! BH 0: } f ==4/THE CHURCH PULPITS JUST OUT TO-DAY The Greatest Book by the Greatest Author of the. Present Day HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S NEW NOVEL A Real Love Story The Eyes of the World Is a delightfully ripping romance with more than 400. pages of wholesome action, plot, counter-plot, mystery and love, sweet senti- holon strong passions. HM holds the reader strenuous with inter- est from staht to finish--it is. wholesome. Its underlying purpose is a powerful blow at existing evils in art and literature. Its Style, coloring. conception and fancies are its real ¢harm and admirably fit the theme of the book, making it more romantic than anything the author has done. Sales Nearing One Million Copies. Price $1.25. Postage 10c extra. R. UGLOW & £0. 41. Princess Street THOS. LAMBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR We want to draw your attention to our splendid values in Blue Borges at $24.00, $26.00 and $28.00 a suit. These goods are all wool and fast colors. In Tweeds we have the new patterns in greys and browns, which we will sell-Gheap. We give personal attention to the trimming and making of all garments, and guarantee the fit and workmanship. We also have a large asosrtment of samples for su'ts from which we take made-to-measure orders. The prices are $15, $18 and $22. Suit or overcoat. . THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor, 157 Princess Street 9 room house, new; all improvements, $3,- 000.00. Easy terms. - W. H. Godwin & Son. Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance For Sale | | BUILDERS! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time. P. WALSH ES-BY Barraes trem kill more flies than $8.00 worth of any sticky fly killer, Refuse substitutes, which are mest "unsatisfactory, DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA BLACK, 30, 40, For Sale At All Grocers EN OR MIXED , 60c. BLENDS ee Patents and Gun Metal Pumps and Oxfords Regular $4.00, $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 Your Choice $1.99 TN ALLAN M. REID "111 Princess-S1., i 8] sino ! | THE THE MINISTERS WHO WILL PREACH ON SUNDAY. Announcements Made By the Various Denominations As to Their Ser- vices--Sermon Topics and Musical Selections, St. Luke's church--The pastor will preach morning, and eveging. 10 a. subject, "lhe Fifth. Chapter of Reve lations"; 7 p.m., "The Present War." St. George s cathedral-S a.m., holy communion; Il am., Rev. R. W. Spencer, Camden Last; H p.m., baptism; 7 p.m. preacher, R. W. | Campbell | Queen Street Methodist church--Rev, | G. I. Campbeil, B.D., pastor. 10 a.m. brotherhood amd class meeting; 11 am. Rev, J. EE. Lidstone; 7 p.m., G. LE. Minas. St. Paul"s--Morning Prayer, 11 o'- | clock. Preacher, Prof. Mitchell, M:A. | Evening Prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Rev. Archdeacon Dobbs. St. Andrew s church--Rev. =. J. A Compton, B.D., minister Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. United services : for month of August in St. Andrew's. Rev. M. Macgillivray will officiate. Brock Street. Methodist church, cor ner of Brock and Montreal streets Pastor, Rew. Johu Webster: rector oi residence, DAILY BRITISH 242 Johnson Street. 10 a.m., Sunda school and Bible classes; 11 preacher, the pastor; Miss Davies. 7 p.m. preacher, the pastor Wednesday, » p.n., midweek service; solo, Miss Davies All welcome, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington Streets--Sunday service, 11 a.m.; subject, "Spiri." Wednes dday evening, testimonial meeting. Public reading-room, same address, solo, day 3 to 5 o'clock ally invited to the services and the reading-room. A --Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor preach "morning and evening. Bjble school in bright, brief session at 2.45 pn. Class meeting 9.45 a.m Epworth league on Monday at 8 p.m Prayer and praise service Wednesday, 8 p.m A cordial we come to all. Morning solé by Reacn ab Tandy. Evening solo by Miss Florence Valleau. First Baptist church--Rev. Doug- las Laing, pastor. in worship with the First Congrega- tional church during July and Aug- ust. 11 a.m. united service First Congregational church. school at 2.45 p.m 7 p.m. service in the First Rev. Mr. McQuaig both services. invited to all the services. Bethel Congregational church will Rev. A. P. Mershon, pastor. ing worship at 11 a.m. Rev Short will preach. at 7 pm. Mr. Shaw will be the speaker Sunday school at... 12.15 p.m. The Christian Endeavor will unite with ,the regular church prayer meeting on Wednesday at 8 P.m. Special music. All welcome. First Congregational church--Rev. E. LeRoy Rice, B.A., pastor. This church joins in worship with the First Baptist church during July and August. 