Your Best Interests: Are served when y ou placeyour Banking affairs with The Bank of To.onto. In addition to its ample facilities, widespread, well-chosen connections, and the strong financial prestige of this Institution, you will find eareful and interested attention given to Your account, and an accuricy in handling the smallest, details that you will appreciate Paig-up Capital *............. $5,000,000 -Reserved Funds ............. $6,307,272 Fie = BANK or TORONTX GEORGE B. M/KAY i Builders & Contractors Attention 8and for sale in any quantity . OEMENT BRICK FOR SALE - Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CCNSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED. ; 168 Princess Street. Phone 286. gt Yards, Sowards' Dock ~~. ire ! Fire! Build With Brick ! The recent fire at the Davis Tanne ry should brin Kingston the da & home to the people o nger to life and property from building with anything but Araproot materfal. AH over ® world the fact is being demonstrated that brick is the best fireproof building material, and as wo are making as good an article ag any on the market to-day, we want to help build up Kingston with our up-to-dat. fireproof goods, If you de not believe have good brick, go and look at th the corner of Brock and Division Ste; alsa at Quebec and Cherry We certadnly are proud of th Jiouses, and we car supply brick just as good Our tile #8 going fast, but we ui what you want. at house at Bts pl ty V more 80 come along and order Kingston Brick Yard Division St. making more ' Phone 1304, 4 FOR SALE A FEW SNAPS FOR QUICK BUYERS New Frame House, 7 rooms, hot air furnace, electric gas and verandah. Price : $ Solid Briek, 11 roomed house, in-good locality, A six roomed Frame light RAE . ania p23.00 all modern conveniences; Make good boarding house. Price. . House in good neighborhood Price. . : EASY TERMS J. K. Carroll Agency, JOHN DRIVER, Representative. PHONE 40, $4600. $9.50 #4 BROCK BT. -- AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES HIRE FOR Phone 1177 Rubber Tires for Carriages and Automobiles, - George W. Boyd, TO-LET House No. 114, Victoria St. between Marl and Johnson streets; 7 rooms; modern brick, newly decorated. $18.00 per month, Possession Sept. 1st, In These Criti- cal Times It takes a mighty clever man !o play the part of success while dressed in the costume of failure. You should be too smart to work against need- less drawbacks, when the, remedy lies in wedring up-to-date clothes. Being properly aid neatly dresséd is a man's best asset, either in social or in business life. Yon should go! to know our cloihes by giving order now for ? PRESERVING AND PICKLING TIME IS HER Rubber Rings, Corks of all sizes, Freed's Bottling Wax, Ordinary Sealing Wax, Paraf- fin Wax, In fact we can supply anything you may require in the preserving or pickling line. a sat " Sevidose £4 THE MAN THAT SUITS YoU - For Sale Gramophones, i" phs, Grafs omolas, Columbia and r Tecords, Odeon and Jumbo records; Bdison 2- minute records, Blue Amberal re cords. Big discounts for July and Angust Allen's Phone 252, 118 Broek $i. To Contractors ------ Sealed tewdlers addressed to the un. dersigned and endorsed "Tender for Schoo! Butlding." will be received up to the 16th Inst, for the several trades works required 11 the erection and cons pletion of a Public School Building In the village of Svdenham, ont. Plans and specifications may be seen ot Lhe *F the undersigned and ai. the of flee of Wm. Newlands & Son, 258 Bagot 8t., Kingston, Ont. ¢ Lowert or any tender nei necessarily docepted, ¥ 4 [fuesday after 4 business trip to To- GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Almond Cream," 25c. Gibson'c. L. K. Haley and wife are visiting Wiha leienas au tae ety. Wo I. Peters leaves on for the Toronto exhibition. Mrs. Charles Wolfe and daughter «€fL un tuesday tor Valcartier. Williams Swaine, pane tui. Urders received at MeAuley's. Phoue B64 1 The Board of Edueation has been | calted 10 weet on thursday nigs. William Mack, Barriesstreet, left on' Wednesday morning for Toresto. W. Keats, C. P. R, conductor of North Bay, is visiting his fSrents In the aity. . pod Laver Oil Emuision," 25ec. The Lieblor C In Louis N. ., Mgrs. Parker's Master- piece... = Wednesday One Year in New York. Six Months in Beston. hson's. W. 