News of What s Doing At Abernethy' s Shoe Store. SPECIAL 9 DAYS SA ALL ODDS AND ENDS, SMALL LOTS, ETC., MUST BE CLEARED OUT AT ONCE, AND HAVING PURCHASED THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF MR. JAMES A. SCOTT, OF THIS CITY, WE MUST HUSTLE TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL AND WINTER GOODS. . DON'T FAIL TO -JOME AND LOOK OVER OUR BARGAIN TABLES $19.8 99¢ - One lot of 150 pairs wo-{ You,will. never know men's tan Bluchers, pat-|{what 99¢ will buy until vou ent'Bluchers, kid and but-|come here. Women's white ton boots, also pumps and [canvas pumps, white heels, 1 THEAY.PA. WELCOMED]; IN THE CITY "HALL ON TUESRAY EVENING. Archdeacon Dobbs Presided--Mayor Shaw and Dr. A. E. Ross Extend- ed Kingston's Welcome. THE AUTUMN FASHION NUMBER The Ladies' Home Journal FOR SEPTEMBER LA grand welcome was given to the visiting delegates to the Anglican Young People's Association, which opened its first session in the City Hall on Tuesday evening. The whole event was savored with a patriotic Charming Chitarens Stories spirit, and the chairman, the, Ven- New Party Dremen, New Fall Waists and Suits, New Fifth Av. erable Archdeacon, 0. G. Dobbs, in - . his opening prayer asked a blessing upon the Dominion parliament, also or the sailors and soldiers who are now engaged in battle, and lastly he prayed that success will follow in the train of the British arms which only fights for freedom's cause. Owing to several of the Anglican rectors being absent Archdeacon BRIGHT NEW STORIES-- jal Articles on Timely Subjects, DEPARTMENT -- "n other wom en's Charming Children's Stories Poetry and Musle, Homen. nue Wr BEAUTIFUL N rere RE COVER-- "Ihe End of Summer," specially for the Autumn Journsl PRICE 15 CENTS COPY Ready To-morrow, Thursday, Morning R. UGLOW & CO. paluted by Emileen Met onnell $2.98 SALE OF Men's Shoes | 1 a ax Pn Any pair of Men's oo | | 75¢ One lot children's sizes 3 to 71-2, and faney tops, $1.25 to $1.75. 5c. $149 One lot women's low shoes and white canvas button boots, all going: at 5149 19¢ soft sole boots," regular 35e, ---- 141 Princsss Street hoots fine kid regular Clearing Dobbs had to make an apology on their behalf. He also read greetings from Bishop Mills and Bishop Bid well, as well as Dean Starr sing heartiest wishes cess of the conference, Archdeacon Dobbs remarked the freedom of the city had heen conferred upon the A.Y.P.A. dele $2 OK gates, but he advised them to be . careful because various guards. are All leathers to choose from | now about during the war crigic and | ¢/ 5 it would be wise not to intrude in | certain localities At the conclusi on of Archdeacon's Dobbs' patriotic speech the audience arose and sang "God Save the King Mayor expressed himseli as being proud to have the privilege oi addressing the contention He that although the kev of the could not be Kingston nevertheless open for the meelve expres for the sue low shoes in our store for that 'olonials: regular values, [regular $1.75, for 99c. (£3.00. £3.50 and $4.( . rn vs. a i yr 0 and Ha 98 Girls hare foot sandals, regular $1.35, for 99c. Women's sizes in patent, strap shoes, low heels, 99c. Girls' kid,» button and {lace boots, sizes 8 to 10 1-2 | regut ar $1.65, for 99c. $2. 25 One lot men's $3.50 Box | 1 "alt 'Biucher hers S Jor $2.25. $2.98 One lot men's calf, and patent boots, regular $4.50 for $2.98. THOS. LAMBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR What We Want You to Know That made to order clothing is the best nad cheapest. That we have a good selection of fabrics for men's wear, That we give the most careful attention to the making up of nll garments, That yon can have your money hack If not satisfied. That we solicit all Kinds of tailoring, own goods made up. Repairing and pressing. That we have an Agency for made to order suits at 815.00, ¥IN.00. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street Qne Jot oily , boys' $2.25 A and $2.75 black and tan Bluchers, sizes 1 to 5, | | for $1.75. $1.49 One lot hoy S Shaw ~ said city tanjes 11 to 13 1- 2, in lac Hands $1.49 | tan calf. regular # for| One lot women's tan | tan c: 2.25, $1. 49. | pumps and Colonials, regu $1.25 Babies' sizes 1 to 4, for 19c¢. Shoe Polishes | Many bargains in 10¢ {white, black and tan found was delegates everywhere I'he historical-inter its beauti té enjoy th A=] ] * boots, S1Z- mayor reviewed the a= well as ful scenery I'he mayor paid a fine tribute to the policemen of King- ston and said that could expect a true answey ests of city one [lar $3.50 and $4.00. Clear ling at $1.49. and obliging from them every time as to the location of fa places A a i HIGHEST GUARANTEED Electric Iron, $3. 50 | ' For a short time only Halliday' s Electric Shop: Phone 94 - - 345 King St. Ladies' College RE-OPENS SEPT, 8th. lew Building --costing $140, 00D. 00. Absolutely Firemproct. Every dodern Convenience. New Furnishings. 