The YEAR 81 NO. 187 ily British Wh & INGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1 LAST BDITION SS ------------rr Er ee NOT ONE GER FRENCH SOIL ARMIES OF KAISER French Soil, it is Authoritatively Stated in London. | | i | | | | | | i Great Britain Takes Great Encouragement Out of the French and Belgian Victories---Situation in | Belgium Satisfactory---German Bombard- ment of Liege forts Ineffective. Ang. -It is now tiermany mobilized its far-famed arm France, and one weék since, plans, its advance guar the gates of Paris. ; It is authoritatively given out here that there is not | a single German soldier on French soil, although the Ger-! man army has made considerable advance into Belgium. On the other hand. it is admitted in Germany that there { are still large bodies of French troops in Germany's Al-| sace-Lorraine. This is the outstanding fact of the war | situation to-day. ' It is quite apparent that exeept for the advance in Belgium, which is bravely deterred by the Belgians, with | French and British troops rushing to their support. that the kaiser's troops have not heen successful. In the absence of any news of its own forces on land ar sea, Great Britain is taking great encouragement. to- day out of the continued reports of Belgian and French | vietories. They are minor victories, but well worth mentioning. Belgian Situation Satisfactory. Brussels, Aug. 14.--An official statement issued from! the war office at noon says: ys "The situation thronghout Belgium continui¥ satis factory. There have hden no important developmints to-day. The German columns are contenting themselves | with masked movements, designed to ascertain the strength of the Belgian defences, and there has been no serious" fighting. There have been no important move ments to-day. "The Liege forts still hold out and the German hom- hardment of them has proved ineffective. The Germans are still in Liege, but the civil government of the city is not being interfered with." { | , ! l London neariv two weexs since | for an attael i to the Or Yat ota} ad ISer 8 knocking at | aceol dine { should have bea to be sure, | Has { that | its service been appointed colonel-in-chief = I'he Bermuda Islands are under mar of the overseas forces. HEROIC DEFENCE CF JUSTIFIES 14. savs tha London, Mrealegiam contpany Mr. Asquith, rep ister of war, express valor of the Cine Beleinm ple Fr ie A 13 Aug. ng ito al 1th i 1 vid IL all at Britain did rig and of Belgin Sweeping Bel London, Aug. 14. --"The to-day, revi ed and confirm Il i 3) in Belgium sweeping Di img that "On supported with sels of agian vi has taken place, I I) iday bv infa morning , ana altos ntry onns mounted on {the Belgian fortifications at Germans Are Satisfied? Berlin, Aug. 13.--(Delayed and' doubly censored )- The German advance is proceeding as planned. Whatev- er losses the army has sustained in the operations/on the | French border and in Belgium were anticipated. The | German forward movement continues along the very | lines selected by the general staff. It was expected that there would be losses, but the very fact that the forward | movement proceeds and that the army is pushing on to- wards Paris, shows that the claims of great German dis- | asters are unfounded. : French and Belgian prisoners of war are being sent | to eoncentration camps. No details of the army positions are known, and information regarding the fighting al- ready in progress is confined to meagre official bulletins in which facts concerning forees engaged and positions attacked are withheld. So severe is the eensorship that the location of regiments is known only to the war office | and members of the general staff. German Division Cut Up. Paris, Aug. 14.--According to reports made public at the war office; one entire' German 'division with artil- lery was entrapped, and, after being eut up by a deluge of fire, was forced to surrcuder near the entrance to St. Mare Pass, Skirmishing' between the opposing artiies along the entire frontier continues, The French positions have been maintained at every point... In every engagement the superiority of French artillery and cavalry has been thoroughly demonstrated. Austrian Fleet Fears Attack. Vienna, Aug. 14.