EE ---- Library Globes Our LIBRARY GLOBES are very strong and accurate, and the maps on them do not fade. "All mounted on heavy metal stands, bronzed and very ornamental. GLOBES, full mounted, with meridian, must be done to give work for hing: and mounted with full meridian, sizes 8 in. and 12 inch diameter, all in stock at Half Price Now is the time to buy a GLOBE at a great bar- | gain, Every one in the home will follow the war news on one of our large globes. R. UGLOW & C0. '*.c THOS. Princess LAMBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR What We Want You to Know That made to order clothing is the™ best aad cheapest. have a good selection of fabrics for men's wenr, careful attention to the making up of all garments. your money back if not satisfied. own goods made up. Hepa That we Thut we give the most That you ean have That we solicit all Kinds of talloring, og and pressing. That we have nn agency for made to order sults at $15.00, $15.00, THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street Zbar'slce Cream Parlor We sell Ice Cream in bulk and deliver to all parts of the city. Al' seasonable fruits kept in stock. -------------- Phone 1128, 280 Princess St. Noti Arrange your coal bin so tha baskets will not be required in de- Uvery. This will save you the extra charge of 25 cents per ton. Stove Coal, $7.00 if shovelléd ia. Stove Coal, $7.75, it carried. Nut Coal, $7.75, if shovelled in. Nut Coal, $8.00, if carried. THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL C0 PHONE: 185 One (Quality Only--The Best Nothng short of that can satisfy us or you You don't know a GOOD tire unless you have tried a MICHELIN Sold by THE PORRITT GARAGE CO. LTD. All sizes kept in stock and prices right, 110-114 Wellington Bt. HIGHEST GUARANTEED Electric Iron, $3.50 For a short time only Halliday's Electric Shop Phone 94 @ 1S DESIRED BY THE BOARD OF WORKS. Paving Question Was Taken up Again At a Special Meeting Held on Wednesday Afternoon -- Pe- titions Received For More Paving. The fact that everything possible ton's unemployed, was brought to the attention of the Board of Works on Wednesday afternoon, by the chair man, Ald. Litton, and all the mem- bers agreed with (he chairman. Ald. Litton presided at the meeting, and the 'other members present were Alds. Couper, Fair, Hughes, Suther- land, O'Conngr and Peters. The board received a letter from the Kingston Construction company, nt which the company stated that they understood that Foley & Gleason did not intend to proceed with their work on the block on Princess street, be tween Clergy and Barrie streets, and offering to do the work at the same price tendered by the Ottawa hrm ho company stated that it was ready to go on with the work at once, and that the city could be assured that loca labor would receive the preference Ald. Hughes stated that while he would like to see the Kingston firm secure the contract, it would not be fair under the circumstances, as the local firm was acquainted with the prices quoted by the Ottawa firm. Ald. Sutherland said that there was a rumor to the eficct that Foley & Gleason would not take the contract for the block on Princess street unless they got the contract for the extra area proposed for paving. I'he chairman stated he had been as- sured by a representative of the com pany that the block would be finish eu, and that a start would be made in three weeks' time. Mayor Shaw, who dropped into the meeting at this stage, stated that mm view of the board must only think of doing the paving which absolutely neces sarv. He drew attention to the dis graceful condition of Princess street, between Barrie and Clergy streets, and asked that if it could not be paved, that it be given macadam Ihe mayor urged that it be arrany ed so that Yocal wen be given the work. Work would have to be provid- od for a great many men this win ter. The was board received, petitions tor sheet asphalt paving as follows: Wil ham street, between Division street and University avenue; Aberdeen street, Earl to Johnson streets; Uui versity avenue, 'Stuart to Princess sireets; Frontenac street, Union to Tack streets, Ald. Sutherland said he ed to doing any more paving outside of the one block on Princess street 'But we must get work for men, said the chairman. Ald. Sutherland . proposed that