2ure Water trom Artesian Well. COURSES: Academic Course from Preparal to First Year miversity. Music, Art, Domestic Science, Phys- ical Culture, Stenography. Write for calendar. REV. Jd. W. H. MILNE, B.A, D.D., President. J. W. ROBERTSON, LL.D., C.M.G., Chair:aan of Board of Trustees. 9 room house, new; all improvements, $3,- 000.00. Easy terms. * W. H. Godwin & Son. Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance * AUTOMOBILE OWNERS, ATTENTION! Have Your Tires Repaired NOW Don't wait until they get beyond repair Steam and Electric Vuleanizing Agents for Cadillac PORRITT GARAGE CO, LTD. Always At Your Service Phone 454 \ Cars was Dr AT mayor The next speaker M.P.P I'he him as has > Ross, introduced heing a lawal subject, who Airiea during the Boer war At the pre sent orisis he to stand by eign field Dr. Ross' speech was patriotic al through and he ¢losed by saving that it was the duty of everyone of us to livea in defence of the empire He was loudly ap [een Service im South has again. volunteered his country on the for sacrifice ritish plauded A. W. Langmuir, president of he Pominion A Y.P.A.. in a few words expressed the ideals of the society Although it under conditions it 'was his opinion this conference is going to be extreme interest The reply to the welcome was made hy Clarence Bell, hon. president of the A.Y.P.A.. He paid a tribute to the local executive and especially to Miss Laura M. Rvder and Rev. Mr. Magee, who have labored so faithiully to make this meeting a success. "he session came to a close by Ca non Loucks Prenouncing the tion our met unfortunate that one of benedic INCIDENTS OF THF DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Om Busy Reporters. Hazel tried "Witeh Once flour Miss E. NM spent. the Cream."" Gibson's always used, White Rose Patterson, ~ in the cit) Miss Donnell, Ke visiting { ds in the city "100 Biaud's Iron Pills, 25¢." fiib tenham, day Ex yline pler is J. K. Fregman, and Mabel, Wihnur, are the city. = "Witch Hazel Cream." Miss Fwva Maddigan, is visiting Bufialo Miss visiting daughter visiting, Iriends ir Gibson' Bagot friends in Jonnie Clo heg-eousin, Vietoria street "100 Blaud's Iron Pills, 25¢." son's A. Brennan ugh, Parham, Miss Hattie Buck, ibe and Miss M Brennan, DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30, 40, 50, 60c. BLENDS For Sale At All Grocers Women's | Patents and'Gun Metal Pumps and Oxfords Regular $4.00, $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 |Your Choice 11.99 ALLAN M. REID . ".111 Princess-Su., Kingston il] deau canal. fl ton Tuesday evening and were met by Chicago, are visiting Mrs Rvan, Livingston avenue Mrs. Ralr McKay and son, don, are visiuing Mrs. EF. | Upper William street Don't buy White Rose want a cheap flour Miss Beatrice Gates, has returned home aiter week with friends at Kepler Witch Hazel Cream." Gibson's Juscphi Humboldt, is wisitingt with friends in the He has not been -in Kingston for seventeen vears. He was in the goods business here l.on Mehay flour if you Princess street city dry Back to the City. George A. Sutherland, 0il City, Pa., accompanied by Miss Mary I. Draper, Glenburnie, spent a few days in Otta wa, taking in the sights and visiting friends. They took in the city by anto and found great changes in the past forty years. They left Ottawa for Kingston by steamer Rideau Queen, on Monday, August 17th. Mr. Sutherland found many improve ments on. the way since he travelled the canal many vears ago, and enjoy od very much the trip on the old Ri They arrived in Kings his auto to spend some time with Mrs. R' Draper, Glenburnie, and to visit his many friends in that vicin ity. ~ Married in Edmonton Edmonton Journal At two o'clock on August 13th i All Saints' church, Bishop Gray offi ciated at the marriage of Bruce Hamilton, Fourth street, and Miss Edythe M. Asselstone, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. H. Asseltine, Kingston The bride, unattended, was giver away by Mr. Frink, and wore a nav) blue serge tailored suit, the coat op ening over a blouse of pale yellow crepe de chine, and white hat. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left on the afternoon train for Banff and op their return they will take up their Jesideace on Sixth street. - spending #4 picture |, $3.49 One lot men's ( 'alf chers and Button Boot regular $5.00, for $3.49. One lot girls' lace boots 3lu-| and patent strap shoes, siz- les 11 to 2, regular $2.00, $1. 75 and $1 0, for $1.25. WATCH OUR BARGAIN TABLES SHOE STORE dressings for 9 days. ABERNETHY' S LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. -- Correcting A Wrong Impression. Cameron, Ont., Aug. 15.