TO HAVE ANOTHER GAME, The Collection Will Go to Very | Worthy Cause. } NOT BEATEN, AND DO NOT IN-| Stanley Trotter, president of the | TEND TO EATEN. City Baseball League, has arranged | Au a oe the ictorias and Athletics ®t - ay et the cricket field on Saturday § A Fight To a Finish--Russia Is 8l4jeinoon. The mone: collected oti] Terrible Factor for Germany, But the game will be given to the parties the Franco-British Allies Must | interested in collecting for the wives Conquer in Belgium and. On the |©F wen who have volunteered for over-! O seus service. French Frontier, Tondon, Ang. 26.--In the bright Final Game To-morrow. morning sunshine troops marched | The linal game in the junior S.S.A. along Victoria street, to-day. 'The|A.A. baseball series will be played at baud was playing "It's a Long Way [the cricket field on Ihursday evening and for this reason our suit department is the scene of" + LEAVE ON FRIDAY. * -- +> Major E. C. Barrett, officer 4 commanding the 5th field bat- + tery, has received word for the + battery to leave for Valcartier + on Friday. The order also + states that the complete bat- + tery will be taken. Up to the # present time about fifty horses 4 have been purchased by the + commanding officer. * + TEP P PEP bree Cheers cume from all sorts of people | City Baseball League in the Y.M.C. interest but without any demonstra lon the 12.20 G, T. R. train for Des- but all the newspapers to-day express |afternoon. work with bulldog tenacity. National League--Pittsburgh, 2; tend to be beaten, We are going on cago, 0. Detroit, 2; Washington, 1 a linish, and the end will only come | idence, 5; Bufialo, 1. N E AIT We i sols . y spd a fow "Germany on this occasion is en- » ivi looked very well, indeed=and then wondered a few Lao Oran lr COMING RAPIDLY pleasant activity these days. so wrinkly, so shabby and so shapeless. (and as ghey have proved to be in the 'Thirtesn Have Been Received From| have had just this sort of experience! {B | axertin i | , : : . {axe g their pressure from the out. | i : az : : | More Expected the shape keeping qualities much in their favor. . . . - 1 ought to be--and tailor work is the only thing that [Bp {confidence in ultimate victory. We| The population at kort Henry was | We select only the Most reliable fabrics. We | we shall play it with decisive effec' | men who are suspected of being Ger- | ness they ought to have. And as a result our school The Evening Standard says. west, on Tuesday evening, a guard in | nm DN ttvlo are <IMMavt: WW There is Ihe Falk stvles are smart and new. There is dos Rot for Dae Moment G1epense unin the sar 1 over The militar y i Small Boys Suits $3.00 to $7.00. {p coud compensate France and Ori-{and was brought to the city, on 1 ues- | the land war is Belgium and 'i> Ihe carpenters are busy at the pres- | solve that come what may to France a i stad Moptreal BROCK STREET they will never surrender to Ger-{ will be rout rR 2. OR a her down. As long as we hold the accommodating such a large number EE a faa vision has been asked if he could ac- or not they will be sent, it is not | A Graphic Account of British En- New and pretty models from West Hartlepool, gives an intetesting INCIDENTS OF THF DAY. Breslan, now dismantled in the Dar- | to '1ipperary," which has become the | COmmencibg at six o clock, when St. who hitherto have heen content to| A. building on Friday night. tion. In the words of the Tipperrary eronto on Wednesday, and will play contidence that despite initial reverse ! 'the Fvening News says: "Not omy | pji1adeiphia, 0. Boston, 4: Chicago, 1. till we win, but we need men, and we Philadelphia, 9-3; St. Louis, 0-0. when victory has crowned the stan: weeks later how the suit could possibly have grown fBritain and Russia, les deux intan- ni : ; oS 4 ORE than the price is attractive in this collection of fall We commend our school suits to mothers who |p wars of history. With Franco steady All of the boys' clothing we sell is tailored as it [per rims, the French government has will make a suit hold its shape in active service, have now our part te play, and ifjincreased to seventeen, on Tuesday whatever happens at the momea' in {man spies. wis #3 SRY £ aye . Ine a : 2 "There should not be too much re-churge of twelve Germans, who had | ' suits will wea and hold their shape liness to an un liance on the Russian advance. | been gathered in at Sarnia, were tak- ' Granting that it is a terrible fat-'en off and immediately taken over to / very broad variety from which to make a choice. us from he Situ} noceseity of driv. | authorities had arranged for a special | o ® Nateii RC RERNTG Brians RYa. TAYE Arava ing the Germans from Belgium and |car to bring the men to the city. It] Correct fit is assured. Prices ave very moderate, the French frontier. No Russian |is stated that they gave mo trouble | t 11 h Suits success, tremendous as might be its |\hile being brought to the city. » BD ' : | ain v Da.- » a 'or i 'a- i Larger Boys Suits $5.00 to $10.00 tein for fallure in their own Padi- day afternoon, over the Canadian la | . Many models with only one of a make French frontier. There we must|.,: (ime arranging for suitable quar- | many, but will stick to her as they |... intimated that the authorities | sea we cannot ourselves be vitally| Saeed rdebifrdedededededdededodrirdedododded . " cept about eighty Germans who are . ' * { known. A | 1SSeS uits counter With Cruiser. | account of the chase of that vessel of | -- denelles. The Gloucester, he says, | murehing song of the British army. | Paul's and Cooke's clash. ® "Are we downhearted ?"' shouted the -- ' people along the sidewalks, and cheer Brief Sporting Notes. : ed at the soldiers' laughing response. There will he a meeting of the J J watch the passage of the troops with The Parknine baseball team left slogan, "there's a long way to go," [the team from that village in the ,the British nation will stick to its Baseball Record. are we not beaten, but we do not in- American i.eague--New York, 9; Chi need them now." Int tional 1 -M al. Xs p o . "hs nternaliona Lague- ontreal, : . S( HOOI SUI | S j The Pall Mall Gazette says i kis Newark, 0. oronts, 4; Jersey City, , ea A ae |V: Baltimore, 3; Rochester, 1. Pro- VER have they had so many claims to recommend them, Nearly every mother of a healthy, aetive boy R atels Of gu Fal Treadom." RE knows how she has bought him a school suit that [§| The Westminster Gazette says:: SPIES FOR THE FORT gibles, as they have been called, and those two nations all the tine! Sarnia and Pembroke-- suits. You will find the materials, the general style and ground for expressing its absolute we are true to our reputed tenacity evening, due to the arrival of thirteen | have them made up with all the care and thorough- [Bj Raterer boos A er he" tidin: 'ateived 'rom the] usual degree. tor for Germany to reckon with, it Fort Henry, where they will remain indeed, considering the splendid value we give. j it be } material bearing on the situation,| 'I'he other man came from Pembroke | tirular task. For us the theatre «| ic raiiroad. \ J / I Y ' conquer or die." _ | ters in case that a number of more i L I I N G S O N S The Londen Chronicle says: "Bei- suspects are brought to the city. : tain and Russia must stubbornly re- A rumor has it that about seventy 15 1 7 95 $18 75 20 00 $ ' $ soled, vl Jy . A Little Out of the Way, Bu It Will Pay You To stuck to Napoleon, until they puit|,. inquired as to the possibility of Ty. And on up through a long list to $32.50 struck." The officer commandidg the "al being held at Montreal. Whether i an TWO SPITS WRECKED BRESLAU. London, Aug. 27.--T. Marsden, the} wireless operator on board H.M.S. tiloucester, writing to his mother a $10, $1 4.50, $1 6.50 and Up the German warships Goeben and| Vewsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Our | opened fire upon the Breslau, but the NEW GOODS ' Busy Reporters. first shot fell ehort. The Breslau re- l Mize - Edna Freeman, Albert street plied with thirty shots, of which two turned Tuesday after a. visit | O0iy, took efiect, two of the Glouces- ot Rs "| ter's boats being smashed on the dav- with frida a Suava, bell, Da- | its. 