YEAR 1 NO. 207 DR. C. K. ROBINSON | HIMSELF UP TO POLICE He Was Taken in Charge on thé City Hall Steps at Toronto Monday Morning. We tssued Signed Statement in Which He Declared His in- mocence:---He Was Retained by T..C. Robinette, K.C.---Another Man Must Bear the Burden. / To press representatives present at his arrest, Dr. C, K. Robinson, of Tamworth, gave the following sign- ed statement: "1 trust the public will net think 100 harshly, by reason of my going away and not returning till now, but circumstances over, which I had uo control compelled; my ab- sence, and the delay in coming for- ward to meet the charges against we "I am now prepared to answer, 'another man should rest a heavy burden. I have no desire to conceal truth, and when the . time comes for nie in court to give eviden- ce in my behalf, I am certain that 1 will be able to satisfy the court of my innocence. "There is much behind and in- cluded in this ¢ase that no one ever thought of that must come out at a full and complete investigation. 1 am but 24 years of age. I had just started in practice. - My parents -- the best in the world --at great self- sacrifice, edutgted me and looked forward to my career with pride and hope. To cause them suffering and disgrace is the hardest cut of all. I can bear all elge but that. But I know I shall receive a fair trial, Prove my innocence, and recover and redeem the good name I used to bear" (Signed C. K. ROBINSON, M.D, This statement was witnessed by his three brothers, George, William, and J. W. Robinson; and by T. C. Robinette, K.C.,and two star Star re- porters, under the shadow of Big Ben. Sought by thie police of the whole housé was made by the party Reach ing the cellar they tound charred portions of a mattress with blood. Noticing a peculiar odor, Edward Yorke, 'a brother of the girl threw aside 4 pile of boxes and started dig- ging cut the esrth. Thé body was found three inches below the sur- face. wa ~ ii Only Six Months At Tamworth. Dr. Robinson was comparatively Wukpown in the district, having moved from Kingston. only six months before Miss Yorke's body was found. He had-been on friendsy terms 'with the residents and his ac- 4h: previous to the disappearance of the girl had never been of a na- ture to give rise to gossip or scan- "fdal, The girl, ou the other hand, 'was well known, and respected. Miss Yorke was 32 years of age. The arrest of Dr. Robimson fol- d a pre-arranged plan. No bet- day could have been fixed on for the doctor to give himself up. BEx- the young practitioner of Tamworth, oept for visitors to the city the City Ontario, charged with the murder of "Happy" Blanche Yorke, on July the 8th, gave himself up to ) Detective William Greer th ! City Hall, Toronto, just as the Labor parade was passing with the blare of bands and flare of banvers, at 10 o'clock Monday morning. Three Brothers With Him. Pale and governing himself with visible effort, the young, Kkindly- eyed doctor, stood beside the motor car in which his three brothers had brought him to the rendezvous, as Detective Greer, and T. C. Robinetts, K.C., thrust their way through the swarms watching the parade, stepp- ed up and without any more com- motion than could be noticed over an invitation to go for a motor ride, Dr. Robinson was put under arrest, cautioned and then driven tithe par-. Hament buildings, where Chig! In- spector Joseph Rogers, of the pro- vincial police, remanded him till Wednesday. He was then driven tg the jail, to await Mr. Robinette's ap- plication to a high court judge for bail, He will be Temanfed from the jail to the assizes at apee, on Sept. 220d, and Mr. inette stat. ed to The Star that the trial will go over to the spring assizes. 4 Chased From Town To Town, Dr. Robimson refused 10 stale where he has been. Out of country, he admitted. But Whether in the states or not he Tuftiseu 10 say. Detective Greer admitted that}very sick, so it was decided what had had word of the young doe-{ steps tc take. yarious towns, but} aia So = Ra SOT Tete action] a Cacapecsediy. could be taken. J 'The formal charges against him] "I @ido't know that he was in réad at the remand in the parliament | town till I got a telephone message, buildings was murder and illegal|@nd then I came down in my car as operation. To two Star representa-fauickly as possible. Inspector Greer tives present at the arrest Dr. Robin- | had been notified that the doctor son gave a signed statement. was going to give himself up, and was waiting on the steps when I ar- rived. "The arrest didn't take a minute. 