"KINGSTON'S WHITE WAY? [2 = va buARMING WEDDING x \ : Kept Busily Engaged at Valcartier He > ' A " A Camp. : J ---- | / ' » ! : j Corpl. Allan Shea, writing to the') THE NUPTIALS OF MISS KATH. 4 N Whig on Sept. 4th, from Vgleartier, ARINE IDA PREVOST . : : says ? ' . - . ] i "his morning wet were called at | And E. W. LaChance, of Montreal, : ou » 3} five o'clock, had a rush . breakfast! (u g¢ Mary's Cathedral = Wednes. and then proceeded to a point on day Morniug--Kingston loses a 4 . boil . . yy the Jacques Curtier river, about one . : : Et ; i : 3 y Some Are in Favor of flaving the "White Way" Extended) =n "co "int" | inc vie Lao wi ] t all the Straw : We wish to clear outa traw.. {hes > . . » pr: : . At 9.30 o'clock Wednesday morni 10 the Chief Residential Streets if the Instal. + |. vot coche ont sl, cath? mr a oe AN y # Al 3708." The iin tae xe ao ida 'revoss, only da ter of Mr. and Ye £ . h . k: d ", Mrs, Z. Prevost, E str Was - x fation Could be Financed Next Year. gonstcuct a pontoon bridge about | [%%- Mio, Ear wireet, was unit Slippers we have in slock; and. grin Fo on fn Symone, nee. it so i. snd i ice from 30¢ That. Kingston's. "white way"lin favor of extending the dighhs to With a vim as this was the first real]>" ja Lhante, - Joni real. Lhe Side have reduced the price Tom gr. C meets with the approval of the mer-| other points in the eity, as he feels interesting work we have done gince | 08 Siven away ii rd ot a js . . * 10% HE chants generglly was manifested in| that money is too scarce and that the| we arr ved. ~The engineers were Wate he Del ip i CMTE : ; i & Sumber of luterviews Whig repre- | streets of Kingston 'are lighted well{ broken up into groups of twenty-six. oy ty Bol.y'ol Guelph, a cousin t | Oc sefitatives had with them on Tues-| enough for the present. Each twenty'&i%¥ were assigned ten ie groom. hand Iv rested Oo . 3 : day afternoon. Every merchant had{ '"The white way is worth all the barrels, * two -long heavy. timbers, | "1C DFICO WAS ha rid es an ' . a good word to say about the lights, | money that has been spenf on it," | called gumnels, and a coil of wire. 1 Rapoe gasn oS re Foil er ' Zes and In many cases stated that they | said John Sutherland, shoe merch-{ Two men wae put cutting wire, four | > ee a By ilk in en S an women S Sl . would be in favor of having toe]ant, Princess street. Mr! Sutlierland | placing gunnels and the other twen- Jute o wr Am) 8. 4 S red a. lights extended to other sections of | believes that more lights should ty, ten on each side of guomels, fas- a et Ae 3 ng or ana ' the city if the updertaking could be}have been placed on Wellington} tening the wire lashings ground the an bods n rr HORT, Hin «, financed without placing a burden Street, between Brock and PrincesS| barrels. This constituted one pier. white oer veil 'arranged 'in' mob-ca on the taxpayers. streets. When quite a few were finished some effect, edged with Eni poids % : ? "1 think the new - white way Is] .A. F. Roney believes that the of the gangs were tolled off to carry : i : % ' ) iad 3 8 g , 3 3 , 8. i ' fine,' sald W. W. Gibson, when ask-| white way is something to be Proud | them to the water, Here they werd Up with Sg ipso ope of 3 ed his opinion "I would like to see{ of. He is in favor of extending it. | first thrown in the water and then tw. Jittho bride; it being. 'a gift fron y ; it extended out King street as far "The lights are grand and we|towed into position. As the "bridge | i To .i as the penitentiary if possible, and | would not want anything Dbetter,| started PRY out. across the a i ot was pi along Barrie street. It 1s certainly @1 said Bert Abernethy, shoe merchant. Fiver more gangs started putting on pendant a 211t of the groonr's moth: 4 3 good thing for the city. "The new white way shows that] he planking that formed. the road? |. 4 'handsome shower bousuet of R. H. Toye, Utilities commission | we are progressing," remarked T.