JUST OUT TO.DAY <Q The Greatest Book by the Greatest Author of the resent Day HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S NEW NOVEL A Real Love Story The Eyes of the World Is a delightfully ripping romance with more than 400 pages of wholesome action, plot, counter-plot, mystery and love, sweet genti- ment and strong passions. It holds the reader strenuous with inter- est from staht to finish~--it is wholesome. Its underlying purpose is a& powerful blow at existing evils in art and literature. Its style, coloring, conception and fancies are its real charm and admirably fit the theme of the book, making it more romantic than anything the author has done. * Sales Nearing One Million Copies. Price $1.25. Postage 10c extras R. UGLOW & CO. 14] Princess - Street THOS. LAMBERT, We want to draw your attention to our splendid values in Blue Berges at $24.00, $26.00 and $28.00 a suit. These goods are all wool and fast colors. In Tweeds we have the new patterns in greys and browns, which we will gell cheap. We give personal attention to the trimming and making of all garments, and guarantee the fit and workmanship... We also have a large asosrtment of samples for si'ts from which we take made-to-measure orders. The prices are $156, $18 and $22. Suit or overcoat. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Btreet BARGAINS TO COLLECT MONEY FOR CAN. ADA'S HOSPITAL SHIP. Next Saturday Set Apart--The Citi- zens Are Asked to Contribute Lib- erally to the Fund. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Daughters of the Empire and willing helpds was held on Monday évening in the city council chamber for the purpose of making arrange ments for the raising of funds to provide and equip a hospital ship for Canada during the war. The meet- Ing was presided over by Mayor Shaw Miss Mowat explained that it wag proposed to hold a tag day on Sa- turday. and a properly organized committee of workers was chosen to look after afiairs. " Mrs. W. G. Jordan intimated it would be a good scheme ii some parties would look after the crowd who attend the baseball match at the cricket field. She asserted that "to these games people from the utter most parts of the earth attend."" Mrs. Jordan [and a couple others volun- teered to take charge at this point. Their idea that if those who ai tend. the matches can attend the matches can spare money jor a tag at the baseball game they will surely jhelp along this good cause by con tributing towards furnishing a hospi tal ship for the use of Canadian sol diers, who will be fighting abroad Mrs. K. Carr-Harris suggested that it would be a good scheme if the tar- mers' wives and other ladies furnished homemade socks. These articles would be largely in demand and wonderfully aid the soldier boys during the war During the early part of the evening addresses were given by W. F. Nickle, M.P., and Dr. A. E." Ross, M.P.P. The former gave a stirring patriotic ad dress and appealed all to render the best af aid to the good cause. He claimed that this was not going to be a war of only a few wee Mr. Nickle also asserted that the life going to be tre that is to months loss of 1s but of | LAST OF THE SENIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL BASEBALL SERIES. R. 8. Waldron to Enter Motor Boat Races at Alexandvia Bay Next Week: - The tina! game of the senior 8.8.4 cricket fild this evening, commencing at six o'clock (weather permitting), when St. Luke's and St George's are to meet. 'The gamé promises to be one of the best exhibitions of ball that has been witnessed in some time as both teams are evenly matched the game will start sharp on time and any players who are not on the job will cripple their team. R. S. Waldron's Challenge. © KR. S. Waldron, of this city, has en- tered the St. Lawrence River Yacht Uiub races for the $500 cup trophy, which are to be run off at Alexandria Bay, commencing August 15th, and continuing on the 17th and 15th the following weck. Mr. Waldron's vacht is. the hiota HN and promises to do well, as it is quite speedy. This cup is donated by Col. 0, G. Staples, of Washington, who is proprietor of the Thousand island house. Accidents to Dr. Harty's Boats. 'Dr. J. J. Harty is having bad luck with his speed boats. On Sunday, while down the river, between Alex- andria Bay and Clayton, he had the misfortnoe to twist off his propellor shaft; + Farlier in the season he had trouble with his launch, Mutt Jr. and the .D.Q, IV. He has now abandon xl the latter speeder and will partie pate more freely with the Mutt J The PDQ. IV was only tried our by Dr. Harty, who has po intention of purchasing il LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. | | Writer Wants Change In School System. 10.