A number of informal teas have been given this week in honour of E. J. COUSINS ; Mrs, Lange and Mi 8 Large of Char lottetown, P who are the guesis of rs* Rober! Fraser, west -- - - ST) stroeet, L Sie Mrs. Robert Fraser, West street, 221 Princess Street was llosféss at the tea hour on Tues- day in honour of her mother, Mra i i Large and Miss Large of Charlotte- Repairing and Remodeling Lage and 3 $ ' y i A on a Specialty "The Kingston yachtsmen were en- . ) |tertained at luncheon at the Cape Prices Moderate Vincent club, afier the Traces on a Monday. . : on | Mrs. Richard Campion, Princess A | street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. J. Dowsley in Toronto. , ' Miss Pearle Oldreive spent the : week-end with Mrs. Charles Otis in With the coming of cold weather the whole human system undergoes a Cape Vincent. Mr. A. L. Morgan, Ottawa, was in change Now is the time to take a town for a few days this week. good tonle, something that will give a Ex-Cadets Norman Nelles and Ar- good appetite and blood and Hasue. We dre convinced that there is thur Bishop, who have been spend- no Y-iter tonie than ing some time in town returned to --r--y COLA-VIN Toronto today. Dr. R. E. Sparks returned from Which is a splendid hypaphosphite ton- ie, and certainly works wonders, Thornhill on Monday, where he has Large Bottle 75c¢ been visiting is daughter, Mrs. C. P. A liberal Sample given free to any- Johns. Mrs. G.- F. Emery, West. street. who wishes this Try it at aur expense "© » + 3 2 0» * @ Bre. produce has returned from Gananoque where she has been visiting friends. Mrs. Guy Gamsby and Miss Mar- jorie Gamsby have réturneéd from Bloomfield, where thay have been the guests of friends for the past splendid ! few days. to-day one touvke BESTS The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 to 0, EYES TESTED WITH . OUT CHARGE ' NO DRUGS USED CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTEN. TION WILL BE 80 INFORMED Keeley Ir; M.0.0.0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 226 Princess Street 8 doors above the Opera Hous to try $n nw, Miss Doris Browne, "Kensington Place," will leave for Belleville to- morrow, where she will attend St Agnes' school, a Mr. 8. 8. Scovil, Ottawa, spent the week-end with friends in town. Margo and Isobel Fraser returned home on Monday ,affer spending the summer at Perth and Rideau Ferry Mr. John Aird was a week-end visitor in town from Toronto, Mr. C. S. Dunning is in town from Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Hammond, King sfreet, spent the holiday in Brockville 'the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kohl. Dr. and Mrs "John Waddell and the Misses Lucy and Gwendolin Waddell, Earl street, have returp- ed home from their summer home at Loughboro Lake » ¥ = Miss Mollie Bidwell, King street, will leave to-morrow for Belleville where she will resume her studies at St. Agnes' school : Miss Rita Sutherland. and Mr Stewart Sutherland left yesterday for their home in St. Louis, Mo. after spending the summer with the Mis- ses Johnson, Earl street. Miss Suth arland . will spend a few davs in Cléveland en route, the guest of Mra. William Prince. Mr George Tavior. Montreal, sment Labour Day with his mother, Mrs. Charles Taylor and his grand- mother, Mrs. Hugh Fraser, Kine street Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have ra. jfurned fo Chicdon affer a visit wiiy Mye, tobert Thompson, Clergy Street * = » * ? A party of motorists who spent a delightful holiday at thé Sind Banks in Prince Edward county included Messrs. W. 0. Kent, ¢/ G. Shan- £ non, E. V. Lesslie, W. B. Dalton, J McKay, G. Robertson; 8S. C. Calvin, Robert Creighton and Major Ww. Sears, » Mr. Clauson Vansickle and his bury, spent Labor Day with Mra, Vansickle who. has been here all summer the guest of her mother, Mrs. John Gaskin, Barl street Miss May Hiscock, who is on 'the teaching staff of the High school at Sydenham was the guest of her nar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, B. €. Hiscock, Bar- rie street. \ . . . . Frank Strachan son of and Mrs. Archibald Strathan, King street, came east with the Moose Jaw volunteers and is at present at Valcartier. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart ertson, Sydenham street, spent week-end in Ottawa, Mr. dnd 'Mrs. W. G. Craig, Barrie Street, have returned from. Otjawa after spending the week-end" with Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Craig. Mr. J. §mythe returned to Toron- to on Monday evening. Col. and Mrs. Sydenham C. Me- Gill, Gore street, returned to tawn to-day after visiting their daugh- ters, Mes, E- H, Bickford, Mrs. Mor- gan Jellett at the St. George, To- ronto. Miss. Agnes Richardson, Univer sity avenue, left early this week for Valcartier camp, and will be out of town for a couple of weeks, Mrs. Barclar. Montreal, who has heer. the guest of DF. and Mrs. John Mackie at "The Ramparts," Lough- EE ---------------------------- How She Acquired "Pentinine Charm" 4 A A nicely-dressed woman: sal beside Mr. Mr Rob- the me in the train. Her. Tt Was rot her beauty of featpre nor her Sostuing. © abeut her Would you mind telling « me A's a 'great thing 16 be always {1% fod our eves, § y to go anywhere, ready face at oy Ninos or etal oy. You'll Na y, kKeép your complexion © so ow 1 dazzlingly pure?' Don't think me im always be ready if you Pertinent, BUL You seem over 30 yar Wear 20th Century Brand haven't a line In your face, and your Cheeks are quite peachi-iike, How fo, Po Clothes i have the highest u do ie? < : Yacht ng: she said: "That's easy: 1 remove my skin. © Sounds shocking, doesn't it? But listen. Instead of cos- TROT. se only pure mercalized wax city tailor be at any druggists. apply y at country tailor prices. t ke vold you know. 0, T use 3 face bir powde : ite : Sint when Mrs. D. M. Fraser and the Misses' J Professor brother, Mr. Henry Vansickle, Sud-| Everyone stared dt andi 0 rs. Peter Deviig for the past 'two week's, left For © their : William home in Ottawa on Saturday. Niss Eva Randall, Seel boro La turn uome at the e and of this week, . . - * : Mrs. Musray Kirke Greene is af J Yaleartior for a few days. Miss Mabel Richardson, "Alwing- ton," is in Phillipsburg, Que, visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. T. G. McGinnis James Macpherson, "Avonmore," will go to "The Ramparts™-on Fri- day to spend a few days with Dr and Mrs. John Mackie. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Going and their two children who have been Mrs. Going's guests, on Clergy street have returned to Brockville Lieut'-Col. H. R. and Mrs. Duff returned from Quebec on Saturday. Miss' Jean Maclelland returned to Whitby college to resume her studi. ® on Tuesday Mrs. L. W.R. Mulloy has returned to Iroquois after spending a few days with Mrs. G. H. Williamson, Brock street. - * * -* Mrs. Howe, Ottiwa, is Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson Miss Alice Mycnee has returned town and is at Mrs. -.James pon's, Barrie street. Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick Miss Sadie © Randall, street, and don, Man, and Milwaukee, ~ Wis., where they have been visiting friends for the past two months. . * - * Mr. and Mrs. Jamee R. Hender- son, Earl \street, announce the en- 'Bagement of their younger daugh- ter Amelia Fenwick to Mr. Ceeil Stewart Parsons, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. C. Parsons of Middle. ton, N. 8. The marriage to take place very quietly early in Octo- ber. : - The engagement is announced of Miss Nun Grant, daughter of Lieut. Col, Grant, P.A, M.C., and Mrs, Grant, Toromto, to Capt. Hemniing, R.C.R., son of Col. Hemming, D.0. C., and Mrs. Hemming, of Kingston, visiting | Ont. > ; street, ote 0 Mr. and Mrs. F. Stunden announce the engagiment of their daughter, : | May, to Joseph J. Jarrell, son of Ja 18 now | Mrs, Catharine Jarrell. The wad: visiting friends in Montreal after | ding takes place the third week in spending the simmer at Cap a I'Aigle. | September. ) i Jessie Smith, Farl stréet, 3 ------------ en will go to Ottawa on Friday to vis- | it Mrs. and Miss Cox, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sackett. and aj party, from Cape Vincent, were in town to attend last night's formance of "Othello." wo Hx ak ne 3 Pr. and Mrs. H. Neilson, Quebec, j are expected in town on 'Thursday to be the guests of Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Barrie street. - Mr. Algy Ridout, India, will come to town to-morrow and will be Mrs: R. E. Kent's visitor, Mis. Arthur Macnee, who has been on an estended tour abtoad, atrived to-day from Mon- treal, where she was the guest of 4 Mrs. R. Bottarell, to visit Mr. and Mrs. James Rigney, George street. Professor Fowler and Miss 'Annie Fowler, Union street. are home from Little Metis, Que. Miss Isabel Ross, Alfred who has spent the summer at Cush: ing's Island, is now yisiting at Lancaster. to Cap- Vancouver, eR eer pp street, ! $8 8 8 Miss Mollie Cartwright went to Toronto, yesterday, with her three small nephews, who have been spending the summer with Lady| Tug Cartwright at "The Maples." Miss! Above | Cartwright will remain a few days |Chia with Mrs. Harry Cartwright before |" returning to town. \ Mrs. W. F. Nickle and her family will return to town after a delight- i MS ---- ful summer at The Shieling. Mr. |B. LI Reilly Writes About Kingston Nickle went to Ottawa yesterday. Separaie Schools. Mr. Ronald 8. Skinner