Rv week by Mrs Yr PAGE TEN COUNTRYSIDE TIDINGS wear' wHiG "CORESPONDENTS | HAVE TO TELL | i { News From Villages and Farnis | Throughout the Adjoining ous | ties----HRural Fventa, and Move menia of the People. : An Event At Arden. i quarterly | Arden, Aug 8. The official board of the Methodist church | met in the church on Monday, Aug. | Ist at two o'clock. The different | appointments were represented show.' mg very satisfactory results Af ter the business of the board was finished the members repalced to the parsonage wherd a miptuoys ted was provided by the fa ies. Mrs. William McGregor read an address of welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Hall who have lately come, the former as pastor of the Arden mission. ' Maberly Matters. Maberly, Aug. A number from here will go to Sharbot Lake for the picnic on the 12th of August The pastures are very dry and rain i8 much needed. Mrs. Kehoe, return- ed to Montreal ou Friday. Elijah Bichanan, is spending a few days at John Buchanan's. Arthur Charlton apent a few days al Thomas Charl ton's Mrs. Peters and family have come to visit friends in Maberly. Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. M. G. Croz- fer and Miss Eva Flaherty all leave for Winnipeg, on Tuesday. Mrs. L. Moore and family leave for Hailey- bury on Tuesday and Mrs. J. Buch- apan has returned after visiting friends al Sharbot Lake. r 16.~ Florida Notes. Florida, Aug. B8.---Rain is very much in this locality as tures and crops are drying up. Georgina Ferguson, Kingston, Miss Anna Thompson, were the guests of Mrs. W. L. Storms a few days last week. Miss Bell, of Kingston, is visiting at J Davey's., Mr. Jeffrey and sister, Bertha, of Hardington, spent Friday evening at J. E. Peter's Ww. ' Storms has purchased a fine horse for which he paidia very fancy price. The most of the wells of this locality arg dry. Visitors Ww Clark and family,' of Havelock, at E. Martin's; M. Martin, Yarker, B. Redden's: Mrs. Garrison, of ker, at H. Carroll's. needed pas Miss and of Inverary, Vera at Yar Notes From Wilbur. Wilbur, Aug. 9---C. H. Ballard beld prayer meeting here on Thurs- day evening. Mrs. J. Moreau wisited her daught« Mrs. A. Burton, Brae- side last w.ek. Miss Minerva Rich- ardson, Kingston, is visiting her grandmother here. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Boyd, and children, Lavant, spent the week-end at W. C. Boyd's. Miss! Mary Thomas spent Saturday witls Miss Jessie Jackson. Miss Mary Mor- cau, and Alexander Smith, Roches- ter, N, Y., are visiting at J. Moreau"s Mrs, Redpath, Collingwood, is spend i ing a few days with her parents, Mrs | and Mrs, Robert Richardson. C. H. Ballard called on friends in Lavant| last week: J. E. Boyd, Flower, spent, Sunday at his. home here.., W. W Roche took a trip to Kingston last week Jottings. | 10. Mrs R Mildred, of | Junetown Junetown, Aug Franklin and daughter, Rhinelander, Wis., were guests at | Thomas Franklin's last week. Mr. and Mrs. IL. Warren's are visiting her pa- rents at Fairfield Bast. Mrs. M. Herbi son has returned from an extended visit with friends at Redwood My and Mrs. T. Franklin spent the week end with ftiends at Rockport and | Lansdowne. All are sorry to the illness of Miss Allie Purvis, and Mrs. M. Hall spent Sunday Wiliam Warren's, on Mountain street | Mrs. E. Avery spent Wednesday it D. McClary's, McIntosh Mills. Mrs | T. Mills and children were guests of | friends here on Monday The tee board of the public school engaged the services of Miss Fv Price, of Mountain Grove, r coming year. note | Mr trus- | has | alena | the | | Bay Notes. Seeley's Bay, Aug. 10. Miss i nie Moody is visiting at the home Miss Ruth Ella Johnson. Dr. T. 3rac en, of New York, is holidaying uu | dér the parental roof. Quarterly ser | wice was held last Sunday morning, in thé Methodist church, Rev. A. B. Doggett, of Monfreal, was a week | end visitor at the home of Albert Leadbeater. 