the work of putting the fair grounds in proper shape be commenced. This, be said, would provide work for unskill ed "labor. "He also-suggested starting work on the proposed city wharf. Ue was oppos financial "situation the | the idle | b People Are ABERNETHY'S SHOE SA This Sale Ends Saturday, August oe - One special lot men 's working boots . Special lot men's $4.00 fine boots . Another lot men's $5.00 button and lace boots $3.49 Sale of Women's Dolly Varden Boots Regular $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 values, in button and lace, tan and black, kid and calf, now . . $1.98 Pumps Now Women's $4 | Women's $4.50 | Pumps and Colonials $2.98 | | TY in Barefoot Sandals All 10c Shoe Polishes Now ac. | | 2.69 . | { | ABERNETHY'S Shoe Store _ wow A ---------------- -------------------------- IT0 GUARD SUSPECTS THIS HAS CAUSED 34TH RIFLES TO GO TO FORT. said that all of three hundred families would have to be cared for this wif ter. After a great deal of discussion, it was decided, on motion of Ald. Coun per, to grant the petitions, provided | they are properly signed, and that the tender of Foley & Gleason, at $2.15 a square vard, be accepted, the under standing aiso being that Kingston la- bor must be employed on the work FELL FROM HIGH WINDOW And Escaped With Bruises and a Broken Leg. To fall from the dow in Switzer's ham, and suffer a broken leg and arms and body badly bruised, was the experience of a man named Hig- ley, a resident of Syracuse, N.Y, It appears that on Wednesday morning at about one o'clock people living near the hotel: were awakened from their slumberg by a sharp crv. When they rushed out of their homes third storey hotel, at win Syvden . 346 Bing 5 St. Carin's Pure Scotch Jams Strawberry Raspberry Black Currant Green Gage , Bramble Jelly 2 AF F/ Put up in 12 oz. jars and 5-1b. pails' For Sale At All Grocers SS --... oa ~ SPECIAL. SCHOOL SHOES Tye For Boys and Boys Box Calf Bluchers, regular $2.00; ow . . gg Misses' Box Calf Bluchers, regular $1.50, now , $1.25 they found 'the may lying on the ground in an unconscious condition ! How the happened no person seems able to answer It is supposed the man, while walking in his sleep, went to the open window and while leaning out lost his balance and toppled The room, occupied by the man, on the road side of the building Doctors rushed to the scene. They set the legiamnd dressed the .nries. | On Wednesday it was decided to ve- move the man to Rockwood hospi- tal, and R. J. Reid's ambulance was secured. He a low condition. accident out was LAD HAD HIS-ARM BROKEN He was Pushed Off Slide at Outario Park. Earl Sharpe, the twelve-year-old son of C. J. Sharpe, William street west, met with a ppinful accident at Lake Ontario Park on Wednesday evening. The lad was at the top of the slide and was pushed over the side by other children. He fell to the ground, a distance of about twelve fest, and broke his arm. Jas. Reid'y ambulance was given a hurry call and conveyed the boy to the general hospital, where the arm was set by Dr. E. C. D. McCallum, H The lad was taken to his home after was the operation and, on Thutsday, progressing well. ll Watch For Whig's Biz War Map, Saturda ¥y. On Saturday a full page map of the theatre of ake will be published by the Whig. . sure you get a copy. The Whig's big war map, which will be published Saturday next, 'the per on the continent. the smaller, cheaper one and giving our readers somethi oti while. % Lease Was Renewed. Al the of the ity Council Wednesday night the following re- of Property committee, pee the © Ald. 1, hairman, was adopted © '"Ihat the re- | the Bank of British their lease of North the Lake {-#t-ts Likely that the Cells Will Soon | Be All Filled -- Asking for Tele- { phone Men to Hasten to the Front. Ibe men of the 14th Regiment do- {iva guard duty at Barrviefield have | changed their quarters to Fort Henry, | where they will remain for some time Un Wednesday morning the order was | issued to change and no time was lost fin doing so For the past three | weeks the men have been quartered {in tents on Darneheld common | The ritlemen will be quartered in tents inside the walls of Fort Henry It is thought that the change. has so that in case the Ger mans, confined to the cells at the fort, should cause trouble, the ment would be right on hand to quiet things. It is vo light undertaking for fif teen men to watch eighteen prisoners the men of the regiment, on duty al the fort, are kept on the jump. here are three shifts. The men are on duty for twenty-four hours and are ofi im forty-eight hours. 'The riflemen do two hours on and four off It is expected that in the a week or ten days the population at the fort will be increased almost three times, as suspects are being picked up all over the province and will be shipped to Fort Henry. Capt. Mchay, well known in Kings tou, can well remember when, the wa prisoners were confined behind the walls of Fort Henry in 1537 The militia department is desirous oi securing the services of thirty men the employment of the Bell Telephone company It is the intention of the department to send these men to the scat-of war, where they will be used in erecting telephone communication on the battle field, On Wednesday afternoon a telephone message was received from the head quarters at Montreal, asking any of (he men at the foeal branch, who de sired to go, to volunteer at once. The positions of - the men will be held until they return. . They will also receive hall pay while out of the coun try. 1t is understood that the men who volunteer will not go over with the Canadian contingent. but will sail at once, as their services are very much needed been made regi course 01 The Oakum Took Fire. There was great excitement in vicinity of the Hotel Dieu, street, on Wedoesday afternoon, some oakum in Simmons Bros.' de Livery Waggon took fire and caused quite a ¥t is thought that the fire was cansed by a spark. There was a large can of gasoline in the waggon but fortunately it did . not take fire. S.S.AAA. Game This Evening. At the cricket field, this evening, St. Paul's and Cooke's meet in the final game of junior -S.8.A. A.A. base ball series. Tn game is slated to commence at six o'clock sharp. Last "Thousand Islander" Trips. Fridas-Ta Ogdensburg. at 5.15 am. Fare, pio Tok Pp) Thousand Taignds, at 2.15 pn. Fare, the #Birock when A Sign of the Best Hats that you can always depend on is the satisfaction that men who wear ours find in them. Ask the nan who habitually wears Our Hats if he likes them; if he comfortable in shaping, style, of desirable material, THEN PRICE ON YGUR finds them ASK THE AND TRY SIZE. Campbell Bros. 84 Princess St, SOME IN IN MARINE CIRCLES ' Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor. The steamer Calgarian from , Richardson's elevator cargo of oats, in bags, for treal. The steamer Missisquoi was up from Gananoque to-day. The tug Bartlett will arrive to- Bight | from Montreal with two light Ar The steamer Rosemount passed up qn Thursday. afternoon on the | way from Mootreal and Fort William. The steamer Colonial up to Erie with coal from Montreal at 7 a.m. Wednesday. The steamer Donnacomua passed down to Montreal from the Welland canal at 9.20 p.m. Wednesday. The steamer lomic passed wu Welland, canal from Montreal a.m. Wednesda, The steamer Tagona down to Montreal from the Welland canal at 7 am. Thursday. The steamer Rideau King will, from' now to the rest of the season, only run to Portland, only making the trip three times a week. The Cause of the change is the low water in Rideau lake. From Portland to the Shs 14 the: despent. pare; of the can- ihe tug Ray Stanton brought Reported cleared with a Mon- to the at 11 from Trenton on smart in, i BUILDERS! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time. P. WALSH Barrack Street. ome. H, SUGARMAN, MID-SUMMER SALE The balance of our big new stock of Summer Suits, Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, will be cleared out at greatly reduced prices, A $20 Suit, now for. ... $15.00 An $18 Suit, now for .. $14.50 A $15 Suit now for .... $11.25 As low as $6.75; sizes 306 to 42. Come in and see them. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. Goak's Cotton Root Compound. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Wintoor.) Off Cloths and Linocieums and Carpet 'We have a Bigs k' of Refr! tors and Gas Stov a all ki sew. and second. furniture; all o se sold at able prices. C ba Street. Crenig's Wholesale Zou load of hard wood to to Swilt's Thursday. , Prot. Featoheti assistant in German has : Gros all White Roses The latest and best in every departs ment