Sm YEAR 81 NO, 182 THE MAM memienes AGN eine -. WATCH. The German aluminum just spread over the dome of St, George's cathe- dral may lose {ts lustre when the "faderland" gets the licking in stor for it in this year of grace. After the honorable nations of Europe ..get through with' the kajser's realms, there will be no more German beer or sauerkraut. Perhaps it is the war scare more than Mayor Shaw's curfew bell that Is sending the "kids" home at night, the Lampman says. When the young sters have no fear of a "cop" they will hardly scare at a bell, Yes, let the old 14th be billeted in one of the barracks, says the Lamp- man. A patrol might be placed on Cataraqui bridge to prevent further breaking of the town's electric lamps on that harbor structure. If there are any masons in the regiment, the Lampman would put them in Fort Henr. and ret them at work in their gpare time repairing the crumbling walls. Some of the sleuths in the re- giment might 'be sent to round up any German spies hereahouts. Yes, there is 10ts of work right at home for the 14th The Lampman, noting that Mar ket Clerk McCammon's enthusiasm bas run so high as to want to shoul- der a rifle and go across the ocean to kill some Germans, recalls that in 1868, when the Fenian menace was at its height, William went to Corn- wall, and it was ever afterwards said that he was the only soldier who "shed blood." He was official butech- er, and killed the cattle for (he re giment's consumption. The German kaiser is as great a praying man as was that old hypo crite Kruger, the Boer president, whose petitions to the Divine availed him nothing when Kitchener and the * British got after him. So it will be with Wilhelm, the German prayerful despot. His empire will fade away when the British war fleets blows his battle ships to smithereens, and the French, English and Russians knock the tar out of his beer-drinkinx for- ces. How Wilhelm could have the au- dacity to offer prayer to the Almighty for the success of his forces in a war begotten of the devil, puzzies' the Lampman' In the story of "Armageddon," as told fii the book of Revelations, men- tion is made of "the beast and a false prophet" being cast into 'the take of fire, burning with brimstone. If the present European war is real- ly "Armageddon," then the Lamp- man thinks that the German kaiser must surely be 'the heast'" mention- ed in that scripture story Just think of {t----the Christian na- | ness tions of the earth starting in on a throat-cutting war on the Lord's day. "The better the day the better the deed." must have occured to the mind of the kaiser, who has started in on such an unrighteous war---a war of greed. There was a similar man nam- ed Napoleon, who saw his finish in the year 1815, and the Lampman would really be sorry that several months have to elapse before 1915 will be reached to make the exact of Napoleon and his modern mae, who was due long ago for an insane asylum : THE TOWN WATCHMAN DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot yeach the diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure deafness wnd that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is eaused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the E tochian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed yon have a rumbling sound or fmperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the {nflamation can be tak- en out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de troyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which i» noth ¢ng but an inflamed condition of t mucous surfaces We will give One Fundred for any case of Deafmess (caused b catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. ¥. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O by Druggiet's, 75¢ ais Amy Pills for ronstl- Dollars hv Sopd Take pation. Isn't Mutt a FOOD UNABLE TO PURCHASE Many Walk the Streets With Pockets Fv] of Notes London, Aug Many Aweri- cans have asked for "help to obtain food and lodging. There were num- erous pathetic case¢ of people with gold certificates in their pockets walking the streets all night, hun- gry. The rate of exchange for Am- erican bills is now exorbitant E. H. Gary, chairman of the Relief Commitiee in } stated that at least 20.000 Americans were in nee, of transportation and that with Pred sani accomodations it would take six months to move them JOHN CLAFLIN General Figure in United States Mercantile Afair. COPYRIGHT THO John Claflin, the head of the great New York dry goods establishment the parent of a string of merchan tlc houses in mary cities, wh) is the central figure in possibly the gieat est merchantile failure in the his- tory of the counity, is a Brooklyn- born magnate who inherited the hig enterprise from his father, H. 8B Clafiin John Claflin 8 64 veats old, has travelled all around 'the 'go to Toronto on