- (To the ditor) : Since the days of my grand- father 1 have heard of the Whig as standing for fair play and justice, {heretore 1 think you will be glad to have me Wrile this letter, a& 1 bes eve you wonld wish tashave righted \uy mistake vou might happen to ake: and we are all liable to make mastakes issne of August 10th, from "Fditorial Notes," Db quote : 'Pastor Russell has been giv that the end of the world omes in 1911 The statement itself idence that vou have not ob information from writings or his entatives or the represefitativer ol he 1.B.=.A. of which he is president, yecause all of Russell's writ ngs and sermons prove that he does not believe that the world ends mn 114 or any other vear In the "Di ine Plan of the * published b 'astor Russell 1886 mn page 331, he says: "Relief wll only with the birth of the wder of things," and then he he same -text that Mr. Maclean uses n his wonderful article referred to hy same page of this same is Whig, and applies it in the ery same way. Why show'd you con femn tussell and express ap- woval of Mr. Maclean? 1 not In vour he column of ing out es ev Pastor repre ained your Russell or his Pastor Ages, as long ago a= one new quotes ou on the ue of the Pastor believe 1t acquainted his writings, ongthe ignorant in whom you are Russell or s because ith Pastor st wrote vour editorial note wuthority of some one either or wilfully misleading, but ou had confidence as bemg reliable conld name von editors and profes sional and business men all over the ountry at one time, were realy rejudiced against Pastor Russell, but ier a careful reading of his clea: wd logical arguments, based on the lible, and appealing 10 reason, entiment, became admirers of his jews. Judging by your comment on Mr. Maclean s arucie, yun ould too Ve must not overlook the fact that here ne fundamental (difference be ween Pastor resentation md Mr. Macleap's--Pastor Russell 1s 'ooking for the Lond Jehovah, the 'teator of the upiverse, to bring sbout the new order of things, while Mr. Maclean is depending on Great ritain to do the work. While an ad piver of Great Britain, 1 prefer Pas or Russell's choice of a founder of "a new heaven and a new earth.' knowing that editors are busy men { have tried to boil this letter down, but it seemed as though a certain length was necessary to make good my defence. ~ In conclusion, Pastor Rus sell has been preaching for ne sary for ty vears- that we might expect the inal birth-pangs of the pew order of things in 1414, and never once has he hanged this date and | do not think he will have to.- 'May those who are ready to welcome the new order stand shoulder to shoulder is my prayer LL. =. WARD. who, not to At Lake Ontario Park. Although last evening and raining at intervals, the ph- vilion was comiortably filled with people at' Lake' Qutario Park. On Thursday evening there will he an entire change of programme. - was damp "A 23¢. tooth paste," 15¢ Gib son's. Miss Gertrude Burke has returned to (Toronto after spending the last two weeks at her home in, , Rorte- mouth. | An our $3, $2.50, $2.00 Straw Hats Now $1.00 See our showing of $2 | Wa $2.50 Soft Felt | Hats now selling at | $1.00 CamphelBros | WERE ALMOST DROWNED Mtawa Canoeists Rescued at Shar- bot Lake F'wo Ottawa canpoeistes, named Gor- lon and Henderson, had a near es ape from drowning at Sharbot Lake mm Tuesday. Their - canoe was wamped across the lake from the tation The water was very rough ind one of them could not swim fhe other held him up but both would wave been drowned but for help irom he other shore. W. Y. Cannon and \. Doyle went over in motor boats ind rescued them. . Both weve about ~chaustad, Steacy's Advertisement. Throush an error the advertise- nent of Steacy's intimated that fifty ver cent would be allowed on all yurchases, Thessimple reading of he matter would show that a nns- ake had heen made. It really was 4ve per cent. to be allowed on all urchases. The numergus people «ho spoke to the firm about their large discount clearly evidenced that "ye Steacy advertisements are read with marked interest by the patrons of the Whig. They will take no- tice, however, that the discount is very much smaller than the figure which found its way into the adver- tisement, and at the same time they may note that they get splendid' value for their money when they puy from "the busiest store in town." "Sponges unbleached," at. Gib Pure Ice Cream in Best in Kingston By Government Test SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House son's, Ail . Builder's ¢ Material Lowest: Price: bs STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR We have a large stock of Refriger- stors and Gas Stoves; also all kinds of jew and second-hand furniture; all t we sold at reasonable prices. ; Come, see the bargaina MH, SUGARMAN, 242 O 5% \ ia Thone 1580 Opposite Cralg's Wholesale -------------- SOCIETY PRINTING FANCYROCKERS ltr lh In Imitation or Genuine Leather, only In Solid Quartered Oak Frames on! Cloths and Linsiesms and Oat READ QUALITY REID Low PRIE. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Phone 147.