8. Gardiner has purch-| ased a fine Ford car. The Misse Florenc¢e and Ethel Johnston, of For far, who have been visiting Miss Sa- | die Leadbeater, have returned to thelr summer home, on the Rideau. ' Miss Leadbeater accompanied them The social at Leeds was largely at | tended by the young people of dee | ley's Bay. Mrs. E. Chapman and lit-} tle daughter, Illa, of Toronto are renewing acquaintances in the Bay ! Mise Etta McKinley: is visiting at the home of her brother, C. McKinley At Melntosh Mills. Melntosh Mills, Aug. 10.--Miss Lot tie Griffith, of Montreal, has return ed to town after spending a few days | in her home. Patrick Shortell, of | Gananogue, had a serious accident with his motor car on Saturday night last. An assembly was held in Columbus Hall on Saturday evening in honor of Mesdames Dillon, O'Brien apd Sidley, of Washington Territory Messrs. Charles Fodey, 1. O'Grady, "John and Andrew Fodey were among the visitors of last week. A bold burglary was attempted at the home of Pelee Flood one night last week J. Leeder spent Sunday and | home in Smith' af Denis and Thomas | Démtan and sisters, Libbie: and | aggie, motored to Mis. B. Leed-! 3 evening | : , spent Sun- | Miss Marv Inst week at her home. ' | Holleford Happenings. Holleford, Aug. 10.--Rain is very much needed. A heavy frost a few Rete 0 di] tile Aro of dana Ladies' Aid tea will be served this | «Medcof. ~The children's, | lon house, | patronized, {line THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1914. 00040 HEL 12 ToL - GERMAN ARM / C2) FRENCH & BELGIAN AR. Q BRITISH ARMY ® BRITISH NAVY * © BRITISH TROOPS IL taken by attack from the North Sea by the Jheipich navy. The sketch illustrates the route the Methodist church, Ihe sl. ves- chal well, Much | Medeof and service in terday, was well attended dren performed their parts w eredit is due Miss Nellie Miss Amanda Walker, who had charge of the training. Miss Abna Walker under they parential roof, after spending some time the far west Miss Lena Redmond leaves this week for Syracuse, where enters the Hospital of the Shepherd as purse-in-training of people with Sydenham friends a picnic at hnolton | nesday I'he council has rusher at work on the Ators © Miss Curl, Verona, leof's; Mr. and Mrs. Smith luven's; Mr. Moc at W in Good the voung enjoyed ake, last Wed the stone | boundayy Vis- | at MY. Med at W. Van Bab : Some we ock's alased in Yates, p tion Mr it he Miss Miss ind smith, r, Miss Hazel days the Ar sp Lizz | son 1 fe { and Vennacher News Aug On t the home ol and took Jackson tth | Alexand mother Vénnachar, § the death called a er Jackson's Mrs, John Deceased was | born in Dalhousie, Ont, in 1841 | where she married and raised a fami ly of eight 'boys and one girl. Her] husband, one daughter and sons remain to mourn Deceased | 15 well known being friendly to! all, in this country the vear 1879. Complication of ailments ter- nminating in dropsy caused her death Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ball a daughter; Mr. and Mrs Rosen blath, a son, and to Mr. and Mrs Less Wilson, a son Robert Sar geant, Perth, and D Lloyd, Plev na, went through this week buying cattle for the foreign mar ket William Bailey is painting the | inside of the school rdom The Jackson cheese. factory has closed | for the scasom. Mrs. Matthew Rod gers and son Clancy, Glenvale are visiting with the former's daughter, | Mrs. G. E. Hughes 1 his since B here At Washburn's Corners, Washburn's Corners, Aug Lewis Washburn, after a has returned to Montreal., Mi I Whipple, of Brockport, N.Y. is ing relatives locality rural teachers' conferend) is beld at Guelph this week and ing attended by Miss Violet representing East | Leeds sociation, and Miss H hurn, representing We lie's school house NS struck Saturday while rather badh was not burned Fhe Saturday man Mis visit here being | on in this 1 he being | is Robeso teachers Wasl va Co the at lightnin evening « wrner m storm | I'he was by damaged Sunday sch excursion last well on was coming from up ti We of rd was ved here th Mrs of death Vincent |day last $ {Mo and My veek * fob their Min: after friends in. the The travelling | men's Institute home spending vicinity library has arrive A Prime Favorite six | ¢ | Elmer | Mis ver Hughes { i 1 | King Mrs Hug Tho in Hl of ted | Cow | Flei fay New ( or school | *™ A alled on the Athens, Bone of for Mrs. August At Pleasant Valley leasant are 8 Among