--All Austrian warships operating against the Mafitenegrin coasts have been withdrawn and the entire fleet has. been massed in anticipation of an impending attack from the combined British and French Mediterranean fleets. Shot Down German Aviators. Brussels, Aug. 14.--Three German aviators were <h down at Diest vesterday, two being killed and the third i | | reports | that seriously wounded, while their acroplanes were wrecked. ; Sh " ou Ei + a attae and 8 ive k on ne I all a ail out to prevent an were ing many defeated prisoners an -A Br leSSage Belgians, which. gian Victories. the he Geernan BELGIUM ATTITUDE OF BRITAIN 1ssels despatgh to the Reuter t the British prime minister, iro the Belgian min ration for the courage added, *'is the interfering treaties, all the free ne hest Prooi mn m favor The nations ofl tot exam 7 Zz 3s hurean, in official some length the earlier tories in the bure: 1 pre ! operations reports from Brus heavy skirmish SAVE: cavalry div oun column, as trapped by a foree from Namur, which had been seni these forts. The German: ard, the Belgians capt f the machine guns." sion macnmne ATTHe tw ty BATTERED CRUISERS REACHED HONG KONG \And They Look as 'if They Be- lorged to the War- ring Fleet. Tokio; Mug. 14 hat th cruisers Ham pshir pleix and Monteal irot battered port. They French or English, arte. known to have fierman cruisers isdrs have be badly mu either and named heen se those rehing for A Side © MAJOR 3 NS LESLIE In command of aa Pastors. ROCHA, on active ui cra asta entered | STARVATION FACES NEW YORK FAMILIES The Advance in Food Prices Will be Severely Felt by the Poor. Aug. 14 to-day, +» real danger of starvation were boosted eliect of down families Starving' vord used by a Mul shopkeeper to describe the of many customers. lo cents in dried To-day Fast reduced one York East side, Povertv-sirick Food because of th the Eurepean of meals of or fancied, | war--the cuiting | thousands af was the exact tr | condition | them the ns nw bread half ounces in weight. difference spells tragedy Past Side families, { berry rise of two { be s no beans loaves were and ons small man ppp BR LED pele ede fe pd pd WARSHIPS IN DUEL half Ss 14--For night H. M ol, the smallest British warship in (he North Atlan- the fleet, tought a long range duel with the Karlsruhe, the largest and fastest of the German cruisers which have been trying to intercept Bri- wtish shipping on the North Atlantie. Halifax, Aug. 1 hour lasi a Shp v W Donovan, M.P.P., sald Lis fine residonce in Athens to Mrs. Stearns Ransota, oi Brockville, who will take possession this month. "Backache Plasters." (Gibson's. Messrs. "H. E. Mastin and Clarence Morgan hate purchased the anes goods store owned in Picton by J. Hamly. Mustardine sold at Gibson's, A. E British | 4 and | ord is experiencing | Ga BEE e Beha PITH OF THE NEWS. le 'ondensed Items of Telegraphic News of the World, I'oronto is to have a concentration tier revolution has been inau gurated in Mexico. Arthur Hawkes suggests the organi- zation of a Patriotic League I'he works of the Massey | company, Torgnto, be | down. | Lsorge | ronto, was fatally { tomobile. | Fhrough spite a | ented against N North Oxford. | Walter Mernins, { Pleetric lineman, { by picking up a live wire. ! William Watt, a young Canadian, {who was only ten days maivied, was | . . 1 lightning at Fentoy, Michi. -Harris are to closed To au Wickerden, agedrfwelve, injured by an has been MPP. protest W. Rowell, {in ! Stratford, was instantly a' Hydro- killed { Killed hy an and the inhabitants an attack by a | tial law, are in i daily fear of Geantg | fleet. Fe @ilbére THdgerton, { concession, Lancaster, i jured by being thrown from his | returning from a picnic. | 'The Cabadian cruiser rived at Vancouver, | | Seeded FEE IEP SEER EOE > + of the second ways fatally "in- rig, | Rainbow ar- having es orted TO BUY HORSES Ottawa, Aug. 14.