| way. Other men were sot cutting off white roges and lily of the valley was er, stated that before advocating an| @. Harrison. Mr. Harrison stated | stay ends. ' After about two hours éarried bythe: hride: : extension of the white way he would | (hat_although the lights have cost another gang started to nail planks | The bridesmaids were Miss Alberta ifike to see just what the outlay would Fagnsiderable money, 'they were well{ diagonally on top of the first. .». Af Jesmer, of Montreal, cousin of the on the new lights compared with} worth all that they cost. twelve o'clock the far shore. was lide, and Miss Maude La Chance, a the others. He liked the lights but Robert Paynter, shoemaker,' is reached and by two o'clock the |gistor of the groom. Walter J. Mac- with him it was all a question of fin- | snother of the Princess street. mier-| bridge was completed, donald, "of Montreal, was groomsman. ances. ; chants who is delighted with the] This bridge will be used b+ the Miss Jesmer was dressed in a draped £ oat Henry Waddington sald "he wae | |jghis He is in favor of having them artillery as it is the only means of {sown of pink crepe de chene with . ig A pleased with the lights. "I wouldd ayianded to some of the other streets | reaching their field of practice. Next | chantilly lace trimming the bodice. like to see the city have Just as Daniel Couper:" "The new lights] week Me are to build a foot bridge bo A . = | : % fh : £ o she also wore a peasant cap ¢ffect to N | t . B G vernment : M1] Bestin gston By Go many of them As they possibly can" | ..q excellent as they show. up the and another roadway "across the riv- match. Her gown wis touched oft he remarked. "Of course the ques-| pi iecin the roadway in front of myer {ith pearls and French valencienne. 1) tion of expense would have to bef ora sn rp {She carried a boyquet oi pink sweet ) i Test considered but if the work could be "The white way Je hierédie to the A KINGSTON GRADUATE. | peas. § dorie J think it would be a good city of Kingston,' stated Frank J. Format | 'ihe second bridesmaid, Miss La move, Hoag. "The lights 'are well placed | Lieut, Miller, in Charge of Motot | Chance, wore a gown,gof pale' blue 1 o lke the Re lights Bue. Saif and the city has certainly got a Cycle Iutelligence Corps. { charmeuse satin, with a tunic "oi sha : John Smith, jeweller," and would good job." Canada has one officer already injdow lace, a peasant cap efiect to ELL'S Next To Opera House | ' vig be in favor of extending the system William Bruce, livery man, "paid|the battle line with General Sir John {match and carried a bouquet of pink to other streets if we were in a po- | 1.0¢ the new lights made Kingston] Prench's staff in France. He {8|sweet peas. . ® sition financially to do it, but atthe | 10k like a new city. * ILfeut. Miles Miller, of Napanee, a{ The groom's gift to the bride was This Question Is resent time I think the taxpayer ir "The white way would be a eredit|oraduate, two year ago of (he Royzl|a gold ring set with a sapphire and . very heavily burdened and that wef, any,-city." stated George Masoud, [Military College, Kingston Since | diamonds, while edch of the brides Easil " Answered #ould wait until we are in a better |, "pu dealer, Princess -street. then he has been taking the staff | maids was given a gold ring set with y condition to undertake the work. F. C. Reid, of the firm of James]ecourse at Chatham college. 1 | sapphires. The groom's gift to the d 3 | groomsman was a gold crescent fl When you have looked Princess street, of course, had to ve : . . 3 : : . Reid, fuorniture dealers, stands|jand, along with four other young roomsn i done, and I am glad that the street among the merchants who apppeci-| Canadian officers, namely, Lieuts oe un sel ar daile when over our new and ex- HIGHEST GUARANTEED has been so greatly improved." ate the work which has been done by Bond and Hutchinson of Toronto, : LW. Murphy stated that "the lo triities commission. Lieut. Willians of London, and|the ceremony was celébrated, were ¢lusive line of 'White way" was cértainly.a great] "Everybody in Kingstow likes the | jent Bdwards of Windsor, N.S., |milax and ferns, with streamers o.} ] : s Improvement, and. that he would be new white way," said ThomagrSas- "\Vhen 'War - was declared Lieut white ribbons. | IMPORTED HATS | 1C on in favor of more of it just as soov kell, who keeps his place of business | \iile as ordered to go with the! The bride's mother as well as the FOR MEN H ® as the finances could be arranged ext to the Grand a Hones ya f ¥as ordered io. go toree and | Mother of the groom were both pre- 4 : i without taxing the people too heav- |' "They are good'lights very satis- re al ed BD HOUrs' MoMA... 13ent at the pleasing event The as they must surely im- | ? outa wear red pat the St3 | rectory and well placea," remarked | Ie it attached | to General Ei) | Uride's mother wore a gown of press vou with their Ji # For a short time only should wait for a time before doing 4 a a5 y Cp maige chdrmeuse satin with a oS » D. G. Laidlaw to the Whig. ---- {John French's staff and- has been flour. Te Baek po istinetive sfvie - Jn More, "The white way is something placed in charge of the motoreyele [yLoie AN old Tend y ie Sistine yew le: | Halliday's Electric Shop . ) silk; 8 e i 2 A Fres Fas ae ars ehntwings y rw a ody ant which we should have had fold oF intelligence corps. A letter War Te: black sitk-plush hat trimmed with ; are showing a would favor an extension if tne citx | /¥ATS Ago," stated Mr. Treadgold of {ceived from him by his father, F'. I. {un ostrich mount, also gold and met. variety of erowns and i " Phone 94 = - - 345 King St. could nodariake the financing ¢® "i ihe Treadgold motor and cycle eom-| Afiller of Napanee, on Saturday, ull: alic 'roses. She earried a bouquet of brims in both dian G J. PB. Gre plane -merchant was | P20Y- . : te | der date of August 25th. There! American beauty roses. ¢ : ew - very ently isiastic about the . new H. B. Bibby, clothier, is high in|was no indication on the letter as 10} ' The groom's mother was dressed SOFT AND STIFF ~Hghte andetaid that they shoud 1; | Ms praise of the new lights. They! when it was written and only per-|in gown of black satin draped jn } extended to other sireets, and siii- | 'mprove the streets, and by thatisonkl information was allowed to be | black princess lace and wore a blaglk : ; wilh Pw means tend to help every metchant;}sent by the censor. lace hat with plume, She car You "will find Just lar lights, though of course of cheap £4 / ' y i ad Pe S said Mr. Bibby. The four other Canadian officers | violets. ...9 rR He ae oe ee James Halliday stated he was well} who were with Lieut. Miller at' As the bride-elect stepped into the || the one vou want. ( arin S Pure ofc ams in every es : ~~ pleased with the lights, ston, Chatham returned to Canada having dren leaning on her father's arm, y : AA vig he | Ras commenced foglook like @ reédl {been ordered to Halifax for duty by |the majestic straing of the organ me aan: tuler, sid ne Al Ag a city now; he-said. TOS Nhe Canadian militia headguarters: erg, heard and at once - all eyes Cam hell 5 Strawberry g a . ' They confirm the reports of large |turned that way to watch her pro- M penta, ick ; M IS DISTURBED bodies of Russian troops passing|ceeding toward the sanctuary. w . Raspberry aShaHes McKay. of the MeRay Tae PARHAN 1S DS . through England to join the British : During the nuptial mass, Rev. 84 PRINCEAS ST. . Black Currant : store, wis pleased w e ligh's -------------- 3 . : father Hal andil u Ei : v RIVET 1a had { and_ thought tnev should be pac on |Over an Airship Which Is Flying forces in Belgium. fore a alligan, I Slondld soles Kingston's Largest Hat Green Gage NRT the other principal streets. There at Night. FOR GEOGRAPHY LESSONS |Gounod's "Adore: and be Still." as "Dealers. Bramble Jelly : = H. D. Wigiitnan, of Savage ard] » For several nights an aeroplane the close Prof. Paul Denys played - Wightman, was very - éntFusiastic| has been in several parts of .thely : Present War | Meudelssohn's wedding march... ---- i i ™ and said he was strongly -in favor of { county but on Friday night it flew so Morente ol Youups in J Schools. "I After the ceremony the wedding EE TO IE =n Put up m 12 oz. Jars and 5-1b. pails their extension to other streets. low over Parham village that the! FOUOW Vo tha | DTtY repaired to the brides home M RWIN.TO LEAVE For Sale At All Grocers - » H. Milne said he was in favor of | figure of the man pperating-it 'was| Report from 1 Oh ark. states hii where a bouffet luncheon was ser a DRA 3 having more lights on the prineipal | distinguished. The people in that|the movement of the, he eogranty | fod: The groomsman toasted the | Om¢ * Thousand Islands For Long streets and other lights on the resi-| district are frantic over the appear-|in the present rar Jil $0 £30gral ¥ | hapby 'couple and all wished them Island. dental streets. ance of the machine as its intentions lesions in the thon an hat 5 iy f much happiness in their future life May Irwin, the actress, wh ha '$ i and ae suggestic Ni : > » 3 a) » 4 » 0 s F. Bibby, of Bibby's garage, said are not known. About nals Vist nine Spe. if Soa Es OT pie Thy raDeessed na travelling Suit of | mewnered at the Thousand Islands he was pleased with the new lights o'clock a number of the villagers|t rein Kings schools: fol ifTe blue niessaline silk with coat] or many years, is about to for- *| were 'sitting on their front doors |the teachers in ingston s¢ ools ol effect and trimmings of pompadour | Sake the rei y \ i XK and thought them a great improve- when a peculiar noise was heard |low up the war and teach it _to the {vesting and old as « ake -the region for all time. The ment, adding that better pavements] ' . rN 1 i scholars. As far-as possible, the New | French n 81 k, With | announcement. coming from Miss Ire id Y street i coming in a south-westerly direction. 