Gowdy's; guest of Elsa 1 guest of it a few ie Watson. and Mrs w days at Sybil e week-end Mrs Monck and ston, gues oS Si hes at mas the city Mr Smyth, Miss Barre; friends at dy, h on Mi H Wats at on Charle lay shman : and Yor nell, | itors | O'Brien | Wash | Min Mrs mong the Mr. and and Mrs Valley, rushing harvesting Mrs. Craig, Delbert A ts sworth and Verona; Bradford Miss E shurg, Murvale Yarker ira" Bradford ston vndhurst, My Aug. 19 recent visiio at Barr, and Burges guest Annie } Mr. Miss Harry Watson Parham Madeline Cowdy, Hughes'; Smith, Mrs. G guests of M Barr, Wilto Mrs. A. Le of Mr G Mrs Mr spent We Marie Hughes; Pa., th Mrs. C Wellington; at Elmer and Miss and Mr h- at A Vidings, a rs of 1. rs n, AND ON CONTINENT the British expeditionpry It shows. the fnunedinie F. --Farm opera- were | ant Mrs. James Gowdy, Moscow, Miss Marie Watson, George Hughes; Violet Sigsworth the guest of Verona; Harrow- Mrs. Moscow, Miss Mr. | G. Wat- Mrs Heup, spent Misses Nina Murvale, Ball Pittsburg, at! and | Pa., Banr and Ines Watson | Miss Sy A Mrs day e gles Switzer visi | Clifford | Hughes; | Marie E Goodberry Verona, Fran o rend nd M spen lack nd Mrs their cottage to for thew and Mrs. Tho were Sun Muly \ M enna 8 Sidley Dillon olding pring t tends Wedne tine d th sday \ home ma da My + M¢ meeting cogaged her harns at Fe torey, James, wier 8 Brockviile: Nr hots and "louting "| duon in force and how it is protected from destinaiion of Belghun. A \ Mrs iv. | and ( orl Brookly Drury, Jersey Uit Mra, #1 W, Harold, Benedict, ! Morristown; A. F. } Me. and Mrs Cincinnati, Ohio; 12 fort, » 3 1 : 8, N.Y. 'Oonn.; G N 11 he attractiveness summer holidays in appealing to the large mer pleasure seekers mo {every year and instead ones | has (sayely to dress for dinner reigns supieme, generations are taking te | the lakes and the strear | they find, in a that fortifies them duties that a tieth century business Algonquin Park i way sort of in the fing out-of | log cabin camps h { wildernes | led and in the and with await, you seenery fishing of city homes ble rates Two thous ea level assure rs and the/pures st of Mantre awa, and 200 Ask Grand 1 formation, rate | reason: modation vou SEE Manufacturers Already place of t of air n, Toronto; 1H Ulick, Hartle Radeclifie, Mr f re 0 a wy : Noda Perth; { Hartford { ar In Nature's Wilderness, sordon t, Hart or rv x STOCK MARKETS, |The Prices Paid at The Various | i good cows, { unchanged. | 87.25; at {good $6.50 to $9.00. A. 8 | wd Mrs spending | the open is army of sum- and more f looking } for the fashionable resorts where one nd the y ) ns that rest and bodily fo f © I the in two or three upbuild r the strenuous life de ju or rt of surrounded with unrival- midst of the comfort Hotel offer good and feet cool even On where ounger woods, which weeks ar- twen mands st the you the the with aceom above ly 28 170 mile nile ml Feeling Grp at Demand. York; 12 war in Europe ult in a paper famine world, is the opini ight, of the Mr. Wright paper manufacturers "Aug res Lie Wr V1 it be print paper, and feared that it will cut into the reserve in the mil With the seas almost Germany, one of the thr countries of the world, the struggle, for commerce the shoulders of th Thousan on the inulacturers rom all over the nto 'the offices of the 1 week demanding hipment Charity may begin at ou frequently all iv ht until a man the world is hoost. isn't that him a op give on ne on ee involving the task of supplying | world with print paper will rest 1e nited States during hat north agen PAPER FAMINE, the if A. E Paper that coun Css] th completely tied up, and | exporting | in| $10.50; American of the immediate | home an find it out when orders ii past but to | steady prices but lambs were lower. 4 Cattle the | continues long it will | throughout | of International said to-day in this eady feeling the great deman supply now held | high | tive; world he Ive .poure: di | wethers manufacturers approaches the | Centres. | Union Stock Yards, August 10 i Receipts were large. 