wa CT RETR age THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, - SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1014. LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to cure. At all Druggists or direct from 25¢. a box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto ld [eg L om tO Net Net es NEW YORK FRUIT STORE Fresh L daily Watermetons and all season. able fruits Sweet Oranges, 20¢, 25¢, RUC mani GUC BGO. Samsun 314 Princess St. Phode1405 Royal Visit James, the outstanding feature Roval Banquet" at Buckingham J0¢, and those privileged to be present torie plate of Windsor Castle, During the recent visit of the King and Queen of Denmark to the Court of St was ihe but one bad tooth will really jeel as Palace, and at this mest interesting function ihe two features that impressed the visitors the wonderful gold plate comprising not only the dorhestic service of Buckingham Palace, but also the magnificent and his Next to this was the magnificent lace ' worn by persons of high rank, and it is | interesting to note that in point of value the Gold Service sank into insignificance, { It is common to say in gold," but let us not forget t 4 | Mary is possessed of lacy thar | is w | reigns, 'and to note that at the | Queen Elizabeth this priceless [sold for but a few shillings a yard During recent 'years the Ladies' Suits We are now showing the lat- est fall styles and costnmes, Now is the time to leave | your order and have your suit made before the fall rush. Ashby the Tailor |} Phone 1518 lace seven centuries has been noted for product lace is afforded Ww ingham and-made 1 may obtair story of the 76 Brock St. ! . - . ace tog th descriptions and pr these ¢ les made by applying to Olney, Bucks, \rmstrong England Modern : Equipment Our Hams, Nacons, Cooked Mengs, Sausage, Le, are handled with all the P care and attention demanded by mod- ern sanitary ideals. Inspect the ments in our sllient salesman refrigerator |° counter, and let ux Belp you with your | hot weather menu problems. | Fresh Fruits and Tomatoes arriving iy. THE lished Annually) ear of goods Besi BAGE'S BUSY STORE = 254 Montreal St. Phone 549. EXPORT MERCHANTS . ik 3 ! : ' Marke Contractors, Attention! i . AA es PHONE A 1473 § I Yipr -------- PROVINCIA TRADYF NOTICES Get Frices From David Marshall Gaslliting winufactore Mag ipal pr lal un Plumbiog, and Tinsmiik Work, ompt attention and able rotes guaranteed. | p ton will ressom. 3 ¥ h Pp ' "ipt te A ANA ag 101 Queen Btrest {THE LONDON DIRECTORY €©a., msn 1 1 1 \ A A A i mm --n - ashsas a 00 0000 0 0 0. 0. 00. 0 0 0A 0 50 0 0 8 0 'WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA Ontario's Popular Exhibition September 11th To 19th, 1914 Increased Prize List Magnificent Programme of - Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily. New Fireworks Every Nighi. Come : ad See Experimental Farm Exhibit Royal Pmgoons, The Con. T. Kennedy Shows will till the Midway Music by the best available Bands. Reduced Railway Rates Commencing Sept. 11th Special Excursion Days, Sept. 13th, 16th, 17th ull September 21st The Dominion and The Canadian SECRETARY 1. M. HUNT, Secretary. ALL INFORMATION FROM THI J. REID, President. Buckingh tl tickets good " Worth its weight t Que rth | forty-seven times its weight in solid gold sove- » was of lace has taken a new lease of life and foremost. among the British Lace makers are those of Buckinghamshire, which for this Opportunity to secure the genuine Buck- by | Vorkers Associa- tage Mrs, Kitt NA MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS ~---- Men's Low Shoes We are going to clear tout the remainder of our low shoes in Patent Leather, Tan Calf and and Gun Metal, sizes Gand 7. mn H. JENNINGS, King Street. Banat ae ER WER Vises vevve eV * | { | { manufacture | i hanrts, | tow -------- Many a fellow is so slow stick fast All things are possible, except mak ing a bill smaller by filing it away Irrespective of the high cost of liv- ing, 'even the shower will send um- breflae up. never coin of Fven the richesi people are satisfied unlessithey have the vantage, * : It's the little things that annoy us big as an secre Nothing But Trouble. Collisions often come on land, At sen they are not rare, And now we have, vou understand, Collisions in the aii The march of progress keeps its way And mortals at it gape, It only brings us grief, I say, Disguised in some new shape Kansas City Journal Rich Comfort. "Bud, can you help me out? I've bean sick fo: weeks, my family is very much in need and 1 have no work in immediate prospect." "Go ope yow' calamity howler ! You're mil suffering irom a lepression."'