--(To the County I'weed, Aug. Will you kindly allow Editor) : me space in mendous. and to lessen it, good hos pital facilities are required Dr. Ross laid bare the chief facts about the hospital service during the time of war He gave examples irom In Electric Fixtures During ~~ August Halliday's Electric Shop 845 KING ST. the Boer war and how the good hos pital services were appreciated then I'hé meeting singing the national anthem closed by St. John's Ambulance Meeting. The west end branch oi the emer gency committee of the St. John's Ambulance Association héld a meeting on Monday evening "at the home ot Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, with Mrs. Iva Martin presiding lhe work was ex plained to the new members, it being that providing bandages, winter caps and needles and thread for ng. Lhe Joeal committee. will the loeal troops first of [ew equip BUILDERS! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time. P. WALSH For Sale 9 room house, new; all improvements, $3 - | 000.00. Easy terms, * W. H. Godwin & Son. Brock St, Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance & 1 >> REMEMBER «<< That We. Carry the Latest and Most Up-to-date Stock of . Motor Supplies at : hone 454 | Un Wednesday in the biological building at Queén's, the first will be done The committee has now $100 in their fund Donations should be sent to the secretary. All ladies in the city are requested to be present on Wednesday to help with the sew ing and the other preparations. work COMES BACK TO KINGSTON. Absence of Years. After An Fifty-Three A Whig reporter had the pleasure of meeting a Kingstonian who has been away the city lifty-three This person was J. G, Craw who now is retired in Oswego N.Y. When he lef the city he was only fourteen years oi age and the appearance his old town caused him much bewilderment when he look- ed out of the window of an hotel on I'uesday morning Lhe old wall towe, along the water front was no longer there, and other important changes had, of course, been made At the time Mr. Crawford left the city there was no UC. IMR GTR. station in the city, and was necessary to drive by horse and buggy to the out station to make train connections Fearing that he would be lost while apon his Tuesday morning, Mr. Urawiord took one of 'the cards bearing the name of hotel which he was stopping. He several well-known Kingstonians whom he was acquainted, including R H. Toye and Dr. M. Sullivan RAIN SHOULD HELP A LITTLE. from for years ford, ol nor it er travels the m named PORRITT GARAGE CO., LTD. 210-14 Wellington St. P AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30, 40, 50, 60c. BLENDS For Sale At All Grocers \ ~ bY Patents and Gun Metal Pumps and Oxfords Regular $4.00, $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 Your Choice $1.99 Aen Z In Extinguishing the Bush Fires in the Back Coantr +. The rain of Tuesday mor g should {help to reduce the bush fires that have { been doing damage in North Fron- Jtenac. Thousands of acres of Iand have been damaged by the fires of the past week, and many buildings were in. danger of being 'consumed. Ip Hinchinbrook and Bediord, the most damage was done. Portland and Loughboro aise suffered much damage to timber. In lLoughboro the fire burned itsell' out near Fel lake. Shib- ley's swamp, near Harrowsmith, was destroyed Ibe swamp timber of John McCormick, mear Yarker, also fel a prey to the flames There. is a scarcity of water all through the county. Wells have gone dry, and cattle have to be driven long distances to streams \ Died At Wolfe Island. There passed peacefully away at his home, Wolie Island, on August ' 6th, Alexander Grant, in his seventy-third year. He is survived hy three dangh- ters, two sons and one brother, all of Wolie Island. His wife predeceased him td the grave fourteen years a 0. The deceased had been in poor health for sine time and hore his long ill Beas with great fortitude. He was uiet and retiring in his disposition. he faneral services were conducted LY Rev. Mr. Morrison, of v- terian church. The, remains will he interred in the family plot, Wolfe Is land cemetery. To Attend Wedding. Mrs. J. A. Gardiner, University ave- fue, has left jor Toronto to attend the marriage of her son, Dr. J. Nellis j| Gardiner, to Miss Lillian Dale, which (there will return home to Winni- occurs on Wednesday, in Toronto. . H. Graham and : peg, who have been visiting | . E. Jones, left to-day for | Montreal, and after some days' visit family, of with § the is your; valuable paper to plead cause of the country people. It high time some person was strongly } complaining regarding school nan agement. To my mind (and hun | dreds and hundreds join me) gene val change in school management | needed. Inspectors seem to be lack- {ing in many respecis. If they can i not have their own Way as to is going to teach this school, that or spme other school, well often the school is left for | 2 considerable time without a teach er And, again, in' many cases when the wspector is alowed 'by the to supply the school with what is 'the result ? In out ten, 'one is sent who needs, ves, and sadly needs, to be taught instead of trying to teach others Now where do we stand in the world to-day without an education ? And it is therefore most discouraging to paremts who are anxious and en deavoring to give their children a good start in life, afd keeping them at school da¥b¥ dag: and yet know- ing right well the very person to whom they are sending their child ren to be instructed is\ not qualified to do so. 