returned to Vibank, Sask, Aug. 29 (To the Montreal on Monday. | Editor) : In the Canadian Freeman The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia of July 15th, there 'appeared an edi and Mrs. Clare Worrell,. of Halifax torial on the success of the Catholic are in Montreal, . educational institutions of Kingston Mr. and Mrs. T. Clarence Chown, | 4t the departmental = examinations who hate been spending the week- | his year. Gn receipt of this issue of gud Wits i pay Miz Thomas Lam- the Freeman I wrote a courteous let home 'in areal, hl i lg jrer to the Freeman editor, but four Miss Macauley, King street .is in j13sues of the Paper have since reach- Stratford, the Euost Of her nioee ad me and my letter has not appear- Mrs. €. C. Abbott. ert as my intention that this e 1. letter should be made public, and hence, for the benefit of your Ca- tholie readers, I will review the caief points with which my letter dealt. On the salient points wi'n which the editorial in quéstion dit, 1am perfectly ru accord with the cxprossed. In the first praca the « sults of the separate schools this Yeemans | year are very creditable and 1° join pT Min congratulating those teachers w tue were immediately responsible for the results, and the pupils themsel- ves, particularly the entrance candi jdates of St.-Mary's school many of whom were in the lower forms when NEW po late Pope I ------ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Captain' W. i. Hagarty, Farl street, who 'has been- in 'town for «the past week, returned to Valeartier camp on Sunday Miss Mignon lelgmann returned, yesterday, to Peterboro, to spend an- other [ winter with Mrs. Petitt, after {having been the guest of her parent 0. F."and Mps. rontenac street | Mrs. R.. Halloway Waddell, Mrs j Hansard Hora and Miss Bessie Smythe went up, to Toronto, to-day, to spend a short tine. Mrs. Charles Lamb, Windsor; Mrs. Phillip Macarow, Ottawa, and Dr. and Mrs. Bermingham, Now York, return- turned to their homes, the 'end of last views I quite agree that secular and reli- gious training are not incompatible Week, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. ¢. |With each other but aré mutually Bermingham, Barrie street. {complementary and that for tempor Mr. Walter Steacy, Johnson street, | 81 as well as spiritual reasons reli- Veit, to-day, for St. Catharines, to re. Zion should not be ignored in the sume his studies at Ridley College {school curriculum. No fair minded RR {man can view the results of the sep- Mr, and Mrs. Claude Kent, Conse | arate. schools during the past seven cot, wera in town for a few days, the , Years in such representative educa- Noel Kent, King street. { tional centres as Toronto, Kingston, Miss Mildrtd Séllery has returned to { Hamilton, and London, without be. Plainfield, N.J,, to resume her duties coming convinced that religious. in- as nOrse-in-tramning, after spending her | struction is no detriment to secular holidays with her parents, Rev. Nam. | training. ! uel and Mrs. Sellery, in Napanee | But while agreéing on general Mr, & = Pagsons, Uttaws, Was in| principle with the article, I wish to town for the week-end, point out® an inaccuracy Miss Jean Young and Master Gor- | which was made, in good faith, no don Young, Union street, have return- { doubt, when a comparison was insti- ed from Fictan, where they spent the tuted between the separate schools holiday with friends, . : {results of this year and those of past Miss Olivia Bute was in town from | vears. The opening sentefice of the Gananoque on Saturday. ; tdrticle 'states: : Miss T. "Gallagher, King ° street, | "Already these is sufficient infor- has gone to ' Toronto to visit \ her mation to, hand 40 make us feel con- aunt, Mrs. C. K. Clarke, Wellesley fident that the Success of our educa- Street. oe tional institutions in the past will be 1équally if not indeed surpassed, this year." While this sentence is veiled in ambiguity, the impression which it {conveys is that this is the record year, {in history of the Catholic education- dl institutions of - Kingston, and » 3 ro. Among these institutions, St.. Mary's of Mrs. Bland, ane they wil all re, sehool seems in thie article to receive Juin en early. Hawt Pig nd town. | (Iie chief emphasis. The credit which from. Faron: for o hu the | 18 Biven this school is based on what guest: of bis. parents Mr: and Mes |I agree to have been a splendid show Hiram Calvin, King street. jing, namely of twenty-three. succes- Mrs. Andrew Korman and her little | Su! candidates of whom one took : ; » honors at the entrance examina- daughter, who have been Mrs. W. B. inati I notice further th ight Dalton's guests, on Johnson street, | [ations I notice further that eighty- returned to