_-- 'Banking Convenience The Bank of Toronto, with departments equipped to transact business of every description appertaining to banking, and with numerous branches distributed throughdut the Dominion, and a full list of banking correspondents, is enabled to offer its customers ex ceptional facilities for the transaction of their financial affairs. Paid-up Capital i $5,000,000 Reserved Funds . . "$6,307,272 eS INGQRPORATED 1858 BANK or TORONTO Market Square, n. GEORGE B. McKAY "Manager. Builders & Contractors Attention Band for sale in any quantity CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED, 168 Princess Street. Phone 2886. Yards, Sowards' Dock : Fire! Fire! F ire! Build | With | Brick ! The recent fire at the Davie Tannery should bring home the people of Kingston the danger to life and property from building with anything but fireproo tal. id the fact Is bei a over the wor ae fact Is being demonstrated that brick Is t a roof buflding material, and as wo are making as good an article ne Best he market ay, we want to help build up Kingston with our up-to-date SoeDroot goods, If you do not believe we have goo the corner of Brock and Division Sts We certainly are proud of "the brick Just as good, * r tile Is going fast, but we are what oar want. 1 brick, go and' ook at that house nt 1iso at Quebec and CO herry Bis » houses, and we can supply plenty more making-more. So come along and order Kingston Brick Yard, Division St. FOR SALE A FEW SNAPS FOR QUIOK BUYERS New Frame House, 7 rooms, hot air furnace, electric light #as and verandah. Price $23.00 Solid Brick, 11 roomed house, all madern "convent neces; in good locality. Make good begrding house. Pric A six roomed Frame Houle he jieigborhuod Price. . J. K. Carroll Agency, #8 BROCK ST. - . PHONE 68. JOHN DRIVER, Representative, Phone 1396. A. NEAL. $4600. $0.50 AUTOMOBILES. AND AND CARRIAGES __ Phone 1. 1177 George W. Boyd, TOLET | House No. 114, Victoria St. between Earl and Johnson streets; 7 rooms; modern brick, newly decorated. $18.00 per month. Possession Sept. 1st. on receipt of Tee pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONY. (Formerly Windsor.) Pure Spices and Vinegars Are necessary in the making |" of good catsup When ordering from us you take no chance of getting second class goods. Apply LOCAL NOTES AND Vincent, Thomas has returned from where daughter, Mrs. Fugene Rsitzel, Polson, Lowry, | King for ele, {fortune convey has been accepted for overseas He will leave in a day or so for. Val cartier and will be indentified with the stationary hospital staff Law has been connected with the P AMC, years. knoeking--r---down-and-breaking fromt sibly near aster to a couple of motor who were passing the Tuesday night. OF THE DAY ITEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer the Readers of the Whig, The marriage occurred N.Y., on Sept, Holland --and Mrs: Sheley, of that village. Dah Greenwood, . Wolfe Waterloo, been visiting w at Cape 12th, of Emma Island, Ont, his he has Dr. Stewart Polson, son of N. C, who has been in Austrin, was expected to arrive in New York on: Wednesday Sergt.<Major Hopkins and Sergt. "A" battery, R.C.H.A., were in the city from Valcartier camp, on Wednesday, on furlough, before leaving for the front. H. «Cunningham, piano tuner, <i Leave orders at Auley's book store. Donald Mclityre has accepted the invitation of the Oddfellows of the ¢ity, of which he is a grand master, and he will present veterans' jew- els to a number of the members or September 29th. An- automobile party, of F. W. Squires, wife and daugh- ter, Detroit, met with an accident to their car about three miles from Odessa, on Tuesday night, and the car was towed into the city by a car from Porritt's garage. Insist on White Rose flour. A slight blaze gave the firemen .a run to a house at the corner of Ord. nance and Clergy streets, on = Wed- nesday morning. Some rags scat- tered outside had taken fire but the blaze was extinguished before any damage was done. : Rev, Mr. Beecroft, Kingston, preach- ed in Knox church, Aylmer, and at Springfield on Sunday last. There was a very interesting ling match' on Tuesday night Queen's | greens. Playing in doubles, H. 