-- The buying of the 5,000 horses required for the first Canadi- an contingent has begun. It is stated that there are plen- ty, of horses in the country and the price is about 875 lower than last year. The government has been offer- ed horses in lots eof one thousand, but it has decided not to purchase them in that way, but to buy in small lots, mostly around the centres where they are required. by the different artillery bri- gades, hhh hh Suid the British troeps-of-war Slzorine: aud Shearwater up the coast Ontaria's offer to supply anti-typh- | oid to the Canadian con tingent. to Furone has been welcomed the department at Ot- | tawa I'he i=lation vaccine by militia government . will introduce le |e in parliament next week | tmpowering .it to' take control of food | supplies to prevent undue enhancing lof prices i I'vo ! Simpson chased by Angus of Red Hill, alleged thrown powder into the Barton at Hamilton, and drop- soniaining susp ofidend 'Some Wounded Reach England Fro rom 1 Belgium foreigners, are to have reservoir, ped a bag | ties 14.--~A pumber arrived at South- irom Belgium. The which army London,- Ang troops of vounded ampic report they Over taken son, m vesterday did not say to ! belonged. 100 German prisopers of war from trawlers in the North vere landed yesterday at Fort tieorge, Scotland, by British cruis- ers : I'he Austrian steamship lzrada has been captured off Lands End hy a British gunboat brought to { Mounts Bay. The Prince of Wales' rers from the and relief fund for suffe totals $4325, 000 war KILLE D WITH ows HAND Frene hman Has Receiv- | ed a Decoration, Paris, Aung. 13.--The first oflicer to be decorated for gallantry in the war is Second Lieut. H. J. Bruyant, of the 15th Dragoons, « Gen. Jofire, | the= French commander-in-chief, in j conferring the Cross of the Legion Honor; on lieut. Bruyant, said the with seven others, had a fight and the officer killed the with his own hand A Gallant | of | officer, { with Uhlans officer in charge A LIBUT. W. H. GIMBLETT On the stall of the ROMA Br, tor foreign service. - MANY WERE SACRIFICED | Since then the fighting has been con- | tinuous % | of the allied | desperate * | Belgian cavalry division took up | offensive against the | and there | cavalry ! also says that a German force, pro- | ceeding in the direction of Eghezee, | td the north of Namur, was attack- | ed and repulsed this morning by the | space of fifty yards | the battle of Haelen. | day and far into the night. 4 the Germans brought into play their GERMANS DEFEATED BY ate charges toward Haeseit gad' ¥ Troud Last night's advices tell that Ger- | man troops in other parts of A | are understood to be gathering in atl the railroad cars they can|find. A pas- senger train near Waremmes was halt yesterday by a German cavalry: pa- trol and the passengers left in the open country, the train with its eagi- neer being taken toward the German f lines ro Belgian Ra French troops are now | said to have efiected a junction south of Brussels, and the war office that the German advance #in the Belt gian provinces of Brabant and Lim- burg has been checked. Notice Given Canada at War With Austria Ottawa, Aug. 14.--Now that Great Britain has declared war on Austria Hungary, proclamations are issued db claring that Canada is also at a state of war. Action will be taken at once m regard to Austrian reservists In Canada. They will be notified that they will be detained in Canada, and will not be molested provided they go quietly about their business. will be expected, the same as the Ger- man reservists, to go to the nearest authority and déclare their inten tions. Austrian consuls will likelyibe given forty-eight hours to leave Can A Great Battle | in Progress | in Belgium. IN DESPERATE TRAP DI ATTEMPT INDERS Fresh Belgian Troops Sent to Front ~-- The French and Belgians Have Effected a Junction South of Brus. sels. Aug on 14 the \ great battle Bel- Brussels, in gium All yesterday the Germans and Bel gians have been locked in death | grapple on the field of Haelen | The Germans . resumed the offensive | five o'clock yesterday morning. 18 progress plans of a at Bevond the fact that the vanguard armies is engaged in a an-#ven more desperate struggle to come, the cen- sors will parmit no news to be sent prelude to out This much it is permitted to send : Unofficially it is stated that the man troops, after being repulsed Haelen Fresh Belgian troops were at once sent to the front in support of their comrades, who had fought throughout } ada yesterday. FRENCH TOWN BOMBARDED, [s ells announced that fe | el) Me any: Hones 5 ia who | london, Aug. 14.