerite Carr-Harris, who has been visiting Professor and Mra. R.* Carr-Harris, left, on Tuesday, for Montreal. Professor and Mrs, Alfred S. Mitch- eil and son are in town, from Vir- ginia, for a few weeks, and are en pen- sion at Mrs Brooks', Earl street. Misses Robertson, of Perth, are at the "Avonmore," visiting their broth- er, Mr. J. K. Robertson, who is on Queen's staff. Mr. O'Connor, of Montreal, has been Mr. J. J. Steagy's guest this week. Bishop and Mrs., Lennox Mills, Bishopscourt, left, on Tuesday, for \ ancouver, to visit Bishop Mills' brother, Dr. Mills, "end Mra. Mills sister, Mrs. Drummond. Bishop Mills will also attend synod in Vancouver in September. * Ll LJ Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Craig, of Otta- wa, are visiting relatives at Cape Vincent, N. Y., and will spend next week in Kingston with Mr. and Mrs. /. G. Craig, Barrie street Miss Helen Duff, Princess street, left yesterday for Burlington to visit Colonel and Mrs. Logie. Miss Dorothy Chown has returned from Thousand Island Park, where she has been the guest of Judge and Mrs. Lavell. Mr. S. S. Scovill, of Ottawa, the week end in town. Mrs. Stewart and the Misses Sy- bil and Avis Stewart who have been vigiting Mrs. Thomas Power, Earl street, went up to Bath on Monday. Mr. Bert Folger, of Brooklyn, N.Y., is the guest of Miss Ireland at Wolfe Island spent % - - » Professor Doward~ and Norman Doward will go up to Toronto on Thursday. Miss Jean Duff, Princess street, has returned from visiting Miss Sib- bald, Hamilton, at Wolfe Island Dr. E. B. Ryckman and Miss Rick- man, Sydenham stréét, have réturned from La Tuque, Quebec. Misses Ethel and Lorraine Minnes were passengers on the S. S. Andan- ia which arrived in England early this week. » * - - Invitations have been issued day for the marriage of Miss Lillian Elizabeth Lambert, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mtss Thomas Lambert, Clergy street, to" Mr. Thomas: Clar- ence Chown, of Montreal, on Wed- nesday, August, 26th. IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of - Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. The steambarge John Randall {cleared for Smith's Falls with coal from Oswego. The steambarge Jeska cleared for Oswego to load coal. M. T. company's bulleign: -- Steamer Fairmount passed down this afternoon, with grain from Pert Colborne to Montreal; steamer Ad- vance will pass down tonight with grain from Port 'Colborne to Mont- real; tug Bggtlett will clear to-night with the barges Burma and Melrose, to load grain at Port Colborne; tug Mary cleared with oil barge, No. 41 from Prescott to Montreal. The steamer Fordonian is expect- cd on Wednesday. The steamers Canadian, an and Glenellah passed 1.00 p.m. Wednésday, The steamers Strgthcona and A I2. McKenstrey are expected to pass down to Montreal from the Welland anal. The steamer Cadillac is expected to pass down to Montreal on Wed- nesday. The steamer Reserve will zo into Kingston Shipbuilding company's drvdock. The barge Burms went aud to-day. The steamers Caspian and Toron- to passed down on Wednesday morn- ing A The steamer \Belleville passed down to Brockville from Toronto at 5.00 am. Wednesday. The steamer Rideau Queen clear- ed for Ottawa Wednesdav morning. The steamer Rideau King is due from Ottawa and will clear _for Clayton on Wednesday night. The steamer Aletha was from Picton on Wednesday The steamer Olcott is due Oswego on Wednesday. The steamers: City of Hamilton and City 'of Ottawa are due on Thursday. The steamer Tagona passed down to Montreal from the Welland canal at 11.25 p.m. Tuesday. The steamer Rosedale passed down to Montreal from the Welland canal at 3.00 a.m. Wednesday. The steamer Haddington is ex- pected to pass up to Erie with they cargo of pulpwood off the steamer Saskatoon, now jn drydock at Mon- Calgari- west at down from Chi~|{ real. THE STOCK EXCHANGES Are Liable To be Closed For Two Months. A local speculator how stocks were going. He gaid: "I don't know, They were given such a knock that it put the mar- ket to sleep. It has not recovered its breath yet, so it is impossible to say whether it will take the count or ge} back into the fight. It is the 'exchanges will be closed a couple of months and then put on a different