'Moore, Jr. returned on Wed- romto. Ur. turned tier. Rev. _ F Lake, Was Wednesday, | Lidies up-to-dats dressmaking. | Terms moderate, Miss A. beys, 33 Colborne street. - George Keyes, Winnipeg, is visit- ing his mother, Mrs. william Key- es, Bath road. "Fresh Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's H. Clark, of Ottawa, son of C. F. Clark, Princess street is on a week's VIgIt With hig parents. "Fresh 'Huyler's 'Sw eels," Gibson's F. "McGall, Queen street, returned on 'Wednesday after a visit with friends in Rochester, N. Y. "Fresh Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's David Bone, Jr. loronto, 1s Here {visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | David Bone, Montreal street, "Cod Liver Oil Emulsion" Gibson's. W. C. Rodgers, assistant superin- tendent of the C. P. R. at Trenton Was in the city en Tuesdcy. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 2) King street. Leave orders at Me Auley's book store.' James Callan, Livingston avenue, arrived home this morning from at- {tending the Toronto exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bone, of Toron- to, are visiting Mr. and® Mrs. David Bone, Montreal street, for a few weuks, Almond Cream," 25c. Gibsen'e. Rev, W. F. and Mrs. FitzGerald have satled from lingland for Canada. Mr. FitzGerald is chaplain aboard the ves- sel Mr. and Mrs. J Wilson Wood, ot New York, are visiting "the latter's sister, Mrs. J. Mel... Stephen, 454 @rin- cess street. The strong Horehound Candy for coughs and colds sold at Gibson's. G. R. Taylor and party, of Gan- anogue, were in the city for the "Othello" performance on Tuesday night. * J. W. Edwards, M.V., has re home from a ip to valear- i | Five Months in Chicago. | Prices 25-50-75¢, $1, $1.50, of Sharbot | 00 So ViSItur in the aty on | Pa. Williamson, a Seats now on sale, Fri, & Sat, Sept. 11 & 12 THE RISE and FALL o WPULEGH PROTIRLAY nificent parts. Mammoth battle scenes of war om = large seme. Matinee Daily, He and 2%e, Night go To Al Price Parts ..THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE { BUY ONLY THE BEST 25¢. THE SOLDIERS' WIVES LEAGUE MOST HEARTILY TH ¥ CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE FOR | THEIR GENEROUS ND RE or | 'The hay crop in the count this (ONE HUNDRED AN T PENTY - { year will be one of the best for sev- [SEVEN DOLLARS, THE RESULT OF teral years. 'The rain came just at SATURBAPS- GAME "DHRY the right time. EXTEND HEIR THANKS 10 THE Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Buck have !MTH BAND LAYING: 70 returned to their home on Queen JAMES REID, WHO KINDLY street, after visiting their parents |LONED THE AND TO-THE in Ernesttown and Napanee. MANY CITIZENS WHO OONTRI- It" was learfed on Wednesday | BUTED SO GENEROUSLY TO THE morning that Major W. A. Mitehell ; GOOD CAUSE. would not go on the first Canndiar ee TET overseas contingent. 7 "Rubber Sponges," at Gibson's, | Mrs. D. Phelan and Miss Eleanor Phelan have just returned most delightful visit with Ve Dean Murray, of Jrockville "Washington Toffy, Gibson's. the Kingston a segment notices tor 1915 are out, ¢id they show that real | estate has not dropped in price. 'Phere 15 a general raise in. the assessment from aj ry Rev. | COOK, GENER LL. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Te & worl. Each don- Cleat nme: w le ' ait cent a wom % HELP WANTED. ~ 7, OK 35 WORDS OR LESS, u Foi bi this head, costs 25c for ane night, or §0c for threw AN EXPERIENCED ©00K. APPLY Box M, Whig office. RTE] | HOUSEKEEPER. GOOD WAGES. Apvly in evening at 58 Queen St. Clty. A CAPARLE WOMAN WHO CAN WASH Am cook; good wages, Apply Whig office. * A GENERAL SERVANT. REFERENC- es required. Apply to Mrs. Kil- burn, 244 King St, WASHING RONG WOMAN FOR i Apply paints and scrobbing Moors. Mrs. Welsh, Frontenac Hotel, ON MONDAY brooch in the design anchor and heapt. return ta 38 Clergy street. EFFECTIVE Mttle. . Once, 25c; one week, $1.00. FEATHERS. APPLY a $87 Division St. LOST, NIGHT, AD A WV) VTS, susEm three thmes, be; of a cross, |. TO Mia, -- 2) TRY STORAGE FOR FURNIPU GAS slean and-dry, Moana sh Bross 8 . ~ Td Cunningham & OFFICES IN CLARENCE bers. Apply to Cunningh die, 79 YEW BRICK DWELLING, 6 B. and C. free water $10. J. / Cann, 82 Brock St rp----------------------------s SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NO. Colborne St 1914 Colborne street. AND NURSE in evening to Iniversity Ave GIBNERAL Apply Brigstoke 153 COOK, ho RAILROAD FIREWEN, BRAKE $120. Experience unn Ber age, postage, "Railw ih Whig N, A MAID must b Min FP aNCR, housework. Apply to Mrs Cor. West Si quired. Apply Macnee, St King Street Fmwer SERVAN EXPERIENCED GENERAL Small Yamily, Bood wages; ences required. Apply to M Livingston, 1 Ddirie St AN INTELLIGENY PERSON MAY earn §100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; Ro canvassing. Send for FA tealars. Press Byndi cate, 3,969 Lockport, NX. POR'PRAIT AGENTS WANTED, SEND for catalogue, Solar and bromide prints, portraits, flat ~Lavex frames and sheet pictures ar- chants Portrait Co, Toromto,, OTHERS RECEIVE #15 TO $68 WEEK - ly. Why not you? Write fmmed- iately for full particulars; sample, picture, Nterature, ato. Experience UnNeCesIAry. jose 10e to gover [tehel rte A gost. Clifford C. P.O. Bo i: Ed ntong Canada HAVE. YoU xy ABILITY as salesman ¥ e have roposition to make which wil Je you fo an yeu ave . Cor- sonfidential Box 47, King- x r ndence AdGrons to Manager, ston, Ont. ives OUR WORD FOR FF THAT 5 IN # the biggest agent's proposition the vear. Smallest "pocket seis key ring, cigar eutter, bottle opener, button hook, all 5 in 1 Article about the size of half do Fine steel, Just out Pon't wi time on worked out goods, ie for sample and pasticul I. Hesjah Mfg. Co, 21 Park RB X. 1 of HOPS, EE 7 1 N earned seiling our pe Personal. Greeting Your spare time, twenty dollar earned in h ning. Ten dollars. t per. week easih an hour each eve r rds are the cheapesi felling on the market Write Toronto Greet » 628 Pape Avenue, To- f TEACHER WANTED. ACHER FON'S. 8. NO. 4 CANONTO, a teacher With necessary qualifi- cations Duties to commence im- mediately Apply stating salary and bpertence, to Samuel Shanks Sec¢.«Treay., Canonto, Ont "Cod. Liver Oil 'Emulsion," Gibson' Stanley 25¢ hedd clerk of the Empire hotel, askatoen, has| left for the west after visiting his | parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jamieson, | 417 Johnson street, . for the past | month, I } "Twisted Horehound Candy," Gib Eon's. Mr. dnd Mrs. J. White, of Lon- don, were in the city on Wednesday | morning on- their way to Toronto. | Mr. White is the inventor of the | White shock absorber used on auto- | mobiles, "Fresh Jamieson, NO HIGHER PRICE (For the present) CHIVERS PURE ENGLISH JAMS and Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's! Florence Trotter, Division | Miss Mabel Montgomery, Uni! versity avenue, -and Miss Georgie ORANGE MARMALADES Rell, Clarence street, have returned | from Toronto, where they attended | ¥our Family Grocer can supply you te exhibition. i ' lasses j "Fresh Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's | a». wd 2 I. Glan Mrs. Boyle and two daughters, ot . : bas . Hellavitle, who have been visiting with | re. J. KE. Rousseau, 'l'ete du Mont barracks, left, on luesday, tor their home, accompanied by Mrs. J. kL Rousseau and son Many are taking advantage { to-day's price and buying these lines by the case of | QUALIFIED THACHER, PROTEST. ant, for Unfon Sehool Section 5 Oso and 9 Olden, for coming vear. Dutles to commence after holi- days. Salary $138. = Apply to D Attewell, Sec.