'When a man comes here | to look at clothes E- assist him hy showing the new- est and hest styles suggesting what is most hecoming and aidinv him to find clothes suit his needs. 0 i We fit him with eare and exactness and we sell him the best clothes for the money that can be produced. Our new fall are all latest colors terns. shirts for here in the and pat- $12, $15, $18, are maximbm values. 0, $22) Our desire is to satisfy vou. Livingston's, Brock Street A Little Out ot the Way, But It Will Pay You : to Walk. RC TR RK & UNDERWEAR AT WALDRON'S TEE . : Women's Underwear in cotton, silk, wool and fine cashmere, the correct weight for carly' fall wear, vests. drawers. and eombina- tions, from 256c to $1.90 per garment Children's Underwear in all styles and sizes, vests, drawers and combinations, from + 15¢ to T5c Men's Underwear in Merino and natural wool, just right for this season of' the year, at... 50¢, 75¢, $1.00 - We carry a complete range of Penman's cele- hrated unshrinkable underwear in natural and white for men, women and children, all at attractive prices, : | ==Stockings For Women, fall weights in eotton at 25¢ and 36¢ jr ribbs and plain, at oi , 30¢ and 50c the best wearwell makes in 1-1 and: 2-1 ribbs, double knees, elastic knit, for, a pair .... ce... 2Bc to 50c © Men's Cashmere Sox, fine soft qualities with Spliced heels and toes, best English makes. t Cioaka 2b¢, 35¢ and 50c Bw ay Fae A Nara HAVE BFEY LANDED IN OLD FORT HENRY. tGérman Officer on Parole Is Back Again--Another Spy Was Canghy At Morrishurg. One of the most dangerous Ger man suspects rounded up by the military authorities, was captured at Morrisburg on Sunday evening and is now in safekeeping in Fort Henry. On Monday night one non commissioned officer and men fron Stormount and Glengarry regiment arrived in the city with the prison- er: On Sunday evening when the mar was placed-under arrest by Capt Ferguson, it was discovered that he it-had considerable goods in his possess fon. There appears to be no doub but that he iz a spy as he had map or tawawa camp aid the sui rounding district in his possession. He is able to speak three or fou languages and also understands th military codes, : who i iorty-eight year 15 atten'y ting to cross into the Am @n but der when nipped by the guard German Broke His Parole. J. H. Berger, the ex-German offi cer, who Has been out en parole {ror Fort Henry for the past two week: got into trouble again, and is now back at the fort. ¢ LAID TO REST. Faneral Of The Late John O'Connel! On Monday. The funeral of the late John OQ' Commell took place from 46 i ces treet Monday morning to St. Mary's s cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass was chanted by Rev. Father Peghan. The deceased left to mourn his loss a 'father, mother, three sis- te¥s in this city; Miss Mary, Frances and Madilene; three brothers, Eman uel, of this city; Michael, of Huni- ly, and Stephen, of Medora, Manito ba. His father is now in Sas katchewan. Many floaral tribute: were placed on the coffin, among them being a large cross from Mrs Aylesworth 'and family; pillow, Mg and Mrs, Kirkwood; anchor, Mr. anc Mrs. Tousignant; large spray, Mrs 'Bridgen and family. 'The pail bear ers were Russell Aylesworth, Harol [or 6s Gordon Bridgen, Francis Orr, George Lalonde and Jullis Hess ler, | Died At Gore Bay. i On Tuesday morning T. D. Min nes, accountant at the Portsmoutl penitentiary, received word that the wife of Rev. J.. A. McDonald, of Gore Bay, died on Tuesday morning. The late -Mrs. McDonald was former Jr Miss Agnes Minnes of this city The remains 'are being brought tc Kingston for burial in Cataraqui / cemetery. 