Montreal to-day. Iwo per cent, of the candidates who a aCe at wrote were successful. Liberal praise N Gra. 1107 these results - meets with my guests of Mrs Mr. .E. R. C. Dobbs has returned to Hamilton, aiter spending the holiday | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Debhs, Barrie street. Mr. Harold Hughes left, to-day, for London, to join Mrs. Hughes and lit- tle Miss Audrey, who are the guests Professor and Mrs. Stanley | | warmest approval, but the unfortu- havi, who have been sunmering at Lhousand Island Park, N.Y. with Mrs | "Ate Sentence which institutes com- ar S ob 28 55 Kk tq | Parisoh with previous years, and fs nt het family, ome back 1d more particularly the insertion of 8 > the clause "if not indeed. surpassed," . Mr. Honey Polson, eb has beet {compels me, though with much re- i , ly University A, grét, to place before your readers the left, yesterday, for New York. following facts. Be) In the year 1908, out of tweniy- Dr. and Mrs. George Dalton, Spring- field, Mass., are the guests of Mr. and | "IX Candidates from St. Mary's school who were recommended to he Pt B. Talon Jomeoy, strut. try the entrance examinations twen- Se 's guest, has returned | 1V-10Ur Were successful (i. e., about Bessie 8 "hy aon Fes), as 92 per cent.) and of these, four took Mr. ity Mrs. Thomas. Little honors. In 1909 out of twenty-five . ' candidates, twenty-four were success friends in Ronont rR Mrs. LL. A. Zufelt, Kensington ave A returned this city, are istered at on Tuesday after tel, Toronto. a vacation at Merrickville, {| W. MacGilliveay and ! of the , . Frontenac street, y for a visit with ey's Bay, have returned from Bran} MILLINER I left the school. In the second place / in detail}. Modes tumn ve veww took honors. Améng the successful candidates each year both on the pass and honor roll, a good percen- ge were juniors who did the work { junior and senior fourth combin= ed in one year. These are facts, with- out the slightest alloy of fiction, were announced in the columns of the Freeman these respective .years, and are recorded at the office of the inspector of public schools at the present time. Let me also remind your readers that the entrance ex- aminations set by the educational department these years were so very difficult, and the slaughter of candi day dates throughout the province was 50 general that the department was attacked bitterly in the editorial col unins of the newspapers of bath po- litical parties. I uiteér no complaint that the practically ceaseless toil which' was "immediately' responsi- ble- for these results was rewarded for two years by a salary of $600, and the third and fourth years by $700 and $750 respectively. Apart from the necessity of a living wage. it is not so much by the almighty 'dollar as by a-candid recognition and just appreciation of honestandfaith- ful services that the man in pedago- EY a5 well as in many other walks of life considers himself best reward- ed from the worldly point of view. With due respeet io the- Freeman, and to 'my successor in St. Mary's school who is doing g work, 1 merely request that, /wheu it is found necessary for some local, im- mediate or personal obect, to resort to comparisons in which the writer. of this letter is concerned. there should be a strict adherence to facts. Am I justified in making this re quest? 0 conéiugion 1 fully 'agree with asses FALL 1914 OPENING, THURSDAY | An Impressive fashion exhibi- tion formerly introducing the New, Beautiful and Approved for Au- It tells the fall style story completely and intcro.lingly, and it is of ut- most importance to every woman in this community informed on the latest fashion developments for the fall YOU ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TO:MORROW ! who desires to be well and winter season. Steacy's The Busiest Store in Town -t \ ¢ : . : | ful (i. e., 96 per .cent ), and three | J-- a yuu { 1300 C. P. "NITROGEN LAMP" | On Display In Front Qf Our Store | Consumption of Current 7%5c Per Hour---Keal for i Store Lighting. - Ask Us. ] | | H. W. Newman Electric Co. i | Phone 441, 76 Princess Street § a 1469 Parts In The Jar { REGINALD BEARDSALL, 114 Earl Street Guessed 1464 and won the bieyele. Leave your coupons. We will give more prizes. YI In spite of the war the children must soon go to school. "Come here sna see our splendid school ls for boys, $1.50 to $2.50. Finer grades up to $4.00" eth Our girls' and infants' shoes. can't be beaten for quality and price, : : -- Phone 1248. nC y - tS THI ERE the aunt that it is the duty of all su of these schools now, no Yor aan it} was In past years, to do all in their power to st en (not to tie) the hands of those engaged in advane. ing the Interests of smeh sehools. q