'W. Newman and Re Stevenson, defeated A. Turcoit. H. F. Price by 15 to 19. Read the second sectiop advertise- ments and news, both local, tele- graphic and general. Considerable carelessness ig being displayed by some of the sportsmen Who shoot. ducks at the marsh. They use old rifles which shoot bullets considerable distance. This may re sult in serious damage. Shot guns should only be allowed for this sport of duck shooting. Mr. and Mrs. David Patterson, of Seeley's Bay, announce the engagement of their eldest, daughter, Alice May, to Horace Wilkinson, of Birmingham, Eng. The welding will be hold at Secley's Bay on the evening of Wed nesday, Sept. 23rd. Dutton's is still the bargain store corsets, underwear; Boots, trunks, Uppaosite-Griflin's Theatre. While an posed of Mr. 21 Mo- consisting bow- on the H and a automobile party, - com and Mrs. Bolton and D Gi. Phelps, of Smith's Falls, were motoring = back to this point on Tuesday afternoon, they had the mis to meet with a hreakdown. machine was necessary to the party to their Jestina Another tion. Sergt. H. E. of the P.AM.C,, uty Law, Sergt in Kingston, for about eight smashed in font of An automobile bicycle for him a boy's Gordon's liquor store on Wellington street, by careless standing in The wheel was of the store on came along, the driving it business. The car wheel. 4 Something of strong material, pos- a wire cable or strong rope firectly in the deep water channel, Whiskey Island, brought dis- boats obstruction on The steering gear on the boat was completely smashed and McLeod's Drug Store We handle only the Best She boat. had to be steered home with J. R. B. GAGE Montreal & John Sts. Phone 549, Buy The Best Our cream is pure and vholesome, Man customers have learned to order by phone. We deliver in time for meals, Give us a NE -- PRESERVING AND PICKLING TIME IS HERE Rubber Rings, Corks of all sizes, Freed's Bottling Wax, Ordinary Sealing Wax, Paraf- fin Wax, In fact We can supply anything you may require in the preserving or pickling line. ie In England Over War, Rev. have returned { Ireland united. NO EXCITEMENT SHOWN WwW. F FitzGerald Says. Ww. F. and Mrs. FitzGerak in excellent health from their visit to England, the Isle nf Man "and Ireland. They report having had a very happy visit, and found Ireland in a very prosperous The greatest prevails in every part of Ireland and party disputes arg forgotten and all The greatest order prevails and no excitement is show over the war. Storekeepers have Rev. condition. doyalty been officially notified against rais ing prices and most of the leading OPERA To-Nig ight KLAW & ERLANGER PRESENT K MAGNIFICENT p ENTHRALLING I BEAUTIFUL MASSIVE # MM 3 YEARS IN LONDON E FOURTH YEAR T IN AMERICA Produced and Managed by HARRISON GREY FISKE Prices 25, 00, 75¢, $1, $150, $2.00 (GRA AND HOUSE) SEATS og = SALE Thursday, Sept. 17th Hirciicock In the New Musical Comedy, The Beauty op Book and Lyrics hy Channing Pollock and Remnold Wolf. Music by Charles J. Gibest, Best Singing and Dancing Beauty Cherus on Earth. 20 Superb Musical Numbers Company of 100 People Speeial Orchestra. Entire Broadway Cast Direct From Astor Theatre, New York, Prices 50c, 75¢, §1, $1.50, $2.00 SEATS NOW-ON., ON SALE SATURDAY, SEPT. 19TH Bargain aitins 2.30, Hvenlug 5.15 GUY BROS. Minstrels verything new this year. Finest sing- ers, Best of duncers. +RAND STREET PARADE AW Prices Evg,, 3 Ole, 7. largain Mat, Children Lie, Adults .THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE BUY ONLY THE BEST NOON REST BRAND FOIf PRAYER Arranged By the Kingston Evangeli- cal Alliance. According to the instructions giv- en at the anpual meeting of the RKv- angelical Alliance, the executive met on Tuesday afternoon in the Y.M. C.A. rooms, and arranged for meet- ings for prayer for the Divine over- ruling of the ' present war. The meetings will be held each Friday from 12.05 to 12.30 pm. The fol- lowing will have charge of the meetings during the next six weeks: Sept 26.--Leader, Rev. T. W. Sav- ary; Shsaker, Principal Gordon. 2.---Leader, Rev. G. I. Camp- bell; no, Rev. D. Laing Oct. 9.--Leader, Rev. J. W. Mcln- tosh; speaker, Bighop Bidwell. Oct. 16.--Leader, Rev. A. P. Mer- shon; speaker, Rev. John Wdbster. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM CONDENSED ADV ERTISING BATES EE aioe ape rtivs. her ecutive cent us werd. Minlmom charge for ove lnsertion, 23¢;- three lusertions, B0¢; 'six, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED. ee ete eee AN ADVT, OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, i under this head, costs bc for one night, or 50c for three. A GIR FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Apply 85 Frontenac St. APPLY IN EVENING 'SEMAILD. A HOUSEMAILL a) EVENING to Miss Sullivan, Princess Sts. meng er ¢ A GENERAL SERVANT OR YOUNG girl to assist with housework. Ap- ply 185 Princess St, RAILRO AD FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN, $120. 'Experience unnecessary Bend age, postage. 'Rallway," care Brit. +4sh Whig. GOOD RELIABLE YOUNG MAN FOR branch manager for Ontario. Must be able to furnish best of referenc- es and invest $300 Manager, 70 Exchange Bldg. Vancouver, B. C COOK, GENERAL. REFERENCES RE. avlired. Apply Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, 143 King Street West. ee eee EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERV. Small family, good wages: ref : ences required Apply to Mrs. (C Livingstoh, 162 Barrie St EXPERIENCE D GENERAL no washing to Mrs. i. D SERVANT Apply Bibby, 28 WANTED, SALARY AND experience unneces- letter to R. Bruce William St, tity. FOREMEN commission; sary. Apply or 1. Murphy b + cae TO ASSINT and doing to 7 ------------------------------ MIDDLEAGED WOMAN in caring for aged lady light heusework Apply Pine street, city. a EXPERIENCED GENERAL References required; no work: highest wages pald Box 7, Whig office SERVANT faundry AGENTS MAKE BIG PROFITS SELL ing our specialty window letters and signs. Write to-day for sam- ples and price lists, A. J. C. Price Co., 178 Bleury, Montreal INTELLIGENT? PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly eorresponding for newspapers; no _canvassin Send for particulars. Press Syn cate, 3,069 Loekpont, N.Y AN OTHERS RECEIVE $13 TO 865 WEEK- Ivy Why not you? Write immed- lately for full particulars; sample pleture, literature, etc FExperience unnecessary. Enclose 10¢ to cover cost. Clifford C. Mitchell, P. O. Box 2, Edmonton, Alberta. Canada ANY ABILITY AS A 'We have a proposiiich u HAVE YoU salesman? to make which will enable you earn. more money than you are earning at the present time. Cor- respondence strictly confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston, Ont. I'S WANTED IN KINGSTON FOR o line progressive Life Insurance eh Good opening for ac- and rep Pre- not an tive resentative man vious life insurance experience tial Reply Btauing "88 experience, to Statéon "B" Moat FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society: incorporated 1883; resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith oney issued on city and farm properties," munteipal amd country debenfures; mortgages purchased: deposits received and interest al lowed. 8. C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence street. iret ------ mt a------------------ LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the polcyholders have for security the unMmited Hability of city property, lnsufed "at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Thone 325. . EE ES ay OUR FRESH GROUND OOF. FEE AT 40¢. OAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be Que VYSVYYeew Apply LOST. BRACELET - MONDAY Clarence St 50 Earl St GOLD CHAIN morning on King or Reward if returned to BLACK RIBBON WATCH FOB WITH wold fraternity Key. Name of owl er on back of key. Finder Kindl¥ return to 267 William St. and re- "eive reward. ON § BDAY NIGH ice creasn parlor, confabming about $24.00. Finder will please return fo Whig office and receive reward. SAKELL'S a' roll of bills 70 LET THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST Httle. Once, 25c; three times, b0e¢; one week, $1.00 GEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Division Bt. SIDEBOARD, GOOD, AS NEW; WILL sell cheap. Call at 60 Lower Union street. SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SHAP heap. D. J. Dawson, anos an Victor Victrolas, 244 Princess St. GAS RANGES AND REFRIGERAT- ors at reasonable prices, while they last. At Turk's, Phone 705. TRY, ONE OF THESE SHALL ADVTS, ~ Once 28¢, three times 5 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETC. clean and dry. McCann, 82 Broc! street. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. 