Faint a oo and Semi-Weekly by SH Wie PUBLISHING [COs LIMITED, '| paraphenalia, are not 'necéesary when, a .. President a A. Guild ....Managing Director and Bec.-Treas, SUBSCRIPTION RATES {Daily Edition) year, delivered in city year, if paid in advance mail to rural o ear, to United States va ix and three months pro rat {Semi-Weekly Edition) ne year, by mail, cash 1.0 1 year, If not paid in advance. .$1.5 to United State 1.50 d three months pro rata. Attached Is one of the best printing offices in Canada. TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE H. RB, Srhalipeice 2 Church St x 1. 8. REPRESENTATIVES Mee 225 Fifth Ave. Northry Manager. . Tribune Bldg , Manager. job "Frank 1. COMPENSATED FOR LOSS. Belgium .is devastated and destroy: od, and is said to have "paid a high price for the respect of the world. ds this the way to describe an inva & that meant the end of Belgium's independence ? Helgium appealed Re y Britain to save her under the circum- ge + Stances, and Britain responded, alter vainly appealing to Germany to #peet her neutrality.' Britain fas in- terested in Helgium's future, and her dwn defense. A writer in the New Witness has precisely stated the 4 case when he says that Britain had to « aot, and for two ( 1) Had "Germany won she would have had to accept vassalage and treatment . as Belgium has France and Russia won France would have been - increased at her hetoayal; aud hostile, and, on the other shore "of a narrow sea, heen able to do more damage than Germany. The Belgian ~relugees ara polring into England. "The mother country can befriend them ~ amoamchile, and. eventually, will see hat they 'are compensated for all their loss. to re n wn reasons : such received, or (2) had THEIR POPULAR IDOL. Rev. Hiram Hall, of back from Germany, says the kaiser expresses in .all he doer .ae general spirit of his people, They have had war on the brain. Ii Mr. Hull gauges public opinion in Germany Canadians have been in: error when they have called the emperor '"'mons- ter," a "warderer," 'a man without or art," one to whose "unseemfiy lust lor power' the millions owe nothing ; § 'ht purses. The writers of books) who E : have had an opportunity to study 1 b 2 Toronto, just correctly his ear to the ground asi very quick 10 detéct any discordant note on the part of the people. It has been said him that he has an inner circle to . o~hom he appeals on special occasions. _I% is composed of the men who repre- at the commands of his army and i Savy; five in all. The diplomats and { _ ihanoCiers are wussing. Thus, just be i the war, "this council had its se- Wo ueot session. When asked, "as "he 'left the meeting what the decision was the chief "of * 'state replied. "It is covered hy a word of seven letters." Ihe seven letters spelled the name of the kaiser .upon ° the 'declaration of war. The people approved. On every Public appearance singe then he has been cheered hy 'the people. Would they do this if he was. not their popular al? §r 3 * : CANADIAN .GUN CLUB. in discudsing with military experts, aL Who are intereatsll in the organiza- or Yions of fresh contingents, J.ord Kitch- Lo, ener offered this laconic advice : "leach them to shoot." _ With the de, tails of drill he does not see the' use. In the field there is Httle manoeuvring that involves precision. . 'There is no . Adaney marching. The men go as they Please, so' long {ge they push forward oertain defined conditions. is ohe thing they must excel in, =~. while 'on forced marches, while fight- ing om das to day, namely, hard: © ness, hardness, which comes from iS heavy and sustained 'service. ! %« The German soldiers have been fitted : for active service by endurance tests ime of peace. There is reason to lieve that they are . treated with id in" preparations jor Kas | they whom events in Louvain, | several kaiser, represent him as a mdf with Kitchener's advice. Nee that they are fit, that they are capable of the phys- ical ofiort that) the battlefield involves, and that ther can shqot. The Canadian contingents, in these Fe spects, should acquit themselves well when, eventually, they reach the front. The lesson, toa, for the future is that every not shoof. Hence the importanee of | Canada wants a gun club at cross roads, with . generous financial aid and encouragement from thé gov-| ernment. Expensive camps, and camp in time of war, only a tenth of the trained men volunteer for active ser- vice, ] . EDITORIAL. NOTES. Every young mah should do his duty to his country by joining the militia the training that will fit him for good service in I forces and get ee et Lenn Splendid ! The white way is up-to- date. - Manager - Folger's statement that the lights would be "as brilliant as the sun dnd hs soft as the moon" has been verified. x Complaint is constantly made of the | ¢ reckless way motorists,' drivers bicyclists disregard the rules the road. The police should enforce the or, better, the chief should de tail men jor a week on prominent squares to show drivers how to pro- ceed and-how to properly go around and of law, corners. The Montreal Witness puts it about right when it says it is time that we ceased to hold nations to be refect- ed and considered according to their bigness and strength, and began to say : A nation is a nation for all We want no more "great pow- we have had enough of such; no military oligarchy of powers but a league of many equal states to respect each other and to suppress strife. Why should not each and every one be re- garded by the rest, as