YOUR ; August Furniture, Gurtain,Carpet, Sale rp \ Roductions on Furniture from 10 to 209%. It will pay you to buy now even if you do not need the goods untill winter, We will hold your purchases, our risk, until needed. We made a misfit in a lovely brown Oriental Wilton Carpet. It is made up 10 x 28 rt. and cost $71.75, We wil let it go tor $51.75--it's a snap. All Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums reduced. T.. HARRISON C0. r---- Where Reliability of Quality is Not Questioned Where reliability of quality is where styles buyers are store not questioned, Are correet and prices right. Buyers at the Kingston Carpet Warehouse are sure of getting honest value for their money. R. McrAUL Kingston Carpet Ware- Real For Sale $2000--~Darrie St, detached frame residence, 7 rooms, BH. snd OC, i 7 plumbing, Inrge lot with garden snd fraft trees. . A rt sireet, cor. Rrock gr og on Age hed brick, 7 rooms and atfic, hot Water Juttace, elect: ang ges, veranda and a overiooking Vie. toria Park. $1850--Tedan Si. frame, 7 rooms, B. and FISS-Raglin S¢., cement block, 8 rooms, HN. and CO, electricity. FEO0-~Garrett St, frame, 8 rooms Barna: elentriel ¥, stable and $32W0--~Collingwood St., new brick 7 roomw, furasce, electricity, (verandah. ; B1400--Quebee St. frame low, § rooms, stable. SEE COMPLETE OFFICE LIST 1S. R. McCANN 5 rook Ht. Phones 536 or 621 [GUARD AT FORT HENRY INSPECTION COMPARISONS 'a - Fruit Land Watermelons, Chole Apples, Oranges, all California Peaches and also full of -can- Fresh Eating prices; Plums; dies. line James Paul, 348 Princess St. Phone 0043 Goods delivered to all parts of the city. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) Head of Queen Street sookkeeping, short- x ivil service and all Information H. F. Metcalf, Principal f | EYES EXAMINED ll GLASSES MADE : In TWO Hours { 1 11 We have ie own lens grind. Ing machine on the premises. We can grind suy speeinl pal of leases in WO hours--some lenses in thirty miwutes. This enables us to give you prompt | merviee Farmers coming to town can have their even exams ined and nke their glasses with them We Are Optical Spec- ialists The faet tha but exninine ture glasses J.8.Asselstine, D.0.S No charge for Examination 342 King Stu i sms | i ERINSVILIE BY THE SPREADING AT RALLS f - v Accident Occurred on Friday Mom- ing -- Several Passengers Recefy- railed. telephone eived from 1 vorth at stated that Canadian Northern train which passed through Tamworth Friday it ten o'clock had been wrecked Frosville, four message \ long-distance vin noon, Fr on morning at ales from that place Four 'of the two men named McAdoo, tle buVers, received Heury Purcell, of wt injured back and shoulder, Miss Derbyshire, of the same pla + shaking up. Three or ale pr mw passengers, who are cat slight injuries Moscow, received whil , Te ceIvea a seve our of tis ceived the train were or the firemen than a shook remained on the othing more OMmotive one passen- rails and { 1 rails ipposed that the accident rails spreading é he te of the wa Coming to Kingston morning next a large the Watertown coun- On Sunday delegation of to Kingston as the guests of the Kingston - council. The Kingston Knights were recently guests of the Watertown Kujghts, & Victrola Bargain Victrola mahogany case, slightly used, cost $100.00 This Victrola and twelve doable sided records for $80.00. $15.00 cash and $10.00 per month at C. W. Lindsay's, Limited, 294 Princess street Broke Open The Door, On Thursday night some unknown { person, broke open the door at Me- Gowan's ar - factory. When a search was made of the premises, on Friday morning, nothing was found to be missing. I's Always True: You hear it all over, Wherever vou go, The best hats are sold By George Mills & Co. Week-end specials at Gibson's Nail buffers. Shaving breghes. A 25. tooth waste, 13c A e. foot powder, 15c, A We. liver pill, 15¢ Dr. B. B. Smith, Detroit, is dead from infection of a wound following fan aperation. He was born in Hast ings county in 1861. ed Slight Injuries--Two Cars De-'¢ including | cil, Knights of Columbus, will come * {HAS BEEN . INCREASED BY 40 MEN OF THE 14TH | | Army Service Corps to Do Daty at | Valeartier--How an Artilleryman | "Said Good Bye to His Young Wife, The guard composed of the members joi the 14th Regiment ie doing j dut at Barrielie!d 2 INCTeR 1 omy ¢ | day orn jo od | cor commanding 1 wimen {all the wamearrisd men {to parade at the are ening of On 1} Dawson, offi in the OUTS on lay at 530 o'el | purpose joing gua f men who went ove { evening, will ir jpermanentiy at ihéen guarded RACH. A. Bho | Thursday evening eit 14th Regiment Volunteers, morning the of the who havé volunteerad service, paraded at the and nstruction under «ins. Baggalay On Friday men {| Léth Ree Hor "overs | armouries { musketry tion of Sergt ment through some the went direc Will R.