0 80, to Cunningham & Mu- 7 nce St. NEW BRICK DWELLING, 8 ROOMS, B. and C. free water $10. J. 8.R. Mc- Cann, 82 Brock St. FIGHT ROOMED HOUSE WITH B. and €., gas ané furnace, 369 Al- fred St. J. R. Laiglaw, 248 Division Street. SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NO, Colborne St. Possession Oct. 1st 1914. Bath and W Apply Colberne street. 11 east arte eee STORAGE FOR FURVITY RE, CLEAN, dry, if room our own lock and key. rost's ty Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone 526b. FURNISHED DWELLINGS FROM $20 ANYONE HAVING SHOONDHAND stoves or furniture for sale, call on me for first class prices. J. Thomp= son, 333 Princess St. Phone 1600. . A TEAM OF WELSH PONIFS past. nuts, gelMings, coming fi matched and eity broke, wei ibs. * Apply F. E. Benjamin, Ont. arker, SIX FEET ae 41 OFFICE DES. in ront and 56 1-2 in British Whig office. ---------------------------------------------- A LARGE NUMBER OF BIOYOLES, also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. Al orders promptly attended to for §arpet cleaning and laying. George ler, 373 King 8 A FEW COLUMBIA AND as for sale. cheap ith Same, taken as part paymen change. Also pianos snd on A good square for $36 cash. Cote, 35 Montreal St, Kingston. CTROLe fegords, in exe ns, R to 0; also unfurnished from $9 to §30. S. R. McCann, 82 Brock St, Phone 326 Re LI FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED bouse, all conveniences, electric ight, gas and telephone: centrally located. Address Box L, Whig office. FURNISHED, THE HOUSE AND PRE. mises at 116 Bagot street, King- Ap to Cunningham & ston. oy 79" Clarence street, King- Mudie, ston. ee reer teeter "UR VISHED HOUSKE, TO RENT SEPT. st, No. 159 Stuaft St., eight rooms, modern conveniences. Apply on premis es or to Miss Burton, Draw "Q," Belleville, Ont. THE STORE ON MARKET STREET at present occupied by D. Hutch- eson as a flour and feed store. Pos- sesston 1st January next. Apply M. Sulltvan, Contractor. STONE HOUSE, EN ; hardwood floors: tiled bathroom; water heating. Possession at Apply to Dr. 7. C, Connell open hot once, BELVIDERE APARTMENTS, King Street, two housekee apartments, four mon-housekeep- ing apartments suitable for mar- ripd couples; five baghelor or 'sin- gle suites. Apply 200 William St. WO NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSES with batns and large strip of land, near Alfred and Concession streets. Also eight-roomed houge with mnod- ern improvements, -corner Division and Quebec streets. Also summer cottage at Bastview Park. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine St, Kingston T DENTAL. ee ee eee ns L ES KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D.D.S, RE. moved to 258 58 Princess Street. SPARKS AND "SPARKS, 159 WER. lington St, (over _Carnoveky's). Phone 346. te eee OR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B, Renton, assistant. 138 Princess Street. Phone 735. eee eee, $. H. SIMPSON, L.D.§., DDS. DENT. 15t, corner . Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street. eme---- SITUATION VACANT. LADIES WANTED TO DO pleasant, coloring work at home. Can make $15.10 $20 weekly. BEx- perience unnecessary; no canvass- ing. National Decorating Co., Dent. €. 49 Adelaide St. East, Tor onto, Ont. "TEACHER WANTED. JUVALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST. ant, for Union School Section § Oso and 9 Olden, for coming year. Duties to commence after holl- days. Balary $335. Apply to D. Attewell, Sec.-treas., Oconto, Ont. FOR S, 8, NO. 080, A TEACHER ith Necessary qyatificatio, uties to commence "after m summer holidays. Apply atating Shiary and experience, to al Sec.. Treas. Clarendon Sta tion "ontario ' WANTED GENERAL. OCCUPANTS FOR FOUR BRIGHT, iv, nell heated, furnished ams, wo having fireplaces. urther information, AP 50 King Bt. WANTED, CUSDOMERS day morning for Ey derloins, spare ribs, pork. Hvers, at A. EASY, THURS. rk, ten- kidneys and pan's, Ontar- MINERAL RIGHTS, FELISPAR AND mica; convenient to statio THRE! NEW FRAME HOU SES, 'YORK Bt, cheap. $5,000-BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LOT HOUSE, 84 ROOMS, and stable $1,800--FRAME $L,500-- NEW FRAME HOUSE, MARK. and St A BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND teal Estate, Clarence 8t, Ga 67 TO LET OR FOR SALE. | HOUSE, 175 PINE §T, 10 ROOMS, with B. and C., large lot with barn. Enquire 368 Division St. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, algo table board. Apply 138 Wels Hngton St, oposite post office. 1 CATERING. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. pers, banquets, dinners, parties, etc. Silverware and cutlery to rent. For rticulars apply to 'R. H. Toye's King St. store. CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc. also rent dishes, table linens 'and silverware. © Reid M. P. Reid, 3% Uhton Street. F. Hambrook, ~ 176 Alfred Stree Phones 843 or 303 WE PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemi es removed permanently, Bithgut scar; 80 years' experiance. mer J Lake,- Eye, Ba Nose, Dhroat and ekin avecialist, '288 Pa got street. \ MUSIO. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUO- tion, 216 Frontenac 8t. Miss Norma Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, PE: ~"Telgmann, teachers of e tion, piano, violin and ail pe instruments. MISS FLORENCE LOSEE, CONSER. vatory of Music, Normal class, To- ronto, will re-open her class In plano and theory, on Wednesday, September 9th, at 495 Princess St. Kingston, All communications before above date address Collin's Bay, Ont. BUSINESS NOTICES. JOSEPH BUSE, ¢ CHESTNUT ST. HAS od oh quarry on Step! Wen 8st, KINGSTON SUSE COL~- Head of Queen Street Superior op raed in Book- keeping, Typewrit« ing, Banking, Civil ery. ce. Gen- eral Improvement and alt mercial subjects. Rates moderate el Phone 440. H, F. Mgtealle, rincipal. or Wh. NEWLANDS ad anon. POWER & SON, CB MER. Brook and AW eliington Toots. Drop & card. UPHOLSTERING. sii, BLE or os! ¥ stores exhibit notices in their win dows saying, 'No scare prices char ged in this business: house." The shop keepers who raised prices were notified to stop that conduct at once. Oct. 23. Leader, Mayor Shaw.] speaker. Rev. E. 1. Oct. 30--Speaker, Rev. H. BE. Cur- ry: speaker, Rev. Dr. MacGillivray. 'Nov. f.--Leader, Rev. J, M, Comp- ton; speaker, Rev. Alfred Brown. 'Any further meetings to be held will be announced er. A most earnest invitation is extended to the citiens of Kingston to these services. Those who are rendering service as soldiers will be especially 'remem- bered. MATTRESS vating of NO HIGHER PRICE (For the present) CHIVERS PURE ENGLISH JAMS ORANGE MAEMALADES Your Family - 'Grocer can supply you, 11b. and 2 Ib. 'Glasses. . 5 ib. and 7 1b. Tins. om Many are taking advantage . of to-day's price and buying these lines by the case 'Get in touch with your family grocer and take advantage of this opportunity. Touched Live Wife. Colborne, Sept. 16.--~Some of the village lads have recently heen en- joying the stunt of climbing up the ladder on the side of the water fank and touching electric wires passing hbove them. Joseph' Reed essayed to do this and touched a live wire with one hand, while with the other he touched the water st the tank brim, making a short circuit. His {hand was burned across the palm and the tips of the fingers and he was unable to let go. He took his feet off the ladder and the weight of his body loosened the grip and he dropped to the ground. His injuries | BUILDERS 1 [| ==" ; Will Attend | Attend the ¥ Fair, { The "kiddies" at St. Mary's-on- the-Lake orphanage and the Or 4} phans' | Home will, thanks to the sug- |} gestion of "R. J. Bushell, be given Hl free Admission tp "Kingston's only 'fair. & meeting of the direc- } tors My Sh up the mat- ger a as! that this courtesy be the Jiftle folk, oo the Wednesday GENTLEMEN TO loth and have It goth to 8 Err Ship Euan it to 1 Gramophons. Fhonogeaphs, Graf- he a anoles, Columbia and Victor records, and Jumbo records, Bdison 2- laud revards, Blue Amberal re- A CHEAP TRIP. $7.00 From iKingston to Quebec and lv Tig Ggevuts Nt 3417 Su August. Allen's ' 113 Broek St. be Thsce desiring to visit friends at Valcartien mp, will have an oppor, tunity offloing so Friday and Satur- day of this week. The Canadian Pacific railway will sell excursion tickets Ringston to Quebec and re- turn at 'Tiokets good gol Sept, 18th #nd 19th, returning Se 21st. Tickets good via direct line or via Ottawa; stop-over allowed Ot- tawa and points east. Train leaves City Hall depot at 11.25 am. Tick- ets and sleepin reservation at city ticket , corner prices: and Wellington streets, Phone 1197." | | Phose 352. Ii | HA Hi Hi