3 | neh hat to match. Mrs, La Chance | win is not of the usual "fa i on the, resi ental streets were in or-§,, ooo travelling at a fast rate of |Vork teachers try to follow the move: | with her life PATtner drove to the | tom oot ¢ : the usua rewe. der. speed and crossed over a littlt to the ments of the war from day to day outer G. T. R..station where {hey ue L¥Pe, Jor packers from New W. P. Peters said the lights were |south- of the village but did not go ff Spr---- jbrorded the 12.42 nm. train They re now at the Irwin isle, op- a decided success in every way and|out of sight, however, but . turned Saved a Farmei's Life. | ®il visit New ¥ork and Atlanti¢ iy I ny on 3 ithin «short sald he was strongly in favor of [abont a mile away and travelling| A chaufieur of Porriti's gavage pro-1 itv. hv wav of Toronto Niners] on. he island home will be placed their further extension. "| 8lowly and very low, it flew back di- bably saved a man's life at the C.\N. 1. | Falls and. Buffalo. After spending gh the. musket. = Miss Irwin . 'will C. Livingston. said - the Utilities | rectly over the e¢orners. It. waslorossing on the Perth Road, on Maw {nme davs at the two former points hi her summers to come on Long Commission and C. C.-Folger should then travelling sp low that the figure ny night. He was driving a party (Mr. and Mra, Ta Chance will re | and Sound, nearer to New York "bothi*be congratulated on the suc-|of the operator was clearly out-lin-}of tourists to the city and when he | piTh and, take up. residence. fn. the oor vicatres. A year. ago - Miss cess of the innovation. He was in [a-jed by the lights t was carrying. UMleime fo the C.N.R. crossing he - saw | Paritian ansrtments on Bloomfield brwin made the statement that she vor of extension te King and Bar-| Was about seventy-five feet long and} jivectly in the eéntre of the tracks a]Avenne, Montreal: was' seriously contemplating remov- tie, Park avenue and other residen-|carried three red lights, These werelfiorse - and buggy. The horse: hed The ontnf-town 'guests present] UE. to the Sound but the majority tial streets. across the machine one at the tip f lyurncd in ihe direction of she railroad | At the wedding, other: than those] o\ her friends about 'Clayton thought "J, R. Henderson voiced the opin-|€ac¢h wing, and one at th> centre.|,n4 ii a train had sudde v appeared | 70 officiated wered Mie. Bx that jt was but a fancy on the part J P 3 . Le ion that the Hghts were a success-in{ The aviator, flew over the 'vitlage |}, Gould have had {o dash into the (hance, Montreal: Mre. ©. V. Coleg | 21 the actress, \ way being much better than | four times, éach time making huge | rossing: fence. In the buggy was a|Tanaweone, Mr. ang Mrs. Ww. Rasv: Miss Dewin, or more properly Mrs. evely way being g ae : those on. King street in Toronto. circles, and returning. This lasted well-known, farmer, who was absolute- | 2% Montreal: Mr. and: Mrs. Hugh Kurt Fisieldt, has been spending her These lights of the. cluster style] Or about twenty minutes and then ly helpless after a celebration in the |". Jesmer Montreal: Miss Alberts | Smmers at the Thousand Islands for are being changed for the kind in-| Ne Machine took the south-wester-| ii. "fhe automobile party quickly Jesmer. Mntreal. ' Mise Kathgre, | 8 Score of years and has left thous- stalled in Kingston, y ly course for the last time and dis- 'took the owtlit out of -its dangerous|'"® O'Neill, Gananogue: Herbert § | 8nd of dollars to the year around 8. Birch, of McKelvey and Birch appeared in the distance. , I position and one of them guided the Stevenson, Montrea) residents of Clayton. For many said he thought the lights were a W. D. Black, ,M.P.P.. told the animal to a nearhy farm house. The nresants received. hy My ane § years the actress, her mother and td ent ar d was in favor Whig that several ralighle people te eeepc ane =~ La Chance ware vary nnmerans | her sons ocrupied a wooden structure great improvem n ] had seen the mumchine. The ques- ; whinh AN. want tn show: + s on Irwin Isle. Her little 1 of their adoption on