PAGE TWO el SR -y TOT eT Wolfe Island Fair. To be held Sept. 22nd 1 rd. TO BE GIVEN HONORARY ET ay ant TT GREETAT QUEENS. To Cross the Seas, Mise Hinchey | DE- frants of speed, ball games boundays. | i [oun on HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS | A full and complete line of all Books authorized by the Department of and High Schools. Also a full line of students' br. R, 8S. Thomton, President of the | Canadian Medical Association, Will Also he Honored. and Mise. Willoughby, professional 'nurses, "have been order- | ed to: report at Quebec on Sept. | 28rd for the purpose of sailing with At a meeting of the senate of | the Canadian contingent Queen's university, held Wednesday, it | was : decided fo confer. the degree of | doctor of laws (LL.D.) on Sir George A telegram was received in th¢ Foster and he was invited: to ad- | city, on Thursday morning, that " dress-'the fall convocation which: will | My. MacGregor, son of Charles Mac- | be held on Friday, Octobbr 16th, Uni- | Gregor, of Cloyne, . was killed on { vbrsity Day. , The degree of doctor | wednesday night at or near Fort Of Fine = Blo laws will also be conferred on Pr. | William. No other particulars were R. 8S. Thornton, president 'of the | | given > e Dark Cait (arnt Cheese Factory's. Gift At the meeting of the Frontenac TL store has always been noted for beautiful selec- tions of fine dark silky mink. Cheese Bomrd, oh Thursday RibeF- "Lnoon, Richard Moore reported that ' We have this season the finest collection in our -his- tory. Wolfe Island factory has subscribed In made-up pieces. Established 1859. i | | { 1 | Killed In die West Education for use in the Public --QPEN NIGHTS- The College Book Store Phinicess Street. Phone 919 wi» . into him. a Se Si br os : ol \ ¢ Wheel wnd- the Wagon Tan over it. : nn . ee ee S S es eS Mr. Plerce was slightly bruised but ™ " B ' 1 y ' fF was able to walk home. = - supplies. PRAT RT LIE EAE {$40 for the parfiotic fund. A' ean- vass of thé other factories is being made and they will report later. Ce a + Rev. B. Pievce Injuréd. 3 Rev. B. Pierce met with an ac- cident en Bagot street on Thursday morning. He was riding along on his Dieyele and a butcher's wagon be- ER Ham BR YS LSE tc mde bit. ' Prof. Malcolm To Soen Retin, Malcolm, - honorary | coach "of Queen's senior rugby team, ' is expected 'home in the course of & days, and will immediately get Prof. Lindsay RNS We are able to announce an assortment and variety of styles unique and beautiful. Prices are on a very moderate basis--lower than they few have been for years | Simple ties that are wanted for early wear as low as » Plain pillow muffs to-match, start at 'Our assortment of selected silky, dark, may be selected and made up. any style desired, by our skilled fur craftsmen. Write For 1915 Fur Book $15.00 SIR GEORGE FOSTER pm -- rt Canadian Medical Association. The following resolution, {p [ference to students {R | active service, was adopted; "Where skins, be autiful, soft. av a number of {ueen's st udéntsirave enlisted for military service in de empire : Resolved, (1), of the university ex press to them its applec iation bf their of the that the senate fence John a Lnited Re i iB | patriotism and self-sacrifice and com- | mend their action to their fellow students; (2), that the senate will approve of any arrapigpments which may 'be made by the various facultic facilitate the completion of the students who have enlisted. It was decided to have a formal opening for the students the first or 18 Market Kingston, Ont. ce a Real Estate. Telephone 703. x Br second day of the session. PATENTS LYNDHURST FAIR. Herbert J. S. Dennison REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 18 [| An King Street West, Toronto, Pat- ents Trade-marks, Designs, Cony right, protected every- here; teen years' exper. i eke for booklet, Ideal Day For Event. For the past few years the ele | | ments did their very best to put the annual fall fair at Lyndhurst out of business. But the Lyndhurst people This "Annual the Fall Trade We have passed into stock sixty-seven bales of Rugs. Designs are smaller and prices as low as last season. Every make of stair and hall to match. are not easily discouraged and - they kept. right on, - believing they would be rewardéd some day. 