basis. De- posits of 10 cents on wheat and 7 was asked I per eon to-| IAL ARGAINS One small lot women 1 nt strap slippers, Jose heels, sizes 21-2 to 51-2. This was a regu- lar $2.00 line. Now clearing at. - $1.25 $1.69 Only a few pairs now of women's tan pumps, tan Oxfords, tan Colon- ials, regular $4.00. Must go quickly at $1.69 One lot infants' white canvas™ button boots, sizes 4 to 7; regular 90c for 59c Abernethy's Shoe Store Straw Hats Reduced | 1.00 Straws, now ... $1.50 Straws, now .... | $2.00 Straws, now $2.50 Straws, now $3.00 Straws, now PANAMA HATS $4.00 Hats, now . | $5.00 Hats, now | $6.00 Hats, now. ....... $4.00 Bargains in all kinds of Sum- er Hats, ¢ Campbell Bros. rh | | | 4 | Best in Kingston " Pure Ice Cream & By Government Test SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House "HOT, i : Electric F ans. is it ? Well, why don't you buy one of our Lowest prices n the city. Halliday' s Electric Shop 845 KING ST. GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of "Retrige er: ators «nd Gas Stoves; also all kinds of new and gecond- hand furniture; all to be sold at reasonable prices. Come, sce the bargains. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1380 Opposite Craig's Wholesale READING OF BULLETINS CROWD AT WHIG OFFICE FOR THE WAR NEWS. BIG Quite a Demonstration When' it Was Announced That Germany Had Declared War Against Great Bri- tain--Seeking Latest Reports. Whig bul- watched Again last night the letin boards were eagerly a large crowd for war news. The crowd gathered early, and re- mained until the last bulletin was put up Kingstonians have been following the events from day to day, with a great deal of interest When the bulletin was posted announcing the fact that Germany had declared war against Britain, there was quite a demonstratjon I'he bulletin was read over and over again, at first and the people appeared to be stunned by the start ling news The crowd comprised a good many women, as well as men, and they talked about the serious situation just as much as the men. "It's a case of fight now all right," one man was heard to re mark and the news went around the city like wildfire. For a time one could hardly get close to the bul- letin board so great was the crowd "All night leng the Whig tdlephon- es were kept 'buzzing, as a result of the many inquiries made by the citi- zen Thout the war, There was great excitement on all the down-town streets all night. On Princess and King streets, large crowds assembled and as the news of the declaration of war spread ov- er the city the excitement increased. "God Save the King," and "Rule Britannia," were sung by the crowds a-senrbled on the streets. Early on Wednesday morning an- other big crowd gathered in front of the Whig bulletin boards and every despatch from the front was put op the boards as soon as. they were re- ceived and the public was given the best bulletin service ever uhdertak- én in Kingston. It was announced that the Whig would issue an extra, and ag soon 2s it was run off the press, it was eagerly sought by citizens. News boys who were on the job made : neat sum as jhe extra 30d like hot cakes, by BS iL On SH WHIG AUTOMOBILES, AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE Phone 1177 Rubber Tires for COarriages and Automobiles. George W. Boyd, VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Store front? is it inside? Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy! VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopalis made as good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. . It wears ~= SOLD by ~ Corbett's Hardware OFFICE OR HOME FU Roll of Flat Top Desks * Vertical letter fyling devices Saves labor and time in the office SECTIONAL BOOKCASES Increase your library by afding any size section JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phone 147. ~ BUILDERS! Have You Tried 1 GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? | ~ It Saves Time. The Sehing wenton' Wow at ite wight and they re ic 1 put your tackle and drop them & line--the fish. put you in first class shape, remem. outfit, or just some odds and ends to f you want "tock Tiods, Bimbo Hote, theo Losin ane Me Pion. Rods, and Reels

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