Sunday be Bailp a -- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATUKDAY, AUGUST 8, 1914 ---- ------ = | | f Told In Twilight Continued Prom Page Two Miss lillian Mundell was gv § Inb, ost, Migs Jean MeErcher, of g and Miss Luln Woods-White Atlanta, Ga, Mrs W. " Dl tapl covers were ad for whe ja visiting tz ten, the ot Jean. Duff, Miss "Boris Kent; Miss Cwenneth Rogers som, Miss Waldron, nov Phelan, and Miss Ma: Miss Miss Elea \ Merrie \ number girls who motored Magton's Point to were Miss Florrie Stewart, thy Chown, Miss Frada Muizie Pwier, Miss Elma liad Miss Lillie Murray. Miss Mokrcher (Famisley), Miss Helen jow, Miss Ann Minnes, Miss [leans Minnes and Miss Murgaret" Murray 0 Miss Doro Burns, Wood (Oril Jear lg who hgs been vis Wiss Jessie Smith King stro iting Mrs. NK. L. Jones, is now with her mother, Mrs Smith, at "The Resi Mrs. (0. Russel been Mrs Henry zi® on Karl street, and had hope fo go on to the west and visit hrother Kart and Rryer Tandy wad called home by cable on We nesday and sailed from New Yor yesterday morning hy the S Piul Mis, E her little . dence." row ne k who has Ss siree garet Mr. F accom Pense, Gore Ma H daughter C, Ireland, Alice street will- Pense short v Mrs. E. J. B Wednesday from a tnavilla, N. Y Thursday Miss (Gertrude Angped on and on her way street, re Muskoka spent come time with Mrs, well, Torontq returned on Strange, k hone » Miss Lulu Woods-White arrived town from Atlania, Georgia, " W. G. Mylks, William street Mrs. W. H Macnee who have Metis for a month terday Mrs. Noel down home been came a yes Mac Kent, Miss Alice nee, Miss Lilian Kent and world and crossed the South Amer! ean continent, has been president of the H. B. Claflin company twenty- four years, is an independent re- publican, has been frustee of the New York Life Insurance company and resigned the presidency af the United Dry Goods companies and the | Associated Merchants company as | #pon as his financial troubles, with liabilities running into the thirty] willions and $44,000,000 of nomi-' nal assets, cuolminated In the break are involved his $10,000,006 personal fortune Claflin is a fine type of successful business man the victim of over expansion of busi- and inability to get quick ample credit. He is now devoting his entire time to readjustment of affairs of his concern. The remark- able feature is the fact thar the great concern's troubles have not precipitated more than ripple in the husiness world a SUMMER SEHOQL SUCCESS. About One-Tenth of Provir Attendance. Toronto, \ug I'he summer schools for Ontario teachers have once more proved a successful experiment this year they opened July lst at Lovdon, Ottawa, Guelph and Toronto, and closed yesterday, with an attend ance of more than 900 teachers, or, if the teachers at the model schools nm the northern districts and at the iuelph conference on rural school pra blems be included, an attendance of about one-tenth of the teachers of the provinee f I'he chief explanation of the cose of the summer school is the pro- fessional epirit of Ontario teacher« Fhey are anxious to improve their dtatus and thus render better service to the province Other explanations are found in the conditions surround- ing the summer schools All summer schools are free to teachers, and in some cases. even travelling expenses are paid re Teach- ars in sue Blanche Kent motored up to Wel lingion on Thursday. Mrs. Kent wil go to Consecon to visit Mr. and Mrs Ci ude Kent and the others will main at Wellington for some time, Mrs. Douglas Hammond home from Brockville on Thursday where she has been visiting her par euts, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kohl. Mr. Hugh Macdonnell of Toron to, is the guest of his parents, Mr and Mrs, G. M. Macdonnell, fity avenue . 16 Mr. H. B. R. ¢ from Windsor, last holidays with Mrs guest of Mrs. George Fen avenue Amy aig arrived night, t Crag in town 0 is the kK. Univer sity Miss MeGill will return te Mac time Mrs ater "spending some with parents, Uolonel and Mctiill, Gore street. Miss Emiiy Collins Bay, ( Vincent boat Mrs. A. P tirtle Miss Margaret camo Montreal, to-day, and are g Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, Bagot street Miss Blanche Hughes, of Charlotte town, I.E.l., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Murphy, Svdenham street Misses Georgia' and Sophia Conway I nion have leit to spenc iwo or three weeks nt Orchard Beach [ake Simcoe. Miss Fannie Jes ing her aunt, Mrs ! Pembroke street Misses Brinck and delphia, are visiting Mrs ton, King her ire the N.Y iH from came and left wr Clinton, Christmas in ny abe Mr. and up the of Montreal \ Visit Davidson Sutton, of Felix Johns street Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Gallagher, to. Dr. Theodore Howell Ottawa. The wedding will place very quietly on August twenty-fifth at Harrowsmith Major and Mrs. W. A tak th | Very Particular Cass ' : © GEE PRETYY CCASSY THIS FOUR BIT Cite AR A GLY Gave mE, Thi GO SMOKE \T (a; FRONT OF muTrY. Hewe ge Some JEALOUS ( QUICK, EFF THRow ! THAT ClLAR Away { QUICK THROW TT { ON THE ELoOf | | | db hostess at a. delightiul luticheon at the Coun- on Kidday, in honor of her Pais of At the prettily arranged-{ Fats, er present heing' Wiss Mabel Richard. 