-C. H. A. Go Abroad ? Phere appears t H.\. leaving | service On e doubt as to th Canada for foreign vhen a Whig re a military il he was would go that the Valeartier , and Fr s from "Os ned th i the batteries A report has it H.A. has been taken to instructional purposes only ed by |, | } Cer Eyesight Speciaitst. fl : Phone 1018 ||| w |! the Canad Il return This, is wmeconf { front the mobil who will the number of lunteers, t during next for | --t | How He Said Good Bye. ~ | R.C.H.A 8 on Wednes lay 18 too good to keep. He was a Englishmen. His vas out of town, in the country. and How one member the aid good-bve to } happyvsgo-lucky wife he decided he would bid her adieu on the telephone. He talked good amd loud, so every one around could not ail to hear | "Hello, Id pal !' his better been wedded e"re going to the have orders to start the rood-bye old pal." I'he young very much shoe \nnouncement, vhat was to hecome of her soldier giggered if | , pal. Take care of vourseli, old So long." uted | had "Well We of been sudden o he a short time there, half, only away to Whom war morrow have ked at such a wife must and evidently asked | i her He Whuld Like To Go. William Clark, the loeal hoemaker, was asked if he was army go mg to the front He said he would like nothing better than to go with the boys and they had good | shoes Sur in war depends - as much on boots as powder. There hava | where with paper soles were in stock and these left the men on their uppers Fxven in a successful retreat half | soles would help some. He has repaired English army boots and they are well made of good lea- | ther. [ee heen cases shoes made good Graduates Eulist. Over sixty per cent. of the 1913 and oll 1914: graduates of the Royal Mili- uy College have enlisted and are going to the war. R. M. €C. Will They Enlist? The Montreal Star asks: ! "Jef there any hope that de. Carvel, M.P., and Dr. Edwards, M.P., will en- fist hefore the opening of parlia- ment 7 ] i ant The Pay of Officers The pay of officers in all branches is Lieut.-Col., & per day; majors, $1; captains, £2 lieutenants, $2: be sides allowances when in the field: the men $1.10 und the non-commis- sioned officers run up 'to $1.75. Quebn's Engineering Corps. Major Alexander MacPhail, officer in coumhand of | 5th company of Field Engineers, of Queen's university, when speaking to 'the Whig on Friday, sta ted he. expected that his corps would leave in about three days' time Valcartier "Up until the doubtful what we that far time 'it dg + ented uplin commanding "We can depend onabouteight yl] "Ne 'can depend on about eighty men. Forty of them are students while the ot all trades a In ease said ihe oll oer ers ave mechanics of corps Major will go goes away fer MacPhnil is thie but in afficers fordign servic only officer wi at "Home be used case service all the will Sth Battery Drilling. Fhe 5th Field Battery has a number tn uniforin drilling at the armouries They are under pay. The recruiting in this battery 18 very pro- misting, the men like thi a shortage of horses who wishes to sell es should offer them at once. Capt. Pringle s company of the 47th Regiment arrived in the city, on Fri day morning, from Arden Train Well Protected. » LULPLR of wen as many of Phere is persoii work and any hoi train carried the the R.C.H.A. Every sectiontnan on the line had orders 10 be on duty until the train passed. They were sta. tioned by their foremen at intervals along the track and were to see that that and equipment if was well protected. | Bo person.was allowed on the right oi man's gasoline track-car, officials, ran train lhis was to etm rong nad interfered with the tra A section with two that that 3 kK see no switches were or 'any Piano Bargain A Nordheimer piano cabinet grand, mapogany case in good condifion only used a short time: cost $550.90 on now for $335.00. $25.00 cash and $16.00 per month at C Lindsay's, Limited, 294 street Princess 1000 Islands-Rochester. Caspian leaves at Wednesday, ¥ riday avd Sunday, Thousand Islands, and at 3 p.m Rochester SS Week end t High ela Athens, wa on on Monda Winior Lowan was the purchaser It doesn't pay to wear a shabby straw hat when vou can buy one for halt the regular price, and our price is the large quantity diréct import priee. $3 Straws for . $2.50 Straws for $2.00 Straws for $1.50 Straws for .. 