'We got into the auto and drove im- mediately to the parliament build- where - Dr. Robinson . was ght before provincial magis- | trate Joseph E. Rogers. He was re- manded to the jail till Wednesday, and to-morrow I shall make an ap- plication for bail before a high court judge. We shall offer bail as high as $8,000, but it is hard to say whether any bail will be accepted." Although Mr. Robinette had been Ni communication with Dr. Robinson! or two weeks or mote, the provin- clal police were apparently at sea as to the whereabouts of the much wanted doctor. Mr. Robinette ad- mitted the man had been 'down east", but beyond that refused to; say anything about his whereabouts, The two brothefs of Dr. Robinson, | Hall steps were practically deserted md the local police had no know- ge of what was coming off. f 4"I, have been in communication with Dr. Robinson for the p#st two } | weeks," sald Mr. Robinette, "and his friends had advised him to give Bimself up and face his trial, His mother is ald and his wife has béen Dissappeared July 8, It will be remembered that the charge against Dr. Robinson was caused by the disappearance of Miss Yorke from her home in a vi lage of Tamworth, on July 3 the subsequent finding of her body in cellar of Dr. Robinson's Honse. Her sudden dropping out of sight caused considerable commation in the little village ---a sensation over the country. With the discovery of the body.on July 28th, the whole. countryside}: was amazed. = It was the culmids tion of a series of searches and wild- goose chases in pursuit of question- able clues. How Discovery Was Made. The levying of a distress warrant was the initial means of the discov- ery, two creditors and the balliff{ were making a seizure of the furni-| according to Mr. Robinette, ture at the vacated Robinson home|¢ity in the automobile immediately | continent of America and of Europe, hunted from town to town in his own country, Dr. C, K. ee Robinson, | for non-payment of debts. When removing the mattress blood stains! te the jail | Mrs. EVERY PLUG OF PACIFIC ., BRIGHT CHEWING always reaches you condition and always the same -- not in perfect hard one day and soft another, like the Kinds you buy in bulk. The reason is, PACIFIC is firs made "DELIGIOUSLY GOOD" and wholesome and then each plug is wrapped separately in foil to keop'that goodness i and not allow it to come in contact with dust and soiled hands. BUY A PLUG TO-DAY AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCE. Inside each wrapper is a satin insert 'which hn ales op slots, - See Were noticed on the bedrall. Pulling up the blind large blood stains were seen on the floor. A search of the| left the | after their brother had been taken |, MAJOR R. H. BRITTON IS STILL AT VALCARTIER. A Wedding at Sceley's Hay--School Appointments----Concert in Aid of Patriotic Fund Gananoque, Sept. 7.--Major Rus- 'sell Britton, C. O., of No. 3 battery: of the first brigade, who was report. ed as being here to recruit No. 8, battery, has not been in Gananogue since his departure with the local volunteers. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Al lan Sweet, near Seeley's Bay was the scene of agvery pretty and inter- esting event on Wednesday evening Sept. 3rd, the marriage of their dau- ghter Miss Emma A. Sweet, to Rob: ert G. Kélly, #08 of Mrs. Kelly, Stone sireet, Ganapoque, and for some time past of the staff of ' the Government printing bureau, at Ot- tawd, took place, Rev. Thomas Wad- -------------------- | A-------- Tamworth house where the body ws fonnd, and inset of Miss Yorke. dell the Methodist minister of thai section performed the ceremony be: fore a gathering of about 100 invit- ad guests. The bride was attend«d by Miss Annie Kelly, sister of the groom, while the groom's interests were looked after by William Swaet brother of the bride. Miss DeWolfc played the wedding march, and ke bride who was attired In a hand some gown of mauve silk with pear trimmings was given away her fathers Afier {le ceremony bri dal party sat down on 'the law to: splendid wedding repast. The bride was the recipient of mumerous tri- butes of esteem from her host ' of friends. Mr, and Mrs. Kelly left fo a short honeymioon trip to Teronto béfore proceeding to their new héme in the capital, W.