4 'Great Clearing Sale. In boys' and youths' suits fo: school, Prevost, Brock street, has ¢ great assortment in tweeds and blus and black serges and cheviot. All new goods, prices extremely low to make room for winter goods. -"'Buy face creams" at (Gibson's Saturday at . his home in the 5th concession of Hillier, Prince Fdward alter a short illness. He was iorty- nite vears of age. "Sweet Castor Oil" at Gibson's Willian B. Ross 'died- in Belleville on Sunday at the age of eighty-four years, six months and four days. He was a reeve of Tyendinaga. Bay tooth brushes' at €iibson's. Andrew W, Hough passed away an || SANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND PUBLIC MEETING _TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1014. MANY MORE COMPLAINTS Received-Aboat the Garbage Collec. Late Thomas Packer, an 01d Kings. tion. | ton Resident. The police are recsiving a sient} An old resident 'of Kingston and a many complaints these davs about Veteran of the Crimean war, passed the garbage collection. A bali doz. "Way at the residence of his daughter, en or more complaints are received Mrs. Amy Connor, 134 Division street, every day. The police keep tab on On Monday morning, in the person of all the complaints and notify the Thomas Packer. 'Lhe deceased was proper authorities but there are a born at Uirencester, Gloucestershire, nuinbkr of citizens who still have the Yngland, eighty4ive years agp, and idea that the police have charge of when sixteen years of age he came to this department. All the police hava (npada with the Royal Horse Artil- been requested to do is take the tom 'ory. After a couple of years spent m plaints and register them in a book [his country at New london, his bri- for Sanitary et William « Mc- €ade was called i Cammon. The latter then notifies PArt in the Crimean war, trom which the collectors and the latter ape sup. '3mPoEn he survived fo tell the tale posed to see that the work is esp. ©-™any hair-breath escapes which con- A CRIMEAN VETERAN DEAD. Tew to take an active! sole gun ng wo n on who were explosives, htroh homas l'oronto; Alfred Emily Packer, ot Packer, of oi this eity; Watching For the Tug. i fronted him. vied on, i Un one occasion, while fatigued, bé " slept yout of his tent, while another BRITISH SUBMARINE soldidb was allowed to take his place. During the course of that night a shell SINKS GERMAN CRUISER struck the tent and killed the .soldier sleeping in his bed as well as others. sie . . I'pon another, oceasion in this cam- Official German Report Gives EB raign ne was sighting a:gun and had - only taken his head away from the Details of Battle---Most eapon ready to fire it of, when a ' : bot put the eannon he had been of the Crew Saved. ichting out of coramission. {he tard tome, Sept. ' I5.---An official report a emi Jn he, campaign wie re mao sash a 0 man bn bei yas Kile owt man cruisér Hela. A majority of the Bole apeteey. An officer Soming Re sho 1 ' wong imqired what was the reason It is nok amend where the, ves: 15 Ont was nov eps ng fo She en; sel was sunk, but it may be a con- aus re a a vn he iirmation of the rt of last week oo hin ie Has ore ra that a British ite ran into jim ho soliect thereto a i the harbor at Wilhelmghayen, fired In Th sine and securing the two torpodoes toward the vessels in i used for passing the harbor and then plunged undor out the the late Mir- geath the surface, to remain thee in packer receded a' medal from thie hiding for several hours, while Ae campaign and also another for Ilona {rerman warships searc or her rite and good conduct. She later made her escape. I'he deceased was an Anglican in re- The Hela ranks as a small Pro- jigion and a member of St. James' tected cruiser, having a displacement of 2,040 tons, and a complement of 178. 'She was 328 feet long, with a beam of thirty-six feet. She was i ton; Mrs. CC. P: Ebev, of Uhica- built by Weser, of Berlin, and was ga: Mrs. Ams Connor, "of kingston, laid down in 1893 and finished .in all of whom are sons and daughters 1896. In 1910 the Hela was refitted. of the deceased. A sister, Miss Filiza- ---- heth Packer, resides at the old family residence in England. A niece, Miss The marine 'men are watching for 'lorence Sunley, of 'loronto, came the big tug, purchased by the Rus out from the old country last Uctober. sian government at Fort William, to Active service was also seen by the sass down the lake on her way to !ate Mr. Packer in Malta and the lom- Montreal and then across the Atlap- ian Islands, and after an extensive fe ocean. Although no informa- military career he was retired on a ion is given cut, it is believed that Pension. he tug has been purchased for the The funeral of the deceased will be surpose of breaking ice at the Rus held on Wednesday morning, at ten lan White Sea port at Archangel, ©'lock, to St. James' church, where which is now. of inestimable value Rev. T. W. Savary will officiate. 