7bc $1.00 Straws for 5c NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY PANAMAS The hats that last for many seasons, cool and light. $10 Hats for $7.50 Hats for .. $4.00 Hats for ; $5.00 Hats for .. $3. Watch this space daily Watch Our Windows! GEORGE MILLS & CO. "The Big Hat Store" ...$1.50 ..$1.25 .. $1.00 ahead of the | | i i w. | 10.15 "aim. | _ dent WHIG FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 1914 = L The Greatest Sale Yet POPULAR" MUSIC at 10¢ per copy. Over 500 titles to choose from. BOY SCOUTS in all titles, 10¢ per copy. All the Latest War News in Canadian and American Papers. Fancy Colored Dresses in the season's most popular designs, urday. Misses' siges 16, 18 and 20; lad- ies' sizes, 34 and' 36 only. Priced from $3.00 to $5.00 each. table Saturday en sizes, 26c and Ladies' Lisle Lace sizes, 8 1-2 to 10; Newman Seasonable Goods Middy Blouses, white with colored collar, including navy, cardinal and pale blue, all the wanted sizes A clean-up in children's socks, fancy, in white and colors. Reg. 15¢ and 20c a pair; also misses' lace hose, brok- one price, per pair Saturday to clear The balance of our stock of Net Corsets for summer wear, broken sizes, Saturday to clear Pictorial Quarterly for Pictorial Patterns, the pattern with style. The Always Busy Store' * a clearing lot for Sat On the bargain plain or A 35¢c a pair. Satufday, Hose, best black, broken priced up to 49c a pair 19¢ 18 to 25. Fall . 25¢ & Shaw The Late John H. Moulton. } The death occurred in Toronto Wednesday of John Moulton, a for- mer resident of Delta, after an ill- ness extending over a period of about one week. The cause of his death is supposed to be heart fail- ure The late Mr. Moulton was a resi- of Delta and Westport for a number of years' conducting a dry 2oods business in those places, About three years ago he "went to Foronto where has sinoes resided and where he was an employee of the Robert Simpson company. Mr. Moulton leaves to mourn his wife, one son, Sexton, Trochu, Al- berta; one daughter, Mrs. John Pet- tit, Peterboro; two brothers, Malcolm and Ford as well as a number of sisters. Interment will be made in Delta. Broke Into A Grocery. About 1.30 o'clock on Friday mern- ing two men bkoke into the grocery of John Gordon, Montreal street. Fhey broke through the back door but the noise evidently frightened them, as they ran down Bay street. They returned, however, in a few .minutes, to again enter the store, their imaginations of some one "hear- ing" them having beeu overcome. J. Henderson, | driver for Mr. had heard them run out of the gate way and was awake when they re turned. as spon as they entered the vard he started down stairs but they must have heard him as they again ran out of the gateway and olong Bagot street. pees BUILDERS! SUPPLIES Attractive Prices Attractive Grades Anglin's High Grade Hardwood Flooring White Oak Quartered Red Oak Plain Maple Birch Beech In clear and No. 1 grades Matched side and ends, hol- low back, thoroughly kiln dried, packed in bundles; thickness 7-8 in. and 3-8 in. -- 8. ANGLIN & CO. WOODWORKING FACTORY LUMBER YARDS Bay und 3 iijugton Sta. . Phone rooeLUNEER., cial & WOOD Gordon, | Best Makers We can give you the longest and best twine on' the market, 650 ft. pure. 550 ft. for 11c. Think of it! 50 ft. for 1 cent. 10, © person in the country can tonch Mitchell's 1 Cor,' Johnson and Phones Sterling Silver We have the daihtiest pos- sible THREADED pattern in Table Sterling Silver, It is called the : FAIRFIELD and has more merit than any "Thread Pattern" we have ever had. If contemplating purchasing any silver, be sure to see this pattern, as we know it will be to your advantage. Smith Bros., Jewellers Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses Like the Parrot Every bargain we have to offer speaks for itself. Summer prices on now. cited FURS Gourdier Furrier 1 Am Ready to Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent Property A splendid new solid brick dwell- ing, in a desirable location, with verandah, 7 rooms, furnace electric light, good cellar, right of way at back; in "Al condition, at the re- markably low price of $3300. Im- mediate 'possession. I can secure good locations and leases for tenants who wish to move. E. W. Mullin, Ne Le Hardware . Princess St. bin - ae} h nterpational Harvesting Agent for Cor. Bilsurhos,