-W. Delaney, proprietor of the Palace theatre, has donited the Pa- lace for Thursday evening next ir aid of the Gananogue branch of the Leeds County patriotic league -and relief association. James Devins, King street, ¢ 1913 graduate of Gananoque high' gchool left this week for Ottawa for a course in the normal school. Miss Lena L. MeNeil, a. 1914 gra duate for the Faculty of Educatior nas accepted a position as teachér of 'the Mitchellville public school. Miss Verda Berry, pupil of Kings. ton model school, is in town for over .abor day with her mother, Ms Thomas Berry, Notth Street. Miss Lyla BE. Hud, a 1914 gra: duate of Gananoque high school, ha: accepted. a position as teacher of the public school im S. 8S. No. 2 Front of Leeds and Lansdowne. John Marshall, of Chicago, joined Mrs. Marshall who 'bas been here fo several weeks with her parents Mr and Mrs. Robert Henderson, Main | street, Mr. and Mrs. George A | Baker, Brock street, have returned from a short visit in Sunbury where they were guests of the latters sis ter, Mrs. William Lynn, Mr. and Arthur L. Knight spending the past few weeks with relatives af Sunbury and Chaffey's Locks, have returned home. Nine men of the Gananoque por | tion of No. 3. battery of the First | Brigade have arrived back in town, having failed . to come up to the . standard in thelr medical examina- | tions. Rev. H. H, Bedford-Jomes, rector of St. Peter's. churéh Brockville, fill- ed the pulpit of Christ church al | thie evening service yesterday. In Grace church yesterday ai the morning service Mrs. Erastus Palm jer, of New York City, sang Very. ae iceptably "Lead Kindly Light." Herbert W. Britton, manager of the -- Merchants bank, Glencoe ir spending a few days vacation with his parents, Customs Officer and Mrs. | W. H. Britton, Main street and will leave this week for London where he has been transferred to the east end branch. -Lieut's Frank man Rattray lett military encampment at Quebec. Miss Dora Thomson, of Maitland, is the guest of ber uncle and sunt Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Howe, Oak St. Charles Maedonald who has been al his summer home "Blinkbeunie" for the season, returned to New York the latter part of the week. Stinson, of Kingsten, is spending a few days with relatives in town ane vicinity. J. W. MeCalpin, of Brock- ville, a former resident of this town Mooney and Nor on Friday for the Valcartier. ge. Fmaturities is expected in the ne J ir# delayed or not made believed here that} - b> Mis: | Iza '| was renewing acquaintances hepe op to holders of city securities in France EMBER 8, 1014 E EFFECT OF THE WAR DEALERS EXPECT LOW . PRICES FOR INVESTMENT SECURITIES Competition Will Be Keen.-- New Financing to be Arranged an Im- portant Factor in Finaucial Situa. tion. New. York. Sept. 7.--The discus-| sion of war's effect of the invest ment market begs carried on in all 'financh cipcles, and a wide range of opin has resulted. Bond houses have done practically noth- ing since the Arst of the month, and 80 are unable to tell what the effect has been so for other than that it is impossible to sell anything now. It is the comsensus.of opinion in one large group of Investment au- thorities that securities of this kind will be cheap for a long time, and that high yields will be the rule for holders because the whole world will be anxious to borrow soon, and at- tractive offerings will be made in competing for funds. No new financing of note save tor few months. The most impoitant refunding operations that are unde discussion are for the City of New York which has to meet about $100,- 000,000 in interest jand maturing obligations in the next few months, it is belleved that the city will have to pay at least 7 per cent. for this money under present conditions, and that further attractive features Jf a financing plan will have to be devised. A large part of the: debts of the sity which have to be meat are due ind England, and there have been strong intimations sent that the cre- lit of the eity In Future years would 8 impaired in Europe if payments when due. irrangements will be coinpleted To he near future whereby the city ¥ill pay in gold, or in some other | yay salisfaétory to foreizn holders! . of its secugities, all of its' ebliga- ions abroad. _ Matuting obligations in Septem- ser; are of small moment, fortuna. ely for corporations of this coun- ry, amounting to no less than $5.- 100,000. In the later autumn nonths, Jon may arise owing to the very arge sums necessary {to be raised 'or maturities. stock Exchange Lookihg Into Status London, Sept. 7.