'Ah, no, in many cases the child is almost as far advanced (in at least many of the subjects) and sides those teachers de not endeavor to improve themselves by studying and preparing their work over night Surely we have come to an which demands steps to be taken fc rectify this state of afiairs And again, to my mind, the examiners are in many cases unjust. Why ? Well to use an university slang expression, it is hardly fair to pluck a child, which 0 often is done for a few marks, pecially if that child has entrance before. The world is crving out, and right ly erving out, "Fducation, education," and yet this is the very thing that puts a damper on the country child ren. Yon as much aware as T am how easily you can discourage an a who school, then very trustees a teacher, nine cases of i he- tried the are h . i L.A. baseball series is slated for the 3 SPECIAL BARGAINS $1.25 One small lot women's patent strap slippers, low heels, sizes 21-2 to 51-2. This was a regu- lar $2.00 line. Now clearing at $1.25 $1.69 Only a few pairs now of women's tan pumps, tan Oxfords, tan Colon- ials, regular $4.00. Must 0 quickly at $1.69 One lot infants' white canvas ' button boots, sizes 4 to 7; regular 90c for 9c Abernethy's Shoe. Store STRAW HATS MUST G0 All $3, $2.46 32 Straw Hats now 11 $1.50, $1, J5c, 50c traw an Orish Hats | now 2 PRICE Panama Hats at great. ly reduced prices Colle ow a Campbell Bros. The Big Dealers in Men's Hats -------------- ee 'AS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock Ot Refriger- tors wnd Gas Stoves; also all kids of ew and second-hand furniture; all to e sold at reasonable prices. Come. see the bargains. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. 'hone 1580 Opposite Craig's Wholeaale AT LAKE TARIO PARK. \ Good Vaudeville Programme Given This Week. There was a good attendance at «ake Ontario Park last evening be triple vaudeville bill was the 'ature of the programme.. Trixy aylor, who possesses a very strik- 1% personality and whose costumes re very striking, gave Carrie lills' feature, 'Across the Mason nd Dixon Line," and "Come Kiss our Little Girl," and concluded by iving some startling acrobatic country child and yet itis done agair and again in this very thing I don't believe there is one child in a country schaol, if the school ha the prop#: kind of a teacher. but would certainly © pass the entrance fairly easy on trying the second time and 1 think the examiner ought to take this into consideration in case of a few ' marks and give them a chance to take the high school work. And, again, to my mind, it the teacher who needs to be plucked if the child fails the second time The time has come when the coun- try people mast wake up and unlese the Board of Fducation makes = genvral change in school management Forbid an unqualified teacher to teach the school in their locality Right is right--and wrong is no man's right, and without a doubt children have been wronged and will be wronged unless something is done to change the state of affairs evist- ing in country schools.--FAIR PLAY Horse Without Food. On Monday aiternoon Police stable Samuel Arniel was called up- on to shoot a horse which was being allowed to starve on RBarriefield com- mons. The horse, which was with- out an owner, was allowed to jeed wherever it liked. © As the grass' on Rarviefield is alt 'burned off it was impossible for the animal to get anything to eat. Con- a Mill Work To Increase. that has this Cotton A report from Montreal says the Domision Textile company recéived "several large orders week 'and will Start to work ong a hasis of ninety per cgnt. of capality. The are working ons a, basis of fifty | Der cent. at present. The local man- ager 'has received ne motice from his head office vet. Fire Still Bumning. The fire in the piled of tan bark at Davis' tannety is still burning, and is likely to burn fcr some days. On Moaday .