'Lhis year everything was in their favor as far as weather was concerned. _I'wo fin- e days than Wednesday and Thurs- day could scarcely be imagined. The Signs That Are and his staff of directors. The secretary, W. J. Foley, had early and late to advertise the show take in entrie 8, etc. These two offi. cials deserve credit in their efforts 10 build up the fair once more. Doubit= 58 next year will see another ng step forward. The crowd this week Was not as large as it should have been, while the exhibits also maght have been larger. However, there was quality, if not quantity. The exhibit of ladies' work in the main building was very large and nicely arranged. It was one of the best noticed at the small fairs for Some time, and shows that the In- dies of Lyndhurst and wicinity are to be envied for their neatness an industry. i There Science has taken =the pro- fession of optics beyond the sphere of the old. time 'side : line" man. The strain mod- | eern civilization places wpon the eyes demands the attention of a specialist. We are Optical Specialists. We devote our entire timejfto examining eyes and correcting their defects with proper glasses. Consult J.S.Asselstine,D.0.S Eyesight Specialist. 842 King St. was a fine exhibit of and home-made products Great interest centred in the and seldom have so many been seen at a township fair. 2.35 class awas well filled as Frank M., E. McEvoy, Gamey K. J. Polk, ¥ Lou Forester, .J. Falls Star port They finished in the above order. In the green race entries : Little Paddy, J Little Belgium, hurst. Fairy Falls. . Darkey Hall; J. McOye, Magpie M., W. Metcalie, Topsy Pointer, Ww. Yates, * These horses, cheese races, horses The follows Brockville. Port land, Davis, Smith's Phone 1019 House Furnish: ings at Greatly Raduced Prices QUALITY THE SAME BUT PRICES DOWN Pointer, J. Mulville, West there were six Burnash, Kingston, Lou Douggll, Lynd- Pointer, . J. Balff, Smith's Ningston. Kingston. Athens. : after five interest- {ing heats, finished in the following order: Little Belgium, Fairy Point- er, Topsy Pointer, Little Paddy, Darky Hall, Maggie M. A combination race--walk, trot, wun- 'hitch and mun--provoked - consider |-able ammsement. The contestants | Sore. A. Bly, Enterprise, and A. Slack, of Long Point, the former winning by a narrow margin were foot races for the Bas e and | girls, trapese work, tumbling, etc. { Dr. G. W. Ball, VS. Kingecon was | judge of the 'various classes of horses and alto acted as starter in the rac- | es, giv ing general satisfaction. To Repair OM Sé¢hoaner. 2 Thé Davis Drydock company will, reductions y in a day's time, Have the honor of or big cuts are good ouly mnt repairing one of the oldest schoon- I LINOLEUMS, oe that . i be found in Canada. & 'old sailing craft is the schoon- | all reduced to meet our Furniture : ue Sligo, that came across the Al® antic ocean under its own sail some arigoud Vines at fifty years ago. At that time - | was called the Prince of Wales. have crossed this turbulént ocean in such a small craft must have id {quired consiflerable nerve on part of the crew. The Th ey | the | boat ik only about 140 feet. f As soon as 'the yacht Nakomis, {owned by W.-H. Nichols, of New | York, which is now having ehh 'ers re-installad, leaves the sok. Te : | schooner. will he towed in. ] | eral overbaulipe it the Bind stering promptly with re. | volunteering for | . grounds had been put into good shape asSSin d by the emergetic president, I. J p Sufiel, 1 worked | the rughy, players out to practice. The chances are that Queen's will not play the first until Oct. 17th, owing to R.M.C. of the series. if Seeking His Release. game | 1 Endeavors "are. being made fo se- | cure the release of an ex-gsoldier; now serving time in central prison. He has been in the militia for ele- | ven years, 'being in "B" battery of jie R.C.H.A,, when he was sent up year ago, for two days' sentence He is very anxious to go to the front, and having been model pr r+ since his confine- ment his release is expected. Rockwood's. Contributions Recently the department of the provincial secretary requested that the institutions contribute to the National patriotic fund, the contri- butions, of course, to be - entirely voluntary. pon