other principal | tion has arisen if a county resident Actor and Ball Player. taam in whieh 1] hgw tha. hess fon tlie ay aunch v 2 3 HR pe in whioh they 1 v|{ was a famibar sight to summer so- streets. would be justified in shootifig at an In responding to the shouts of the their mans trent are held b a alo 2 " > Henry Taylor, of the firm of Tay- 1 audience . for a speech at the con- : nds, . joura while the actress herself Itor ked: that th Ton ane 2nd Ne had dean asked clusion of his production of "Oth- TTT could be seen on a shopping trip lor and Hamilton, remar at the | several. times but was "mot prepared oa ] Parcel Post Ti in: Clu is i oh week * 'white way was good and no person|to give an advice tintil he had ask.|elUo" at the Grand, on Monday| raffic Increases, in Clayton six mornings each week. would ask for anything better. At|ed the authorities of the 3 chi "night, James K. Hackett remarked| The parcel post trafic in the Kings As Miss Irwin became wealthier the , fo the present time, Mr. Taylor is not{ was known to the AGHA] that it he was as successful in play- | ton district is increasing rapidly and | Yo0den cottage was replaced with a i SPRINGBEDS ¥ ; Se : om, : ing "Othello" as he was at baseball changes have been made to relieve the | PTO¥n stone affair, one of the 1 ---- : --_ BREE 4fin Kingston years ago, his success]congestion and give the public better | C07est at the Clayton end of the ALL STEEL CONSTR An y . . in Shakespeare was assured. James service. 5 river. Always a great entertainer, UP 98 SPIRAL SPRINGS K. really thinks he was a star base-| A new exclusive pareel post car hae | the actress surrounded herself with BRASS AND IRON BEDS ball player when: he smashed out a [been put on the midnight (.T.R. nm; | ®0mpanions and the island was one ALL SIZES home run.once upon a time, Wheth-| train, a clerk being in charge to han. | ©f the liveliest on the wiver. Many . a ot "Let us call your attention . Sd oF fii er he shone on the diamond or not, {die the bags. -| professional friends of Miss Irwin Reid Quality, Reid Low iA : the Whig can testify that no actor Superintendent Marss, of Toronto, | visited the island from time to time : % » to our "Autumn Presenta- who ever appeared. in Kingston in}was in the city.on Nohiday, and afte | and found a warm welcome. tion" of the new stvles in A the role of the Moor could equal J. an investigation into the traffic, auth. | The" idea 'of "turning Irwin Tan, as £43 : 0 i { K. Hackett, : gHized the APpointient of an addi: | the home wal 'called, into a. public : ---- tional transfer mail clerk - to assist | bostelry, was tried out three or four Unfinished School €auses Trouble. {Clerks Amey and Muckler 7 : a i " 3 Amey 2 {years ago but without any v 3 ' * Women 8 Boots x , As the addition to Victoria sehool | ---------- success. Meals were served oy th Sun fl gh e {has not yet been completed. a: num- The Philosopher's Joke. the trees on the lawn but at prices lt fi] oer of pupils of that district have beer | - The. Portsmouth philosopher * as {1hat stajwered even' the summer fii forced to attend other schools. The | been pulling off 'a few jokes 'the past: | guests at the more palatial resorts iif congestion will be relieved: as soon as lfew days. He claims that an offer to | further down the river. new - extension js finished, The the government of . several thousand work is progressing rapidly and: 'it is barrels of apples for the volunteers A RECKLESS DRIVER expected that it will be ready for vse | was refiised owing to the fuot that i" the near fature. J they were "spies." ' He also stated | Went on Sidewalk. in Down-town rT - A that two Wimdred horses had been 1%- |- Section the City. 2 . Was Badly. Hurt, 4 (tumed from the camp at Valcartier, | i elim of be in Mrs. E. Derbyshire, Beverly strest, | and when 'asked why, said, *"Becanse] +" ons A ihe Ppened th be had the misiortune to fall and break | they carry tails." ; Sielutly of ihe Market squire her ri ht arm, ast Thursday morn: ie right ol on *Fuesday night ing. ile on} way to market | © Great Clearing Sale. w she was looking 'at a new homse in| In boys' ani youths suits "for rosail dt che ot or ah, and stepped off the ;School, Prevost, Brock street, bas a |g member of some wild west show 1 : 74 Kreat assortment. in tweeds and blue not known, but he certainly did a and black Serges and cheviot. All new | very daring "stunts," driving over 80044, prices extremely low to. make sidewalks in that section the