5 Isabelle I multitude. to of work and high cost of living. hineh on 'Thursday Miss I i uxton | Cunningham's her ! ane will { ny from Fane S¢- Wednesday and is the guest of Mrs. Macnee and Miss Nova | Miss came Univar- » spend his donald. College, Montreal, on Monday, Sydenham pats Phila- Hur rowsmith, Ontario, announce the en- gegement of their daughter, Myrtle, Leggett» of Simson, William street, returned from Peta- wawa on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. OC. Strange, Barrie street, left this week for Chicago to | it Mr. and Mrs. Schofield * | Colonel L. R. Carleton, of the Roy- jal Military eollege, has returned if FINANCIAL MATTERS ENORMOUS SHRINKAGE IN HOME SECURITY VALUE. vi Pee dedeeded rom Victoria, B. C. Mrs, Alan gPalmer and her chil dren of Ottawa, are spending the | summer at Kennebunk Beach, Mai | { : { ro 1 Thirty-Eight Canadiin Stocks Show | Depreciation of Over Three Hun- dred Million Dollass Since the Top of the Boom in 1912, . Montreal, -Aug. ¥.~ Fhe Financial Times has compiled she . fol wing table of 'thirty-eight Tepresentative Canadian stocks whieh 'have Shown in exch case a decline in market valuation approximating 25 peg cent and ever since fhe culmination of the great boom at the end of 1812. It has been necessary, in order to faci litate the comparison, ~to consider the depreciation on the basis of the outstanding capital stock obtaining at the end of the 1912 period. About &iX months ago the Financial Times showed that from December, 1913, to December, 1913, 98 securities had an aggregate market decline 'of neo 1 than $150,000,000. Needless to say, the decline has since gone much further { The table prepared. shows 28 of! the worst sufferers on the Canadian | markets The aggregate market' hrinkage since December, 1912, | amounts to §301,500,000. The total | market value of these 28 securities | in 1912 was $822,000,000, compared with the present market value of 500,000 The decline, there-! amounts to over 37 per cent, in / 2 period of 12 months | If we consider the whole list of unlisted and Msted bonds and stocks the total shrinkage must be in the neighiborhogd of $350,000,000. That this i§ an argument in favor of the investment purchase vof stocks goes without "saying, it indicates a drastic depreciation which can have relationship to the intrinsic value the slaughtered securities COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS, [who Speaks of Plague of Army Worms and Suffragettes. A--A plague of 'afmi¥ 'worms, sufiragettes devastating ng . } musk- the {1and. B-Black bread, too, | tening the in this | should be possible that country want C--Can it reat growing [ever be felt," | D--Depression intensified by dearth [2 Eulias' regime 06f of the blissful Kind "--Fostering all sorts of stress and strain, \ oi Liasping governmant must 1 id full share of present state of | faioh s H--Hell fire | What Evangelist } cribes l~innocence J-- lingling accompaniment good tind Peter stone deaf. h Maru's men to to the shores of {sanges provided they were {plenty to eat en route, and some will say' these. people are {civilized. { Love of sausage seems the great tmoral trait the blunt. kaiser _e irritable on the breakfast most less bear of Christians is Joneg pres cool 'Bob"' for Inferno. of" guineas without works or of will St onsent Romagata go back given vel not of his Lord's off and does as even does not feel, a0 he of bologna Nemesis, om this >» work in the Caillaux O--0On principal all are equal before the law, but in practice the rich and | mighty seem ever to have a double chance. Behold Thaw and Carson, {too Had they been plain offenders they would Lave heen stung up long ago | P--Peace of the world hanging by a | thread. What a responsibility on the man who will set the torch afive ! (Q--uenchless thirst for power and | aggrandizement the source of many lan unwarvantahle aggression. | R--Really too bad that, a lady law wanted to make a motion, account of her | Receivers For Coal Company. Pittsburg, Aung 7 D L. Kuhn ind the Fidelity Title and Trust con any of Pittsburg were named recei "ers for the Pittsburg and Westmore and Coal company. The action, it vas stated, was déemed advisable in rder that the company might refund t note issue of $900,000, which will e due August Ist. The company ha « capital of $2,000,000 and bonds to he amount of $5,000,000. New Factory. Hamilton, Aug. 7 Hamilton will oon have new boot and shoe ma wfacturing company plant. The