'Lhe secause the Germans at Keil domi- rains will, then be buried in Cata- rate the naval situation in the Bal- 'aqul cemetery. tie. At one time the late Mr. president of St. James' Noeiety Packer wang lemperance Epworth League Re-organized. A number of young people of Brock Street Methodist church met ym Monday evening and re-organi- zed for the year as an Epworth lex gue. The following officers were lected: President, R. Dowling. lst vice president, A. Kinch 2nd vice president, Miss I. RBear- ance; 3rd vice president, Miss V. VanLuven; recording secretary, Miss B. Meggs; corresponding 'secretary, Miss @. Hinton. treasurer, Tupper; organist, Miss M. Stagg. Hosiery Company Busy. The Kingston Hosiery company has received an order for 10,000 pair of heavy grey military socks. These will be completed by Saturday and sent Valcartier. This company las bben very successful in receiving or- ders and has been working overtime a great part of the year: INCIDENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by the Busy Reporters. "Buy shaving brushes" at Gibson's. Remember Queen street church rummage sale: Friday and Saturday, October 9th and 10th. not had a practice as yet but are ex- pected to don their rugby suits in the course of a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Smythe, of Ot- tawa, motored to the city on Mon-~ day and left at noon Tuesday for Belleville, W. Johnston; » Upper street, returned from Toronto on Tuesday. "Bay face lotions" at Gibson's. Ple. P. Hewgill, C. 0. C., who was seriously hurt in an accident at Val cartier was brought to the military hospital on Tuesday. Mrs. R. H. Stevenson and son, Harold, Barrie street, returned on Monday after a six-weeks' visit in Newark, N. J. The sympathies" of their many friends is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Devine, in the loss of their infant son, Lawrence, aged seven ménths, { to Are Home Again. Miss Efie Kirkpatrick, Detroit, ac companied by Misses Mame and Mabel Neshitt, of Kingston, returned from {their trip 16 the coast, which they | filly enjoyed. Y. M. C. A. Notes. October' first will see a remewal of most of the fall activities at the Y.N, I'he members are all expressing gin- cere regret to hear that owing toll healtk;. Mr. Rhines, the physical direc- tor, has found it necessary to leave the association on October Ist, for a vear s leave of absemce. It is hoped that: Mr. Rhines will recover before that time and be able to resume his duties again next year, I'he association has. heen fortunate in securing the services of U, R. Pow- ers, who will take up the physical di- rectorship on October lst. - Mr, Pow: ers also received an offer of the posi: physical director in Toronto tion of has deesded--to come' to Central, but Kingston. CINTHECTY HALL, EE Nigh Eight The Mayor in the Chair, Addresses By C. A. Warburton "Campaign Bagretary, Canuiian Patriotic Fund, An Appeal That Should Get The port of Vou Sea of The | Bear Wlws be ed Ty I'he ecutive committee . of the young es cabinet will meet on Wednesday evening to get ready their Fo mourn his loss there are |! The Kingston collegiate boys have, | Witliam fall and winter programme. . t, Sept. 19, PairToe O'clock others. Everyone Empire'e | | Sec. : | 5 Mod. | R. ~"Asked For™ Underwear WEEN women ask for a certain sort of Underwear, it means they have worn and found it to be good, or that somebody else has found it good and re- commended it. Women Ask For These ~~ White Unshrinkable Vests 35¢c, 49c, ~ 15¢, 99¢. White: Unshrinkable Drawers 35¢c, 49c, 15¢, 99. | Sr We Are Showing the Best Early Fall White Vests at 25¢ each Women's sizes. The quantity is limited and we cannot get these again. i . Women's Fine I White : Unshrink- | able Wool | Vests 9c, $1.25, $1.49 Drawers 99¢, $1.25, $1.49 | Combinations $2 to $4.00 Babies' Soft F ine Wool Undervests "The Rubens" make, also those buttoned down the front. | if Fall Underwear | Many Kinds | To select from and in all wanted sizes. bss ssn A Ladies' Patent Button Plain Toe, Black Cloth Back, High Heel, All Sizes, 212 t0 7 ................ 8350" We have the same shoe with tip at the same price PlainToe, Cloth Top Boots for Fall Nothing Dressier-.-Nothing Newer 53