--The Stock Ex- :hange committee has issued orders SLE Rickindsos, KINGSTO N BR ANGI As 1 have decided to rahe dar present promises tn the" carly pring of 1915, I am now prepared to reductions on any monument ako I have in stock. If it is your in. tention of purchasing it would be te in gold}. however, a serious situa-| a all the members to 14 4 te The auditor's 'hug insuring the accuracy of an es- imate of the general position, and go to find out those members who | wre solvent 'aud-insolvent. ! - { Dividend Was Passed. i Toronto, Sept, 7.-~The . directors] if the Sawyer-Massey company have! yassed the preferred stock dividend f 1% per cent. due on September | Ist. The reason given is the neces | ity of husbanding the company's re-| sources in the present disturbed :onditions. Last year the compahy arned 7.78 per cemt. on its prefer- ed stock, the year before 13.93 per: ent. and in 1911 15.30 per cent. | Che stock sold as high as 100 at the| )eginning of 1913, and the last of- | icial 'quotation was 69. | 1 Canada's Output of Steel. | Washington, Sept. 7.-- The Bur. sau of Statistick of American iron wid Steel Institute gives the pro- luction of all classes of ingots and :astings in Canda in 1913 as 1,042, ;08 tons, an increase of 189,472 ons over *he previous year. All kinds of finis rolled iron wd steel produced are placed at 367,097 tons against 831,22% tons he year before. Pig iron production wm Canada for the first six months of 1914 is placed - at 442,430 tons igainst 469,137 tons for the last half of 1913. ! War And Tobacco. New York, Sept. 7.---The United Cigar Stores Co,, announces that its july busines§ was the best for that month since organisation. The first hree weeks of ust have run far m excess: of ever done in the same weeks previously. . The only explanation is that war excite- ment has, ca an increase of smokinfi. Financial Notes. Standard Ofl company contéemplat- ing manufacture of dye stuffs Dividend de¢larations on sechiri- ies in Montreal and Toronto call 'or a disbursement of $2,291,914 in che first two weeks of September. ¥# J. Hamater of Kuhn, Loeb & director of the Westinghouse Elec- 'ric and Manufaeturing com to jucceed Paul M. Warburg. ar burg resigned from the com when he-was appointed to the aral Reserve Board. Sales of wool in Boston duting amounted . to 10,000,000 sontnds, Prices have been matn- tained, with a decided have their ae-| your advantage to buy mow. J. E. MULLEN (Cor. Princess and Clergy Kes: Phone. 1417. The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 yeas, has and allays Feverishness. Diarrhea. Soothing Syraps, Contains ao Es Opium, Morph; ' psi Its age is its guarantee. It destroys' For more than hos béen in constant use for the relief of: -Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething It regulates the Bough, and which has Boon. is Bovhe the of and hag heen ade der hi It is pleas pr. r other Nare irty years SEE Stomach assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleeps The Children's The Mother's Friend, Genuine CASTORIA ALwars 'Bears the Signature of (4 In Use For Over 30 Years * The Kind You Have Always Bought THR CENTAUR COMPANY, MEW YORK CITY, 17 Troopers Captured by Germans Broke Away. London, Sept.' 5--The Ostend cor- respondent of the Chronicle quotes one of the officials at the American consulate as the authority for the ac- count he sends his paper of the escape of the party of British troops who were captured by the Germans. "Seventeen British troopers were captured near Waterloo," the story runs. "The Germans marched them to the nearest cafe where the pris- oners were made to wait wiiile the Germans partook of refreshments. The celebration' over their capture became a debauch and most of the: Germans became intoxicated, where- Upon the British fell on the Germans took away their arms, killed sever- al and then fled." You will never regret using White Rose flour. cine eofry AY SAVE SMAL HoT r From Mortgage Forex Foreclosure «- Ask For Government Legislation. Toronto, Sept. 5.--~The committee of the Industrial tion of Ontario, organized to with the unemployed situation, X25 down to work at the City terday, when measures to the lose of homes through a Slosure of mortgages were sonsiders o The committee, after Uiscaning at length behind closed * cided to ask that wall whose gages are in danger of foreclosure report at once to the mie » It was also aptaed = REE ernment foue Xe not, t cours wT ae Ny legislation to defer normal conditions is Pome legislation to take effect ust 1, 1914 The legislation will apply to interest.