\ evening the wind made the fire very brisk. Thrée of the mem- bers of the fire dep t were at the tannery" property i night, ancing, which won her vigorous ap- lause, Mall and Hassen are capable en- ertainers They sang '"'Celabration /ay in Tennessee," "I Love. the adies," "Isle D'Amour," 'Love Vhile the Loving Is Good," Anoth- r feature of their part was the riple thrill whistling, whicn was the he perfect imitation of several irds. They also engaged in tango nd novelty dancing which 'was very nteresting and won for tnem lod pplause They were ably accom- «anied by Roy Darrison, an expert vianist, The new pictures were: o 'Fool Uncle", "Wanted a ar, (a newspaper comedy), Hr Side Show Sweetheart." {esday ome cent day on cars qatinee 3.30 p.m. 'Tryine Burg- and Wed- and IN MARINE CIRCLES. "he Steamer Collins Is Ashore at Salme# Point. The steamer Collins, of Toronto, »aded with coal for the Canadian Ocomotive company, went ashore at jalmon Point on Saturday night and 3 still aground. The steamer St. ieorge, owned by the same company vhich has 'been unloading coal at he wharf at the Portsmouth peni- entiary left on Monday evening to he siene of the wreck to release he steamer. It is not at al like- y that the steamer has suffered any lamage as a result of the accident. The steamer Thousand Islander 'rought a large number of excursi- mists from Ogdensburg on Monday. The steamer Corunna passed up to he Welland canal from Montreal it 2.20 a.m. Tuesday. The launches Gdienne, of . Clay- on and Idle Hour, of Herkimer, N.Y, cleared from Swift's wharf 'or Alexandria Bay on Monday. The steamer Kingston passed lown on Tuesday morning. rom Picton on Tuesday. Con. Dupne and Dr. A. G. Sel, of 'he Canadian Ordance Corps, left Quebec on the noon train Monday. "New nail brushes," at (Gibson's. Master William Ada, Cape Vinp- The stéamer Aletha passed down | Pure Ice Cream Best in Kingston By Government Test SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House With the "Rooster" on It. (s erowing louder as he s along i 46c. per pound. For chewing aud smokin . AT A. MACLEAN'S, Outarie Stréet. treal, & Cornwall, Ont. Head Office DO NOT RENT. WHY NOT BUY? Solid brick house, eight electric and gas lights, hot! heating, all modern newly erected, . $2,700,00. terms, . THE KINGSTON BUILD ERS' SUPPLY CO. 2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building Stomach Troubles Due to Acidity SO SAYS EMINENT SPECIALIST So-called stomach troubles, such as in- digestion, wind, stomach-ache are in probably 9 cases out of 10 simply evi- dence that fermentation is place in the food contents of stomach, "causing the formation gas and acids. Wind distends sive feeling sometimes known lining of entirely delicate trouble lies Such inflames the stomach, The the fermenting food tion is unnatural and rected To stop or prevent neutralize the acid, harmles to bland and ach and render it spoonful-of bisura ably rector of acid stomach known sho ing, or whenever wind or acidity is felt This stops the fermentation, and neu- tralizes the acidity in a few moments Fermentation, wind and acidity are dan. gerous and unnecessary Stop or pre- vent them by the use of a proper ant. acid, such as bisurated magnesia, which can be obtained from any drug- gist and thus enable the stomach to dc its work properly without being hin- dered bv 'poisonous gas and dangerous acids. --M. F. P, C0] BINDING ALL KINDS n THE BRITISH WHIG n KINGSTON, ONT. A A A SAI RANI, | A Sing le Application : hishes Every Hair (The Modern Beauty) Here is how any woman can eas- ily and quickly remove objectionable hairy growths without possible in- juny to the skin: Make a paste with some powdered delatone and water, apply to hairy surface and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone, This is a painless. inexpensive method and ex- cepting where the growth is unus- ually thick, a single application is enough. You should, however, be careful to get genuine delatone. Duty comes before pleasure. If cent, N. V., is visiting Edwin Ada, Deacon street, ' you don't believe it look in the die rooms, water, improvements, Easy taking the of the stomach, and causes that full, oppres- ns heartburn, while the acid irritates and the in fermenta- acid formation Is not only unnatural, but may involve most serious consequences if not cor- fermenta- tion of the food contents of the stom- and a tea- ted magnesia, prob. the best and most effective. cor- be taken in a quarter of a glass of hot or cold water Immediately after eat- CHINA CLOSETS AND DINNER WAGGONS REID QUALITY REID LOW: PRICES JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDEMNTAKER Phone 147. AUTOMOBILES AND CARBIAGRS DR HIRE Phone 1177 Rubber Tires for Carriages' and Automobiles, " George W. Boyd, Notice From now on all shines Be, Eleven years in Kingston, We're here to stuy. We'll give You a 10¢ shine for Se. : Pappas Bros. Two parlors, 90 and 200 Prin. We are Plumbers mastered pur profession, only su er work, e * but r, equitable priges for the work we do. tionary, 9 on