-treas., Ovento, Ont. metab ete -------- NO. 6, 080, A PEACHER FOR 8. 8S, with Trecessary qualifications Duties to comiience after mid. mmmer holidays, Apply stating salary snd experience, to Wm eo". -Treas, Clarendon Sta- tion O*iarfo. SITUATION VACANT. WANTED 720 im sant, coloeing work at homs make $15 to $20 weekly. lox Lee UNDecessary. no canvass ing National Decorating Co Dept. C, 69 Adelaide $t. East, Tor onto, Ont EASY LADIES UPHOLSTERING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- palring and carpet work, and mattress renovating Drop a eard or call 3168 Paget street. DENTAL, { Get fn touch with your family grocer and take advantage of thig | Opportunity. Feawick, Hendry &. Co. (Distributors) Un Tuesday the sad death ocurred at Sydenham of Miss U'mice Van Win- kle, after but a short illness. Fhe de ceded. WAS abot thirty-tive years of | age. 'The funeral will be hell on Uhrsday' aftérnoon. "Almond Cream,' Gibson's. | sri iris ESCAPED FROM JAIL And Was Given Tniger Sente the nee in Because be broke jail in Walkerton, Donald Molaughtin,. whe was sen tenced to {wo vears in the penitentis Ary and was awaitig his removal to the penitentiary. succeeded in hreaking of St. Paul's church, Brockville, «=, GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE leaving for & more important posi-! ------ with a beautiful brass water bottle | TILTING VIFE and spirit lamp; by the members of | SAULTING HIS WIFE, **25¢ Emulsions" Gibson's. She Pleaded With Magistrate Ana Lieut.-Col. W. S. Hughes, writing Suspended Sentence--Stiff Sen- ceived a letter from J. McDonald | tence Promised Kor a Second Of. Moat, Vameouver. a former Sffiear | = services, in @ny capacity, either in! A sad scene was witnessed im, the po Canada or on the overseas conting- "lice court on Wednesday morning, when j assaulted his wife, The 'latter had {him arresjed on a warrant on lyes- pended sentence, owing to the fact that his wife pleaded with the magis- "H it was not for her pleading on your behall," said the. magistrate to severe sentence. She hak asked me to give voi another chanée. and | have mil, but was recaptured and his sen- tence has been doubled, Melaughlin ¢ go on suspended sentence, but it securad 4 'hook used in the jail kiteh- you get into any move trouble of this ip on the roof and then Jumped over again and » the 'Wall. His eseape 'was quickly nos ; i chase "Fhe prisoner i 1 1 Miss Pauline Sparking, organist tion at Winchester, was presented | YOUNG MAN ADMITTED AS. the choir, He Consented To Let Him Go On from Valeartier,"says that he has Te- of the' 14th regiment, offering his| Temee mt. a young man admitted that he haa jay. He was allowed to go on sus- | trate to give him another ch the adcused, *'t would give you a very decided Yo do so. 1 will altow you en and with this was able to climh kind you will be brought 'before me sentenced 2" 'given, quod hiding in 4 tree in a bush pe) - ry a for Werself, leaving ted eter tee A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D.N0.S, RE. moved to 258 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL. aston 3. (over Carnovaky's) one . tte tbat. DR. C.-C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. 7. B "Renton, assistant, 133 Princess Street. Phone 735. 8S, H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS ist, corner Princess: snd streets. Entrance on Bagot BE ------ TENDERS DENT. Bagot street FUR FUR ro ay "Wy i TO « Once 26c, three times epost ed cl eum FORNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM Queen St. ett FOR mises ston ston. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT, SEPT. THE STORE at eson as a flour and feed store. Pos- session M TWO NEW SE LET OR FOR No. 23 GROUND FIL also ther FRONTENAC debentures; deposits rece Clarence stree LIVERPOOL, LONDON Fire Insuran assets $61,187,215, which the policyhol gecurity the u city possible rates, old or giving rates from Strange Agents. room near street with board for a lady anc for the Whig OCCUPANTS airy, well-heated, two having fireplaces, t "women to a basis, e ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVES. [ogy ong GOOD sna 50e. . J. Dawson, planos a > Viktrotas, 244 ncess St. RANGES AND GERAT. ors at le le they last, A% Turk's. Phone 705. > FULL-LENGTY LADY'S PERSIAN i; mb. coat, muff and stole; also lady's wheel; both almost new, APPLY 185 University Ave. ANYONE HAVING SECONDHAND stoves or furniture for sale, call on me for first class prices. J. Tho Pe son, 338 Princess St. Phone 1800, ONE TEAM OF HEAVY DRAUGHT horses, weighing 2800, one chestnut one bay; aged 6 and 7 years old Apply to E. E. Wathem, 442 Albert Street, % REFRI rices, whi ree st No. 115 Bagot street. ay, Mudie. ST. CHAD am & Mu- 'larence St. ROOMS, .S.R. Mo- 1 Oct. 1st. Apply J Possession Bath and W. C. OFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 41 in, high in front and 56 1-2 in. high J Three drawers and one Slightly used. Apply ish Whig office. - A LARGE NUMBER OF Savas also Dunlop tires, at §2.00. Ad orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373'King St. : 's. 'B. and C., gas Hghuing. Apply R FURNITURE, CLEAN, i rooms;-vour own lock and Frost's City Storage, 209 Phone 526b. . A FEW COLUMBIA AND VIOTROLe as for sale cheap with records, Same taken as part payment in exes change: Also pianos and preans, A good square"for $35 cash, J. R, , Cote, 36 Montreal St." Kingston: NISHED DWELLINGS FROM §2¢ ; also unfurnished from §! J. 8. R, McCann, 82 Brock e 326 or 621. o 30 . Phon $1300 DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, BEV er treet 0 NEw FRAME HOUSE DUR. am t. Improvements. $2500--SENT-DITACHID BRICK, Victoria street. L ; NISHED, THE HOUSE AND PRE. $4300--SOLID BRICK, NEW. ALL IM« £0. A. BATEMAN, 67 CLARENCE. at 115 Bagot street, King-| provements. Apply to Cunningham &' 79 Clarence street. King-!onp MARINE BOILER IN GOOD Wie ' pair about 125 horse power, gaAfs anteed to stand 160 ibs. cold wate er pressure. One marine boiler of about 80 horse power, good heavy plate but needs some repairs. One stationary boller, 46 horse power, shaking grates all in good Tepals. Adams & Duford Co, Chaumon 8 Y SUMMER, FURNISHED house, all conveniences, electric light, gas and telephone; centrally located. Address Box I, Whig office. THE Mudie, Fst, No. "159 Stuart St, eight rooms, moderna conveniences. Apply on | premises or to Miss Burton, Draw. er "Q," Belleville, Ont. STREET Hutch- ON MARKET RE a present ocoupled by 1, TO LET OR FOR SALE. 10 ROOMS, with barn, HOUSE, 175 PINE with B. and C,, Enquire 368 Division ROOMS AND BOARD. RST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, Fx also table board. Apply 138 Wel- lington St, opposite post office. OATERING. » ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. pers, banquets, dinners, etc Silverware and cutlery rent. For particulars apply to R. H. Toye's ing 8t. store. 1 CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, also ront dishes, table Mnens silverware, Reid and b: M R 0 U 78 #03. 1st next, Apply Sullivan January Contract ST. large lot HOUSE, St hardwood noors: tiled bathroom; Possession at J. C. Connell. Vv ROOMED HOUSES with barns and large strip of land, near Alfred and Concession strests. Also elght-roomed house with mod- ern Improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Also 'summer cottage at Eastview Park. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 108 Pine St, Kingston. renovaced; fireplaces: water heating. Apply to In open hot once Ae g SALE, MY HOME, Universtiy Avenut. JOR has large parlor, musie room, dining room and kit- chen, all hardyood floors, with two separate pantries. FIRS FLOOR has four room leading from rat} center hal also bath and W. C y & separate. SECOND. FLOOR has Phones 843 three bedrooms and -elothes room bath and W. C. Good c¢ New hot water heating ery throughout and gas, Will lease or a 1" soll entire property, extending Pon | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, WIRTH ARKY niver av . . et and all growths and skin blemishe peaTiLy avenue to Nifred bier removed permanently, without 68 x 132 and right ra scar; 30 vears' experience. Dr. Els serving the fred treet mer J. e, * Bye, Far, Nose on which raller posi. Throat and kin specialist, 268 Bae to Thomas ROU street, for fur- WE 3 or PERSONAL' es Mills, 79 Clarence st i particulars a MUSIO. MISS BESSIE CHAPMAN, TEACHER of Plano and Theory, re-opens hepse class, September 10th. © For ter + apply 322 Queen street. Phone 0 ' FINANCIAL. LOAN AND INVEST. incorporated 1863; nel Henry R. Smith, on city and farm municipal and country mortgages purchaged; lved and interest al- 8. C. MeGill, Manager, 87 | v ! ment Socle Riosident, - Toney issued properties, WEHESE WILL. in plano and the. pt. Sth. For Infor-it& lowed. Unlon' St. West. Phone SIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC. % tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Nosma 3 Telgmann, Alida Telgmann;, B.H3 O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elocue § tion, plano, violin and all stringed instruments. igs -------- teh MISS FLORENCE LOSEE, CONSER. vatory of Music, Normal class, To « ronto, will re-open her class In piano and theory, on Welnesday, September 9th, at 195 Princess iv Kingston All communications before above date address Collin's Bay, Ont » AND GLOBE Company. Available 5 In addition to ders have for nimited ability of insured at lowest Before .renewing new business get & Strange, property, Phone 325. WANTED GENERAL. OCTOBER 181, TO RENT SEVEN house, modern conveniences cars. Write X.'Y, 2. Whig office, or phone 63 BR. 3 BUSINESS NOTICES. aptamer rai JOSEPH BUSE, ¢ CHESTNUT ST. opened up a quarry on Stephen Cut, buflding and rough stone are supplied promptly at reasonabls prices. S Roows 1 her son to Box 90% ere }) WELL FURNISHED winter. office, Apply R BRIGHT, ished rooms, For further 250 King St FOR Fou fur KINGSTON BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Limited. Head» of Queen Street Superior cowrses in Books keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit- ing. Banking, Civil Service, Gen. eral Improvement and all Com- mercial subjects. Rates moderate nformafion, apply REQUIRE services of educated men and ssiest. us on commission Workers can: make big mon- ¥. Box 905, Whig office 'LOSE AN ESTATE WE he MAT vating new mattresses kept in stock. Lat- est modern guaranteed, Ce., ate. Phone 440. FH. OF. Metcalfe, Principal, BeBe tes Bee i be bl TRESS REPAIRING of all descriptions. AND RENO. Also ---- "ee machinery. All work Kingston Mattress 556 Princess St. BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE ANYWHERE = CAN Phone 602. GEN Tenders are' for the meal dna bread for the fed Home on Union Street for the year 1914-15. Apply in writing to the Secretary, .. MRS A P. CHOWN. 'HORSE_RACES FAIR GROUNDS, SEPT. 10 230 Class Ruenatog Race 250,000 Russian troops. 6 is eqtimated that s,1on were taken in tevent battles on Austrian fromtier. : Austria may try to make Germany peace 1 cloth and have it m to-date suits. Price ship guaranteed to please. shartest notice. Thomas Gallowa y Gara biel Heit Law o oars 80] Ors. Braid Rd, IT. a mall order business at home; 3 Sinvasstng; Lo he own hows, Sen or free oklet: (alt Heacock, 2,989 Lockport, N.Y. haw v «' ARCHITEOT, NEWLANDS & SON, Mees, 258° Ba f oe TLEMEN, TO WRING THEIR ade up ffito up apd. workman. ress- the # ng and repairing done on ¥o 31 Brock sireet, near 's 1 tects, ete Phone §} WER & SON, chants' +0 - LEGAL. »o A MUDIE, B 8. Ma DAE, BARRIS, PO | One-Quarter Ton: $1.25