receipt of the letter, the superintendent of Rock- wood hospital called a mass meet- in gof all employees and placed be- fore them the obligation resting up- on each individual to do his duty in this hour of oar country's trial. The contribution lists were passed around and these were returned on wednesday. The sum of $477.65 was contributed. The amount has been forwarded to the department of the provincial secretary. Week-end specials at Gibeon's: A Boe, Syrup Figs, ; A 25¢. Liver Pill, | A fs Regent Emulsion, 50c. A 25¢. tooth paste, lic. Fresh seidlitz powders in tin hoxes. Inspector J. Russell Stuart leaves on Thursday night for Teronto where he will join other inspectors on a tour of the schoels through the United States, He will be away about two weeks. Sergt. H. E. Law, P.AM.C, left on Thursday morning for Val- cartier where he will Join the first contingent. Mrs. Law is confin- ed to her home with an attack of appendicitis, Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ee to NEW FALL CLOAKS Our store abonnds in coats to suit every wo- man's taste--no matter ! how exacting. | | Cloth coats these days aré attracting special at- tenfion, We urge an -in- spection of the splendid ing. The new models and cloths are so different to other seasons. Popular dropping out || The Best. years less a ° Cheese Sold at 14 1.4 | | | prives 'es prev ail, $7.00 ts $25.00 Walch Our Windows. | colleetion we are show- | i | 1} | ONLY THE BEST| We Are Now Showing Dollar Corset 'in the trade The Best Dollar Kid Glove in the trade. Every pair guaran- teed. | The Best | Line of Ladies' and Misses' Coats in the trade. 1 The Best | Range of Fall Dress Goods i in the trade. | The Best | Line of Underwear i 'trade. | The Best ! In Dry Goods that money can buy. | Try us To-Morrow and see | NEWMAN & SHAW, "THE ALWAYS BUSY TORR." in the FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD Cents on Board Thusafdy sold at 14}c. on the Fron tenac cheese bpard on Thyrsday. There was boarded 545 boxes of colored cheese aw follows: Colored---Arigan, 30; Elm Grove, 50; Cold Springs, 60; Glenburnie, 60; (denvale, 30; 'Gilt Edge, 50; Howe Island, 29; Hinchinbrooke, 45; St, Lawrence, 35; Silver Springs, 40; ! Thouss wad Islands, 81; Collins Bay, 25; Sunbury, 60. < At Mic. Mr. Alexander purchased the offering of these factories: Ari- Howe l1sland, Hinehinbrooke, Lawrence, Silver Springs and | Thousand Islands. At the . same "price, Mr. Mukphy secured the offering of Film Grove, Glenvale, Gilt Edge, and Collins Bay. A Featherweight Fruit Ladder Yes, a strong, light, exten- sion ladder, reinforced with heavy wire: easy to operate in heavily loaded fruit trees. Lengths up to 32 feet, and the cost is low, 20 cents a foot, Cheese | Sunbury - Woodworking fai aatory, Lumber | » KINGSTON MAN INJURED Gourdier rors BUILDERS SUPFLISS ey Bay and Wellington Sta. Phone 66, In Getting Off @ Train at Findlay Station. On Wednesday morning, Maxwell S. Macfarlane, 388 Earl street, was injured ' while getting off a train at iFndlay station. The train, in- { stead of stopping, only slowed down, and in getting off Mr. Macfarlane ! was thrown on his face on the road. He lay for some time unconscious. A" passing farmer conveyed him to farm-house, He was brought around after some difficulty and "was later drivein go the city where he is rest- ing quietly at his reésidenco. Dr. J. 'W. Campbell is attcfiding him: An Accident at Sydenham | Avother serious accident ovcurred bolt to rm .away. ver, who was sitting on ane in dhe Oddly cased clocks. Clocks to match mod- ern furniture. Old Country i mostly. i Clocks are going up in price, i Select . yours before that happens. Smith Bros, Jewellers Opticians ill Issuers of Miiage Licenses This is the 'time to buy your furs, You have a better assortment to choose Furrier 78.80 Brock St. ee -------- A Most Desirable Location On Bagot St. (bear Clarence St.) Po A semi-defached stone dwelling at a reasonable figure for a quick sale. Houses to rent; reuts collected. A nice dwelling on Pine street, to- gether with large stable, 5 stalls, 1 cement floor, loft will Kold 3 tons of hay; hot and cold water in stable; al a bargain. E. W. Mullin, Cor. . Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456, ST % ok a ga