the allies have regarded Belgium and Luxemberg, as sacred neutral territory that must not that. ors'; be trespassed upon. at Delhi, one of During the Durbar the Gaekwar of the native princes, news distributing agency #s the Wolff Bureau. marks to the Red Cross fund succeed in var good ground. official gress of the war than from? their own PUBLIC OPINION JALLS JOFFRE FRENCH FABIUS. justave Herve 'Says His Retreat is a Splendid Military Exploit Properly Named. Toroato Globe Appropriately enough the kaiser's is © known Irony Surely. Momtreal Herald 2 Could there be irony more ghastly han the contribution of 1,000,000 by the Krupp firm ? Buy At Home. Toronto News : Buy goods made. in Canada or in sreat Britain, and thus employ Canadian and British workmen. Making For Peace. Syracuse Post-Standard Those who talk peace, write about wace, strive to cause peace to pre- times of peril vail, believe in peace, hope for peace, and pray fpr peace, to make war less and less likely the future, * do their part m pris aa Good Deal Im "If." New York Herald Emperor William in our time will promoting the bayonet the vote of the sweep that British the soldier over citizens--if hé ean navy off the water. Cause For Complaint. Montreal Gazette The complaints against the British office for undue reticence have British people learr more from. the Russian and French statements about the pro- secrecy pub authorities. An extreme of is as undesirable as too much leit y \ Horrors Of The World. New York Globe While these horrors which shocked the world are being trated the German wireless press has daily been issuing bulletins in which the kaiser and the minor German kings and princes of the military autocracy have praised God for the victories® of the war which are a direct. result of these barbarities and the utter disregard of the rules of civilized warfare have perpe Kingston Events 25 YEARS AGO. Baroda, came into unpleasant notori- ety by reason of the disrespect shown to King Ticorge and Queen Mary, on his presentation to their For he compelled to make an apology or ex- planation, but this latter fact did not iree him from the suspicion of disloy- alty, .or his rani, or queen, from the charge of being the most active sedi- tionist in India. Now, however, the war has alorded the Giaekwar an op- portunity to make good, and he has cabled offering all his troops and all the resources of the state to the king- emperor. This is very gratifying, as it indicates that one of the compen- sations of the war is likely to be the the occasion of majesties this, was removal of the last 'suspicion of '"'un- & rest" from India A LADY'S ANKLE BROKEN Knocked Down By Horse Through Driver's Carvelessness, Two members of the one family in One week injured in accidents caus- ed by drivers using the wrong side, is the misfortune of a certain King- Ston household. On Thursday last ne of the family was hit by an utomobile and the mother was 'urt on Tuesday. The latter was about to cross the road at the cor- ner of Brock and. Clergy streets when the accident occurred. Two men were driving down Brock street, and thinking, as they were going at a fast rate of speed, that they would continue on down Brock street, the lady attempted to cover the read. The driver, suddenly near the cor- ner, reined in his horse and cut short on the corner. The lady was knocked down hy the front wheel, and thrown back against the curb. Upon examination by a doctor it was learned that her left ankle had been broken and she was rushed to her home. Drivers of automobiles and bug- gies should learn to keep to the right side of the road and many accidents would be avoided. Action will likely -he taken in both of these cases, not for the mercenary benefit but to teach the drivers a lesson. AN INGENIOUS SWINDLE. German Gang Prey on Relatives of Missing Russians. Copenhagen, Sept. 9--The Swed- ish police have discovered and expos- ed a gang of German swindlérs who have been preying on relatives of Russian tourists in Germany who are missing. They watch lists of mis- sing, Russians advertised by. the (Russian embassy here, and cable to their relatives in Russia, forging thé signatures of the missing persons. In theke messages they sivrted that it was Impossible to send money dir- ect to Germany, and asked that iit be forwarded to an address in Copenha- gen to be sent on. Nearly all the fa- milies appealed to seht money. GERMANS EXECUTE PRIEST. Other Priests Compelled to Wikness Death of Colleagne 2 London, Sept. 9.-- Advices receiv- young priest upon they found a J were unpleasant re to the This ace priests, who their heads, ness. his FIT bold John Theo- hunting and They caught aud shot twe Vannalstine and spent two days fishing at Battersea twenty-eight bass foxes. There are fifteen barber shops in Kingston Some of them have-a close shave for business PF. must No calling of prices however Organist Reynor found some pipes in the organ of St. James™ church badly ott 'of tine. An inveéstigh: tion found that mice had built nesis in one.of thie big pipes and had edt- en the tape holtfmg it in place tc that it fell, injuring several smaller pipes. PARIS POPULATION CUT. Only 2,000,000 Left Out of 3,400,000 Inhabitants, | Paris, Sept. 9--The population of Paris and suburbs. before the wai was 3,400,000. According to semi official figures it is 2,000,000, owing to" the mobilization of the army and the departure of the fugitives. The minister of public works is aiding the people to leave and is pro viding free transportation in many cases, Paris, Sunday, Sept. 6.