--A despa the Exchange Telegraph from Paris, labelled official, 'At ten o'clock «W ing Pont- A Houston, a ute department of sixteen miles ater ot ra was bombarded by heavy artillery from a considerable distance. falling in the town's fled and wounded many of the inhabitants and wrecked 4 large number of houses." At Gibraltar more than fifty ves- re- | sels of all nationalities have been of | stopped and their sailing prevented. Ger- at Belgians ¢ on Offensive It was officially Germans, were defeated in yesterday's battle of Haelen, with the object, it is believ- od, of picking up the dead and woun- ded and collecting the abandoned ma- terial of war. "No German surprise was expected no reasons to fear any movements on Brussels from all roads leading to the Belgian are the south, capital being guarded by the army and the civie guard." No details are permitted of the gress of the fighting. Brief despatches newed fighting in the north of liege, duel was commenced pro- also tell of neighborhood an this | Tongres, where artillery morning King or $2 Hats, The Waverly. George Mills & Uo. vAILY MEMORANDA See top of page 3, right hand eo nar, for: prodabiities. 8 or * Germans Lose Machine Guns An official Belgian communication "ag 3 Saturday, ne f= sacked to contribute ital Ship Fund THEDAILY BRITISH ie I? CNSALE AT THE FOLLOW ING CITY roan NY Buckuell"s News Depot ..200 Clarke, J. W. & Seon College Book Siere ...,. Coulter's Grocery ....... Jrooghon:: 21 Cullen's Grocery, Cor, Princess & Alfseg Froatenae Hotel ..........Ontncie Bg Gibson's Drag Store .. Market McAuley's Hook Store ....08 MeGallPs Cigar Store Cor. Prin. & McLeod's Grocery ....51 Union Medley's Drug Store 200 University A Paul's Cigar Store ......,.7T0 Prouse's Drug Store ., Valieaun's Grocery Lowe's Grocery .. Belgian troops. The Germans are said to have suffered severe casual- The Belgians also captured a number-- of machine guns mounted on motor Cars. Details of the first day's fighting at Haelen show that while the battle was the most brilliant and stubbornly contested of the war so far, it was but a skirmish to the en- gagements which impends when the complete armies on both sides have finally manoeuvred into position. Details of the losses sustained are not at hand. According to the Bel- gian reports the Germans were re- pulsed, after fierce fighting. At one place it is declared upward of 200 German dead were counted in a square The engagement will be known as It waged all At sev- en o'elock dn the evening shells were! still failing. DIED. i 1OMPSON --At Toronto, on , 1814, George Thomp: 8 wii be brought to Kingston for burial from his sister's resi dence. 10 Ontario street. Funeral it 3.30 o'clock Saturday afternoon to Cgtaraqui cemetery, riends @nd acquaintances are respects fully Invited to attend. Fight All Along the Line According te the Belgian reports, the main fighting centred around Haelen, which is in the Belgian pro- vince of Limburg, while the battle line extended to Diest in the north of the province of Brabant, after passing around Zeelehmn. The battie of Diest was merely a part of the general fight all along the line. When a patrol of carbineers first signaled the approach of the German troops at the opening of the engage- ment the Belgians manned the tren- ches and a hot fire greeted the Ge! man advance. Halting their charge artillery. A gla ter of Belgiane followed. ' Bringing their guns Vo bear upon the trenches, the Germans swept them with such a deadly hail of bullets that the 'Belgians were driven out and forced to) retire into the town of Haelen. Belgians } Mowed Down i Hand to hand fighting ensued as the Belgians broke cover for their retreat. The brilliant uniforms of the Belgians in contrast to the dull grav suits of the Germans made them' splendid tar- gets for the Germans, and they were swert down by scores in their retreat upon the city. ) Re-enforcements wer quickly brought , however, and the Belgians rallied. iving the Germans back and reenp- Suring the defences from "which they ad been driven by the German artil- lery fire. Pursuing their advantage. the Relgi und forced them back in a ris of despet- Stower's Lime Juco Stower's Lime Juice Cordial Montserrat Lime