160 cars, | 5168 cattle, 1091 hogs, 1087 sheep | and lambs, 265 calves. i Cattle The number of choice attle was small in comparison with the larger number on sale. The choive close was about 15 yer ewt, higher, but the common and medi- um were no higher. Fat cows were 25¢ higher. Choice butcher's steers $8.60 to $8.90 and one load at $9.00;; good butcher's steers, $8.25 to $8.50; medium butcher's steers, $7.50 to $8.15; common butcher's ateers, $7.25 to _ $7.00; choice but- cher's heifers, $8.25 to $8 man butcher's heifers, $8.15; choice cows, $7.00 to $7. 25; $6.50 to $6.75; canners, 00 to $4.00. Feeders and stockers-- Market Choice 'steers, $7.00 to medium steers, $6.50 to stockers, $5.50 to $6.25. lkers and springers-- Market at $50 to $90 each, bulk sold 5 to $75. each. Calves--The calf market was firm prices ruled steady Choice als, $9.50 to $10.50; common to 32 $7.00; Sheep and lambs- Sheep sold at and $9.00 culls lambs, Prices were higher. Selec- ted fod and watered, $10 and $8.60 0.. b. cars, and $10.25 weighed off Cars. ' Montreal Cattle Market. Montreal, Aug. 10.---West End Market: about 1,250 head of butcher's cattle, 750 calves, 1,700 heep and lambs, and 1,350 hogs were offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stock market to-day. Offerings were about 1,500 cattle. 2.500 sheep and lambs, hog: Prime. beeves, Ri mediom, $4 to $5; £4 to hogs, $10 to $10.25 $R.75; common, $7.50; sheep, $8 to $8.50; lambs, Chicago Live. Stock. Chicago, Aug 10 Cattle--Re 000; market strong, ! to $10.05: Texas | 5.50 to $8.80; dtockers and | cows and heif calves, $8.50 to | 15.000 market $10; mixed, avy, $8.60 to 29 rough, $8.80; pigs, of to £9.60; bulk of . $9.15 to §9.-| 54 { Receipt 24.000; vearlings, 10 to , native, $6.65 to $95.10 5.50 to $8; 70 to $9.25; Hog Receipts strong; light, £8.00 to $9.05 $0 0 he R60 to ales Sheep eady lamb 2 | $6 { Buffalo Live ast Buffalo, Aug i 5,200 head; Stock. 10 Cattle- active; prime 5 to $10; 1 pping, £8 } butehers, 75 to $9 ; heifers, $7 to $9; cows, $3.7 $7.50; bulls, and feeders, tock heifers, $5.50 to $6 | = Veals---Receipts, 1,100 $5 to $12.75 Hogs---~ Receipts, tive; heavy, $9.75 Yorkers roughs, | | -1 stoe k- | $7.75 {to | ers { $5 10 50 head; ac-| | head; ae-| 25; mixed, | $10.50 to $0; stags,! 11, to and pigs, $8.85 to $10.65: | $7 to 3% Sheep 600 6, « | and and lambs Receipts, head; active; vearlings steady; lambs, $6 to 29 arlings, $5 to $7.50; wether: » to $6.50; ewes, $2.50 , to heep, mixed, £5.75 $5.75; | to $6.25 | It's hoy small | motive | turn | difficult to convince a who is furnishing the power for a grindstone that you | about is fair play | Many a young man who admires a| girl who is a swell dresser kicks like! la mule when called upon to pay the freight after marrying her. "A Dollar's Worth of Sugar." How much ? How'clean ? Howrgood ? A Prudent Purchase An Original Package of "Redpath" Full weight, absolutely pure -- Canada's finest sugar at its best. . Pegg Exira Granulated Sugar is put up in 2 Ib. i and 5 Ib. Sealed Cartons and in 10, 20, 50 and 100 Ib. Cloth Bags. 75 Regarding War Pric e on Shoes Notwithstanding the current reports from all over Canada that shoe dealers will advance the price of shoes on account of the great war, we desire to announce that under no circumstances will the Suth- erland Shoe Store take advantage of this opportun- ity to make greater profits. Our fall stock has been bought and we can assure our patrous of a contin- uanee our usual fair priecs. of J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES ¢ With The Public From The St T figures conspicuously on the best appointed tables--in homes, clubs and restaurants, everywhere in fact--and with good reason, for it has all the pleasing qualities that make it a favorite, R It is light and tasty, with an exquisite Rrisontod hops and malt values. tonic and food. bouquet---rich i It is at once a bl Ask Your Dealer For RID LOBEL "The Family Beer" Mild and wholesome with the fine and clean taste of Bohemian Hops. The Beer that is drunk in the good old towns of Germany and France. FRONTENAC BREWERIES, LIMITED, The Frontenac * Special" Type of the best American Brews for Dinners, Receptions, Clubs and Restaurants. Phone: St. hous 5610 MONTREAL. GEO. M. THOMPSON , Kingston Distributor for Kingston and Suburbs: