a ds EE ER Published a d Semi-Weekly b. y WMIG PUBLISHING ois w LIMITED. . «President . Managing Director J. G Pillott Leman and Sec.-Treas. A. Guild', en: Bian gmc" oom Job Office . SUBSCRIPTION RATES «Dally Rdition) One year, delivered in ofty ..... 5 5.00 2.50 3.00 One year, if paid in advance ...... One year, by mail to rural officess. One year, to United States .;.. Six and three months pro rata. (Semi-Weekly Edition) One year, by mail, cas One year, if not paid in advance. Hh 2 Ope year, to United States ,,.....$1,50 Six and three months pro'"rata. Attached ls one of the best job printing offices In Canada. oy RONTO REPR ESD TATIVE Frank R. Northrup, ger. Chien, Tribune Bldg. rank R. Northrup, Manager. TRUE TO PROMISES. Germany made every effort to per suade Great Britain to keep hands off in the présent Would mere piece of paper, anked, be allowed to stand between England and peace, The of paper the pledge of Fngland's support Ii England been willing to ignore the pledge and desert her allies, they could not have kept her ang many would no have willing to Jsions, whatever they might have been Britain war a she was piece was to Belgian neutrality. had fo her pledge, Ger- doubt promise valuable conces heen worth, that wourse. to her pledges, on the serap of paper Every Britisher would have exeerated had she done otherwise. of the nation greater value than even the terrors and horrors of Glorious Britain'! Canadians are proud to be a part of 'her. ¢ ACHIEVE THE TASK. At the request of the church lead- erd 'the people having beer invoking divine intercession on the war that peace may be speedily restored. This is proper enough in one sense, and we would not speak unkindly of the But when in whose to persuade Great But Britain true to her signature in was true true her The honor was of WAr: s0 motives, a severe 18 prayer of blessing upon employed, malady ? has tedious, should be directed in favor the remedies for sudden, miraculous We concur with the ald that the malady militarism = of the worst type. ever known, éxcept that Napoleon. What is the use of praying for peace with that militarism unscotched % Can there be a worthy peace, except np- on a basis carrying with it increase of human freedom and of sacred dividual rights ? Would blood of those already slain to heaven against a peace that left their, sacrifice wanton and uneflica- cious ? Let us all fray not for peace mere dy, but for a peace with, lasting and beneficent results tending compendate for the awful sacrifices of war. To ask the Creator to let hundreds of thousands of brave nien die in 'vain is" nigh unto blasphemy; is an imputation agninst Divine ideals of justice. To work and pray for unconditional peace would be mor. al cowardice,' even treason to the cause of righteousness. Peace should not he weloomed unless it Punied by the downfall of a wrong against humanity--the man system © of antocratic ' militar ism. To gventhrow this world then- ace is the task undertaken by 'the allied nations--and théy ought not to Consent to peace until they have ieved their task. THE LARGER VIEW. The reason why many places not go. ahead fast is very much the same as those why the majority of neople achieve no great success. Most people grab the pemmies of to- day, and disregard the dollars of to-morrow. In the same way . com; munities fail to' take the larger view i. apd do not build for the future. The majority of Young men would ~ rather quit school and go to work for a dollar a day, and continue all their lives on small pay; rather to - colleges and "and. fit- themselves 1a large salaries at some time in 4; future, remarks the Times. ig The disposition. of the public in "making purchases is much the same. People will buy in distant cities and fil places nearby, merely because Bey think some article is a few cents rin By so doing, they help buili 7 in' which they have no intrest. set course usually not more than recovery ? Her is Stratford in Furope of in- the not ery to it be acoom- great Gier- ach- do earn the Oswego, N.Y. techndonl | '4.821 cars, grain' men state side purchase is not any <heaper. The purchase is made by tail = and cannot be examined, or it made hurriedly without good advice from a friendly You Yeannot get something If son pays a low price he is is salefman. for nothing a per probably getting second quality goods, which he could have hought' for the sume price at home If the people of this city stand loyally own home en and make it a principle to buy at home whenever possible, thers would be a new growth of prosperity here. The larger sums oi money circulation here would mean stores, more people employed, * more money « paid in taxes, better public improvements. Anyone owning any. property business here would see that perty or business advance in value. There would he chances here for young people and more would be paid fn-anlaries and wages. should hy our 'Lerprises, in better or pro mope Why not take the larger view, and give more thought to the wisgom: of buying at home and building up ony own town ? EDITORIAL NOTES. Lhe hat is doomed brother straw Shy at, may make a favorable sponse to Mr. Wilson's standmg olter of mediation, Germany re: Young men: should Jom. the 14th Regi ment and demonstrate "Ready, should be their motto. their Ave loyalty to the empire, Ready" Some. people think that -children should learn to write legibly, but they spent: time doing that, they could not learn to draw and pani The home guard idea is a good one. It are gives an opportunity tor men who incapacitated by 'age or otherwise from joni ng the militia on anad- thee at an oveiieas: contingent, to show loyalty will "likely are Early fall apples the. erchards "as rot mn sales very slow the poor ot cities have them as their eontribu- tion to the patriotic fund ? tees would arrange to gather the trait eee alter this war the North Sea will many, months, if are remove | on Could not the the farmers let Commit- Even over the 18 trade routes pear unsafe years, be for until the not nines warfare that Lhis style of water 18 ol the same brand burns cities and and children on land -- -- ~ kills women bo dustrially agriculturally. © Canada will be here next year and so. will Un- tario, not halt in activities, either in or and we will need to build roads, to raise crops, Just year, to manufacture goods did ought as - much as. we Inst in fact we to manufacture will tormer ramse more crops and there be a the more goods because and the i> demand or will a latter which has hitherto heen-tilled hy greater because there be place for German and Austrian made goods THEY WON'T SCARE CANADA German and Austrian . Reservists Gathering on Border Washington,: Sept. 10.--It is re- ported here that the attention of the government has been called to the alleged gathering .of groups of men, supposed to be German and Aus. trian reservistd, on the American side of the Canadian boundary. While the reports could not be con- | firmed officially, there "is reason to { believe that some inquiry on the subject has been made with a view to having the government take mea- sures to prevent any violation of the neutral soil of the United States through the assembling of hostile forces in American territory. Although it is difficult to see any- thing serious in such a situation, the suggestion that the withdrawal of troops from Canada for service with the "British army on the contiment of Europe may be a temptation to the enemies of Great. Britain to make a- demonstration of the Cana- dian side of the border as supposed to be behind the uneasiness said to be felt in connection with the alleg- ed gatherings. - LAUGHED AT MAGISTR ATE Farcical Attemnt to Seize British Steamer. London, Sept. 10. from Sydney, N. S. correspondent says: "An attempt was made at' Naura Island. .a German possession in .the Pacific just south of the equator and near the Gilbert Islands, to seize the British steamer Messina, which ar- rived here to-day. A German magis- trate with a party in a boat ap- proached the Messina and demand- ed. to board her. '*!By whose orders?" the Messina asked. 'By orders from his the emperor of Germany,' gistrate replied. "The mate laughed at 'the magis- trate and ordered full speed a Acad, and the Messina reached the sea.' Telegraphing W., the Reuter the mate of majesty, the ma- a o GRAIN RUSH IS ON . Total of 4,821 Cars Arrive at Three i Cities. Duluth, Minn., Sept. 10..-- With arrivals at Minneapolis, Duluth and Winnipeg for the day aEgreguting tha the fall. rush from farms is on in sardest, That this will be reflected in the lake movement to but a small egree is the general belief. Wheat Jogi in Duluth-Superior elevators aggregate 1.635.466. bushels, an in- crease of 700.000 bushels for the. week. ith Several, cargoes still to be reported out. ie cro A Just Cause. titude heen srk ¢ throughout above pe Great the whale proach Chance To Get Rich. Tribune fellows could make a lot of money exporting hansas evelone cel- lars to London and Paris for use of people who are afraid of Zeppelins. Hope For Lemonade Drinkers, Washington Post Now that the European war has shut off -our supply of citric acid, the good old-fashioned lemonade may come wto its own again Sjiouxy City Some A Coming Change. Add 'A Presse, Max - , which has '8 Now hak Petersburg German sound, has been altered to Petrograd, we may expect to wake some tine morning to find the name of "Berlin changed to Berlinotsky. Worth While. Hamilton Herald, What a line thing it is to be politi ally. aililated with a sovereign power that can be always trusted to keep its word and faifit its obhgations ! it's ! power worth 'making sac rifices for The. Inevitable Outcome. ago odds Tribune will change. Now the Germans, Gradually swing against the leutoni Thoughtiul Germans the trinmphs. in France preliminary to the Ch Slowly the they favor they mus{ powers, regard merely gle must as great strug N ourage And ( 'onfide nee, tob : It is "Vital Tportanes: * that war shall not be atlowed to interfere any more thin can possibly be -pre vented with the daily work of the Cn nadian people, and "that the produc tive power of the country shall Be in creased the eliectiveness Can advancing mam furthered and hould he ords of th and of ada tained and conhdence ns an country Courage the watch w | Kingston Events 25 YEARS AGO. The week has been the warmest for the month of September in ths memory of the oldest resident. The champion cornstalk of the season, out of western corn seeds, is shown by John Montgomery, Wolfe Island It twelve feet, seven inches The hay crop throughout rics is far above the average >. H. Corbett's "Glen" was awarded prize in the bench show at Ot the dis- ii wr tawa. Rev. Douglas Laing, .Pérth, has received and accepted a call from the congregation of the Baptist church, Kingston. He will be much missed in Perth he respected and esteemed by all classes as is SUNK IN NEUTRAL WATERS Hi-Fated Kaiser Went to Bottom. London, Sept. 10.- Peace, of the Britisa apa which was sunk Wilhelm der Grosse, terview that the Where Wilhelm Captain steamer Kairv by the Kaiser admits in an in British ecruier High Flyer sank the Kaisen--Wilhelm ir neutral waters, namely, within the coastal limit of Rio Oro, Spanish ter ritory, on the west coast of Africa He . added: "Remember, the Kaiser Wilhelm had been ordered by the Spanish consul out of Las Pal mag, and had refused to budge for nine days. This in iteelf is an in ternational offense Therefore, | contend that we were right to sink her." This is the first. news of the sinking of the Kaipara It was one of the several merchantmen can tured and sunk by the German liner MORE VIEWS OF CITIZENS On the Extension of the White ~ In Kingston. McParland-- 'I would like 'white way extended over still the business section of the city and if money was mn swht to also parry it to the residential parts J. 0. Hutton--*l am in favor of paving Lower Brock, Market tario streets and placing hghting system upon Market 1). ' Hutchison--"1 am not in favor wot the extension of the new hghts fthe present time, owing to the secarel iy of money. od. BR. OC, mot how War James the more of see and Un the ne street at 1 can ar 1" Dobhs--"At present the city" can possibly ford' to extend the system just now money matters brighten up | would like to see this beautiful sys- tem cover a very wide'area of the city.' see Me-1 BAD RO: ADS RETARD. tb The' Rdvauce of Japanese Kiao-Chan. Wei-Hsien, 'Shantung Province China, Sept. 8.--Reports have been recéived here that the Japanese ad- vance guard of 3,000 men, which is proceeding against the German ter- ritery of Kiao-Chau from Lungkow, has succeeded in covering only ten mites in the last two 'days, because 'of the very po condition .of the roads in Shantfing province. At this distance out they came to a swollen river. This the artillery -could not eross, and thé guns aré now return- ing to Lungkow. Some of the Tsing-Tan forts have been made bomb-proof. The govern- or of Tsing-Tan grants the garrison one day in three for liberty in town to promote the health of the men, Almost~all the German reservists are 'iving in deserted-pFivate residences n Tsing-Tau. The shops and restgur- ints have reopened, and there is nusic and moving-pieture shows every uight, According to the news here, the bombs recently o -Tsing-Tau from Japanese planes were ineffective. Germany Is Incensed. Pekin, Sept. ¥.-- Protesting to the 'oreign office against its note of Sep- ember 3, addressed to the diploma- tic representatives in Pekin, and eferring to the transgression of "hinese neutrality by the landing of Japanese troops at Lungkow, Baron von Maltzan, the German charge d'- Affaires, declared that Germany would hold China responsible' for per nitting Japanese. and British =ol- liers to crogs her territory The Chinese are unwilling at- tack the Japanese who have landed n Shantung; nevertheless, they fear hat Germany may ultimately make 'eprisdls upon them : = The Japanese embassy here een endeavoring reassure hinése government { * Against received thrown in- aero- to has 10 the HUNDRED the War, George. . Sept. 10.--"We want penny can raise to help fight enemy." said David Lloyd chancellor of the exchequer, to a deputation from the which wanted the nid treasury in securing loans rates "We must come' out this * struggle," sellor, "and as very LA FEW MILLIONS May Win Say Lloyd London, every the George, replying municipali- of the at cheap we ties in chan- to it, We is triumphant continued the finance is going important part in husband our resources. lon't want a penny spent which not" absolutely essential to relieve distress. In my judgment the last hundred millions may win this play a we must few war ¥The first hundred millions our enemies can stand as well as we can but the last they eapmot, thank God, And, therefore, 1 think cash is going to count much more than we imag- At the present moment we are only at ithe beginning; we .are tight- ing a very tough enemy, whe is well prepared for the fight, and will pro. bably fight to the very end before he will' > accept the onlv conditions upon which we can possibly peace. " "I that resources will come in, men, of cash, We bullet before We in the greatest war and" that what British tenacity and British courage always comes in, and thay alwavs will jut ns remember that British cash " ine, is where not have we are wise, our merely or won. with financed we ever won. Of but a silver | Furope ji fougtt; cour fan lat tells, too KAISER GO ? May Settle on Property in Canada or States. Sept. 10 an article upon movements, his own or somebody else's flight to non-leutonic soul. is one of the largest land owners in the western states, says the Finan- cidl News, not in his own name, : of and he also owns a consider- of property in Western notorious is this lact a standing joke. 1m that, although the kaiser e owner of property mn he declmed to join the association WHERE WILL Lhe Iinancial the kaiser's either London News, in ultimate feath at hands, or tle suggests course, able section Canada that it Vancouver was a larg rtain district, ocal ratepayers' DO was once a A TERRIBLE REVENGE German Professors Will British Degrees 10.--The following statement was re- Wirel 3 "1a Renounce London, Sept. Jerman official efved hy"the Marconi egraph company. "Professors of the leading German universities have declared their in- tention to. renounce all distinctions bestowed upon them by versities or learned so 8 count of Great Britain's attitude fin thé war™ 3 ONE OF THE GUNS ON A number of ocean passenger liners or protection on the seas. Above is shown a number 'of 'passengers ER ry R, THE 8. 8, MANITOBA. are now fitted up with guns make New Sweater oats" best assortments of lad- The biggest and ies' and mén's sweater coats ever shown in Prices $1.00 to $8.50. " § E Kingston. Sizes 6 to 11. - y y i + Workingmen's Shoe 9 15 Special $2. Good looking solid shoe, well made with storm tongue, heavy soles, sewn and pegged. New Fall Suits | See Our $15 Blue Worsted Suits See Our $19 Blue Cheviot § See Our 3 $15 Scotch Tweed Suits See Our $15 Fancy Worsted Suits HAND TAILORED BY EXPERTS & ! ok Soriety Bran Clothes New Fall Overcoats See Our $15.00 Ov- ercoats Nobby Chesterfield style, cheviots, silk sleeve linings. Fine black cheviots. these coats. + Don't miss seeing to 42. Oxford - grey SEE hat here New tweed effects, models, nobby. greys and browns; sizes 33 See Our $10 Overcoats new button through OUR NEW HATS You can save 50c to $1.00 if you bey your La -- Last Opportunity For getting houses built this year at our reduced rate. Brick houses, frame houses and bun- galow=, 6 rooms, hot air heat. ing system, modern improve- inents, finished in mission oak, $1500 cash or $1600 easy terms. Chas. Leeder, 2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building FARMS FOR SALE A choice farm of 75 acres, 4 1-2 miles from | Kingston, good build- § ings, large orchard; § about 3 1-2 acres in ber- § ries; soil well adapted for fruit and early gar- den stuff. i mn ju ~ / girl n may "Save beatiful e; she Ba't t so apt to succesd hg bi -_-- | Who-hay plenty, of check, | | | | | Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine street when wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Kstimates given on all kinds { of repairs and new work; also hard. wood floors of all kine. - All orders will receive. prompt attention, Shop, 10 Queen Street. Cement block every convenience, fireplace; ectric lights, gas, good cellar and good lot for $1950.00.~ Kasy Kerms can be arranged to respon- sible parties. bungalow Double frame houge on Stanley Street, renting for $185.00 per month. Can he bought on easy terms for $185 Solid" brick "house on John street, seven rooms and improves- ments, Has beam built about five years, for $2750.90. : Cheap Auto - Tires Ford size. 36 x 3 1-* guaranteed 3500, Gasoline 20¢ per gal. Bibby's Garage Phone 201 Garage, 917 FLOUR Our Robin Hood Brand of flour has a guarantee in every bag for good quality ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. Thekind you are lookin is te hind we si 1 Scranton Coal Is good con! and we guarantee : he rong Booth & Co. Foot of West Street.