'Alter the first shot our lads : *strast, returned on Tutedey from | ¥6re ghite happy," adda Marvden, OME to-morrow if only to see these new coats and suits. got street, returned ou Tuesday from i "ord k oa ickly 088i- stor trip to T to. and kept firing as quickly as possi I oma Mra. ble. One chap nearly swallowed = his You are never urged to buy, and are always welcome to Mrs. James Donaldson and bow of "bacey when the first shot foll We have received and sed into Thomas McNeely are visiting with "0 © 0 . op § . " pas ghort. he uixv che pe spat vi, oF try on and examine the new things. Mrs. Andrew Craig, Glenburnie. , G . at i Albert Dunn, who has been holiday- luck, and it toov half of the Bres stock over 100 cases and bales of new goods ing in the city for a month, has re.| laws funnel away. He reueated the i i ext shot, which turned to his home in Pasadena, Cal. | operation on the next sho ! from Great Britain and France. Fortu- He is a #on of ex-Ald. 'Dunn. cleared the Breslau's quarter deck and | John Ceale, at one time a member put her ait gun oul of action. Then | nately the European trouble had not brok- of the firm of barristers, Kirkpatrick he began to smile. { : & Rogers, now practisin in Ren- a ! en out until our buyer had secured all of frew, was in the city on Tuesday. = leighe Offices. . | MH. Brintell. C. Draden, C. Cochrane] The names of the provisionally ap- pointed officers of the artillery bri II -- our fall and winter stock, and the shipments and R. Guess, of Toronto, passed |FIied Toitio Bl Cnhe artillery. di- through the city on Wednesday in| g¢ 1 : ley 3 " p vision of Canada's expeditionary have arrived without any extra cost. tieie atomobile on ther way to] vision of Cenetws © An automobile, belonging to a lo-| The staff of the let brigade mobil- enl marchant, was hit by a street | ized at Ottawa from the Kingston, ond coming down Princess street Belleville, Gagapague aed Stave A : NEW DRESS GOODS about 11.30 o'clock Wednesday miorn- | batteries are: ing. The automobile was sl ghtly Morrison, D.S.0., Ottawa, command- | ling: Major W. O. H. Dodds, Mont- NEW SUITINGS Samagel. r-------------- - { real, adjutant; pi, Moore x \ ! COPS x : way. ! gtove, orderly officer; Captain . -- PRINCESS STREET WHITE "WAY. EO . ol ry o gai Major! 8 vom NEW FLANNELS Rl it ve in Timers nn Few] on MeCran, modial aver Lu ---- | Days. Could Not Get Any Trace. ' re -- . 3 NEW HOSIERY The "white way" on Privoess street | On Tuesday evening, Robert Uamp- ' Swill be in: seadiness, for the turning fli, caretaker af the Sir Oliver Mowat = on of the lights' within th course | inl hospitsl, was very muc NEW COATS oro lon da and they will bees | Nerioriel houblthl, nas Sarl A Bo S ot at 2. 0 just as soon as all the poles havel ..4 the hospital grounds. When been removed from Princess street. |, io 5.4 ay at the men he NEW SILKS and it is expected that all the Bell | 4 uoht that ope of them was the » Telephone company's poles will bo prisoner who escaped from fhe pemi- : ced 'by the end of this week Or. j.,tjary, as he appeared to be wear NEW COATINGS Ee of next week. It is hoped|in. a pair of stei He im- i < . r a pair striped trousers. 1 . to oo the lights on for the first 1 mdiutels notified the prison sutbori- Strong enough for School and good NEW LINENS itime on the night of Labor Day, jtics. Constable Uross came over to La : the Goapital fut, he Sa. ne enough for Best. Guaranteed solid and Sept. 7th. i {Ihe Bell Telephone Sofapasy SeCur- | get any trace of the men. { ed the necessary easements to carry - } 4 ou their. work today: All the Sek) 4 Hewy Division Couet | a Boot that will Wear. on 'the new pavement should be = Filty-one cases required the atien- c . . . Iv fished by Sasargey Sew. of ge et Toe hee Different shapes to choose from and at | --------------------------. | Gives 100,000 of Oats. |ing required all morning and part of ves 100,000 Bushels {ing a; Lond port of v A message from the aiternoon. \ 3 polika, Aug. 36. a Prince Edward were adjourned until the next sitting by . : Island, received by the government ©i the pour. ood : 2 . 50 Loday, asks to have fornarded | wien Possible We Lower the Prices. § dod i ls of Big baskets Burbank and Blue plums oie diel eign -- fe. STnureday; at Uarnovsky's. designated by the war of | pnts 'rmeth fy pode Gib: e H. Glynn will son's. ; ; Souny fair a hu Fher br Yandouses: N wl tie 2 hese Da of Mra.