11 a.m? united service in the First Congreglitional church Sunday school at the close of morning service. 7 p.m. united vice in the First Baptist church, Rev. Mr. McQuaig will preach at both services. Strangers invited to all the services Union Street Baptist church--The people's church home.--Rev. ¢ \ Lowes, minister; residence, "Victory Heights," Mack street The pastor has returned from "his vacation and will deliver a special message Sunday jevemng on "Signs of the Times." Vis tors in the city are extended a cor dial invitation to visit thd church, also the hospitable home - of vant at "Victory Heights.' "Ii the outlook is not good, try the up-look Princess Street Methodist church, {corner Princess and Albert streets Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor Service to-morrow, [1 and 7 p.m Preach er 11 a.m., the pastor, "An Linperish able Influence; preacher 7 p.m., the { pastor, "They That Wait Sandal {school and Bible class, 2.45 p.m. Evans, of Toronto, a delegate to the World's Sunday School Convention at Zurich, will give the school a brief re- port of the convention Union Ep worth League and prayer meeting on Monday, 3 p.m Everybody cordially invited to attend these services Morn- W. K its ser a.m INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. i Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Our Busy Reporters. | "Week-end sweets." Gibson's Allover aprons, 50¢. Dutton's, William Swaine. piano tuner. Orders received at McAulev's. Phone 564 The executive of the S.S AAA. meets this evening for the purpose of dealing with the Bethel-St. George's protest. Hose, black and tan, two pairs 250. Dutton's, Sydenbam street. "30c. Beei, Iron and Wine." don's. Dripping water from the stand- pipes where the watering carts load- is ngw a daily sight. The water damages the roads. H. Cunningham, piano tuger, 21 King street. FKeave orders" at Me Auley's book store. Men's $1.50 overalls, $1. Dution's: "Week-end sweets." Gibson's. Gib am. , } Ftherington, held on Friday evening. | The olticers elected ave : PNrs. H. A open every afternoon, except Sun- | > All are cordi- | Sydenham Street Methodist churelr | SW This church joins | in tue | Bible | united | Baptist church. | officiate at | Strangers cordially ; Corner Johnson and Barrie streets. | Evening worship | cordially { will promptly" eure these troubles ii solutely { lets ve AN INCIDENT OF 1866. SR Firing of Cannons as Warning of Fenians Coming. he ringing of St. Andrew's chim- es oe Bo night for the report that British were victorious in the North Sea incited an oid resident to tell this story to the Whig: 'Along about '66 the city was all excite- ment, just as it is now, waiting for something to happen. The Fenians | were reported to be invading Can- ada all along the border. In front of the city build'ngs was what was known as the "market guard. There was~a wall that has since been torn down, about where the G. T. R. track now is.. There were eight big cannons that had been loaded in case of emergency, peeping through the wall. Two citizens, supposed to he one Craig and the other Fergus- on by names, by means of wires in the dead quiet of night fired off the cannons. They went off one after the other and every one rushed down tn see the Fenians. This was perhaps the best practical joke ever played in Kingston, although the people who came down expecting the Fenians could not appreciate it as such < LA DI ES OF KINGSTON Will Prepare Surgical Supplies For the War. There was a meeting of an emer rency committee under the auspices of Ambulance Associa- secretary, Dr. FV. John's through the the St. tion, Mrs, Iva Mar- tin, president: Miss E. Macdonell, 28 Sydenham street, treasurer; Miss M Redden, secretary. 'The committee is Papet, Mrs. H. R. Daf, Ross, Mrs. J. B. Mowat, Miss | Mowat. Mrs. Giles, Mya. lower, Mrs. H. Macpherson, Miss F. (Cunningham, Miss Norton-Taylor, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Miss Miss Ll. Kirkpatrick, Misses H Hague. Lhis committee provide surgical Mrs. A. E. Sawyer, and 'E was organized to supplies for --the wounded in the war and donations mn this good case are requested. Please end them to Miss Macdonell, the cretary REAL EST! BUSINESS Affected in Kingston by the War. "Business is practically a prominent real estate man to the Whig on Friday aiternoon "And it is all due to the added. "People are so over the war that they will not talk business, lot alone put through a deal ALL this we has been hard to do busi ve main in the Has Been dead said war," he worked up ck it , amd it state Any 13 likely the w is until over Price Of Shoes Advance. "The price of shoes will advance at { least twenty-five cent." This is the statement made to a Whig repre about the effect of the on the shoe trade. A notice has been sent out that the sole leather used in the making of shoes has advanced twelve cents g pound in the last twen- ty-four hours. per sentative war Complaints Killed Ones. Summer Little during the little sign of illness give the At first hot weather ones | Baby's Own Tablets or in a few hours | he may be bevend aid. The Tablets will prevent summer complaint if giv n occasionally to the well child and they come on suddenly Babv's Own where there are voung children. There iv no other medicine $0 good and the mother has the guarantee of a ernment analyst that they are ab safe. Mrs. Edward Covell, Lombardy, Ont., mother who has once used Babv's Own Tab for her children will fail to show her gratitude for them gov- says: "A never I'abléts should be kept in every home WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1914. ~~ 3 SPECIAL BARGAINS $1.25 One small lot women's patent strap slippers, low heels, sizes 21-2 to 51-2. This was a regu- lar $2.00 line. Now clearing at $1.25 $1.69 Only a few pairs now of women's tan pumps, tan Oxfords, tan Colon- ials, regular $4.00. Must go quickly at $1.69 One lot infants' white canvas button ' boots, sizes 4 to 7; regular 90c for 59c Abernethy's Shoe Store STRAW HATS | MUST 60 | i y All $3, $2.50, $2 Straw | Hats now 4 > All $1.50, $1, 75¢, 50c | { Pp | Straw and Crash Hats : now 1 2 PRICE | Panama Hats at great: ly reduced prices Campbell Bros. | t The Big - Dealers in Men's Hats siven In Macdonald Park By the R.C.H.A. Band. A great crowd gathered in Mac- lonald park on Friday night to hear programme of patriotic music by he R. C. H. A. band, which is aome from Petawawa camp, and ieady for active service. It was a ielightfully warm night, and the ower hill and water scenes were omething to be remembered. The iillside was a mass of sitting hu- wanity. They made a wonderful change in the health of my little The are sold by ones." a box from The Co., Brockvi 25¢. Medicine Lake Ontario Park Programme, The management of Lake Ontario Park has secured for Monday ev-| first class vaudeville performances | There will' be a triple bill and | much amusement wiil be afforded. The principal artists will be Hall and Hassen singing, whistling and Jango dancing And Dixie Tay- lor, singing and acrobatic dancing. | These performers will be assisted by Charles B. Harrison, an expert pian- ist There will also be some 3,000 feet of new moving pictures So that the patrons of the park will be well provided with amusement, Early Morning Excursion 1000 Islands. Kingston, Alexandria Bay, steamer Wolfe Islander. (The second Wednes | day in August, 12th 'inst.,) Leave | Wolfe and Garden Jslands 7.30 a.m. | Kingston 8 a.m. Calling at Halliday's Brakey's Bay, Gananoque 1030 am Stopping one - hour at Alevéndria Bay, N.Y. Fare only 30c for round tip. Gananoque 335¢. Refreshments on hoard. Home for late tea. Taken To Cleveland. Alexander Sharpe has returned to the city after his trip to Rochester. What is the harbor master doing about the whistling nuisance in the harbor during the nights? Jt 'is quite exasperating at times to the weary and stek. "Double strength fiy paper." son 3. Few white canvas hoots leit men or women, £1. Dutton's, enham street. "High class sweets." (ihson's. Friday night at 11.15 o'clock sparks from a rubbish heap flew ov- er the jail and some person had be- lieved that the jail was on fire. Capt. WH. Stratford, of Brock street fire hall inves . Vests, two for 25c." black sateen un derskirts, 50c. Dutton's, x , 2c. and 350c. bottles. Gibson's Lieut.-Col " Tames Galloway, To- ronte, formerly of Kingston, has a long article in the Toronto Telegram Gib- for Syd- NI Y."%o locate Wis brother, John, Who suddenly disappeared. The latter, sui- fering a lapse of memory as the re sult of a recent sunstroke, was found sixty-five miles from Rochester. He is now at the home of his mother, in Cleveland. ~ ° on "The War of To-day," in which he deals with the subject in a very interesting manner, , Fab- | medicine dealers or | | | "Rule Britannia," | | cent. Major. Fi I'ne grand patriotic overture of ational airs of the British empire tirred the assemblage, while the antasia introducing the national nthems of all nations ending with brought forth the enthusiasm! By request, his selection was repeated at the lose of the programme. The Bel- {an national anthem elicited mark- d applause as the public appreciate he great valor displayed by the Bel- glans in holding back the German aorde of invaders at Liege. Rogan's grand military tattoo was he concluding number of the. pro gramme, and the playing the even- ing hymn, "Abide Wtih Me," and he sounding of "The Last Post," Were very impressive. Lieut.-Light the bandmaster ~Treatest i he selected, so fitting in this ime, and ,upon the increased ex- It ellence of his band, which would |i ¢ a credit to tiny British regulars. THE BANK RATE. t; -- | | ihe Raising and Lowering of It Was | Unusual. The raising and lowering of the 'ank rate recently was unusual. Just before the declarations of war here was a scramble in the marbet 'or gold, and to keep it at home the "nglish rate was raised to tem per Such a rate not only stopped exportation of gold, but tied up the loose or current coin. In England there was no paper money under the five pound notes. With the dis- appearance of change, there was a real money stringency. Change 'old not be made. With war the foreign nations could not get gold at any price. The government then rendered the bank raté at 6 per cent. and issued emergency currency at £1. s10 for tank issue and post office orders for fractional currency. The price of wheat and of British consuls will tell the tale of war as it happens | t and a lowering * the bank rate be- |s 'ow 6 per cent. will not likely be made until success is assured. Recruiting For 5th Battery. Recruits for the 5th Field Battery, C.F.A., will report at 7.30 p.m. every day at-the Armouries. E. C. Barrett, "30c. Beef, Iron and Wine." 8. : CURED ;: {common looking re. new life to faded unattractive hair eived praise for the fine .programme | Sageine feeds the hair root with the war | necessary food for promoting a heal- corps of [not a dye and is | greasy. | costs only 50c. and Mr. W. W. Gibson gives hig personal guarantee to re- 'Street to be recovered? .| worst piece of walk Pecple have to. walk on small sharp stones i Pure Ice Cream ll Best in Kingston By Government Test VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a' Bath-room? Is it a Store front? 1s it inside? « Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopal is made as good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. It wears ~= SOLD bY ~ Corbett's Hardware Send for full particulars o TRENCH'S REMEDY ipllepsy and Fits ' SUCCess 1,000 in one year Trench's Remedies, Limited, 111 St. James Chambers, Toronto WONDERFUL HAR Clean and free from dandruff and possessing all the radiance of perfect | hair. This is just what ng scalp, dandruff, coarse, hair Sageine is hy growth. Sageine is the daint- est tonic you could wish for. It is not sticky or A large shaker-top bottle und the money if You are not en- irely satisfied. Be sure to go to W, W. Gibson's drug store as other i stores cannot supply you. Clearing Sale Trimmed hats and shapes reduced to almost half price. Mounts, flowers and feathers on sale at special prices. MISS HAMILTON Opposite Y.M.C.A. Phone 1267 The pulmotor purchased by the City Council, i&¢ now in charge of he firemen, who will be given in- tructions in its use next week by the president of the Canadian San- ax company, Toronto, which manu- factured it. Children's Dution's, Is the asphalt walk on Barrie It is the in the city, shogs cheap. Sydenham street. "Fresh seidlitz powders." Gibson's, + " a 1 ree Book giving FITS the world famous cure for © Simple treatment 25 lestimonials from al parts of the world. Over Sageine | means to those who suffer with jtch- dry or | SAKELL'S, Next To Oper House OFFICE OR HOME FURNITURE Roll of Flat Top Desks ™ Verticai letter fyling devices Saves labor and time in the office SECTIONAL BOOKCASES Increase your library by adding any size. section JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKRE, Phone 147. GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of Refriger- ators «nd Gas Stoves; also all kinds of new and second-hand furniture; all to Le sold at reasonable prices. Come, sce the bargains. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1550 Opposite Craig's Wholesale 20% Discount Off All suits, blue serge, brown and grey worsted, all latest designs and best workman ship. Sizes for 34 to 42, Big reduction in all Oxford shoes of all kinds and this year's styles; ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. "HOLD YOU UP" in Prices We are Plumbers who have mastered vur profession, who do only superfor work, who charge but fair, Liicable' prices 5. 5 4 for the work we You Can Trust Us Implicitly! Try DAVID HAL 66 B one wavnte Te Standard Potiomne Dutton's. 5