-- Gustave ierve] wnung in La Guerre Sociale, W@S given clear appreciation of what 3 generally accepied as the plan of el. Jofire, who nas been spoken of «& "the temporizer.' . * "I'he reireat," he says, "is one of he. finest exploits in our military vstory. The ground has been fought POL by foot mearly every day for the ast three weeks, The French army as been making vigorous counter stacks, 4urning in its right wing in he direction of Verdun. It is con- inning to retreat slowly, ifs right eing covered by the. intrenched amps of Verdun. Tou! Epinal, and delfast. All the evidence shows that Ul our army corps are intact; that he gaps in or ranks have been steadily filled 'by reservists; that the morale of our troops is that of a 'onquering army, confident of ultim- ate victory, and that the 75-milli meter guns are t finest artillery 'ver possessed by apy army. "Knowing: the numerical superior- ty of the enemy, Gen. Joffre is re- using to engage him decisively. He ieeps retreating when the enemy's 'ight wing threatens to envelop him, und he is bringing the enemy south ar from his base. He is called Kuropatkin of the pessimists, who ire afraid of seeing the French gen- eralissimo imitate the prudence of he Russian general in Manchuria ind defer his chance of winning. He § called Fabius hy those who have confidence in. him. They think of he old Roman general who wore lown Hanniba¥ wifhout engaging in ive battle, and saved Rome hy 8 indomitable temacity. 'Though it !s contrary to the national tempera- ment, Gen. Joffra's plan, in view of the numerical superiority of Ger- many, is the. right one." TO PROMOTE TRADE! English Syndicate's, Envoy Suggests "Export Bounties. Ottawa, "Rept! 8. --P. G. Donald, representing a syndicate of Englisa manufactuners, whose object is 'to promote' the trade of the empire through taking advantage of the op- portunities afforded by the present war situation, had an interview to- day with Sir George Foster, minister of trade and ¢ommerce. Mr. Donald's view is that Canada should encour- age the establishment of a great ex- port trade by a system of export bounties, to be diminished as mafiu- facturers were able to estgblish themselvey. Nails, barbed wird, tub- ing and such hardware produets | were mentioned by him as those by whose manufacture Canada could fill the place formerly occupied by Germany BOYCOTT. LITERATURE German Authors Form "an Associa. tion For This Purpose. Copenhagen, Sept. 9.--The Ger- man authors have formed a national associgtion to prevent literary works from hostile countries being trans- lated inte German. The authors of plays belonging to hostile countries are not to be mentioned in the Ger- man press. This movement, it is said is due to the attitude of Belgian and British authors, Honor For The Flag. Bordeaux, via Paris, Sept. 9 --An official announcement says that ina recent combat two soldiers of the 137th Ipfantry Broussard and Tur- cot; captured the flag of the 28th tegiment of German Infantry, whose colonel was also made prisoner, As a recompense President Poincare has signed a decree conferring tue cross of the legion of honor.on. the | fae of the 137th Regiment Boys' | Clothing | Bibby's | . Leather | Case for leather eo a0 Genuine straps, a regular $5. It Pay He Our Adv. We Will Meet or Beat All ~ Catalogue Prices Men' "coat Special $4.90 s to 3.95 ase . with two value for $3.95 See Our Ne hat values in ( w $2.00 Hats New shades, new stvles, the best $2 es 34 to 44. Clothing Read | ni s Rain- English Paramatta cloth, military collar, brodwn- and bronze: shade, siz- 'anada. handle" t soft hats, We now Borsalino 50 each. Italian Hats he celebrated special price es. Ladies and Gentlemen, See Our New $4.50 Sweater Coats With shawl collar. Pure wool English Botany Yark, double texture, red, brown, grey and cardinal, all siz- plain a beauty for $ Plain black and fancy cheviots, in yous Sizes 34 to 44. ues in Canada. ¢ Boys' * Clothing Last Opportunity For getting houses built this Year at our reduced rate. Brick houses, frame houses and bun- galows, 6 rooms, hot air heat- ing system, modern intprove. ments, finished in niission oak, or -$1600 easy Men's Fall Overcoats grey The best £12.50 val- 12.50 cheviots, 12 men's styles lars. Bib Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine sireet when wanting anything done in the carpens tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard. wood floors of all kin@s. All orders will receive prompf attention. Bhop, 40 Queen Street. Real gems, style, expert workmanship, latest patterns, rich blue worsted and chev- ots, all sizes, stouts, slims and tegu- Nothing to beat these suits at the price anywhere. Now Is The Time to E Buy When j i is HL + $i 7 h I Prices: Are Low | Cement block bungalow with §i every 'eenvenience, fireplace, ele ectric NHghts, gas, good cellar and good lot for $1950.00. Easy tems can be arranged to respon- sible parties. Double frame house on Stahley iE street,» , for $18.00 per month. fn be bought on easy § terms for $1850. Solid brick house on John IR Street, seven rooms and improve § ments. Has been built about a ; for $2750.90. Men's Fall Suits $15 choice fabrics, good - Cheap Auto Tires Ford size 36 x 31 guaranteed 3900, > Gasoline 20¢ per gal. Bibby's Garage Phone 201 Garage, 917 FLOUR : nt Robin Hood Brand of flour & guarantee In eve: 2 good quality 7. ng tor ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. | Thekind you are ein is the lind we sl