Banking Convenience WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL. The Bank of Toronto, with departments equipped business of every description appertaining to Dumerous branches distributed throughout the Dominion, and a full list of banking correspondents, 1s enabled to offer Its customers ex- ceptional facilities for the tracsaction of their financial affairs. Paid-np' Capital ....... INC [HE Market Square GEORGE B. MCKAY "ORPORATED - News From ' Villages And Farms to transact Throughout the Adjoining Coun- and with ties--Rurdl Ekents, and Move ments of the People. At Lavant Station. Lavant Station, Sept. 14--Mr. and Mrs. David Craw.ord, Snow Road, ar- rived here 'on Monday in their car to visit the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, Hillview Farm. Norval S. Lee visited friends in Lanark last week-end. Misses Hilda Jacob and Elsie Lee were the guests of Miss Lena Gray; Clyde Forks, last week. Mrs, W. Thomas is still ill. Misses Clara and Elsie Lee, accompanied by their brother, John, spent last Monday in Renfrew. Murvale Matters. Murvale, Sept. 14.--The township [| council -'has the mew bridge com- pivied. It is a great improvement. School has reopened with Miss Need- ham, Arnprior as teacher. Miss Edith Shellington is attending high school at Sydenham. Bruce Henderson, who has been ill for some time is improving. Mr. and Mrs. F. Murton have returned home from Toronto J where they were visiting friends. Visitors Amos Ruttgn at James Fel- banking, «vo $6,807,272 1855 Band for sale in any quantity . CEMENT BRICK I'OR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market KINGSTON CCNSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITE 168 Princess Street. vw Wands, 'Sowards' Dock lowe. Miss M. Whitty, Petworc). at F. Vanluven's. Miss Martha Swer- brick, Tichbourne at Henry Swer- brick's. . Enterprise Notes, Enterprise, Sept. 15--The recent frosts have not done much damage. Mr and Mrs. C. A. Wolfe and Miss Effie Haley have returned to their home in Rochester, N.Y, after spending some time with friends here and at Fifth Lake. Mrs. John Reid is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Rob D. Phone 286. Fire! Fire! Fire! oll Ei Il over the world tha fact is being demonstrated ding material, and as wo. ar » Mreproof buf] on the market to-day, Rrepegot goods. you do not believe we have good brick, go the corner of Brock and Division ® We certainly are proud of these brick just as % Our tile Is going fast, but we what you want. Kingston Brick Yard, Division St. A FEW New Frame House, £88 and verandah, Solid B in goud locality, rice EASY oe K. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. fire at the Davis Tannery should bri to life and property fmom bud we want to help build up also at Quebec and Cherry Sts. houses, and we can Supply plenty mere are making more. SNAPS FOR QUICK BUYERS 7 rooms, hot air furnace, rick, 11 roomed house, all m ° Make good boarding house. Price. » A six roomed Frame House in good neighborhood Price. . Carroll Agency, Build With Brick ! ert Asselstine. Mrs, 'Washington Wagar is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Watson, near Petworth. A auwmber from here attended the fai at Centreville on Sat urday last. Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Gunter returned to Enterprise on Wednesday last, and packed their furniture, and took the C.P.R. for 1renton on Friday. home to the people nf ing with anything hut that brick fs the best are making as good an article as any Kingston with our up-to-date News From Wilbur. Wilbur, Sept. 14--Thomas Richard- son, Kingston, is visiting his mother here. C. H. Ballard called on friends at Lavant last week. Miss Etta Rich- ardson spent a few days with friends at Oso last week. R. J, Wilson and Miss. Clara Lee, Lavant, spent Friday afternoon at W. W. Roche's. Mrs. W. ------== |C. Boyd and son, Kenneth, spent Sun day at W. J. Boyd's Lavant. William @nd look at that house at So come along and order A. NEAL, few days' visit with 'their sister, Mrs McMurtry. James E. Boyd, Flower, spent the week-end at his home here Mr. and Mrs. D. Crawford, Snow Road. visited William Thomas on their way to Ottawa on Monday. Mrs. W. Thomas who has been ill, is able to be around again, clectric light $23.00 $4600, $9.50 all modern conveniences; T S - HM Long Point Locals Long Point, Sept. 14.-- Charles O'Connor visited friends in Gana- nogque. Some from here attended camp meeting at Lake Eloida last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Towns- end wisited relatives in Brockville PHONE es. Tires for Carriages and Automobiles. George W. Boyd, House No. 114, Victoria St. between Earl and Johnson - stroets; 7 rooms; niodern brick, newly decorated. 5 $18.00 per month. Possession Sept. 1st, a Mcleod's Drug Store PRESERVING AND PICKLING TIME IS HERE. Rubber Ri sl Froet's 8a Wax, in fact anything you way require in the preserving-or pickling line. + Corks of al Bottling Wax, Wax, Parat- ® FF ed Ui i Miss Margaret O'Connor has return- ed home after visiting her grand- parents. Ira Bevens is spending a few weeks at P. Andress, Marble Rock. Miss Norah O'Connor, who visited the past three months with relatives here returned to Roches- ter. Many from here attending camp meeting at Keelerville. Recent visitors: John McDonald and Char- les McDonald, Sand Bay; Mrs. Philip Yates and son, Charles, To- ledo; Michael Slack, Wilstead, at Charles O'Connor's; Mrs. Mary Des- mond, Canton, at Arthur Slack's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bevens, Ganan- oque, at Henry Beven's; Miss Alice Starry, Phitlipsville, at Philip- Kelsey's; Mrs. R. Andress, Marble Rock, at Mrs, Sara Burns. Harrowsmith Happenings, Harrowsmith, Sept... 15~Sixteen lad ies, who are very active members of the 1.LO.D.E,, on Friday last, Tag Day, collectéd §175 in the village and fair grounds. Mrs. Trousdale:and Mrs: Cook's Cotton Root Compound. . A safe, reliabl 8 medicine, So to Shear RA aN, La o. 2,83; No. per bor, Sold by all druggists, or sent a Rd pamphlet. . LAUNDERING DONE WITHOUT ACID. If you want your clothes to Inst, you must have them washed without meld. We use no acid whatever. A postcard will bring our boy to the dear. We appreciate the opportunity it tre. whaling doe to. Bo, * CUONG BROS. LAUNDRY, 354 Princess St. di DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS he Silat PUT for Women, $5 a box or Shree for $lu wold at all Prug Stores, or mailed to any CRI, brice:: Tue SoourLi. Dua 8 can Supply PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. ¥::ios 4 * Vim ani Vitality: for Nerve and Brain; increases 'y matter' 4 Tote build you up. $3 » box, or two for $5 at dmg or by mail on receipt of Relce, Tie SCOBELL DRUG Co., St. Catharines, ATi *soid st Mahood's Drug Store." Buy The Best Our creamn is pure and vholesome. Many customers ' have! 'to order by phone. phrey preached an impressive sermon, We deliver in time for Jafter which a diet was rendered by the Campsall, by way of subscription; have collected $25, .Qut of the $200 collected the committee of management has de- cided to purchase'a sweater coat for each of the four Harrowsmith volun- teers at Camp Valcartier. The balance will be followed to the.headquarters of the Red Cross Society. The committee of management wishes to thank those whe so promptly responded to so worthy a_cause. Mrs. Amos Keech, taken suddenly ill on Sunday, is slowly improving. The LO.F. paraded to the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. W. Hum- | Have You Tried y s Misses Humphrey and Bradshaw... The weals, 2 many friends of Mrs. J. D. Shibley are Give us a trial order. B sorry t6 hear of her operation in the George Masoud, Telephone Kingston general hospital, but dre al pleased to know that she is doing nicely 238 PRINCESS ST. we - Prompt Deltvesy and will be able to come home at the week-end. Miss Jessie Stewart spent the weck-end with her parents. Miss * Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- vnolas;/ Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Dr. Morley Day, of Belleville, is spend- ing.a few days with his brother, E. E. Day. Alfred Hunter, Belleville, was also a visitor of last week. Sperry Snider, of Star Corners, has sold his farm to William Lee. Bloomfield Budget. Bloomfield, Sept. 14.--Canning factor- ies are running on tomatoes and corn. As yet there has been no rush of sup- plies, as the weather remains cool. Among those who have been at Toronto attending the fair are: Allen McDonald, FIA. Weeks W. Gerow, George Christy §iand wife, Miss Edith Christy, Cannifi | Haight and 'wife, Wilfrid Haight and wife, Miss Flordnce Striker, George Hobson and wife, and Curtis Stanton. The hop crop whith twenty-five years ago yielded so much profit will have to be owing to the blight which i} destroys the hop. Alleen McDonald this «year sprayed his yard, bot it failed to [ion fhe blight. He will not pick a } ot Pearl Switzer, Wilton, spent a few days Edison 2- last week the guest of Miss. Effie M Clow. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ashwin have mipute records, Blue Amberal re- cords. gone to Watertown, N.Y., for two weeks Big discounts for July and August. on A visit-to friends. F. M. Clow, A Ii vo. 90 Kingston, called on friends last Friday. [ BUILDERS 1 Phone 253. STOw ee Ee eed This means f an for and James McPherson, Oso, enjoyed a | the final which |. OPERA Hirciicock The Beauty Shop Book and Lyrics by Oh ing Pollock and Remnold Wolf: Music by Charles . Gibest. Best Singing 'and Dancing Beauty Chorus en Earth. 20 Superb Musical Numbers Oohan & Harris Present Entire Broadway Cast Direct From Astor Theatre, New York. Prices 50¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50, $2.00 SEATS NOW ON SALE SATURDAY, SEPT. 19TH Bargain Matinee 2380. Evening 8.15 GUY BROS. Minstrels Everything new this year. Finest sing- ers, Best of dancers. GRAND -STREET PARADE AT NOON Prices Evg, 28, ibe, 50c, T5e. Bargain Mat, Children 15¢, Adults 25e. SEATS NOW ON SALE _.THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE BUY ONLY THE BEST ale) Fx in s PF N1HA 13 4 Lh 25¢ per Tin who has been in the*west for the past month, arrived home on Saturday. He reports poor crops, as a rule, this year u that country. The Women's Institute 's making pillows and other things for the soldiers. Adam Bugg.and wife, Con- secon, spent Sunday at Marshall Burt's. The Blogmfield Cheese Manufacturing Co. is considering the donation of $100 to the patriotic fund, News From Westbrook. Westbrook, Sept. 14--Rev. John Web ster, of Brock Street Methodist church Kingston, conducted . service here on Sundhy. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Smith have "returned home from Parham, where they attended the Smith-Barr wedding. G. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs L. F. Sproule attended the In- ver air, where they acted as judges. G. "Gates and D. Sheehan, accompanied by G. A. Smith, of Parham, returned home on Thursday after a week's outing at Bon Echo Park. J. R. Smith is in the general hospital for treatment. M. Redden returned home on Monday after spending the summer" in the northern townships as fireranger. Mrs. Abraham Asselstine is renewing acquaintances in the village. A pleasant time was spent by '4 num ber of ladies from the village on Ties day last 'at the home of Mrs, G. Gates, Sunny Lea farm. Isaac Smith and sis ters, ¢he Misses Maggie and Nellie, spent- Suaday evening at M. Price's, Woodbine" road. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morley spent Sunday at W. L. Grass's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith, of Kingston were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M Price. Miss Nettie: Adsitt, of Kingston, spent Sunday at her home here. Sym pathy is extended to Miss Mary Howie m the loss of her sister, Mrs. Joshua Knight, of Trader's Hill. Married At Westport, Westport; Sept. 14.--A quiet weddiry took place in the Methodist church, yes terday morning at eight o'clock, when Miss Anna Frances, daughter of Mrs. P. Maxwell Bilton, was united in mar riage to Lawrence Arthur Lambert, of the C. P. Railway, Calgary, Alta. Rev C. D. Baldwin performed the ceremony The happy young couple were unattend- ed. Owing to the recent of the bride's father, the wedding was of a quiet nature. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Lambert motored to Kingston, whete they took the boat to Montreal, enroute to New York, Washington and Virginia, where they will spend their honéymopon. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert will reside in Calgary. - The cold weather of the past few days has caused the campers to shorten their stay at the cottages. Miss Mary McCann went to Kingston to attend business college. Messrs. H. C. Mec- Ewen and D. Mactnnes were visitors at the Toronto exhibition. Mrs. John But- ler and Miss Edith, of Arnprior, are guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. G. Butler. Miss Polly Mulville has returned from Toronto, where 'she was attending the fall millinery openings. | MIDDLBAGED WOMAN CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES m lc a word. con~ I TA Ion thereafter, half. cont a word. Minimum charge for TT. OF 20 WORDS OR LESS, a dd this head. costs 25c:for one night, or 50c for three. A GENERAL SERVANT YOUNG A girl to assist with ho sework. Ap- ply 185 Princess St. CH NERAL. REFERENCES RE. COOK. SENERAL. Mrs. Francis Hil Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, 143 King Street West. ; EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT good wages; no washing. Apply in evening to Mrs. H. D. Bibby, 2% Barrie St. "TO ASSIST in caring for aged lady and doing light housework. Apply to 75 Pine street, dity. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT + References required: no laundry work ;' highest wages paid. Apply Box 7, Whig office. A CAPABLE MAID FOR GENERAL housework. One who cook. References. Apply [1 Cappon, Cor. Barrie and O'Kill Ste WANTED, SALARY ANj FOUR MEN experience comauission ; sary. Apply or I. Murphy, AGENTS MAKE BiG PROPITS NE ing our specialty window let and signs Write to-day f ples and price lists AJC Co., 178 Bleury, Montreal INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for Newspapers | no San vaasiug Te Syndi- Price AN Send for particulars. cate, 3,969 Lockpo OTHERS RECEIVE #15 TO $65 WEFK- ly Why pet you? Write immed- fately for full particulars; sample picture, literature, etc. Experience unnecessary. Enclose 10c to cover cost. Clifford C. Mitehell, P. O. Box 2, Edmonton, Alberta. Canada HAVE YOU ANY ABHATY AS A salesman? We have a proposition to make which will enable you -ta earn more money than you are earning at the present time. Cor- respondence strictly confidential I Ein to Manager, Box 47, King- ton, Ont. WANTED IN KING ine progressive Life In 'ompany. Good opening » and representative mar ious Hfe insurance 3 essential. Reply business expe 60, Station "B" surance for ac- Pre e no and Jox Montreal, Que UPHOLSTERING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and warpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street #i OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE AT 40c. OAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be convinced, NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery Notice Is hereby given that Agnes Gravelle, of the Village of Portsmouth in the Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of. Canada, at the next session, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Thomas Wilfred Gravelle, ose residence is at the present time at Calgary, In the province of Alberta, on the ground of adultery and deser- tion, this Dated at Ottawa August, A.D, 1914. J. ¥F. SMELLLE, rust Building, Ottawa. olicitor for. the Applicant 22nd day of NO HIGHER PRICE (For the present) .. CHIVERS PURE ENGLISH JAMS s an ORANGE MARMALADES ON SATURDAY NIGHT, AT SAKELL'S ice cream parlor, a roll of bills containing about $24.00 will please return to Whig and receive reward. Finder office TO LET tee ---------------- TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. Once 25c, three times bc. STORAGE FOR FURNIT "ETC, clean and dry. MeCann, Brock , @treet. OFFIDES IN CLARENCE 87, CHAM. bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu- die, 79 rence St. e---------------------------------------------- NEW BRICK DWELLING, 6 ROOMS, B. and C. free water $10. JSR. Mec- Cann, 82 Breck St' EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE WITH. B. and C., gas and furnace, 369 Al- fred St. J. R. Laialaw, 248 Division Street. SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NO. 11 Colborne St. Possession Oct, 1st 1914. Bath and W. C. Apply I Colborne street. STORAGE POR FURNITURE, CLEAN. dry, airy Tobma; Jour own lock and key. Frost's ty Storage, 29% Queen St. Phone 526b. FURNISHED DWELLINGS FROM $20 to $50; .also- unfurnished from §¢ to $30. J. 8. R. McCann, 82 Brock S5t., Phone 326 or 621. FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED house, all eonveniences, electric light, gas and telephone; centrally located. Address Box L, Whig office FURNISHED, THE HOUSE .AND PRE- mises at 115 Bagot street, King- ston. Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence street, King- ston. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT, SEPT. 1st, No. 169 Stuart St, eight rooms, modern conveniences. Apply en premises or to Miss Burton, Draw- er "Q." Belleville, Ont. THE STORE ON MARKET STREET at present occupied by D. Hutch- eson as a flour and feed store. Pos- Session 1st January next. Apply M. Sullivan, Contractor. NO. 23 WEST tirely open hot once. ', STONE HOUSE, EN- i; hardweéed floors: ; tiled bathroom: ating. Possession at Apply te Dr. J. C. Connell. APARTM two BELVIDERE King Street apartments s - ing apartments s for mar- ried couples; five bachelor or sin- Ble s 200 Willlam A St NTS, usekeep Apply TWO NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSES with barns afd large strip of land, near Alfred and Concession streets Also eight-roomed house, with mod- ts, Corner Division eets. Also summer stview Park. Apply to cottage at 06 Pine St, Kingston. J. D. Boyd DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D.D.S, RE. moved to 258 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, #5 WEL. lington (St. (over = Carnovsky's) Phone 346. . DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B. Rénton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 735. esters eset S. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.D.S. DENT. ist, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street. SITUATION. VACANT. LADIES WANTED T0 DO EASY, pleasant, coloring work at home Can make $15 to $20 weekly. Ex- Perience unnecessary; nb canvass- ing, Nattonal Decorating Co, Dept. C, 69 Adelaide St. East, Tor. onto, Ont. TEACHER WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST- ant," for Union School Section § Oso and 9 Olden,. for coming year. Duties to commence after holl- days. Salary $335. Apply to D. Attewell, Sec.-treas., Oconto, Ont. FOR S, §. NO. 6 080, A TEACHER with ' necessary qualifications. Duties to commence after mid- summer holidays. Apply stating salary and experience, to Wm. Crain, Ser.-Treas., Clarendon Sta- tion Ontario. N WANTED GENERAL. OCCUPANTS FOR FOUR BRIGHT, airy, well-heated, furnished rooms, two having fireplaces. For further information, apply 250 King St. MATTRESS REPAIRING AND RENO. vating of all descriptions. Also new mattresses. kept in stock. Lat- est modern machinery. All work uaranteed Kingston Mattress ©, Phone 602. 538 Princess St. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up into up- to-date sults. Price and workman. ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repMring done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street, near ' Bibby's Garage. FINANCIAL. Your Family Grocer can supply you 11b. and 2 1b, Glasses. 5 Ib. and 7 1b. Mins. Many -are taking advantage of to-day's price and buying these lines by the case .Get In touch with your family grocer and take advantage of this opportunity. shen . GET RID OF HUMORS .. Humors in the blood eanse inter- nal t affect the boils au other an way pop le Sobre dise For years 4 rilla has been more: successful then shames Bp ET ' The Six Nations Indians have vot- »d SL500 to 'be forwar the, ee Dube. of Commi 16 wine FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety: incorporated 1863; fresident, Colonel Henry R. Bmith. oney issued on oity and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; . mortgages purchased: deposits received and interest al- lowed. 8. C. MoGil nager, 87 Clarence street LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Co e assets $61,187,215, y w iroperty, insured le rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get Tates From Sirange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. Coal In It. FOR SALR. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COS® Httle. Once, 36¢; three times, blo3 one week, $1.00. * GEESE FEAT APPLY T0 MES, n, . HERS, 357 Division St. SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SHA! Cheap. D. J. Dawson, planos Victor Vietrolas, 244 Princess 8 RIGERAT Whilp they GAS RANGES AND last. At Turk's. Phone 708 REF ors at reasonable prices, ANYONE HAVING SECONDHAND stoves or furniture for sale, call om me for first Clas prices. J. Thomp= spn, 333 Princess St. Phone 1600. % OFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LON 41 in. high in front and 56 1-2 In. < at back. Three drawers and Slightly used. 'Appiy ® office. or A LARGE NUMBER BICY carpet cleaning and Muller, 373 King St. A FEW COLUMBIA AND VICTROL- as for sale G&heap = with records. Same taken 8s part payment In exe change. Also planos and ory 8. A good square for $35 cash, J. Cote, 35 Montreal St, Kingston. RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND mica; convenient to station. THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORI St., cheap. $5,000--BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LOT HOUSE, ¢ ROOMS, and' stable, $1,500 NEW FRAME HOUSE, MARK. $1,800--FRAME land St ~ INSURANCE AND Clarence St. MINERAL G. A; BATEMAN, Real Estate, 87 TO LET OR FOR SALE. HOUSE, 175 PINE ST, 10 ROOMS, with B. and C., large lot with barn. Enqgui Division St. FARM 185 ACRES, TOWNSHIF OF Kingston. Good dairy or grain farm A. Bateman, Insurance and real estate, 87 Clarence Street, Kingston = ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, also table board. Apply 138 Wel- lington St, of posite post office. CATERING. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. pers, banquets, dinners, 'part 3 etc. @ilverware and cutlery to rent. - For rticulars apply to RB. H. Toye's King St. store. WE _ CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, also rent dishes, table linens an silverware. Reid and Hambrook, M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. PF. CG. Hambrook, 176 Alfred oot. Phones 843 or 308. PERSONAL & HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish. @s removed permanently, without scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. El mer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat and skin speclalist, 258 Ba~ got street. lowest MUSIO. VIOIAN INSTRUCTION CHRISTINE COCHRANE, 78 Telephone 136. MISS Gore street. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC. tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norms Telgmann, ANda Te O. F. Telgmann, teache tion, piano, violin and all stringed instruments. MISS FLORENCE LOSEE, OONSER- vatory of Music, "Normal class, To- ronto, will re-open her class ia plane and theory, on Wednesday, Septémber 9th, at 495 Princess Si, Kingston, All communications before above date address Collin's Bay, Ont. BUSINESS NOTICES. JOSEPH BUSSE, ¢ CHESTNUT ST, H opened up & quarry on Stephen Cut, building and rough stone supplied promptly at reasonal prices. KINGSTON BUSINESS COL- Head 'of Queen Street Superior courses in Books keeping, Shorthand, Typewrits ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen~ eral Improvement and all Com- mercial subjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 140. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. SLIPS SABES A IEEE LL l a TERN od ARCHITECT, wa, NEWLANDS & sox, |Scts, etc. «Office Phone 6) % -, . Bago Be POWER & SON, A chants Bank Building, - MER. Brock and Welll 5 preg eliington rests, Drop LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, : ters and soMcit BAR: ns Clarence strect, Kingatun. a BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE ANY VHER : = mall arder (business 44 ae cxn LA Your ow nd for free 3 & 2968 booklet; wo - Have You 2 Heater? Try