Am rican Footwear company has writ an to Ottawa for a charter, and re sresentatives have been for the past ew days inspecting the city for ay ite, It js estimated that the company vil employ 100 hands; 70 girls and # men. The cost will be over 300. distance, did ) case ) 1 1 ! who a {could not | wn being too tight | S--Snap and sparkle of some pens makes their work very captivating | I'~The anti-noise movement should | find favor with all classes of the do so on 1 { community. ! U--Undeniahle that this frantic | and whistling and bell | ringing the harbor and elsewhere 3 night is anything but helpful bor per repose, ! Variety in this case cannot Hed the spice of life | W--With little good will joi the cacophony would be suppressec | | soreeching For Years Without Break. York, Aug. 7 Previous to thé last time the New Yori Exchange did not open on ccount of financial crisis was on aturday, May 11, 1901 The ex aange did not open that day in or to allow brokers to recover from panic of May 9 The exchange was closed from 11 'clock on for the rest of the day n Sept. 30, 1873, because of the gold anie in a to New »-day, tock \ be a much i vithout endangering the service X--Xerting oneself towards the good all should be encouraged. V-=Yes, it neighbor and friend ? er 0 he shows the good citizen ZACCHEUS New Sugar Refinery. The British Col- Refining company has 060 building en the wroperty in Regina's town plannedin ustrial distriet, sold to them hy the ity that the terms of the greement have been completed, ransfer bas been duly issued by the Mty gina, Aug. 7 rabia Suga rected a $ Now The Annual Report. Montreal, Aug. ort of the Montreal Tramways com- any for the fiscal year shows gross 'arnings of $7,142,804, an increase if $388,677 over the preceding year ind the largest in the history of the ompany. Net income available for Hvidends amounted to $726,836, 'qual ro approximately 29 per cent., m the $2,548,580 common stock out- tanding at the end of the year. Af- er payment of dividends at the rate )f 10 pey cent., per annum and pro- viding $275,000 for reserves and writing off $82,236 against discount on honds previously sold, a balance of $137,543 was carried forward. To- tal surplus now stands at $539,174. THERE Je mony in. 1 @ from, you should be 2 careful to only those most suited to your position. Upon request we shall be pleased to suggest suit, able investments for you. A. H. Martens & Co. Members Tareato Steck Exchange e e x ' NCW THAT YOURE LOMIED TO SMOoWE IN HOTEL LOBBY, GEE you MIGHT HAVE GOT ARRESTED YO TOL NO THIS A IEE. Gow THAT rf You " i The annual re-. fd "-- OH MY YES | Lin HERE BUT --~ vitish Whig STAND ANK OF €EANADA HEAD OFFIca TORONTO --e "KINGSTON BRANCH, ee eee oat, We Sa THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Paid Up $11,560,000 Reserve Funds 13,575,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS A safe and economical method i Cons ol remitting SMALL amouats, . eT tc, Hoe, 1b¢. i d. atany Bask--in USA _ ~ d Ireland at over 500 pointe - E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. AVINGS deposited in this bank daw the highest current rate of imtercat. Withdrawals of past or the whole amount may be made when ever desired withint deg. $5 aud unde $5, not ex Over $10, not exceelin Over $30, yot p Payable without charge in Canals '¢ at ull priucnual cities--aud ia Great Dritain ar KINGSTON BRANCH, a Nf AAA Se Pr a ODD LOTS You ean invest £100 or more at 6J-2% in good gafe Stocks and Bonds. Jonds and Stocks » and gradually pay them up, in full. You can make part pdyment on bought through us Buy when prices are low whieh comes and profit by the advance when conditions improve, F. B. McCURDY & CO. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange. 86-88 Brock : Street, Kingston. A AAA AAA A AAA At AA AAA tear An Investment We Can Guarantee You may put every dollar of your surplus funds into our "Guaranteed Investment." It is one of the safest in the Dominion, and pays a good interest retum. Each investor's capital 1s secured by a first morigage or mortgages, ear-marked and set aside as his personal security. Besides the mortgage, we give theCorporation's guarantee of principal snd iaterest, Nothing safer, nothing better. We accept sums of $500 and upward, for this form of investment Write us if you are interested t ECC AAA ee Same THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION ESTABLISHED 1882 CAPITAL $1,500,000.00 RESERVE $1,500,000 00 ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION $63,055,883.07 Nead Office, Bay and Melinda Sts, Toronto. Branches, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon a Xe a ey a ra Eee NE I! Zbar'slce Cream Parlor Our ice cream is made pure cream. We deliver promptly parts of the clty. All seasona.'e fruits. to 4 | | | | | }» | Phone 1128, 280 Princess St, CANT SMOKE