-- Denver psy chological News "re, Accent On The Wiley--1 wonder why $ ing tired of each other Hubby--1 haven't an idea Wile Y es thst is may be Expectancy. Old Man--""What Sonny--'Snigs."' Sonny-~"'Snigs."' Old Man--"What Sonny--"'1 don't caught any Herald are you fishing are snigs ?"' know; I ain't never vet." -- Birmingham Age Q. E. D. 'Willie,"" said the teacher, 'give me #hree proofs that: the .world is actual ly round." "Yes'm," 'the book man nal cheerfully; and Jour- Wiliie, You sav so, Home said says so, says s0."'-- Ladies' On Vacatin. not much in her praise,' 'Trots and tangoes every night," 'There's such malice in her gave |' "Lily Brown isisuch a fright !" {All the Smith girls have no taste' 'Billy Wright thinks he can sing.' lones' diamonds look like paste," "She's forever quarreling." 'There's | "The De Veres are e're at'strife !' { i | i | | | | mn' the } { able { i {that uaz: } } | ! | | Cincinnati 1 'Looks as if she paints her face," Wonder why he left his wife," "Tommy Lane is a disgrace !" "She is just a trifle fast," "Always asking for a loan!" "Oh! her hair is not her own!" 'I could tell you of her past." Envoy. Women's charter, you'll infer, Td your notice here I bring; But a group of men they were, n the country gossiping ! Nathan M. Levy in Judge Useful In A Way. summer board Corntos few Farmer "Shall + this veas sel "I don't immer vay in know," replied his wife boarders are %ind of in the they do mosquitoes away" 'from the kitchen around to the front porch." Washington Sta: Take Notice. specialist claims to: make "hair grow on a bald bead by rubbing it frequently with a Furk¥sh' towel Tt ia barely possible off the towel hag given him \ oungstown \ Boston ialse ' enfouragement felegram. . Paw Didn't Know. Wiilie--Paw, "He one " Paw- Yes, megon. Willie--Ther--how mon / Paw are a man and his many was Solo- You go to bed, young man. Enquirer Gathered From A Bush. "Why do you spenk of a gathered dress *"' 'It is an old term handed down the ages. Eve wore the first one." --Kan- as City Jeurnal -------- "There are very few rich doctors," wes a writer in one. of the medical journals, Algo, the country is over mn with poor ones. \ woman's tongue is her weapon-- vet few women are arrested for carry- ing concealed weapons. The reason is obvious ! + What could have heen cured has too often foolishly Leen endured. help some in draw- | to be | Inew ZEALAND CAN TEACH (8S HOW TO SAVE BABIES. ---- 1 Has the World's Lowest Infant Death Rate--Result of Health Mis- sion Among Mothers, Start- Seven Years Ago. Lessons on the keeping alive o: the nation's babies can be learned by the whole worla from New Zealand, in the opinion oi Miss Julia C. Lathrop, chief of the Children's Bureau at Washington, New Zealand has an infant mor- tality rate which is lower than that of apy other country and which is but half the size of the estimateq American rate. The small rate in the islands is largely due to the ac tivities of the Neéw Zealand Society jfor the Health of Women and Chil- {dren, an organization upon whicu | Miss Lathrop has recently 1irans imitted a report to secretary of labor | Wilson, { «Mrs. Goodwin explains that the | New Zealand Society for the Healtn of Wonlen and Children was found {ed in .1907, for the purpose of ex tending a health mission among mothers which had been started b, Dr. F. Truby King, medical superin- | tendent of a hospital at Dunedin, one of the chief cities of the islands. Al though the infant death rate of the {country was even then one of the | most favorable in the world, it was felt that it was too high. In the comparison of cities, it i { shown (hit Dunedin had a rate (for 1912) of 3.8, while New York in the ame year had 10.5. Other figures, all for 19146, are: New Haven, 10.5; | Washington, 15.2; Boston, 12,6; Buf- (falo, 16.2; Syracuse, 18; Philadel phia, 13.8; , 13; Providénce 114.4; St. Lou ; Newark, 12.4: ! Milwaukee, 14,5; Cincinnati, Seattle, & Las Angeles, 9.7; Spo- kane, 12.9; Detroit, 17.9; and India ynapolis, { The functions of these. | First----to upheld the sacredness of | the body and the duty of health; t¢ i inculcate a lofty view of the respon- sibility of maternity and the duty oi every mother to fit herself for the perfect fulfillment of the natural calls of motherhood: Second---to acquire aceurate in formation and knowledge on matters affecting the health of wo men and children, and to dissemin such knowledge through the agency af its members, nurses, and other agencies Third To employ trained and qualified nurses, whose duty it will be to give ound, re liable instruction, advice, and as sistahce gratis to any member of the community desiring such ser- vices on matters affecting the health and well-being of women, es- pecially during pregnancy and while nursing Infants, and on matters af fecting the health and well-being of { children, and also to endeavor to educate and help parents and others in a practical way in domestic hy giene in general---all these things being donp with a view to conser ving the Nealth and strength of the rising generation and rendering both mother and offspring bardy, heal thy, and resistiya. to disease. Fourth-- To promote legislative re form in matters pertaining to the health of women and children Fifth ----To co-operatd¢ with any present or future organizations loregoing or cognote objects. The society further defines its aims as follows. The soclety is less concerned in re ducing the death rate than in im proving the health of the people. As @ health society, we are more inter ested in firmly establishing the al- round fitness of the 24,000 or 25,000 annual new arrivals who will live than we are _in reducing the poten- tial deaths from 2,000 to 1,000 The society has eight branches four in the north island and four in the south. Seventy local committees hive heen organized in townships where there are enough women in terested to make this possible Lombardy Locals, Lombardy, Apg. B,--Miss L. R {Rabb has béen spending the past two weeks with friends on Ridean Lake. Miss V, Cauley is visiting friends in Brockville, Rev. and Mrs. Hurford are in Kingston for a week The | many friends' of Mre. H. N. Covell will be pleased to know that she is | making good progress towards re- g¢overy from her recent accidemt. Mrs B. Breen, Sudbury, who spont the | past month here, has returned home. iJ. Jacklin, Lansing, Mich. spent a few days here \with his parents, Mr. (and Mrs. 8. Jacklin Miss M. Cos- | grove, Ogdensburg, N. Y., was a vis- {itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F Jordan soviely are the i ate especially | { Falling: Hair and ~~ liching Scalp Use Parisian Sage--It Quickly . Re- moves Dandroff-- Your Head Feels Fine. Now that Parisizn' Sage tific préparation t wand scalp need can be had at zny drug or toilet countor, it is certainly needless to bave thin, brittle, matted, stringy or faded hair. No matter how unsightly the hair, how badly it 1s «lling, or how mueca dandruff, just spend a few minutes each day for a week and rub a little Parisian Sage ta the scalp and through the hair. All 'dandruli is removed with one ap- plication, the hair roots are nour- ished and ~timulated to Erow new hair, itching scalp and falling hair Ceases---yo bead feels fine. Best ot all, the hair becomes soft, fluffy, abundant and radiant with life and beauty. Parisien Sege is ous of the most pleasant, | vigorating and refresh- ing hai* ronica. No cheap, perfumery odor-n., disagreeable concoctions-- but Ya daiotily perfumed + tea-eolored liquid that proves its goodness the first. time it is used. You will be surprised and delighted with Parisian Sage. Try at least one fifty-cent bottle. J. B. Mcleod will refund the purchase price if you are not satisfied. Look for the trade mark--"The Girl With the Auburn' Hair"--it's 'on every package--aceept no other. fl scien- supplies hair DOINGS IN STAGELAND | NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES. "The Belle of New York" Again Re- ceived With Favor in London-- Edna May Attended The Opening Performance, | "Under Cover" will begin its chi-| Cago engagement Sept. 6th. Ada Lewis is 10 appear in the east of "The Dancing Duchess.' "The Misleading Lady" will begin & tour of the country in early Sep- tember, Paul Armstrong has written a new four-aet play called "The Heart of a Thief." William Collier is to appear in a musical comedy version of "Love Among the Lions." "Joseph and His Brethren", wil open iis season in Chicago the Tatter part of August. s g Louise Meyers is to be stirred inal musical comedy which F Ziegfiéld, Jr., will produce in October. : Raymond Hitchcock will begin his secont season in "The Beauty Shop" at Atlantic City on August 10th. Isabelle Evesson has been engaged by Henry W Savage for the part of Truth in Xhe morality play, "Every- woman." Q Mme. Trentini will probably ap- pear in the fall in a new musical comedy from Vienna called "Polish Blooa." H Gerald Du Maurier, the manager, is to produce a with Ethel Levy. the actress, in the leading role. It Pays to Advertise," a comedy by Rio CooperMogrue and Walter Hackett, is 10 be presented at the Candler Theatre, New York, in Sep- tember One of London new play American the new dramas of the coming season will be "Conse- quences," a satire on the intermar- riage of Jew and Gentile | Bruce McRae is to have the fea- ture part in "Newly Married," the Edgar Selwyn farce which will tour the principal cities this coming gea- son. British royalty is reading "Potash and Perlmutter." A copy of the book was ordered for the library of Bueck- ingham palace, following a surprise visit paid by the Prince of Wales to the Queen's theatre, where the play is being produced. The report from London further states that the young prince had no trouble in catching the American slang, and that he roared with laughter throughout the play. Gaby Deslys, Harry Pilcer, her dancing partner, Max Linder, a Paris motion picture star, and four others were nearly drowned, when a land- ing stage at Varenne-St. Hilaire, France, where M. Linder has a villa, collapsed as they were about to enter a boat Lawrence D'Orsay has been engag- ed as stock star of the Avenue Thea- tre| Stock company in Vancouver, B C., to open on August 3. The open- ing play will be "The Earl of Paw tucket." which will be followed by live other plays with which Mr. D'- Orsay has been identified, making his engagement gix and possibly Let "Sunlight" Dispel the Gloom YHE shadow of a Llue | Monday ddes not fall across the path of those who use Sunligh" Soap. For this soap cu, labor in half. And the nightmare of clothes being "rubbed to shreds" disappears when, you learn the gentle Sun. light way. Sunlight Soapis as pure as sunlight itself. A $5,000 guarantee sayz you cannot find a single adult- erant or hopurity in this cake' of concentrated cleanliness Sunlight 5c Soap Sold by all grocers. 12 eight weeks. The figure paid is said to be $1,000 weekly George M. Cohan is going to sur- prise his legion of admirers by en- gaging in an entirely new branch of playwriting. Begining next summer at the Astor Theatre, Mr, Cohan will annually contribute a review in the nature of 'satire on political, social, and current events, with reviews of the successful plays of the preceding year Billy Baxter, old-time minsterel, who had played in nearly all of the; leading minstrel companies of Ame- rica, and who had appeared before the royalty of Europe with his banjo, died at a hospital in Chicago. He was born in Cincinnati in 1861. A few years ago he retired from the stage, and since then had made his home at the Press club in Chicago Volmoeller"s spectacular play, "The Miracle," with music by Engle- bert Humperdinck, is to be produc- Poisonous Matches In less than two years it will be unlawful to buy or to use poisonous white phosphorus matches Everybody should begin to use EDDY'S NON-POISONOUS "Sesquin Matches" And thus ensure safety in the home. iL ed at Madison Square Garden, Dec- ember 4th. Maria Karmi will appear in the leading part. It is to be pi sented in this country on the same elaborate scale that it was given at the Olympia in 'Bondon in 1911, Eugene Brieux's celebrated play, "La Robe Rouge," will be produced by Messrs. Klaw and Erlanger Jext) season under the title of 'The Judges Robe." The play antedates Brieux's topical plays and deals with the un- just admiration of the law The theme is expressed by one of the characters who says, "Justice is free, but it costs a lot to get it." An: action brought against David Warfield by Patrick Hickey, a mech- ani¢c, who sought to recover $5,000 for damages alleged to have been re- ceived when he was run down by Mr. Warfield's antomobile, was dismissed by Justice Blackmar in the supreme coart in Brooklyn. A warm welcome has been acéord- ed the revival of "The Belle of New York" in London. Miss Edna May is no longer in her familiar part, but slie was there on the opening night to welcome her successor. It is six- teen vears since the melody of the piece began to arrest the Londoner's attention and since the corher boys began to hum, waisys: d ont such airs as "Follow On' and "When We are Married," but their populari- ty is undimmed, . Byron Chandler, known along} Broadway as "the Millionaire Kid," must pay his wife, Grace LaRue, $50 a week alimony, according to a de- cision of Justice Weeks of the sup- reme court. Miss La Rue is suing for a separation, and applied to the court for alimony, making the statement that her' husband had net supported her since he is alleged to have ohon-| doned her. Mr. Chandier opposed the application on the ground that his wife is earning more than $12,500 a year and is not in need of financial assistance. pouty Nora Bayes, divorced wife of Jack Norwich, is very ill in Paris, Accord- ing to Miss Bayes' doctors, there is no hope for her recovery. The come- dienne last appeared a few weeks ago in the London empire reyue, An innocent looking bang jh peels often the first step to a (MNynward career, NI tri Many ey Doctors Eat wh